Particle Monitoring in Liquids: Liquid Particle Counter: Author: Professor: David Pui TA: Poshin Lee Lab Members
Particle Monitoring in Liquids: Liquid Particle Counter: Author: Professor: David Pui TA: Poshin Lee Lab Members
Particle Monitoring in Liquids: Liquid Particle Counter: Author: Professor: David Pui TA: Poshin Lee Lab Members
Particle Monitoring in Liquids: Liquid Particle Counter
To study the performance and characteristics of a liquidborne particle counter
(LPC), we used a LPC to measure particle size distributions in water. Unlike normal light
scattering LPC, the LPC used in this experiment was based on interferometry, and it
could distinguish bubbles and particles. Therefore, instead of using a complex
pressurized system, we used a simple vacuum sampling system.
The LPC was able to measure particles from 0.2µm to 0.5µm. Particles larger
than 0.5µm were counted in the last size channel. The sizing accuracy of the LPC was
evaluated by measuring the size distributions of PSL spheres in DI water. The three
measured sizes were: 0.2µm, 0.3µm and 0.4µm. Results shows that the largest sizing
error, which was 10%, happened for 0.2µm. For 0.3µm and 0.4µm PSL, the sizing was
very accurate.
The LPC was calibrated using PSL in DI water. Because the response of LPC is a
function of refractive index contrast, this effect should be accounted for when measuring
particle/liquid system whose refractive index contrast is not the same as PSL/DI water.
Coincidence and saturation cause counting error when the particle concentration
is high. We used the LPC to measure size distributions of a CMP slurry at different
dilution ratios. It was found that when dilution was not high enough, the LPC was
saturated and no particle was detected. When coincidence and saturation happened, the
total detected particle concentration increased as dilution ratio increased. Then it
approached constant.
Today, the air cleanliness in cleanrooms have been extensively studied and very
well controlled. Therefore, airborne particulate contaminations from the cleanroom
environment are no longer major problems. Now, the major sources of contaminations
are personnel, processing equipments, and process liquids. Semiconductor processing
usually requires use of strong acid, bases and oxidizers. These chemicals often contain
high levels of particles. Table 1 compares the typical particle concentrations of several
contaminations sources [1]:
Table 1 Particle concentrations of several contamination sources [1]:
Contamination source Particle concentration (#/liter, >0.5µm)
Class 10 cleanroom <0.4
Process gases <10 (>0.01µm)
DI water <10
Bottled chemicals <100,000
Note that particle concentrations in reactive process liquids are orders of magnitudes
higher than other sources. It is essential to monitor and control the contamination caused
by the supposedly clean liquids.
Liquid laser particle counters (LPCs) are widely used in cleanrooms for
monitoring the quality of DI water, process chemicals and chemical mechanical polishing
(CMP) slurry. Commercial available liquid LPCs can detect particles in the range of
0.03µm to 5.0µm (PMS, Boulder, CO). There are several important issues need to be
addressed when using an liquid LPC:
• Sizing accuracy: All LPCs define particle size in terms of the diameter of a sphere
whose projected area is equivalent to that of the particle being measured. When the
particle is not spherical, the reported size varies with the orientation of the particle in
the LPC viewing volume. In addition, the lighting intensity of the laser beam is not
uniform. Particles with the same size will have different response when they are
illuminated by light of different intensity. Sizing error also occurs when the electronic
circuit parameters drift from the original setting.
• Counting accuracy: As mentioned in Table 1, particle concentrations in some
chemicals are pretty high. Two phenomena may cause severe counting errors:
coincidence and electronic saturation. Coincidence happens when more than one
particles simultaneous appear within the viewing volume. Saturation happens when
the electronic pulse processing system is unable to detect and size individual pulse
when the pulse rate exceeds the capability of that system to differentiate between
successive pulses. Both phenomena cause overestimate of sizing and underestimate of
• Bubble suppression: Significant pressure drop may happen when liquid passes
through a small cross-sectional area. If the pressure before or within the sensing
volume is reduced to a point below the saturation vapor pressure of the liquid,
bubbles will be generated. Most instruments cannot distinguish particles and bubbles,
and bubbles are also counted as particles. Therefore, it is important to make sure that
no bubbles are generated during measurements.
• Refractive index contrast: Most liquidborne laser particle counters are calibrated with
polystyrene latex (PSL) spheres of refractive index 1.59 suspended in water with
refractive index 1.33 or in oil of refractive index 1.47 [2]. Therefore, the sizes
reported by instruments are “PSL/Water (or Oil) optical equivalent” sizes, not their
true mobility sizes.
