MAN Diesel. CP Propeller. Product Information
MAN Diesel. CP Propeller. Product Information
MAN Diesel. CP Propeller. Product Information
Product Information
The purpose of this Product Information
brochure is to act as a guide in the project
planning of MAN Diesel´s Alpha propeller
Propeller equipment servo motor located in the aft part of Oil Distributor box
The standard propeller equipment the hub and sturdy designed internal The VBS propeller equipment can be
comprises a four bladed CP propeller components. supplied with three different oil distribu-
complete with shafting, stern tube, tion systems for controlling the pitch
outer and inboard seals, oil distributor A welldistributed range of different hub de pending on the type of propulsion
(OD) box and coupling flange. sizes makes it possible to select an system i.e. direct driven twostroke or
optimum hub for any given combination geared fourstroke. All three types in-
The location of the ODbox depends on of power, revolutions and ice class. The corporate the possibility for emergency
the propeller and propulsion configuration. different hub sizes are in principle geo- operation and a valve box that will keep
metrical similar and incorporate large the propeller pitch fixed in case the
servo piston diameter with low pressure hydraulic oil supply is interrupted. The
Propeller type VBS
and reaction forces and few compo- latter is required by classification societ-
The present version of MAN Diesel´s
nents, while still maintaining short overall ies and will prevent the propeller blades
Alpha propeller equipment is desig-
installation length. from changing the pitch setting.
nated VBS. It features an integrated
Fig. 2: Propeller equipment type VBSODG (8L27/38 engine, AMG28EV reduction gear, VBS860 propeller)
Fig. 3: Propeller equipment type VBS ODS (7S60MC-C engine, VBS1800 propeller, front-end PTO step-up gear and alternator)
ODS Shaft mounted ODbox ODF Gearbox mounted ODbox ODG Gearbox integrated ODbox
For direct driven propellers without re- For geared fourstroke propulsion plants For MAN Diesel designed gearboxes
duction gearboxes the oil distribution the oil distribution box is usually located on (AMG, Alpha Module Gears) the oil
box must be located in the shaft line. the forward end of the reduction gearbox. distribution and pitch control system is
an integral part of the gearbox. Apart
The ODS type is intended for this type The ODF contains the same elements from the standby pump no external
of installations and features beside the as the ODS type and comes in different hydraulic power unit is needed thus
oil inlet ring a hydraulic coupling flange, sizes according to the selected type of facilitating a simple and space saving
pitch feedback and the valve box. The VBS propeller equipment. installation.
unit design ensures short installation
length and all radial holes and slots are For long shaft lines with one or more in-
located on the large diameter coupling termediate shafts it is recommended to
flange and are carefully designed to avoid use the ODS type of oil distribution that
stress raisers. will ensure a short feedback system
leading to a more precise control of the
pitch setting.
Fig. 4: Propeller equipment type VBS ODF (6L48/60B engine, reduction gear, VBS1380 propeller)
Fig. 5: Propeller equipment type VBS ODS (8S50MC-C engine, Renk tunnel gear, VBS1680 propeller)
Fig. 6: Propeller hub type VBS
Mechanical Design
Hub design
The hydraulic servo motor for pitch set-
ting is an integral part of the propeller
hub. The design is shown in fig 6. The
propeller hub is bolted to the flanged end
of the tailshaft, which is hollow bored to
accommodate the servo oil and pitch
feedback tube. The servo piston which
is bolted to the pitch control head, forms Blade foot
the hydraulic servo motor together with Intermediate flange
the propeller cap. Slide ring
The high pressure servo oil system at the
Fig. 7: Blade sealing rings
aft end of the hub is completely isolated
from the pitch regulating mechanism and
thus also from the blade flanges, which
means that the blade sealings only are of the propeller hub cylinder, displacing
subjected to gravitation oil pressure. the servo piston forward, into an ahead
pitch position. The displaced hydraulic
By using a large servo piston diameter oil from forward of the piston is returned
and balanced blade shapes, the oil via the annular space between the tube
pressure and reacting forces are mini- and shaft bore to the oil tank. Reverting
mized. the flow directions will move the propel-
ler in astern position.
