Chapter 5: Thermal Effects and Energy Balances 5.1 Temperature Dependence 0f Reaction Rates
Chapter 5: Thermal Effects and Energy Balances 5.1 Temperature Dependence 0f Reaction Rates
Chapter 5: Thermal Effects and Energy Balances 5.1 Temperature Dependence 0f Reaction Rates
Bruce Nauman
Most reaction rates are sensitive to temperature, and most laboratory studies regard
temperature as an important means of improving reaction yield or selectivity. Our
treatment has so far ignored this point. The reactors have been isothermal, and the
operating temperature, as reflected by the rate constant, has been arbitrarily assigned. In
reality, temperature effects should be considered, even for isothermal reactors, since the
operating temperature must be specified as part of the design. For nonisothermal
reactors, where the temperature varies from point to point within the reactor, the
temperature dependence directly enters the design calculations.
-E -T
k = k 0 Tm exp( ) = k 0 Tmexp( act ) (1)
Solution: The classic way of fitting these data is to plot ln( ) versus T-1 and to extract
k 0 and Tact from the slope and intercept of the resulting (nearly) straight line. Special
graph paper with a logarithmic y-axis and a 1/T x-axis was made for this purpose. The
currently preferred method is to use nonlinear regression to fit the data. The object is to
find values for k 0 and Tact that minimize the sum-of-squares:
S2 = [Experiment - model]
J (2)
= [k j - k 0 T exp - Tact / Tj ]
Where J=5 for the data at hand. The results of this fitting procedure are:
T k experimental k fitted
m=0 m = 0.5 m=1
300 0.79 0.80 0.80 0.80
311 1.25 1.19 1.19 1.19
323 1.64 1.78 1.78 1.77
334 2.56 2.52 2.52 2.52
344 3.44 3.38 3.37 3.37
Standard Deviation 0.0808 0.0809 0.0807
ko, m3/mol-s) 64400 2120 71.5
Tact, K 3390 3220 3063
Reaction rates almost always increase with temperature. Thus, the best temperature for
a single, irreversible reaction, whether elementary or complex, is the lightest possible
temperature. Practical reactor designs must consider limitations of materials of
construction and economic tradeoffs between heating costs and yield, but there is no
optimal temperature from a strictly kinetic viewpoint. Of course, at sufficiently high
temperatures, a competitive reaction or reversibility will emerge.
Multiple reactions, and reversible reactions, since these are a special form of multiple
reactions, usually exhibit an optimal temperature with respect to the yield of a desired
product. The reaction energetics are not trivial, even if the reactor is approximately
isothermal. One must specify the isotherm at which to operate. Consider the elementary,
reversible reaction
Suppose this reaction is occurring in a CSTR of fixed volume and throughput. It is desired
to find the reaction temperature that maximizes the yield of product B. Suppose Ef > Er,
as is normally the case when the forward reaction is endothermic. Then the forward
reaction is favored by increasing temperature. The equilibrium shifts in the desirable
direction, and the reaction rate increases. The best temperature is the highest possible
temperature and there is no interior optimum.
For Ef < Er, increasing the temperature shifts the equilibrium in the wrong direction, but
the forward reaction rate still increases with increasing temperature. There is an optimum
temperature for this case. A very low reaction temperature gives a low yield of B because
the forward rate is low. A very high reaction temperature also gives a low yield of B
because the equilibrium is shifted toward the left.
The outlet concentration from the stirred tank, assuming constant physical properties and
bin = 0, is given by
k f a in t
bout = (4)
1+ k f t + k r t
We assume the forward and reverse reactions have Arrhenius temperature dependences
with Ef < Er. Setting dbout/dT = 0 gives
Toptimal = (5)
R g ln[(Er - Ef )(k 0 )r t / E f ]
as the kinetically determined optimum temperature. The reader who duplicates the
algebra needed for this analytical solution will soon appreciate that a CSTR is the most
complicated reactor and Equation (5.3) is the most complicated reaction for which an
analytical solution for Toptimal is likely. The same reaction occurring in a PFR with bin = 0
leads to
a in k f (1 - exp[-k f + k r )t])
bout = (6)
kf + kr
Differentiation and setting dbout = dT = 0 gives a transcendental equation in Toptimal that
cannot be solved in closed form. The optimal temperature must be found numerically.
Example 2: Suppose
k II
C (7)
with k I = 108 exp(-5000 / T) and k II = 1015 exp(-1000 / T), h -1 . Find the temperature that
maximizes bout for a CSTR with t = 2 and for a PFR with the same 2-h residence time.
Assume constant density with bin = cin = 0:
c in k B tb in k A k B t a in
Solution: Use c out = + + with
a + k c t (1+ k B t)(1+ k C t) (1+ k A t)(1+ k B t)(1+ k C t)
k I a in t
bout = (8)
(1+ k I t)(1+ k II t)
A one-dimensional search gives Toptimal = 271.4K and bout = 0.556ain. Convert Equation
b0 k B a0 k A k B b k a0 k A k B a0 k A k B
c =[c 0 - + ]e -k C t +[ 0 B - ]e -k B t +[ ]e -k A t
k C - k B (k C - k A )(k C - k B ) k C - k B (k C - k B )(k B - k A ) (k C - k A )(k B - k A )
At a fixed temperature, a single, reversible reaction has no interior optimum with respect
to reaction time. If the inlet product concentration is less than the equilibrium
concentration, a very large flow reactor or a very long batch reaction is best since it will
give a close approach to equilibrium. If the inlet product concentration is above the
equilibrium concentration, no reaction is desired so the optimal time is zero. In contrast,
there will always be an interior optimum with respect to reaction time at a fixed
temperature when an intermediate product in a set of consecutive reactions is desired.
