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INDIA 2025 - Environment

Shaheen Singhal
The rapid increase in population and economic development has led to severe
environmental degradation that undermines the environmental resource base upon
which sustainable development depends. The economics of environmental pollution,
depletion and degradation of resources has in fact been neglected as compared to the
issues of growth and expansion. India has been no exception to this worldwide
phenomenon, rather the trends of environmental deterioration in India, because of the
substantial increase in its population, have been far more prominent as compared to
other developing economies.
The country has indeed made substantial progress in most indicators of human
development since independence when it was predominantly an agrarian economy
with a stagnant national income. Encouraging achievements have been recorded in the
age-specific mortality rates; expectation of life at birth; and aspects related to
livelihood conditions like education, nutritional security and health. With the
country's population having grown three-fold and the urban population itself
quadrupling in four decades (1951-1991), the current infrastructure in most of the
cases is not only over stretched but also inadequate. With a population of over a
billion, India supports 16% of the world’s population on 2.4% of the world’s land
resulting in a paucity of resources that jeopardises growth in the longer run.
Urban development in India is presently going through a very dynamic stage,
the percentage of population in urban centres itself having increased from 14% in the
1940s to about 33% in 2000 (HSMI 2000). The unprecedented challenge of such an
urban shift has resulted in Indian cities degenerating into slums and squatters camps.
The rapid expansion of cities has brought to the fore acute problems of transport
congestion, atmospheric pollution and unwise water and solid waste management
resulting in the degradation of the quality of life. The deterioration of environmental
quality in Indian cities is but one aspect of the threat to the quality of life, the other
perhaps more pertinent issue being that of the sustainability of growth itself.
The much needed impetus to industrial development has resulted in huge
residuals, having undesirable effects on the environment — air, water and land,
disproportional to their contribution to overall economic growth. For instance, the
iron and steel industry contributes 55% of the particulate matter load while adding
16% to the total industrial output. The industrial BOD load from chemicals and food
processing industries is as much as 86% against the industry's contribution of 25% to
the total industrial output.
These unsustainable growth trends increase the vulnerability of the
economically weaker sections to environmental degradation and pollution, on account
of their direct dependence on natural resources like land, forests and various common
property sources for fuelwood, fodder, and water. In the absence of alternatives, the
imbalanced competition for natural resources could significantly contribute to
weakening the support base of the poor further and perpetuating poverty and a poor
quality of life. Hence for a developing country like India, the key to poverty

elimination is the country’s ability to regenerate its environment and assist its masses
to retain control over their living conditions.
Based on studies done at TERI (Tata Energy Research Institute ) – Looking
Back to Think Ahead (TERI 1998) ; DISHA (Directions, Innovations and Strategies
for Harnessing Actions for Sustainable Development) (TERI 2001) and State of
Environment — India (UNEP 2001) 1 this chapter aims to highlight the key
environmental concerns that have emerged in the country. Section I focuses on the
prevalent status and causal factors of the major environmental concerns such as air,
water resources and pollution, solid waste management and also touches briefly on
the issues of land degradation and biodiversity. Baseline scenarios have been
developed on how these trends are likely to unfold by the year 2025, considering the
base year as 1997. Section 2 puts forward the strategies for a reform agenda that is
more widespread and proposes its implementation at a considerably quicker pace.
Alternative case projections for the year 2025 are presented accordingly, assuming
that the proposed strategies are implemented in full within a well-defined time frame.

Growing environmental concerns — compulsions of economic

This section focuses on the prevailing environmental concerns and the root causes of
the degrading environment emphasising current effects on resource depletion and
environmental degradation currently and expected future trends. Projections have
been made as per BAU (business-as-usual) scenario for the year 2025 in view of the
current socio-economic, policy and technological factors prevalent in India.