Blade sealing rings are placed between
blade foot and hub, fig 7. A compressed
Oring presses a PTFE (teflon) slide ring
against the blade foot.
ODBox Design
ODS type Coupling muff OD ring
The shaft mounted unit, fig. 8, consists
of coupling flange with ODring, valve box
and pitch feedback ring. Via the oil Valve box
distribution ring, high pressure oil is
supplied to one side of the servo piston
servo pipe
and the other side to the drain.The pis-
ton is hereby moved, setting the de-
sired propeller pitch. A feedback ring is
connected to the hydraulic pipe by slots
in the coupling flange. The feed–back
ring actuates one of two displace-
ment transmitters in the electrical pitch
feedback box which measures the ac-
tual pitch. Pitch feed-back ring
In the event of failing oil pressure or fault Fig. 9: Pitch feedback arrangement and OD ring fixation to ship structure
in the remote control system, special studs
can be screwed into the oil distribution
ring hereby making manual oil flow con-
trol possible. A valve box located at the
end of the shaft ensures that the propeller
pitch is maintained in case the servo oil
supply is interrupted.
ODF type
The gearbox mounted unit, fig 10,
consists in principle of the very same Valve box
mechanical parts as the ODS type.
However, the pitch feedback transmit-
ter is of the inductive type that operates
contactless and thus without wear.
Pitch feed-back
servo pipe
ODG type
The gearboxintegrated unit, fig 11, pe – for gearbox mounting
OD box
servo pipe
pe – integrated in Alpha Mudule Gearboxes
Servo Oil System
The propeller is equipped with an elec- Fig. 12: Hydraulic Power Unit
trical pitch feedback transducer. This
feedback signal is compared to the
order signal to maintain the desired pitch.
Oil tank Hydraulic Power Unit
The pitch setting is normally remotely Stern seal
controlled, but local emergency control tube oil Pitch
is possible. tank PD
The hydraulic Power Unit, fig 12, con- piston
sists of an oil tank with all components Lip ring seals Hydraulic Pitch
top mounted, to facilitate installation at pipe feed-back
sudden change of manoeuvre will start
up the second pump; this second pump Hydraulic Power Unit
also serves as a standby pump.
Stern seal TI
tank L AL
tube oil TI
Propeller Shaft and
Coupling Flange
Material Forged steel 100
type S45P Installation
Yield strength N/mm² minimum 350 C
Tensile strength N/mm² minimum 600
Elongation % minimum 18
Impact strength
Charpy Vnotch J minimum 18
Table 1 Mark on
The tailshaft is hollow bored, housing
the servo oil pipe.
The distance between the aft and forward
stern tube bearings should generally
not exceed 20 times the diameter of
the propeller shaft. If the aft ship de-
sign requires longer distances, special
countermeasures may be necessary to A
avoid whirling vibration problems.
Measurement for push-op
stampedon the coupling muff
Coupling flange Hydraulic pump
The tailshaft can be connected, to the
flywheel directly or to an intermediate Fig. 16: Shrink fitted coupling flange
shaft, via a hydraulic coupling flange,
fig 16. To fit the flange high pressure oil
of more than 2,000 bar is injected be-
tween the muff and the coupling flange
by means of the injectors in order to ex-
Epoxy resin
pand the muff.
and installed with epoxy resin and Liners
bolted to the stern frame boss, fig 17. The stern tube is provided with forward
and aft white metal liners, fig 18. Sen-
The forward end of the stern tube sors for bearing temperature can be
is supported by the welding ring. mounted, if required. A thermometer for
the forward bearing is standard.
The oilbox and the forward shaft
seal are bolted onto the welding Seals
ring. This design allows thermal As standard, the stern tube is provided
expansion/contraction of the stern with forward and after stern tube seals
tube and decreases the necessity of the lip ring type having three lip rings
for close tolerances of the stern in the after seal and two lip rings in the
Leadbased tube installation length. forward seal, fig 19.
CastIron white metal
As an option the stern tube can be
Fig. 18: Stern tube white metal liner installed with a press-fitting and
bolted to the stern frame boss. The
stern tube is then supplied with 5
mm machining allowance for yard
Hydraulic bolts
The propeller equipment can be sup-
plied with hydraulic fitted bolts for easy
assembly and disassembly, fig 20. Ma-
chining of holes is simple, reaming or
honing is avoided.
