Odontologia Actual Art6
Odontologia Actual Art6
Odontologia Actual Art6
Oral Ecosystem
Lakshman Samaranayake, DSc, DDS, FRCPath, FDSRCS, FDSRCPS, FRACDSa,b,*,
Victor H. Matsubara, PhD, DDS, MScc
Oral ecology Oral microbiome Dental plaque biofilms Saliva
The oral ecosystem comprises the oral flora, so-called oral microbiome, the different
anatomic microniches of the oral cavity and its bathing fluid, saliva.
The oral microbiome comprises a diverse group of organisms and includes bacteria,
archaea, fungi, protozoa, and viruses.
The oral microbiome exists either suspended in saliva as planktonic phase organisms or
attached to oral surfaces essentially as a plaque biofilm.
The homeostasis of the plaque biofilm and its symbiotic relationship with the host is critical
for oral health.
The disequilibrium or dysbiosis within the plaque biofilms is the initiating event that leads
to major oral diseases, such as caries and periodontal disease.
The oral cavity is a unique ecosystem. It comprises a wide range of habitats, including
teeth, gingival sulcus, tongue, cheeks, hard and soft palate, and tonsils, with their own,
intrinsic, unique mini-environmental conditions. The human mouth is lined by stratified
squamous epithelium (keratinized and nonkeratinized); however, this is modified in
areas according to function (eg, the tongue) and interrupted by other structures,
such as teeth and salivary ducts. The gingival tissues form a cuff around each tooth,
and there is a continuous exudate of crevicular fluid from the gingival crevice. A thin
layer of saliva also bathes the surface of the oral mucosa.
The mouth, being an extension of an external body site, is colonized by virtually bil-
lions of bacteria, fungi, and viruses, now called the oral microbiome. The oral
microbiome is in broad terms similar in all humans, although each individual has a
characteristic “fingerprint” that is unique to himself or herself. This commensal (or
indigenous, or resident) flora exists in symbiotic harmony with the host, but disease
conditions supervene when the microbial equilibrium is broken, hence called dysbio-
sis. The predominant dental diseases in humans, caries and periodontal disease, are
caused in this manner. In addition to the commensal microflora, there are others (such
as coliforms) that survive in the mouth only for short periods (transient flora). This tran-
sient flora, including pathogens, cannot get a foothold in the oral environment because
of the colonization resistance exerted by the resident flora.
The human body is composed of approximately one hundred trillion cells, of which
90% comprise the resident microflora of the host and only 10% are mammalian.1 Bac-
teria are by far the predominant group of organisms in the oral cavity, and there are
probably some 500 to 700 common oral species or phylotypes of which only 50%
to 60% are cultivable. The remaining uncultivable flora is currently being identified us-
ing molecular technology, especially those based on 16S ribosomal RNA sequencing,
pyrosequencing, and new-generation sequencing (NGS) technology.
The organisms that establish and predominate on particular surfaces vary depend-
ing on the biological and physical properties of each site. In the oral cavity, a diverse
array of organisms can be found, usually living in harmony, including bacteria,
archaea, fungi, mycoplasmas, protozoa, and possibly a viral flora that may persist
from time to time. Collectively, the oral microflora has been termed oral microbiota,
and more recently, the oral microbiome.2
The oral cavity is home to multiple anatomic microniches where physicochemical
features, such as pH, oxygen, temperature, or redox potential, influence the settling
of microorganisms, thus creating a complex microbiota.3,4 The oral cavity harbors a
unique and selective microbial composition that many organisms commonly isolated
from neighboring ecosystems, such as the gut and the skin, are not found in the
mouth. Despite the continuous passage of bacteria into the gut via saliva, only few
periodontal microbes can be recovered from gastrointestinal and fecal samples.5
In recent studies of the structure, function, and diversity of human oral microbiome,
evaluated using NGS, it has been clearly shown that the oral microbiome is unique to
each individual.6 Even healthy individuals differ remarkably in the composition of the
resident oral microbes. Although much of this diversity remains unexplained, diet,
environment, host genetics, and early microbial exposure have all been implicated
in the constituent flora of the climax community.