Air pollution
Air pollution in India has been aggravated over the years by developments that
typically occur as economies become industrialised: growing cities, increasing traffic,
rapid economic development and industrialisation, and higher levels of energy
consumption. In India, air pollution is restricted mostly to urban areas, where
automobiles are the major contributors, and to a few other areas with a concentration
of industries and thermal power plants. The major sources of air pollution in the
country are industries (toxic gases), thermal power plants (fly ash and sulphur
dioxide), and motor vehicles (carbon monoxide, particulate matter, hydrocarbons and
oxides of nitrogen). Major polluting industries and automobiles emit tonnes of
pollutants every day, putting citizens, at great health risk. The national capital —
Delhi, is already among the most polluted cities in the world.
The incidence of respiratory diseases in most of the major cities in India has
also increased considerably over the years. In a study of 2031 children and adults in
five major cities of India, of the 1852 children tested, 51.4% had levels of lead in their
blood above 10 µg/dl. The percentage of children having 10 µg/dl or higher lead
levels ranged from 39.9% in Bangalore to 61.8% in Mumbai. Among the adults,
40.2% had lead levels of about 10 µg/dl (George Foundation 1999, cited in CPCB
2000 a).
Box 1 below lists the principal sources and environmental effects of some of
the major air pollutants.

1 Currently under publication

Box 1 Principal sources and environmental effects of selected atmospheric pollutants

Pollutant Principal sources Effects Remarks

related to human
Carbon monoxide Incomplete fuel Deprives tissues of oxygen. People with CO is one of the most widely distributed
combustion (as in cardio-respiratory diseases more sensitive. of all air pollutants – global emissions
motor vehicles) probably exceed the combined emissions
of all other major air pollutants.
Contribution of natural sources is small.
The largest source is petrol- driven motor
Sulphur dioxide Burning of Combined with smoke, increases risk and
sulphur- effects of respiratory diseases. Causes
containing fuels suffocation and irritation of throat and eyes.
like coal and oil Combines with atmospheric water vapour
to produce acid rain. Leads to acidification
of lakes and soils. Corrodes buildings.
Suspended Smoke from Possible toxic effects depend on specific Chemically, a most diverse group of
particulate matter domestic, composition. Aggravates effects of sulphur substances. Natural sources include dust-
industrial, and dioxide. Reduces sunlight and visibility. storms and volcanic eruptions.
vehicular sources Increases corrosion.
Oxides of nitrogen Fuel combustion Possible increase in acute respiratory Combustion oxidizes both the nitrogen in
in motor vehicles, infections and bronchitis morbidity in the fuel and some of the nitrogen present
power stations, children. Produce brown haze in city air. in the air, producing several oxides of
and furnaces Causes corrosion. nitrogen. However, only NO and NO2 are
known to have adverse environmental or
biological effects.
Volatile Partial React with other pollutants to produce eye
hydrocarbons combustion of irritants (acrolein, aldehydes). Ethylene is
carbonaceous harmful to plants. Aerosol particles reduce
fuels, industrial visibility. May produce unpleasant odours.
disposal of solid
Oxidants and ozone Emissions from Cause eyes irritation and impaired Mainly derivative: products of
motor vehicles. pulmonary function in diseased persons. atmospheric reactions between other
Photochemical Corrode materials and reduces visibility. pollutants. Ozone is a natural and
reactions of Ozone is one of the most damaging essential constituent of the upper
nitrogen oxides pollutants for plants. atmosphere.
and reactive
Lead Main source is Adversely affects blood and human nervous Alkyl lead, used as an anti- knock agent
emission from system. Causes anaemia, brain dysfunctions in petrol, is released into the atmosphere
motor vehicles. and kidney damage. as fine particles when petrol is burnt.
Other sources
include smelting
and refining lead,
batteries, paints,
Sources: United National Environment Programme (1991), Centre for Science and
Environment (1982)

Vehicular pollution
Vehicular emission is the major contributor to the rising levels of all major pollutants.
It is an issue of prime concern since these emissions are from ground level sources
and thus have the greatest impact on the health of the population exposed to it. The
increase in the number of vehicles contributes significantly to the total air pollution
load in many urban areas. The number of motor ve hicles in India has increased from
0.3 million in 1951 to 40.94 million in 1998 (MoST 2000). CO (Carbon monoxide)

and HC (hydrocarbons) respectively account for 64% and 23% of the total emission
load due to vehicles in all cities considered together (CPCB 1995).
Table 1 highlights the types of pollutants from different sectors in Delhi (CPCB 1995)
and reflects the significant share of the transport sector in the same.