Installation of propeller equipment into
the ship hull can be done in many dif-
ferent ways as both yards and owners
have different requirements of how
to install and how to run the propeller
equipment. Other designs of stern tube
and/or shaft sealings may be preferred.
MAN Diesel are available with alterna-
tives to meet specific wishes or design
Fig. 19: Stern tube seals requirements.
Propeller Blade Manufac- The dimensioning of a propeller blade bending due to its higher yield strength
turing and Materials according to the Classification Societies and for prolonged operations in shal-
will give a 10% higher thickness for the low water the higher hardness makes
CrNi compared to NiAl in order to ob- it more resistant to abrasive wear from
The international standard organization
tain the same fatigue strength. sand.
has introduced a series of manufactur-
ing standards in compliance with which
As an example the thickness and weight The final selection of blade and hub
propellers have to be manufactured
difference for a propeller blade for a material depends on owners require-
(ISO 484). The accuracy class is normally
medium-size propulsion system (4,200 ments and the operating condition of
selected by the customer and the table
kW at 170 r/min) is stated in table 2. the vessel. In general terms the NiAl
below describes the range of manufac-
material is preferable for ordinary
turing categories.
CrNisteel requires thicker blades than purposes whereas CrNi could be an
NiAlbronze, which is unfortunate from attractive alternative for nonducted
Class Manufacturing accuracy the propeller theoretical point of view propellers operating in heavy ice or
S Very high accuracy (thicker = less efficiency). Additionally, the dredgers and vessels operating in
I High accuracy CrNi is more difficult to machine than NiAl. shallow waters.
For operation in ice the CrNi material will
II Medium accuracy
be able to withstand a higher force before
III Wide tolerances
Both materials have high resistance 4000
against cavitation erosion. The fatigue 350
characteristics in a corrosive environ- 3000
ment are better for NiAl than for CrNi.
Propeller blades are, to a large degree,
exposed to cyclically varying stresses.
Consequently, the fatique material
strength is of decisive importance.
1000 3000 5000 7000 9000 11000 13000 15000
Engine power kW
Propeller Nozzle
Nozzle length
The fixed nozzles are typically supplied
in two standard lengths, either 0.4 or
0.5 x propeller diameter, according to
the application.
Optimizing Propeller Optimizing the complete The optimum propeller speed corre-
Equipment propulsion plant sponding to the chosen diameter can
The design of the propeller, giving regard be found in fig 18 for a given reference
to the main variables such as diameter, condition (ship speed 12 knots and
Propeller design speed, area ratio etc, is determined by wake fraction 0.25).
The design of a propeller for a vessel the requirements for maximum efficiency
can be categorized in two parts: and minimum vibrations and noise levels. For ships often sailing in ballast condi-
tion, demands of fully immersed propel-
Optimizing the complete propulsion plant The chosen diameter should be as large lers may cause limitations in propeller
Hydrodynamic design of propeller as the hull can accommodate, allowing diameter. This aspect must be consid-
blades the propeller speed to be selected ac- ered in each individual case.
cording to optimum efficiency.
To reduce emitted pressure impulses
and vibrations from the propeller to the
hull, MAN Diesel recommend a mini-
mum tip clearance as shown in fig 26.
Dismantling High skew Non–skew Baseline To ensure that all necessary data are
known by the propeller designer, the
Hub of cap propeller propeller clearance
data sheets on page 24 and 25, should
X mm Y Y Z mm
be completed.
VBS 640 125
VBS 740 225 For propellers operating under varying
VBS 860 265 conditions (service, max or emergency
VBS 980 300 speeds, alternator engaged/disengaged)
the operating time spent in each mode
VBS 1080 330
should be given.
VBS 1180 365 20–25% of D 25–30% of D Minimum 50–100
VBS 1280 395 This will provide the propeller de-
VBS 1380 420 signer with the information necessary to
VBS 1460 450 design a propeller capable of delivering
VBS 1560 480 the highest overall efficiency.
