Donnay XML
Donnay XML
Donnay XML
More and more Xbase++ developers are needing to deal with XML in their applications. As systems go
paperless, the electronic transfer of information becomes more and more relevant. This transfer of
information is most often in the form of XML.
This session discusses concepts for dealing with XML both from the need to parse XML data into existing
applications to the need to generate XML to send to other applications.
Attendees will receive source code for an XmlNode class that has methods for reading, writing, managing
and creating XML streams.
* Embedding other XML or HTML documents into XML with CDATA or Escaping characters.
* Understanding Namespaces.
More and more Xbase++ developers are needing to deal with XML in their applications. As systems go
paperless, the electronic transfer of information becomes more and more relevant. This transfer of
information is most often in the form of XML.
This session discusses concepts for dealing with XML both from the need to parse XML data into existing
applications to the need to generate XML to send to other applications.
Devcon Germany 2016 Working with XML in Xbase++ Roger Donnay
The design goals of XML emphasize simplicity, generality and usability across the Internet. It is a textual
data format with strong support via Unicode for different human languages. Although the design of XML
focuses on documents, it is widely used for the representation of arbitrary data structures such as those
used in web services.
XML enables you to define a grammar for marking up documents in terms of semantic tags and their
attributes. This is a quite good definition of XML. However, don't be disappointed if it doesn't tell much to
you. There are some terms that need an explanation:
Grammar - This term describes the words allowed in a language and how or where they may appear in a
Semantic - This term describes the meaning of the words allowed in a language. E.g. "Deutsch" is not part
of the English language, it is part of the German language. The semantic of the words "Deutsch" and
"German" is identical, depending on the language.
Mark-up - This term describes all characters in a text that define how text is displayed or printed. For
example, italic or bold markers are included in a text but do not contribute to its contents. The markers are
invisible when the text is displayed or printed. However, they are visible in an ASCII or HEX editor.
Tag - A tag is a word enclosed in an opening and closing delimiter. <HTML> is a tag existing in all HTML
documents, for example.
Attribute - An attribute is part of a tag and defines additional information for mark-up. For example, <TR
ALIGN="RIGHT"> is a string defining the HTML tag <TR> whose ALIGN attribute has the value "RIGHT".
With these "definition of terms", the XML definition above is much better to understand: XML allows you to
define your own grammar for mark-up, i.e. in XML you can define the names for tags and their meaning, the
context in which they may appear, and you can define attributes for tags and their meaning. As a matter of
fact, XML is a meta-language that allows you to define your own language to describe documents, or data
structures, and that is what makes XML the file format of choice for managing configuration data.
Since XML is a mark-up language, similar to HTML, there are some rules to comply with. The first rule is that
all XML files must be "well-formed". This means that textual content in a file must be embedded in an
opening and closing tag. The second rule requires all XML files to begin with an <?xml?> tag which identifies
the file as being an XML file and includes version information. This is the only tag that has no closing
pendant. The following XML code illustrates a simple, well-formed XML document used to describe the
data structure for a customer address:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Devcon Germany 2016 Working with XML in Xbase++ Roger Donnay
This example demonstrates how data is organized in XML files. They contain information that can be
represented as a tree, or as a parent/child hierarchy. <Customer> has a child tag <Address>, <Address> has
child tags <Street>, <City>, <Zip> and so forth. The opening tag defines the meaning (semantic) of
embedded information and the closing tag defines the end of data. The tag names define the allowed words
(grammar) for a data structure.
As you can see, XML is a pretty simple file format. It is flexible enough to manage data of high complexity
that can be stored in an ASCII compliant file format. XML files can be used anytime you have to store
information outside a database, or when you have to exchange information between applications. As a
matter of fact, whenever you need a file format to exchange data or to store configuration data - simply
start drafting your own XML document. You are always on the safe side with XML.
