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Gas conditioning tower 52311-06

Erection of mechanical equipment

52311-06 2


Figure 1

Read this erection manual in conjunction with:

- General assembly drawing for the gas conditioning tower.

Table of contents: Page:

1. Introduction ........................................................................................................... 3

2. Erection of supporting unit .................................................................................... 4

2.1 Erection of supporting unit and slide bearings on concrete support................ 4
2.2 Erection of supporting unit on pendular support.............................................. 6
2.3 Erection of supporting unit and slide bearings on solid steel support.............. 6

3. Erection of transition unit ...................................................................................... 8

4. Erection of bottom hopper and outlet .................................................................... 8

5. Erection of cylindrical units above supporting unit ................................................ 9

6. Erection of cone .................................................................................................... 9

7. Erection of inlet with swirl.................................................................................... 10

8. Erection of dust transport.................................................................................... 10

9. Erection of access facilities................................................................................. 10

10. Erection of water injection system ...................................................................... 10

11. Erection of insulation and cladding ..................................................................... 10

12. Erection of inlet bend .......................................................................................... 10

Performed by / Date Checked by / Date Approved by / Date

JIJ / 2003-07-21 JIJ / 2003-07-21 MEP / 2003-07-21
3 52311-06

1. Introduction
See dimension drawing, load drawing and other plant specifications for proper erection in relation to
other plant components and building elements.

It is recommended that the sequence of erection should be as follows:

• Erection of supporting unit and slide bearings on concrete support or,

• Erection of supporting unit on pendular support or,
• Erection of supporting unit on solid steel support.

• Erection of transition unit.

• Erection of bottom hopper and outlet.

• Erection of cylindrical unit above supporting unit.

• Erection of cone.

• Erection of inlet with swirl.

• Erection of dust transport.

• Erection of access facilities.

• Erection of water injection system.

• Erection of insulation and cladding.

• Erection of inlet bend.

However, other sequences of erection may be followed.

Different design:

- Under the supporting unit, a cylindrical unit or a transition unit should be mounted (see assembly
drawing for correct erection).

- For erection of the supporting unit only one erection procedure should be used (see dimension
drawing and load drawing for correct erection).
52311-06 4

2. Erection of supporting unit

2.1 Erection of supporting unit and slide bearings on concrete

Steel parts

1) The supporting unit is welded together and its roundness is checked.

2) The cylindrical unit under the supporting unit is welded together and it's roundness is checked (if
cylindrical unit under supporting unit is used).

3) The cylindrical unit plate under the supporting unit and the lowest part of the supporting unit
plate must be flushed externally (if cylindrical unit under supporting unit is used).

4) If it becomes necessary to cut vertical slits in the cylindrical unit under supporting unit to allow for
adjustment, re-welding of these cuts has to have the same quality requirements as the other
vertical weldings in the cylindrical unit under the supporting unit (if cylindrical unit under
supporting unit is used).

5) The cylindrical unit under the supporting unit is welded to the lowest part of the supporting unit (if
cylindrical unit under supporting unit is used).

Slide bearing parts

See assembly drawings and load drawing for correct erection.

Parts for one slide bearing with belonging parts are:

- One slide bearing (free or guided).
- One foundation plate with shear plate.
- Two foundation bolts with plate, washers, nuts and nuts-locks.
- Two special washers.

The function of the slide bearing is:

- To allow thermal expansions.
- To anchor the gas conditioning tower by means of foundation bolts.
- To secure the gas conditioning tower against horizontal movement by means of guided slide
- To reduce the friction.
- To adjust the vertical position of the foundation plates by means of nuts under the foundation
5 52311-06


1) The slide bearings and the foundation plates may have different design. See assembly
drawings and load drawing for correct erection.

2) Mount the foundation bolts in correct position in the concrete support.

Check assembly drawings for correct placement.

3) Cast around the lowest part of the foundation bolts (allow hardening).

4) Mount the foundation plates in correct position on the foundation bolts. Place nuts and
washer over and under the foundation plate.
Check assembly drawings for correct placement.

5) Place the slide bearings on the foundation plates (do not weld).
Check assembly drawings for correct placement.

6) Mount the supporting unit on the slide bearings.

7) Check that the bolts and the slide bearings are in correct position.

8) Check that the supporting unit rest on the slide bearings everywhere.
Fasten nuts under the foundation plate to secure that the supporting unit rest on the slide
bearings everywhere.

9) Check that the centerline of the supporting unit is vertical.

