Who/Ilep: Technical Guide On Community-Based Rehabilitation and Leprosy
Who/Ilep: Technical Guide On Community-Based Rehabilitation and Leprosy
Who/Ilep: Technical Guide On Community-Based Rehabilitation and Leprosy
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Contributors v
Acknowledgements vi
Abbreviations vii
Introduction 1
1. The need for rehabilitation 3
1.1 How leprosy affects people’s lives 3
1.2 Principles of CBR 3
1.3 The scope of CBR 5
1.4 Arrangements for the delivery of CBR services 7
2. Working with the community 8
2.1 The potential of the community 8
2.2 Promoting community awareness and participation 10
2.3 Advocacy 12
2.4 Networking with community and other organizations 15
2.5 Facilitating the work of service providers at community level 16
3. Responding to individuals 16
3.1 Screening to match needs and resources 16
3.2 Assessing needs and skills 18
3.3 Developing motivation 19
4. Planning and implementing interventions 22
4.1 What is an intervention? 22
4.2 Choosing an intervention 23
4.3 Preparing for an intervention 25
4.4 Implementing an intervention 25
4.5 Forming and supporting self-help groups 26
4.6 Micro-credit programmes 29
5. Contextual issues regarding interventions 32
5.1 Working in settlements 32
5.2 Gender issues 34
5.3 Working with children 35
5.4 The needs and opportunities of urban areas 36
5.5 Working with other groups 37
6. Providing an effective rehabilitation service 38
6.1 Developing staff motivation 38
6.2 Monitoring the progress of an intervention 38
6.3 Using indicators 40
References 41
Annex 1 Additional resources 42
Annex 2 CBR matrix 45
Annex 3 Data collection forms 46
WHO/ILEP technical guide on community-based rehabilitation and leprosy
Editorial guidance Netherlands
Harry Flinkenflügel, Johan Velema.
Editorial Board
Ernst Hisch, Chapal Khasnabis, Maya
Itive Onojorhovwo.
Thomas, Wim van Brakel.
Executive Editor
Bashir Vincent.
Peter Nicholls.
Editorial Support Carlos Wiens.
WHO/ILEP technical guide on community-based rehabilitation and leprosy
The World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Federation of Anti-Leprosy
Associations (ILEP) acknowledge with thanks the many authors, peer reviewers and advisers
who made this technical guide possible. Particular thanks are due to the German Leprosy and
TB Relief Association (GLRA) for its guidance.
Thanks are also due to the following organizations, which provided funding: Aide aux
Lépraux Emmaüs-Suisse; the American Leprosy Mission; Amici di Raoul Follereau, Italy;
Association Française Raoul Follereau; the Damien Foundation, Belgium; Fondation du
Comité International de l’Ordre de Malte (CIOMAL); Fondation Luxembourgeoise Raoul
Follereau; the German Leprosy and TB Relief Association; Sanatorio San Francisco de
Borja, Spain; the Sasakawa Memorial Health Foundation, Japan; and The Leprosy
Mission International.
The text is based on information drawn from a survey of 31 projects providing community-
based rehabilitation services in 15 countries across Africa, Asia and South America.
Cover photograph : Georgina Cranston/TLMI.
AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
CBR community-based rehabilitation
CIOMAL Comité International de l'Ordre de Malte
COMBRA Community Based Rehabilitation Alliance
GLRA German Leprosy and TB Relief Association
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
ILEP International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Associations
ILO International Labour Organization
NLR Netherlands Leprosy Relief
TB tuberculosis
TLMI The Leprosy Mission International
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
WHO World Health Organization
WHO/ILEP technical guide on community-based rehabilitation and leprosy
Until recently, rehabilitation was understood as a complex task requiring specialized
rehabilitation services provided by professionally qualified staff working from specialized
rehabilitation centres. The services addressed disability-related needs arising from a diversity
of conditions, and were based in cities and urban centres with little community involvement.
Historically, people with leprosy-related disability rarely accessed such services, preferring the
services offered by dedicated leprosy centres. This institution-centred approach and the stigma
surrounding leprosy meant that communities had little involvement in the rehabilitation
process of people affected by leprosy.
Following the Declaration of Alma-Ata (1978) (1) that stated that health is a fundamental
human right, and considering the limitation and constraints of specialized medical
rehabilitation services, the World Health Organization introduced the strategy of community-
based rehabilitation (CBR). This strategy was intended to enhance the quality of life for
people with disabilities through community initiatives. The intention was to promote the
concept of the “inclusive community”, local resources being used to support the
rehabilitation of people with disabilities in their own communities. However, due to stigma
and lack of knowledge, the specialized rehabilitation services and many CBR programmes
failed to recognize people with leprosy-related disability as equal members of the community
requiring rehabilitation.
In recent years there has been a change in attitude towards leprosy. Stigma has reduced.
People affected by leprosy now often remain within their families and communities. As a
result, involving the family and community members is now seen as a key strategy to
empower people affected by leprosy, encouraging them to play an active role in their
rehabilitation, and to further reduce stigma. The central strategy of CBR is to facilitate
community action to ensure that people with disabilities have the same rights and
opportunities as all other community members. This includes, for example, equal access to
health care, education, skills training, employment, family life, social mobility and political
empowerment. It applies equally to people affected by leprosy. CBR is therefore a
legitimate strategy for meeting the needs of people affected by leprosy and promoting their
quality of life.
The Joint Position Paper of the International Labour Office (ILO), the United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the World Health
Organization (WHO) on CBR (2004) (2) defines CBR as follows:
“CBR is a strategy within general community development for the rehabilitation,
equalization of opportunities and social inclusion of all people with disabilities”.
Due to the stigma and disabilities resulting from leprosy, people affected have suffered
reduced opportunities and experienced many forms of social exclusion – all in the context of
a poverty-related disease. It is easy to see, therefore, that CBR, according to its current
definition, is highly relevant to the rehabilitation of people affected by leprosy.
In addition, as leprosy control activities have been integrated into general health services, so
rehabilitation of people affected by leprosy should be integrated into general CBR
programmes. In leprosy-endemic areas where only a leprosy-related programme is available,
these programmes are encouraged to introduce CBR strategies and to open up their services
to people with other disabilities.
WHO/ILEP technical guide on community-based rehabilitation and leprosy
1 The need for rehabilitation
1 .1 How leprosy affects people’s lives
Leprosy affects people’s lives in a number of ways. Most obviously, it can lead to physical
disabilities that make it difficult to perform routine activities of daily living, to work or to
earn an income. This may diminish the status of the affected person within their family and
community and lead to psychosocial problems. Stigma resulting in discrimination and social
exclusion can have a major impact on quality of life. Quality of life may be further affected
where self-stigma causes people to attempt to hide their condition or to withdraw from
normal social contacts, from income-earning activities or from their family responsibilities.
The disabilities associated with leprosy are not unique. Many different conditions are
stigmatized. The community-based approach to rehabilitation recognizes the importance of
responding to needs, irrespective of the person or their form of disability. Any person affected
by disability has the right to play a full part in the life of their community – as an equal
member with equal citizenship.
CBR works to remove all kinds of barriers which block people with disabilities from access to
the mainstream of society. Inclusion means placing disability issues and people with
disabilities in the mainstream of activities.
CBR focuses on abilities, not disabilities. It depends on the participation and support of
people with disability, family members and local communities. It also means the involvement
of people with disabilities as active contributors to the CBR programme, from policy-making
to implementation and evaluation, for the simple reason that they know what their needs are.
WHO/ILEP technical guide on community-based rehabilitation and leprosy
Local people – and specifically people with disabilities and their families, ultimately may make
the programme decisions and control the resources. This requires people with disability taking
leadership roles within programmes. It means ensuring that CBR workers, service providers
and facilitators include people with disabilities and that all are adequately trained and
supported. Results are seen in restored dignity and self-confidence.
CBR emphasizes equality of opportunities and rights – equal citizenship.
Raising awareness
CBR addresses attitudes and behaviour within the community, developing understanding and
support for people with disabilities and ensuring sustainable benefits. It also promotes the
need for and benefit of inclusion of disability in all developmental initiatives.
Self -advocacy
CBR consistently involves people with disabilities in all issues related to their well-being. Self-
advocacy is a collective notion, not an individualistic one. It means self-determination. It
means mobilizing, organizing, representing, and creating space for interactions and demands.
CBR requires multisectoral collaboration to support the community and to address the
individual needs of people with disability, with the ultimate aim of an inclusive society.
CBR depends on effective partnerships with community-based organizations, government
organizations and other organized groups.
CBR activities must be sustainable beyond the immediate life of the programme itself. They
must be able to continue beyond the initial interventions, and be independent of the initiating
agency. The benefits of the programme must be long-lasting.
Box 1 shows how community workers in different countries put these principles into practice.
Box 1. Putting CBR principles into practice: examples in the field
Inclusion: example from Senegal
“Since 95% live in very poor conditions it is very difficult to ask for contributions and
guarantees from clients. Therefore, where possible, we encourage clients to join a group or look
for somebody who is able to provide support and do some follow-up. In resettlement projects
local families have to clearly state that the client is welcome among them, and prove it by
accepting him or her over a certain period of time, before any action is taken. The client has to
be ready and willing to make the move.”
“We are just facilitators. We expect clients to manage interventions themselves. We encourage
family members to support the individual during the intervention. We try to involve the
community. Though it is demanding on the client, we want to extend this approach because it
has been found to work. It has potential to help all clients.”
WHO/ILEP technical guide on community-based rehabilitation and leprosy
1.4 Arrangements for the delivery of CBR services
Arrangements for the delivery of primary-level CBR services vary according to the local
situation. Depending on which organizations exist, CBR services may be delivered through
some or all of the following:
• community-based organizations;
• organizations of people affected by leprosy or other disabilities;
• voluntary, nongovernmental organizations;
• government services.
The work may be further supported by networks of community-based, local government and
nongovernmental organizations combining to provide resources, to develop skills or to
conduct interventions that contribute to a comprehensive rehabilitation service for people
with disabilities.
The success of the programme is largely dependent on the skills of community and CBR
workers. They need to be effective motivators, encouraging the commitment and
involvement of affected people and their family and community members working as a team.
They facilitate the contacts between people with disabilities and the community: in
particular, the principal service providers within the community – local employers, local
health services, schools, markets, training centres and production units. Much relies on their
ability to gain access to local resources, including expertise, goodwill, knowledge, skills and
financial support. Their commitment and motivation are essential for success. Figure 2
describes how the many potential sources of help may combine to deliver rehabilitation
services to those in need.
WHO/ILEP technical guide on community-based rehabilitation and leprosy
Case study 1 from Tamil Nadu describes the experience of one young girl who benefited from
the care and concern of community workers and visiting specialists. Together their inputs
transformed her life.
Ms Karpagam is the first child of her parents. She lives with her family in a village in
Trichirapalli. Her father has a spinal deformity. Karpagam herself has cerebral palsy. Her parents
work as farm labourers. They own no land of their own but rely on others to give them work and
earn some income.
Until she was seven years old, Karpagam was left alone at home all day while her parents went
in search of work. When her younger sister was born, her parents showed great interest in the
child, causing Karpagam to long for her parents to show the same love and concern for her.
When she reached the age of seven, community workers heard about Karpagam and began to
visit her home. Her condition was diagnosed and her parents were taught how to manage and
care for her. Because of his own disability, her father was quick to respond.
In the following months, community workers helped Karpagam to learn to walk, using parallel
bars made out of bamboo. A physiotherapist made several visits and taught her many skills.
She learnt how to use her hands to recognize colours, to tell the time and to handle money.
Through training in activities of daily living she learnt toilet skills, hair brushing and dressing.
She can now bath herself and wash her own clothes, and helps her mother in household
activities such as cutting vegetables, cooking and cleaning. She can collect water from the
tubewell, and can make garlands of jasmine flowers. Having observed this great change and
development in their daughter, her parents shower grace and affection on her. Now she has
completed training in raising goats and hopes to earn some income for her family. For the first
time, she has also started to attend school, so her story is only just beginning.
To achieve this objective, community workers seek to develop respect and promote the
dignity of people with disabilities so that they have equal rights, entitlements, responsibilities
and opportunities, and are able to participate in everyday social and economic activities and
to contribute to the community.
WHO/ILEP technical guide on community-based rehabilitation and leprosy
They may contribute directly to interventions by:
• working to change attitudes among people with disabilities and their family and
community members;
• promoting role models, drawing attention to the success of individuals who have
overcome physical, social or economic problems;
• encouraging people with disabilities to become active contributors, motivators and
• responding to stigmatizing behaviour by presenting appropriate information and
persuading people to change their behaviour;
• helping to organize the interventions;
• developing new skills among participants.
✔ Keep it simple – give an appropriate and clear message.
✔ Be innovative – take every opportunity to present the message.
✔ Be persistent – keep repeating the message.
The two case studies below are from Nepal. Case study 2 illustrates how, with
encouragement, groups can develop their own solution to a problem. Case study 3 illustrates
how empowerment is effective against social exclusion.
The Sundari Community Forestry Committee manages forest production in the Sundari
community. One of the community members had been affected by leprosy. As a part of his
assessment a social worker visited the Forestry Committee and the members of the Committee
decided to join the rehabilitation process. Through this partnership the Forestry Committee
realized that people with disabilities are the most underprivileged and neglected group in the
community and decided to initiate a rehabilitation programme in their community, mobilizing all
available resources. They formed a rehabilitation committee and sent one community worker for
a month-long training.
Elsewhere in Nepal community members have donated money, written references, provided training
at no cost, agreed welfare budgets or developed rehabilitation plans for people with disabilities.
WHO/ILEP technical guide on community-based rehabilitation and leprosy
Within one year these groups had developed and began to function as self-help groups. They
were conducting small projects and managing loans. They recruited new members, including
other marginalized and disadvantaged people.
Next, the groups took initiatives to pursue a development agenda for the benefit of their
communities. The groups organized and supervised non-formal education. They worked to
obtain wells and water pumps and to improve the local environment (hygiene and access). They
were also involved with old people and in advocacy.
Evaluation of the programme found that the groups had gained recognition and respect in their
communities. Local people appreciated all their activities on behalf of the community and
especially their efforts to overcome the impact of leprosy impairments. The Director of the
District Education Office considered the groups to be the best-functioning community partners
in the District. An assessment of participation restrictions found that individuals involved in the
groups reported much reduced participation restrictions compared with individuals affected by
leprosy who were not included in the programme. The evaluation concluded that, when
individuals marginalized through leprosy are transformed into positive-change agents, the
stigma associated with leprosy in their communities is negated.
2.3 Advocacy
Advocacy means promoting or speaking out for a cause. Since people with disabilities have
the best understanding of their situation and needs, it is important that they take a lead in
advocacy. If they do not do this their situation and needs will not be effectively expressed.
The act of expression itself is empowering and can motivate action.
Rehabilitation workers become involved in advocacy on behalf of people with disabilities.
This involves speaking out against injustice and working for equality of rights. Communities
and governments are encouraged to accept and take up their responsibilities towards people
with disabilities. Where disabilities result in loss of rights or social exclusion, advocacy draws
attention to these injustices and seeks to correct them.
Involving more people, speaking with a united voice, and working in alliance with other
interest groups all contribute to successful advocacy.
Activities commonly associated with advocacy include large-scale education programmes or
lobbying for changes in society to address injustice. Advocacy begins when individuals or
groups contact the relevant authority and raise a specific issue, such as the need to enrol a
disabled child in a local school, to access credit, to access housing benefit, etc.
Tasks of programme managers
Programme managers plan programme activities that ensure that people with disabilities
become aware of their rights – the right to access services, to own land, to marry, to have
children, to work, and to participate in social and religious festivals – and that they enjoy
these rights. This involves:
• facilitating joint meetings between local authorities and people with disabilities and their
families to address examples of prejudice and discrimination;
• networking and building alliances with like-minded organizations;
• encouraging the participation of community leaders and other interest groups in advocacy;
• promoting self-advocacy, encouraging people with disabilities to speak out for themselves,
perhaps through self-help groups (see section 4.5);
• encouraging local media to report achievements of people with disabilities or to increase
awareness of their rights.
Experience in the field shows that it is important to concentrate on one issue at a time, as
illustrated in the example below.
WHO/ILEP technical guide on community-based rehabilitation and leprosy
Case studies 4 and 5 show the importance of advocacy in Bangladesh and Senegal.
Life for people with disabilities is particularly hard in Bangladesh. A community worker began to
visit people with disabilities in their own homes, entering into dialogue and learning from their
experiences. He gave them advice and stimulated them to join forces and to discuss among
themselves all kinds of matters that needed to be improved. One issue was the difficulties
experienced in gaining access to schools for many children with disabilities. Schools did not
know how to deal with these children and often refused access.
At the start, self-help groups were formed in twelve villages. Each had around ten members who
met regularly to discuss matters such as transport, assistive resources, neglect and oppression.
The groups worked for improvements in their village environment…and it worked. People with
disabilities became more and more aware of their rights and of their ability to change things. In
villages where there are self-help groups many children with disabilities now go to school.
Recently, a national campaign was started to induce the government to fund assistive devices
that will enable greater participation in society for people with disabilities. There is an increase
in awareness of the benefits to all of greater participation.
Another issue to which these self-help organizations have devoted much time and energy is
access to buildings for people with disabilities. Since few public buildings are accessible, the
number of people with disabilities who have paid jobs is very small. The government is now
working on policies to create jobs for people with disabilities and there is a growing awareness
that mobility is very important. In many districts, buses now have reserved seats for persons
with disabilities, who travel at half the normal fare.
In Senegal, a seminar was organized that made a clear recommendation to change the
discriminating laws of the leprosy villages. The information reached the Prime Minister and
discussions with the government continued. The village chief and the village development
committees in some villages are now legally recognized by the administration. Lobbying for
citizenship showed results. People now have identity cards and are able to vote – but they are
now also registered to pay taxes.
Source : Georgina Cranston/TLMI
2.4 Networking with community and other
Being aware of the services available in the community to people with disabilities is important
information for the rehabilitation process. Networking among potential partner organizations
provides the opportunity to share information on local services, reduce duplication, and open
new ways to respond to rehabilitation needs. It ensures that rehabilitation programmes and
their clients gain access to the services they need.
Any local group or organization may join the network. Organizations may represent the
community or groups within the community. They may represent the interests of people with
disabilities. They may provide resources or services such as loans, vocational/skills training,
marketing opportunities or other services or expertise.
WHO/ILEP technical guide on community-based rehabilitation and leprosy
The Community Based Rehabilitation Alliance (COMBRA) was started in 1990 by a group of
Ugandans whose vision was to create an enabling environment for persons with disability to
enjoy equal opportunities as other Ugandans through capacity-building. COMBRA’s mission is to
empower and advocate for and with persons with disabilities for their sustainable development.
Through CBR, COMBRA aims to enhance the quality of life of people with disabilities, providing
equitable opportunities and promoting and protecting human rights. Objectives are set in five
areas as follows:
Access to the programme may be further restricted by policies that recognize individuals
with priority needs or limited resources. Priority may be given to individuals from
recognized vulnerable groups, e.g. relating to gender, age or marital status, having severe
psychological, social, economic or physical problems, or by severe participation restriction.
Through screening, some individuals may be referred to the services available from other
local organizations. Those selected for rehabilitation begin a period of assessment and
motivation that leads to a commitment to an individual rehabilitation plan (see Annex 3)
aimed at developing new life skills, social integration and restoration of dignity.
Immediate family members – husband/wife, parents, grandparents, children, brothers or
sisters – are often valuable resources to the process. This family focus is central to CBR.
Individuals enrolled into rehabilitation programmes are referred to as clients rather than
WHO/ILEP technical guide on community-based rehabilitation and leprosy
Programme managers identify and develop the tools and documentation systems needed to
monitor overall progress of the programme. He or she may need to modify the tool to meet
specific local requirements, or in response to feedback from community and CBR workers.
In addition, information should be collected from listening to the views of family members
and others, encouraging their participation in the rehabilitation process from the start.
It is also important to gather as much information as possible related to the following:
• educational background;
• economic background;
• security, such as family support, land, housing, etc.;
• “saleable” skills and knowledge;
• responsibilities for family members;
• support from community or other sources;
• facilities which can be accessed within or outside the community;
• the client’s future possibilities, according to his or her consideration.
Quantifying the participation restriction experienced by the client draws attention to specific
problems and provides a baseline for assessing future changes. Annex 3 provides a reference
to the Participation Scale (P Scale) that can be used to assess participation restrictions
resulting from leprosy or other conditions.
Obtaining complete information about the client’s situation may require a series of meetings.
It is also important that community workers manage their work and keep careful records by:
• keeping a field diary containing a summary of what is said at each meeting, while
respecting confidentiality;
• submitting a report of findings to supervisors or managers;
• identifying and referring individuals with complex needs for further assessment or
specialist help.
✔ Accept each client as he or she is.
✔ Have respect for individuals and their families.
✔ Listen carefully to everything they have to say.
✔ Do not be critical.
✔ Recognize that assessing the needs and skills of clients is ongoing, but over time the
emphasis moves on to motivation.
The quality of the relationships between stakeholders is vital to the success of the
rehabilitation process (see Figure 4).
WHO/ILEP technical guide on community-based rehabilitation and leprosy
the development of self-confidence and motivation in their clients. Specific tasks to help to
achieve this include:
• meeting regularly to develop trust and communication;
• developing an understanding of the cause of disability, including the need for continuing
• developing an understanding of the rehabilitation process;
• involving family members in the rehabilitation process as and when needed;
• linking clients to self-help groups;
• encouraging clients to participate in educational programmes, e.g. functional literacy,
developing new life skills;
• introducing other successful clients as role models.
The quality of the relationship between the client and the community worker is the key
to success.
Case studies 7 and 8 illustrate the importance of counselling when stigma or self-stigma
is present.
Case study 7: India
Beeramma is 40 years old. When she was young she was a good singer and villagers used to
ask her to sing devotional songs at festivals and other special occasions. Nearly 20 years ago
she noticed patches on her neck, and doctors told her she had leprosy. She began the lengthy
treatment, but the tablets made her feel sick so she stopped taking them. Over the years she
lost sensation in her hands and legs and began to develop disabilities.
When CBR workers visited her village they noticed that Beeramma kept away from other people.
When they asked her why she did not join with others, she explained that she was afraid that
people might tease her because of her disabilities and leprosy. She said “When people tease
me, I am really hurt”. The workers counselled and encouraged her to join a new self-help group
in the village.
Beeramma agreed to join the group and became one of its leading members. She learned how
to protect her hands and feet and is now busy with household chores and caring for sheep.
There is no stigma towards her in the community. Looking back she says “For a long time I lived
within four walls. I kept myself apart. Now I realize that people do not think badly of me. I was
the one who had an inferiority complex. Now I realize that no one is without value”. These days,
Beeramma is active in telling people about leprosy and assuring them that it is curable if they
receive treatment in time.
Some clients have severe psychological problems due to stigma, or because they have difficulty
accepting their disabilities. Others begin to hate themselves or experience feelings of
hopelessness and guilt. In such cases they are not ready to start work on an intervention. The
time to start is when there is trust between the client and key people in the community, a
community worker, or a friend or neighbour. Without this trust there is insufficient back-up or
support for a new challenge.
The clients should come up with the proposal for an intervention. This takes time. Those people
who come up with their own ideas are ready. If there is no suggestion then more motivation and
background work is needed. To just say "You can do it!" doesn't work with someone who has no
hope or no future perspective. It is better to give a few words of encouragement and to
encourage cooperation with family and friends. The client could be asked to think about it and
to continue discussions at a later meeting.
When the client is ready to become involved in an intervention, it is important to involve family
and community members in a supportive way and not to treat the client as a “poor leprosy
patient” who needs help.
WHO/ILEP technical guide on community-based rehabilitation and leprosy
As can be seen by the interventions listed above, income generation is just one of many types
of intervention. Clients and community workers may identify other forms of intervention that
are appropriate to the specific needs of the client.
Some or all interventions may be arranged through referral to services provided by other
Source : TLMI
4.2 Choosing an intervention
The choice of intervention is central to the client’s individual rehabilitation plan. The
intervention should match the needs, skills, expectations and resources of the client and other
family and community members involved.
The objective is to identify an appropriate activity to meet an agreed priority need, whether
physical, psychological, social or economic.
The result may be an intervention with the community, the family or the client.
In choosing an intervention it is important that clients recognize the risks and costs as well as
the opportunities and benefits.
WHO/ILEP technical guide on community-based rehabilitation and leprosy
Working with the client and their family members, and guided by managers, community
workers can facilitate the choice of intervention by:
• identifying interventions that develop existing knowledge, skills and work experience of the
individual or their family members;
• identifying interventions that rely on skills, resources and opportunities available in the
• encouraging involvement of family and community members;
• discouraging interventions that pose a risk to insensitive hands or feet;
• assisting in the mobilization of resources needed for training and capacity building;
• facilitating a choice of intervention that allows support by the programme;
• confirming with managers that policy and resources will allow the programme to support a
particular intervention.
• Shared responsibility for supervision.
• Commitment of resources by community members.
4.3 Preparing for an intervention
Once the client, family members, community worker and manager commit to an intervention,
it is important that detailed plans are included in the individual rehabilitation plan, resources
are allocated, and all those involved have a clear understanding of what is expected of them.
WHO/ILEP technical guide on community-based rehabilitation and leprosy
Tasks of managers
Managers commit resources according to the agreed schedule by:
• supporting the assigned community worker;
• holding regular review meetings with all the staff concerned to review the progress they are
achieving and to understand any difficulties they may be experiencing;
• meeting regularly with community workers and clients to identify when the intervention
has reached its agreed end-point;
• identifying and documenting lessons learnt and any need for further interventions.
Babu was just 16 years old when he was diagnosed with leprosy. He worked as a farm labourer,
but he had severe loss of sensation in his right hand, which was the cause of serious ulcers. He
needed several periods of in-patient treatment before his ulcers healed. His right foot was also
deformed. After his time in hospital he decided he needed to find a new job with reduced risk of
damaging his hands. First Babu took a small loan from the CBR programme that allowed him to
buy a cow and earn income from selling milk. When he had repaid the loan in full he asked for a
new loan to finance a business repairing cycles. He took training and started his own business
and earns a small income each day.
As a result of the CBR activities, Babu’s daily income is now three times what it was before. He
has married and lives in a new house near his place of work. His customers value the quality of
his work. Previously, other members of the community neglected him. Now they accept him and
he plays a full part in community life and attends the mosque.
Self-help groups have proved effective in many different ways as listed below.
• Members meet regularly to discuss and share problems. They learn to support, understand
and encourage one another, so building confidence and self-esteem.
• Group meetings provide opportunities to share information and to learn from others.
Existing members assist in needs and skills assessments with new members. Members may
review rehabilitation plans of others.
• Increased visibility of group members within the community helps to change attitudes and
encourage acceptance.
• Local people and authorities are more likely to listen when members speak as a group.
• Formal registration of groups gives a legal status and may facilitate access to government or
financial services.
• Once a group becomes strong and active, its inclusion with mainstream self-help groups
becomes easier. In turn this promotes inclusion and participation as equal members of the
Later stages
• Self-help groups have proved very effective in developing motivation and self-confidence –
important contributions to the rehabilitation process.
• Group members learn how to identify priorities for interventions among their members and
how to monitor the progress of interventions.
• At group meetings, community workers have the opportunity to learn from the experience of
group members and to promote new ideas or challenges.
• Respect for group members by the community workers is very important.
• Group members may challenge the assumptions and priorities of the programme, but this is
part of the empowerment process.
WHO/ILEP technical guide on community-based rehabilitation and leprosy
Case studies 10 and 11 show how starting a self-help group of people with different
disabilities encouraged the persons affected by leprosy to be involved with their own self-care.
The programme in Nepal encourages people to form self-help groups. Training is provided in
micro business, agricultural skills, basic account keeping, and other subjects according to the
requirements of the group. When the members have developed trust and understand the
importance of mutual help, they start saving. Every member is provided with a pass book and
each contribution is entered in their pass book and also in a ledger.
From time to time, group members take loans from the group, either from savings or from seed
money provided to the group by the programme. The group itself decides about the interest rate
and duration of the loan. Half the members may get a loan at the same time. The other
members encourage them to repay their loans on time. Of the 14 self-help groups who received
seed money, 13 are doing well.
