Solar Air Cooler
Solar Air Cooler
Solar Air Cooler
Submitted by
G. RAJENDRA (11KQ1A0318)
This is to certify that this entitled “ FABRICATION OF SOLAR AIR
COOLER ” is the bonafide work carried out by
G. RAJENDRA (11KQ1A0318)
In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of
Technology in Mechanical Engineering during the academic year 2014-2015
We also thank our Head of the Department Dr. Y. SESHA RAO M.Tech., Ph.D.
for his patiently hearing and making arrangements for our project and his continuous
guidance given by him.
We would like to thank our Principal Dr. C.V. SUBBA RAO M.Tech., Ph.D.,
G. RAJENDRA (11KQ1A0318)
Mechanical Engineering without production and manufacturing is meaningless.
Production and manufacturing process deals with conversion of raw materials inputs to finished
products as per required dimensions, specification and efficiently using recent technology. The
new developments and requirements inspired us to think of new improvements in air
conditioning Engineering field.
In our project, solar power is captured and stored in a battery. This power is used to run
the air cooler whenever required.
Solar energy means the radiation energy that reaches the earth from the sun. It provides
daylight makes the earth hot and is the source of energy for plants to grow.
Solar electric systems are suitable for plenty of sun and are ideal when there is no main
The human body considered as thermal machine with 20% thermalefficiency. The
remaining 80% heat must be disposed of from the body to the surroundings otherwise
accumulation of heat results and causes discomfort. The human body works best at a
particular body temperature like any other machine but cannot tolerate wide range of
variation in environmental temperature like thermodynamic machines.
Human beings give off heat, around an average of 100 kcal per hour per person,
due to what is known as ‘metabolism’. The temperature mechanism within the human
body maintains a body temperature of around 36.90 C (98.40 F). But the skin temperature
varies according to the surrounding temperature and relative humidity. To dissipate the
heat generated by metabolism in order to maintain the body temperature at the normal
level, there must be a flow of heat from the skin to the surrounding air. If the surrounding
temperature is slightly less than that of the body, there will be steady flow of heat from the
skin. But is the surrounding temperature is very low, as on cold winter day the rate of heat
flow from the body will be quite rapid, thus the person feels cold, on the other hand on a
hot summer day, the surrounding temperature is higher than that of the body, and so there
cannot be flow of heat from the skin to the surroundings, thus the person feels hot. In such
a situation water from the body evaporates at the skin surface dissipating water from the
body evaporates at the skin surface dissipating the heat due to metabolism. This helps in
maintaining normal body temperature. But if the surrounding air is not only hot but highly
humid as well, very little evaporation of water can take place from the skin surface, and so
the person feels hot and uncomfortable.
The industrial revolution, which began with the discovery of the steam engine (AD
1700), brought about great many changes. For the first time, man began to use a new
source of energy, viz. coal, in large quantities.
A little later, the internal combustion engine was invented (AD1870) and the other
fossil fuels, oil and natural combustion engine extensively. The fossil fuel era of using
non-renewable sources had begun and energy was now available in a concentrated form.
The invention of heat engines and then use of fossil fuels made energy portable and
introduced the much needed flexibility in man’s movement. For the first time, man could
get the power of a machine where he required it and was not restricted to a specific site like
a fast-running stream for running a water wheel or a windy hill for operating a windmill.
This flexibility was enhanced with the discovery of electricity the development of central
power generating stations using either fossil fuels or waterpower.
A new source of energy-nuclear energy-came on the scene after the Second World
War The first large nuclear power station was commissioned about 40 years ago, and
already, nuclear energy is providing a small but significant amount of the energy
requirements of many countries.
Thus today, every country draws its energy needs from a variety of sources. We
can broadly categorize these sources as commercial and noncommercial. The commercial
sources include the fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas), hydroelectric power and nuclear
power, while the non-commercial sources include wood, animal wastes, geothermal energy
and agricultural wastes.
