Transverse Cracking and Horizontal Thrust in Flattened Arches

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Historical Constructions, P.B. Lourenço, P. Roca (Eds.

), Guimarães, 2001 529

Transverse cracking and horizontal thrust in flattened arches

H.Parland and A.Miettinen
Tampere University of Technology, Structural Mechanics, Tampere, Finland

ABSTRACT: In flattened stone and concrete arches, where the dead load is decisive, the
greatest bending moments occur at the abutments. These bending moments induce opening of
dry joints and cracks with gaps, which change considerably the equilibrium state of the arch.
This change can be reinterpreted by linear transformations as a decomposition of the structure
into two components: an uncracked monolithic elastic structure and an assemblage of rigid
blocks with partial interpenetrations. This decomposition provides the tools for the
determination of the horizontal thrust of the arch. Accordingly the effect of the rise and the
slenderness of the arch on the horizontal thrust corresponding to dry joints at the springings has
been analysed. Special attention is paid to the straight arch with dry joints and ditto brittle
cracks at the supports. Subsequently the interrelation of the effect of dry and brittle behaviour
on the horizontal thrust has been evaluated.


The volumes Vh of the voids caused by transversal cracks and dry joints induce in the arch
elongations ∆lh of its centroidal axis and mutual rotations ωh of the endfaces at the abutments. If
these movements are restrained they give rise to an increased horizontal thrust H that attains its
highest value Hmax when the abutments are fixed. Because this H determines the design of the
support structure of the arch we focus our attention on the overall effect of the cracks and dry
joints on H. We consider purely elastic arches with possible nondissipative effects at the joints.
Because the greatest bending moments, also after cracking, occur at the abutments we restrict
ourselves to flattened arches with cracks only at the springings. We confine ourselves to
symmetrically loaded symmetric arches with constant rectangular cross-section A = td
supported by fixed abutments.


We consider a straight crack (i) of depth a, characterised by a displacement discontinuity or gap

vector u i +1 (y) − u i (y) = ?(y) in a local coordinate system s, y(s) (Fig. 1). The gap vector ? with
longitudinal component γs and transverse component γy

?(y) = ? s n (s) + ? y j(s) where ? s ≥ 0 (1)

determines the non-negative gap volume Vh and its moment yhVh

Vh = ∫ ? s dA ; y h Vh = ∫ ? s ydA
530 Historical Constructions

Figure: 1 a) Ashlars with transverse cracks. b) Deformed ashlar assemblage with opened
symmetric crack at joint. c) Linearized symmetric crack

The elastic stress fields σ’, σ”, σ’” generated at (i) by normal force N = -P = 1, moment M = 1
and shear force Q = 1, respectively, have the non zero components
3(1 − (2y/d) 2 ) (3a,b,c)
s 's = 1/A ; s "s = y/I ; t ' " =
Applying these stress fields to the void induced by ? we obtain by work equations the constant
discontinuities at (i) (Parland and Miettinen 1998)

∫ s 's ? s dA = Vh /A = v hs ; ∫ s "s ? s dA = y h Vh /I = ? h ; ∫ t ' " ? y dA = v hy (4a,b,c)

Together these equations define a linearized gap distribution at (i)

 ? s   v hs + ? h y (5)
?= = 
 ? y   v hy 
The equation expresses that at joints (i) contacting endfaces experience mutual translations vhs,
vhy and rotations ωh. Therefore we interprete ? as a mutual rigid body movement between
coherently deformed endfaces of blocks of a monolithic arch. These blocks deform according to
the classical theory of bending and compression of beams with strains

P(s) M(s)y 3Q(s) (6a,b,c)

e se = − + ; e ye ≅ − ?e se ; ? sye = (1 − (2y/d) 2 )
induced by the compressive normal force P, bending moment M and shear force Q, respectively.
Therefore it is possible to decompose the state {σ , ε , u} of the arch into a monolithic elastic
part {σe , εe , ue} with continuous displacement field and a quasi-rigid part {σh , γ , uh} of rigid
H. Parland and A. Miettinen 531

blocks, that at the cracks experience mutual translations vhs , vhy and rotations ωh , including
partial interpenetration at the compressed edge (Fig. 2)

