P4 Science SA1 2017 Raffles Exam Papers

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Section A


Your score
Name : _________ Index No: _Class: P4....... out of 100

9 May 2017 SCIENCE Att 1 h 45 min

SECTION A (28 x 2 marks)

For each question from. 1 to 28, four options are given. One of them Is Iha correct
answer. Make your choice (1, 2, 3 or 4). Shade �e correct oval (1, 2. 3 or. 4) on the
Optical Answer Sheet (OAS) provided.

1. The flower shown below doses at night and only opens In the early morning.

At nlght In th� morning

Which one of the following ch�racterlstics of living things does..

the above flower

(1) Living things die.

(2) living things reproduce.
(3) living things need air. food and water to survive.
(4) Living things respond to changes In Its surroundings.

1 P4 SA1 Science 2017


2. The� chart below shows how some anlrnals are claSslfled into groups A, B,


Does not have hair · Lays eggs Ooosnot

aa body covering lay egg

The diagram below 8howa a bal


Which of the groups. A, B. C or D does the bal-belong to?

(1) A
(2) B
(3) C
(4) D

2 P4 SA1 Science 2011

3. The diagrams below show animals X and Y.

Animal X Animal Y

Based on the above diagrams. whtch one of the fonowlng statements is correct?

(1) Both animals X and Y are insects because they_have six Jegs.
(2) Both animals X and Y ale not insects because they do not have three
body parts.
{3) Only anltnal Y Is an Insect because it has feelers but anlmaJ X does not
have feelers.
(4) Only anlmal X fs ·an Insect because animal X has wings but animal Y
does not have wings.

4. Which one Qf the following la a characterJstic of all fungi?

(1) All fungi can be eaten.

(2) All fungi reproduce by seeds.
(S) All fungt cannot make their own food.
(4) AH fungi cannot be seen with our naked eyes.

3 P4 SA 1 Science 2017
6. The flow chart below shows how some animafs are classified Into groups P,
Q, Rand S.


Adutt·has Adutt does not

sbc legs have six legs

Young resembles Young does not Adult has Adult does not
adult resembl& adult wiriga havewfngs

The d�s below show the young and adult of anima1 X.


Young Adult

Which one of the following groups does animal X belong to?

(1) p
(2) Q
(3) R
(4) S

5 P4 SA1 Sden�20.17
7. The diagram below shows ·the life cycle of a frog.

Which one of the followlrig Is true about the rite cycle of the frog?

(1) It has an egg �tage.

(2) It has a pupal stage.
(3) The young does not feed.
(4) It has a four-stage life cycle.

8. Which one of the following shows the· oorrect stages of development of a

flowering plant?

(1) (2)

/' ' /'

ptant�th plant with
fruits flowers

plant with seed plant with .seed

flowers fruits
/ ' . . /
young plant young plant

(3). (4)

/' /'
plant with
plant fruits

ptant with seed young seed
fruits plant

"- plant with

/ ' plant with
flowers flowers

6 P4 SA1 Science 2017

9. The diagrams below show four set-ups with equal number of green bean seeds
placed iri different conditions.

substance to
moisture in air-tight

� ..-7:J
ttwailf l-sew
damp seed
dry seed soJI
; ., :".:: �

�� 1-
Set-UQ.R. .. Set-ups
substance air-tight

��-r-J seed

Set-UDT Set-upU

In which one of-the follow1ng set-ups. wDI the seeds germinate?

(1) R
( 2) S
(3) T
(4) U

10. Which one of th� f9'� shows the organs in the human respiratory system?

(1) gullet, lungs, nose

(2) g�l1et, lungs, mouth
(3) nose, heart. windpipe
(4} lungs, nose, windpipe

11. Which one of the following oorrecttY. matches the system to 'Its function?

System Function
(1) Skeletal system Remove$ excess water from our body
(2) Muscular system Allows us to move different parts of our body
(3) Resp1ratory system Carries useful substances to an parts of our
CIR;ulatory system Takes alr Into our body

7 P4 SA1 SdencEi 2017

12. Four differen.t types of food. P, Q, Rand S, were mixed with some digestive
juice$ and left on the table in the science lab for two houis.

The graphs below show the amount of undigested food left al the start and at
the end of two hours.