In an industrialized country like USA, most of the energy requirements are meant
from commercial sources, while in an industrially less developed country like India, the
use of commercial and noncommercial sources is about equal. In the past few years, it has
become obvious that fossil fuel resources are fast depleting and that the fossil fuel era is
gradually coming to an end. This is particularly true for oil and natural gas. It will be use
full therefore to first examine the rates of consumption of the different sources of energy
and to give some indication of the reserves available this study will be done for the world
as a whole and then for India in particular with the help of these figures it will be possible
to form estimates of the time periods for which the existing source will be available. The
need for alternative energy options will thus be established and these options will then be
briefly described.
Before passing on to these topics, it is worth noting that while man’s large-scale
use of commercial energy has led to a better quality of life it has also created many
problems. Perhaps the most serious of these is the harmful effect on the environment. The
combustion of the fossil fuel has caused serious air pollution problems in many areas
because of the localized release of large amounts of harmful gases into the atmosphere. It
has also resulted in the phenomenon of global warming, which is now a matter of great
Similarly the releases of large amounts of waste heat from power plants have
caused thermal pollution in lakes and rivers leading to the destruction of many forms of
plants and animals life.
In the case of nuclear power plants there is also concern over the possibility of
radio activity being released into the atmosphere in the event of an accident and over the
long term problems of disposal of radioactive wastes from these plants. The gravity of
most of these environmental problems. Now however, as man embarks on the search for
alternative sources of energy, it is clear that they would do well to keep the environmental
in mind. So here we take solar air cooler as a project and discussed below.
A human body feels comfortable when the heat produced by metabolism of human
body is equal to the sum of heat dissipated to the surroundings.
The normal temperature of the human body is 370c or 98.60F. But, if this level goes below
36.50F or 980 F and exceeds 40.50 C or 1050F, the conditions become dangerous for human
The important factors while designing any system of comfort are
Effective Temperature
Heat Production & Regulation In Human Body
Heat And Moisture Losses From Body
Moisture Content Of Air
Quality And Quantity Of Air
Air Motion
Air Stratification
Physiological Hazards Resulting From Heat and Extreme Cold Are
Heat Exhaustion
Heat Cramp
Heat Stroke
Frost Bites
a. Photo Voltaic Method
b.Thermal Method
a. Water Power Method
b.Wind Power Method
c. Bio Mass Method
d.Wave Energy Method
e. Ocean Power Method
1) The photon has to be absorbed in the active part of the material and result in electrons
being excited to a higher energy potential.
The photo-voltaic effect can be described easily for p-n junction in a semi-
conductor. In an intrinsic semi-conductor such as silicon, each one of the four valence
electrons of the material atom is tied in a chemical bond, and there are no free electrons at
absolute zero. If a piece of such a material is doped on one side by a five valance electron
material, such as arsenic or phosphorus, there will be an excess of electrons in that side,
becoming an n-type semi-conductor.
During the day time the battery gets charged and when the intensity of light
decreases, the LDR makes the light to gets ON and the light glows by using the stored
charge in the battery.
Thus the given project is completed and commissioned.
The photo-voltaic effect can be observed in almost any junction of material that
have different electrical characteristics, but the best performance to date has been from
cells using semiconductor materials especially all of the solar cells used for both space and
terrestrial applications have been made of the semiconductor silicon. Future cells may use
such materials as the Semiconductors like Gallium arsenate, copper sulfate, cadsulphide
The physical setup of this project are given below and it is been explained as follows
1. Solar Panel
2. Battery
3. Dc motor
4. Water Pump
Where in solar cells are attached with a suitable adhesive to some kind of substrate
structure usually semi rigid, to prevent cells from cracking.
This technology springs from the space related photo-voltaic technology, and,
many such arrays have been built in various power sizes.
The layer is sufficiently thin to allow light to reach the selenium and is electrically
continuous as it acts as the negative pole. The negative contact is formed of a strip of
woods metal sprayed on to the edge of the top surface. The base plate forms the positive
contact. A transparent varnish protects the front surface of the cell.
When light falls on the upper surface of the selenium, electrons are released from
the surface, a flow of current through the external circuit passes between the positive and
negative contacts.
