RTL8187L RTL8187L-LF: Wireless Lan Network Interface Controller

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Rev. 1.2
06 September 2005
Track ID: JATR-1076-21

©2005 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced,
transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form or by any
means without the written permission of Realtek Semiconductor Corp.

Realtek provides this document “as is”, without warranty of any kind, neither expressed nor implied,
including, but not limited to, the particular purpose. Realtek may make improvements and/or changes in
this document or in the product described in this document at any time. This document could include
technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.

Realtek is a trademark of Realtek Semiconductor Corporation. Other names mentioned in this document are
trademarks/registered trademarks of their respective owners.


This document is intended for the software engineer’s reference and provides detailed programming
Though every effort has been made to ensure that this document is current and accurate, more information
may have become available subsequent to the production of this guide. In that event, please contact your
Realtek representative for additional information that may help in the development process.

Revision Release Date Summary
1.0 2004/10/22 First release.
1.1 2005/04/25 Revised data transaction content.
Added offset 8 information (Table 27, page 23, and Table 28, page 23).
1.2 2005/09/06 Added RoHS declaration (see last 2 pages).
Added lead (Pb)-free and package identification information on page 4.
Corrected section 14 Mechanical Dimensions, page 34.

Wireless LAN Network Interface Controller ii Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2

Table of Contents
1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION ...............................................................................................................................................1

2. FEATURES ..........................................................................................................................................................................2

3. SYSTEM APPLICATIONS ................................................................................................................................................3

4. BLOCK DIAGRAM ............................................................................................................................................................3

5. PIN ASSIGNMENTS...........................................................................................................................................................4
5.1. LEAD (PB)-FREE PACKAGE IDENTIFICATION ...................................................................................................................4
6. PIN DESCRIPTIONS ..........................................................................................................................................................5
6.1. USB TRANSCEIVER INTERFACE ......................................................................................................................................5
6.2. EEPROM INTERFACE .....................................................................................................................................................5
6.3. POWER PINS ....................................................................................................................................................................5
6.4. LED INTERFACE..............................................................................................................................................................6
6.5. ATTACHMENT UNIT INTERFACE ......................................................................................................................................6
6.5.1. RTL8225 RF Chipset ..............................................................................................................................................6
6.5.2. RTL8255 RF Chipset ..............................................................................................................................................7
6.6. CLOCK AND OTHER PINS .................................................................................................................................................8
7. CPU ACCESS TO ENDPOINT DATA..............................................................................................................................9
7.1. CONTROL TRANSFER .......................................................................................................................................................9
7.2. BULK TRANSFER .............................................................................................................................................................9
8. USB REQUEST ..................................................................................................................................................................10
8.1. GET DESCRIPTOR-DEVICE .............................................................................................................................................10
8.2. GET DESCRIPTOR-DEVICE QUALIFIER (HIGH SPEED)....................................................................................................10
8.3. GET DESCRIPTOR-CONFIGURATION ..............................................................................................................................11
8.4. GET DESCRIPTOR-STRING INDEX 0 ...............................................................................................................................11
8.5. GET DESCRIPTOR-STRING INDEX 1 ...............................................................................................................................12
8.6. GET DESCRIPTOR-STRING INDEX 2 ...............................................................................................................................12
8.7. GET DESCRIPTOR-STRING INDEX 3 ...............................................................................................................................13
8.8. GET DESCRIPTOR-STRING INDEX 4 ...............................................................................................................................13
8.9. GET DESCRIPTOR-STRING INDEX 5 ...............................................................................................................................14
8.10. GET DESCRIPTOR-OTHER SPEED CONFIGURATION....................................................................................................14
8.11. SET ADDRESS ............................................................................................................................................................15
8.12. SET INTERFACE 0 ......................................................................................................................................................15
8.13. SET FEATURE DEVICE ...............................................................................................................................................15
8.14. CLEAR FEATURE DEVICE ..........................................................................................................................................16
8.15. SET CONFIG 0............................................................................................................................................................16
8.16. SET CONFIG 1............................................................................................................................................................16
9. EEPROM (93C46 OR 93C56) CONTENTS ....................................................................................................................17
9.1. EEPROM REGISTERS SUMMARY ..................................................................................................................................20
9.2. EEPROM POWER MANAGEMENT REGISTERS SUMMARY .............................................................................................20
10. USB PACKET BUFFERING ........................................................................................................................................21
10.1. TRANSMIT BUFFER MANAGER ..................................................................................................................................21
10.2. RECEIVE BUFFER MANAGER .....................................................................................................................................21
Wireless LAN Network Interface Controller iii Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2
10.3. PACKET RECOGNITION ..............................................................................................................................................21
11. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................................................22
11.1. TRANSMIT & RECEIVE OPERATIONS..........................................................................................................................22
11.1.1. Transmit ...............................................................................................................................................................22
11.1.2. Receive .................................................................................................................................................................25
11.2. LOOPBACK OPERATION .............................................................................................................................................27
11.3. TX ENCAPSULATION (WITH RTL8187L INTERNAL BASEBAND PROCESSOR)............................................................27
11.4. RX DECAPSULATION (WITH RTL8187L INTERNAL BASEBAND PROCESSOR) ...........................................................27
11.5. LED FUNCTIONS .......................................................................................................................................................28
11.5.1. Link Monitor.........................................................................................................................................................28
11.5.2. Infrastructure Monitor .........................................................................................................................................28
11.5.3. Rx LED .................................................................................................................................................................28
11.5.4. Tx LED .................................................................................................................................................................29
11.5.5. Tx/Rx LED ............................................................................................................................................................29
11.5.6. LINK/ACT LED ....................................................................................................................................................30
12. APPLICATION DIAGRAM .........................................................................................................................................31

13. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS........................................................................................................................32

13.1. TEMPERATURE LIMIT RATINGS .................................................................................................................................32
13.2. DC CHARACTERISTICS ..............................................................................................................................................32
13.3. AC CHARACTERISTICS ..............................................................................................................................................33
13.3.1. Serial EEPROM Interface Timing (93C46(64*16)/93C56(128*16))...................................................................33
14. MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS ...................................................................................................................................34
14.1. MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS NOTES............................................................................................................................35
15. ORDERING INFORMATION .....................................................................................................................................36

List of Tables
TABLE 1. USB TRANSCEIVER INTERFACE .....................................................................................................................................5
TABLE 2. EEPROM INTERFACE ....................................................................................................................................................5
TABLE 3. POWER PINS ...................................................................................................................................................................5
TABLE 4. LED INTERFACE.............................................................................................................................................................6
TABLE 5. ATTACHMENT UNIT INTERFACE .....................................................................................................................................6
TABLE 6. RTL8255 RF CHIPSET....................................................................................................................................................7
TABLE 7. CLOCK AND OTHER PINS ................................................................................................................................................8
TABLE 8. GET DESCRIPTOR-DEVICE ............................................................................................................................................10
TABLE 9. GET DESCRIPTOR- DEVICE QUALIFIER (HIGH SPEED) ..................................................................................................10
TABLE 10. GET DESCRIPTOR-CONFIGURATION .............................................................................................................................11
TABLE 11. GET DESCRIPTOR-STRING INDEX 0 ..............................................................................................................................11
TABLE 12. GET DESCRIPTOR-STRING INDEX 1 ..............................................................................................................................12
TABLE 13. GET DESCRIPTOR-STRING INDEX 2 ..............................................................................................................................12
TABLE 14. GET DESCRIPTOR-STRING INDEX 3 ..............................................................................................................................13
TABLE 15. GET DESCRIPTOR-STRING INDEX 4 ..............................................................................................................................13
TABLE 16. GET DESCRIPTOR-STRING INDEX 5 ..............................................................................................................................14
TABLE 17. GET DESCRIPTOR-OTHER SPEED CONFIGURATION ......................................................................................................14
TABLE 18. SET ADDRESS ..............................................................................................................................................................15
TABLE 19. SET INTERFACE 0 .........................................................................................................................................................15