Furthermore, because XML is already a well accepted standard, you can expect more and more tools to
become available over time which ease the editing, parsing and data-exchange of information based on
XML. There are a couple of tools available already to edit XML documents - one is Microsoft's XML Notepad
(, another more sophisticated one is XMLSPY
We need XML because HTML is specifically designed to describe documents for display in a Web browser,
and not much else. It becomes cumbersome if you want to display documents in a mobile device or do
anything that’s even slightly complicated, such as translating the content from German to English.
HTML’s sole purpose is to allow anyone to quickly create Web documents that can be shared with other
people. XML, on the other hand, isn’t just a web language. It can be used in a variety of different contexts,
some of which may not have anything to do with humans interacting with content, for example, Web
Services use XML to send requests and responses back and forth or storage of data in a heirarchal format.
HTML rarely (if ever) provides information about how the document is structured or what it means.
Basically, HTML is a presentation language, whereas XML is a data-description language.
For example, if you were to go to any ecommerce Website and download a product listing, you’d probably
get something like this:
<title>Alaska Software Products</title>
Devcon Germany 2016 Working with XML in Xbase++ Roger Donnay
<h1>Alaska Software Products</h1>
<h2>Xbase++ 2.0 Foundation</h2>
<p>The Basic version of Xbase++ 2.0</p>
<p><b>Cost: $1500.00</b></p>
HTML tags such as <h1>, <h2> and <p> describe the presentation of the data including font and color. The
are not case sensitive and web browser's parsers tend to be very "forgiving" of incorrect syntax, such as a
missing closing tag.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<productListing title="Alaska Software Products">
<name>Xbase++ 2.0 Foundation</name>
<description>The Basic version of Xbase++ 2.0</description>
<name>Xbase++ 2.0 Professional</name>
<description>The Professional version of Xbase++ 2.0</description>
XML tags are case sensitive and the XML must be properly structured, otherwise XML parsers will return an
error when reading the XML. In the above example, there is nothing in the data that implies any kind of
visual style. It only represents data which can be parsed and utilized by a computer program.
There are other associative languages such as DTD and XSL which can be used with XML for validation rules
or style rules, however this session will concentrate only on XML that is formatted for transfer of data.
The major design goals for the XML processor have been: simple usage, speed and a callback processing
architecture. Callback processing simplifies the development of XML readers tremendously. Unlike
Microsoft's XML implementation, where the parser creates a complete tree structure representing an entire
XML document, a callback parser allows you to register own functions to process specific tags in a specific
For example, with a hierarchical parser you have to "walk through" the tree structure until you reach the
node/tag of interest. The following pseudo code shows you the steps necessary if you would want to extract
the contents of the <load> tag from an XML file using a hierarchical parser:
oRoot := getRootTag()
oParent := oRoot:getChild( "DatabaseEngines" )
aChild := oParent:getChildren( "load" )
FOR i:=1 TO Len( aChild )
oChild := aChilds[i]
// do whatever you want to to with the <load> tag
Devcon Germany 2016 Working with XML in Xbase++ Roger Donnay
With a hierarchical parser you would extract the start, or root, tag and iterate through the tree until the
desired tag is reached. In contrast, a callback processing parser uses a different approach. It assumes the
user to register a function for a specific group of tags, or nodes, and passes the tags of interest along with
associated data to that function. This means, the user associates an action with a tag and the parser starts
traversing the tree and would execute all callback functions registered for specific tags. The following
example demonstrates this technique and shows how easy it is to process the <load> tag using a callback
processing approach.
FUNCTION myFunction(oTag)
// do whatever you want to do with the <load> tag
The program code for the callback processing approach is not only much easier to read, it is also easier to
maintain if the XML tag definition changes. We just have to register a function to be called for a specific
node in the XML document structure ("//DatabaseEngines/load") and then we implement this the
callback function to process the tag we are interested in. If the structure of a XML configuration file
changes, there is no need to adapt PRG source code to reflect the changes, because the code is executed on
a "per tag" basis and is independent of the physical structure of the XML document. The function
ProcessConfig1() sample below shows this method of parsing.