Table 1 Sectoral contribution to emissions in Delhi (tonnes/day)

Polluta Transpor Power Industries Domestic Tota
nt t l
TSP 13 (10%) 50 (37%) 60 (44%) 12 (9%) 138
SO2 11 (6%) 121 (68%) 35 (20%) 12 (6%) 179
NOX 157 143 (44%) 20 (6%) 3 (1%) 323
HC 810 8 (1%) 128 117 106
(76%) (12%) (11%) 3
CO 310 2 (<1%) 6 (2%) 2 (<1%) 320
Source. CPCB 1995

Apart from the concentration of vehicles in urban areas, other reasons for increasing
vehicular pollution include the types of engines used, age of vehicles, poor road
conditions, outdated automotive technologies, poor fuel quality and traffic congestion
resulting from clumsy traffic management systems.

Air quality profile

In order to determine the air quality status and trends, assess health hazards,
disseminate air quality data, and to control and regulate pollution, the CPCB (Central
Pollution Control Board) initiated a nationwide framework of NAAQM (National
Ambient Air Quality Monitoring) in 1984 with 28 stations at 7 cities. Presently, the
network has 290 monitoring stations in 92 cities and towns throughout the country
(CPCB 1998). The pollutants being monitored are mainly SPM (suspended particulate
matter), SO2 (sulphur dioxide) and NOx oxides of nitrogen . SPM is one of the most
critical pollutants in terms of its impact on air quality and is also the most common
pollutant across all sectors. The ranges of SPM concentration (annual average) in the
major metropolitan cities in India are shown in Table 2.

Table 2 Range of annual averages of SPM in major Indian cities
Range of annual average of SPM
S. Area land (µg/m 3 ) 1990-98 Mean of annual
No. City use Minimum Maximum 3
averages (µg/m )
1. Delhi Residenti 300 409 355
Industrial 314 431 381
2. Mumbai Residenti 196 327 230
Industrial 150 276 224
3. Calcutta Residenti 205 491 327
Industrial 286 640 434
4. Chennai Residenti 72 118 99
Industrial 53 147 123
5. Bangalore Residenti 60 239 158
Industrial 99 153 125
6. Ahmedaba Residenti 198 316 261
d al
Industrial 201 306 243
7. Hyderabad Residenti 135 184 158
Industrial 72 259 153
Source. CPCB 2000a

As against to the maximum permissible limits laid down by CPCB for annual average
concentration of SPM in ambient air - 70 µg/m3 in sensitive areas, 140 µg/m3 in
residential areas and 360 µg/m3 in industrial areas, it is clearly evident that the SPM
levels are high in most of the metropolitan cities in India.

Projections for integrated air pollution loads — BAU (business as usual)

The future scenario of air pollution in India has been calculated considering the
integrated impact from major contributing sectors, i.e. domestic, transport,
manufacturing industries and power. In the absence of a comprehensive emission
inventory, projections have been made only for SPM, which is the most common
pollutant across all sectors and is critical for air quality in many cities.
§ Emissions from the transport sector have been calculated based on projections for a
count of vehicles, in line with the projections for growth in population and
economic activity.
§ Air pollution from the manufacturing sector has been worked out on the basis of
emission load per unit of output for some of the resource intensive and highly
polluting industries- copper, aluminium, steel, cement, fertilisers, textiles and PVC
(poly-vinyl chloride).