This is because, for such a cell, the resistance of the electrically conducting film is at
minimum. Also, since the current is small, the voltage drop due to the circuit resistance
will be kept low.
Limitation of the photocell is that if the light is incident at the angle of 60º or
above, the lacquer tends to reflect a significant amount of light which, therefore, does not
reach the selenium layer.
Thus the current is less than what it should be, according to the cosine law of
illumination. Using a Matt lacquer can make some compensation for this. A better
method is to omit the lacquer and cover the cell with a hemispherical dome of transparent
plastic. The equivalent circuit of a photo-voltaic cell is shown in figure.
In isolated systems away from the grid, batteries are used for storage of solar energy
converted into electrical energy. The only exceptions are isolated sunshine load such as
irrigation pumps or drinking water supplies for storage. In fact, for small units with output
less than 1KW. Batteries seem to be the only technically and economically available
storage means. Since both the photo voltaic system and batteries are high in capital costs,
it is necessary that the overall system be optimized with respect to available energy and
local demand pattern. To be economically attractive the storage of solar electricity
requires a battery with a particular combination of properties:
(1) Low cost
(2) Long life
(3) High reliability
(4) High overall efficiency
(5) Low discharge
(6) Minimum maintenance
(a) Ampere hour efficiency
(b)Watt hour efficiency
We use lead acid battery for storing the electrical energy from the solar panel for
lighting the street and so about the lead acid cells are explained below.
The lead-acid cell is the type most commonly used,where high values of load
current are necessary. The electrolyte is a dilute solution of sulfuric acid (H ₂ SO ₄ ). In the
application of battery power to start the engine in an automobile, for example, the load
current to the starter motor is typically 200A to 400A. One cell has a nominal output of
2.1V, but lead acid cells are often used in a series combination of three for a 6V battery
and six for a 12V battery.
The lead acid cell type is a secondary cell or storage cell, which can be recharged.
The charge and discharge cycle can be repeated many times to restore the output voltage,
as long as the cell is in good physical condition. However, heat with excessive charge and
discharge currents shortens the useful life to about 3 to 5 years for an automobile battery.
Of the different types of secondary cells, the lead acid type has the highest output voltage,
which allows fewer cells for a specified battery voltage.
active material in the positive plate is changed to lead peroxide (pbo ₂ ). The negative
electrode is spongy lead (Pb).
Automobile batteries are usually shipped dry from the manufacturer. The
electrolyte is put in at the time of installation, and then the battery is charged from the
plates. With maintenance free batteries, little or no water need to be added in normal
service. Some types are sealed, except for a pressure vent, without provision for adding
The construction parts of battery are shown in figure.
As the discharge continues, the sulfate fills the pores of the grids, retarding the
circulation of acid in the active material. Lead sulfate is the powder often seen on the
outside terminals of old batteries. When the combination of weak electrolyte and sulfating
on the plate lowers the output of the battery, charging is necessary.
On charge, the external D.C. source reverses the current in the battery. The
reversed direction of ions flows in the electrolyte resulting a reversal of the chemical
reactions. Now, the lead sulfate on the positive plate reacts with the water and sulfate ions
to produce lead peroxide and sulfuric acid. This action reforms the positive plates and
makes the electrolyte stronger by adding sulfuric acid.
As an example, a 200 (Ah) battery can supply a load current of 200/8 or 25A, used
on 8hours discharge. The battery can supply less current for a longer time or more current
for a shorter time. Automobile batteries may be rated for “cold cranking power”, which is
related to the job of starting the engine. A typical rating is 450A for 30seconds at a
temperature of 0 F.
Note that the ampere hour unit specifies coulombs of charge. For instance, 200 Ah
corresponds to 200A*3600s (1h=3600s). They equals 720,000 A.S or coloumb’s. One
ampere second is equal to one coulomb’s. Then the charge equals 720,000 or 7.2*10^5ºC.
To put this much charge back into the battery, it would require 20 hours with a charging
current of 10A.
