My Suratul Qadr Workbook PDF

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Al - Qadr

The Power (97)

My Suratul Qadr

Suratul Qadr (97)

(I begin) In the name of Allah, the Kind, the Most Merciful.

Indeed We sent it (the Qur’an) down on the night of Qadr.

And what will make you know what the night of Qadr is?

The night of Qadr is better than a thousand months.

The angel and the spirit descend in it with the permission of their Rabb; with
all the commands.

Peace! It is until the break of dawn.

Page 1
Benefits of Learning
Suratul Qadr (97)
Suratul Qadr consists 5 ayaat.
It was revealed in Makka and is the 97th sura of the Qur’an.
It is recommended to be recited as much as possible on the night of Qadr,
preferably 1000x.

• If the sura is recited once, you get the thawab of fasting for one month.
• If recited 10 times, 100 sins are forgiven
• When recited in wajib salaa, all sins are forgiven
• It is a means for increasing sustenance
• For safety at night, recite 11x
• Recite 7x on the grave of a marhum, for forgiveness of their sins.

Page 2
Suratul Qadr (97)

Imam Ali (pbuh) has said:

Everything has a fruit, and the fruit of the Holy Qur'an is Suratul

Everything has a treasure, and the treasure that removes poverty

is Suratul Qadr.

For everything there is a means whereby it can be attained, and

the means of the weak is Suratul Qadr.”

For every hardship there is ease, and the ease of those suffering
from hardship is Suratul Qadr.

There is a shield against every evil, and the shield of the believers
is Suratul Qadr.

For everything there is guidance, and the guidance of the

righteous is Suratul Qadr.

There is excellence for everything, and the excellence of

knowledge is Suratul Qadr.

There is a adornment for everything, and the adornment of the

Qur'an is Suratul Qadr.

Page 3
Suratul Qadr (97)

There is a shelter for everything, and the shelter of the faithful is

Suratul Qadr.

There is a glad tiding for everything, and the glad tiding of the
innocent is Suratul Qadr.

There is a Proof (Hujja) for everything, and the Hujja after the
Prophet (pbuh) is Suratul Qadr, therefore, believe in it.”

Imam was asked how to believe in it, and he answered:

"That it shall occur in each and every year, and that everything revealed in it
is true."

Imam also said: "For anyone who recites Suratul Qadr, Allah writes down a
good deed for every particle of dust where he sits while reciting it.”
“It is a good companion for anyone who wishes to pay off his debt, strengthen
his/her faith, prolong life-span, and improve his/her condition. Anyone who
recites it often will meet Allah as a siddeeq and as a martyr."

Sulayman al- Marzawi asked Imam Ali Ar-Ridha (pbuh):

"Could you please tell us why Suratul Qadr was revealed?"
Imam replied: "O Sulayman! Laylatul Qadr is the night when Allah decrees
what will take place from one year to another of life or death, good or evil, or
regarding sustenance, and whatever He then decrees is sure destiny."

Page 4
Ayaat 1


Indeed We sent it (the Qur’an) down on the night of Qadr.

Page 5
Ayaat 1

Indeed We sent it (the Qur’an) down on the night of Qadr.

It is said that the Qur’an was revealed as a whole on Laylatul Qadr to the
Prophet (pbuh) and then bit by bit as ordered by Allah to the people.

According to another hadith, the Qur’an came down as a whole to Baytul

Ma’mur (a place in the heavens directly above the Ka’ba) and then it was
gradually revealed to the Prophet (pbuh) over a period of 23 years. The
Prophet (pbuh) was taken to Baytul Ma’mur on the night of Me’raj.

The meaning of Nuzool means to present something so it is understandable.

The night of Qadr is said to be one of the odd nights in the last ten days of the
month of Ramadhan out of which the 23rd of Ramadhan is regarded as the
most probable one.

Allah uses the word “We” for Himself (in this and other verses of the Qur’an) to
show his Greatness. It is usually used in the Qur’an when He talks about really
important subjects or when He wants to emphasise something.

The word Qadr has been interpreted by some as destiny, power, honour….. It is
said that the destiny is decided on this blessed night.

Imam Ali (pbuh) has said: "People wrongly imagine that destiny is permanent
and fate is certain. If it were so the idea of reward and penalty becomes mean-
ingless, promise and threat a deception. Allah has given man freedom of
thought and action."

Page 6
The concept of changing destiny is called ‘Bada’ The Prophet (pbuh) said:”Dua
changes even confirmed destiny.” Another means of changing it is through
one’s deeds. Imam Ja’fer As-Sadiq (pbuh) has said:
“The number of those who die because of committing sins is more than those
who die their natural death - and the number of those who live because of
doing good deeds is more than those who live up to their decreed age.”