VBS 1680 515
VBS 1800 555
VBS 1940 590
Power (kW) To assist a customer in selecting the op- is often reduced at the hub and tip, fig 30.
timum propulsion system, MAN Diesel Care must be taken not to make ex-
8000 are able of performing speed prognosis, cessive pitch reduction, which will ef-
fig 27, fuel oil consumption calculations, fect the efficiency.
fig 28, and towing force calculations fig
4000 29. Various additional alternatives may Thickness distribution is chosen ac-
also be investigated (ie different gearbox- cording to the requirements of the
es, propeller equipment, nozzles against Classification Societies for unskewed
0 free running propellers, varying draft and propellers and complemented by a finite
8 10 12 14 16 trim of vessel, etc). Additionally MAN element analysis.
Speed (knots)
Diesel can assist in the hydrodynamic
Fig. 27: Speed prognosis design of aft ship, shaft and brackets Cavitation
arrangement in order to achieve a uni- Cavitation is associated with generation
form inflow to the propeller. In connec- of bubbles caused by a decrease in
Consumption (kg/hour)
tion with the Alpha propeller, a number the local pressure below the prevailing
1600 of efficiency improving devices have saturation pressure. The low pressure
been tested and applied comprising can be located at different positions on
Costa bulbs, tip fin propellers, vortex the blade as well as in the trailing wake.
generators, wake equalizing ducts etc. When water passes the surface of the
The experience gained in this respect is propeller it will experience areas where
400 available for future projects where such the pressure is below the saturation
devices are considered. pressure eventually leading to generation
08 10 12 14 16 of air bubbles. Further down stream
Speed (knots) Hydrodynamic design of
Fig. 28: Fuel oil consumption propeller blades
The propeller blades are computer de-
signed, based on advanced hydrody-
Tow force (kN) namic theories, practical experience and V
frequent model tests at various
hydrodynamic institutes.
520 The blades are designed specially for
each hull and according to the operating
480 Fig. 31: Suction side (sheet cavitation)
conditions of the vessel.
High propulsion efficiency, suppressed
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 noise levels and vibration behaviour are V
Speed (knots) the prime design objectives.
Fig. 29: Tow force
Propeller efficiency is mainly determined
by diameter and the corresponding
Pitch/diameter ratio optimum speed. To a lesser, but still
important degree, the blade area, the
Fig. 32: Suction side (bubble cavitation
1,20 pitch and thickness distribution also
have an affect on the overall efficiency.
Blade area is selected according to V
0,80 requirements for minimum cavitation,
the bubbles will enter a high pressure High skew
Angle of attack (degrees)
region where the bubbles will collapse To suppress cavitation induced pres-
and cause noise and vibrations to oc- Suction sure impulses even further, a high skew
cur, in particular if the collapse of bub- 2 Actual blade design can be applied, fig 35.
bles takes place on the hull surface. By skewing the blade it is possible to
Three main types of cavitation exist their 0 reduce the vibration level to less than
nature and position on the blades can 30% of an unskewed design. Because
be characterized as: -2 Pressure skew does not affect the propeller ef-
ficiency, it is almost standard design on
Sheet cavitation on suction side -4
0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 r/R vessels where low vibration levels are
The sheet cavitation is generated at the required.
Dimensionless ratio of radii
leading edge due to a low pressure peak
in this region. If the extent of cavitation Today, the skew distribution is of the
is limited and the clearance to the hull “balanced” type, which means that the
is sufficient, no severe noise/vibration blade chords at the inner radii are skewed
will occur. In case the cavitation extends (moved) forward, while at the outer radii
to more than half of the chord length, it the cords are skewed aft. By designing
might develop into cloud cavitation. blades with this kind of skew distribu-
0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 r/R
Cloud cavitation often leads to cavitation tion, it is possible to control the spindle
erosion of the blade and should therefore torque and thereby minimize the force
be avoided. Sheet cavitation in the tip on the actuating mechanism inside the
region can develop into a tip vortex propeller hub, fig 36.
which will travel down stream. If the
tip vortex extends to the rudder, it may The extent of skew is calculated in
cause erosion, fig. 31. each case, by rotating the blade in the
specific wake field, for determinig the
Bubble cavitation Fig. 34: Cavitation chart and extension of optimum skew.
