Government of Andhra Pradesh
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Animal Husbandry Department – “Fodder Security Policy for Livestock-
Andhra Pradesh 2015-2020” – Orders – Issued.
5.1.1. Every year the Government will give buy back guarantee for
procurement of required quantities of certified fodder seed from the
agency / entrepreneur with prior agreement.
The Government will give 50% subsidy on the cost of equipment, 25% as
margin money by the Entrepreneur and the remaining 25% cost of the
equipment as Government advance, which will be recovered from the
amount payable every year to the entrepreneur towards the cost of
fodder blocks for which the Govt will give buy back agreement.
5.8.3. The distribution cost of silage bales / dry fodder bales / maize
stover blocks will be decided by the Government from time to time.
5.9.2. The Government will support inter cultivation of fodder with 75%
subsidy in the form of supply of leguminous fodder seed varieties in as
much extent of area as possible per year.
5.12.1. The tools and equipment required along with the cost of fodder
seed besides fencing cost will be supported with 100% subsidy by the
5.14.1. The Government will support this activity with 100% subsidy.
5.14.2. The Government will support plantation activity involving
NGOs / Local bodies / Sheep societies in as much area as possible.
5.15.2. The Government will support this activity every year to encourage
new units.
5.16.0. Fodder development in vacant Government land:
5.16.1. To encourage cultivation of fodder in vacant Government lands
where ever 100 acres of cultivable land is available in the districts.
5.16.2. Rs. 500 lakhs will be provided by the Government as corpus fund
to develop infrastructure required for cultivation of fodder in the
common land.
9. Institutional Strengthening
i) Monitoring is an essential component for successful implementation of
the policy. Mechanism such as “State Level Steering Committee” shall be
constituted in the Animal Husbandry department for implementing this
iii) At District level, the District Level Committee (DLC) headed by Joint
Collector (Primary Sector Mission) shall monitor the implementation of
the Policy.
iv) The extension personal required for implementing this policy will be
recruited by Animal Husbandry department.
10. Government also agreed to prepare the Fodder Policy for Rs: 250
Crores ( Rs: 100 Crores from Government Funds and Rs:150 Crores from
MGNREGS). Action plan be prepared and implemented by the
Department as per the provisions of Fodder Security Policy for
Livestock 2015-2020.
11. The Policy will come into operation from the date of issue of this
order and shall remain in force for five years or upto 31-03-2020.
( GOMs No.18, AHDD&F (AH.I) Dept., dated: 30-06-2015)
LIVESTOCK- 2015-2020.
The livestock available in the state is in the hands of 62 lakh small and
marginal farmers as per latest GoI Livestock Census 2012. The income from
livestock owned by this category of farmers is only subsidiary to them. Since
these category of farmers own little land holdings, their priority is to produce
food grains rather than fodder cultivation.
Hence the post harvest crop residue (mostly paddy straw) obtained from
cultivated crops is stalked and used to feed their cattle which is mostly rich
in oxalates and feeding of dry fodder rich in oxalates is the prime reason for
drain of calcium from the body of animals which affects animal health.
As such there is a need to bring about change in the feeding habits and
replace paddy straw totally with other varieties of dry fodder.
The medium and big dairy farmers who maintain organized dairies cultivate
fodder required for their farms, who also face fodder crisis during summer for
which a tangible solution need to be proposed.
The community lands meant for common grazing of village herds are also
converted for many other proposes and as a result of which the chances of
getting pasture from these categories of lands has become bleak.
Similarly, because of various other activities taken up in the forest fringe
areas the availability of fodder from such sources has also been coming
Few varieties of trees, the leaves of which are known to be used as fodder to
the animals have also been coming down in their number in the recent years
due to marked shift in the policies to go for fruit bearing plantations in all
social forestry programmes.
9.0 Land Use Pattern in A.P. – 2013-14: