The Total Physical Response (TPR) :: Where Is It From?
The Total Physical Response (TPR) :: Where Is It From?
The Total Physical Response (TPR) :: Where Is It From?
Where is it from?
TPR stands for Total Physical Response and was created by Dr. James J Asher.
It is based upon the way that children learn their mother tongue. Parents have
'language-body conversations' with their children, the parent instructs and the
child physically responds to this. The parent says, "Look at mummy" or "Give
me the ball" and the child does so. These conversations continue for many
months before the child actually starts to speak itself. Even though it can't speak
during this time, the child is taking in all of the language; the sounds and the
patterns. Eventually when it has decoded enough, the child reproduces the
language quite spontaneously. TPR attempts to mirror this effect in the language
classroom. (Frost, 2004, par.1)
Frost, R. (January 2004). Total physical response – TPR [message on a blog]. Downloaded from
Luoman, P (February 26th, 2011). TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE (TPR) [message on a blog].
Sanchez, S. (2014). Propuesta didactica para el uso de AICLE y TPR en la enseñanza del Ingles
en primaria. Downloaded