§ Projections for pollutant loads from power generation have been arrived at,
considering a continued reliance of the power sector on coal-based generation,
resulting a higher SPM load. It is further assumed that all coal-based power plants
will have installed ESPs (electro-static precipitators) to limit SPM emissions.
§ The SPM contribution of the domestic sector takes into account a shift towards
cleaner gaseous fuel and fewer emissions from the residential sector.

Figure 1 highlights the projections for the pollutant load generated from each of the

Fig. 1: Pollutant loads generated (BAU scenario)

(million tonnes)


Domestic 0.71

Power 6.28

Manufacturing 1.87

Transport 0.09

0 2 4 6 8 10 12


Projections indicate that the overall SPM load is likely to get reduced in the time
frame 1997-2025 at around 2% per annum, although a bulk of the load would
continue to emanate from power generation (66% in 2025). The drop in pollution
loads from the domestic sector is on account of a likely shift to commercial fuels in
rural India.

Water resources
India receives an average annual rainfall equivalent of about 4000 cubic kilometres.
This is unevenly distributed across different parts of the country and most of the
rainfall is confined to the monsoon season, from June to September. Thus, while India
is considered to be rich in terms of annual rainfall and total water resources, water is
spatially and temporally very unevenly distributed. Based on per capita water
availability2 , some river basins fall in the category of water scarce 3 and water stressed
regions, and several others suffer from absolute scarcity. Though water resource
availability is estimated to be 1085.9 billion cubic metres, annual average utilisable

2Per capita water availability is calculated on the basis of total resource availability of 1085 billion cubic
metres and a population of 1 billion
3 When the annual per capita availability, in cubic metres, falls below 1700, it is held to be a situation of
water stress, availability of less than 1000 is labeled as water scarcity, and of less than 500 is termed
absolute scarcity (Engelman and Roy 1993)

per capita water resources vary considerably from as high as 3020 in the Narmada
basin to as low as about 180 cubic metres and less in the Sabarmati basin, as against a
desired availability of 1700 per capita per year. The estimated per capita water
availability has also declined from 6008 cubic metres a year in 1947 to 2266 cubic
metres in 1997, as per TERI’s ‘Green India 2047’ study (TERI 1998). This declining
figure gives a broad indication of the growing water scarcity in the country in the last
fifty years since independence.
The growing gap between demand and supply has led to overdevelopment of
groundwater, making its overuse emerge as a major concern in a few states. Against a
critical level of 80%, the level of exploitation is over 98% in Punjab and about 80% in
Haryana. The problem is also becoming increasingly serious in Tamil Nadu, where
the level of exploitation exceeds 60%, and in Rajasthan, where it is 53% (Central
Groundwater Board 1994). Between 1984/85 and 1994/95, the number of dark blocks
with groundwater exploitation greater than 85% increased on an average by over
threefold in a few states (Table 3).

Table 3 Blocks with intensive exploitation of groundwater (utilization exceeds 85%

of the annual utilisable potential)
% of blocks using
groundwater intensively
State 1984/85 1994
Gujarat 3 25
Punjab 54 62
Rajasth 9 29
Tamil 14 26
Source. Saleth 1996

Water pollution
The problem of fresh water pollution in India came to the forefront towards the
beginning of 1970’s with the domestic sewage and industrial waste discharges being
the most critical sources of pollution in cities. This resulted in the promulgation of the
Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and establishment of the
National Water Quality Network in 1979. The sources of water pollution include
point and non-point sources like discharges from industries and storm water
respectively. While pollution from point sources can be controlled, it is difficult to
control pollution from non-point sources such as agriculture run-off, leaching from
waste disposal sites and storm water.
The total wastewater generation from domestic sources in class I towns is
16.27 billion litres and of this a mere 25% is treated. The increase in treatment
capacities have also not shown a commensurate increase as the share of waste water
which is untreated and disposed into our surface water bodies, has increased from
61% in 1978-79 to 76% in 1994-95 (CPCB 2000).
Water pollution, in the industrial sector is concentrated within a few
subsectors mainly in the form of toxic wastes and organic pollutants. Of the total