The objective of this experiment is to study the performance and characteristics of
a liquid laser particle counter. The important issues listed above are to be studied
carefully. Then this LPC will be used to measure the CMP slurry with different dilution
The state-of-the-art liquid LPCs are based on light scattering. They measure the
amount of light scattered by particles when particles passing through the viewing volume.
Figure 1 shows such an instrument [1].
Figure 1 PMS light-scattering liquidborne particle counter [1]
This LPC can count and size particles as small as 0.2µm in liquids at a sampling
rate of 20ml per minute. One of the major drawbacks of conventional light-scattering
instruments is that they count bubbles as particles. This is especially serious when
measuring liquid with high vapor pressure. To solve this problem, the pressurized
sampling system as shown in Figure 2 is usually used. In this system, compressed clean
air or nitrogen is fed into the pressure vessel to keep the pressure higher than the
chemical vapor pressure, thus prevent creating bubbles. Table 2 shows the effect of
sample pressure on particle counts in 30% hydrogen peroxide [1]. Note that applying
high pressure can significantly reduce bubble counts.
Table 2 The effect of sample pressure on particle counts in 30% H2 O2 [1]
Sample pressure, Particle counts per liter
psig >0.5µm >1.0µm >5.0µm
Vacuum 3,470,000 113,000 99,600
10 75,200 5,600 4,320
15 58,600 1,800 1,240
20 51,500 120 <40
shown in Figure 4. Therefore, we can easily distinguish particles and bubbles with an
interferometer. Interferometric phase shift can be calculated as follows:
NA 2
Phase shift = − 2
Im[ S (0 0 )] , (1)
2m w
NA = numerical aperture
mw = refractive index of liquid
S(00 ) = scattering matrix function.
Scattering matrix is a function of refractive index contrast, m, which is defined as
m= , (2)
where mp is the refractive index of particle.
A detailed description of this kind of instrument is referred to [3].
Figure 4 Signals from interferometer when a particle or a bubble crosses both beams
processing, a defect mode where a thin metal line is trapped within the dielectric, causing
shorts between adjacent metal lines or between VIAs 2 . Therefore, CMP requires good
quality of slurry. Normally, in the cleanroom, particle size distribution, specific gravity,
PH value, percent solid by weight and zeta potential are measured as part of CMP process
control. Among these factors, the particle size distribution is the most direct index of
slurry health3 . One example of slurry size distribution is shown in Figure 5. The
liquidborne laser particle counter can be used to measure the size distribution of CMP
slurry, and to monitor the existence of unwanted large particles.
particle concentration
0.01 0.1 1 10
diameter (µm)
Experimental Methods:
In this experiment, a TSI 7750 LIQUITRAK liquidborne particle counter based
on interferometry was evaluated and studied. Figure 6 shows the experiment setup.
Cited from experiment handout
vacuum P
Figure 6 Liquid particle concentration measurement system (figure by Poshin Lee)
Note that this system is not the pressurized system discussed in the previous section.
Contrarily, this is a vacuum system. They reasons for using this design were:
• First, The plumbing for the pressurized system is pretty complicated and the tubes are
relatively long. Hence it takes a longer time to purge when switching from one kind
particle to another. This is not very efficient. On the other hand, the vacuum system is
pretty simple, and it works more efficiently.
• Second, the liquid used in this experiment was water, whose vapor pressure was low
enough to use this system without creating bubbles.
• Third, the LPC used in this experiment was based on interferometry. It could
distinguish bubbles and particles. Therefore, we did not need to worry about bubbles.
This experiment consisted of two steps. First, three sizes of PSL spheres (0.2µm,
0.3µm, 0.4µm) were successively introduced into deionized (DI) water. The LPC sizing
accuracy, refractive index contrast and sample volume was studied. Then, the particle
size distribution a fumed SiO2 CMP slurry, Semi-Sperse® 25 (SS-25) by Cabot
Microelectronics (Aurora, IL) was measured. Since the concentration of bulk particles in
these slurries was more than 1015 #/cc, which was far above the concentration limit of the
LPC. Therefore, the slurry was diluted by different dilution factors in this experiment,
and the issues of counting accuracy (coincidence and saturation) were addressed.
1. Sizing accuracy
To verify the LPC counting accuracy, three different sizes (0.2µm, 0.3µm, 0.4µm)
of PSL was introduced to DI water and measured by the LPC. The raw data is listed in
Appendix B. The measured size distributions are plotted in Figure 7.a to 7.c. The
statistics is listed in Table 3.
From the above reslults, we can conclude that this LPC has a very accurate sizing
capability. Note that in Figure 7.c, there is an increase in counts in the last size bin. This
is because all particles bigger than 0.48µm are assigned to this size bin.