Wireless LAN Network Interface Controller iv Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2
TABLE 20. SET FEATURE DEVICE ..................................................................................................................................................15
TABLE 21. CLEAR FEATURE DEVICE .............................................................................................................................................16
TABLE 22. SET CONFIG 0 ..............................................................................................................................................................16
TABLE 23. SET CONFIG 1 ..............................................................................................................................................................16
TABLE 24. EEPROM (93C46 OR 93C56) CONTENTS ....................................................................................................................17
TABLE 25. EEPROM REGISTERS SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................20
TABLE 26. EEPROM POWER MANAGEMENT REGISTERS SUMMARY ............................................................................................20
TABLE 27. TX DESCRIPTOR FORMAT ............................................................................................................................................22
TABLE 28. TX STATUS DESCRIPTOR ..............................................................................................................................................23
TABLE 29. RX DESCRIPTOR FORMAT ............................................................................................................................................25
TABLE 30. RX STATUS DESCRIPTOR..............................................................................................................................................25
TABLE 31. TEMPERATURE LIMIT RATINGS ....................................................................................................................................32
TABLE 32. DC CHARACTERISTICS .................................................................................................................................................32
TABLE 33. EEPROM ACCESS TIMING PARAMETERS ....................................................................................................................33
TABLE 34. ORDERING INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................................36

List of Figures
FIGURE 1. BLOCK DIAGRAM ..........................................................................................................................................................3
FIGURE 2. PIN ASSIGNMENTS.........................................................................................................................................................4
FIGURE 3. RX LED ......................................................................................................................................................................28
FIGURE 4. TX LED ......................................................................................................................................................................29
FIGURE 5. TX/RX LED ................................................................................................................................................................29
FIGURE 6. LINK/ACT LED.........................................................................................................................................................30
FIGURE 7. APPLICATION DIAGRAM ..............................................................................................................................................31
FIGURE 8. SERIAL EEPROM INTERFACE TIMING ........................................................................................................................33

Wireless LAN Network Interface Controller v Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2

1. General Description
The Realtek RTL8187L is a low-profile highly integrated cost-effective Wireless LAN USB 2.0 network
interface controller that integrates a USB 2.0 PHY, SIE (Serial Interface Engine), 8051 MCU, a Wireless
LAN MAC, and a Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum/OFDM baseband processor onto one chip. It provides
USB high speed (480Mbps), and full speed (12Mbps), and supports 4 endpoints for transfer pipes. To
reduce protocol overhead, the RTL8187L supports Short InterFrame Space (SIFS) burst mode to send
packets back-to-back. A protection mechanism prevents collisions among 802.11b nodes. The RTL8187L
fully complies with IEEE 802.11a/b/g specifications.

Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS), Complementary Code Keying (CCK), and Orthogonal
Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) baseband processing are implemented to support all IEEE
802.11a, 802.11b, and 802.11g data rates. Differential phase shift keying modulation schemes, DBPSK and
DQPSK with data scrambling capability, are available, along with complementary code keying to provide
data rates of 1, 2, 5.5, and 11Mbps, with long or short preamble. A high-speed Fast Fourier Transform
(FFT)/Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT), combined with BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM and 64QAM
modulation of the individual sub-carriers, provides data rates of 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48 and 54Mbps, with
rate-compatible punctured convolutional coding with a coding rate of 1/2, 2/3, and 3/4.

An enhanced signal detector, an adaptive frequency domain equalizer, and a soft-decision Viterbi decoder
are built-in to alleviate severe multipath effects. Efficient IQ-imbalance calibration, DC offset, phase noise,
frequency offset, and timing offset compensation reduce radio frequency front-end impairments. Selectable
digital transmit and receiver FIR filters are provided to meet the requirements of transmit spectrum masks,
and to reject adjacent channel interference, respectively. Both in the transmitter and receiver,
programmable scaling in the digital domain trades the quantization noise against the increased probability
of clipping. Robust signal detection, symbol boundary detection, and channel estimation perform well at
the minimum sensitivity.

The RTL8187L supports fast receiver Automatic Gain Control (AGC) and antenna diversity functions, and
an adaptive transmit power control function to obtain better performance in the analog portions of the
transceiver. It also has on-chip digital-to-analog converters and analog-to-digital converters for analog I
and Q inputs and outputs, transmit TSSI and receiver RSSI inputs, and transmit and receiver AGC outputs.

The RTL8187L is highly integrated and requires no ‘glue’ logic or external memory. It keeps network
maintenance costs low and eliminates usage barriers.

Wireless LAN Network Interface Controller 1 Track ID JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2


2. Features
„ 128-Pin LQFP and 128-pin LQFP Lead „ OFDM with BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM and
(Pb)-Free package 64QAM modulations and demodulations
supported with rate compatible punctured
„ State machine implementation without convolutional coding with coding rate of 1/2,
external memory (RAM, flash) requirement 2/3, and 3/4

„ Complies with IEEE 802.11a/b/g standards „ Efficient IQ-imbalance calibration, DC

offset, phase noise, frequency offset and
„ Supports descriptor-based buffer timing offset compensation reduce analog
management front-end impairments
„ Integrated Wireless LAN MAC and Direct „ Selectable digital transmit and receiver FIR
Sequence Spread Spectrum/OFDM filters provided to meet transmit spectrum
Baseband Processor in one chip mask requirements and to reject adjacent
channel interference
„ Enhanced signal detector, adaptive frequency
domain equalizer, and soft-decision Viterbi „ Programmable scaling both in transmitter
decoder to alleviate severe multipath effects and receiver to trade quantization noise
against the increased probability of clipping
„ Processing Gain compliant with FCC
„ Fast receiver Automatic Gain Control (AGC)
„ On-Chip A/D and D/A converters for I/Q & antenna diversity functions
Data, AGC, and Adaptive Power Control
„ Hardware-based IEEE 802.11i
„ Supports both transmit and receive Antenna encryption/decryption engine, including
Diversity 64-bit/128-bit WEP, TKIP, and AES
„ Data rates of 1, 2, 5.5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 18, 24, 36, „ Supports Wi-Fi alliance WPA and WPA2
48, and 54Mbps security
„ Supports 40MHz OSC as the internal clock „ Contains two large independent transmit and
source. The frequency deviation of the OSC receive FIFO buffers
must be within 25 PPM on IEEE 802.11g and
20 PPM on IEEE 802.11a „ Advanced power saving mode when the
LAN and wakeup function are not used
„ IEEE 802.11g protection mechanisms for
both RTS/CTS and CTS-to-self „ Uses 93C46 (64*16-bit EEPROM) or 93C56
(128*16-bit EEPROM) to store resource
„ Burst-mode support for dramatically configuration and ID parameter data
enhanced throughput
„ LED pins for various network activity
„ DSSS with DBPSK and DQPSK, CCK indications
modulations and demodulations supported
with long and short preamble „ Two GPIO pins supported

Wireless LAN Network Interface Controller 2 Track ID JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2

