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Vector vs.

Scalar Processors: A Performance Comparison Using

a Set of Computational Science Benchmarks

Mike Ashworth, Ian J. Bush and Martyn F. Guest,

Computational Science & Engineering Department,
CCLRC Daresbury Laboratory

ABSTRACT: Despite a significant decline in their popularity in the last decade vector
processors are still with us, and manufacturers such as Cray and NEC are bringing new
products to market. We have carried out a performance comparison of three full-scale
applications, the first, SBLI, a Direct Numerical Simulation code from Computational
Fluid Dynamics, the second, DL_POLY, a molecular dynamics code and the third,
POLCOMS, a coastal-ocean model. Comparing the performance of the Cray X1 vector
system with two massively parallel (MPP) micro-processor-based systems we find three
rather different results. The SBLI PCHAN benchmark performs excellently on the Cray
X1 with no code modification, showing 100% vectorisation and significantly
outperforming the MPP systems. The performance of DL_POLY was initially poor, but
we were able to make significant improvements through a few simple optimisations. The
POLCOMS code has been substantially restructured for cache-based MPP systems and
now does not vectorise at all well on the Cray X1 leading to poor performance. We
conclude that both vector and MPP systems can deliver high performance levels but that,
depending on the algorithm, careful software design may be necessary if the same code
is to achieve high performance on different architectures.

KEYWORDS: vector processor, scalar processor, benchmarking, parallel computing,

CFD, molecular dynamics, coastal ocean modelling

All of the key computational science groups in the

1. Introduction UK made use of vector supercomputers during their
halcyon days of the 1970s, 1980s and into the early 1990s
Vector computers entered the scene at a very early [1]-[3]. Their codes were optimised for these systems,
stage in the history of high-performance computers. The notably the Cray 1, Cyber 205, Amdahl VP, Cray X-MP,
first systems to earn the epithet supercomputers were the Cray Y-MP, Fujitsu VPP and Cray J90. In the past decade
Cray-1 vector computers (although the term has with there has been a decline in the popularity of vector
hindsight been applied to earlier scalar systems). The processor based systems in favour of massively-parallel
concept of vectorisation increases the computational distributed-memory systems (MPP) built from cache-
performance by efficiently pipelining identical based microprocessors. This decline is shown
calculations on large streams of data. Pipelined arithmetic dramatically in Figure 1. Here we have plotted the
and load/store units generate a peak or asymptotic fraction of the aggregate rmax performance in the top 500
calculation rate of one operation per clock cycle. This high-end systems [4] delivered by different processor
may be increased further by the provision of multiple, architectures. This has been primarily a matter of cost, the
parallel units. The provision of vector instructions avoids driver being the financial benefit of utilising commodity
the performance being limited by the instruction issue rate chips in high-end systems. The high-end market has been,
and distinguishes the genuine vector processor from and will continue to be, a small fraction of the total server
pipelined scalar architectures. One of the major market, and there are considerable economies to be
advantages of the vector processor architecture is the gained from a common architecture which will scale from
ability to keep a large number of memory operations in the desk-side server, through departmental-scale
flight at any one time. Optimisation of programs for such machines and beyond to the high-end.
computers generally requires restructuring of loop nests
to generate long unit-strides inner loops.