"The Qur'an is living, its message never dies. It turns like the turn of day and
night, it is in motion like the sun and moon. It will embrace the last of us, the
way it embraced the first of us."
Imam Ja'fer As-Sadiq (pbuh)

The Qur'an is that which was revealed as the Final message of Allah to Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) during the last 23 years of his life. Every Prophet is granted
the power to perform miracles in order to verify the truth of his message.The
Qur'an is a standing and continuous miracle for all times and places - A Living

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was amongst the Arabs who were experts in
language and literature and the Qur'an challenged them at their own art.

There are over 6000 ayaat in the Qur'an in 114 suwer.

An aya means various things - a sign, miracle, wonder... An aya in the Qur'an
varies from being a single letter (38:1) , a two lettered word (36:1) to over half
a page long (2:282).

The first ayaat that were revealed were the first five of Suratul Alaq and the
last aya was the 4th aya of Suratul Maida :

"This day I have perfected your religion for you , completed My favour upon
you, and have chosen ISLAM as your religion "

This was revealed at Ghadeer e Khum on 18th Dhulhijja 10 a.h.

Page 7
The suwer are of unequal length. The shortest sura is Suratul Kawthar with
only 4 ayaat whilst the longest is Suratul Baqara with 286 ayaat covering one
twelfth of the Qur'an.

All the suwer begin with the phrase Bismillahirrahmanirraheem except Suratut

Every sura is given a name derived by following one of the following criteria :

(i) The complete story of the Prophet appears in that sura (Yusuf - 12)

(ii) The important event about it can be found in the sura (Baqara Cow - 2)

(iii The distinguished word in the sura (Hijr Stone - 15)

(iv)The opening aya of the sura (Yaseen - 36)

(v) In some cases the name has very little to do with contents of the suwer.

(Ankabut Spider - 29 In this sura there is nothing about the spider. It only talks
of the constitution of the spider's web.

Suwer and ayaat are either Makki or Madani according to their place of revela-
tion - Makka or Madina. Makki suwer mainly describe the basic faith whilst
Madani deal with the rules for the code of life like salaa, sawm, zaka and
khums...This division is not absolute because a Makkan sura may contain some
Madinite ayaat and vice versa. e.g. Suratul Anfal revealed in Madina has ayaat
30 -40 revealed in Makka.

Each sura is also divided into groups of ayaat called a ruku.

For convenience of reading the Qur'an has been divided into 30 equal parts -
Juz (pl. Ajzaa) without disturbing the original divisions formed by the ayaat and
suwer to enable completion of reading in one month. Every juz is further
divided into Rub (quarter), Nisf (half) & Thuluth (three quarter). These are
written in the margin.

Page 8
The Qur'an is also divided into seven equal sections - Manzil (pl. Manazil) to
enable the reader to complete the recitation on one week if so desired. This is
written at the bottom of each page.

There are four wajib sajadat in the Qur'an ( on hearing or reciting the following
4 ayaat one must perform a sajda). It is not necessary to face qibla, or be in

The sajadat are in the following ayaat :

32:15 Juz 21

41:38 Juz 24

53:62 Juz 27

96:19 Juz 30

Page 9
Ayaat 2 & 3








And what will make you know what the night of Qadr is?

The night of Qadr is better than a thousand months.

Page 10
Ayaat 2 & 3

And what will make you know what the night of Qadr is?

The night of Qadr is better than a thousand months.

A ‘thousand months’ here means ‘timeless time’. Normally when we compare

things; we do that through quality. Here the comparison is quantity. Therefore
£1 sadaqa on this night is equivalent to £30,000; the thawab of reciting one
aya of Qur’an is equivalent to reciting 30,000 ayaat on other nights…..

One of the most important dua to ask throughout the month of Ramadhan is
to ask to be able to utilise the opportunity given during Laylatul Qadr to get
divine grace. In this aya, Allah considers the night to be better than a thousand
months (approx 80 years). To be able to gain 80 years worth of grace is an
awesome achievement.

It is recommended to recite Suratud Dukhan and Suratul Qadr every day from
the beginning of the month until the 23rd of the month in preparation of Lay-
latul Qadr.