„ Supports digital loopback capability on both „ Supports 4 endpoints:
‹ 64-Byte buffer for control endpoint
„ Scatter and gather operation ‹ 512-Byte buffer for bulk IN endpoint
„ Complies with USB Specification 2.0 ‹ Two 512-Byte buffers for bulk OUT
‹ Supports Full-speed (12Mbps) and
High-speed (480Mbps) „ 3.3V and 1.8V power supplies required

„ Embedded standard 8051 CPU with „ 5V tolerant I/Os

enhanced features:
„ 0.18µm CMOS process
‹ Four cycles per instruction
‹ Variable clock speed cuts power

3. System Applications
„ USB Dongle WLAN adapter

„ Embedded WLAN solution in notebook, desktop, mobile phone, and motherboard

Wireless LAN Network Interface Controller 3 Track ID JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2


4. Block Diagram
LED Driver Serial
Radio and
Power and TX/RX Timing Control Logic Control

Frame Length

Frame Type
Interrupt RTS, CTS,

Control ACK Frame
Logic Generator
S I E + Register

TKIP/ Checksum
AES Logic CCA/
Engine NAV
From BBP

Receive MAC/BBP
FIFO Control
Logic Interface
Logic Interface

BBP, TX Section
MAC/BBP Digital
Scrambler Coding
Interface Filter

From Register
Machine Control

BBP, RX Section

Descrambler Decoding

Clear Channel
To MAC Assessment/
Signal Quality

From RX State

Figure 1. Block Diagram

Wireless LAN Network Interface Controller 3 Track ID JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2


5. Pin Assignments

Figure 2. Pin Assignments

5.1. Lead (Pb)-Free Package Identification

Lead (Pb)-free package is indicated by an ‘L’ in the location marked ‘T’ in Figure 2.

Wireless LAN Network Interface Controller 4 Track ID JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2


6. Pin Descriptions
In order to reduce pin count, and therefore size and cost, some pins have multiple functions. In such cases,
the functions are separated with a ‘/’ symbol. Refer to the Pin Assignments diagram on page 4 for a
graphical representation.
The following signal type codes are used in the tables:
I: Input. S/T/S: Sustained Tri-State.
O: Output O/D: Open Drain.
T/S: Tri-State bi-directional input/output pin.

6.1. USB Transceiver Interface

Table 1. USB Transceiver Interface
Symbol Type Pin No Description
HSDP I/O 26 High speed USB D+ signal
HSDM I/O 24 High speed USB D- signal
FSDP I/O 27 Full speed USB D+ signal
FSDM I/O 25 Full speed USB D- signal
RUP N/A 28 External pull-up resistor (1.5kW) for D+ line.
RREF N/A 31 External Reference. Requires 1% precision 6.25K resistor to ground

6.2. EEPROM Interface

Table 2. EEPROM Interface
Symbol Type Pin No Description
EESK O 51 EESK in 93C46 (93C56) programming or auto-load mode.
EEDI O 39 EEDI in 93C46 (93C56) programming or auto-load mode.
EEDO I/O 36 EEDO in 93C46 (93C56) programming or auto-load mode.
EECS O 47 EEPROM Chip Select.
93C46 (93C56) chip select.

6.3. Power Pins

Table 3. Power Pins
Symbol Type Pin No Description
VDD33 P 40, 59, 78, 93, 111 +3.3V (Digital).
AVDD P 2, 9, 22, 29, 32, 127 +3.3V (Analog).
VDD P 44, 53, 72, 82, 90, 96, +1.8V.
105, 115
GND P 41, 45, 52, 60, 73, 80, Ground (Digital).
83, 91, 110
AGND P 3, 10, 21, 23, 30, 123, Ground (Analog).
126, 128

Wireless LAN Network Interface Controller 5 Track ID JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2


6.4. LED Interface

Table 4. LED Interface
Symbol Type Pin No Description
LED0, 1 O 48, 56 LED Pins (Active low)
LEDS1~0 00 01 10 11
LED1 Infrastructure LINK RX Infrastructure
During power down mode, the LED signals are logic high.

6.5. Attachment Unit Interface

6.5.1. RTL8225 RF Chipset
Table 5. Attachment Unit Interface
Symbol Type Pin No Description
RIFSCK O 57 Serial Clock Output.
For the RTL8225 RF chipset, all operation mode switching and register setting is
done via a 4-wire serial interface.
RIFSD I/O 61 Serial Data Input/Output.
RFLE O 58 Serial Enable control.
CALEN O 77 Serial Read/Write control.
CALMODE O 108 Receiver Output.
I and Q channel AC coupling high-pass corner frequency selection. The output
function of this pin is not used in the RTL8225 RF chipset.

LNA_HL O 88 Not used in the RTL8225 RF chipset.

ANTSEL O 87 Antenna Select.
The antenna detects signal change states as the receiver switches from antenna to
antenna during the acquisition process in antenna diversity mode. This is a
complement for ANTSELB for differential drive of antenna switches.
ANTSELB O 95 Antenna Select B.
The antenna detects signal change states as the receiver switches from antenna to
antenna during the acquisition process in the antenna diversity mode. This is a
complement for ANTSEL for differential drive of antenna switches.
TRSW O 104 Transmit/Receive path select.
TRSWB O 103 The TRSW select signal controls the direction of the Transmit/Receive switch.
VCOPDN O 49 Output Pin as shutdown mode select digital input.
A_PAPE O 85 2.4GHz Transmit Power Amplifier Power Enable.
B_PAPE O 107 Not used in the RTL8225 RF chipset.
RFTXEN O 102 Not used in the RTL8225 RF chipset.
RFRXEN O 113 Not used in the RTL8225 RF chipset.
GPIO0 O 67 General purpose input/output pin.
GPIO1 O 68 General purpose input/output pin.
GPIO2 O 69 General purpose input/output pin.
GPIO3 O 70 General purpose input/output pin.

Wireless LAN Network Interface Controller 6 Track ID JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2

Symbol Type Pin No Description
GPIO4 O 100 General purpose input/output pin.
GPIO5 O 94 General purpose input/output pin.
VREFO X 118 Not used in the RTL8225 RF chipset.
VRP X 119 Not used in the RTL8225 RF chipset.
VRN X 120 Not used in the RTL8225 RF chipset.
RXIP I 121 Receive (Rx) In-phase Analog Data.
RXIN I 122
RXQP I 124 Receive (Rx) Quadrature-phase Analog Data.
RXQN I 125
RXAGC I 4 Not used in the RTL8225 RF chipset.
TXAGC O 5 Not used in the RTL8225 RF chipset.
RSSI I 6 Analog Input to the Receive Power A/D Converter for Receive AGC Control.
TSSI0 I 7 Input to the Transmit Power A/D Converter for 2.4GHz Transmit AGC Control.
TSSI1 I 8 Not used in the RTL8225 RF chipset.
TXQP I 11 Not used in the RTL8225 RF chipset.
TXIP O 14 Not used in the RTL8225 RF chipset.
TXQTP O 15 Transmit (TX) Quadrature-phase Analog Data.
TXITP O 17 Transmit (TX) In-phase Analog Data.