In case the propeller is overloaded ie sheet cavitation - suction side
the blade area is too small compared
to the thrust required the mid chord
area will be covered by cavitation. This
type of cavitation is generally followed
by cloud cavitation which may lead to Single blade
Spindle torque (kNm) Allle blades
erosion. Due to this it must be avoided 4
in the design, fig. 32.
Sheet cavitation on pressure side
This type of cavitation is of the same type 0
as the suction side sheet cavitation but
the generated bubbles have a tendency
to collapse on the blade surface before Skew angle 4
leaving the trailing edge. The danger of 0 90 180 360
erosion is eminent and the blade should Angle (degrees)
Centre line shaft
therefore be designed without any pres-
sure side cavitation, fig. 33. Fig. 35: High skew design Fig. 36: Spindle torque
Fig. 37: Finite element calculation of propeller blade
Moreover, to assist the consulting firm CAE programmes are used for making
or shipyard in accomplishing their own alignment calculations, epoxy chock
arrangement drawings, drawings of our calculations, torsional vibration calculations
propeller programme can be forwarded. etc. In the following a brief description is
The disks are compatible with various given of some of our CAE programmes
CAD programmes. Should you require and software service.
further information, please contact us.
Alignment instructions
For easy alignment of the propeller
shaft line, alignment calculations are
made and a drawing with instructions is
given in the Installation Manual, fig 38.
The alignment calculations ensure ac-
ceptable load distribution of the stern
tube bearings and shaft bearings.
Torsional vibrations
A comprehensive analysis of the torsional
vibration characteristics of the complete
propulsion plant is essential to avoid
damage to the shafting due to fatigue
Fwd sterntube bearing 22.81 0.00 0.221 When the propeller is delivered with
a MAN Diesel or MAN B&W engine a
Aft main gear bearing 15.67 0.70 0.007 complete torsional vibration analysis in
Fwd main gear bearing 15.16 0.70 0.003 accordance with the Classification So-
ciety rules is performed. This includes
all modes of operation including simula-
Torsional stress amplitude (N/mm2) tion of engine misfiring.
When the total propulsion plant is
Rule limit for designed by MAN Diesel, the optimum
transient running correlation between the individual
items exists. The extensive knowhow
100 ensures that the optimum solution is
found as regards minimizing stresses
in connection with torsional vibration
Rule limit for calculations. Fig 39 shows the result of
continuous running a torsional vibration calculation.
Actual stresses Barred speed range When propellers are supplied to anoth-
er engine make, a complete set of data
necessary for performing the analysis is
0 forwarded to the engine builder in ques-
40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 tion, fig 40.
Engine speed r/min
Whirling and axial vibration
Propeller data
Inertia in air kgm² 32900 Based on our experience the propeller
Inertia in water (full pitch) kgm² 39300 equipment and shafting are designed
Inertia in water (zero pitch) kgm² 34500 considering a large safety margin against
propeller induced whirl and axial vibra-
Number of blades 4
tions. In case of plants with long inter-
Propeller diameter mm 6100 mediate shafting or stern posts carried
Design pitch 0.755 by struts, a whirling analysis is made to
Expanded area ratio 0.48 ensure that the natural frequencies of
the system are sufficiently outside the
Propeller weight (hub + blades) kg 22230
operating speed regime.
Work Cards
Spare parts plates
∅560 / ∅180
∅740 / ∅560
∅555 / ∅180
∅565 / ∅180
∅570 / ∅180
Main ODF/ODG I Gearbox F
Propeller Layout Data
ODF/ODG I Gearbox
5. Copies of complete set of reports from model tank test (resistance test, selfpropulsion test
and wake measurement). In case model test is not available section 10 must be filled in.
9. To obtain the highest propeller efficiency please identify the most common
service condition for the vessel:
Ship speed : __________ kn Engine service load : __________ %
Service/sea margin : __________ % Shaft gen. service load : __________ kW
Draft : __________ m
10. Vessel Main Dimensions (Please fillin if model test is not available)
Breadth B m
Displacement Ñ m3
Midship coefficient CM
Date:_________________________ Signature:___________________________
CP Propeller
Product Information