Types of Test Lyza

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 Essay Type of Test

(Selective Recall)
1.Who among the Greek philosophers affected your thinking as a student?
2.Which method of recycling is the most appropriate to use at home?
3.Who should be the Philippine national hero, Jose Rizal or Andres Bonifacio?
4.Which method is better to use, inductive method or deductive?
5. Write the functions of WTO.
6.What is a phase of moon?
7.What are the factors causing pollution of oceanic waters?
8.Describe volcanic activities.
9.What are the main indicators of economic development?
10.Explain the major objectives of GATT.
(Evaluating Recall)
1. Whose teacher you considered the best?
2. Share your childhood experiences.
3. Your perspective about the school curriculum of SMCC.
4. What Students, Parents and Administrators Really Expect of Teachers
5. Parents and Teacher's perspective about the K-12 curriculum
6. Filipino reactions against terrorism
7. Parent’s say about teenage gadget addiction
8. IQ test performance of SHS K-12 graduates
9. The effect of global warming
10. Tax reformation and its effect
(Comparison of Two Things)
1. The Senate and the House of Representatives
2. English and Mathematic Subject
3. Working Mom or House Mom
4. Trump and Bush
5. Muslim and Christian
6. Dog and Cat
7. Imported and Exported
8. Typewriter and Computer
9. Fruits and Veggies
10. Rose and Tulip
1. Discrimination lawsuit. Why jury decision making emotional damages
2. Which is better,, Math subject or English?
3. Paying Attention to Foreign Affairs: How Public Opinion Affects Presidential
Decision Making
4. Approaches To Decision Making
5. Decision making in the workplace is some
6. What best course to take in college?
7. Group activity vs individual activity
8. Life imprisonment or deathpenalty
9. Decision support system
10. Decision support system in organizational decision making
(Cause and Effect)
1. Video games can boost IQ.
2. Optimism improves immunity.
3. Using social media improves communication skills.
4. The promotion of bicycle use helps reduce traffic jams.
5. Cell phone use can improve family relations.
6. Social media can help teens with their socialization process.
7. Living together before getting married makes married relationships better.
8. A happy marriage makes a person’s life longer.
9. Going to college helps people make better choices and have happier marriages.
10. Developed communication skills help families have close relationships.

(Explanation of the use of exact meaning)

1. How did society change the meaning of the term family in the past years?
2. Why is it difficult to give a single explanation for the term family?
3. How family and responsibility are connected? Can we compare both terms?
4. The importance of family in the modern world.
5. What types of families are normal in our society?
6. What are family values and how to develop them?
7. How to spend the summer with your family?
8. What is the institution of marriage? What factors can determine it?
9. Who is a single parent? What problems does a single parent face in modern society?
10. Historical evolution of the term “freedom”.
(Summary of a test or Article Read)
1. Rose for Emily Summary
2. Mother Summary
3. Travel Summary
4. Sandra Cisneros and “Eleven” Summary
5. Little Red Riding Hood Summary
6. Ramayana Summary
7. Titanic Summary
8. Cinderella Summary
9. WWI Summary
10. WWII Summary
(Analysis Essay)
1. Analyze the main character of the book/poem. (Romeo)
2. Analyze one of the key events in a book/poem. (Romeo drinking poison)
3. Analyze cultural and historical context of the book.
4. Analyze how the author’s background influenced his books/poems.
5. Describe the mood of a literary work.
6. Describe the way horror movies and TV-shows influence child psychology.
7. Analyze in what way shows for children can be helpful/harmful?
8. Look at a TV series that is based on true events.
9. Evaluate a movie that is based on a novel.
10. What makes a moving Christmas movie?
(Statement of Relationship)
1.How do elected female officials differ from elected males?
2.How important is it to have equal representation of genders and races in political office?
3.How can we support the election of more females to political offices?
4.How can we get more minorities to become police officers?
5.How can the rights of artists and writers be protected on the Internet?
6.Why should you pay for your music?
7.Does religious persecution exist?
8.Should people be allowed to make "designer babies?"
9.What can be done to reduce unemployment among young African American men?
10. How can human trafficking be stopped?
(Illustration and Examples of Principles in Science)
1. Explain The Law of Gravity
2. Explain the process of metamorphosis
3. Explain how the planets in the solar system work together
4. What is kingdom animalia
5. How important is race to American identity?
6. To what extent does individual identity depend on ethnic affiliation?
7. How does immigration from Latin America affect the culture of America?
8. Why do Americans think in terms of a person having one race when so many
Americans have a mixed racial, cultural, and/or ethnic background?
9. Is it a good idea for people to adopt children from another ethnic group?
10. What is culture?
1.Most annoying songs