Amount of Amount of
undigetted food undiges ed food
···. .

.... '
P Q R S p Q s
Type of food Type of.food

At the .tart of experiment At the end of experiment

Based on the above graphs. whtch ·type of food, P, a. R ors, took the longest
time to digest?

(1) p
(2) Q
(3) R
(4) S

8 P4 SA1 Science 2017

13. Amy wanted to find out how the amount of digestive iuice affects the rate of
digestion offood.

Which of the foDowlng variables should be keot constant in order to ensure a

fair test?

A Type of food
B Amount of food
C Amount of digestive jUlce
D Time taken for the food to'be broken down comptetety

(1) Aonty
(2) A and B only
(3) C and O only
(4) B, C and D only

14. Jenny· placed a plant ln a beaker of red coloured water for three h,ours. A1ter
three houre. she out -a section of the item of th8 plant end observed that some
parts were coloured red aa ahown in the diagram below.

(coloured red)

Which one of the following correctly identifies parts L and M?

PartL PartM
(1) FOO<J.canying tube Food-carrying tube
(2) Food--canying _tube Water.carrying tube
(3) Water-canylng tube Water-carryf119 tube
(4) �r�nylng tube Food-carrying tube

9 P4 SA1 Science 2017

15. The diagram below shows a tree with part J.

Three pupns made the following statements about part J:

Arny: Part J holds the plant upright.

Caleb: Part J takes In water from the ground.
Dennis: Part J transports water from the leave to all parts of the plant.

Which of the following pupns made the oorrect statements about part J?

(1) Amy only

(2) Amy and Dennis only
(3) Caleb and Dennis only
(4) Amy, Caleb and Dennis·

16. A plant was placx,d In a black box with a hole. The diagrams below show the
plant at the be{linnlng of the experimen_t arid at the end of one week,
. �sp&ctlvety.

After one week

Which one of the following best explains the above observation after one week?

(1) The plant has a weak stem.

(2) The stem could not support the leaves of the plant
(3) The roots are not receiving enough water for the plant.
(4) The leaves grew towaros the opening to obtaln more sunlight to make food.

10 P4 SA1 Science 2017

17. A plant with damaged stem was placed lo a beaker of blue-coloured water and
left near a windoW-for twenty-four hours. The diagram �low st,ows the plant
after twenty-four hours. The parts of 1he·p1ant that had been stained blue were
Indicated by the sh$.ted r?arts as shown below.


---=-- blU&-cok>ured
Based on the diagram above, at which one of the following perts. A, B, c. or D,
was the stem d�?

(1) A
(2) B
(3) C
(4) D

11 P4 SA1 Science 2017

18. The table below shows some inform�tion on the properties of materials J, K, L,
and M. A tick(✓) indicates the presence of the property.

Material Flexible Waterproof Breaks Does not allow light

easily toDA&Sthrouah
J ✓ ✓ ✓
K ✓ ✓ ✓
L ✓ ✓
M ✓ ✓

The-umbrella shown below Is used to shelter the user from the rain and sunlight.

Which one of the following shows the most suitable materials for making parts
X and Y of the umbrella?

PartX .PartY
(1) J L
(2) K M
(3) L · K
(4) M J T

12 P4 SA1 Science 2017

19. Ung LiRg set up an experiment as shown below to Investigate a property of
three s1rlps. P. Q and R. which were made of different materials.

beaker of water·--­

strip --- ________ distance between the

:--.ii.a,,;.;�,__ 1- hjghest and lowest
wooden - _____'f points of the strip

She added different amounts of water into the beaker � on each strip until
the distance between the highest and lowest polnta of 1he strip reached 2 cm.

Based on her result$, she concluded that sbip P wae the most flexlble and strip
Q was the least fleXlbJe.

Which of tho following results did she observe fn order to draw the conclusion

Amount of water In beaker (ml)

p Q R
(1) 30 90 60
(2) 30 60 90
(3) 60 . 90 30
(4) 90 30 60

. .
20. The table belOYI shows some properties of substances X, Y and Z. A tick{,/)
Indicates the p�sence � 1he property.

Property Sub81anc•X SubstanceY SubstanceZ

Hasmass ✓ ✓
Has a definite volume ✓
Takes the shape of the
container that it Is ;•- .. ln

Which one of the following correctlv reoresents .substances X. Y and Z?