CUG 2005 Proceedings 1 of 8

most of today’s high performance PCs, workstations and
massively parallel processors (MPP). Processor speeds
have out-paced memory access speeds to such an extent
that the major factor limiting performance is now the
memory access pattern. Unit-stride access is still
important but for a different reason; that is, to ensure
optimum use of cache, rather than to optimise processor
performance. Inner loops should be small, so that their
data fits within cache; intermediate results should be
scalars so that they remain in cache or in registers; and
vector masking should be discarded in favour of
computing only where necessary. Blocking loop nests to
increase data locality often helps performance, whereas
on vector systems it is totally inappropriate.
Which is superior out of vector and scalar high-end
systems remains an open question in many quarters. This
report is aimed at addressing this question by comparing
the performance of full application codes on both types of
architecture using systems currently available and in
Figure 1. The fraction of the total rmax performance in the service. Section 2 describes the main features of the
top 500 high-end systems delivered by different processor systems we have used, and section 3 describes each code
architectures. and reports the performance results. Section 4 discusses
some detailed performance analysis for two of the codes
This effect has been no less dramatic in the UK and we present conclusions in section 5.
where the flagship computing provision in the last ten
years has been dominated by MPP systems. The Cray 2. Description of systems
T3D, introduced in 1994 was followed by a Cray T3E, an
SGI Origin 3000, SGI Altix and, most recently, an IBM
Cray X1
p690 cluster.
Some of the former vendors of vector hardware, Oak Ridge National Laboratory took delivery of a
notably Fujitsu and Hitachi, have ceased production of Cray X1 system in 2003 and have carried out an
vector machines in favour of commodity microprocessor extensive evaluation of the system [6]. The Cray X1 is a
systems. Others, notably Cray and NEC, are still bringing scalable parallel computer with symmetric multiprocessor
vector computers to market. Many workers have noted (SMP) nodes where the processors are very good vector
the decline in the percentage of peak performance processors with weak scalar performance. The basic
attainable by real application codes (e.g. [5]). On vector building block of a Cray X1 system is the SSP. An SSP
systems many codes were capable of achieving around consists of a vector processor that has 32 vector registers
50% of peak, whereas on current microprocessor systems of 64 elements each, implemented in two vector pipelines
only 10% or less is commonly experienced. This goes a and operating at 800 MHz. An SSP also has a 400-MHz
long way to negating the cost advantage of the scalar processor. The peak performance of an SSP is 3.2
commodity-based systems. gigaflops. The two vector units in an SSP have an 800-
MHz clock and can move a column (vector) of numbers
When vector systems were dominant, many scientists from memory into high-speed registers or initiate an
became skilled in adapting and writing codes for efficient operation with a string of resultants obtained two per
execution on vector processors and some important codes clock cycle after initial vector setup. These operations are
in use today still carry the legacy of this. The code is accomplished much more efficiently than typical
typically organised with long, unit-stride inner loops to microprocessor operations and generate many more
allow the compiler to generate long vectors. Such is the resultants per second and higher sustained computation
benefit of long vectors that conditional execution is often rates.
implemented by computing everywhere and masking out
unnecessary data with a vector mask. Intermediate results The Cray X1’s compiler supports two strategies for
are often promoted from scalars to vectors increasing the exploiting the hierarchical architecture. In MSP or
amount of memory required. The priority is to generate multistreaming mode a single long vectorised loop or an
unit-stride, vectorisable loops. unvectorised outer loop is divided and spread across the
eight vector units of a single MSP. The compiler is also
Different techniques are required for programming able to vectorise a long outer loop and multistream a
the cache-based microprocessors that are to be found in shorter inner loop if the dependency analysis allows this.

