20160711125732-Hochfeste Bleche Fuer Jackups e PDF
20160711125732-Hochfeste Bleche Fuer Jackups e PDF
20160711125732-Hochfeste Bleche Fuer Jackups e PDF
Reliable partner for the The fossil energy sources, oil and gas, will continue even in coming decades to enjoy great import-
offshore industry ance in global energy supplies. Dillinger Hütte has long been an established and reliable supplier of
technologically sophisticated heavy plate and components fabricated from it for offshore oil and gas
So-called jack-up rigs (or simply “jack-ups”) play a vital role in the exploration and development
of oil and gas deposits, and in the exploitation of smaller reserves. The design of mobile platforms
makes it possible to set them up temporarily at water depths of above 150 m. The vertically extenda-
ble rig legs, which may be more than 200 m in length, depending on particular design, anchor the
hull to the seafloor, raising it above the water surface out of the range of wave attack. Such rigs are
designed to withstand wave heights of over 20 m. The deck of the jack-up accommodates the crew,
plus the actual drilling rig and other important equipment.
© Condumex
Wind farm installation vessels transport the foundation structures, towers and turbines of offshore
wind-power systems. As in the case of jack-up oil/gas rigs, the hull is raised at the work site, assuring
safe installation of the foundations from the vessel’s deck.
Jack-up legs with a The jack-up rig or wind farm installation vessel, depending on its specific type, will have three to
heart of heavy plate six legs, each consisting of a rigid lattice structure. The load-bearing components of this structure
joined via bracings take the form of a unit composed of a gear rack and a welded-on chord:
Gear rack
© Dillinger Hütte
The basis for the gear rack and the chord is provided by high-strength heavy plate. Loads acting
on the plates in the through thickness direction, resulting, for example, from welded connections,
generally require special deformation properties even perpendicular to the plate surface (so-called
“Z-properties”). Transmission of the enormous loads via the tooth flanks necessitates high material
homogeneity. The latter is also an important precondition for good toughness values throughout
the plate cross-section.
Special properties Depending on the requirements specified, Dillinger Hütte plates for fabrication to gear racks or
and dimensions for chords are characterised by the following property profiles (further details can be found in the
Dillinger plate DI-RACK material data sheet, available at http://www.dillinger.de):
Type B Type M Type S
Minimum yield strength ReH [MPa] 690 723 723
Tensile strength R m [MPa] 770 - 940 793 - 960 830 - 990
Minimum elongation A5 [%] 15 14 14
Z-properties assuring minimum values of 35 % for percentage reduction of area can be adjusted
for plates loaded in the through thickness direction. The plates, homogenised right down into their
centre, achieve excellent Charpy V-notch toughnesses throughout the plate cross-section at tempe-
ratures down to –60 °C depending on the customer requirements.
Dillinger Hütte has a large range of dimension formats available for plates possessing these proper-
ties. Demand for plates for production of chords is generally restricted to thicknesses of up to
120 mm (4¾”), whereas plates in thicknesses up to 210 mm (8¼”) are rolled for gear racks. Maximum
plate weights of around 40 t permit plate lengths of above 12 m.
High-strength plates in large plate thicknesses and with
ultra-tight dimensional and geometric tolerances
© Dillinger Hütte
Production of large- These properties and formats can be achieved only using sophisticated metallurgical concepts and
thickness high-strength the appropriate processing equipment throughout the production path from the pig iron to the
plate finished plate. Here, Dillinger Hütte possesses decisive advantages, as an integrated iron-and-steel
mill. Vacuum treatment in the steelmaking plant assures high steel cleanliness. Slabs and ingots of
high individual item weights and great thickness are then vital, to assure adequate potentials for
deformation of the material in the downstream forming process. High reductions in thickness per
forming operation assure adequate deformation of the plate centre and the elimination of solidifica-
tion-induced porosity. One precondition for this are rolling stands such as those installed at Dillinger
Hütte, which apply the necessary high rolling forces to the material during the concluding shaping
process. The parent plates are submitted to quenching and tempering after rolling.
• Austenitising: heat soaking up to austeniti- Ar3
sing temperature (approx. 900° C) Ar1
• Quenching: water-cooling to below the
martensite starting temperature MS at an
adequate rate of cooling α
• Tempering at temperatures below Ar1 Ms
A microstructure with extremely good
strength and toughness properties Time
ABS and DNV Dillinger Hütte possesses ABS and DNV approvals for steels of yield-strength class 690 MPa. Steel
approved grades AQ – FQ70 / A690 – F690 can be supplied as ABS or DNV grades with defined properties in
the through thickness direction in plate thicknesses of up to 210 mm.
More than just plate The production and processing of such steel grades and formats demands special know-how and
corresponding equipment. Dillinger Hütte’s Heavy Fabrication shop cuts high-strength plates to
gear racks of up to 12 m in length. Like the original plate, these products meet the very tightest
dimensional and geometric tolerances.
Flame cut gear racks in Dillinger Hütte’s
Heavy Fabrication shop
© Dillinger Hütte
Dillinger Hütte’s Heavy Fabrication department also produces hot-formed chords, another product
destined for use in the legs of jack-up rigs and wind farm installation vessels. The dimension range
permits lengths of up to 5 m and, depending on bending radius, wall thicknesses of over 120 mm.
Hot-formed chords in Dillinger
Hütte’s Heavy Fabrication shop
© Dillinger Hütte