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What are wetlands Threats to wetlands

Wetlands are the ecotones or transitional The trade-off between environmental

zones between permanently aquatic and dry protection and development is most acute in
terrestrial ecosystems. Ramsar Convention has dynamic and complex ecosystems such as
defined wetlands as “areas of marsh, fen, wetlands. Wetlands face a range of anthropogenic
peatland or water, whether natural or artificial, threats. The chief indirect drivers of change are
permanent or temporary with water that is static human population growth around wetlands
or flowing, fresh, brackish or salt, including areas coupled with growing economic and commercial
of marine water the depth of which at low tide activities. Major direct threats for inland wetlands
does not exceed six meters”. A wide variety of are infrastructure development (dams, dykes,
wetlands like marshes, swamps, open water road, residential and commercial buildings), land
bodies, mangroves and tidal flats and salt reclamation and over-harvesting. Major indirect
marshes etc. exists in our country. ones are aquaculture, agriculture, reduced water
flow, depletion of ground and surface water
Wetlands are integral to a healthy supplies, introduction of invasive alien species,
environment. They help to retain water during and organic and inorganic pollutants.
dry periods, thus keeping the water table high
and relatively stable. During periods of flooding, In India, momentous losses of wetlands
they act to reduce flood levels and to trap have resulted from conversion to industrial,
suspended solids and nutrients to the lakes than agricultural and various other developments.
if they flow directly into the lakes. Compared to These have caused hydrological perturbations
tropical rain forests and coral reefs, wetlands are and its various reverberations, pollution and
remarkable in their biological productivity. With several after effects. The above threats can also
respect to species richness and species diversity, be distinguished as biotic and abiotic pressures
these ecosystems stand higher than most other as given below.
ecosystems. Wetlands are diverse and unique in
structure, characteristics and functions, probably Biotic threats
much more than other ecosystems. Wetlands are
dynamic and complex and are under the influence • Uncontrolled siltation and weed infestation
of an array of biotic and abiotic factors. • Uncontrolled discharge of waste water,
Nevertheless, the single most important factor industrial effluents, surface run-off, etc.
that determines the nature of a wetland is its resulting in proliferation of aquatic weeds,
hydrologic regime. Even for minor changes in which adversely affect the flora and fauna
the hydrologic regime of wetlands, biota may • Tree felling for fuel wood and wood products
respond at times markedly in terms of species causes soil loss affecting rainfall pattern,
composition, richness, trophic relations and • Loss of various aquatic species due to water-
ecosystem productivity. level fluctuation
• Habitat destruction leading to loss of fish and
Ecological services of wetlands decrease in number of migratory birds.

Ecosystem services offered by wetlands Abiotic threats

include floodwater storage and control, recharge
of aquifers, treatment of waste water and • Encroachment resulting in shrinkage of area.
pollution abatement, general water quality • Anthropogenic pressures resulting in habitat
improvement, habitats for fish, wildlife and destruction and loss of biodiversity.
several other animals and plant species, and • Uncontrolled dredging resulting in changes.
biological productivity. In addition, wetlands are • Hydrological intervention resulting in loss of
of high aesthetic and heritage value providing aquifers.
opportunities for recreation, research, and