Substance ,C Substance Y Subeta�cez

(1) a1r rock shadow
(2) oil rock heat
(3) oxygen water air
(4) water Hgl\1 Oxyg8A

13 P4 SA1 Science 2Q17

21. Diagrams 1 and 2 below show two idenUcal beaker$ �lning substances A
and B when placed on a table top and when tilted at an angle, respectively.


Diagram 1 table top

A 8

Dlagtam 2 table top

Based on the observatior:i above, which one of the following statements about
substances A and B is correct?

(1) Substanc& A has a greater mass than substance B.

{2) Substance A Is a llquJd while substance B Is a soUd.
(3) Substance A has a definite shape but not substance B.
(4) S_ubstance A cannot be compressed but substance B can be -

22. Meimel placed a balloon attached to a straw into a basin an.d then ·filled the
..!leaker with plog pong balls to me brim, as 6hown in the dfagram below.
\:o.5\<"\. straw

ping __..._........J-'�I

pon g

When Meimei blew into the straw, she observed that some of the ping pong .�.
baDs spilled out of the basin.

Which one of the following best explains her observation?

(1) Each ping pong ball has a definite shape.

(2) The air In the bafloon has no definite shape.
(3) The Inflated balloon occupied more space In the beaker.
(4) The air In between the ping pong balls has no deflnlte volume.

14 P4 SA1 Science 2017

23. T\Yo Jdenbl balloe>ns. X and Y, were filed with equal amounts d air and then
attached to a rod, as shown 1n the diagram below.

c:c======�====:::r_,_-roc1 t--�

X y

An addlonal 20 an3 cl afr wae pumped Into balloon X.

Which cl the foloWlng Obeervaflons ls/are correct after addltlonal 20 cm3 of .air
WU pumped INC baloon X?
A Baloon Y decree8ed In eize.
B Toe rod remained horizontal.
C. The rod filled t:loWffiwlrda at baloon X.
D Balloon X wat bigger ln·1tze 1han baloon Y.

(1) A and I) onty

(2) 8 and D only
(3) C end D only
· (�) A. C and D cnty

15 P4SA1 Sdence2017
24. a.
Susan conducted an experiment using set-u.ps. P and as shown below. She
attached a ple.ce of dry tissue in each cup at the same position. She made a
hole in cup Y. Then she inverted and pushed each cup into a basin of water.

cupX cupY


-- -------- --- 200 an3

� om3 of
. ::::::::::::::::=:!�::3::=:= water of water
Set-up P Set-upQ

Whk:h. one of the following shows the correct obs�tion?

(1) Water entered CUJ) X but not cup Y.

(2) More water entered cup X than cup Y.
(3) The tissue in both cups, X andY, remained dry.
(4) The water levels in both basins, P and Q, dropped.

18 P4 SA1 Science 2011

25. The diagram below shows a vessel with openings P, Q and R. Openjng R was
sealed with a piece of cork.


When water was poured into 1he vessel through opening P, which of the,
foUowfng shows 1he correct water levels In each Of)enlng of the vessel?

(1) (2)

(3) (4)
p Q R

... -- ---
---------------- -------·

17 P4 SA1 Scienoe 2017

26. The diagram below shows an arrangement of four magnets. The poles of the
magnets are labelled A, B,C. D, E and F respectively.



Which otle of the following �rrangemerits of the f'outma,nets is possible?

(1) F C D j

E A eJ


(3) E C · ·


(4) C E

0- F A a I

18 P4 SA1 Sclenee 2017

27. Lily magnetised an Iron bar P using the stroking method a� shown in Diagram
1 below.

.... .... .... magnet a

I �
' ., >
iron bar P ----c::::::J
·Diagram 1

Then she attached the magnetised Iron bar P to a s1rlng and placed magnet Q
near to it She ob8erved that Iron bar P moved In the ·direction as shown In
Diagram 2 below.

--. Dlre¢tlon of

iron bar P I-
__ a 1-- �
ag net Q

Diagram 2

. .
Which fJf the 'following actions would ctluse- Iron bar P to move further away
from magnet Q?

A Heat Iron
. bar P over a. flame.
B Drop Iron bar P onto the ground for a few times.
C Stroke Iron bar P with the magnet for a greater number of times.

