A 330 Ice and Rain Protection

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A 330

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Either hot air or electrical heating protects critical areas of the aircraft
as follows:


‐ Four outboard leading-edge slats of each wing

‐ Engine air intakes.


‐ Flight compartment windows

‐ Sensors, pitot probes, static ports, TAT probes and angle-of-attack
‐ Waste water drain mast.

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Rain Removal Wipers Only

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 Hot air from the pneumatic system heats the four outboard slats
(4-5-6-7) of each wing in flight

 The WING pushbutton on the ANTI ICE panel controls the four

 When the aircraft is on ground, the flight crew can initiate a 30 s

test sequence by turning the system ON

 If the system detects a leak during normal operation, the affected

side's wing anti-ice valve automatically closes

 When wing anti-ice is selected, the N1 or EPR limit is automatically

reduced, and the idle N1 or EPR is automatically increased

 In the event of electrical power supply failure, the valves close

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WING ANTI ICE pushbutton

This pushbutton simultaneously controls the wing anti-ice system on the left and
right sides.
Off : The ON light goes off.
The wing anti-ice control valves close.
FAULT lt : Light comes on amber, and a caution appears on the ECAM, if :
‐ The position of the anti-ice control valve is not the required
position, or
‐ Low pressure is detected.
Note: The amber FAULT light comes on briefly during pressure built up, or
when the valves open.
ON : Light comes on blue.
The WING A.ICE indication appears on the ECAM MEMO page.
Wing anti-ice control valves open, if pneumatic supply is available.
On the ground, the wing anti-ice control valves open for only 30 s
(test sequence)

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Crossline - Green : The HP valve is fully closed.
In line - Green : The HP valve is not fully closed.
ICE NOT DET : This memo appears in green if ice is not detected for 130 s
after the flight crew has set the WING ANTI ICE pb sw to ON.
WING A.ICE : This memo appears in green if the WING ANTI ICE pb sw is ON.

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 An independent air bleed from the high pressure compressor

protects each engine nacelle from ice.

 The air is supplied through a two-position (open and closed)

valve that the flight crew controls with pushbuttons : One for
each engine.

 The valve closes automatically if air is not available (engine

not running).

 When an engine anti-ice valve is open, the N1 or EPR limit for

that engine is automatically reduced, and the idle N1 or EPR
is automatically increased.

 If electric power fails, the valves open.

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ENG 1 (2) pb sw

OFF : ON light goes off.

The engine anti-ice valve closes.

FAULT lt : Light comes on amber, with an ECAM caution, if the position of the
anti-ice valve disagrees with the ENG pb sw selection.

ON : Light comes on blue.

The ENG A.ICE message appears on the ECAM MEMO display.
The engine anti-ice valve opens.

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ENG A.ICE : This memo appears in green if one ENG ANTI ICE pb-sw is ON,
or if the nacelle anti-ice valves are open.

ICE NOT DET : This memo appears in green if ice is not detected for 130 s
after the flight crew has set the ENG ANTI ICE pb-sw to ON.


The static probes; Angle Of Attack (AOA), pitot and Total Air Temperature (TAT)
sensors are electrically heated to prevent ice formation.

The Captain, the First Officer and standby probe heating systems are
independent. Each one has one Probe Heat Computer(PHC), which controls probe
and static port heating.

The standby system has no TAT probe. The PROBE/WINDOW HEAT P/B sw
overrides the automatic operation. On ground, pitot heating is reduced
and TAT heating is cut off.

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Uses electrical heating for anti icing each windshield and defogging
the cockpit side windows.

Two independent Window Heat Computers (WHC), one on each

side, automatically regulate the system and protect it against
overheating and indicate faults.

Window heating comes on :

‐ automatically when at least one engine is running, or in flight
‐ manually when the flight crew switches on the
PROBE/WINDOW HEAT pushbutton switch.

The windshield heating operates at low power on the ground and

at normal power in flight.

Only one heating level exists for the windows.

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AUTO : Probes/windows are automatically heated :

 In flight, or
 On ground (except TAT probes), provided one engine is running.
ON : The blue light indicates that the probes and windows are heated (except
TAT probes on ground).

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 An ice protection system is installed to prevent ice formation in the

waste disposal system and the potable water system

 Electrical heating elements in form of flexible tapes are attached to

the waste/potable water lines which are installed in areas of
possible icing conditions (in the vicinity of fuselage skin).

 Temperature sensors are installed to detect icing conditions.

 The fill/drain nipples on the water service/waste panel and the

two drain masts are heated.

 The two Water Ice-Protection Control Units (WIPCU) installed

operate independently : one controls the forward section of the ice
protection system, the second one the aft section.

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 The temperature sensors measure permanently the water line

 In the WIPCU, the measured value is compared with a reference

temperature for the related location.

 This threshold can be set individually for each area by maintenance


 If the temperature drops below the reference value the heating

elements for the related area are turned on.

 A different (higher) threshold is used to turn the heating elements


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An external visual ice indicator with an integrated light is installed

between both windshields to be visible from the CAPT and F/O sides.

The ice detection system has two separate ice detector probes on the
forward lower section of the fuselage.

The system operates automatically and starts at electrical power up.

The probes detect ice accretion. They also indicate, through the MEMO
display, that icing conditions have disappeared.

The system logic generates ECAM messages according to ice detector

signals and the flight crew’s selection of engine or wing anti-ice

The ice detection system does not control the ENG or WING anti-ice

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Each rotary selector controls its wiper at either low or high speed.
When turned off the wiper stops out of view.

Each crewmember can control the speed of the wipers

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