In Pallathur we tried to form a self-help group with eight people affected by leprosy. We told
them and their families about self-help groups and their advantages, but the families refused to
cooperate. They did not understand how it would work. Their concept was that people with
leprosy-related disabilities have to be cared for throughout their lives. We held regular
meetings, but there was always the question “What do we get out of it?”. Then we identified
eight other people with different forms of disability. One had a physical disability, some were
blind, and some had speech or hearing problems. We encouraged all 16 people to join in an
integrated self-help group. They all agreed, though it took one year for the clients and their
families to understand the concept. They called the group Sakti, meaning power. Now they meet
every two weeks and there is no stigma among them. They try to understand one another’s
difficulties. When the group was recognized by the government, it was awarded RS 25 000 as a
revolving fund, so it is now financially secure.
WHO/ILEP technical guide on community-based rehabilitation and leprosy
collecting repayments.
• Monitoring of repayments should be
included among agreed procedures.
Case study 12: Senegal
• For cultural reasons people do not express their ideas. Instead they say “Whatever you do for
me is fine”. In contrast, demands can be excessive. The process of deciding how and where to
help is mostly rather slow.
• Increasing poverty has a negative influence on micro-credit projects – people find it difficult to
maintain repayments.
• Working with individuals requires good knowledge of the client and his or her environment,
regular follow-up, etc. Very often this is impossible and as a result the system of guarantees
does not work.
• The normal size of loans is too small to generate sufficient income. Giving large loans is not
• Pressure from family members is very high. A person who earns just a little money has to
contribute towards the cost of food, family events (e.g. funerals, marriages, etc.) or the care
of elderly family members. Often the loan is used for these additional purposes.
• Management of small businesses is inadequate, leading to an inability to renew stock.
• The choice of financially attractive activities is extremely limited for people who are illiterate.
• Some people fail to respect the rules and contracts relating to loans.
The factors below have been identified as being important for running a successful micro-
credit programme.
• Approval of loans should be conditional on regular savings over a 12-month period.
• Clients and groups should learn to manage their loans.
• A schedule, usually of one to two years, should be agreed upon for repayments that match
the capabilities of the client.
• Frequent repayment of small amounts helps to achieve higher repayment rates.
• Group and family members provide motivation and supervision.
• Selected community members or leaders should be invited to motivate and monitor
recipients of loans.
• Where literacy is an issue, other people from the community should be involved to keep
records or to facilitate literacy classes.
• Any problems that arise should be dealt with promptly.
WHO/ILEP technical guide on community-based rehabilitation and leprosy
Ato Tsega Birle is 38 years old. He is married and has six children. He lives in a smart new house
and has a healthy bank account. Outside his house there is a line of transport carts waiting for
work. But Ato Tsega has not always been so well off.
He was born in Gondar. When he was 10 years old both his parents died. As if this was not hard
enough to bear, soon after, he was diagnosed with leprosy. Instead of caring for him, his
remaining relatives isolated him. He was forced to move away to live in a leprosy colony in a
distant town. He became a member of that community and after some time he heard that there
was a cure for leprosy. He found the place where he could be treated and he started working so
that he could buy food and pay for somewhere to live. He found that work in a factory caused
him to injure his hands. Later he worked in a flour mill and managed to start saving. Eventually
he saved enough money to buy a mule and cart and to earn money by carrying goods to and
from the local market.
All Ato Tsega’s hard work and careful saving seemed to promise a happy future, but then, within
just a few weeks, disaster struck. His mule died and his business collapsed. He did not know
what to do and considered ending his life. Thankfully his friends and neighbours persuaded him
that there was still hope. Within a few days he heard of a rehabilitation project that might help
him to restart his business.
He applied for a loan that would allow him to start a new business. The loan was given and he
began work maintaining transport carts. This proved to be profitable and the business grew
rapidly, allowing him to repay his loan quickly. Soon he purchased his own carts and
transported goods to and from Addis Ababa. He was able to buy a house and got married.
Through hard work he achieved many things in his life.
By providing assistance when it was most needed, the CBR programme played an important role
in the life of Ato Tsega. He admits that before he got help he had a feeling of inferiority that
came from his time living in the colony. Now he has developed self-confidence and dignity and is
well on the way to being the most important merchant in his town. He is a member of social and
religious groups. Financially he is totally independent and able to support other social groups.
Source : Livio Senigalliesi/World Health Organization
The objective for rehabilitation activities in settlements is to enable and empower
communities through a process of awareness raising and facilitation. In long-term settlements
this includes working to develop self-reliance and improve quality of life, assisting residents to
gain normal rights and privileges. Reverse integration – encouraging people without
disabilities to move into the settlements – may also be encouraged.
Tasks of managers
Managers negotiate with local authorities and decision-makers to clear the way for field work
that assists residents to:
• register as land owners;
• access government benefits such as pensions or allowances;
• access health services and local amenities;
• access schools, higher education and vocational training;
• earn an income and support family members;
• develop new awareness among community leaders.
WHO/ILEP technical guide on community-based rehabilitation and leprosy
the settlement. Where the settlement is required to relocate, this should ideally be to existing
communities. They should seek to ensure that the new land is properly designated and that
housing and basic amenities are provided.
Case study 14 from Ethiopia illustrates the potential of women’s work, either through
individuals or groups.
Case study 14: Ethiopia
A self-help group for women in Bisidimo began saving a few cents each week. As their savings
grew, the women began investing in income-generating activities. They began by keeping
chickens. Then they purchased goats, and then cows and oxen. Finally they began vegetable
farming using an irrigation system.
Field workers in Ethiopia have found that women are highly motivated. They are ready to travel
long distances to attend group meetings. As soon as they complete one piece of work they
begin planning something bigger. They set strict working rules for their self-help group and keep
to them. Their hard work is seen as the main success factor. These women are mostly
housewives with little opportunity to participate in political or social affairs. The project
provides training in assertiveness, establishes women’s associations, gives opportunities, and
encourages them when opportunities occur. These women’s groups receive support from
women’s organizations at national, regional and district level.