10) Tack-weld upper part of the slide bearings to the supporting unit. Tack-weld lower part of the
slide bearings to the foundation plate.

11) Remove the supporting unit with upper part of the slide bearings.

12) Cast under the foundation plate (allow hardening).

13) Weld upper part of the slide bearings to the supporting unit. Weld lower part of the slide
bearings to the foundation plates.

14) Re-mount the supporting unit in the same position as previously.

15) Check that the bolts and the slide bearings are in correct position.

16) Place the special washers, the washers, the nuts and the nuts-locks on the foundation bolts.
Fasten nuts with the hand. Fasten nuts-locks with a wrench.
52311-06 6

2.2 Erection of supporting unit on pendular support

1) Mount the supporting unit on the pendular support.

2) For mounting of foundation bolts (securing bolts) and other belonging parts see Mounting of
foundation bolts drawing.

3) Check that the centerline of the supporting unit is vertical.

2.3 Erection of supporting unit and slide bearings on solid steel

Steel parts

1) The supporting unit is welded together and its roundness is checked.

2) The cylindrical unit under the supporting unit is welded together and it's roundness is checked
(if cylindrical unit under supporting unit is used).

3) The cylindrical unit plate under the supporting unit and the lowest part of the supporting unit
plate must be flushed externally (if cylindrical unit under supporting unit is used).

4) If it becomes necessary to cut vertical slits in the cylindrical unit under supporting unit to allow
for adjustment, re-welding of these cuts has to have the same quality requirements as the
other vertical weldings in the cylindrical unit under the supporting unit (if cylindrical unit under
supporting unit is used).

5) The cylindrical unit under the supporting unit is welded to the lowest part of the supporting
unit (if cylindrical unit under supporting unit is used).

Slide bearing parts

See assembly drawings and load drawing for correct erection.

Parts for one slide bearing with belonging parts are:

- One slide bearing (free or guided).
- One foundation plate with two securing bolts.
- Two securing plates.
- Four shims.
- Four flat iron.

The function of the slide bearing is:

- To allow thermal expansions.
- To anchor the gas conditioning tower by means of securing bolts and securing plates.
- To secure the gas conditioning tower against horizontal movement by means of guided slide
- To reduce the friction.
- To adjust the vertical position of the foundation plates by means of shims.
7 52311-06

Erection principle:

- To secure correct mutual position of the foundation plates, the securing bolts, the slide bearings
and the supporting unit, these parts are to be pre-assembled.
- However, the foundation plates cannot be welded to the steel support in preassembled condition
due to lack of space.
- The foundation plates, which are held in correct position by the supporting unit, are therefore
bonded together with the steel support, using adhesive *).
- When the adhesive has hardened, the foundation plates and the supporting unit are separated.
- When the supporting unit is removed the foundation plates are welded to the steel support.

*) Use below mentioned Araldite adhesive or equivalent:

Type designation: AV 144-2/HV 997, adhesive type: 2013.


1) The slide bearings and the foundation plates may have different design. See assembly
drawings and load drawing for correct erection.

2) Mount upper part of the slide bearings on the underside of the supporting unit.
Mount lower part of the slide bearings on the top of the foundation plates.

3) Tack-weld foundation plates with securing bolts, securing plates and slide bearings to the
supporting unit. Check that the securing bolts and the slide bearings are in correct position.


1) The slide bearings and the foundation plates may have different design. See assembly
drawings and load drawing for correct erection.

2) Measure and mark the position of the foundation plates on top of the steel support.
The shims with different thickness are used to achieve the correct vertical position of the
individual supporting points (use shims only if necessary).
Check that the individual supporting points are in correct position.

3) Weld the shims to the steel support where indicated.

No welding on the top surface of the shims.

4) Apply adhesive to the shims. If the shims are not used, the adhesive is applied to the steel

5) The supporting unit is temporally mounted on the steel support. The shims must be covered
by the foundation plate.
If the shims are not used, the foundation plate must cover the adhesive at the steel support.

6) Let adhesive harden.

7) Remove tack-weld between the supporting unit, the securing plates and the securing bolts.
Remove the securing plates.
Check if the securing bolts are correctly mounted in the bolt holes.

8) Mark the position of the supporting unit in relation to the foundation plates.
Check that the upper part of the slide bearings are correctly mounted on the underside of the
supporting unit.
52311-06 8

9) Lift the supporting unit away from the steel support.