3.Dancing styles

4.Movie endings

5.Cinema goers

6.Extracurricular activities

7.College athletes

8.College fraternities

9.Parenting styles

10. People in the street when it rains cats and dogs

(Application of Rules or Principles to New Situation)
1. Is global warming a problem and if so, what can we do about it?
2. How can we resolve the economy versus environment debate?
3. How can we be sure to provide clean water for everyone?
4. What responsibility do Americans have for providing clean water to other nations?
5. How will the worldwide population increase affect our planet?
6. What can be done to stop poaching of endangered species?
7. Is hunting good for the environment?
8. How can citizens be responsible for their local environment?
9. What can manufacturers do to help clean up the earth?
10. What is the importance of clean water?
1. A detailed comparison of capitalism and socialism
2. Measures to reduce unemployment in African countries
3. Advantages and disadvantages of forming trade unions
4. Importance of technology in the delivery of goods and services worldwide
5. Significant Differences between bilateral and multilateral trade
6. The health risks associated with the distribution of cigarettes worldwide
7. Advantages and disadvantages of globalization
8. Social media and its contribution to business
9. Benefits and drawbacks of having an export-based economy
10. Pros and cons of first world countries helping the poor in third world nations

1. Multicultural families
2. Changing gender roles
3. Ethnic music
4. Latino influences
5. Single parent families
6. Xenophobia
7. Islamophobia
8. First nations of Canada
9. Factors leading to juvenile delinquency
10. Rehabilitation of women released from prison or who received a suspended sentence
(Reorganization of Facts)
1. Production and sales of tobacco must be made illegal
2. Death sentence should be activated in every country of the world
3. Smoking in public places has to be banned
4. Alcohol usage should be controlled
5. They should not sell alcohol beverages after 11 P.M.
6. Energetic drinks should be banned and made illegal
7. Should court proceedings be documented for television?
8. The most suitable age to have a right to vote.
9. When can citizens start drinking and smoking (specific age)?
10. On the whole, is there justice for all?
(Formulations of New Questions and Problems Raised)
1. Third World War should be Prevented by Russian and US Governments
2. Existing public school policies must be changed
3. Is gun control an effective way to control the crime?
4. Government should forbid same-sex marriages
5. Society is turning over-regulated
6. The countries with the highest levels of corruption.
7. Are some political authorities engaged in illegal activities in the US?
8. Should people with physical disabilities be accepted by the government?
9. To be a politician: art or a born talent.
10. Can anyone be above the law?
(New method or procedure)
1. How to organize your room.
2. How to use Google Maps.
3. How to set up a website.
4. How to win a video game.
5. How to avoid procrastination.
6. How to organize a study group.
7. How to customize your car.
8. How to start a small business.
9. How to use eBay to sell things.
10. How to avoid gaining weight your first year in college.
Recall Type
a. Simple-Recall
1. Describe the major differences among patrilineal, matrilineal, and bilateral societies.
2. Define:
a. extended family
b. nuclear family
3. What happens if you put a piece of glass into water and both have the same
refractive index?
4. WWII took place on what year?
5. Why do people need to know how static electricity is formed?
6. Does intelligender work?
7. What is an example of experiment?
8. What instrument measures continuity?
9. A device that does work with only one movement and changes the size or direction
of a force is an?
10. How do you find initial velocity to a moving object Simple Answers?
b. Completion Test
1. There are ____ hours in a day?
2. Manila is the capital city of ______.
3. Thirty-three plus four is equivalent to _____.
4. Valentine's Day is celebrated in honor to St. _____.
5. _____ is the richest country in the world.
6. Brain is part of the ________ system.
7. There is more perspiration in the ______ season.
8. One meter is equivalent to _____ centimeter.
9. The _____ is obtained by dividing the ______ by the M.A.
10. The first performance test of Intelligence was prepared by _____.