The oral microbiome exists either suspended in saliva as planktonic phase organ-
isms or attached to oral surfaces essentially as a plaque biofilm. Given the high diver-
sity in the salivary microbiome, for instance, within and between individuals, little
geographic variations can be noticed. Individuals from different worldwide locations
may present with similar salivary microbiota, indicating that host species is the primary
determinant of oral microbiome.7
Some oral microbes are more closely associated with disease than others, although
they commonly lurk within the normal oral flora without harming the oral health. This equi-
librium and homeostasis between beneficial and pathogenic organisms are the key fac-
tors that contribute to the development of oral diseases. The specific microbes that help
restore a natural healthy microbiome in a given habitat are known as probiotics.8
The oral cavity is germ free at birth, although it is straight away colonized by distinct
species of bacteria. Once established, the oral microbiome is formed by a wide range
Normal Oral Flora and the Oral Ecosystem 201
The infant mouth is usually sterile at birth, except perhaps for a few organisms ac-
quired from the mother’s birth canal. A few hours later, the organisms from the
mother’s (or nurse’s) mouth (vertical transmission), and possibly a few from the envi-
ronment, are established in the mouth. The main route of transmission is via saliva,
although organisms can be also derived from water, food, and other nutritious fluids.
These pioneer species are usually streptococci, which bind to mucosal epithelium (eg,
Streptococcus salivarius, Streptococcus mitis, and Streptococcus oralis). The meta-
bolic activity of the pioneer community then alters the oral environment to facilitate
colonization by other bacterial genera and species, for instance, S salivarius produces
extracellular polymers from sucrose, to which other bacteria such as Actinomyces spp
can attach.
Oral flora on the child’s first birthday usually consists of streptococci, staphylococci,
Neisseria, together with some gram-negative anaerobes such as Veillonella spp. Less
frequently isolated are Lactobacillus, Actinomyces, Prevotella, and Fusobacterium
The next evolutionary change in this community occurs during and after tooth erup-
tion, when two further niches are provided for bacterial colonization: the nonshedding
hard-tissue surface of enamel and cementum, and the gingival crevice. Gram-positive
bacteria such as Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sanguinis, Actinomyces spp,
Lactobacillus, and Rothia selectively colonize enamel surfaces. In turn, gram-negative
organisms including nonpigmenting Prevotella spp, Porphyromonas spp, Neisseria,
and Capnocytophaga, all preferring anaerobic environments, colonize the crevicular
During puberty, changes in hormone levels also alter the oral microbiome, and a
transition to an adult flora composition can be noticed. Spirochaetes, Veillonella, Pre-
votella, and black-pigmented Bacteroides (eg, Bacteroides intermedius) are more
frequently isolated during this period of life.11,12
The oral microbiome continues to grow in diversity over time until the composition of
this complex ecosystem reaches equilibrium between the resident microflora and the
local environmental conditions, where a climax community is said to exist. At this
stage, the oral flora remains stable, although alteration in critical environment factors
at a site due to changes in diet, hormonal levels, and oral hygiene, for instance, can
disrupt this “microbial homeostasis” and favor a disease-associated microbiota, so-
called dysbiosis.13 Horizontal transmission of microorganisms, especially periodontal
pathogens, may occur through interpersonal contamination.14 Hence, the normal oral
flora mounts an active response, remaining always as a highly dynamic system.
At advanced ages, the direct and indirect effects of senility (Fig. 2) affect the micro-
bial homeostasis, facilitating the colonization by exogenous microbes and the imbal-
ances in resident oral microflora.15 The last major oral bacterial alteration is reached if
all teeth are lost. Bacteria that colonize the mouth at this stage are very similar to those
in a child before tooth eruption. The introduction of a prosthetic appliance at this stage
changes the microbial composition once again. Growth of Candida species is partic-
ularly increased after the introduction of acrylic (polymethyl methacrylate) dentures,
whereas it is now recognized that the prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus and lac-
tobacilli is high in those aged 70 years or over.16
The acquisition of some bacteria may occur optimally only at certain ages; this phe-
nomenon is termed “window of infectivity.” For example, children at the median age of
26 months17 and 9 months18 are more susceptible for colonization by mutans strepto-
cocci and Streptococcus sangunis, respectively. This window creates the possibility of
preventive strategies over these critical periods to reduce the likelihood of colonization
of the infant, such as the reduction of mutans streptococci carriage in the mother’s
mouth for prevention of vertical transmission, thus delaying the onset of dental caries.
