Organization Design and Development
Organization Design and Development
Organization Design and Development
Sociotechnical systems-
Sociotechnical systems (STS) in organizational development is an approach to complex
organizational work design that recognizes the interaction between people and technology
in workplaces. The term also refers to the interaction between society's complex
infrastructures and human behaviour. In this sense, society itself, and most of its
substructures, are complex sociotechnical systems. The term sociotechnical systems was
coined by Eric Trist, Ken Bamforth and Fred Emery, in the World War II era, based on their
work with workers in English coal mines at the Tavistock Institute in London.
Sociotechnical systems pertain to theory regarding the social aspects
of people and society and technical aspects of organizational structure and processes. Here,
technical does not necessarily imply material technology. The focus is on procedures and
related knowledge, i.e. it refers to the ancient Greek term logos. "Technical" is a term used
to refer to structure and a broader sense of technicalities. Sociotechnical refers to the
interrelatedness of social and technical aspects of an organization or the society as a whole.
Sociotechnical theory therefore is about joint optimization, with a shared emphasis on
achievement of both excellence in technical performance and quality in people's work lives.
Sociotechnical theory, as distinct from sociotechnical systems, proposes a number of
different ways of achieving joint optimisation. They are usually based on designing
different kinds of organisation, ones in which the relationships between socio and technical
elements lead to the emergence of productivity and wellbeing.
Quality of work life
OD can be set of structured activities in which targets are groups or individuals engage with
a task or a sequence of tasks where the task goals are related directly or indirectly to
organizational improvement. The OD intervention has three different characteristics. OD
intervention firstly focuses on the organizational activity, secondly OD would generally
focus on work group as the unit of analysis and lastly the OD would view the change
normally as an ongoing process. Now it is the strategy to be designed to bring the change.
Traditional strategy can be through the rewards and punishments. This may be power
coercive strategy. People willingly accept change when they realize that the change is in
their own interest. If the people not only agree to change but also seek change actively it is
called the empirical rational strategy. The third strategy aims at the attitudes and values of
human beings. This strategy is called the normative reductive strategy which helps in
improving problem solving capabilities of the system and fosters the growth of the
individuals who make the system.
Business process can be defined as "a set of logically related tasks performed to achieve a
defined business outcome." It is "a structured, measured set of activities designed to
produce a specified output for a particular customer or market." Improving business
processes is important for businesses to stay ahead of competition in today's marketplace.
Over the last 10 to 15 years, companies have been forced to improve their business
processes because customers are demanding better products and services. Many companies
begin business process improvement with a continuous improvement model. The BPR
methodology comprises of developing the business vision and process objectives,
identifying the processes to be redesigned, understanding and measuring the existing
processes, identifying IT levers and designing and building a prototype of the new process.
In this context it can be mentioned that, some of the biggest obstacles faced by
reengineering are lack of sustained management commitment and leadership, unrealistic
scope and expectations, and resistance to change.
Business Process Reengineering (BPR) and Total Quality Management (TQM)
Total Quality Management and BPR share a cross-functional relationship. Quality
specialists tend to focus on incremental change and gradual improvement of processes,
while proponents of reengineering often seek radical redesign and drastic improvement of
processes. Quality management, often referred to as TQM or continuous improvement,
means programs and initiatives, which emphasize incremental improvement in work
processes, and outputs over an open-ended period of time. In contrast, reengineering, also
known as business process redesign or process innovation, refers to prudent initiatives
intended to achieve radically redesigned and improved work processes in a specific time
frame. In contrast to continuous improvement, BPR relies on a different school of thought.
The extreme difference between continuous process improvement and business process
reengineering lies in where you start from and also the magnitude and rate of resulting
changes. In course of time, many derivatives of radical, breakthrough improvement and
continuous improvement have emerged to address the difficulties of implementing major
changes in corporations. Leadership is really important for effective BPR deployment, and
successful leaders use leadership styles to suit the particular situation and perform their
tasks, giving due importance to both people and work. Business process is essentially value
engineering applied to the system to bring forth, and sustain the product with an emphasis
on information flow. By mapping the functions of the business process, low value functions
can be identified and eliminated, thus reducing cost. Alternatively, a new and less costly
process, which implements the function of the current process can be developed to replace
the present one.
The role of executive leadership or top management in business process reengineering
cannot be disregarded. They should provide the needed resources to the team, demonstrate
their active support for the project, set the stage for reengineering by determining core
business processes, and by defining the project scope and objectives. The management
should also take care to provide adequate funding, set new standards as well as encourage
others to be open to innovative approaches. Many reengineering projects fail to be
completed or do not achieve bottom-line business results. For this reason alone, business
process reengineering 'success factors' has become an important area of study. Success
factors are a collection of lessons learnt from previous projects. It is useful to think of your
team structure in 3 levels: stakeholders, core team, and extended team.
The stakeholders are key business leaders ultimately accountable for the success of the
project. Their role is to provide high-level guidance to the team, help remove barriers, and
provide funding. The core team is the group responsible for the design and implementation
of the solution. Your extended team includes other people in the organization contributing to
the project on an as-needed basis. These extended-team members include subject-matter
experts. A well-rounded team includes a mix of people and skills. Such a team may include
individuals who thoroughly understand the current process, who actively use the process
and also work closely with customers, technical experts, and consultants, if necessary. But
the main criterion is that the entire team should work together for the project to succeed.
The Role of Consultants in BPR projects
New reengineering teams typically employ the assistance of a consultant for their project.
Consultants can play a valuable role in BPR projects. They are objective and immune to
internal politics. Having followed the processes before, they provide valuable information
and best practices from a wide range of experience. Consultants can also serve as good
communication bridge between the team and management, write project documentation,
lead the project and facilitate meetings, make presentations to stakeholders and associates,
and last but not the least, contribute subject-matter expertise in your organization's work
BPR and Information Technology
Business Process Re-engineering has rapidly developed towards a new management
philosophy. The inherent business process orientation changes the perspective of
international management from a structural to that of a process view. The re-engineering of
business processes is only one aspect of the management of business processes. In
particular, the re-engineering of international business processes needs special attention,
because the multi-faceted structure of multinational corporations increases the complexity
of business processes, there by influencing the options for redesign. Business Process Re-
engineering has rapidly developed towards a new management philosophy based upon
predecessors like Total Quality Management, Overhead Value Analysis, Kanban or Just-In-
Time-Management. Business processes can be re-engineered by redesigning the steps, by
changing the logical and temporal sequence of the steps, or by changing any other
characteristics of the process. The role of IT is discussed in contradictory way. Advocates of
information systems favor the view that the new technology is an enabler of process re-
engineering. IT has to be monitored constantly to determine whether it can generate new
process designs or contribute to the performance of a business process. The breakthrough of
BPR is closely connected with IT, which opens new dimensions of process reorganization.
Moreover, those who take the initiative in process improvement/redesign, influence the role
of IT. If the data processing department initiates the process change, then IT will have more
of a generator function for new process redesigns. If on the other hand, the top management
sets off the change process, then the process will be first restructured and later optimized
through IT.