Recognition Type
a. Alternative Response Test
1. There are 7, 170 islands in the Philippines. (True or False)
2. Dolphin is a mammal. (True or False)
3. Penguin is a fish. (True or False)
4. Tokyo is the capital city of Heroshima. (True or False)
5. Tarsiers are mostly seen in Bohol. (True or False)
6. Ferdinand Magellan discovered the Philippines Island on March 16, 1521.
(True or False)
7. NaCl is the chemical formula of table salt. (True or False)
8. Papers are made up from trees. (True or False)
9. Larva soon becomes a bird. (True or False)
10. K-12 curriculum consists of 12 grade levels. (True or False)

b. Multiple Choice Test

(Stem-and-Option Variety)
1. What is the capital city of France?
a. Jakarta b. Manila c. Paris
2. Who killed Magellan?
a. Lapulapu b. Rizal c. Bonifacio
3. How many states in USA?
a. 39 b. 89 c. 50
4. What is the chemical symbol of chlorine?
a. Na b. Cl c. Gji
5. What is the current educational curriculum in the Philippines?
a. BEC b. CEGP c. K-12
6. Where can you find Mayon Volcano?
a. Taal b. Albay c.Leyte
7. How many tentacles does an octupus has?
a. 8 b. 9 c. 5
8. How many inches in one foot?
a. 14 b. 16 c. 12
9. How many minutes in 5 hours?
a. 300 b. 310 c.200
10. What is the strongest muscle in the body?
a. Tongue b. Ear c. Lips
(Setting-and-Option Variety)
1. Mark eats apple. What part of a sentence is apples?
a. Noun b. Verb c. Noun
2. Somebody help me!!! What kind of sentence is this?
a. Declarative b. Exclamatory d. Imperative
3. Get me that broom. What kind of sentence is this?
a. Declarative b. Exclamatory d. Imperative
4. Jade leaves the palace. What part of a sentence is Jade?
a. Predicate b. Subject c. Object
5. The cat chases the mouse. What kind of pattern does this sentence follow?
a. S-TV-O b. S-TV-DO c. S-TV
6. I will kill you. What emotion is expressed?
a. Happy b. Sad c. Angry
7. Happy New Year. What expression is expressed?
a. Happy b. Sad c. Angry
8. I talk to her. What kind of sentence is this?
a. Declarative b. Interrogative c. Imperative
9. I wish you were here. What kind of sentence is this?
a. Declarative b. Interrogative c. Imperative
10. She has read the daily text. What kind of pattern does this sentence follow?
a. S-TV-O b. S-TV-DO c. S-TV

(Group Term Variety)

1. Which does not belong to the group?
a. Cat b. Dog c. Tiger
2. The following are animal phyla, except:
a. Metazoa b. Molluscs c. Articulates
3. Which does not belong to the group?
a. Eagle b. Penguin c. Dolphin
4. Which does not belong to the group?
a. BSEd b. TechVoc c. BSIT
5. Which does not belong to the group?
a. Beautiful b. Pretty c. Ugly
6. The following have synonymous meaning, except:
a. Mixture b. Hodgepodge c. the same
7. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
a. Google b. Facebook c. Messenger
8. The following are antonyms of the word high, except:
A. up b. Down c. Below
9. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
a. Mango b. Apple c. Cucumber
10. Which of the following does not belong to the go group of foods?
a. Bread b. Rice c. chicken

(Contained-Options Variety)
1. How do you get to school? ___ car.
a. in b. by c. for d. into
2. ___ told you this? My father did.
a. Who b. which c. where d. whose
3. ___ are you talking about? The weather.
a. Which b. what c. who d. where
4. In many ways, he looks ___ his father
a. for b. from c. of d. after
5. ___ nice shoes!
a. What a b. how c. what d. how a
6. ___ tomorrow morning.
a. I call you b. I'd call you c. I'll call you d. I called
7.What ___ to the theatre tonight?
a. about go b. about going c. about to go d. about
8. He's very good ___ playing cards.
a. in b. about c. at d. for
9.She had a very busy morning. She went shopping and she ___ went to the
a. too b. next c. nearly last d. also
10. Will you come to school tomorrow? I hope ___.
a. that b. not c. yes d. it