The resident microflora contributes directly and indirectly to the normal development
of the physiology, nutrition, and defense system of the host. The permanent colonizers
act as a barrier to transient/exogenous organisms, some of which are potentially
Fig. 2. Intrinsic and extrinsic factors affecting the composition and the homeostasis of the
oral microbiome. (Modified from Marsh PD, Percival RS. The oral microflora—friend or
foe? Can we decide? Int Dent J 2006;56(4 Suppl 1):237; with permission.)
Normal Oral Flora and the Oral Ecosystem 203
The major oral habitats are buccal mucosa, dorsum of the tongue, tooth surfaces (both
supragingival and subgingival), crevicular epithelium, and prosthodontic/orthodontic
Table 1
Postulated mechanisms by which the resident oral microbiome evades invading extraneous
organisms and thereby eventuates colonization resistance
Mechanism Effect
Production of inhibitory factors (eg, Affect the viability of invading microbes
bacteriocins, hydrogen peroxide)
Production of metabolic end products (eg, Lower the pH and create unfavorable
short-chain carboxylic acids) conditions for the growth of invading
Production of quorum sensing molecules (eg, Maintains the quality and the quantity of the
homoserine lactone, autoinducers) resident bacteria in biofilms and thereby
dissuades colonization of invading
Competition for essential nutrients and Develop environments that are not
cofactors for microbial growth conducive to the establishment of
invading organisms
Competition for receptors for microbial Saturation of receptor by resident
adhesion on mucosal (biotic) and dental microbiota, preventing the attachment of
and prosthetic (abiotic) surfaces “latecomers”
Coaggregation with the same species Development and maintenance of
(homotypic) or different species multispecies biofilm that reduce the
(heterotypic) of bacteria prevalence of single non-coaggregated
Modified from Marsh PD, Percival RS. The oral microflora—friend or foe? Can we decide? Int Dent J
2006;56(4 Suppl 1):234; with permission.
204 Samaranayake & Matsubara
mucosal epithelium. The epithelial squames, loaded with bacteria when dislodged into
the oral milieu, is swallowed together with the resident bacteria. Hence, the inhabitants
of the oral epithelium need to have effective and efficient mechanisms, mainly chem-
icals called adhesins, to reattach themselves to the newly exposed, virgin epithelial
cells devoid of any organisms. This survival battle for microbes is dynamic, constant,
and relentless and works in favor of organisms that have the necessary armamen-
tarium to obtain a quick foothold on the epithelial squames.
Microbes and their metabolic products accumulate on tooth surfaces to produce
dental plaque biofilm, present in both health and disease. The nature of the bacterial
community varies depending on the tooth concerned and the degree of exposure to
the environment: smooth surfaces are colonized by a smaller number of species
than pits and fissures, whereas subgingival surfaces are more anaerobic than supra-
gingival surfaces. Clearly, the surface topography of the tooth as well as the terrain to
which the surface is exposed both dictate the composition of the microbiome of that
particular niche.
Different microenvironments in the mouth support their own microflora, which differ
both qualitatively and quantitatively. The reasons for such variations are complex
and include anatomic, salivary, crevicular fluid, microbial factors, and environmental
factors, among others (Fig. 3).
Anatomic Factors
Bacterial stagnation areas are created as a result of the shape and topography of the
teeth (eg, occlusal fissures), malalignment of teeth, poor quality of restorations (eg, fill-
ings and bridges), and nonkeratinized sulcular epithelium. All these factors negatively
affect the oral hygiene, favoring the accumulation of dental plaque.
Whole (mixed) saliva bathing oral surfaces is derived from the major (parotid, subman-
dibular, and sublingual) and minor (labial, lingual, buccal, and palatal) salivary glands.