(1) B only
(2) Conly
(3) A and B c;,nly
(4) A, Band C

19 P4 SA1 Sclence·2017
28. The diagram below shows a way to separate a mixture of materials.

mixlute of
materials direction of
movement of belt


DobinP bin Q

Which of the following shows the materiaJs that can be found in bins P and Q?

BlnP BlnQ
(1) iron, nickel aluminium, plastic.
(2) cobalt, plastic copper, steel
(3) nick&I, tobatt iron, plastic
(4) plastic. aluminium cobalt, nickel

20 P4 SA1 Science 2017

Name: _________ Index No: Class: P4"__

SECTION B (44 marks)

For questions 29 to 41, write your answers clearly in the spaces provided. The number
of-rnarb avaffat?le is shown in brackets ( ) at the end of each question or part question.

·Susan ·placed different types of plants 'in·three identical tubes of water, P, Q

'Bnd R. One of th& plants waa a plastic plant The diagram below shows. one of
·the set--ups.

The three set-ups were left near the wll'\dow for three days.
The table below shows the amount ot water left in each set-up at the start· and
end of the experiment.

Amo�nt of wa19! left In tl)e tube (ml)

Set-ups. Day1 Day3.
30 15
-· 30 30
�-... Q
so 20

. (a) Which one of the set-ups, P, Q or R, contained· the pJas1Jc plant? Give a
reason for your answer. [1]

SU$8n repeated the experiment With set-up P but wrapped the roots of
the plant with a plastic bag.

Would the amount of water left ln the tube be less than 15ml. greater
· than 15ml or remain the$ame at 30ml at the end of the experiment? Give
a reason for your answer. (1]

Continue on next page COffl

21 P4 SA1 Science 2017
Continue from previous page

Susan prepared four more similar set-ups. The table below shows the
Information on the four set,.ups, W, X, Y and Z.

Type of plant
Location where Number Amount of water In tf)•
Set-up tube at the start of the
set-up la placed ofteaves
axoertment (ml)
w PfantM open field 20 30

X .PlantM or,enfield 40 30

y PlantN OD81lfieJd 40 30
z PlantN Cla881'QOfll 20 20

(c) . Which set-ups, W, X. Y and z. should Susan compare If she wants to

.investigate :

(i) if the type of piant affects the amount of water taken In by 1he
plant? (1)

Set.up ____ and set.up----

(ii) if the nt.mber of leaves affects the amount..of.watec.taen In by the

plaflt? (1)

Set-u p ____ and set-u p ____

I [/31
P4 SA 1 Science 2017
30. Melissa classified four animals, which are not drawn to scale, into two groups
as shown below.

Fish Mammal

(a} Based on the above diagrams, describe clearly one ob8efvabJe

difference between 1be fish and mammat. [11
Fish Mammal

Melissa made the following observations on animal K:

• Lives in water
• Has short hair
• Breathes through lungs

(b) · Based on the infonnation above, In which group, 1 Fish' ·or 'Mammar. does
enlmal K belong to? Explain your answer clearly. (21

23 P4 SA1 Science 2017
31. The diagrams below show 1he life cycles of animats P and Q.

Animal P Animal Q

(a) B8$ed on your observations on the above <fragrams, state one differJ:)flCe
between. the� rire
cycles. [1]
(Note: Do not compare shape, size and number of s1ages.)

The graphs below show the amount of food taken in by animals P and a in one
fife cycte.

Amount Amount
of food of food
(g ) {g )

Time Time
Gra hR Gra hS

(b) Which one of the graphs, R or S, represents the amount of food taken in
by Animal Q as it grows? Explain your answer. [21

[ Score [2:]
24 P4 SA1 Sclence 2017
32. The diagram below shows the cross-section of a seed.

Nf;,,�--- u

( a) Which part, S, T, U or V, represents the 'seed leaf? (11

(b) State one function of the seed leaf. (1)

The diagram- below shows a young plant which has just germinated from a


(c) The two seed leaves were removed and the plant was left in the garden
for one week. ·After one week, it was observed that the plant continued
to grow and increase ih height Explain the � clearly. [2)

25 ,p4 SA1 Science 2017

33. The flow chart below shows how some substances are transwrted in the
human body to provide energy"for the legs to bend.

