4l30e TCC Test
4l30e TCC Test
4l30e TCC Test
hen dealing with after- unit back into the vehicle. The last time I explained this proce-
repair issues, doctors often There are two units that stand out dure on the phone, the technician asked,
ask: Could I have tested for this type of problem: “Is there anything in print explaining
this on the bench… before I installed it • 4L60/E this test?” Well, no, there isn’t.
in the vehicle? Sometimes the answer is • 4L30E Until now.
no, you can only make provisions that We’re going to look at how to
typically prevent these issues. The time to test the TCC circuit perform a simple bench air test for
Other times the answer is yes. is on the bench, before you install the checking the converter release oil cir-
Here’s the scenario: TCC isn’t work- unit. And the tests aren’t all that dif- cuit. With this test you’ll be able to
ing after repair. We aren’t talking about ficult. They involve a basic air check. make sure whether the circuit is able
chatters, vibrations,
etc.; there’s simply
no lockup. Too often
in these situations,
technicians will just
blame the parts. You
know: It must be a
bad torque converter.
Converter rebuilders
get a lot of blame
for these issues, and
very often it isn’t jus-
When this type
of after-rebuild prob-
lem occurs, you
need to determine
whether you’re deal-
ing with a control
issue or a mechani-
cal/hydraulic issue.
This involves specif-
ic tests you need to
be familiar with, but
they’re an article for
another day: In this
article, we’re going
to look at some sim-
ple bench tests to
determine whether
the TCC release cir-
cuit is working…
before you put the Figure 1
TCC Tests on the Operating Table
Figure 5B
Figure 6
Figure 7
You’ll use this air tester to apply air valve strokes. and you’ll be more likely to use them.
to the TCC control valve. Remember: • Repeat this test several times to Air testing isn’t only a recommended
air pressure must reach the bottom of make sure the valve moves freely procedure for clutch components; it’s
the solenoid to move the TCC control and exhausts the air being supplied also a terrific way to make sure the
valve. down the input shaft (figure9a – TCC will work properly… before you
• Use a rubber-tipped air nozzle to 9b). install it in the vehicle.
apply air pressure down the input There are other transmissions that Until next time, keep those trans-
shaft. you may be able to use similar tests to missions in good working health.
• Use your new air tester to blow air check; these two are the most common The Doctor
down the solenoid feed and listen for exhibiting after-rebuild problems.
for the air to change when the Remember, keep your tests simple
Figure 8A Figure 8B
Figure 9A Figure 9B