Tyler Durden - Pimp Method Cd2 Id308242582 Size98
Tyler Durden - Pimp Method Cd2 Id308242582 Size98
Tyler Durden - Pimp Method Cd2 Id308242582 Size98
by Tyler Durden
Jay just reminded me of something that I've been meaning to try.
I first got this idea from Rick H. on the DYD CDs, and I'm trying it very soon. Bros, this will be a
fucking CIRCUS.
Say you pickup around 5-10 girls on an average day. And give yourself that at least 2-7 of them are
solid pickups that won't flake.
Well I say fuck all this one on one shit.. Its just too TIME CONSUMING.
From now on, especially when I'm travelling, I'm going to start doing MASS contact closes, and
tell ALL the girls that I meet over a 3 day period to meet me at a particular time and venue.
That way, I'll do PU for 3 days, and have around 15 girls waiting for me at whatever place I tease
out, and then they can FIGHT over me! :) NICE@!
So the way that I figure it, around HALF will immediately storm out in a fucking OUTRAGE.
The rest will be the chicks who DIG guys that are alpha-pimps, and will stick around to fight it out
over me.
I think that the key is to not get all romantic with them, and STRUCTURE it as a "party" of sorts.
Another key is not to necessarily do exactly the same sarge on every chick, because it might be
better that they don't all talk about the way that they got PU'ed by me (although maybe it would
be GOOD, because it would show them what a scoundrel jerk I am, and get them all hot for me)
WORST CASE SCENARIO: I get MASSIVE social proof wherever I meet them, and I just PU the
chicks that watched it all go down (that's not what I want, but its a worst case scenario).
Also, I'm thinking that when I do PU with Twentysix and Papa, we should ALL just tell all our
chicks to meet us at the same place, so that we could have like a zillion odd chicks waiting for us.
I realize that this sounds FUCKED UP, but being a PUA is meant to be FUN.
So for me, even if this blows up in my face, I don't give a fuck because its something that I want to
try just for kicks.
Twentysix is a little scared (I'm apprehensive, but I don't give a fuck I'm trying it anyway), so if he
says anything everyone here please CHASTISE him for me, and tell him how PIMP he'd be if he
did this, and how he'd be the fucking MAN..
Also, if anyone has tried this, I'd appreciate any warnings.. (which reminds me that I need to
phone Jay for advice on that model convention! yikes!)
> From now on, especially when I'm travelling, I'm going to start
> doing MASS contact closes, and tell ALL the girls that I meet
> over a 3 day period to meet me at a particular time and venue.
> That way, I'll do PU for 3 days, and have around 15 girls waiting
> for me at whatever place I tease out, and then they can FIGHT
> over me! :) NICE@!
This is what happens when you have way too much spare time on your
Yeah TD try it out on freshly PUed HBs, dont do it with the existing ones. What i usually do is (not
relevant to here) is arrange a meet with one HB on Monday, second Tuesday and third on
Wednesday.. then i have the other half of the week free to myself.
-[Backdoor is one of many options to choose from after the isolation stage is completed]-
TD, you know I love your posts, but now you sound a bit big mouthed - you'll better follow up on
this and post an extensive report>:-) You know this forum is for _tested_ stuff...
Though from the DYD advanced CD the guys said if you do it right and are comfortable with the
situation it won’t blow up in your face, and second of all he say’s that you don’t want them
fighting. He said on the CD that he introduces them all and then walks off for them to get
acquainted and make friends for some reason. I’d have to listen to it again to refresh my memory.
LOL I’ve never attempted this before, but it’ll be great because I know if you put your mind to it
you know there’s a way to make it work and you getting all down nice for us and break it down
and share your great experience with us all
There is no try man. You have skill you can figure it out if you REALLY want it. There's only HOW
anyways I'm looking forward to hearing your success on it, and hey you'll be the first to write a full
report on it, and you'll be like the pioneer of this method.
Hm... But thinking back to elimidate the chances of at least some of them not getting along are
high, but often the bisexual girls get together and want a threesome, and now I remember that he
did specifically target bisexual women for this reason.