0� D�tive
System E SystelriF .

oxygen and
digested food

Leg muscles

(a) Based on the above Information, Identify systems E and F. [2)

(i) System E : ........_________ system

(i) System F : _________ system

(b) Name the organ In the digestive $.Y818m where the digested foed leave
the digestive system and enter� F. (1]

26 P4 SA1 Science 2017

34. The graph below shows the amount of undigested food that has just entered
the different organs in the hum�n dlgesttve system.



Amount of
&rndlgestad 60



(a) Based on the lnft>nnatioh above, whtch organ, A, B, C, Dor E, represents

the � intestine? e(plain your answer. [2]

(b) In the �ph above, the amount of undigested food that just entered
organs D and I; are the same.
What could organs D and E possibly be? [1}
Organ D: _______

Organ E: __________

I Seo� k31
27 P4 SA1 Science 2017
35. Nee� planted a seed in a pot of soil and placed near the windQW. She observed
the development of the seed into seedling over a period of time.

(a) Neela recorded her observations as shown below (not in order). Fil in
the correct boxes with -i•, "3. and •4• to show the correct order of the
development of seed. Stages '1' and· '5' have been indicated for you. {11

0 The seed leaves shrink in site and drop off.

D The shoot emerges from the seed.

D The roots emerges from the seed.

D The leaves appear.

8 The seed coat ruptures.

(b) Neela planted another seed of the same type In another pot of soil and
placed It In a dark cupboard instead of near 1he window.

Would the seed be able to germinate? Explain your answer clearly. (2)

28 P4 SA1 Sclerice2017
36. Sophie set up the experiment below to investigate a property of three different
materials; P, Q and R. All the materials were of the same length.

$Upport support

For each material, weights are added onto the material until it �rted. to break.
Her resub are shown in the graph below. The mass of the weights that cause
each material to start to break are recorded in the graph below.

. Mass of

p Q R Material

(a) Identify the property of the materials that Sophie was testing in the above
experiment [11

(b) Based on the above results, Sophie chose material P to make a book
shelf to store her books. Give a reason for her choice of material. [1)

(c) Besides the length of materials, name another variable that should be
kept constant in order to ensure a fair test. (1)

29 P4 SA1 Science 2017

37. The flow chart below shows ho� some items are classified.


Yes Yes




Answer the following questions based on the Information above.

(a) $tate .one simUarity and one difference between B al'}d C. [2]

Smlarity : ___________________

Differenq e : ____________________

(b) Suggest a possi>le question X. [1}

(c) Which item, A. B or C, would represent the fonowtng correctly? 11] �

(i) Oil

Qij Plasticine

Seo$ lZl
Science 2011
30 P4 SA1
39. Afice conducted an experiment using the set-up as shown below.

sealed container

tOOcm3 ofQ

(a) Aiter Alice used the tap. to remove 20 cm3 of Q fl'()m the container, she
observed that the volume of I> in the container was 170 cm3•

Identify the slates (solld, liquid or gas) of substances P, ·Q and R.


(� Substance P

(ii) Substance Q : ______

(b) ·Which property ofsubstance P did you use to obtain your answer in (a)(i)?

(c) After removing 20 cm3 of Q from the container In part (a), she used the
pump to add 10 cm3 of P Into the container. · ·

What fs the final volume of substance P In the container? [1)


I L2fl

P4 SA1 Science2017
40. Jessie fdled contamer P with 100 cm3 sand and then added 100 cm3 of water
into it, as show'n In the diagrams below.

:·. ::��-:·��!���::·.·:t�:���-
;..,·.·.••:·.�·.�·.: ·.. ·. :.� •. ���·
..... •,��:·..�:-:.-:.
'•.:....... ·. ···• .. •··-::
�- ,·. ,....•.•·
' .. ,., ... ,,
'-'':..JJ)i1. ,,: •:.: ·J •:•;:.

ContainerP ContalnerP

(a ) � why the ·final volume of the content in container P was less 1han
200cm'. l2J

Jessie filled another identical container Q wfth. plasticine. 8$ sbown In diagram


Container Q ·

Then she poured In 100 cm3.of water.

(b) What would the final votume of the content in container Q be after
pourJng in 100 an3.ofwater? Put a tick(,/) in the correct box. [11



Mo$ than 170 cm3.