It is a watery substance with a complex mixture of inorganic ions, including sodium,
Normal Oral Flora and the Oral Ecosystem 205
Fig. 3. Dysbiosis of the oral microbiome homeostasis due to immune and nonimmune fac-
tors. (Modified from Marsh PD, Percival RS. The oral microflora—friend or foe? Can we
decide? Int Dent J 2006;56(4 Suppl 1):237; with permission.)
Microbial Factors
Microbes in the oral environment can interact with each other in both promoting and
suppressing the neighboring bacteria using mechanisms described above (see above,
section on “Beneficial effects of the resident oral microflora”).
206 Samaranayake & Matsubara
Environmental Factors
Various environmental factors, such as temperature, pH, oxidation-reduction (redox)
potential, ionic strength, and osmotic pressure, affect the growth and metabolism of
microorganisms.23–27 All these conditions intra oral conditions, especially on tooth
surfaces, are not uniform. For instance, the local pH plays an important role in the mi-
crobial homeostasis, because many bacteria require a specific pH for growth. The pH
of the gingival crevice increases from below neutrality in health to greater than pH 8 in
disease,24 although the acidity of most oral surfaces is regulated by saliva (mean pH
6.7). Depending on the frequency of intake of dietary carbohydrates, the pH of plaque
can decrease to as low as 5.0 as a result of bacterial metabolism, changing the
composition of the oral microbiome. In turn, the redox potential, is one of the physico-
chemical parameters characterizing the state of microbial growth. It has great varia-
tion in the mouth, and such fluctuations favor the growth of different groups of
bacteria. Changes in pH and concentration of the redox active gases (O2, H2, and
H2S) are considered to be the major factors governing the growth of
Miscellaneous Factors
During antimicrobial therapy, systemic or topical antibiotics and antiseptics affect the
oral flora; for instance, broad-spectrum antibiotics (eg, tetracycline) can wipe out most
of the endogenous flora and favor the emergence of yeast species. Thus, candidiasis
may supervene after long-term antibiotic therapy.
The host diet is another factor that modulates microbial growth. Diets rich in
fermentable carbohydrates promote the growth of acidogenic flora as they act as a
major source of nutrients. These carbohydrates are the main class of compounds
that alter the oral ecology.
The dentist also interferes with the patient’s microbial carriage. Dental procedures,
such as dental scaling, can radically alter the composition of the periodontal pocket
flora of diseased sites and shift the balance in favor of an oral flora that is associated
with health.
Finally, aging has an important influence on the oral microbiome. Conditions inherent to
elderly, such as compromised immune systems, reduce salivary flow rate and long-term
medications (see Fig. 2), may increase their chances of nonoral bacterial contamination
(eg, staphylococci and enterobacteria). Hence, a diversity of factors that influence micro-
bial growth affect the complexity of the oral microbiome.
Oral microorganisms, especially bacteria, use substrates either derived from the
host’s diet or produced by other bacteria. The pioneer species that colonize oral sites
are able to generate end products of metabolism that can then be used by other mi-
croorganisms, especially in dense communities such as plaque. Table 2 summarizes
the nutritional resources of oral microflora.
The dental plaque biofilm is a complex, functional community of one or more species
of microbes, together with their extracellular products and host compounds mainly
derived from the saliva.28 Note that dental plaque is a biofilm, but not all biofilms
are dental plaque.
Normal Oral Flora and the Oral Ecosystem 207
Table 2
Nutritional resources available for oral microflora
Plaque biofilm is found on dental surfaces and appliances especially in the absence of
oral hygiene. In general, it is found in anatomic areas protected from the host defenses
and mechanical removal, such as occlusal fissures. Plaque samples are described in
relation to their site of origin and are categorized as supragingival, subgingival, or
appliance associated (Table 3).