6.5.2. RTL8255 RF Chipset

Table 6. RTL8255 RF Chipset
Symbol Type Pin No Description
RIFSCK O 57 Serial Clock Output.
For the RTL8255 RF chipset, all operation mode switching and register setting is
done via a 3-wire serial interface.
RIFSD O 61 Serial Data Input/Output.
RFLE O 58 Serial Enable control.
CALEN X 77 Not used in the RTL8255 RF chipset.
CALMODE O 108 Receiver Output.
I and Q channel AC coupling high-pass corner frequency selection. The output
function of this pin is not used in the RTL8255 RF chipset.
LNAHL O 88 Not used in the RTL8255 RF chipset.
ANTSEL O 87 Antenna Select.
ANTSELB O 95 The antenna detects signal change states as the receiver switches from antenna to
antenna during the acquisition process in antenna diversity mode.
TRSW O 104 Transmit/Receive path select.
TRSWB O 103 The TRSW select signal controls the direction of the Transmit/Receive switch.
VCOPDN O 49 Not used in the RTL8255 RF chipset.
APAPE O 85 2.4GHz Transmit Power Amplifier Power Enable.
BPAPE O 107 5GHz Transmit Power Amplifier Power Enable.

Wireless LAN Network Interface Controller 7 Track ID JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2

Symbol Type Pin No Description
RFTXEN O 102 Not used in the RTL8255 RF chipset.
RFRXEN O 113 Not used in the RTL8255 RF chipset.
GPIO[0] O 67 General purpose input/output pin.
GPIO[1] O 68 General purpose input/output pin.
GPIO[2] O 69 General purpose input/output pin.
GPIO[3] O 70 General purpose input/output pin.
GPIO[4] O 100 General purpose input/output pin.
GPIO[5] O 94 General purpose input/output pin.
VREFO X 118 Not used in the RTL8255 RF chipset.
VRP X 119 Not used in the RTL8255 RF chipset.
VRN X 120 Not used in the RTL8255 RF chipset.
RXIP I 121 Receive (Rx) In-phase Analog Data.
RXIN I 122
RXQP I 124 Receive (Rx) Quadrature-phase Analog Data.
RXQN I 125
RXAGC O 4 Not used in the RTL8255 RF chipset.
TXAGC O 5 Not used in the RTL8255 RF chipset.
RSSI I 6 Analog Input to the Receive Power A/D Converter for Receive AGC Control.
TSSI0 I 7 Input to the Transmit Power A/D Converter for 2.4GHz Transmit AGC Control.
TSSI1 I 8 Input to the Transmit Power A/D Converter for 5GHz Transmit AGC Control.
TXQP O 11 Transmit (TX) Quadrature-phase Analog Data.
TXIP O 14 Transmit (TX) In-phase Analog Data.
TXQTP O 15 Not used in the RTL8255 RF chipset.
TXITP O 17 Not used in the RTL8255 RF chipset.

6.6. Clock and Other Pins

Table 7. Clock and Other Pins
Symbol Type Pin No Description
R15K I/O 1 This pin must be pulled low by a 15K Ω resistor.
XI I 20 40MHz OSC Input.

Wireless LAN Network Interface Controller 8 Track ID JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2


7. CPU Access to Endpoint Data

7.1. Control Transfer
Control transfers configure and send commands to a device. Because they are so important, they employ
extensive USB error checking. The host reserves a portion of each USB frame for control transfers. Control
transfers consist of two or three stages. The SETUP stage contains eight bytes of USB control data. An
optional DATA stage contains more data, if required. The STATUS stage allows the device to indicate
successful completion of a control operation.

7.2. Bulk Transfer

Bulk data is bursty, traveling in packets of 8, 16, 32, or 64 bytes at full speed, or at 512 bytes at high speed.
Bulk data has guaranteed accuracy due to an automatic retry mechanism for erroneous data. The host
schedules bulk packets when there is available bus time.

Wireless LAN Network Interface Controller 9 Track ID JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2


8. USB Request
8.1. Get Descriptor-Device
Table 8. Get Descriptor-Device
Setup Transaction
BmReq bReq wValueL wValueH wIndexL wIndexH wLengthL wLengthH
80 06 00 01 00 00 Lengh_L Length_H

High Speed Data Transaction

12 01 00 02 00 00 00 40
DA 0B 87 81 00 01 01 02
03 01

Full Speed Data Transaction

12 01 10 01 00 00 00 40
DA 0B 87 81 00 01 01 02
03 01

8.2. Get Descriptor-Device Qualifier (High Speed)

Table 9. Get Descriptor- Device Qualifier (High Speed)
Setup Transaction
BmReq bReq wValueL wValueH wIndexL wIndexH wLengthL wLengthH
80 06 00 06 00 00 Lengh_L Length_H

Data Transaction
0A 06 00 02 00 00 00 40
01 00

Wireless LAN Network Interface Controller 10 Track ID JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2


8.3. Get Descriptor-Configuration

Table 10. Get Descriptor-Configuration
Setup Transaction
BmReq bReq wValueL wValueH wIndexL wIndexH wLengthL wLengthH
80 06 00 02 00 00 Lengh_L Length_H

High Speed Data Transaction

09 02 27 00 01 01 04 80
FA 09 04 00 00 03 00 00
00 05 07 05 81 02 00 02
00 07 05 02 02 00 02 00
07 05 03 02 00 02 00

Full Speed Data Transaction

09 02 27 00 01 01 00 E0
01 09 04 00 00 03 00 00
00 05 07 05 81 02 40 00
00 07 05 02 02 40 00 00
07 05 03 02 40 00 00

8.4. Get Descriptor-String Index 0

Table 11. Get Descriptor-String Index 0
Setup Transaction
BmReq bReq wValueL wValueH wIndexL wIndexH wLengthL wLengthH
80 06 00 03 00 00 Lengh_L Length_H

Data Transaction
04 03 09 04 - - - -

Wireless LAN Network Interface Controller 11 Track ID JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2


8.5. Get Descriptor-String Index 1

Table 12. Get Descriptor-String Index 1
Setup Transaction
BmReq bReq wValueL wValueH wIndexL wIndexH wLengthL wLengthH
80 06 01 03 09 04 Lengh_L Length_H

Data Transaction
10 03 52 00 65 00 61 00
6C 00 74 00 65 00 6B 00

8.6. Get Descriptor-String Index 2

Table 13. Get Descriptor-String Index 2
Setup Transaction
BmReq bReq wValueL wValueH wIndexL wIndexH wLengthL wLengthH
80 06 02 03 09 04 Lengh_L Length_H

Data Transaction
3A 03 52 00 54 00 4C 00
38 00 31 00 38 00 37 00
20 00 57 00 59 00 72 00
65 00 6C 00 65 00 73 00
73 00 20 00 4C 00 41 00
4E 00 20 00 41 00 64 00
61 00 70 00 74 00 65 00
72 00

Wireless LAN Network Interface Controller 12 Track ID JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2


8.7. Get Descriptor-String Index 3

Table 14. Get Descriptor-String Index 3
Setup Transaction
BmReq bReq wValueL wValueH wIndexL wIndexH wLengthL wLengthH
80 06 03 03 09 04 Lengh_L Length_H

Data Transaction
1A 03 30 00 30 00 65 00
30 00 34 00 63 00 30 00
30 00 30 00 30 00 30 00
31 00

8.8. Get Descriptor-String Index 4

Table 15. Get Descriptor-String Index 4
Setup Transaction
BmReq bReq wValueL wValueH wIndexL wIndexH wLengthL wLengthH
80 06 04 03 09 04 Lengh_L Length_H

Data Transaction
2C 03 57 00 69 00 72 00
65 00 6C 00 65 00 73 00
73 00 20 00 4E 00 65 00
74 00 77 00 6F 00 72 00
6B 00 20 00 43 00 61 00
72 00 64 00

Wireless LAN Network Interface Controller 13 Track ID JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2


8.9. Get Descriptor-String Index 5

Table 16. Get Descriptor-String Index 5
Setup Transaction
BmReq bReq wValueL wValueH wIndexL wIndexH wLengthL wLengthH
80 06 05 03 09 04 Lengh_L Length_H