Less than 170 an3

I Scoro

33 P4 SA1 Science 2017

41. CaroJ constructed an electromagnet usln9 an iron bar P, as shown in" the
dijlgtam below. The different parts of iron bar P were labelled x, Y and z.

X · z • lron bar P

cnl .
l;clfl,$� . .,.--- tnetalpin

She placed a tray of pil')S 2· cm below the Iron bar and recorded her observations
for part X·fn the table below.

Parts of iron bar X y z

Number of metal
pins attracted to 10
the Iron bar

(a) Predict jhe number of metal pins-attracted to parts Y and z of the Iron
bar and write your answers·ln the above table. [1]

Using the same Iron bar and ,ame type of batteries, suggest two ways.
to increase the total number of pinsaura� to the iron bar. [2]



Continue on next page

34 P4 SA1 Science 2017

Continue from previous page

(c) Carol placed iron bar Q, near end Z of the iron bar P, as shown in the
diagram below.


iron iron
barP z barQ

Carol obseNed that the iron bar Q moved towards iron bar P1 as
indicated by the arrow in the above diagram. She concluded that Iron bar
Q is a magnet.

Do you agree with her? Explain your answer clearly. [1]


Setters: Ms K. Shaheena, Mdm Lim SY

-The End-

I 0Score

P4 SA 1 Science 2017
EXAM PAPER 2017 (P4)
Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 ._ . QE,'
.,Q7 QB Q9 QlO
4 1 1 3 1 ,. ·. . �-1 1 1 2 4
Qll Q12 Q13 Q14 Qb,5. Q16 Q17 Q18 Q19 Q20
2 2 2 2 1-, .. '4 2 2 1 1
Q21 Q22 Q23 Q2 4: Q25 C).26 Q27 Q28

3 3 3 . 3a . . ·'4 1 2 .1

29)a)Q. It did not absorb any water

. and plants need water
. to survive so it is a
. .

· · plastic plant.
b)lt woul8 rerrlain tbl!! same at 30ml at the end of the experiment. The plastic
bag prevents.t�e roots from absorbing water. Therefore, it will remain in the

o)j)jt. -� y.. ii)W , X

30)a)Frs.h Mammal
Has scales Has hair
b}lt belongs to the group mammals. As it br-.eathe through lungs but fish
breathe through gills and it has hair b_ut fish body covering is scales.
31)a)Animal P young resembles its adult but animal Q young does not resemble
its adult.
b)Graph R. When it is at Larval stage it eats a lot but when it is a pupal stage
it does not feed and when it is an adult it eats normally it begins to eat again.
b)lt has food stored at the seed leaf so when it is growing it will the fQod_.
Since it does not have true leaves yet.
c)Since it has its true leaves it can make its own food,SQ it-.poes··-e.a. t·need the
seed leaves.
33)a)i) Respiratory ii)circulatory
b)Small intestine.
34)a)B. It has the least amount of undigestetf-fO'Qd as most of �he fo_od is
digested �nd absorbed at the small int�stine·�o it 1s· B.
b}O; stoma·ch �: Gullet
35)a) 3,2,4
b)The seed will still' be able,to germinate. It does not need light to
germinated. It still can recei_ve air., water and warmth.
36)a)The ·str�ngth &f.-tfie mate·rial.
b)P is the stro l")_gest ·ruaterial as it can hold the greatest mass of weights
placed on P u_nt!Ht'l,roke.
c)Thf! thickness of the materials.
Both B and C cannot be compressed.
Difference: B takes the shape of the container but C does not take the
shape of the container.
b)Does it occupies spc}ce-.
c)i)B ii)C
38)a)i)Not ii)True iii)True iv)False
b)X , Y , Z
39}a)i) P: Gas ii)Liquid
b)P has no definite volume.
40)a)S and has small spaces in betwee_!l each particle of sand so t� \vat�.r ,Will
fill up the spaces in between. Therefore, the water level has l�ser ,than.,l00cm3.
b)Mor.e than 170cm3
4l)a)Y: 0 Z: 10
b)i)She could coit more times around the iron bar.
ii)She could add more batteries .
c)No. She did not observe repulsion 16etwee.n the two bars. Q war only
attracted to P.

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