The organisms in dental biofilm are surrounded by an organic matrix, which comprises
about 30% of the total volume. The matrix is derived from the products of both the
host and the biofilm constituents, and it acts as a food reserve and as a cement, bind-
ing organisms both to each other and to various surfaces.29
The microbial composition of dental plaque biofilm can vary widely between individ-
uals: some people are rapid plaque-formers; others are slow. Within an individual,
there are also large variations in plaque composition (Table 4). These variations
may occur at different sites on the same tooth, at the same site on different teeth,
or at different times on the same tooth site.30
The dental biofilm formation is a complex process comprising several stages. The first
step is the pellicle formation, where adsorption of host and bacterial molecules to the
Table 3
Plaque biofilm distribution
Table 4
Composition of dental biofilms at different tooth sites
Dental Sites
Bacteria Fissures Proximal Surfaces Gingival Crevice
Streptococcus 1 1 1
Actinomyces 1 1 1
Neisseria 1/ 1 1
Veillonella 1 1 1
Treponema 1
An G1 rod 1 1 1
An G rod 1/ 1 1
tooth surface forms an acquired salivary layer. The pellicle formation starts within
hours after cleaning the tooth, and it is composed of salivary glycoproteins, phospho-
proteins, lipids, and components of gingival crevice fluid. Remnants of cell walls of
dead bacteria and other microbial products (eg, glucosyltransferases and glucans)
are also part of the pellicle. This stage is essential for the plaque formation, because
the oral bacteria do not directly colonize the mineralized tooth surface; they initially
attach to this pellicle. Salivary molecules alter their conformation after binding to the
tooth surface, exposing receptors for bacteria attachment. These receptors interact
with bacterial surface adhesins in a very specific manner that explains the selective
adherence of bacterial to enamel.
The transport of bacteria to the vicinity of the tooth surface before attachment
occurs by means of either natural salivary flow, Brownian motion, or chemotaxis.
The proximity to mineralized surface allows the attachment of pioneer microbes
(0–24 hours). This important group of bacteria comprises gram-positive cocci and
rods, mainly streptococcal species (S sanguinis, S oralis, and S mitis), and to a lesser
extent, Actinomyces spp and gram-negative bacteria (eg, Haemophillus spp and Neis-
seria spp).
Initially, interaction between the microbial cell surface and the pellicle-coated tooth
involve weak physicochemical forces (van der Waals forces and electrostatic repul-
sion), which represents a reversible phase of net adhesion. These interactions may
rapidly become strong stereochemical reactions between adhesins on the microbial
cell surface and receptors on the acquired pellicle. This phase is an irreversible phase
in which polymer bridging between organisms and the surface helps to anchor the or-
ganism, after which the organisms multiply on the virgin surface. Doubling times of
plaque bacteria can vary considerably (from minutes to hours), both between different
bacterial species and between members of the same species, depending on the envi-
ronmental conditions.
After the establishment of initial colonizers, the next stage involves the coadhesion
and growth of attached bacteria, leading to the formation of distinct microcolonies (4–
24 hours). During this phase, the biofilm is not uniform in thickness, varying from
sparsely colonized to almost full surface coverage. The biofilm grows basically by cells
division, with the development of columnar microcolonies perpendicular to the tooth
Normal Oral Flora and the Oral Ecosystem 209
surface.31 Within 1 day, the tooth surface is almost completely covered by a blanket of
Some constituents of the dental plaque produce components of the biofilm matrix,
such as polysaccharides. The biofilm matrix, in turn, not only gives support for the
structure of the biofilm but also is also biologically involved in retaining nutrients, wa-
ter, and enzymes within the biofilm.32
Between 24 and 48 hours, the biofilm becomes thicker. Adhesins expressed by the
secondary colonizers bind to receptors on the cell surface of pioneer microbes, pro-
ducing a coaggregation or coadhesion of microorganisms. This continuous adsorp-
tion of planktonic microbes from saliva, in addition to cell division, contributes to
the expansion of the biofilm. In the surface layer, coaggregation of different species
creates “corncob” structures.
As the dental biofilm develops, the metabolism of the initial colonizers modifies the
environment in the developing biofilm, creating a local condition that is either more
attractive to later (secondary) colonizers or increasingly unfavorable to the pioneer
group, for example, by making it more anaerobic after their consumption of oxygen
or accumulating inhibitory metabolic products.1
All these environmental changes lead to a gradual replacement of the initial colo-
nizers by other bacteria more suited to the modified habitat; this process is termed mi-
crobial succession (1–7 days). This sequence of events increases species diversity in
the dental plaque, concomitant with continued growth of microcolonies.