The foundation plates and the securing bolts are fixed in correct position by the adhesive.

10) Weld the foundation plates to the steel support.

If shims are used mount flat iron at the sides of the foundation plates.

11) Check if the surfaces of the slide bearings are clean.

12) Re-mount the supporting unit. Markings (see 8) are used to obtain the same position of the
supporting unit in relation to the foundation plates as previously.

13) The securing plates are welded at the securing bolts.

Check that the distance between the securing plates and the supporting unit are correct and
that all the securing plates are correctly welded.

3. Erection of transition unit

1) The transition unit is welded together and roundness of the top part is checked.

2) Mount the transition unit from below. Fit the upper part of the transition unit inside the
supporting unit or the cylindrical unit under the supporting unit.
N.B. adjust orientation of the transition unit to allow correct positioning of the outlet (see
dimension drawing and other plant specification).

3) The transition unit is welded to the supporting unit or the cylindrical unit under the supporting

4. Erection of bottom hopper and outlet

1) The bottom hopper and outlet are welded together.

2) The bottom hopper and outlet are welded to the transition unit.
Make sure that bottom hopper and outlet have the right orientation (see dimension drawing
and other plant specification).

3) Stays are welded into the bottom hopper and the transition unit.
9 52311-06

5. Erection of cylindrical units above supporting unit

1) The individual cylindrical units are welded together and roundness is checked.

2) Cylindrical unit plates must be flush externally.

3) If it becomes necessary to cut vertical slits in the cylindrical unit to allow for adjustment, re-
welding of these has to have the same quality requirements as the other vertical weldings in
the cylindrical unit.

4) The first cylindrical unit is lifted up on the cylindrical unit of the supporting unit and are welded
Check that the centerline of the cylindrical unit is vertical above the centerline of the
supporting unit, and that the axis of the cylindrical unit is vertical.
Vertical weldings at the supporting unit and cylindrical unit are offset 45 in relation to one
Mounting brackets are used as required.

5) The remaining cylindrical units are lifted on top of each other and welded together.
Vertical welds at the individual cylindrical units are offset 45 in relation to one another.
Mounting brackets are used as required.
Check that the centerline of the cylindrical unit is vertical above the centerline of the
supporting unit, and that the axis of the cylindrical unit is vertical.

6. Erection of cone
1) The individual cone units are welded together and roundness is checked.

2) No misalignment of the last cylindrical unit and the first cone unit is allowed.

3) Cone unit plates must be flush externally.

4) If it becomes necessary to cut vertical slits in the cone unit to allow for adjustment, re-welding
of these has to have the same quality requirements as the other vertical weldings in the cone

5) The first cone unit is lifted up on the last cylindrical unit and are welded together.
Vertical weldings at the cylindrical unit and the cone unit are offset in relation to one another.
Mounting brackets are used as required.

6) The remaining cone units are lifted on top of each other and welded together.
Vertical weldings at the individual cone units are offset in proportion to one another.
Mounting brackets are used as required.
52311-06 10

7. Erection of inlet with swirl

1) The inlet is welded and roundness is checked.

Vertical welds at the individual inlet units are offset in relation to one another.

2) Inlet unit plates must be flush externally. No misalignment of the last cone unit and the inlet is

3) If it becomes necessary to cut vertical slits in the inlet unit to allow for adjustment, re-welding
of these has to have the same quality requirements as the other vertical weldings in the inlet

4) Swirl is welded (for principle see figure 1).

5) Swirl is mounted in the inlet.

6) Inlet with mounted swirl is lifted up on the last cone unit and are welded together.
Vertical welds at cone unit and inlet unit are offset in relation to one another.
Mounting brackets are used as required.

8. Erection of dust transport

For erection of dust transport see assembly drawing.

9. Erection of access facilities

Erection of access facilities see assembly drawing.
Thermal expansions must be taken into consideration.

10. Erection of water injection system

For erection of pipelines see drawing "Principle of pipelines".

For erection of spray lances and nozzles see drawing "Diagram of pipelines" and separate instruc-
Thermal expansions must be taken into consideration.

11. Erection of insulation and cladding

For erection of insulation and cladding see separate instruction.
Thermal expansions must be taken into consideration.

12. Erection of inlet bend

For erection of inlet bend see assembly drawing.
Inlet bend is lifted up on the inlet and are welded another. Mounting brackets are used as re-
quired. Make sure that inlet bend have the right orientation (see dimension drawing and other
plant specification).
Figure 1

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