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The compiler also supports SSP mode in which each SSP
SGI Altix 3700
is treated as a separate processor.
CSAR at the University of Manchester operate a
IBM p690+
flagship 512 Itanium2 processor SGI Altix 3700 system
HPCx is the UK’s leading and most recent National known as newton. Of the 512 processors, 384 have a
High Performance Computing Service. It is a large IBM clock speed of 1.3 GHz and 128 are 1.5 GHz. By
p690+ cluster consisting of 1600 1.7 GHz POWER4+ selecting different batch queues one can select which
processors with 1.60 TB of memory and IBM’s High processors are used. The system has 1.5 GB of memory
performance Switch (HPS), formerly known as per processor and uses the NUMAflex interconnect. The
“Federation”. Note that all reported timings for the node size (the size of a single system image) is 256
p690+ system were carried out after the upgrade of the processors and, although MPI jobs can span nodes, the
HPS microcode contained in Service Pack 7 (SP7) which system is currently configured with a maximum job size
yielded a significant improvement in the performance of of 250 processors.
the switch. The primary characteristics of the three systems are
The IBM p690 frame is a 32-way shared-memory summarised in Table 1.
system with a complex cache architecture. There are two
POWER4+ processors per chip each with its own Level 1 3. Performance of Applications
data and instruction caches and with a shared on-chip
Level2 cache. Eight processors (four chips) are integrated DL_POLY
into a Multi-Chip Module (MCM) together with 128 MB
of Level 3 cache and 8GB of main memory. Four MCMs DL_POLY [7] is a general-purpose molecular
make up the p690 frame. The total Level 3 cache of 512 dynamics simulation package designed to cater for a wide
MB per frame and the total main memory of 32 GB per range of possible scientific applications and computer
frame is shared between the 32 processors of the frame. platforms, especially parallel hardware. DL_POLY
supports a wide range of application areas, including [8]
Configuration Cray X1 IBM SGI Altix ionic solids, solutions, metals, zeolites, surfaces and
p690+ 3700 interfaces, complex systems (e.g. liquid crystals),
Processor POWER4 Itanium2 minerals, bio-systems, and those in spectroscopy.
+ Significant enhancements to the code’s capabilities have
Processor clock 0.8 1.7 1.3 arisen from the recent release of the distributed data (or
(GHz) domain decomposition) version (DL_POLY 3) [9].
Processor peak 3.2 6.8 5.2 The port to the Cray X1 at ORNL was very
(Gflop/s) straightforward. The only problems encountered were
Processors/node 32 32 256 some very minor C pre-processing issues, but once these
Memory/node 16 32 512 were solved the code compiled using more or less the
(GB) standard options in the makefile for Cray machines. Once
Memory/ 0.5 1 2 compiled the tests all run successfully.
processor (GB)
L1 0.5 MB 64/32 kB 16/16 kB To optimise the code initially a simulation of Sodium
Caches per CPU per CPU Chloride was used. This was chosen partially because it is
a very well understood case, being part of the acceptance
L2 - 1.5 MB 256 kB
tests for the HPCx machine at Daresbury, and partially
per 2-CPU per CPU
because it is a fairly simple example. The actual
simulation is of 216,000 ions run for 200 timesteps.
L3 - 128 MB 3MB
per 8-way (1.3GHz) The performance was initially measured on 8 multi-
MCM 6MB streaming processors (MSP), and was found to be poor
(1.5GHz) taking 916 seconds. This compares with 146 seconds on
OS Unicos/mp AIX 5.2 SGI Linux 32 processors of the HPCx machine. However running on
3.0 32 single streaming processors (SSP), which should be
FORTRAN Cray xlf 8.1 Intel 7.1 equivalent to 8 MSPs, the time roughly halved to 454
compiler Fortran 5.3 seconds, indicating that the code does not multi-stream
well, at least as currently written. However this is still
Table 1. Hardware and software characteristics of the somewhat worse than HPCx.
systems under comparison in the paper. The Cray X1
“processor” is an SSP as all codes in this paper were run in The code was then profiled with the Cray
SSP mode. Performance Analysis Tool (PAT). This indicated that

CUG 2005 Proceedings 3 of 8

two routines were dominating, PARLINK and family; entropy splitting of the Euler terms and the stable
EWALD_SPME. These routines were known not to boundary scheme. The code has been written using
consume much time on HPCx, and so they were standard Fortran 90 code together with MPI in order to be
investigated further. Examining a compiler generated efficient, scalable and portable across a wide range of
listing of PARLINK indicated that the routine was not high-performance platforms. The PCHAN benchmark is a
being vectorised. This was not surprising; the algorithm simple turbulent channel flow benchmark using the SBLI
generates link lists to hold which atoms a given atom code.
interacts with and this is known to vectorise poorly.
Rewriting the routine to avoid do-while loops and
backward jumps allowed the compiler to vectorise the
code, and the elapsed time on 32 SSPs dropped to 292
For EWALD_SPME a compiler listing indicated that,
although the compiler was vectorising the inner loop, the
loop length was very short, typically of length 6 to 10.
The use of loop jamming techniques, that is rewriting a
number of nested loops as a single loop, increased the
length of the loop body that could be vectorised, and this
further reduced the time on 32 SSPs to 171 seconds, a
factor of 2.7 faster than the original SSP time.
Though still slower than HPCx the code can still
further be improved, though the gains are becoming
harder to achieve since at this stage no particular routine
in the code was standing out as being expensive.

Number of Cray X1 IBM p690+

16 337
32 171 146
64 91 78
Table 2. Times in seconds for the DL_POLY NaCl 216,000 Figure 2 Performance of the PCHAN T3 benchmark on the
ion benchmark case on the Cray X1 and the IBM p690+ Cray X1, the IBM p690+ cluster and the SGI Altix 3700
cluster. (1.3GHz and 1.5GHz processors).