pollution load generated by industrial subsectors, 40%–45% is contributed by the
processing of industrial chemicals. In terms of the total organic pollution, expressed
as BOD, nearly 40% arises from the food industries followed by industrial chemicals
and the pulp and paper industry (World Bank 1996). Other major sector of concern is
that of small-scale industries with more than 2 million units where pollution
abatement has been neglected so far. Depending on the traditional crafts and culture
of the area, small- scale industries like chemical, textiles, food processing and
tanneries are found in large clusters in different states. States with over a lakh
registered small-scale industries include Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh,
Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal. Of these very few of the
clusters have opted for CETPs (Common Effluent Treatment Plants) to control water
pollution but most of these CETPs either do not function at all or do not treat effluents
to the desired quality.
Presently the institutional mechanisms to address pollution in the agriculture
sector are also missing, as the sector is out of the ambit of the pollution control
boards. The problem is acute in the riparian states of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh
and Tamil Nadu. Excessive use of fertilizers has led to an increase in the levels of
nitrates in the shallow groundwater sources. The nitrate content of well water in a few
districts of Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, and Punjab is far beyond the standard prescribed
safe limit of 45 mg/litre (Kansal, Grewal, and Dhaliwal 1994). Severe degradation of
ground water sources is also resulting from dumped solid wastes and human waste in
dug wells.

Water quality profile

Pressures due to inadequate collection and inefficient treatment of domestic
wastewater, discharge of highly complex wastes from industries and the polluted
runoff from agricultural fields, have resulted in considerable degradation in the
quality of water sources. Indicators of this deterioration include depletion of oxygen,
excessive presence of pathogens, settling of suspended material during lean flow
conditions, and bad odour.
The quality of river water is monitored at 480 stations under different
programmes such as MINARS (monitoring of Indian national aquatic resources),
GEMS (global environmental monitoring systems), and GAP (ganga action plan). A
number of physical, chemical, biological and bacteriological parameters are being
measured under the programme, but the important ones include BOD (biochemical
oxygen demand), DO (dissolved oxygen), and TC (total coliform) count. Heavy
metals are however not included under the monitoring programme. Some of the
polluted river stretches, their critical parameters and possible sources of pollution are
listed in the Table 4 below.

Table 4 List of polluted river stretches a
Desired Existing Critical
River Polluted stretch class class parameters Possible source of pollution
Sabarmati Immediate upstream of B E DO, BOD, Domestic and industrial waste
Ahmedabad upto Sabarmati Coliform from Ahmedabad
Sabarmati Ashram to Vautha D E DO, BOD, Domestic and industrial waste
Coliform from Ahmedabad
Subarnarekh Hatia dam to Bharagora C D/E -do- Domestic and industrial waste
a from Ranchi and Jamshedpur
Godavari Downstream of Nasik and C D/E BOD Wastes from sugar industries,
Nanded distilleries and food
processing industries
Krishna Karad to Sangli C D/E BOD Wastes from sugar industries
and distilleries
Sutlej Downstream of Ludhiana to C D/E DO, BOD Industrial wastes from
Haike hosieries, tanneries, electro -
plating and engineering
industries and domestic waste
from Ludhiana and Jalandhar
Downstream o f Nangal C D/E Ammonia Wastes from fertilizer and
chloralkali mills from Nangal
Yamuna Delhi to confluence with C D/E DO, BOD, Domestic and industrial
Chambal Coliform wastes from Delhi, Mathura
and Agra
In the city limits of Delhi, B D/E DO, BOD, Domestic and industrial
Mathura and Agra Coliform wastes from Delhi, Mathura
and Agra
Hindon Saharanpur to confluence with C D DO, BOD, Industrial and domestic
Yamuna Toxicity wastes from Saharanpur and
Chambal Downstream of Nagda and C D/E BOD, DO Domestic and industrial waste
downstream of Kota from Nagda and Kota
Damodar Downstream of Dhanbad C D/E BOD, Toxicity Industrial wastes from
Dhanbad, Durgapur, Asansol,
Haldia and Burnpur
Gomti Lucknow to confluence with C D/E DO, BOD, Industrial wastes from
Ganges Coliform distilleries and domestic
wastes from Lucknow
Kali Downstream of Modinagar to C D/E BOD, Coliform Industrial and domestic
confluence with Ganges wastes from Modinagar
Source. CPCB 1999
Water quality and the desired water quality is expressed in classes A, B, C, D, and E,
which reflect the best use of that water. Class A indicates that water is fit for drinking
without conventional treatment but after disinfection; Class B that it is suitable for
outdoor bathing; and Class C, that it is suitable for drinking after conventional

