The CAMARINES NORTE STATE COLLEGE- College of Business and Public Administration
with office address at F. Pimentel Avenue, Daet, Camarines Norte represented by NORA J.
MACASINAG, Ph.D., College Dean, referred to as SECOND PARTY.
WHEREAS, the knowledge and training that the trainees will acquire from the firm will help
them in future employment considering that the firm has the facilities, which can give them the
necessary skills;
WHEREAS, the parties have agreed to promote the principle of shared responsibility on the
matters related to the implementation of the On-the-Job Training Program;
WHEREAS, the _________________________ shall orient the trainees on the firm, supervise
for one hundred sixty (160) hours trainings, provide certificate of completion after the training, and
evaluate trainees using the form provided by CNSC- CBPA;
WHEREAS, the CNSC- CBPA shall conduct monitoring to the trainees on their respective
assignments through the On-the-Job Training Faculty In-charge with the firm’s cooperating employee;
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and their mutual covenants
here in after set forth, the parties hereto agree.
This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) shall take effect upon signing of the parties
concerned and shall remain in full force and effect subject to the compliance as stipulated hereto. Any
of the parties concerned may revoke/terminate this agreement provided that sufficient time period of
notice is given.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have signed this Agreement/Understanding this _____
day of __________, 2019 at Daet, Camarines Norte.
BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in the above jurisdiction, personally appeared this
_________________ at __________________________.
Known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument and who acknowledge to me
that the same is free and voluntary act and deed and of the entities they respectively represents.
The foregoing instrument consists of two (2) pages on which the acknowledgment is written, duly signed
by the parties and their instrument witnesses on the margin of page one.