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Resume HarishArchitect

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Harish Kumar M

Cell: +91-9731766966

Summary  ISTQB Certified

I have around 15 Yrs. of experience in the field of software Professional
testing on various high-end technologies for clients in India and  IBM Certified Specialist
abroad. for Rational Performance
Has Experience working for International clients
 IBM Certified Solution
I have more than 6 years of working experience in Agile Designer for Rational
methodologies including SAFe, Scrum, Iterative and Functional Tester – Java
KANBAN methodologies.
 IBM Rational Certified
Involved in key deliverables for enterprise customers on Specialist for Rational
Robotic Process Automation tools like UI Path, Blue Prism by Test Manager
analyzing and identifying RPA Opportunities, Helped clients to  IBM Rational Certified
setup RPA CoE
Specialist for Rational
Defining service standards and guidelines, governance Robot
structure, best practices for product delivery life cycle (SDLC) &  COLFAX – Fundamental
documentation that serves as benchmark for excellent service certified and trained for
delivery PARALLEL
Manage delivery of automation projects and ensure company PROGRAMMING AND
standards by implementing and designing RPA Solutions, Test OPTIMIZATION FOR
Automation, Performance Engineering and Software INTEL ARCHITECTURE
Development.  Conducted Corporate
Trainings for Rational tools
I have in-depth knowledge and extensive experience of working
on testing projects using test automation tools like IBM Rational on behalf of IBM including
Functional Tester, Selenium, Rational Performance Tester, Test all the IBM Rational Tools
Complete, QTP/UFT, JMeter and defect/change tracking  IIAS – ADMINISTRATOR
system as a HP ALM, Rational Quality Manager, QC, JIRA.
2018 certified from IBM
As a software testing specialist, I did consulting on
implementation of Frameworks for Rational testing tools for
Functional and Performance Testing and provided corporate
trainings on testing tools like Rational Functional Tester, JMeter,
Rational Performance Tester, QTP, Selenium and other tools &

I helped organizations I worked for, to set-up Test Team by

enabling the users by providing Technical Trainings organized
for project needs. I presented case-study to build Testing
Centre of Excellence(TCoE) for Assurant Health while working
with Zensar.

I have been part of developing and modifying Test Plans, Test

Strategies, provide estimations for enterprise clients.
 Selenium Web Driver
 JMeter
 HP Load Runner/Performance Centre
 IBM Rational Functional Tester Java & VB.NET
 IBM Rational Performance Tester
 Agile Methodology, Splunk
 Web-Services Testing
 IBM Rational Quality Manager, IBM RSA, IBM RTRT
 Smart Bear/Automated QA Test Complete using VB
 SoAP UI Pro/Ready API
 UI Path – Robotic Process Automation Tool
 Blue Prism
 Automation Anywhere

Experience Summary:

 Currently working as freelancer in Cloud Computing, IBM Rational Services, RPA

opportunities, Test Automation from Jul 2017
 Worked as a Test Architect (Test Manager) in Accolite Labs, Bangalore India from
March 2016 to Jun 2017
 Worked for Accenture as Software Engineering Team Lead (Manager) from Jan 2014
to Feb 2016.
 Worked for Technosoft Global Services Pvt Ltd as QA Lead(Manager) from Feb 2013
till Jan 2014
 Worked for ABB - GISL Bangalore, under Managerial Cadre (Sr. Software Engineer) for
Automation Team from March 2012 till Feb 2013.
 Previously Worked with Zensar Technologies Pvt Ltd, as Test lead from June 2009 till
March 2012.
 Previously worked with Zen SOFT Services Pvt Ltd as Senior Technical Evangelist
from April 2007 to June 2009.
 Worked as a freelancer from August 2005 to March 2007 as a Technical support personnel
for IBM Rational products

Education Summary:

 PGDIM from IGNOU through correspondence.