Data Transaction
34 03 42 00 75 00 6C 00
6B 00 2D 00 49 00 4E 00
2C 00 42 00 75 00 6C 00
6B 00 2D 00 4F 00 55 00
54 00 2C 00 42 00 75 00
6C 00 6B 00 2D 00 4F 00
55 00 54 00

8.10. Get Descriptor-Other Speed Configuration

Table 17. Get Descriptor-Other Speed Configuration
Setup Transaction
BmReq bReq wValueL wValueH wIndexL wIndexH wLengthL wLengthH
80 06 00 07 00 00 Lengh_L Length_H

High Speed Data Transaction

09 02 27 00 01 01 04 80
FA 09 04 00 00 03 00 00
00 05 07 05 81 02 00 02
00 07 05 02 02 00 02 00
07 05 03 02 00 02 00

Full Speed Data Transaction

09 02 27 00 01 01 00 E0
01 09 04 00 00 03 00 00
00 05 07 05 81 02 40 00
00 07 05 02 02 40 00 00
07 05 03 02 40 00 00

Wireless LAN Network Interface Controller 14 Track ID JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2


8.11. Set Address

Table 18. Set Address
Setup Transaction
BmReq bReq wValueL wValueH wIndexL wIndexH wLengthL wLengthH
00 05 addrL addrH 00 00 00 00
Note: No data transaction.

8.12. Set Interface 0

Table 19. Set Interface 0
Setup Transaction
BmReq bReq wValueL wValueH wIndexL wIndexH wLengthL wLengthH
01 0B 00 00 00 00 00 00
Note: No data transaction.

8.13. Set Feature Device

Table 20. Set Feature Device
Setup Transaction
BmReq bReq wValueL wValueH wIndexL wIndexH wLengthL wLengthH
00 03 01 00 00 00 00 00
Note: No data transaction.

Wireless LAN Network Interface Controller 15 Track ID JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2


8.14. Clear Feature Device

Table 21. Clear Feature Device
Setup Transaction
BmReq bReq wValueL wValueH wIndexL wIndexH wLengthL wLengthH
00 01 01 00 00 00 00 00
Note: No data transaction.

8.15. Set Config 0

Table 22. Set Config 0
Setup Transaction
BmReq bReq wValueL wValueH wIndexL wIndexH wLengthL wLengthH
00 09 00 02 00 00 00 00
Note: No data transaction.

8.16. Set Config 1

Table 23. Set Config 1
Setup Transaction
BmReq bReq wValueL wValueH wIndexL wIndexH wLengthL wLengthH
00 09 01 00 00 00 00 00
Note: No data transaction.

Wireless LAN Network Interface Controller 16 Track ID JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2


9. EEPROM (93C46 or 93C56) Contents

The RTL8187L supports the attachment of an external EEPROM. The 93C46 is a 1Kbit EEPROM (the
93C56 is a 2Kbit EEPROM). The EEPROM interface provides the ability for the RTL8187L to read from,
and write data to, an external serial EEPROM device. If the EEPROM is not present, the RTL8187L
initialization uses default values for the Operational Registers. Software can read and write to the
EEPROM using “bit-bang” accesses via the 9346CR Register.
Although it is actually addressed by words, its contents are listed below by bytes for convenience. After the
initial power on or auto-load command in the 9346CR, the RTL8187L performs a series of EEPROM read
operations from the 93C46 (93C56).
Note: It is suggested to obtain Realtek approval before changing the default settings of the EEPROM.

Table 24. EEPROM (93C46 or 93C56) Contents

Bytes Contents Description
00h 87h These 2 bytes contain the ID code word for the RTL8187L. The RTL8187L will load
01h 81h the contents of the EEPROM into the corresponding location if the ID word (8187h) is
02h-03h VID USB Vendor ID.
04h-05h DID USB Device ID.
06h ChannelPlan Channel Plan: Map of channels to be scanned.
07h EnergyDetThr Energy detection threshold.
08h RFParm RF specific parameter.
09h-0Ah Version The version of EEPROM content.
0Bh Options function Bit0: Timeout function.
0: Disable RTL8187L’s USB timeout mechanism.
1: Enable RTL8187L’s USB timeout mechanism.

Bit1: USB remote wake up function.

0: There is no remote wake up feature for the RTL8187L.
1: There is a remote wake up feature for the RTL8187L.

0: The RTL8187L’s remote wake-up is based on the WLAN’s wake-up signal
1: The RTL8187L’s remote wake-up is push-button based.

Bit3: USB Status stage.

1: Bypass the check setup interrupt procedure of 8051 when host sends set_address

Bit4: SelfloopbackISR function.

1: The UTM self loopback will be initialized by internal 8051.

1: The power control signal to AFE will be auto controlled by suspendm.
0Ch RFChipID RF Chip ID.
The identifier of the RF chip.

Wireless LAN Network Interface Controller 17 Track ID JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2

Bytes Contents Description
0Dh CONFIG3 RTL8187L Configuration register 3.
Operational register FF59h.
0Eh~13h MAC Address MAC Address.
After the auto-load command or a hardware reset, the RTL8187L loads MAC
Addresses to IDR0~IDR5 of the I/O registers of the RTL8187L.
14h - Reserved.
15h CONFIG1 RTL8187L Configuration register 1.
Operational register FF52h.
16h~17h CRC 16-bit CRC value of EEPROM content.
18h CONFIG2 RTL8187L Configuration register 2.
Operational register FF53h.
19h CONFIG4 RTL8187L Configuration register 4.
Operational register FF5Ah.
1Ah~1Dh ANA_PARM Analog Parameter for the RTL8187L.
Operational registers of the RTL8187L are from FF54h to FF57h.
Reserved. Do not change this field without Realtek approval.
1Eh TESTR RTL8187L Test Mode Register.
Operational register FF5Bh.
Reserved. Do not change this field without Realtek approval.
1Fh - Reserved.
20h OFDM_TxPower Transmit Power Level for 802.11a-defined channel_ID 36
1 (Center frequency=5180MHz).
21h OFDM_TxPower Transmit Power Level for 802.11a-defined channel_ID 40
2 (Center frequency=5200MHz).
22h OFDM_TxPower Transmit Power Level for 802.11a-defined channel_ID 44
3 (Center frequency=5220MHz).
23h OFDM_TxPower Transmit Power Level for 802.11a-defined channel_ID 48
4 (Center frequency=5240MHz).
24h OFDM_TxPower Transmit Power Level for 802.11a-defined channel_ID 52
5 (Center frequency=5260MHz).
25h OFDM_TxPower Transmit Power Level for 802.11a-defined channel_ID 56
6 (Center frequency=5280MHz).
26h OFDM_TxPower Transmit Power Level for 802.11a-defined channel_ID 60
7 (Center frequency=5300MHz).
27h OFDM_TxPower Transmit Power Level for 802.11a-defined channel_ID 64
8 (Center frequency=5320MHz).
28h OFDM_TxPower Transmit Power Level for 802.11a-defined channel_ID 149
9 (Center frequency=5745MHz).
29h OFDM_TxPower Transmit Power Level for 802.11a-defined channel_ID 153
10 (Center frequency=5765MHz).
2Ah OFDM_TxPower Transmit Power Level for 802.11a-defined channel_ID 157
11 (Center frequency=5785MHz).
2Bh OFDM_TxPower Transmit Power Level for 802.11a-defined channel_ID 161
12 (Center frequency=5805MHz).
2Ch CCK_TxPower1 Transmit Power Level for 802.11b(g)-defined channel_ID 1
(center frequency=2412MHz).