One of the major drawback of this interferometer is its inspected sampling
volume. Only about 1/200 of the tatal flow rate is examined. That is why we see huge
concentration values while only small number of partilces were detected as shown in
Appendix B. This causes large counting uncertainties in the concentration results.
The liquidborne LPC used in this experiment was calibrated with PSL in DI water
by the manufacturer. Therefore, the reported sizes are always PSL/DI water “optical
equivalent” sizes, i.e. the sizes of PSL spheres that would produce the same amount of
phase change. If the measured particle has a refractive index different from that of PSL,
or the liquid has a refractive index different from DI water, the refractive index contrast
must be corrected to obtain the true particle size. As indicated in Equation 1 and Equation
2, Interferometric phase shift is a function of refractive index contrast: the higher
refractive index contrast, the larger phase shift. Figure 8 illustrates the relationship
between LPC response, particle size, particle and liquid refractive indices.
LPC response
SiO 2 In DI
PSL In H 2 SO 4
(Contrast = 1.09)
D p1 D p2 Mobility diameter
As mentioned earlier, the particle concentration of CMP slurry was so high that it
exceeded the maximum limit of the LPC. In this experiment, it was diluted 10,000,
100,000, and 1,000,000 times successively to study the effect of coincidence and
saturation and to measure the actual size distribution of the slurry.
When the slurry was diluted 10,000 times, almost no particles were reported.
However, when we looked at the LPC signal output, we found a lot of pulses appeared
simultaneously. This suggested that the LPC was totally saturated. Figure 9 compares the
size distributions measured at 100,000 and 1,000,000 dilution ratios, respectively.
(a) (b)
Figure 9 CMP slurry size distributions at different dilution ratios
Note that the dilution ratio in case b is 10 times higher than that in case a, however, the
concentration in case b is much higher than case a for almost all sizes. This suggests that
in case a, the LPC was still saturated, and the concentration was not correct. Figure 10
shows the measured particle counts as a function of dilution ratio. The counts were
normalized to those of dilution ratio 100,000. Since we only measured at three dilution
ratios, we cannot determine the concentrations at intermediate dilution ratios. But it
illustrates the trend that when saturation and coincidence happens, detected concentration
increase as dilution ratio increase. Then the concentration will keep constant.
Concentration vs. dilution ratio
1.E+04 1.E+05 1.E+06 1.E+07 1.E+08
dilution ratio
In this experiment, we used a liquidborne laser particle counter based on
interferometry to measure liquid particle concentration. The sizing accuracy of this
counter was evaluated by measuring PSL spheres of know sizes in DI water. The results
showed that this LPC could measure particle sizes very accurate. The maximum sizing
error, which was about 10%, happened near the low detection limit. Since the LPC
response is dependent on particle/liquid refractive index contrast, the effect of refractive
index contrast should be accounted for when obtaining true size distributions. Electronic
circuit saturation and coincidence are two major sources of counting errors. Both of them
happen when the measured particle concentration is too high. In this experiment, the
counting accuracy problem was addressed by measuring the CMP slurry concentrations.
A dilution ratio as high as 1,000,000 was required to obtain reasonable concentration
value. Usually, liquidborne LPCs suffer from counting bubbles, and pressurized system is
required to suppress bubbles. However, the LPC used in this experiment can distinguish
bubbles and particles. Therefore, simple vacuum sampling system was used.
1. Grant, D., (2002) Measurement of Liquidborne Particle Concentrations by Light
Scattering/Light Blockage (ME 5116 Class handout)
2. Lieberman, A., (1992) Contamination Control and Cleanrooms: Problems,
Engineering Solutions, and Applications, New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
3. Blackford, D.B. and D. Grant, (1993) "Evaluating a Novel Liquidborne Particle
Counter Based on Interferometry," Microcontamination, (February): p. 27-32.
0.33 0 0 0 0
0.36 0 0 0 0
0.38 0 0 0 0
0.41 0 0 0 0
0.45 0 0 0 0
0.48 1 1 84440.8 24452.4
CMP slurry:
Dilution Ratio: 1:100,000 1:1,000,000
Particle size Counts(interval) Particle size Counts(interval)
0.19 50 0.19 54
0.21 6 0.21 12
0.24 1 0.24 3
0.26 1 0.26 3
0.29 0 0.29 8
0.31 0 0.31 7
0.33 0 0.33 5
0.36 0 0.36 5
0.38 0 0.38 6
0.41 0 0.38 5
0.43 0 0.41 3
0.45 0 0.43 6
0.48 0 0.45 7
0.48 74