The source file named DCXML.PRG contains the source for a function and a class That uses the Xbase++
parser to create an XML DOM (Document Object Model) which is a heirarchal tree of the entire XML
document as a set of node objects.
DC_Xml2ObjectTree() creates a DC_XmlNode() tree by parsing out an XML file or an XML stream. The
DC_XmlNode() class contains methods for finding a child node, set of child nodes, reading attributes and
content, and also rendering the object tree as text, array or XML stream. DC_XmlNode() can be used to
create child nodes or a complete XML DOM for generating properly formatted XML. The function
ProcessConfig2() sample below shows this method of parsing.
Xbase++ contains 2 classes which are specially designed for loading and saving configuration data that is
formatted as XML. The idea of these two helper function is to simplify configuration management in
applications. Fo that an XML format was specified with the following extended capabilities:
Devcon Germany 2016 Working with XML in Xbase++ Roger Donnay
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<build name="DBFNTX">
<build name="DBFCDX">
LOCAL nXMLDoc,nActions
nXMLDoc := XMLDocOpenFile(cFileName)
IF nActions != 0
cName := XMLGetAttribute(nH,"name")
nHChild := XMLGetChild(nH,"data")
nHChild := XMLGetChild(nH,"order")
* ==============
oRootNode := DC_Xml2ObjectTree(cFileName)
aNodes := oRootNode:findNode({'DatabaseEngines','load'},.t.,.t.)
FOR i := 1 TO Len(aNodes)
aNodes := oRootNode:findNode({'DatabaseEngines','build'},.t.,.t.)
FOR i := 1 TO Len(aNodes)
cName := aNodes[i]:getAttr("name")
cData := aNodes[i]:findNode('data'):content
cOrder := aNodes[i]:findNode('order'):content
* ==============
oConfig := XmlConfigLoad('DbeLoad.Xml')
aDbes := oConfig:configuration:databaseengines:load
aBuild := oConfig:configuration:databaseengines:build
FOR i := 1 TO Len(aDbes)
cDbe := aDbes[i]:getContent()
FOR i := 1 TO Len(aBuild)
cName := aBuild[i]:name
cData := aBuild[i]:data
cOrder := aBuild[i]:order
Devcon Germany 2016 Working with XML in Xbase++ Roger Donnay
Instance variables:
content - The content or data between the start tag and the end tag.
Note: The childList, parent and caption iVars are compatible with Xbase parts naming convention so that
the object tree can be viewed with the same utility function as Xbase Parts object trees.
This method returns a 1-dimensional array containing the DC_XmlNode() objects for all
child tags.
This method is used to search child nodes in the tree for a specified node
or array of nodes based on its tag name.
<acTagName> is the the tag name of the child node to find. If <acTagName> is a
character string, then the search starts from the current node. If
<acTagName> is an array of tag names, then the search starts at the first
child tag in the array.
Devcon Germany 2016 Working with XML in Xbase++ Roger Donnay
<lMultiple> if .TRUE. will search for all nodes with <acTagName> and return
them in an array.
<lSearchSubs> if .TRUE. will search all sub nodes down the tree for
<lRemoveQuotes> will remove any quotation marks that are in the value.
This method writes the entire node and its child nodes to a properly formatted XML
This method writes the entire node and its child nodes to a properly formatted XML
Here is an example of embedding a database into an XML document and then extracting the database from
the XML document.