 B.Tech 2005 passed out from J.N.T.University, Hyderabad, A.P. INDIA

Software Testing Projects

Project:-  Facilitating RPA assessments for UI Path, Blue Prism,

customers through data collection Automation Anywhere
Free lancing project for interviews and workshops
Large retail customer  Analyzing and identifying RPA
 Providing details to the internal and
external stakeholders with RPA value
propositions and cost savings
 Contributed in building RPA strategy
 Identifies appropriate technology
platforms best suited for client needs
 Working closely with development team to
ensure requirements are accurately
mapped and suitable for development
 Understanding the risks, assumptions,
and dependencies associated with the
 Automation and FTE benefits calculation
 Implement and design RPA solutions
 Part of Backlog Grooming, involved in
Sprint Planning Meetings to understand
and build user stories
 Provided Estimates for several tasks
including Functional Testing, Performance
Engineering activities on need basis
 Part of Implementing Test Strategy
 Performance/Automation Test Strategy
Project :- Definition
SQL DM, SQL Safe,  Setting up the test environment.
Test Complete,
SQL WorkLoad  Generating scripts and creating test data
Analyzer for OSBs, Web-service testing and UI
platforms as well.
Framework SOAP UI
 Designed the Performance/Functional
Pro, JMeter, nmon,
Test Suites based on Customer
JProfiler, Dynatrace
Client:- Requirements
IDERA  Planning the Implementation and
 Performance Engineering - Analyzing the
performance bottlenecks and providing
 Analyzing Logs and reports.
 Result Book for consecutive run
 Generating the final Report to ensure the
 Part of Backlog Grooming, involved in
Sprint Planning Meetings to understand
and build user stories
 Provided Estimates for several tasks
including Functional Testing, Performance
Engineering activities on need basis
 Part of Implementing Test Strategy
 Performance/Automation Test Strategy
Project :-
 Setting up the test environment.
SQL Diagnostic
 Generating scripts and creating test data Test Complete ,
for OSBs, Web-service testing and UI Selenium, SOAP UI
platforms as well. Pro, JMeter, SQL
 Designed the Performance/Functional Profiler, nmon,
Test Suites based on Customer JProfiler, Dynatrace
 Planning the Implementation and
 Performance Engineering - Analyzing the
performance bottlenecks and providing
 Analyzing Logs and reports.
 Result Book for consecutive run
 Generating the final Report to ensure the
 Part of Backlog Grooming, involved in
Sprint Planning Meetings to understand
and build user stories
 Provided Estimates for several tasks
including Functional Testing, Performance
Engineering activities on need basis
 Part of Implementing Test Strategy
 Performance/Automation Test Strategy
 Setting up the test environment.
 Generating scripts and creating test data
Project :- for OSBs, Web-service testing and UI Smart Bear Test
Next UI platforms as well. Complete, Appium,
 Design, Execute and analyze automation Selenium, Protractor,
test scripts & test results for Web Cucumber
applications, iOS, Android & Windows Framework,Typescript
Client:- Phone apps , SOAP UI Pro, HP
Nordea Banking  Designed the Performance/Functional ALM, APPscan
Test Suites based on Customer
 Planning the Implementation and
 Performance Engineering - Analyzing the
performance bottlenecks and providing
 Analyzing Logs and reports.
 Result Book for consecutive run
 Generating the final Report to ensure the
 Part of Backlog Grooming, involved in
Sprint Planning Meetings to understand
and build user stories
 Provided Estimates for several tasks
including Functional Testing, Performance
Engineering activities on need basis
 Part of Implementing Test Strategy
 Performance/Automation Test Strategy
Project :-  Setting up the test environment.
Nordea Collateral  Generating scripts and creating test data Selenium, Protractor,
Solution for OSBs, Web-service testing and UI Cucumber
platforms as well. Framework,Typescript
 Design, Execute and analyze automation , SoAP UI Pro,
test scripts & test results for Web APPIUM, HP ALM,
Client:- applications, iOS, Android & Windows JMeter
Nordea Banking Phone apps
 Designed the Performance/Functional
Test Suites based on Customer
 Planning the Implementation and
 Analyzing Logs and reports.
 Result Book for consecutive run
 Generating the final Report to ensure the
 Part of Backlog Grooming, involved in
Sprint Planning Meetings to understand
and build user stories
 Provided Estimates for several tasks
including Functional Testing, Performance
Engineering activities on need basis
 Part of Implementing Test Strategy
 Performance/Automation Test Strategy
Project :-
Nordea Document
 Setting up the test environment. Selenium, Protractor,
Management & Nordea
 Generating scripts and creating test data. Cucumber
Collateral Solutions
 Design, Execute and analyze automation Framework,, SoAP UI
test scripts & test results for Web Pro, Aelenium,
applications, iOS, Android & Windows Appium HP ALM,
Phone apps JMeter, APPscan
 Designed the Performance/Functional
Nordea Banking
Test Suites based on Customer
 Planning the Implementation and
 Analyzing Logs and reports.
 Result Book for consecutive run
 Generating the final Report to ensure the
 Worked for AM Support Team as offshore
counterpart Architect team.
 Designed the cluster and set-up Splunk
for Middle ware
Project :-  Maintain Git Repository
‘Telenor Fiji’  Worked in Agile methodology
(COS)  Developing JUnit Test Cases Splunk, F5Junit,
 Analyzing the defects eclipse, Git, Gerrit,
 Updating the Sybase DB with updated Jenkins, Selenium,
data Sybase
Client:-  Web Service Testing
Telenor, Norway  Performance Requirement Analysis for
APIs involved
 Continuous integration using Jenkins
 Version Control using GIT, Gerrit, Jenkins
for middle ware.
Project :-  Understanding the requirements. Splunk, Smart Bear
‘WASABI OC  Designed the cluster and set-up Splunk Test Complete,
(SCADA) for Middle ware Microsoft Excel, HP
 Planning and designing functional Test ALM
 Setting up the test environment.
Client:-  Designing the Framework
ABB GISL, Bangalore  Providing the Estimates for Test
Automation Team
 Generating scripts and creating test data.
 Uploading the VAPI-XP Tests in HP ALM
and performing execution.
 Re-Usability/Re-engineering Framework
 Test Execution
 Analyzing & Publishing Logs and reports.
 Generating Result Book for consecutive
 Generating the final Report to ensure the