c. Matching Type
1. Feli A. Musical bow
2. Gbung gbung B. Harp-lute found in West Africa
3. Nyeng-nyeng C. Triangular frame-zither
4. Koning D. Goblet-shaped drum
5. Kora E. Rattles added to an instrument
6. Ghong-kpala F. two headed cylindrical drum
7. Dog G. a domestic animal that barks
8. Tarsier H. Mythical creature
9. Dragon I. Small kind of monkey
10. Watermelon J. Watery fruit

d. Rearrangement Type
Instructions: In each of the following questions, a sentence is broken into some part.
Join these parts to make a meaningful sentence. The correct order of parts will
be your answer.
1. (A) To (B) The plant's operator (C) Contain the (D) Resulting (E) Is struggling
(F) Waste water
2. (A) Six (B) Report (C) Hospitals in the (D) Are part of (E) Of the seven (F) The
(G) GGHH network
3. (A) On the (B) Issue is (C) Consideration (D) Progress (E) Hampered
(F) By political
4. (A) Some key (B) An elephant (C) Facets (D) A legendary status (E) There
are (F) That give
(1) EACFBD (2) EACBFD (3) EACDFB (4) Data insufficient
5. (A) Conditions are (B) Chances for (C) Their living (D) Education
minimal (E) Crude and their
6. (A) These (B) Entire episodes (C) Do not (D) Happen (E)
7. (A) Should (B) For the candidates (C) Avoid (D) Parents (E)
8. (A) Also (B) Called (C) Bandh (D) The party (E) In the
district (F) For a
9. The match (A) however (B) despite (C) at Wimbledon (D) bad weather (E)
10. Most patients with (A) require (B) multiple drugs to (C) high BP (D) keep it
under control
(1) ABCD (2) CABD (3) BADC (4) CADB
e. Analogy Type of Test
1. Eye is to see as ear is to ____.
a. Here b. See c. Hear
2. Pencil is to write as eraser is to _____.
a. Erase b. Copy c. Color
3. Water is to drink as food is to ______.
a. Full b. Eat c. Junk
4. Alaxan is to pain reliever as Neozep is to ______.
a. Colds b. fever c. muscle pain
5. Hand is to touch as eyes is to _____.
a. Feel b. taste c. see
6. Unripe mango is to sour as ripe mango is to _____.
a. Sweet b. Bitter c. salty
7. Table is to dining as chair is to _____.
a. Setting b. Sitting c. relaxing
8. School is to education as hospital _____.
a. Civil registration b. health care c. shopping
9. Bed is to sleep as a car is to _____.
a. Driving b. Sitting c. dating
10.Eyeglass is to the eye as headband is to the _____.
a. Head b. Wrist c. ankle

(Cause and Effect)

1. Careless is to accident as careful is to ____.
a. safety b. danger c. Enjoyment
2. Red and yellow is to orange as white and red is to ____.
a. Pink b. Purple c. Light red
3. Fruits and veggies are to health as junk foods and soft drinks are to _____.
a. Fulfillment b. Sickness c. Enjoyment
4. Earthquake is to a tsunami as heavy rain is to _____.
a. Landslide b. Flood c. Desolation
5. Spark is to wildfire as snowflake is to ______.
a. Cold b. cinder c. Blaze
6. Overspend is to broke as save is to _____.
a. Keep b. Broke c. Prosperous
7. Convict is to punishment as acquit is to _____.
a. Jail b. Freedom c. Acquire
8. Sunrise is to dawn as sunset is to _____.
a. Beautiful b. Night c. Orange
9. Heat is to cooked as cold is to _____.
a. Chilly b. Skating c. Frozen
10. Pinch is to pain as hug is to _____.
a. Squeeze b. Massage c. Comfort