Legal framework for wetland conservation in The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands.
The Convention
Though there is no separate provision for on Wetlands is an
specific legal instrument for wetland intergovernmental treaty
conservation, the legal framework for adopted on 2 February
conservation and management is provided by the 1971 in the Iranian city of
following legal instruments: Ramsar, on the southern
shore of the Caspian Sea.
• Several legislations have been enacted which Thus, though nowadays
have relevance to wetland conservation. the name of the
These include Forest Act, 1927, Forest Convention is usually
(Conservation) Act, 1980, the Wildlife written “Convention on
(Protection) Act, 1972, the Air (Prevention Wetlands (Ramsar, Iran,
and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, the 1971)”, it has come to be known popularly as
Water Cess Act, 1977 and the umbrella the “Ramsar Convention”. Ramsar is the first of
provision of Environment (Protection) Act, the modern global intergovernmental treaties on
1986. the conservation and sustainable use of natural
resources, but, compared with more recent ones,
• The Coastal Regulation Zone Notification its provisions are relatively straightforward and
2011 declaring the coastal stretches of seas, general. Over the years, the Conference of the
bays, estuaries, creeks, rivers and backwaters, Contracting Parties has further developed and
which are influenced by tidal action as the interpreted the basic tenets of the treaty text and
Coastal Regulation Zone under the provision succeeded in keeping the work of the Convention
of Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. This abreast of changing world perceptions, priorities,
proposes graded restriction on setting up and and trends in environmental thinking.
expansion of industries, including pressures
from human activities. The official name of the treaty, The
Convention on Wetlands of International
• The Biodiversity Act, 2002, and the Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat,
Biodiversity Rules, 2004, are aimed at reflects the original emphasis upon the
safeguarding the floral and faunal conservation and wise use of wetlands primarily
biodiversity, and regulating their flow from as habitat for waterbirds. Over the years,
the country to other countries for research and however, the Convention has broadened its scope
commercial use. Thus, their provisions also of implementation to cover all aspects of wetland
contribute towards conserving, maintaining, conservation and wise use, recognizing wetlands
and augmenting the floral, faunal and as ecosystems that are extremely important for
avifaunal biodiversity of the country’s aquatic biodiversity conservation and for the well-being
bodies. of human communities.

The Convention entered into force in

1975 and now (March 2011) has 160 Contracting
Parties, or member States, in all parts of the
world. Though the central Ramsar message is the
need for the sustainable use of all wetlands, the
“flagship” of the Convention is the List of
Wetlands of International Importance (the
“Ramsar List”) – presently, the Parties have
designated for this List more than 1,923 wetlands
for special protection as “Ramsar sites”, covering
more than 187 million hectares.

