Dr. Eng. Mustafa Turki Hussein Aymen S. Tarish Zainab Aziz
Dr. Eng. Mustafa Turki Hussein Aymen S. Tarish Zainab Aziz
Dr. Eng. Mustafa Turki Hussein Aymen S. Tarish Zainab Aziz
Small size
Easy to construct
Many controllers available
Several software capability
Disadvantages :-
Research platform
Journalism, Filming and aerial photography
Construction Sites
Geographic Mapping
Military and law enforcement
How It Works ??
Control Structure
Controller Mathematical Model Output
Feedback Signal
The Parrot Mambo Mini Drone
Motherboard for Parrot Mambo. The motherboard includes the latest Parrot SIP6
chipset with ARM A9 clocked at 800 MHz. The Parrot Mambo motherboard runs
on Linux.
Pressure sensor is
indirectly measuring altitude
as the drone climbs in
altitude the air pressure
drops slightly and use this
slight change in pressure to
estimate the altitude of the
Gyrosensor measures
angular rate from the IMU
Ultrasound Sensor that's used to
measure vertical distances , it sends out a
high-frequency sound pulse and measures
how long it takes that pulse to bounce off the
floor and return back to the sensor from the
measured time distance between the floor
and the drone can be calculated at least up to
about 13 feet
Data of experiment
X (1 m)
Y (1 m)
Z (1.1 m)
Positions & Velocities
Velocity & Optical flow
Sensors , Orinetation & Motor
Outoor Experiment
Data of experiment:
X (2 m)
Y (2 m)
Z (1.1 m)
Positions & Velocities
Velocity & Optical flow
Sensors , Orinetation & Motor