Wireless LAN Network Interface Controller 18 Track ID JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2

Bytes Contents Description
2Dh CCK_TxPower2 Transmit Power Level for 802.11b(g)-defined channel_ID 2
(center frequency=2417MHz).
2Eh CCK_TxPower3 Transmit Power Level for 802.11b(g)-defined channel_ID 3
(center frequency=2422MHz).
2Fh CCK_TxPower4 Transmit Power Level for 802.11b(g)-defined channel_ID 4
(center frequency=2427MHz).
30h CCK_TxPower5 Transmit Power Level for 802.11b(g)-defined channel_ID 5
(center frequency=2432MHz).
31h CCK_TxPower6 Transmit Power Level for 802.11b(g)-defined channel_ID 6
(center frequency=2437MHz).
32h-35h ANA_PARM2 Reserved: Do not change this field without Realtek approval.
Analog Parameter1 for the RTL8187L: Operational registers of the RTL8187L are
from FF60h to FF63h.
36h CCK_TxPower11 Transmit Power Level for 802.11b(g)-defined channel_ID 11
(center frequency=2462MHz).
37h CCK_TxPower12 Transmit Power Level for 802.11b(g)-defined channel_ID 12
(center frequency=2467MHz).
38h CCK_TxPower13 Transmit Power Level for 802.11b(g)-defined channel_ID 13
(center frequency=2472MHz).
39h CCK_TxPower14 Transmit Power Level for 802.11b(g)-defined channel_ID 14
(center frequency=2484MHz).
3Ah-6Bh Manufacture String Manufacture String and Product String:Those bits specify both manufacturer’s
& information and device’s information for the USB standard request.
Product String Maximum two strings total length are 50 bytes.
6Ch-79h - Reserved.
7Ah CCK_TxPower7 Transmit Power Level for 802.11b(g)-defined channel_ID 7
(center frequency=2442MHz).
7Bh CCK_TxPower8 Transmit Power Level for 802.11b(g)-defined channel_ID 8
(center frequency=2447MHz).
7Ch CCK_TxPower9 Transmit Power Level for 802.11b(g)-defined channel_ID 9
(center frequency=2452MHz).
7Dh CCK_TxPower10 Transmit Power Level for 802.11b(g)-defined channel_ID 10
(center frequency=2457MHz).

Wireless LAN Network Interface Controller 19 Track ID JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2


9.1. EEPROM Registers Summary

Table 25. EEPROM Registers Summary
Address Name Type Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0
IDR0 – IDR5 R/W*
R LEDS1 LEDS0 - LWACT - - - -
W* LEDS1 LEDS0 - LWACT - - - -
R LCK - - - -
_sign _time
W* - - - - -
_sign _time
ANA_PARM R/W** 32-bit Read Write
R - PARM_En Magic - - - - -
W* - PARM_En Magic - - - - -
R - - - LWPME - LWPTN -
W* - - - LWPME - LWPTN -
FF5Bh TESTR 8-bit Read Write
ANA_PARM2 R/W 32-bit Read Write
FFD8h CONFIG5 R/W** - - - - - - LANWake -
Note 1: Registers marked 'W*' can be written only if bits EEM1=EEM0=1.
Note 2: Registers marked 'W**' can be written only if bits EEM1:0=[1:1] and

9.2. EEPROM Power Management Registers Summary

Table 26. EEPROM Power Management Registers Summary
Configuration Name Type Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0
Space Offset
52h PMC R Aux_I_b1 Aux_I_b0 DSI Reserved PMECLK Version
53h R PME_D3cold PME_D3hot PME_D2 PME_D1 PME_D0 D2 D1 Aux_I_b2

Wireless LAN Network Interface Controller 20 Track ID JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2


10. USB Packet Buffering

The RTL8187L incorporates two independent FIFOs for transferring data to/from the system interface and
from/to the network. The FIFOs provide temporary storage of data, freeing the host system from the
real-time demands of the network.
The way in which the FIFOs are emptied and filled is controlled by the FIFO threshold values in the
Receive Configuration registers. These values determine how full or empty the FIFOs must be before the
device requests the bus. Once the RTL8187L requests the bus, it will attempt to empty or fill the FIFOs as
allowed by the respective MXDMA settings in the Transmit Configuration and Receive Configuration

10.1. Transmit Buffer Manager

The buffer management scheme used on the RTL8187L allows quick, simple, and efficient use of the frame
buffer memory. The buffer management scheme uses separate buffers and descriptors for packet
information. This allows effective transfers of data to the transmit buffer manager by simply transferring
the descriptor information to the transmit queue.
The Tx Buffer Manager DMA’s packet data from system memory and places it in the 3.5KB transmit FIFO,
and pulls data from the FIFO to send to the Tx MAC. Multiple packets may be present in the FIFO,
allowing packets to be transmitted with Short InterFrame (SIF) space. Additionally, once the RTL8187L
requests the bus, it will attempt to fill the FIFO as allowed by the MXDMA setting.
The Tx Buffer Manager process also supports priority queuing of transmit packets. It handles this by
drawing from two separate descriptor lists to fill the internal FIFO. If packets are available in the high
priority queues, they will be loaded into the FIFO before those of low priority.

10.2. Receive Buffer Manager

The Rx Buffer Manager uses the same buffer management scheme as used for transmits. The Rx Buffer
Manager retrieves packet data from the Rx MAC and places it in the 4KB receive data FIFO, and pulls data
from the FIFO for DMA to system memory. The receive FIFO is controlled by the FIFO threshold value in
RXFTH. This value determines the number of long words written into the FIFO from the MAC unit before
a DMA request for system memory occurs. Once the RTL8187L gets the bus, it will continue to transfer the
long words from the FIFO until the data in the FIFO is less than one long word, or has reached the end of the
packet, or the max DMA burst size is reached, as set in MXDMA.

10.3. Packet Recognition

The Rx packet filter and recognition logic allows software to control which packets are accepted, based on
destination address and packet type. Address recognition logic includes support for broadcast, multicast
hash, and unicast addresses. The packet recognition logic includes support for WOL and programmable
pattern recognition.

Wireless LAN Network Interface Controller 21 Track ID JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2


11. Functional Description

11.1. Transmit & Receive Operations
The RTL8187L supports a new descriptor-based buffer management that will significantly lower host CPU utilization. The
RTL8187L supports transmit descriptor and receive descriptor in memory. Each OUT packet contains 3-double-word transmit
descriptors and each IN packet contains 4-double-word receive descriptors.

11.1.1. Transmit
Tx Descriptor Format
Table 27. Tx Descriptor Format
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R C M S N RSVD TPKTSIZE (12 bits) Offset 0
(4 bits) S (4 bits) S R L _

E Length (15 bits) RTSDUR (16 bits) Offset 4
RATE_ R A AGC (8 bits) RETRY_LIMIT (8 bits) CWMAX CWMIN Offset 8
FALL S N (4 bits) (4 bits)
(4 bits) (3 bits) N

Wireless LAN Network Interface Controller 22 Track ID JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2

Table 28. Tx Status Descriptor
Offset# Bit# Symbol Description
0 31:28 RSVD Reserved.
0 27:24 TXRATE Tx Rate.
These four bits indicate the current frame’s transmission rate.
Bit 27 Bit 26 Bit 25 Bit 24
1Mbps 0 0 0 0
2Mbps 0 0 0 1
5.5Mbps 0 0 1 0
11Mbps 0 0 1 1
6Mbps 0 1 0 0
9Mbps 0 1 0 1
12Mbps 0 1 1 0
18Mbps 0 1 1 1
24Mbps 1 0 0 0
36Mbps 1 0 0 1
48Mbps 1 0 1 0
54Mbps 1 0 1 1
Reserved All other combinations

0 23 RTSEN RTS Enable.