The ratings for lead acid batteries are given for a temperature range of 770F to 80ºF.
Higher temperature increases, the chemical reaction, but operation above 110ºF shortens
the battery life.
Low temperatures reduce the current capacity and voltage output. The ampere hour
capacity is reduced by approximately 0.75% for decrease in each of 1ºF below normal
temperature rating. At 0ºF, the available output is only 60 % of the ampere-hour battery
4.3 FAN
The D.C motor is directly coupled with Impeller blades. The water pump is used to
circulate the water to the blower. The cool air is rushed out forcibly. The battery is
connected to the D.C motor, so that the D.C motor runs directly. The switch is connected
to disconnect the water pumping system when the time of water heater is ON. The water
heater has drawn the power from the single phase power supply. The blower runs both the
time of operation (i.e., air cooler and heater).
Movement of Conductor
F = B I L Newton’s
B = Flux density in WB/sq.m
I = Current passing through the conductor
L = Length of the conductor
Let us consider a single turn coil. The coil side A will be forced to move
downward, whereas the coil side “B” will be forced to move upward. Due to this
movement, the coil is made to rotate.
Impeller consists of more number of blades. The number of blades increases the
amount of cold air rushed out forcibly. The impeller blades are slightly bended.So that the
cold air is forcibly transmitted to the outside.
Water pump is used to circulate the water. In our project, the 12 V D.C water pump
is used. The battery is connected to the D.C water pump, so that D.C water pump runs
LED’s are monochromatic (one color) devices. The color is determined by the band
gap of the semiconductor used to make them. Red, green, yellow and blue LEDs are fairly
common. White light contains all colors and cannot be directly created by a single LED.
The most common form of "white" LED really isn't white. It is a Gallium Nitride blue
LED coated with a phosphor that, when excited by the blue LED light, emits a broad range
spectrum that in addition to the blue emission, makes a fairly white light.
There is a claim that these white LED's have a limited life. After 1000 hours or so
of operation, they tend to yellow and dim to some extent. Running the LEDs at more than
their rated current will certainly accelerate this process.
There are two primary ways of producing high intensity white-light using LED’S.
One is to use individual LED’S that emit three primary colors—red, green, and blue—and
then mix all the colors to form white light. The other is to use a phosphor material to
convert monochromatic light from a blue or UV LED to broad-spectrum white light, much
in the same way a fluorescent light bulb works. Due to metamerism, it is possible to have
quite different spectra that appear white.
LEDs are semiconductor devices. Like transistors, and other diodes, LEDs are
made out of silicon. What makes an LED give off light are the small amounts of chemical
impurities that are added to the silicon, such as gallium, arsenide, indium, and nitride.
When current passes through the LED, it emits photons as a byproduct. Normal
light bulbs produce light by heating a metal filament until it is white hot. LEDs produce
photons directly and not via heat, they are far more efficient than incandescent bulbs.
The solar panel is converting sun rays to the Electricity by “Photo-Voltaic Effect”.
This electrical power is stored in a 12 V battery. Battery D.C power is used to run the D.C
motor and D.C water pump.
Block diagram, Photo-voltaic Effect and major components of our project are
already discussed in the above chapters.
The D.C motor is coupled with impeller blades. The D.C motor runs when the air
cooler button is ON, the impeller blades starts rotating. The water pump is used to circulate
the water to the blower unit.
The forced air flows through the water which is sprayed by water pump, so that the
cold air is produced. The switch control is used to ON/OFF the solar air cooler circuit and
the heater circuit.
Formula :
Where P=power
P=16volts X1.25amps =20Watts per hour.
Meeting halls
Seminar halls
By adding control circuit, we can maintain the room temperature at required level.
By completing this project, we have achieved clear knowledge of comfort
cooling system for humans by using non-conventional energy. This project would be
fruitful in both domestic and industrial backgrounds.
We also learned about non-conventional energy sources and utilization.
This project although fulfilling our requirement has further scope for improvements.
Some of the improvements that could be made in this solar air cooler unit are listed.
- K.Pandian