#INCLUDE "fileio.CH"
#Pragma Library("dcxml.lib")
nHandle := FOpen('books.dbf')
cString := Space(nSize)
FSeek( nHandle, 0, FS_SET )
FRead( nHandle, @cString, nSize )
cEncodedString := Bin2Base64(cString)
FClose( nHandle )
nHandle := FCreate('BOOKS.XML')
oRoot := DC_Xml2ObjectTree('BOOKS.XML')
oNode := oRoot:findNode('Database',,.t.)
cDatabaseName := oNode:getAttr('Name')
oDataNode := oRoot:findNode('EncodedData',,.t.)
cEncodedString := oDataNode:content
cString := Base642Bin(cEncodedString)
nHandle := FCreate(cDatabaseName)
FWrite( nHandle, cString )
USE (cDatabaseName)
A CDATA section starts with the following sequence: <![CDATA[ and ends with the first occurrence of the
sequence: ]]>
All characters enclosed between these two sequences are interpreted as characters, not markup.
In the below sample code, an HTML document is embedded within XML, the document is then loaded into a
tree, the "document" node is found and the content is written out to a file.
#Pragma Library("dcxml.lib")
oRoot := DC_Xml2ObjectTree(cXml)
oDocument := oRoot:findNode('document',,.t.)
Adding control characters (‘<’,’>’, etc) into xml data could cause the parser to missunderstand the resulting
data. The solution is to escape the control characters so that the parser can interpret them correctly as
data, and not confuse them for markup.
These two functions are orthogonal, meaning output of Var2XML() can be used as input for XML2Var() or
vice versa. The following explaings the basic usage:
oData := DataObject():new()
oData:array := {123, 'Text', Date()}
oData:codeblock := {|x| x + 1}
oData:character := "String with < & > ' " + Chr(34)
oData:date_var := CtoD('01/23/2016')
oData:logical := .t.
oData:number := 123.456
oData:undefined := NIL
cXML := Var2XML(oData)
oData1 := XML2Var( cXML )
oData1:number // 123.456
Value of cXML:
<object classname="DataObject">
<array name="array">
<codeblock name="codeblock">{|x| x + 1}</codeblock>
<character name="character">String with < & > ' "</character>
<date name="date_var">20160123</date>
<logical name="logical">true</logical>
<numeric name="number">123.456</numeric>
<undefined name="undefined"/>
Devcon Germany 2016 Working with XML in Xbase++ Roger Donnay
Only exported members of an object are added to the xml stream
Only members which exist are assigned to the object
var2xml/xml2var work with xml fragments not xml documents
Understanding Namespaces
by Tim Bray
January 19, 1999
Namespaces are a simple and straightforward way to distinguish names used in XML documents, no
matter where they come from. However, the concepts are a bit abstract, and this specification has
been causing some mental indigestion among those who read it. The best way to understand
namespaces, as with many other things on the Web, is by example.
So let's set up a scenario: suppose wanted to start publishing reviews of XML books. We'd
want to mark the info up with XML, of course, but we'd also like to use HTML to help beautify the
display. Here's a tiny sample of what we might do:
<h:html xmlns:xdc=""
<h:head><h:title>Book Review</h:title></h:head>
<xdc:title>XML: A Primer</xdc:title>
<h:tr align="center">
<h:tr align="left">
<h:td><xdc:author>Simon St. Laurent</xdc:author></h:td>
In this example, the elements prefixed with xdc are associated with a namespace whose name
is, while those prefixed with h are associated with a namespace whose
name is
The prefixes are linked to the full names using the attributes on the top element whose names
begin. xmlns:. The prefixes don't mean anything at all - they are just shorthand placeholders for the full
names. Those full names, you will have noticed, are URLs, i.e. Web addresses. We'll get back to why
that is and what those are the addresses of a bit further on.
Devcon Germany 2016 Working with XML in Xbase++ Roger Donnay
Why Namespaces?
But first, an obvious question: why do we need these things? They are there to help computer
software do its job. For example, suppose you're a programmer working for and you want to
write a program to look up the books at and make sure the prices are correct. Such
lookups are quite easy, once you know the author and the title. The problem, of course, is that this
document has's book-review tags and HTML tags all mixed up together, and you need to be
sure that you're finding the book titles, not the HTML page titles.
The way you do this is to write your software to process the contents of <title> tags, but only when
they're in the namespace. This is safe, because programmers who are
not working for are not likely to be using that namespace.