1. Leaf is to tree as petal is to _____.
a. Stem b.flower c. Garden
2. City is to state as state is to ______.
a. Country b. Continent c. Town
3. Child is to family as student is to _____.
a. class b. Teacher c. parents
4. Second is to minute as minute is to _______.
a. Hour b. Season c. week
5. Nigeria is to Africa as France is to _____.
a. Asia b. Europe c. North America
6. Corn is to cob as pea is to ______.
a. Green b. Bean c. Can
7.Classroom is to school as kitchen is to _____.
a. Cook b. garage c. house
8. Dallas is to the United States as Paris is to ______.
a. Germany b. Mexico c. France
9. Spoke is to wheel as wheel is to _____.
a. Transportation b. Bike c. Ride
10. Violinist is to orchestra as pitcher is to ______.
a. Band b. Juice c. Baseball team
1. Bake is to pie as saute is to _____.
a. potato
b. water
c. stew
2. Fire is to extinguish as flood is to __________.
a. dam
b. Water
c. drown
3. Money is to spend as food is to __________.
a. Elicit
b. Consume
c. Mock
4. Ship is to sail as plane is to ___________.
a. Pilot
b. Sink
c. Fly
5. Quench is to thirst as satiate is to _________.
a. hunger
b. sleep
c. ailment
6. Mitigate is to dispute as alleviate is to __________.
a. celebration
b. performance
b. crisis
7. Swing is to bat as dribble is to __________.
a. basketball
b. kick
c. baseball
8. Chainsaw is to tree as __________.
a. school is to education
b. factory is to car
c. jackhammer is to cement
9. Inscribe is to book as __________ is to mural.
a. replicate
b. perform
c. paint
10. Annex is to land as __________ is to idea.
a. plagiarize
b. maim
c. Surmount

(Object- Action)
1. camera : photograph :: ruler : _______. A. inch B. foot C. picture D. measure
2. pencil : write :: brush :: _______. A. paint B. comb C. paper D. build
3. microscope: magnify :: calculator : _______. A. see B. accountant C. add D. mistake
4. saw : cut :: scale : _______. A. weigh B. fish C. heavy D. size
5. ear: hear :: mouth : _______. A. moth B. eye C. listen D. speak
6. helmet : protect :: taxi : _______. A. cab B. transport C. head D. street
7. chair : sit :: bed : _______. A. seat B. cot C. sleep D. stand
8. needle : sew :: toy : _______. A. break B. play C. mend D. doll
9. telescope : enlarge :: album : _______. A. display B. destroy C. star D. photo
10. lighthouse : warn :: fork :: _______. A. spoon B. form C. ship D. eat
1. catch: capture : : docile : _____
a. mean
b. wild
c. obedient
d. ugly
2. system : method : : faith : _____
a. trust
b. mistrust
c. manner
d. courtesy
3. sympathy : pity : : awkward : _____
a. mourn
b. die
c. clumsy
d. puppy
4. main : primary : : labor : _____
a. play
b. first
c. hard
d. work
5. prey : quarry : : strike : _____
a. animal
b. hunt
c. hit
d. stripe
6. polite : courteous : : style : _____
a. nice
b. pretty
c. ugly
d. fashion
7. delay : stall : : allow : _____
a. restrict
b. strict
c. late
d. permit
8. Little is to small as large is to _________________.
a. Tiny
b. Huge
c. Medium
9. Smart is to intelligent as sly is to _________________.
a. Sneaky
b. Dumb
c. Genius
10. Rough is to bumpy as happy is to _____________.
1. yell : whisper : : tame : _____
a. docile
b. wild
c. animal
d. scream
2. . empty : full : : awkward : _____
a. graceful
b. clumsy
c. helpful
d. hollow
3. first : last : : most : _____
a. least
b. more
c. biggest
d. late
4. narrow : thin : : boulder : _____
a. big
b. hard
c. shoulder
d. rock
5. cheap : expensive : : high : _____
a. tall
b. building
c. costly
d. low
6. Open is to close as near is to _________________.
a. Far
b. Close
c. Shut
7. Soft is to loud as slow is to _________________.
a. Quiet
b. Quick
c. Sluggish
8. Dishonest is to honest as always is to _________________.
a. Usually
b. Never
c. Sometimes
9. Build is to destroy as allow is to __________.
10. Swift is to slow as upset is to __________.