Case study 15 from Bangladesh illustrates the influence that effective CBR can have on
psychological health as well as financial improvement.
Shanti has had leprosy for 20 years. When she was just 10 years old her uncle recognized the
symptoms. Because of serious nerve involvement she had several hospital admissions. During one
of these, just six months after her marriage, her new husband divorced her. She returned to live
with her parents and younger brother. The CBR programme began to work with her and encouraged
her to take a sewing course at the Vocational Training Centre. Shanti learnt how to use a sewing
machine and soon she was able to earn an income and help support her parents and sisters. There
was some gossip and avoidance among local people, but the rehabilitation workers were able to
encourage people to accept her. Now she has a reputation for high-quality work and has become
the main breadwinner in her family. New clients of the CBR programme come to her home to learn
from her. She has purchased land and the family home has its own tube well and latrine.
There has also been a change in Shanti’s psychological state. Before, she was depressed and used
to worry about her physical problems. Now she is confident, physically well, and is respected. After
several years, her former husband wanted to remarry her but she refused. Since then her father
has found a more suitable husband for her. She is now happily married and has a child.
WHO/ILEP technical guide on community-based rehabilitation and leprosy
The objective for rehabilitation activities is to ensure that children enjoy equal rights and
opportunities. The objective is to ensure that children complete their education in a regular
school and go on to develop a skill with an income-earning potential. Typical programme
activities include:
• lobbying and facilitating access to schools;
• counselling children, other family members, teachers and sometimes school or local
• market-oriented vocational training – where appropriate, building on traditional skills;
• participation in other interventions, e.g. after-school tutorial groups.
Care is needed to avoid positive discrimination, i.e. giving preferential privileges to children
affected by leprosy, as this may increase stigma.
Tasks of community workers
The priorities for community workers are similar to those described in Chapters 2 -to 4.
Community workers are involved in contacts with community representatives, and work with
individual clients to assess their needs and skills, motivate them and help them to choose the
most appropriate intervention.
WHO/ILEP technical guide on community-based rehabilitation and leprosy
Allocating sufficient time and energy to monitoring the progress of an intervention shows a
commitment to understand all aspects of the problems faced by people with disabilities, and
to learn from negative as well as positive outcomes.
Tasks of programme managers
Programme managers are responsible for planning and implementing monitoring procedures
for each intervention, by:
• making everyone aware of the benefits of monitoring and evaluation – that this is not
aimed at finding faults in an individual's performance, but for improving the programme
using the experiences gained so far;
• facilitating a participatory approach and conducive environment where people are
encouraged to assess the strength and weakness of an intervention;
• preparing plans for monitoring based on the individual rehabilitation plan (see Annex 3);
• identifying who needs monitoring information, when to collect data, and including a
baseline assessment;
• identifying how the expected changes will be measured, using locally relevant indicators,
designing a monitoring form (see section 6.3), and training staff in their use;
• holding regular meetings with field staff to review the progress of the intervention;
• collating information to meet reporting requirements.
WHO/ILEP technical guide on community-based rehabilitation and leprosy
Indicator to assess behaviour in the community
• The number of referrals for rehabilitation services by community members.
Indicators to assess the long-term impact of rehabilitation activities on clients
• The client’s ability to express a vision for the future – for example, in terms of
involvement in social activities, future family events or prospects of future employment.
• The Participation Scale may be used to assess changes in response to an intervention.
Indicators must accurately reflect what they are meant to measure. They must be:
• sensitive to change;
• based on data that is readily available;
• understood by those collecting and assessing data.
1. Declaration of Alma-Ata. Adopted at the International Conference on Primary Health
Care, Alma -Ata, Kazakhstan, 1978. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1978
(http://www.who.int/hpr/NPH/docs/declaration_almaata.pdf accessed 10 October 2007).
2. ILO, UNESCO, WHO. CBR: a strategy for rehabilitation, equalization of opportunities,
poverty reduction and social inclusion of people with disabilities. Joint Position Paper,
2004. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2004
(http://whqlibdoc.who.int/publications/2004/9241592389_eng.pdf , accessed 17 August
3. How to prevent disability in leprosy. London, International Federation of Anti-Leprosy
Associations, 2006 (Learning Guide No. 4).
4. International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). Geneva, World
Health Organization, 2001 (http://www3.who.int/icf/icftemplate.cfm , accessed 17
August 2007).
5. Helander E et al. Training in the community for people with disabilities. Geneva, World
Health Organization, 1989.
WHO/ILEP technical guide on community-based rehabilitation and leprosy
Annex 1
Additional resources
Information on disability indicators
Boyce W, Broers T, Paterson J. CBR and disability indicators. Asia Pacific Disability
Rehabilitation Journal, 2001, 12:3–12.
Velema J, Cornielje H. Reflect before you act: providing structure to the evaluation of
rehabilitation programmes. Disability and Rehabilitation, 2003, 25:1252–1264.
Wirz S, Thomas M. Evaluation of community based rehabilitation programmes: a search for
appropriate indicators. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 2002, 25:163–171.
A wide range of resources on CBR and health and development can be found at the web site
of Enablement, Langenhorst 36 2402 PX, Alphen aan de Rijn, The Netherlands
(http://www.enablement.nl), and Source International Information Support Centre, 2nd Floor,
Institute of Child Health, 30 Guilford Street, London WC1N 1EH, England
Recommended reading
Asia Pacific Disability Rehabilitation Journal
Available from Dr Maya Thomas, Editor, APDRJ, J-124, Ushas Apartments, 16th Main, 4th
Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore 560011, Karnataka, India
Target audience: managers, policy-makers, researchers and rehabilitation professionals.
Disability Dialogue (formerly CBR News)
Published by regionally based partners of Healthlink Worldwide
Target audience: community workers.