treatment. Class D water is suitable for propagation of wildlife and fisheries and Class
E water can be used for irrigation, industrial cooling, and controlled waste disposal.

Projections for water requireme nts — BAU scenario

Demand for fresh water will continue to grow from all sectors, due to additional
requirements from agriculture and increased migration to urban areas. To project the
water requirement by the year 2025 under a baseline scenario, four major water-
consuming sectors have been considered and the cumulative water requirement has
been estimated based on:
§ Agricultural cropping intensity of 157% with 60% of the gross cropped area under
§ Per capita domestic supply of 135 litres a day in the urban areas and 40 litres per
day in rural areas.
§ An estimated 3% increase in water consumption by the industrial sector in line
with the projections for growth in economic activity.
§ Projections for water requirements in the power sector assume an increase in dry
collection practices and better process operations for fly ash collection and steam
generation respectively.

Based on the above, total water demand under the BAU scenario is as Table 5.

Table 5 Total water demand projections: base case (billion cubic metres)
Yea Irrigatio Domestic Manufacturi Powe Total
r n ng r requirements
199 528.85 23.52 1.6 1.39 555.36
202 789.50 39.76 4.79 3.75 837.80

These projections for water demand when compared to the estimated availability of
1085.9 billion cubic metres indicate an overall net marginal positive balance of only
248.1 billion cubic metres by the year 2025. However, given the uneven distribution
of the resource, as discussed, it is projected that the country will go, from the present
state of water stress, to a state of water scarcity, with an average annual per capita
availability of 750 cubic metres by 2025. Further, due to wide inequality in the
consumption patterns of different sectors, competition for water from different sectors
may trigger disputes among these sectors as well.

Projections for water pollution loads – BAU scenario

The current state of infrastructure marked with inadequate collection networks and
treatment capacities forces discharge of untreated or partly treated waste water into
natural drains joining the rivers, lakes, and sea. The polluted rivers and other water
bodies is a direct consequence of the inadequate level of collection and treatment in
Indian cities.
BOD projections from the urban domestic sector assume an overall
wastewater collection efficiency of about 70% in 2025. It is also assumed that all

production units would have facilities to control pollution in accordance with the
CPCB’s year wise analysis of the polluting units and strict compliance due to
stringent environmental regulations. The estimated pollutant load, in terms of BOD,
from the untreated wastewater from the domestic sector (urban and rural areas) and
industrial sector under the base case is presented in Figure 2.
Annual discharge of the order of 6.58 million tonnes from the domestic sector,
projected is beyond the self-cleansing capacity of the water bodies, rendering them
unfit for several beneficial uses.