An initial examination of the scaling of the optimised The most important communications structure within
code shows that, as on HPCx, it scales quite well. Table 2 PCHAN is a halo-exchange between adjacent sub-
shows the timing results for the optimised code, the domains. Providing the problem size is large enough to
number of processors being the number of SSPs on the give a small surface area to volume ratio for each sub-
Cray. domain, the communications costs are small relative to
computation and do not constitute a bottleneck.
Figure 2 shows performance results for the T3 data
The direct solution of the equations of motion for a case, a grid of 360x360x360, from the Cray X1, the IBM
fluid remains a formidable task and simulations are only cluster and the SGI Altix and shows ideal scaling on all
possible for flows with small to modest Reynolds systems. Hardware profiling studies of this code have
numbers. Within the UK the Turbulence Consortium shown that its performance is highly dependent on the
(UKTC) has been at the forefront of simulating turbulent cache utilisation and bandwidth to main memory [11].
flows by direct numerical simulation (DNS). UKTC has
developed a parallel version of a code to solve problems It is clear that memory management for this code is
associated with shock/boundary-layer interaction [10]. taking place more efficiently on the Altix than on the
p690+. The match to the streaming architecture of the
The code (SBLI) was originally developed for the Cray X1 is excellent. Timings for the Cray X1 and the
Cray T3E and is a sophisticated DNS code that IBM p690+ are shown in Table 3 together with the
incorporates a number of advanced features: namely high- performance ratio. At 128 processors the ratio is 4.3,
order central differencing; a shock-preserving advection dropping to 2.5 at 1280 processors, possibly as the sub-
scheme from the total variation diminishing (TVD)

CUG 2005 Proceedings 4 of 8

domain size reduces and the vector length of the inner reported in Figure 3 as the amount of work (gridpoints ×
loops becomes smaller. timesteps) divided by the time.

Number PCHAN
of IBM Cray X1 Ratio
processor p690+ Cray/IBM
128 1245 290 4.3
192 812 189 4.3
256 576 147 3.9
512 230 75 3.1
768 146 52 2.8
1024 112 39 2.9
1280 81 32 2.5
Table 3. Execution times in seconds for the PCHAN T3
benchmark on the Cray X1 and IBM p690+ including the
performance ratio between the Cray and the IBM.


The Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory Coastal

Ocean Modelling System (POLCOMS) has been
developed to tackle multi-disciplinary studies in
coastal/shelf environments [11]. The central core is a Figure 3. Performance of the POLCOMS 2km benchmark
on the Cray X1, the IBM p690+ cluster and the SGI Altix
sophisticated 3-dimensional hydrodynamic model that 3700 (1.3GHz and 1.5GHz processors).
provides realistic physical forcing to interact with, and
transport, environmental parameters. The hydrodynamic As with the SBLI code communications are limited
model is a 4-dimensional finite difference model based on almost entirely to nearest neighbour boundary exchange
a latitude-longitude Arakawa B-grid in the horizontal and operations and we see almost perfect linear scaling on the
S-coordinates in the vertical. Conservative monotonic p690+ HPS. However, the scaling on the Altix 3700/1300
PPM advection routines are used to ensure strong frontal is starting to run out above 128 processors. The absolute
gradients. Vertical mixing is through turbulence closure performance is highly dependent on cache and memory
(Mellor-Yamada level 2.5). issues [11]. However the Cray X1 is not competitive.
Timings for the Cray X1 and the IBM p690+ are shown
In order to study the coastal marine ecosystem, the
in Table 4 together with the performance ratio, but note
POLCOMS model has been coupled with the European
that in contrast with Table 3 this is the IBM/Cray ratio not
Seas Regional Ecosystem Model (ERSEM) [12]. Studies
the Cray/IBM ratio!
have been carried out, with and without the ecosystem
sub-model, using a shelf-wide grid at 12km resolution.
This results in a grid size of approx. 200 x 200 x 34. In
order to improve simulation of marine processes, we need Number POLCOMS
accurate representation of eddies, fronts and other regions of IBM Cray X1 Ratio
of steep gradients. The next generation of models will processor p690+ IBM/Cray
need to cover the shelf region at approximately 1km s
resolution. 128 542 6613 12.2
192 352 4381 12.5
In order to assess the suitability of the POLCOMS 256 260 3096 11.9
hydrodynamic code for scaling to these ultra-high
512 125 1617 13.0
resolutions we have designed a simulated 2km shelf-wide
768 86 1040 12.2
benchmark which runs (without the ecosystem model) at
a grid size of 1200x1200x34. In order to keep benchmark Table 4. Execution times in seconds for the POLCOMS 2km
run times manageable, the runs were kept short (100 benchmark on the Cray X1 and IBM p690+ including the
timesteps) and the initialisation and finishing times were performance ratio between the IBM and the Cray.
subtracted from the total run time. The performance is