Wetlands in Tamil Nadu Fourty-seven wetlands have been
evaluated and prioritized, size of the wetland,
The wetlands in Tamil Nadu comprise earlier bird counts, records of breeding and
lakes, ponds, reservoirs and seasonally roosting colonies were considered for priority.
waterlogged areas. It may be noted that the land
use statistics of the state does not indicate Table 2. Prioritized wetlands in Tamil Nadu
wetlands which are possibly classified under
some other categories. Studies by SACON show Wetlands District
that the wetland area of the state was 1.24% of
Arapakkam tanks Kanchipuram
the total area in 1991. The total number of Ariyakulam Tirunelveli
wetlands of the size 56.25 ha and above for the Aval poondarai Erode
whole state was estimated at 1,175 covering an Chathirampudukulam Thirunelveli
area of 1,615.12 sq km. Chemabarambakkam Kanchipuram
Chitrangudi Ramanathapuram
Table 1. Categories of inland wetlands in Dusimamandoor Kanchirpuram
Tamil Nadu Govindavadi Kanchipuram
Gundur big tank Thiruchirappalli
Wetland Area No. of Kaliveli Villupuram
Type (sq km) wetlands Kallaperamber Thanjavur
Kappalur Tiruvannamali
Lakes/ponds 938.67 773 Koonthankulam sanctuary Tirunelveli
Oxbow lakes 5.48 1 Kooram Vellore
Waterlogged 74.41 31 Koothapar big tank Tiruchirappalli
Kovaipudur Coimbatore
Reservoirs 220.73 29
Kunnathur Madurai
Tanks 375.92 341 Magarel Kanchipuram
Total 1,615.12 1,175 Manavalakurichi kulam Kanniyakumari
Source: SACON 1998 Mapedu periaeri Tiruvallur
Melakulam Tirunelveli
Plants most widely represented in the Pallikarnai Kanchipuram
wetlands of Tamil Nadu are non-native Parandur Kanchipuram
introductions. The exotic plant Ipomoea fistulosa Periakanmoi & Sakkarakottai Ramanathapuram
Point Calimere Nagapattinam
is one among them. No species of plant reported Ponnur Nagapattinam
from the wetlands in the present study can be Poondi reservoir Tiruvallor
treated as rare or endangered except Oryza R S Mangalam Ramanathapuram
rufipogon, which is an important genetic Seidunganallur kulam Thoothukudi
resource. This species, present in extensive Singanallur Coimbatore
patches in the Mapedu Peria Eri, is not widely Suchindram kulam Kanyakumari
known in the state. Sulur Coimbatore
Thennampattu Tiruvannamalai
Theroor wetland Kanniyakumari
125 species of birds including both Thirupulivanam Kanchipuram
migratory and resident that depend on wetlands Udayamarthandapuram Thiruvarur
fully or partly and 28 other species found in the Uthirakosamangai Ramanathapuram
vicinity of wetlands are known in Tamil Nadu. Uthiramerur Kanchipuram
Of these, the Pintail, Shoveller and Cotton Teal Uthukadu Thanjavur
are the three most numerous waterfowl. While Vaduvoor lake Thiruvarur
Vakkadai Kanchipuram
the first two are winter migrants to the state, the Vandiyoor Madurai
third is a common resident. At least nine species Veeranam tank Cuddalore
of birds, namely the Pond Heron, Little Vellode Erode
Cormorant, Little Egret, Cattle Egret, Little Vembanur wetland Kanniyakumari
Grebe, Coot, Grey Heron, Large Egret, and Vetangudi Sivagangai
Whitebreasted Kingfisher occur in 50% of the Wellington lake Cuddalore
Source: SACON 1998
Point Calimere Wildlife & Bird Sanctuary: A the richest component of the Ramsar Site. The
Ramsar Site sanctuary has also been listed as one of the
Important Bird Areas of the country by the
Point Calimere Wildlife & Bird Bombay Natural History Society.
Sancutuary is located along the Palk Strait in
three districts of Tamil Nadu: Nagapattinam, Muthupet is the largest mangrove
Tiruvarur and Thanjavur. It lies in between wetland in Tamil Nadu covering an area of 11,900
79.399 E & 79.884 E longitudes and 10.276 E & hectares. It constitutes the western limit of the
10.826 N latitudes, covering an area of 38,500 Ramsar Site and is located 50 km to the west of
hectares from Point Calimere in the east to Point Calimere Wildlife Sanctuary. The wetland
Adirampattinam in the west. The Ramsar Site comprises of mangroves, creeks, a lagoon and
comprises of Point Calimere Sanctuary, mudflats. Avicennia marina is the dominant
Panchanadikulam Wetland, Thalainayar mangrove species in Muthupet and accounts for
Reserved Forest and Muthupet Mangroves. about 95% of the vegetative cover. Other
Except the Thalainayar Reserved Forest, the mangroves species found in Muthupet are:
remaining constituents are parts of the Great Aegiceras corniculatum. Excoecaria agallocha.
Vedaranyam Swamp. Bio-geographically, the Lumnitzera racemosa and Acanthus ilicifolius.
Ramsar Site is a mix of salt swamps, mangroves, The associated halophytes include species such
backwaters, mudflats, grasslands and Tropical as Suaeda monoica, Suaeda maritima, Salicornia
Dry Evergreen Forest. It has recorded the largest brachiata and Sesuvium portulacastrum. The
congregation of migratory waterbirds in the wetlands of Muthupet are frequented by most of
country with a peak population exceeding the waterbirds visiting the Ramsar Site.
Panchanadikulam Wetland (8097
Point Calimere Wildlife Sanctuary (2147 hectares) and the Salt Swamp (15,120 hectares)
hectares) forms the eastern limit of the Ramsar are expanses of mudflats and backwater that are
Site. It is the most well known constituent of the located between Point Calimere Wildlife
site and is famous for the large congregations of Sanctuary and Muthupet mangroves. These are
waterbirds, particularly the Greater Flamingo. contiguous areas and are frequented by the entire
The sanctuary is home to the largest population spectrum of waterbirds visiting the Ramsar Site.
of the endemic Blackbuck (Antilope cervicapra) The mudflats remain dry for most part of the year.
in South India. 364 species of flowering plants However, during the rainy months from October
including 198 species of medicinal plants have to January, these mudflats get inundated with
been recorded in the sanctuary. In terms of bio- flood water and abound with more than a hundred
diversity, Point Calimere Wildlife Sanctuary is species of migratory waterbirds.
EVENTS - NGC training programme

The training programme was conducted at Forestry Extension Centre

in all the 30 district. The programmes were organised by NGC state
co-ordinator Mr. A.B. Thiruvengadam (ACF Retd.), and Range Officer
Mr. C. Murugesan. In certain districts, Mr. V. Irulandi, I.F.S. Chief
Conservator of Forests, Forestry Extension took part in the training
progrmame. Forest Extension Officers and other forest officials took
part and explained in detail the various aspects of the forests and the
uses of the trees, the need for afforestation and extension activities
carried out by the Forest Department.