Fig. 2: BOD projections (BAU scenario)

(million tonnes)

8 6.58 6.58

3.75 4.156
0.406 0.01


Solid waste management

Municipal solid waste
The growth in MSW (municipal solid waste) generation in India has outpaced the
growth in population in the recent years. The daily per capita generation of municipal
solid waste in India ranges from about 100 g in small towns to 500 g in large towns.
The recyclable content of waste range s from 13% to 20% (CPCB 1994/95). The
survey conducted by CPCB puts total municipal waste generation from Class I and II
cities to around 18 million tonnes in 1997 (CPCB 2000b). The reason for this
escalating trend is a mix of the changing lifestyles, food habits and changes in
standard of living.
The TERI ‘Green India 2047’ study made the following observations on the
situation of municipal solid waste management in the country (TERI 1998):
§ increasing urbanisation and changing lifestyles has led to, the solid waste
generated in Indian cities having increased from 6 million tonnes in 1947 to
47.8million tonnes in 1997.
§ The production and consumption of plastic increased over 70 times between 1960
and 1995.
§ The collection of municipal solid waste is inefficient (more than 25% of the total
is not collected at all), its transport is inadequate, and its disposal is unscientific.
§ More than one-fourth of the municipal solid waste is not collected at all, and the
landfills to dispose of the waste are neither well equipped nor managed efficiently.

The characteristics of MSW collected from any area depends on a number of factors
such as food habits, cultural traditions of inhabitants, lifestyles, climate, etc. Table 6
below presents the changes in the characteristics of waste in past two decades. The
changes in the relative shares of different constituents of waste in the past several
decades, as shown by the data, can be attributed largely to changing lifestyles and
increasing consumerism.

Table 6 Physico-chemical characteristics of MSW

% of wet weight
1971-73† 1995‡
(40 (23
Component cities) cities)
Paper 4.14 5.78
Plastics 0.69 3.90
Metals 0.50 1.90
Glass 0.40 2.10
Rags 3.83 3.50
Ash and fine 49.20 40.30
Total 41.24 41.80
Calorific value 800-1100 <1500
Carbon-nitrogen 20-30 25-40
Source. † Bhide and Sundaresan 1983, ‡ EPTRI 1995

Disposal of waste is a major issue of concern in India. Respective municipalities

collect MSW in cities and transport it to the designated disposal sites, which is
normally a low- lying area on the outskirts of a city. The choice of a disposal site is
more a matter of what is available than what is suitable. Only a few cities follow good
practices such as organized dumping of wastes, us ing mechanized equipment for
leveling and compacting the wastes, and covering the top layer with earth before
compacting it further. Of late, some cities have also started to practice composting the
organic fraction of waste.
Management of biomedical waste is another issue of concern for
municipalities. This waste produced in hospitals generally has high contamination of
pathogens, making it hazardous. It also includes scalpels, needles, bandages, and
other wastes from operating theatres and laboratories as well as infectious items, e.g.
amputated body-parts, body fluids, cultures of contagious viruses, excreta from
patients with highly contagious diseases, etc. Though waste from hospitals and
nursing homes are required to be collected and treated separately, in most cities and
towns such waste continues to form a part of the MSW in absence of any dedicated
disposal facilities for hospital waste. The MoEF, Government of India has issued the

Municipal Solid Wastes (management and handling) Rules in the year 2000, which
identify the CPCB (Central Pollution Control Board) as the agency to monitor the
implementation of these rules. For the management of bio- medical waste, the MoEF
has notified Bio-Medical Waste (management and handling) Rules in 1998 under
sections 6, 8 and 25 of the Environment (Protection) Act of 1986.

Industrial solid waste

Industries can be broadly classified into those that produce non- hazardous waste and
those that produce hazardous waste. Non-hazardous waste can be either biodegradable
or non-biodegradable. The major industries in urban areas that generate substantial
amounts of biodegradable solid waste are fruit processing, cotton mills, paper mills,
sugar mills, and textile factories. The major generators of non-biodegradable
industrial solid waste are thermal power plants producing coal ash, integrated iron and
steel mills producing blast furnace slag and steel melting slag, such non-ferrous
industries as aluminum, zinc, and copper, which produce red mud and tailings, and
fertilizer and allied industries which produce gypsum.
Some of the wastes generated by industries are deemed to be hazardous wastes
because they contain substances that are toxic to plants and animals or are flammable,
corrosive, explosive or highly reactive, chemically. Box 2 lists the categories of
hazardous waste as specified under the Hazardous Wastes (management and
handling) Rules.