CUG 2005 Proceedings 5 of 8

satisfactory performance it is essential that the code
4. Performance Analysis should vectorise fully, if necessary by investing effort to
resolve vectorisation problems. To this end the use of
We used Cray’s Performance Analysis Tool (PAT) to PAT and compiler listings was very useful. We found that
investigate further the performance of the SBLI and SSP mode gave better performance than MSP mode,
POLCOMS codes. PAT can be run in a number of though we made no effort to improve the multi-streaming
different ways to measure performance of an application performance of the code.
as a whole, based on resource usage, accounting, and
hardware performance, (pat_hwpc) or to measure
performance at the granularity of individual functions,
source code line number, etc. (pat_build and pat_report).
We ran 64 processor (SSP) jobs of the benchmarks using
pat_hwpc. Some key hardware counter numbers from the
output are shown in Figure 4.
The values are represented as percentages e.g. the
vector operations as a percentage of all operations, the
vector memory references as a percentage of all memory
references etc. For the average vector length this is given
as a percentage of 64, the maximum vector length of the
It is clear that the PCHAN benchmark vectorises very
well, as we suspected from the performance figures.
Vector floating point operations and vector memory
references are at 100%. On 64 processors the grid of
360x360x360 is partitioned into 90x90x90 sub-domains
leading to an inner loop length of 90. The average vector
length is very close to 45.
The POLCOMS code was originally a vector code
with long inner loops. The data arrays were organised
with the two horizontal dimensions first (contiguous in
memory) and in some cases the horizontal dimensions
were collapsed into a single index in order to increase the
length of the inner loops. However the code has been
significantly restructured to suit cache-based systems
[13]. The major three-dimensional arrays now have the
vertical dimension first. This helps cache re-use by
allowing whole water columns to remain in cache e.g. for
one-dimensional processes such as convection and
vertical diffusion, or for use by a subsequent outer-loop
iteration in the advection code.
The effect of this code structure on the Cray X1 is
clear from Figure 4. Not all important loops have
vectorised so that the proportion of vector floating point Figure 4. Comparison of the percentage of total operations,
memory references, etc. from hardware performance
operations is down at 90% and vector memory references counters for the PCHAN T3 and POLCOMS 2km
at 67%. Given the rather slow speed of the scalar benchmarks.
processor on this system, this is quite enough
dramatically to restrict the performance. Furthermore the We have compared the performance of three different
average vector length is low at about 11. codes, one an explicit finite-difference CFD code, one a
molecular dynamics code and one a coastal-ocean code,
between the Cray X1 vector system and two massively
5. Conclusions parallel (MPP) micro-processor-based systems. We find
three rather different results.
Our experience is that the porting of codes from
MPPs to the Cray X1 presents no great difficulty. The The SBLI PCHAN benchmark performs excellently
performance of the scalar unit is quite poor. To achieve on the Cray X1 with no code modification, showing