Cool plan indeed, I think it has something in it, as long as you indeed dont promise 1 on 1
romantic dates blabla, this will be SUPER fun :>
"Water you are not to drink, let it run" ("...let it sink" would sound better in english perhaps).
It goes in the line of not hunting more preys than those you are going to eat...
If you let a prey to escape after getting in your trap, it won't probably fall into the same (or
similar) trap again...
Let other's take profit on what you are not taking profit...
An ecological issue i guess. One of my personal preferences, bringing some benefits to my life
Girls you sarge, and show clear interest, but you don't follow up on it, there's a (high) danger that
they will think less of you.
[similar to another interesting thing that I am looking into: girls who EXPECT you to sarge them
and think you're a beta if you don't!]
Now, if TD is into girls that want the pimp type, then sure, the idea of those not fitting the
description storming out is great :-)
BUT one must take into account the possible negative effects of:
[note: there's a difference between making her wait some, and NOT following up AT ALL. The
former is good: The latter, BAD].
A PUA of a high caliber can sarge what he wants with a high rate of success. Sarging too much
food will mean some food will rot...
TD, I'm not totally ruling out your method, just some points you should keep in mind when
attempting this. In any case, it would make a phun field report, THAT'S for sure :-)
P.S Jimbo mentioned something about not taking too much as it will "go bad". We studied
something like this in Property Law :-). Heh, lately, I'm finding that more and more stuff in Law I
can relate to the field. Maybe it means that at least a small part of the Law makes sense :-)
Hey bro, great idea, but instead of PU them in the frame of " I am going to be your new BF", why
don't you PU them in the fram eof " I am going to be your new coolest guy". The problem with
what you are trying to do is you will end up with a bad rap pretty much like what I used to have.
>Bros, this will be a fucking
You've got to understand Rick's background - he used to be the social director for his fraternity (I
think, even, for 5 years) so his skills of getting people in large groups to interact and like each
other is SHARP. This is not a 1-on-1 at-a-time in a group of X# of people kind of deal. Meaning,
you've got to be COOL about it all and sort of not dealing with any individual person specifically
unless they directly need to feel more comfortable in the group.
Another factor (which I'm not sure he mentioned on the DYD audio/video course) is that he
previously would have f-closed at least 1 or 2 of the chicks he'd invite on such a "date".
Also, and this is something which he didn't dwell on (simply because it's his REALITY and he
probably don't even think of it as a technique at this point) is that he would prequalify ALL chicks
for bisexuality before considering to gather them at one place/time. He would run prequalifiers
on them to verify they definitely leaned towards bisexuality.
In any case, I think you should try this then report back what your experience was.
jay [formhandle@fastseduction.com]
>skills of getting people in large groups to interact and like each other
f.m. breakbeat
appreciate to attract
Of course there's a million other small techniques you'll pick up but that's
definitely important. When you're going group-to-group and trying to combine
them the important thing is to focus on the group or person that needs it
the most - at least to try to integrate them into the action. Leave people
you know already and that you will pick up social proof from later behind.
Then merge with them later.
15 is crazy man. I'd say tell a bunch of girls you're gonna be on the show elimidate as the guy the
girls compete for and your practicing. invite them to be contesants. some girls might decline the
invite if you set it up this way, but many girls will go along with it if you attracted them. Frame it
this way and you may have only 5 girls instead of 15 show up, but they'll all be there to compete
for you. This should make for an interesting FR.
"BREAKING NEWS: Riot in L.A. - Police saves guy from a horde of angry women ..."
LOL that’s funny, but of course if your thinking that way and are uncomfortable with the situation
and you didn’t qualify the girls right to make sure there lesbian etc before you brought them
together like that then it’s probably guaranteed to not go right because they will sense it.
one of the things that I didn't mention was that the reason that I'm interested in doing this is that
when I'm visiting other cities the commute to a meet is often time-consuming..
I have no 100% predictor of a flake, so I figure that if I just tell ALL the girls that I meet that
there's a party, I'll get at least something during my short stay in the city.
So this is less of a practical idea for when I'm at home, and more just something to adapt to the
Also, admittedly, this is something more just as a frat-prank than as a great PU tactic. I'm all
about just fucking around and having a good time.