Box 2 Types of hazardous waste

Waste Types of waste
Category Nos
No. 1 Cyanide waste
No. 2 Metal finishing, waste
No. 3 Waste containing water soluble chemical compounds of lead, copper, zinc, chromium, nickel, selenium,
barium, and antimony
No. 4 Mercury, Arsenic, Thallium and Cadmium-bearing wastes
No. 5 Non-halogenated hydrocarbons including solvents
No. 6 Halogenated hydrocarbons including solvents
No. 7 Waste from paints, pigments, glue, varnish and printing imk
No. 8 Wastes from dyes and dye-intermediates containing inorganic
chemical compounds
No. 9 Wastes from dyes and dye-intermediates containing organic chemical compounds

No. 10 Waste oil and oil emulsions

No. 11 Tarry wastes from refining and tar residues from distillation or pyrolytic treatment
No. 12 Sludge arising from treatment of wastewaters containing heavy metals, toxic organics, oils emulsion and
spent chemicals and incineration ash
No. 13 Phenols
No. 14 Asbestos
No. 15 Wastes from manufacturing of pesticides and herbicides and residues from pesticides and herbicides
formulation units
No. 16 Acids/ alkalies / slurry
No. 17 Off-specification and discarded products
No. 18 Discarded containers and container-liners of hazardous and toxic waste

Source CPCB 1998

The major industries that produce hazardous wastes include metals, chemicals,
drugs and pharmaceuticals, leather, pulp and paper, electroplating, refining,
pesticides, dyes, rubber goods and so on. In total, at present around 7.2 million tonnes
of hazardous waste is generated in the country of which 1.4 million metric tonnes is
recyclable, 0.1 million metric tonnes is incinerable and 5.2 million metric tonnes are
destined for disposal on land (MoEF 2000). Improper storage, handling,
transportation, treatment and disposal of hazardous waste has an adverse impact on
ecosystems including the human environment. When discharged on land, heavy
metals and certain organic compounds are phytotoxic and can adversely affect soil
productivity for extended period of times at relatively low levels of concentration. For
example, uncontrolled release of chromium contaminated wastewater and sludge
resulted in contamination of aquifers in the North Arcot area in Tamil Nadu. These
aquifers can no longer be used as sources of freshwater. Box 3 highlights a case study
on the adverse impact of hazardous wastes in Maharashtra.

Reliable data on the quantity of solid wastes generated by small-scale industries are

Box 3 Case Study from Maharashtra illustrating adverse impact of hazardous wastes
The Thane-Belapur industrial area, in Maharashtra where about 1200 industrial units
are housed on a 20 km stretch close to New Mumbai produces more than 100 tonnes of
solid waste every day. About 85% of this waste is either acidic or alkaline in nature.
The area also produces 5 tonnes of waste every day, which is difficult to treat because
of its halogen content. The bulk of hazardous waste in this area is co-disposed with
municipal waste in municipal waste dumpsites. The water bodies in the vicinity of this
industrial area are polluted. The sediment in the Ulhas river has registered high levels of
mercury and arsenic. The river empties into the Thane Creek at its northern end. As a
result, the Thane Creek is one of the most polluted parts of the sea in the country.
Source (Shankar, Martin, Bhatt and Erkman 1994)

scarce as these industries have mushroomed widely; it is however assumed that they
generate as much industrial waste as that generated by medium- and large-sized

Projections for solid waste — BAU scenario

Waste generation trends. The per capita quantity of waste generation tends to
increase with time due to factors as increased commercial activities and higher
standard of living. In India, the amount of waste generated per capita is estimated to
increase at a rate of 1%–1.33% annually (Shekdar 1999). The projected quantities of
municipal solid waste for 2025 have been estimated and the scenario under the base
case appears that the total waste generation in 2025 will exceed 140 million tonnes—
three times the present level (Figure 3).


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