Disability World
Available from Tearfund, 100 Church Road, Teddington, Middlesex, TW11 9AA, England
Leprosy Review
Published by the British Leprosy Relief Association (LEPRA), 28 Middleborough, Colchester,
Essex, CO1 1TG, England (http://www.leprosy-review.org.uk).
Partners Magazine
Published by the Leprosy Mission International, 80 Windmill Road, Brentford, Middlesex,
TW8 0QH, England (http://www.leprosymission.org).
Regional arrangements for mailing.
Available in Bengali, Chinese, English, French and Hindi.
Target audience: paramedical workers assisting people affected by leprosy.
Nonserial publications
Abbat F, McMahon R. Teaching health care workers: a practical guide, 2nd rev. ed.
Basingstoke, Macmillan Education Ltd, 1993.
Chambers R. Challenging the professions. Frontiers for rural development. London,
Practical Action Publishing (formerly Intermediate Technology Publications), 1993.
Chambers R. Rural development. Putting the last first. Harlow, Longman, 1983.
Chambers R. Whose reality counts. Putting the first last. London, Practical Action
Publishing (formerly Intermediate Technology Publications), 1997.
Frist T. Don’t treat me like I have leprosy. London, International Federation of Anti-
Leprosy Associations, 2003.
Guidelines for social and economic rehabilitation of people affected by leprosy. London,
International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Associations, 1999.
Helander E. Prejudice and dignity – an introduction to community-based rehabilitation,
2nd ed. Geneva, United Nations Development Programme, 1999.
The end of isolation. A handbook for the social and economic reintegration of persons
affected by leprosy. Geneva, International Labour Office, 1999.
Thomas M, Thomas MJ. Manual for CBR planners. Bangalore, Asia Pacific Disability
Rehabilitation Group Publication, 2003.
United Nations Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Geneva, United
Nations, 2007 (http://www.un.org/disabilities/convention accessed 17 August 2007).
Werner D. Disabled village children. A guide for community health workers,
rehabilitation workers and families. Berkeley, CA, The Hesperian Foundation, 1987.
Werner D. Nothing about us without us. Developing innovative technologies for, by and
with disabled persons. Paulo Alto, CA, HealthWrights, 1998.
Werner D, Bower B. Helping health workers learn. A book of methods, aids and ideas
for instructors at the village level. Berkeley, CA ,The Hesperian Foundation, 1982.
WHO/ILEP technical guide on community-based rehabilitation and leprosy
Many of the above publications can be obtained by mail order or from the publishers
listed below.
DevelopmentBookshop.com. ITDG Publishing, The Schumacher Centre for Technology and
Development, Bourton-on-Dunsmore, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV23 9QZ, England
Teaching Aids at Low Cost (TALC). PO Box 49, St Albans, Herts, AL1 5TX, England
ILEP, 234 Blythe Road, London, W14 0HJ, England (http://www.ilep.org.uk).
INFOLEP Leprosy Information Service, Wibautstraat 137, 1097 DN Amsterdam, The
Netherlands (http://www.infolep.org).
Annex 2
CBR matrix
This matrix gives an overall visual representation of CBR, indicating the topic areas which
can make up a CBR strategy. The matrix consists of five major components: health,
education, livelihood, social and empowerment, each of which is divided into five key
elements as described below. CBR needs to develop a truly intersectoral approach by
building bridges between the five major components.
Early Relationship
Skills Social
Promotion Childhood Marriage &
Development Mobilization
Development Family
Leisure Self-Help
Rehabilitation Non-Formal Recreation &
services Groups
Assistive Life-Long Social Access to People’s
Devices Learning Protection Justice Organizations
WHO/ILEP technical guide on community-based rehabilitation and leprosy
Annex 3
Data collection forms
The range of forms used in CBR programmes is listed here. Specimen forms are available
on the ILEP web site (http://www.ilep.org.uk).
Individual rehabilitation plan
This form describes the chosen intervention, the commitments and responsibilities of all
stakeholders, the details of any intervention, the arrangements for follow-up and
supervision, the choice of indicators, and other information specific to the intervention.
Other forms used in the context of CBR are given below.
• Monitoring forms – used to record information produced by the monitoring system.
• Field diaries – used to record details of daily activities of community workers, events of
special interest, questions and problems, and issues arising.
• Intervention outcomes – used to record the outcome of interventions and develop a
history of field experience.
• The Participation Scale (P scale) – used to assess participation restrictions resulting from
leprosy or other conditions. (Available from the leprosy information service of
Netherlands Leprosy Relief (INFOLEP) (http://www.infolep.org), and from The Leprosy
Mission International (TLMI) Research Resource Centre, Delhi. (Email contact:
• The SALSA Scale – used to assess activity restrictions resulting from leprosy or other
conditions. (Available from TLMI Evaluation and Monitoring Services, Apeldoorn, the
Netherlands. Email contact: ems@ems.tlmi.nl)).
WHO/ILEP technical guide on community-based rehabilitation and leprosy
The disabilities associated with leprosy are not unique. Nor are they only about physical
impairments. In its wider sense, disability arises because people are stigmatized and
denied equal access opportunities within their families and communities.
Community-based rehabilitation (CBR) is recognized as a key strategy for social
inclusion, aimed at overcoming stigma, activity limitations and participation restrictions,
and improving the quality of life of people with disabilities. As such, it is an approach
which is highly relevant to the rehabilitation of people affected by leprosy.
This technical guide describes the strategies and tasks of CBR as the appropriate
response to the needs of individuals, families and communities affected by leprosy. It
will prove a useful re-orientation and familiarization tool for managers, trainers and
supervisors in leprosy control or rehabilitation programmes responsible for introducing
and managing CBR. It may also be used by CBR managers to include people affected by
leprosy in their programmes. It describes the broad objectives of CBR, the roles and
tasks of programme managers, and the responsibilities of community workers who have
daily contact with people affected by leprosy, their families and community members.
The guide recommends approaches reported to be effective, but avoids prescribing these
methods in all situations.