(Object- Place)
1. bracelet a. chest
2. whale i. skull
3. seeding b. playground
4. Worshipper j. flashlight
5. tree c. finger
6. battery k. jar
7. rug d. frame
8. money l. anthology
9. ring e. nursery
10. Brain m. church

(Degree Intensity Analogy)

1. hill : mountain : : brook : _____
a. cave
b. river
c. ocean
d. mound
2. grove : forest : : pond : _____
a. tree
b. water
c. lake
d. tadpole
3. parched : dry : : starved : _____
a. desert
b. dinner
c. hungry
d. sandwich
4. chubby : obese : : trickle : _____
a. laugh
b. seep
c. water
5. ditch : ravine : : crack : _____
a. cricket
b. crevice
c. break
d. cracker

6. fear : phobia : : upset : _____

a. hysterical
b. happiest
c. calm
d. lazy

7. mist : fog : : drizzle : _____

a. weather
b. cloud
c. storm
d. steam

8. irate : angry : : earthquake : _____

a. mad
b. shake
c. disaster
9. pale : livid : : firm : _____
a. soft
b. white
c. dull
d. rigid

10. giggle : laugh : : cry : _____

a. sob
b. sniffle
c. tear
d. frown
1. light : aluminum :: heavy : ____
a. iron b. neon c. copper d. helium
2. round : circle :: square : ____
a. oblong b. cube c. triangle d. volume
3. ot : soup :: cold : ____
a. refrigerator b. rain c. lemonade d. winter
4. happy : smile :: angry : ____
a. sad b. scream c. smirk d. scowl
5. bouncy : trampoline :: slippery : ____
a. ice b. slide c. swing d. skates
6. factual :article :: fictitious : ____
a. fable b. testimony c. magazine d. alibi
7. puppy :furry :: goldfish :: ____
a. yellow b. hoofed c. cute d. scaly
8. hard : rock :: soft : ____
a. plateau b. glacier c. quicksand d. quartz
9. inquisitive : reporter :: ____ : gymnast
a. tap dancer b. emaciated c. limber d. determined
10. explanatory : rationale :: ____ : nerve
a. elaborate b. sensitive c. indestructible d. inert
1. 1: If x = 3 and y = 27, then x : y :: y : _______________
a. 19
b. 196
c. 1968
d. 19683
2. What number will follow the given series of numbers: 3, 6, 11, __ _?
a. 13
b. 16
c. 22
3. 11 : 121 :: 13 : ____
a. 156
b. 169
c. 179
d. 216
4. Complete the analogy: 144 : 23 :: 169: _____
a. 32
b. 24
c. 25
d. 26
5. Select the pair that has the same analogy as the given pair: 9876: 12234567
a. 34562: 89776
b. 123: 122345
c. 654321: 922346
d. 9993: 8886
6. If x = 144 and y = 18, then x : y what
a. 96: 12
b. 13: 169
c. 169: 13
d. 256: 16
7. Guess the next number: 19 : 361 :: 66 : ____
a. 693
b. 256
c. 4356
d. 5346
8. 23 : 506 what 12 : ____
a. 132
b. 123
c. 321
d. 312
9. 6 : 18 : : 4 : ?
a. 2
b. 6
c. 8
d. 16
10. 1 : 3 : : 574 : ?
a. 23
b. 82
c. 97
d. 113
1. Napoleon : Josephine :: ____ : Juliet
a. a. Shakespeare b. Bassanio c. Italy d. Romeo
2. 10. morning : reveille :: night : ____
a. a. bugle b. sleep c. taps d. maneuver
3. 11. revolution : Washington :: ____ : Lincoln
a. a. emancipation b. lawyer c. administration d. restitution
4. 12. circumference : circle :: ____ : rectangle
a. a. area b. perimeter c. mass d. diagonal
5. 13. wheat : flour :: ____ : meal
a. a. barely b. rye c. corn d. dinner
6. 14. Hindi : India :: ____ : China
a. a. Shanghai b. Mandarin c. province d. Nanking
7. 15. birthday : cake :: ____ : popcorn
a. a. pretzel b. movie c. microwave d. salt
8. 16. Iran : Persia :: Thailand : ____
a. a. Laos b. Cambodia c. Siam d. Congo
9. 17. Rockne : football :: Houdini : ____ a. basketball b. philosophy c. stage d. magic
10. South America : ____________________ :: North America : square

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