LL - Tvjslun: Ca - Lvtaklnhs

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ll.tVJSlUN O_t.' CA.lVtAKlNhS SUR

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,,,,--- OEP r::";' ·
No \1-0 s. 2019
To Assistant Schools Division Superintendents
SGOD and CID Chiefs
PSDS (Elementary and Secondary)
School Heads and Concerned School lCT Coordinators (Elem. & Sec.)
District JCT Coordinators (elementary)
Division JCT Technical Team and Division ICT Officers
All others concerned

School Division Superinten~t5

Subject: Division ICT Organization (DICTO) Finalization Meeting

Date May 20, 2019

In consonance with the Implementation of the Programs & Projects of the Di vision JCT
Organization (DICTO) ofCamSur for this School Year 2019-2020, this office requested all the
concerned school ICT Coordinator to attend the meeting on May 24, 2019 at Milaor NHS,
Milaor. Camarines Sur from 8.00 am to 5:00 pm.

This meeting aims to:

._ />resent the g 111d£'lrnes and crircnathr B.:st IJ( ·1, lmple"IL'nter(c o Afauncw A trcro 11/J
i. I JJsdose tht' Ne11· Des1gna1ion J,imn of!he /)I( 'JO ,~tfic£'rs (co L J mark Pr(ldo)
4- / ,ay-01,r and 1den11/_i· set ol Resource Speake-rs Fac//,wwrsji,r !ht: .\'chool lV.:hs1tc
f:'n hanccm('l1/ Trmmn?, (<: o Felipe Nehrca & !H1111ric10 Alreru I1/J
~ 'Ji1rg,ct anti propo.H·d par11c1p,mtsjor the 1·1.11wl (;rapl11c Dcs1x.n ( c ,, A/\-111 KasdagJ
., /Jrn:us.1 sta/111· o(Dl( TO registralwn 10 ,\ '!:'( · (co A/1(:ILI ( 'Iran:::)
~ ( 'ollale the: pre.w:nla/wm sl,Jesfi,r J)( '/' l'rmmng anJ Or1t:111a11on (co Jan.: ( 'elctcmu)
._ (hher.1

Participants to this meeting arc.

,. /)1v1.11on '/ ech111ca/ lc.·am (pleave see e11c/o,11rc)
,. /)1 v1.1w111)/( '/'() 0/fl<'L'r.\ (ph·ase ., et· •·nclornrl')
,. A l.I. /)1.l'trict /( T ( ·oordmmors (Flem)

No proxy is allowed due to important matters to be discussed

Travel and ot her incidental expenses relative to this acti\·ity shall he charged against
local fund /MOOE/ subject to the usual accounting and Auditing Rules and Reg ulations

The teacher participants to this activity shal l be entitled to Service Credits based on
DepEd Order # ~3. s 2003

Attendance of all concerned is earnestly enjoined .


5DO CAMSUR: Caring, Cn~o.ging, Servin8
wHL unit.-d tf PtHI
lkgiou V
l.HVtSluN U .F t;~.lAKtNES SUR