{s ,e, u} = {s e , e e , u e } + {s h , ?, u h } (7)
The states {σe , εe , ue} and {σh , γ , uh} are inter-related by the conditions at the fixed supports

u(± L/2) = u e ( ± L/2) + u h ( ± L/2) = 0 (8)

The stress energy of the monolithic component is

1  L/2  P 2 5Q 2 M 2  
We = ∫ + + ds (9)
2  − L/2  EA 6GA EI  
 
The state {σh , γ , uh} is determined by the linearized discontinuity components vhs , vhy , ωh at
the joints. The compressive force P at joint (i) acts at yp = -e. There the rectified “ashlars”
interpenetrate each other a distance (Fig. 1)

Vh  12y h e  (10)
u ph = -v hs + ? h e =  − 1
A  d2 
We express vhs , vhy , ωh , uph of a crack and its centroid ordinate yh , respectively, by

Pd Pd 6P Pd d (11)
v hs = ? h ; v hy = eh ; ? h = a h ; u ph = dh ; y h = ? h
where the parameters ηh , εh , αh , δh and ρh are functions of P and its relative eccentricity m =
6e/d, the shear force Q = qP and the relative crack depth κh = a/d. Because of Eqs. (10) and (11)
there holds
3a h
d h = ma h - ? h ; ?h = (12a,b)

Figure2 : decomposition of deformations of elastic arch into a monolithic elastic component and a quasi
rigid component with partial interpenetrations

The geometric compatibility implies that vhs and ωh determine also the shortening of the
centroid axis and the mutual rotation of the endfaces of the ashlar, respectively. For symmetric
loading upper bound values of the parameters ηh , εh , ωh , δh have been determined by
admissible equilibrium stress fields (Parland et al. 1982) and lower bound values by the FEM
and ditto values for nonsymmetric loading by Miettinen (1988).
The stress energy of the edge effect at (i) after cracking is
532 Historical Constructions

P 2d (13)
Whi = (d h + qe h )

and the corresponding total stress energy of the arch is

W = We + SWhi (14)

If the arch and the load are symmetric we have two redundants, the horizontal thrust H and the
bending moment X at the springings. Using the elastic center of the arch as the origin (Charlton
1969) with vertical coordinate z(s) and inclination υ(s) of the centroid axis of the arch, the P(s),
Q(s) and M(s) are then determined by

P(s) = P o (s) + H cos? ; Q(s) = Q o (s) − H sin? ; M(s) = M o (s) − H z(s) + X (15)

where Po(s), Qo(s) and Mo(s) represent the corresponding forces of the statically determinate
structure. Because of the smallness of the strain γsy within the ashlars and the gap vector
component γy at the joints, these quantities are disregarded in the following.


We base our analysis on the general results obtained for elastic voussoir arches. Provided the
slenderness of the voussoirs λ = l/d exceeds the value 1.5, the edge effects caused by the opened
cracks are independent of λ (Parland et al. 1982).
At dry joints, because of unconstrained contact without stress singularities, the opening gaps
γs attain their maximum depth ao and the void-load lever arm VP = e + yh = k(m + ρho) attains a
minimum (Figs. 1 and 6)
Pd o Pd o Pd o (16a,b,c)
v hs = ? h (m) ; ? h = a h (m) ; u ph = d (m) ; (k = d/6)

The condition of fixed abutments corresponds to a minimum of stress energy W = We + Wh ,

that provides the necessary equations for the redundants H and X (Parland and Miettinen 1998)

 1
( 
)  N o cos? M o z 
cos 2 ? + (z/l) 2 ds = ∫ 

EI 
ds + Pd ? o cos? + (z/k)a o
EA h h )
L  EA  L  EA (17a)
ds M Pd o
X∫ =−∫ ds − a (17b)

The first terms to the right represent the monolithic elastic component of the structure without
cracks and the second terms the effect of the discontinuities induced by the movements of the
rigid block assemblage of arch and abutments (Fig. 2).
The linear arch that passes through the intrados at the springings and the extrados at the
crown determines at given load the smallest horizontal thrust Hmin

H min = M omax /(d + f) (18)

Fig. 3 shows the dependence of the ratio H/Hmin of flattened arches on the slenderness ratio λ =
l/d and the rise ratio θ = f/d. For small slendernesses (λ < 10) H/Hmin decreases steeply
approaching thereafter asymptotically a lowest value.
An exception makes the straight arch for which H/Hmin ≈ 1 and therefore almost independent
of λ. At any symmetric load with z = 0, s = x, No = 0, cosυ = 1, X = -Pkm, ρho = 3αho/β ho , we
obtain from Eqs. (17a,b)
H. Parland and A. Miettinen 533

∫ M dx (19a,b)
? = l/d = ? oh (m) ; H = 6
(m + ? oh )dl
For uniform load p the thrust H is nearly proportional to λ (Fig. 7)
H ? (20)

pl 2(m + ? o )
If m > 2 the sum m + ρho , corresponding to different loads, doesn’t differ more than 3% from
the value 4. Therefore the gap volume lever arm VP = e + yh is almost constant and nearly
independent of Q (Miettinen 1988). For a rectangular section there holds (Fig. 4)

e + y h ≅ 2d/3 or m + ? oh ≅ 4 (21a,b)

H H ?
≅ min = (22)
pl pl 8

Figure 3 : Dependence of ratio of horizontal thrust H to Hmin on slenderness ratio λ and rise ratio θ = f/d
of an arch with dry joints at the sprinings
534 Historical Constructions

Figure 4 : Dependence of the internal lever arm ratio VP/k = m + ρho( determined by the centroid V of the
void and the centroid P of the normal stresses) on different load and support conditions at dry joint.

The secondary effect of the deflection uy on the bending moment ∆M = Huy together with the
shortening of the span ½∫(uy’)2dx decreases the growth of the horizontal thrust H with λ and
leads finally to the snap-through of the straight arch (Fig. 5).


We consider a clamped straight arch between two rigid supports loaded uniformly by p. This we
interprete as a continuous beam with equal spans l loaded by uniform load p which induces
solely normal stresses σx (friction neglected; µ = 0) in the cracked sections above the supports
(Figs. 4d and 6). Before cracking the state of stress is determined by the bending moment M(x)

M(x) = M o (x) + M s ; M o (x) = px(l - x)/2 ; M s = −2M omax /3 = − pl 2 /12 (23a)

Neglecting the effect of the shearforce the potential energy Uo equals the negative strain energy
induced by M(x). Hence
1 l M2 (pl) 2 d? 3 (23b)
Uo = − ∫ dx = -
2 0 EI 120EI

A crack at the supports with depth a = κhd induces in the beam a constant horizontal thrust P =
H acting at an eccentricity e = -km and a bending moment Mp = -Pkm. The edge effect on the
cracks at the supports is in this case determined by the relations (11) and (12) where the
parameters ηh , αh , δh , ρh depend on the relative eccentricity m and the relative crack depth κh

? h = ? h (m, ? h ) ; a h = a h (m, ? h ) ; d h (m, ? h ) = ma h (m, ? h ) - ? h (m, ? h ) (24)

The potential energy U in the cracked state equals the negative sum of the stress energy of the
monolithic beam and of the edge effect (Eqs. 9 and 13)
H. Parland and A. Miettinen 535

Figure 5 : Nonlinear effect of deflection and snap-through of loaded straight arch with dry joints at the

Figure 6 : Lever arm ratio VP/k = m + ρh versus relative eccentricity m at cracked support.

1  l  H 2 (M o (x) − Pkm) 2  2 
U = −  ∫ + dx + P d d h (m, ? h ) 
2  0  EA EI 
 EA 
 

The change of the potential energy is therefore

536 Historical Constructions

? U = U - Uo = −
d  2
2EA 
H ?(1 + m 2 /3) + d h (m, ? h ) −
Hplm? 2 (pl) 2 
12 

Using the linearization of the gaps ? = v hs + ? h y all relations concerning vhs , ωh , uph (Eqs. 16
and 17) remain formally in force. Therefore

pl (26)
? = ? h (m, ? h ) ; H =
2(m + ? h )
Inserting these values into Eq. (25b) we obtain finally

(pl) 2 d  ? h ? h 
?U=−  (27a)
24EA  m + ? h 
 
The internal lever arm ratio VP/k = m + ρh depends almost linearly on m at given crack depth
ratio κ = a/d (Fig. 6). With surface energy Ga the total energy change is

(pl) 2 d  ? h ? h 
p = Ga − 
24EA  m + ? h 
 

According to linear fracture mechanics cracking requires (Hellan 1985)

(pl) 2 d ∂  ? h ? h 
∂p =0
=G− (28)
∂a 24EA ∂? h  m + ? h 
 

The condition for cracking depends on the form of the crack. For simplicity we choose an
intermediate triangular γ(y) distribution (Fig. 1)

? s (y) = 2? max (y − y o )/d ≥ 0 (29)

with corresponding
Vh ? h ? max y V ? ? ? (30)
v hs = = ; ? h = h h = h h max ; ? h = 3 − 2? h
A 2 I d

Inserting ρh , ηh = λ and m + ρh = pld/(EAγmax) into Eqs. (27b) and (28) we obtain

pl? ∂p pl?
p = Ga − ? h (3 − 2? h )? max ; =G− ? max (3 − 4? h ) = 0 (31a,b)
24 ∂a 24
3 6Gd (32)
?h = − >0
4 pl? ? max

Because 0 ≤ κh ≤ ¾ the greatest value of the crack volume is Vh max = 3Aγmax/8. From Eq. (30)
thus follows the minimum condition for a crack at λ and the load pl
?≥ (33)
pl Vh max
H. Parland and A. Miettinen 537

Figure 7 : horizontal thrust ratio H/pl versus slenderness ratio λ in the case of dry joints and in the case of
brittle fracture.

Using Eqs. (31) and (33) we obtain approximate values for the dependence of the ratio H/pl
on λ (λ < 20). The corresponding curves of (H/pl) for different ratios GEA /Pl have the
asymptote (H/pl)o corresponding to dry joints at the supports (Fig. 7).


At uniform vertical loading p the greatest bending moments, also after cracking, occur at the
springings. Therefore we have confined ourselves to arches and beams with cracks at the
abutments only.
If the arch has dry joints at the springings then the ratio of the horizontal thrust H to its
minimum value Hmin increases with increasing ratio f/d, where f is the rise of the arch and Hmin
is the smallest horizontal thrust, to which corresponds a thrust line within the arch (Fig. 3).
The ratio H/Hmin decreases with increasing slenderness λ but approaches a minimum constant
value (≅ 1) when the rise f approaches zero (straight arch).
In the straight arch the ratio of the horizontal thrust to the total vertical load increases
proportionally to λ.
A nonlinear analysis of the straight arch provides the conditions for the occurrence of a snap-
through of the arch.
If the straight arch has tension resisting supports, cracks develope there at some critical
slenderness ratio λc that increases with the toughness ratio GEA /pl . For values λ ≥ λc the ratio
(H/pl)G increases from zero discontinuously with λ and approaches asymptotically the value
(H/pl)o corresponding to dry joints.


Charlton T., Principles of structural analysis. Longmans 1968.

Hellan K., Introduction to fracture mechanics. McGraw-Hill, 1985.
Miettinen A., Ulokesauman kitka ja sen teoria (Theory of friction of dry joints of beams), Proc. 3rd
Finnish Mechanics Days, Helsinki University of Technology, 1988.
Parland H., Heinisuo M., Koivula R., On the Problem of Bending and Compression of Beams. Proc. 6th
Int. Brick Masonry Conference, Roma 1982.
538 Historical Constructions

Parland H., Miettinen A., A contact mechanical approach to the theory of elastic voussoir arches. Proc.
Second International Arch bridge Conference, Venice. Balkema Rotterdam 1998.

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