CUG 2005 Proceedings 6 of 8

100% vectorisation and significantly outperforming the http://www.ccs.ornl.gov/CRAYEvaluationTM200
MPP systems. The performance of DL_POLY was 4-15.pdf
initially poor, but we were able to achieve a performance [7] DL_POLY: A general purpose parallel molecular
improvement of 2.7 through a few simple optimisations. dynamics simulation package, W. Smith and T.R.
The POLCOMS code has been substantially restructured Forester, J. Molec. Graphics 14 (1996) 136.
for cache-based MPP systems and now does not vectorise
at all well on the Cray X1, leading to poor performance. [8] DL_POLY: Applications to Molecular Simulation,
W. Smith, C. Yong and M. Rodger, Molecular
The UK Meteorological Office, who operate an NEC Simulation 28 (2002) 385.
SX-6 vector system, use a modified version of the
POLCOMS code as a part of the UK’s coastal flood [9] The DL-POLY Molecular Simulation Package, W.
warning system. Their modifications make a dramatic Smith,
improvement to the performance on vector systems and http://www.cse.clrc.ac.uk/msi/software/DL_POLY
the POLCOMS development team is working on ways to /
incorporate the vector modifications into the main version [10] Direct Numerical Simulation of Shock/Boundary
of the code in a portable way. Layer Interaction, N.D. Sandham, M. Ashworth
We conclude that both vector and MPP systems can and D.R. Emerson,
deliver high performance levels but that, depending on http://www.cse.clrc.ac.uk/ceg/sbli.shtml
the algorithm, careful software design may be necessary [11] Single Node Performance of Applications and
if the same code is to achieve high performance on Benchmarks on HPCx, M. Bull, HPCx Technical
different architectures. Report HPCxTR0416, (2004)
References orts/HPCxTR0416.pdf

[1] The use of Vector Processors in Quantum [12] Eddy Resolved Ecosystem Modelling in the Irish
Chemistry; Experience in the U.K., M.F. Guest Sea, J.T. Holt, R. Proctor, M. Ashworth, J.I. Allen,
and S. Wilson, Daresbury Laboratory Preprint, and J.C. Blackford, in Realizing Teracomputing:
DL/SCI/P290T; in Supercomputers in Chemistry', Proceedings of the Tenth ECMWF Workshop on
ed. P.Lykos and I. Shavitt, A.C.S. Symposium the Use of High Performance Computing in
series 173 (1981) 1. Meteorology, eds. W. Zwieflhofer and N. Kreitz,
(2004), 268-278, (World Scientific).
[2] Application of the CRAY-1 for Quantum Chemistry
Calculations, V.R. Saunders and M.F. Guest [13] Optimization of the POLCOMS Hydrodynamic
Computer Physics Commun. 26 (1982) 389. Code for Terascale High-Performance Computers,
M. Ashworth, J.T. Holt and R. Proctor, HPCx
[3] The Study of Molecular Electronic Structure on Technical Report HPCxTR0415, (2004)
Vector and Attached Processors: Correlation http://www.hpcx.ac.uk/research/hpc/technical_rep
Effects in Transition Metal Complexes, orts/HPCxTR0415.pdf
Supercomputer Simulations in Chemistry, ed. M.
Dupuis, Lecture Notes in Chemistry, 44, (1986) 98
(Springer Verlag)

[4] TOP500 supercomputer sites The authors would like to thank Oak Ridge National
http://www.top500.org/ Laboratory (ORNL) and the UK Engineering and
Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) for access
[5] Parallel Processing in Environmental Modelling, to machines.
M. Ashworth, in Parallel Supercomputing in
Atmospheric Science: Proceedings of the Fifth About the Authors
Workshop on the Use of Parallel Processors in
Meteorology, eds. G-R. Hoffmann and T. Mike Ashworth is Head of the Advanced Research
Kauranne, (1993), 1-25, (World Scientific). Computing Group in the Computational Science &
Engineering Department (CSED) at CCLRC Daresbury
[6] Cray X1 Evaluation Status Report, P.A. Agarwal Laboratory and has special interests in the optimisation of
et al (29 authors), Oak Ridge National Laboratory, coupled environmental models for high-performance
Oak Ridge, TN, USA, Technical Report systems. Ian Bush is a computational scientist at CSED
ORNL/TM-2004/13 with specialisation in high performance parallel
algorithms for computational chemistry, molecular

CUG 2005 Proceedings 7 of 8

dynamics and materials applications. Martyn Guest is
Associate Director of CSED and leads the HPCx
Terascaling Team. He is a leading researcher in the
application of computational chemistry methods on high-
performance computers. All three authors contribute to
the HPCx Terascaling Team.
All authors can be reached at CCLRC Daresbury
Laboratory, Warrington WA4 4AD, UK, E-Mails:
m.ashworth@dl.ac.uk, i.j.bush@dl.ac.uk and

CUG 2005 Proceedings 8 of 8

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