From ahadith we know that the affairs for every year, i.e., sustenance, provi-
sions, age.... are assigned during Laylatul Qadr. Therefore to ponder and think
of one’s aspirations and goals is the most important of preparations for the

Page 11
The Masumeen have explained to us that Allah has planned the systems of the
universe in such a way that everyone’s destiny will be determined on an yearly
basis in the angelic spheres through the agency of Imam Zamana who is the
leader and focus of the whole spiritual world thus giving the human being a
unique opportunity to influence his/her own future (gains, loss/ health/ sick-
ness, richness/poverty/ etc by performing certain acts, e.g. dua salaa, sadaqa,
acquiring knowledge, recitation of Qur’an…….)

"Allah has favoured Friday over all other days, the month of Ramadhan over all
other months, andLaylatul Qadr over all other nights." Prophet Muhammad

"The Holy Qur'an was revealed as a whole during the month of Ramadhan at the
Ancient House (the Ka'ba), then from there it was revealed along the span of
(more than) twenty years." Imam Sadiq (pbuh)

"The Books of Ibrahim (pbuh) were revealed on the first night of the month of
Ramadhan; the Torah was revealed on the sixth of the month of Ramadhan; the
Gospel (Injil) was revealed on the thirteenth of the month of Ramadhan; the
Psalms (Zabur) were revealed on the eighteenth of the month of Ramadhan,
and the Holy Qur'an was revealed on the twenty-third of the month of Rama-
dhan." Imam Sadiq (pbuh)

"During Layla tul-Qadr, the angels, the spirit, and the trusted scribes all descend
to the lower heavens and write down whatever Allah decrees that year, and if
Allah wishes to advance something or postpone it or add thereto, He orders
the angel to erase it and replace it with whatever He decrees."
Imam Sadiq (pbuh)

Ibn Abbas is quoted saying, "The Holy Qur'an was revealed as a whole from the
Safeguarded Scroll from the heavens to the lower earth on Laylatul-Qadr, then
Jibrail used to reveal it unto Rasulullah (pbuh) gradually."

Imam Baqir (pbuh), quoting Rasulullah (pbuh) has said that whoever spends
Laylatul-Qadr praising Allah will have all his sins forgiven even if they had num-
bered as many as the stars in the heavens, the weight of the mountains, or the
measures of the seas.

Page 12
Imam Baqir (buh) has said, "The 17th night of the month of Ramadhan is when
the two parties met, and the 19th is when the lists of the pilgrims is written
down, and the 21st is when successors to the Prophets passed away and Isa
(pbuh) was raised to heaven and Musa (pbuh) passed away, whereas the 23rd
is hoped to be Laylatul-Qadr."

Imam Sadiq (pbuh) has also said: "The twenty-third night of the month of
Ramadhan is the one when every weighty matter is decided, when trials, tribu-
lations, deaths, and means of sustenance and other matters are determined,
and so will whatever Allah decrees to take place for the entire next year; so,
congratulations to anyone who remains awake during it bowing, prostrating,
contemplating upon his sins, weeping on their account, for if you do all of that,
God willing, you Will never be disappointed."

Then he added, "Allah will order an angel to call out during each and every day
of the month of Ramadhan conveying Allah's message to them thus: ' Good
news, O My servants I have forgiven your past sins and permitted some of
you to intercede on behalf of the rest on Laylatul-Qadr except those who break
their fast with an intoxicant or those who bear grudge against another Muslim

It is narrated that Allah wards off evil and sins and all types of trials on the 25th
night from all His servants who fast and grants them light in their hearing and
vision; Janna is decorated during Laylatul-Qadr's day and night.

Page 13
Suggested things to do

• Make sure you are comfortable.
• Don’t eat too much for you will feel sleepy.
• Give sadaqa
• Do ghusl at the beginning and the end of the night

• Concentrate on Allah today by focusing your thoughts on the importance of
this night and how it is the unfortunate who are devoid of the blessings of this
night. To keep your thoughts focused everytime they stray recite “Innaa lillahi
wa innaa ilayhi raaji’un” "Indeed we are from Allah and towards Him is our
return. " 2:156

• Make sure you are at peace with your relations especially your parents and
blood ties. Ask their forgiveness for any wrong doing or hurt…..
• Forgive those who have hurt you. Release yourself from their prison…
Remember ‘The reward for goodness is only good”….

• Ponder over the translation of the duas so you can ‘connect’
• When reciting the names of the Ma’sumeen think about each of them
‘connecting’ to them.
• Imagine yourself at the day of Judgement – cry and beseech Him for forgive-
ness and a fresh start. The Prophet (pbuh) when asked what one should ask
Allah for during these nights, said: "Ask for your safety (here and in the hereaf-

Page 14
Ayaat 4 & 5

The angel and the spirit descend in it with the permission of their Rabb; with
all the commands.