Set to 1 indicates that an RTS/CTS handshake shall be performed at the
beginning of any frame exchange sequence where the frame is of type Data or
Management, the frame has a unicast address in the Address1 field, and the
length of the frame is greater than RTSThreshold.
0 22:19 RTSRATE RTS Rate.
These four bits indicate the RTS frame’s transmission rate before transmitting the
current frame and will be ignored if the RTSEN bit is set to 0.
Bit 22 Bit 21 Bit 20 Bit 19
1Mbps 0 0 0 0
2Mbps 0 0 0 1
5.5Mbps 0 0 1 0
11Mbps 0 0 1 1
6Mbps 0 1 0 0
9Mbps 0 1 0 1
12Mbps 0 1 1 0
18Mbps 0 1 1 1
24Mbps 1 0 0 0
36Mbps 1 0 0 1
48Mbps 1 0 1 0
54Mbps 1 0 1 1
Reserved All other combinations

0 18 CTSEN CTS Enable.

Both RTSEN and CTSEN set to 1 indicates that the CTS-to-Self protection
mechanism will be used.

Wireless LAN Network Interface Controller 23 Track ID JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2

Offset# Bit# Symbol Description
0 17 MOREFRAG More Fragment.
This bit is set to 1 in all data type frames that have another fragment of the current
packet to follow.
0 16 SPLCP Short Physical Layer Convergence Protocol format.
When set, this bit indicates that a short PLCP preamble will be added to the
header before transmitting the frame.
0 15 NO_ENCRYPT No Encryption.
This packet will be sent out without encryption even if Tx encryption is enabled.
0 14:12 RSVD Reserved.
0 11:0 TPKTSIZE Transmit Packet Size.
This field indicates the number of bytes required to transmit the frame.
4 31 LENGEXT Length Extension.
This bit is used to supplement the Length field (bits 30:16, offset 4). This bit will
be ignored if the TXRATE is set to 1Mbps, 2Mbps, or 5.5Mbps.
4 30:16 Length PLCP Length.
The PLCP length field indicates the number of microseconds required to transmit
the frame.
4 15:0 RTSDUR RTS Duration.
These bits indicate the RTS frame’s duration field before transmitting the current
frame and will be ignored if the RTSEN bit is set to 0.
8 31:28 RATE_FALL Data Rate Auto Fallback Limit.
8 27:25 RSVD Reserved.
8 24 ANTENNA Tx Antenna.
8 23:16 AGC Tx AGC.
8 15:8 RETRY_LIMIT Retry Count Limit.
8 7:4 CWMAX Maximum Contention Window.
8 3:0 CWMIN Minimum Contention Window.

Wireless LAN Network Interface Controller 24 Track ID JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2


11.1.2. Receive
Rx Descriptor Format
Table 29. Rx Descriptor Format
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
D F S R R M P B R P C I Offset 0
RSVD M O P S RXRATE S A A A E W R C Frame_Length (12 bits)
A V L V (4 bits) V R M R S R C V
F F C D D M 3
P G 2
W D A Offset 4
RSVD (6 bits) A E AGC (8 bits) N RSSI SQ
K C T (7 bits) (8 bits)
TSFTL Offset 8
TSFTH Offset 12

Table 30. Rx Status Descriptor

Offset# Bit# Symbol Description
0 31:28 RSVD Reserved.
0 27 DMAF RX DMA Fail.
When set, this packet will be dropped by software.
0 26 FOVF FIFO Overflow.
When set, this bit indicates that the receive FIFO was exhausted before this
packet was fully received.
0 25 SPLCP Short Physical Layer Convergence Protocol format.
When set, this bit indicates that a short PLCP preamble was added to the current
received frame.
0 24 RSVD Reserved.

Wireless LAN Network Interface Controller 25 Track ID JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2

Offset# Bit# Symbol Description
0 23:20 RXRATE Rx Rate.
These four bits indicate the current frame’s receiving rate.
Bit 23 Bit 22 Bit 21 Bit 20
1Mbps 0 0 0 0
2Mbps 0 0 0 1
5.5Mbps 0 0 1 0
11Mbps 0 0 1 1
6Mbps 0 1 0 0
9Mbps 0 1 0 1
12Mbps 0 1 1 0
18Mbps 0 1 1 1
24Mbps 1 0 0 0
36Mbps 1 0 0 1
48Mbps 1 0 1 0
54Mbps 1 0 1 1
Reserved All other combinations
0 19 RSVD Reserved.
0 18 MAR Multicast Address Packet Received.
When set, this bit indicates that a multicast packet was received.
0 17 PAM Physical Address Matched.
When set, this bit indicates that the destination address of this Rx packet matches
the value in the RTL8187L’s ID registers.
0 16 BAR Broadcast Address Received.
When set, this bit indicates that a broadcast packet was received. BAR and MAR
will not be set simultaneously.
0 15 RES Receive Error.
Valid if DMAF=0
0 14 PWRMGT Receive Power Management Packet.
When set, this bit indicates that the Power Management bit is set on the received
0 13 CRC32 CRC32 Error.
When set, this bit indicates that a CRC32 error has occurred on the received
packet. A CRC32 packet can be received only when RCR_ACRC32 is set.
0 12 ICV Integrity Check Value Error.
When set, this bit indicates that an ICV error has occurred on the received packet.
A ICV packet can be received only when RCR_AICV is set.
0 11:0 Frame_Length This bit indicates the received packet length including CRC32, in bytes.
4 31:26 RSVD Reserved.
4 25 WAKEUP The received packet is a unicast wakeup packet.
4 24 DECRYPTED The received packet has been decrypted.
4 23:16 AGC The AGC of the received packet.
4 15 ANTENNA The received packet is received through this antenna.
4 14:8 RSSI Received Signal Strength Indicator.
The RSSI is a measure of the RF energy received by the PHY.

Wireless LAN Network Interface Controller 26 Track ID JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2

Offset# Bit# Symbol Description
4 7:0 SQ Signal Quality.
The SQ is a measure of the quality of BAKER code lock, providing an effective
measure during the full reception of a PLCP preamble and header.
8 31:0 TSFTL A snapshot of the TSFTR’s least significant 32 bits.
12 31:0 TSFTH A snapshot of the TSFTR’s most significant 32 bits.

11.2. Loopback Operation

Loopback mode is normally used to verify that the logic operations have performed correctly. In loopback
mode, the RTL8187L takes frames from the transmit descriptor and transmits them up to internal Rx logic.
The loopback function does not apply to an external PHYceiver.

11.3. Tx Encapsulation (With RTL8187L Internal Baseband

While operating in Tx mode, the RTL8187L encapsulates the frames that it transmits according to the
Differential Binary Phase Shift Keying (DBPSK) for 1Mbps, Differential Quaternary Phase Shift Keying
(DQPSK) for 2Mbps, and Complementary Code Keying (CCK) for 5.5Mbps and 11Mbps modulators. The
changes to the original packet data are as follows:
1. The PLCP preamble is always transmitted as the DBPSK waveform and used by the receiver to achieve
initial PN synchronization.
2. The PLCP header can be configured to be either DBPSK or DQPSK and includes the necessary data
fields of the communications protocol to establish the physical layer link.
3. The MAC frame can be configured for DBPSK, DQPSK, or CCK.