Attributes Too
Attributes, not just elements, can have namespaces. For example, let's use the HTML STYLE attribute
to allow an HTML browser to display our book review:
<h:html xmlns:xdc=""
<h:head><h:title>Book Review</h:title></h:head>
<xdc:title h:style="font-family: sans-serif;">
XML: A Primer</xdc:title>
<h:tr align="center">
<h:tr align="left">
<h:td><xdc:author>Simon St. Laurent</xdc:author></h:td>
That example above is, perhaps, kind of ugly, with all those prefixes and colons clutering up the tags.
The Namespaces Recommendation allows you to declare a default namespace and leave out some
prefixes, like this:
<html xmlns=""
<head><title>Book Review</title></head>
<xdc:title>XML: A Primer</xdc:title>
<tr align="center">
<tr align="left">
Devcon Germany 2016 Working with XML in Xbase++ Roger Donnay
One of the confusing things about all this is that namespace names are URLs; it's easy to assume that
since they're Web addresses, they must be the address of something. They're not; these are URLs, but
the namespace draft doesn't care what (if anything) they point at. Think about the example of the programmer looking for book titles; that works fine without the namespace name pointing at
anything. The reason that the W3C decided to use URLs as namespace names is that they contain
domain names (, which work globally across the Internet.
That's more or less all there is to it. The only purpose of namespaces is to give programmers a helping
hand, enabling them to process the tags and attributes they care about and ignore those that don't
matter to them.
Quite a few people, after reading earlier drafts of the Namespace Recommendation, decided that
namespaces were actually a facility for modular DTDs, or were trying to duplicate the function of
SGML's "Architectural Forms". None of these theories are true. The only reason namespaces exist,
once again, is to give elements and attributes programmer-friendly names that will be unique across
the whole Internet. Namespaces are a simple, straightforward, unglamorous piece of syntax.
Understanding SOAP
Although this session is supposed to be about XML, there is no discussion about XML that doesn't
eventually turn into a discussion about SOAP because that is the most common method of transmitting XML
across the internet. SOAP envelopes are created in XML.
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) is a messaging protocol that allows programs that run on disparate
operating systems (such as Windows and Linux) and also disparate languages (such as .NET and Xbase++) to
communicate using Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and its Extensible Markup Language (XML).
Since Web protocols are installed and available for use by all major operating system platforms, HTTP and
XML provide a solution that allows programs running under different operating systems in a network to
communicate with each other. SOAP specifies exactly how to encode an HTTP header and an XML file so
Devcon Germany 2016 Working with XML in Xbase++ Roger Donnay
that a program in one computer can call a program in another computer and pass along information. SOAP
also specifies how the called program can return a response. Despite its frequent pairing with HTTP, SOAP
supports other transport protocols as well.
SOAP calls are much more likely to get through firewall servers, since HTTP is typically Port 80 compliant,
where other calls may be blocked for security reasons. Since HTTP requests are usually allowed through
firewalls, programs using SOAP to communicate can be sure that the program can communicate with
programs anywhere.
Xbase++ 2.0 includes several classes that are ideal for creating a SOAP server. SOAPSERVER.PRG is the
source for a SOAP server that uses the following Xbase++ classes:
This server is basically a web server that handles all the file requests that are typical of any web server such
as Apache and IIS but it also handles SOAP requests and creates appropriate responses. In the sample
SoapServer.Prg there are only 2 SOAP methods:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""
METHOD Soap:getDateTime()
LOCAL cResponse
<m:&cMethodResponse xmlns:m="">
RETURN cResponse
This is the getDateTime XML response that is sent back to the client program:
<env:Envelope env:encodingStyle=""
<m:GetDateTimeResponse xmlns:m="">20160803
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""
<soap:XmlDocument><Message>Hello World</Message></soap:XmlDocument>
oNode := oMainNode:findNode('UserName',,.t.)