A progressive shift is observed from mainly aerobic and facultatively anaerobic spe-
cies (mainly Streptococcus) in the early stages of biofilm formation to a situation with
predominance of facultatively and obligately anaerobic organisms, gram-negative
cocci and rods, fusobacteria, spirochetes, and actinobacteria (especially Actino-
myces) after 9 days.
A mature biofilm can be found after 1 week or more. The plaque mass reaches a crit-
ical size at which a balance between the deposition and loss of plaque bacteria is
established, characterizing a climax community. In an old biofilm, structural changes
can be seen at the bottom of the dental plaque, for example. The most significant
change is the formation of a dense inner layer of pleomorphic Actinomyces next to
the enamel of root surface. The outer part of a mature biofilm is usually loosely struc-
tured with various compositions, from sphere-shape distribution of one type of organ-
ism to multispecies outer microflora with parallel distribution.33
The bacteria that colonize this climax community may detach and enter the plank-
tonic phase (ie, suspended in saliva) and be transported to new colonization sites, thus
restarting the whole cycle.
The colonization of root surfaces follows similar principles to those outlined for
enamel surfaces. However, the development of plaque on root surfaces occurs
more rapidly due to the uneven surface topography. Despite this difference, regard-
less of the type of tooth surface, enamel and cementum share the same initial
The oral biofilms function as microbial community and collectively display properties
that favor their formation and persistence in the oral cavity (Table 5). Many of these
properties make the microorganisms within a biofilm more resistant to drugs (anti-
biotic, antifungals) in comparison to their planktonic counterparts.34 In the biofilm, mi-
crobial cells interact both with each other via cell signaling systems and with other
species through conventional synergistic and antagonistic biochemical interactions
(see Table 1).
210 Samaranayake & Matsubara
Table 5
Properties of dental biofilms
Modified from Fejerskov O, Nyvad B, Kidd E. Biofilms in caries development. Dental caries: the dis-
ease and its clinical management. 3rd edition. Wiley-Blackwell; 2015. p. 107–31; with permission.
Dental calculus is a dental biofilm that suffers a mineralization process due to the pre-
cipitation of mineral salts, although not all the biofilm becomes calcified.
When the plaque biofilm is allowed to grow undisturbed, the degenerating bacteria in a
climax community may act as seeding agents of mineralization. Calcium and phos-
phate ions derived from saliva and GCF may become deposited within deeper layers
of dental plaque. The calcification is accelerated by bacterial phosphatases and pro-
teases that degrade some of the calcification inhibitors in saliva (statherin and proline-
rich proteins). These processes lead to the formation of insoluble mineral crystals that
coalesce to form a highly calcified mass, which is an inorganic content that is similar to
bone, dentine, and cementum.36 The crystals develop initially in the intercellular matrix
and on the bacterial surfaces and then finally within the bacteria.37 The surface of cal-
culus always remains covered by a layer of noncalcified dental plaque biofilm.
Crystal formation establishes a firm adhesion of the calculus to the tooth surfaces.
These mineral crystals fill the pits and irregularities of the tooth surface, following the
contours of the enamel, cementum, and dentin.38
Calculus, like dental plaque, can be classified as supragingival, which is found coronal
to the gingival margin, and subgingival calculus, located apical to the gingival margin,
Normal Oral Flora and the Oral Ecosystem 211
thus not visible on routine clinical examination. The subgingival calculus is affected by
hemorrhagic components from the GCF, and the mineralization of anaerobic microor-
ganisms brings the characteristic black pigmentation of this type of calculus. In turn,
the supragingival calculus is influenced by saliva, food pigments, and tobacco, pre-
senting a rather claylike consistency.38 Supragingival calculus is mainly observed
on the buccal surfaces of the maxillary molars and the lingual surfaces of the mandib-
ular anterior teeth, as the flow from the salivary gland in these areas favors the deposit
of calcium and phosphate ions derived from saliva. By contrast, subgingival calculus is
mainly found on the interproximal and lingual tooth surfaces, being randomly distrib-
uted throughout the mouth.36
Approximately 80% (dry weight) of calculus is mineralized material (hydroxyapatite)
and 20% comprise organic compounds. The inorganic part of both supragingival
and subgingival dental calculus consists mainly of calcium phosphate mineral salts,
which form crystals of hydroxyapatite, magnesium whitlockite, octacalcim phosphate,
and brushite.38 Supragingival calculus is heterogeneous, with islets of mineralized ma-
terial and nonmineralized areas within the calculus. Further, the subgingival calculus is
somewhat more homogeneously calcified, with a mineralized area within the calculus
itself covered by an unmineralized bacterial layer.