(Ignore the trivial exception where the feed concentration of the desired product is
already so high that any reaction would lower it.) For the normal case of bin ain , a very
small reactor forms no B and a very large reactor destroys whatever B is formed. Thus,
there will be an interior optimum with respect to reaction time.
A reasonably general energy balance for a flow reactor can be written in English as
and in mathematics as
Qinρin Hin - Qoutρout Hout = vΔHR R - UA ext (T - Text ) = (10)
The ideal batch reactor is internally uniform in both composition and temperature. The
flow and mixing patterns that are assumed to eliminate concentration gradients will
eliminate temperature gradients as well. Homogeneity on a scale approaching molecular
dimensions requires diffusion. Both heat and mass diffuse, but thermal diffusivities tend
to be orders-of-magnitude higher than molecular diffusivities. Thus, if one is willing to
assume compositional uniformity, it is reasonable to assume thermal uniformity as well.
For a perfectly mixed batch reactor, the energy balance is
= -VΔHR R - UA ext (T - Text ) (11)
Suppose that there is only one reaction and that component A is the limiting reactant.
Then the quantity
-ΔHR ain
ΔTadiabatic = (13)
ρC p
gives the adiabatic temperature change for the reaction. This is the temperature that the
batch would reach if the physical properties really were constant, if there were no change
in the reaction mechanism, and if there were no heat transfer with the environment.
In matrix form,
= νRV (14)
The design equations for a nonisothermal batch reactor include N + 1 ODEs, one for each
component and one for energy. These ODEs are coupled by the temperature and
compositional dependence of R. They may also be weakly coupled through the
temperature and compositional dependence of physical properties such as density and
heat capacity, but the strong coupling is through the reaction rate.
= -ka
FIGURE 5.1 (a) Temperature and (b) fraction unreacted in a nonisothermal batch
reactor with jacket cooling.
and the energy balance is
where Tadiabatic = 73.6K for the subject reaction. The initial conditions are a = 1900 and T
= 298 at t = 0: The Arrhenius temperature dependence prevents an analytical solution.
All the dimensioned quantities are in consistent units so they can be substituted directly
into the ODEs. A numerical solution gives the results shown in Figure 5.2.
The curves in Figure 5.1 are typical of exothermic reactions in batch or tubular reactors.
The temperature overshoots the wall temperature. This phenomenon is called an
that differential quantities are used. The ρQH terms cancel and z factors out to give:
d(ρQH) dH dH
= ρQ = ρA c u = -ΔHR RA c - UA 'ext (T - Text ) (15)
dz dz dz
Unlike a molar flow rate—e.g, aQ —the mass flow rate, ρQ , is constant and can be brought
outside the differential. Note that Q = uA C and that A 'ext is the external surface area per
unit length of tube. Equation (15) can be written as
dH -ΔHR R c UA 'ext
= - (T - Text ) (16)
dz ρu ρuA c
With a constant, circular cross section, A 'ext = 2πR (although the concept of piston flow is
not restricted to circular tubes). If CP is constant,
dT -ΔHR R 2U
= - (T - Text ) (17)
dz uρC P R uρC P
This is the form of the energy balance that is usually used for preliminary calculations.
Solution: Aside from the temperature calculations, this example illustrates the
systematic use of mass rather than molar concentrations for reactor calculations. This is
common practice for mixtures having ill-defined molecular weights. The energy balance
for the adiabatic reactor gives
dT -ΔHR R ka
= = ΔTadiabatic ( )
dt ρC P ain
Note that and C P are properties of the reaction mixture. Thus,
gives ΔTadiabatic = -142.7K . If the inerts are removed, ρ = 132g / m3 , CP = 0.4cal / g K , and
ΔTadiabatic = -507.5K
Figure 5.3 displays the solution. The results are a out = 57.9g / m 3 and Tout = 464.3ο C for the
case with inerts and a out = 107.8g / m 3 and Tout = 431.9ο C for the case without inerts. It is
apparent that inerts can have a remarkably beneficial effect on the course of a reaction.
FIGURE 5.3 Concentration profiles for an endothermic reaction in an adiabatic reactor.
In the general case of a piston flow reactor, one must solve a fairly small set of
simultaneous, ordinary differential equations. The minimum set (of one) arises for a
single, isothermal reaction. In principle, one extra equation must be added for each
additional reaction. In practice, numerical solutions are somewhat easier to implement if
a separate equation is written for each reactive component. This ensures that the
stoichiometry is correct and keeps the physics and chemistry of the problem rather more
transparent than when the reaction coordinate method is used to obtain the smallest
possible set of differential equations. Computational speed is rarely important in solving
design problems of this type. The work involved in understanding and assembling and
data, writing any necessary code, debugging the code, and verifying the results takes much
more time than the computation.