IF oNode == NIL
RETURN ::errorResponse( cMethod,'No "UserName" Tag in Soap Request')
IF oNode:content # 'Alaska'
RETURN ::errorResponse( cMethod,'Invalid UserName')
oNode := oMainNode:findNode('Password',,.t.)
IF oNode == NIL
RETURN ::errorResponse( cMethod,'No "Password" Tag in Soap Request')
IF oNode:content # 'PolarBear'
RETURN ::errorResponse( cMethod,'Invalid Password')
oNode := oMainNode:findNode('XmlDocument',,.t.)
IF oNode == NIL
RETURN ::errorResponse( cMethod,'No "XMLDocument" Tag in Soap Request')
cString := oNode:asString()
MemoWrit( Dtos(Date())+Strtran(Time(),':','')+'.Xml',cString )
Devcon Germany 2016 Working with XML in Xbase++ Roger Donnay
This is the uploadXML XML response that is sent back to the client program:
<env:Envelope env:encodingStyle=""
<m:UploadXMLResponse xmlns:m="">XML Successfully
Testing of your SOAP methods can be handled with a free utility called SoapUI. It is available for download
Understanding WSDL
The Web Services Description Language (WSDL pronounced wizdal) is an XML based definition language
that is used for describing the functionality offered by a web service. The acronym is also used for any
specific WSDL description of a web service (also referred to as a WSDL file), which provides a machine-
readable description of how the service can be called, what parameter it expects, and what data structures
it returns. Therefore, its purpose is roughly similar to that of a method definition in a programming
Many web servers that support web services such as SOAP also publish a WSDL file which is used to format
client requests. Here is an example of a WSDL file that would be used to define the SOAP methods
(getDateTime and uploadXML) supported by SoapServer.Prg:
<s:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="">
<s:element name="GetDateTime">
<s:complexType />
<s:element name="GetDateTimeResponse">
<s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="DateTime" type="s:string"/>
Devcon Germany 2016 Working with XML in Xbase++ Roger Donnay
<s:element name="UploadXML">
<s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="UserName" type="s:string"/>
<s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Password" type="s:string"/>
<s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="XmlDocument"
<s:element name="UploadXMLResponse">
<s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Result" type="s:string"/>
<w:message name="GetDateTimeSoapIn">
<w:part name="parameters" element="m:GetDateTime"/>
<w:message name="GetDateTimeSoapOut">
<w:part name="parameters" element="m:GetDateTimeResponse"/>
<w:message name="UploadXMLSoapIn">
<w:part name="parameters" element="m:UploadXML"/>
<w:message name="UploadXMLSoapOut">
<w:part name="parameters" element="m:UploadXMLResponse"/>
<w:portType name="SoapServiceSoap">
<w:operation name="GetDateTime">
<w:input message="m:GetDateTimeSoapIn"/>
<w:output message="m:GetDateTimeSoapOut"/>
<w:operation name="UploadXML">
<w:input message="m:UploadXMLSoapIn"/>
<w:output message="m:UploadXMLSoapOut"/>
<w:operation name="GetDateTime">
<soap:operation soapAction="GetDateTime" style="document"/>
<w:input><soap:body use="literal"/></w:input>
<w:output><soap:body use="literal"/></w:output>
<w:operation name="UploadXML">
<soap:operation soapAction="UploadXML" style="document"/>
<w:input><soap:body use="literal"/></w:input>
<w:output><soap:body use="literal"/></w:output>
<w:service name="SoapService">
<w:documentation xmlns:wsdl="">
Xbase++ Test Web Service Interface</w:documentation>
Devcon Germany 2016 Working with XML in Xbase++ Roger Donnay
Xbase++ Is a very good language for working with XML. It’s class architecture is ideal for writing XML
classes. It’s internet classes such as HttpEndPoint, WebHandler, LoadFromUrl are ideal for writing
SOAP servers and SOAP clients. Learning to work with and understand XML will benefit the Xbase++
developer in many ways.