Peace! It is until the break of dawn.

Page 15
Ayaat 4 & 5

The angel and the spirit descend in it with the permission of their Rabb; with
all the commands.

Peace! It is until the break of dawn.

It is said that the word ‘Ruh’ (spirit) refers to the angel Jibraeel who is also
called ruh-ul-amin, while some others have said that ruh to mean inspiration
like it does in aya 42:52 "…and thus have We, by Our command, sent inspira-
tion to thee...",(42:52).

The word tanazzalu which is in the present tense with the sense of continuity
makes it clear that Laylatul Qadr is not only for the period when this aya was
revealed, but it is a permanent fact and it is a night that repeats annually.

The coming down of the angels and the Spirit during this night continues from
the time of Prophet Adam (pbuh) to the day of Qiyama. The place where they
come down has to be pure (Ma’sum). Thus our affairs are presented to Imam
Al Mahdi (pbuh)

During the ghayba of the Imam, there exists a “postal system” between the us
and Imam.. In this “postal system” not only do we write letters but our actions
and deeds also communicate on our behalf.

Page 16
“We are not heedless of your life affairs and do not forget remembering you..”
Imam Muhammad Al-Mahdi (pbuh) - Biharul Anwar Vol.53 pg.175

Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir (pbuh) has said:

“Argue against those who deny the continuity of Imama on this earth, with this
sura”. This sura proves that there must always be a ma’sum present on earth.

When the angels came to Prophet Ibrahim (Pbuh) , they addressed him with
peace. “And certainly Our messengers came to Ibrahim with good news.
They said: “Peace Peace….. (11:69)

Page 17

Page 18
Comparison of Lunar/Solar
Draw two concentric circles.

Mark the Lunar (Islamic) months in the outer circle.

Mark th Solar (Gregorian) months in the inner circle.

in the circle through the middle. dhan



an da
q a’a
Sh l
D hu
Jan Mar
Rajab Apr ijja
Dec Dhulh
d ul A June Muha
akher Oct rram
Ja Sept Aug July
lA fa
ww r
Rabi u


l Aa

l Aw


Page 19
Fold an A4 sheet of paper length wise in half.

Mark the ISLAMIC months on the paper and decorate.

Cut a piece od card 5” x 2”.

Make two cuts on the card half an inch from the top and bottom as shown
below by the dotted lines.



Slide the folded A4 paper with the months through the cuts in the card.

Rabi ul Awwal
Rabi ul Aakher
Jamad ul Awwal
Jamad ul Aakher

Page 20
The Sun And The Moon

Draw the sun and the moon side by side on a piece of paper. Colour the sun
yellow or if possible sprinkle on gold glitter.

Stick foil on the moon shape.

Fold the paper (like a card) and see how the brilliance of the sun can be seen
as a reflection on the moon.

Page 21
The month of Ramadhan
From the sermon of the Prophet (pbuh)

Truthful Niyya Pure Heart

Shaytan locked up


Jahannam closed Open Janna

Page 22
Laylatul Qadr

Draw the web Colour in the smoke


Sura Al-Ankabut Sura Ad-Dukhan

Write 'R' for the Romans Who wrote the Duas

in the circle in Sahifa As-Sajjadiyya?


SuraAr-Room Dua Makarimul Akhlaq

What will you do

Tawba for?


Dua e Tawba

Page 23
Tawba - Seeking
forgiveness from God

Correct the wrong

If you’ve hurt someone,

say sorry
If you’ve taken something,
return it

Promise to try your best not to do it again

Write down 10 things that you seek forgiveness from god?

Page 24
The Holy Qur’an - Ruku

ACTIVITY: Below is a picture of a RUKU. Look it up in the Qur’an, you will

find it on almost any page on the margin. Explain what the labelled Arabic
Numbers mean and also complete the sentence below:

A Ruku is __________________________________________ .

Page 25
Qur’an in my life

Qur’an is not there only to be read but also to be applied in our life.

Colour the picture below of children reading the Qur’an.

Ask your parents if they can help you find a verse of a Surah that you know
or recite often which you can act upon. Ask them to help you write the
meaning of that verse in the box below.

Page 26
Qur’an and Dua
You may want to make a frame for the picture below and hang it in your bedroom.

When we want Allah to talk to us we read the Qur’an.

When we want Allah to talk to us we recite Dua.

“Brighten your home by reading the Qur’an”

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

Make Dua the key that opens and closes your every night and day.

Page 27
Al - Qadr
The Power (97)

My Suratul Qadr


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