tHVISIO ~ i)( '}, 'l J,, f ·f-1:\.I(' ·\ r. ·n \ \ ·I

B»tch _ I>h. ·rr,·hnkal 'J ••m
i 11, 1 <.nn~_yc, ,1011•.f))1,11 u.:I Robnt Poul Cos,ono-Cobn,n,ton ES. Ragoy
Morlcor N. Gon,oles Rogoy
Junrey Sta Mino-Del Gallego NHS, Del Gallt>go
Gobr,clle Flores.V11/01ar HS, s,pocor
Fray no,es GRS HS, Ragoy
_ _Alma Aba,nza-Sl!a Frlic,ano M/IS, Ragay ___ _
S\!..:omi Congr...·s,w11al Di:, .1rh;I Elmet Tr,n,dod-M ,loor NHS, M1laor
Ma Ht>len Tongente Mombyowos H S, t,bmonon
M l Dela Rosa Juan r Tr,v,ilo HS, Pasacoo
Mor,an P Abuel-Mamhulo Nut>vo HS, libmonon
Rowena L Prado-Ca rmel HS. l.,bmono n
Jason N Colombo-Pomuk,d HS, Sn Fernanda
Shl'rwm G. Abeloda-Goin,os HS,_G_o_,n
_ ,_o_ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,
rhmJ l't,ngr..:..;-.wnal n,, lrh.1 Fugene Abrogon Soqurong HS, P,I,
Amorsolo Qu,no11t>s-Co mo l,9on NHS, Camo/lqon
Jay-Im Rosero-Ocampo NHS, Ocampo
Nol, L Tolongan-Bmobong NHS, Pih
[rncsro B. Joropo, Jr. - Calob!'._n~g_a _ ____ __ _ __ _ _ _ __
Nf!nt: R A.1Hona ( >rmR ,\'/ IS. <'aramoun
Jaunt· / 1 A.·1wn - San UufUd \l!S. liR,mm
( i1.-ncro so C Huenaug,w J>maglahanan \!IS, Cioa
. l/1rn1 II C'/1a1-e:- I .a Sul\'Uc1on ....7/S, T,~aon
,\ict U,dwrti I 1·,na\ - l.11 Salva,·1on .\1/S. T1gaon
.\!auric,o 1• Atrero JI/ - ( ·ara,,,n 'a)vm /:"S. T,xuon
.-idnan .\fore l·rant.,n C. Cf>rpu::. f..'u/ahu l·iumtch.lln 1:-S. i 1gaon
. lrmvnJo \ '1ilo ( · ( Jpd}a Jr - S,h,,guan Agro-Ind. .\'I IS. .\ 'agnuJ
Stl.wn /" i ahom 11,-..·adoy FS . <ioa
.lohri l·hldan I) l?u1,•I - ( 1regurw ( I. Rergt,s10 .\l!IS. T1numhat· (jou
l<omeo .\ 1. nw r 1/1 Uoo ·\ ·I fs, <;°"
H.,muld P l 'a!t.•nc,u .<,~,nmw CS, S truma
.l11el I<. Sue<o - lanJ<><.· VJIS S1rumu
Rodr I .\fayore, - .lfaKsaywy !:S, <;a, ch,torena
\"efaon I' -lldeJr l'rctt!nlacwn \ "/IS. Pre\'entacwn
Je,.trr .\eu I/. . irwla - f ,nambac; Sowh <'S. Tm a m Pa<.
Paolo Chove,-Tapoyo , NHS, Balaton
rronc,s Noc,on-Sto Justino HS, Buh,
Jone Ce/eta r,a-lnoyonon HS, Bula
Vh,,. Pei>ones-Baoo NHS, Baoo
Rainer Oocto/i,ro - Boto NHS, Boto
Judyln Soluno, Nobuo NHS Nobuo
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -~ -M
_ o_rk_Joseph I. Nopod - Lourdes PHS

1019-lOJJ UlVJSt-ON J(,l 01: t-'J( FH~

Pr..:s1dcnt Mauricio V. Atrero Ill - Camy..:ayon ES, Tigaon -4th
V-Pr..:s: Edmark M. Pado - Cabugao ES. M1laor 2nd
Sccrctan : Marchia P. Amaro - Bahi ES. Garchitorcna 4th
Treasurer Alicia B. Chavez - La Sahacion NHS. Tigaon 4th
Au ditor. Paul Robert Casiano - Cabimt:m ES. Ragay I st
Public Rclauon and Publication
Gabrielle Centenera - Ponong IS. Mag:uao 3rd
Wa~·s and Means· Anthony S. Gonzales- Cagmaslog ES. Buh1 5th
Programs and ProJccts. Noriel Nitura - Manapao ES. Mlnalahac 2nd
Educati on and Traming Alvin Kasilag - Sin11kn1pan NHS. Lupi I st

5IX) CAMSUR: Ca rine, l'.ug~lag, 5<- rvill.6

w Hla unih..l H t •n rt

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