The technical session on the topic “Environment -An

Overview” was dealt by ENVIS staff Mr. J.D. Marcus Knight,
Senior Programme Officer, Mr. K. Muthukumar, Programme
Officer, and Mr. A.B. Thiruvengadam NGC State coordinator.
The subject was dealt using visuals and videos to help the students
understand the importance of conserving the environment, impact
of pollution and the advantage of renewable energy.

A quiz programme was also conducted and prizes were

distributed. During the field visit in the afternoon the
students had an opportunity to learn about the green house,
the mist chamber, vermi composting, VAM, economic
importance of various trees and raising medicinal plants.
A total of 30 NGC training programme were conducted in
all the 30 districts of Tamil Nadu involving around 3,000
NGC students and 300 teacher co-ordinators from 300
schools.The feed back from the students and teacher
coordinators was encouraging and
more such programmes were
requested in future.
Chennai Science Festival 2011 - Second Brinstorming meeting for the
“Science in Everyday Life” preparation of SoER Chennai.

The Chennai Science Festival – 2011 The State of Environment Report for the
“Science in Everyday Life” was organized from Chennai Metropolitan area is being prepared by
29 th January - 2nd February 2011. The mega the ENVIS Centre with the funding of the
science exhibition consisted of a total of 150 Ministry of Environment and Forest,
stalls exhibiting various items on the above Government of India. The first brainstorming
mentioned theme. Several Governmental and meeting was conducted on 31st May 2010 during
Non-Governmental Organisations, Schools, which the various Government departments gave
Colleges and various Universities from Tamil their valuable inputs and the various chapters of
Nadu participated and exhibited posters and the SoE report were finalized. The draft report
working models related to their scope of work. was compiled by with the data provided by the
Competitions like quiz, elocution, essay writing, various departments and was circulated among
drawing competitions were conducted for the the department for further correction and
school students from Chennai City. A panel modifications.
discussion with experts was also conducted on
the last day. The second brain storming meeting with
the departments was held on 4th March 2011 at
ENVIS Centre, Department of the Department of Environment. Thiru T.S.
Environment exhibited a model showing how Srinivasamurthy, I.F.S., Director and Thiru
temperature rise affects the coral reef ecosystem. Yogesh Dwivedi, I.F.S., Additional
Posters related to “Climate change” were Director, Department of
exhibited and explained in detail to school Environment presided
students, college students and the public. over the meeting. The
Students from R.K.M Saradha Vidhyalaya, Girls various comments for
Higher Secondary School also exhibited a model modification have been
in the ENVIS stall. incorporated and the final
draft report will be sent to the

World Wetlands Day 2011

2nd February is observed as World Wetlands Day each year. It marks

the date of the adoption of the Convention on Wetlands on 2 February 1971.
Each year since 1997, government agencies, non-governmental
organizations, and groups of citizens undertake actions aimed at raising
public awareness of wetland values.

“Wetlands and Forests” is the theme for World Wetlands Day 2011,
especially chosen because 2011 is the UN International Year of Forests.
The Slogan is – “Forests for water and wetlands” highlighting the
importance of Forested wetlands and why looking after them matters.

Thiru T.S.Srinivasamurthy, I.F.S., Thiru Yogesh Dwivedi, I.F.S., Mr. J.D. Marcus Knight
Director Additional Director Senior Programme Officer

Mr. K. Muthukumar Ms. S. Indra Devi Ms. M. Shanthi

Programme Officer Programme Assistant Data Entry Operator

Editorial Board: Editor-in-chief: Thiru T.S.Srinivasamurthy, IFS., Editor: Thiru Yogesh Dwivedi, IFS.,
Associate Editor and Design: Mr. J.D. Marcus Knight, Printed at Digitall Services, Chennai-14
Disclaimer: The information in this newsletter has been compiled from various sources and does not
necessarily depict views of the ENVIS Centre, Department of Environment, Government of Tamil Nadu.

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