11.4. Rx Decapsulation (With RTL8187L Internal Baseband

The RTL8187L continuously monitors the network when reception is enabled. When activity is recognized
it starts to process the incoming data. After detecting receive activity on the channel, the RTL8187L starts
to process the PLCP preamble and header based on the mode of operation.
The RTL8187L checks CRC16 and CRC32, then reports if CRC16 or CRC32 has errors. When using the
40-bit WEP and 104-bit WEP module for decryption, the RTL8187L also checks the Integrity Check Value
(ICV) and reports if the ICV has errors.

Wireless LAN Network Interface Controller 27 Track ID JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2


11.5. LED Functions

The RTL8187L supports 2 LED signals in 4 configurable operation modes. The following sections describe
the different LED actions.

11.5.1. Link Monitor

The Link Monitor senses the link integrity. Whenever link status is established, the specific link LED pin is
driven low.

11.5.2. Infrastructure Monitor

The Infrastructure Monitor senses the link integrity of an Infrastructure network. Whenever Link OK in
Infrastructure network status is established, the specific Infrastructure LED pin is driven low.

11.5.3. Rx LED
Blinking of the Rx LED indicates that receive activity is occurring.

Power On

LED = High

Receiving No


LED = High for (100 +- 10) ms

LED = Low for (12 +- 2) ms

Figure 3. Rx LED

Wireless LAN Network Interface Controller 28 Track ID JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2


11.5.4. Tx LED
Blinking of the Tx LED indicates that transmit activity is occurring.

Power On

LED = High

Transmitting No


LED = High for (100 +- 10) ms

LED = Low for (12 +- 2) ms

Figure 4. Tx LED

11.5.5. Tx/Rx LED

Blinking of the Tx/Rx LED indicates that both transmit and receive activity is occurring.

Power On

LED = High

Tx/Rx Packet?


LED = High for (100 +- 10) ms

LED = Low for (12 +- 2) ms

Figure 5. Tx/Rx LED

Wireless LAN Network Interface Controller 29 Track ID JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2


11.5.6. LINK/ACT LED

Blinking of the LINK/ACT LED indicates that the RTL8187L is linked and operating properly. If this LED
is high for extended periods it indicates that a link problem exists.

Power On

LED = High



LED = Low

Tx/Rx packet?


LED = High for (100 +- 10) ms

LED = Low for (12 +- 2) ms

Figure 6. LINK/ACT LED

Wireless LAN Network Interface Controller 30 Track ID JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2


12. Application Diagram

Main/Aux. Power Regulators Power 3.3V, 1.8V

LED Power 3.3V, 1.8V

Power 3.3V, 1.8V

External D+
Antenna RF Band

40MHz EEPROM Power 3.3V

Figure 7. Application Diagram

Wireless LAN Network Interface Controller 31 Track ID JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2


13. Electrical Characteristics

13.1. Temperature Limit Ratings
Table 31. Temperature Limit Ratings
Parameter Minimum Maximum Units
Storage temperature -55 +125 °C
Operating temperature -10 70 °C

13.2. DC Characteristics
Table 32. DC Characteristics
Symbol Parameter Conditions Minimum Typical Maximum Units
VDD33 3.3V Supply Voltage 3.0 3.3 3.6 V
VDD18 1.8V Supply Voltage 1.7 1.8 1.9 V
Voh Minimum High Level Output Ioh = -8mA 0.9 * Vcc Vcc V
Vol Maximum Low Level Output Iol = 8mA 0.1 * Vcc V
Vih Minimum High Level Input Voltage 0.5 * Vcc Vcc+0.5 V
Vil Maximum Low Level Input Voltage -0.5 0.3 * Vcc V
Iin Input Current Vin =Vcc or GND -1.0 1.0 µA
Ioz Tri-State Output Leakage Current Vout =Vcc or GND -10 10 µA
Icc Average Operating Supply Current Iout = 0mA, 460 mA

Wireless LAN Network Interface Controller 32 Track ID JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2


13.3. AC Characteristics
13.3.1. Serial EEPROM Interface Timing (93C46(64*16)/93C56(128*16))

EECS tcs

EEDI (Read) 1 1 0 An A2 A1 A0
EEDO High Impedance 0 Dn D1 D0


EECS tcs

EEDI (Write) 1 0 1 An ... A0 Dn ... D0

EEDO High Impedance BUSY READY

tskh tskl tcsh
EECS tcss
tdis tdih
tdos tdoh
EEDO (Read)

Figure 8. Serial EEPROM Interface Timing

Table 33. EEPROM Access Timing Parameters
Symbol Parameter Minimum Typical Maximum Units
tcs Minimum CS Low Time 9346/9356 1000/250 ns
twp Write Cycle Time 9346/9356 10/10 ms
tsk SK Clock Cycle Time 9346/9356 4/1 µs
tskh SK High Time 9346/9356 1000/500 ns
tskl SK Low Time 9346/9356 1000/250 ns
tcss CS Setup Time 9346/9356 200/50 ns
tcsh CS Hold Time 9346/9356 0/0 ns
tdis DI Setup Time 9346/9356 400/50 ns
tdih DI Hold Time 9346/9356 400/100 ns
tdos DO Setup Time 9346/9356 2000/500 ns
tdoh DO Hold Time 9346/9356 2000/500 ns
tsv CS to Status Valid 9346/9356 1000/500 ns

Wireless LAN Network Interface Controller 33 Track ID JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2


14. Mechanical Dimensions

See the Mechanical Dimensions notes on the next page.

Wireless LAN Network Interface Controller 34 Track ID JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2


14.1. Mechanical Dimensions Notes

Symbol Dimension in inch Dimension in mm 1.Dimension b does not include dambar
Min Typical Max Min Typical Max protrusion/intrusion.
A - - 0.063 - - 1.60 2.Controlling dimension: Millimeter
A1 0.002 - - 0.05 - - 3.General appearance spec. should be based
A2 0.053 0.055 0.057 1.35 1.40 1.45 on final visual inspection spec.
b 0.005 0.007 0.009 0.13 0.18 0.23
c 0.004 - 0.006 0.09 - 0.20 TITLE: 128LD LQFP ( 14x14x1.4 mm*2 ) PACKAGE OUTLINE
D 0.624 0.630 0.636 15.85 16.00 16.15 -CU L/F, FOOTPRINT 2.0 mm
D1 0.547 0.551 0.555 13.90 14.00 14.10 LEADFRAME MATERIAL:
e 0.016 BSC 0.40 BSC APPROVE DOC. NO. 530-ASS-P004
E 0.624 0.630 0.636 15.85 16.00 16.15 VERSION 1
E1 0.547 0.551 0.555 13.90 14.00 14.10 PAGE OF
L 0.018 0.024 0.030 0.45 0.60 0.75 CHECK DWG NO. LQ128 - 2
L1 0.039 REF 1.00 REF DATE MAY. 13.2002
Θ 0° 3.5° 7° 0° 3.5° 7° REALTEK SEMICONDUCTOR CORP.

Wireless LAN Network Interface Controller 35 Track ID JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2


15. Ordering Information

Table 34. Ordering Information
Part Number Package Status
RTL8187L 128-pin LQFP MP
RTL8187L-LF RTL8187L with Lead (Pb)-Free package MP

Realtek Semiconductor Corp.

No. 2, Industry East Road IX, Science-based
Industrial Park, Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel: 886-3-5780211 Fax: 886-3-5776047

Wireless LAN Network Interface Controller 36 Track ID JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2

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