The organic compound of calculus includes desquamated epithelial cells, leuko-
cytes, and various types of microorganisms. The predominant flora is cocci, bacilli,
and filaments (especially in the outer layers), and occasionally, spiral organisms.
The supragingival calculus has more gram-positive organisms; gram-negative spe-
cies in turn are more present in subgingival calculus. Calculus also has an organic
matrix, which is less extensive in subgingival calculus, and consists of proteins,
lipids, and carbohydrates. The rough surface and porosity of dental calculus serve
as an ideal reservoir for bacterial toxins (eg, lipopolysaccharides) harmful to the
The composition and formation of calculus is unique to each individual: heavy,
moderate, slight calculus formers, and noncalculus formers can be found throughout
the populace. Calculus deposition can also vary from site to site and over time,39 being
influenced by a great variety of variables (Fig. 4).40
Box 1
Proposed mechanisms linking oral infections to secondary systemic disease
Metastatic infection Microbes gain entry into the circulatory system through breaches in
the oral vascular barrier (bacteremias)
Metastatic injury Products of bacteria (cytolytic enzymes, exotoxins, and endotoxins)
gain access to the cardiovascular system in individuals suffering
from periodontitis
Metastatic Soluble antigens enter the bloodstream from the oral route, react
inflammation with circulating specific antibodies, and form macromolecular
complexes, leading to immune-mediated disease such as Behçet
syndrome (immunologic injury)
Adapted from Parahitiyawa NB, Jin LJ, Leung WK, et al. Microbiology of odontogenic bacter-
emia: beyond endocarditis. Clin Microbiol Rev 2009;22(1):46–64.
The plaque-related oral diseases, especially periodontitis, may alter the course and
pathogenesis of several systemic diseases. This relates to a common belief called
“focal infection theory” states that localized infection, often asymptomatic, may
disseminate microorganisms or their toxins to distant sites within the body and
thereby cause disease.
Microbial pathogens associated with periodontal disease have been shown to
contribute to atherosclerosis (coronary heart disease) by causing deregulation of the
immune system, progressive inflammation, and consequently, disruption of endothe-
lial cell function, one of the earliest indicators of cardiovascular disease.41 Dental cal-
culus and poor oral hygiene have also been associated with atherosclerosis that led to
stroke and death from heart infarction.42,43
Bacteria that colonize teeth may cause infective endocarditis.44 This is because
poor oral hygiene and dental disease increase the likelihood for bacteremias during
dental procedures, such as tooth extractions, or even tooth-brushing (Box 1). Thus,
antibiotic prophylaxis and improvements in oral hygiene may reduce the risk of devel-
oping infective endocarditis.45 The aspiration of organism from dental plaque biofilm
may also cause bacterial pneumonia, especially in hospitalized patients.46
Periodontitis is commonly associated with diabetes mellitus; however, the “2-way
relationship” between diabetes and periodontal disease is still unclear. It is thought
that proinflammatory mediators, such as interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor-a,
produced in response to microbial stimulus in periodontal disease sites may reach
the systemic circulation and interfere with the function of insulin receptors (see
Box 1). These events, in turn, would contribute to insulin resistance and impaired
glucose homeostasis.47
Maternal periodontal disease represents another risk factor, in this case for the
baby’s health. Pregnancy affected by periodontitis may be more susceptible to pre-
term birth and low birth weight of neonates.48 These pregnancy outcomes could
potentially be influenced by periodontal disease through indirect mechanisms
involving inflammatory cytokines or direct translocation of bacteria and its products
to the fetoplacental unit (see Box 1).49
The oral ecosystem comprises the oral flora, so-called oral microbiome, the different
anatomic microniches of the oral cavity and its bathing fluid, saliva. The oral
Normal Oral Flora and the Oral Ecosystem 213
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