 Understanding the requirements.

 Planning and designing Work Load
Analysis Model Document
Project :-  Performance Test Strategy Definition
‘Member Portal’  Setting up the test environment.
(BCBSM)  Generating scripts and creating test data.
 Designed the Performance Test Suites Load Runner,
based on Customer Requirements Dynatrace, nmon
 Planning the Implementation and
Client:- Execution.
BCBSM, Michigan  Analyzing Logs and reports.
 Result Book for consecutive run
 Generating the final Report to ensure the
 Understanding the requirements.
 Planning and designing functional Test
 Setting up the test environment.
 Designing the Framework
Project :-  Providing the Estimates for Test
‘PCM600 Automation Team
(IED TOOL MANAGER)  Generating scripts and creating test data.
Smart Bear Test
 Uploading the VAPI-XP Tests in HP ALM
Complete, Microsoft
and performing execution.
Excel, HP ALM
 Re-Usability/Re-engineering Framework
Client:-  Test Execution
ABB GISL, Bangalore  Analyzing Logs and reports.
 Result Book for consecutive run
 Generating the final Report to ensure the
 Maintaining the Test Assets still stable
 Understanding the requirements.
 Planning and designing Work Load
Analysis Model Document
 Performance Test Strategy Definition
 Setting up the test environment.
 Generating scripts and creating test data.
Project :-
 Testing on mobile platforms including IBM Rational
IOS ,and/or Android Studio, HTML5 Performance Tester,
and PhoneGap perfmon, NMon
 Designed the Performance Test Suites Analyzer, IOS, HTML
based on Customer Requirements and PhoneGap
IDBI Intech, Mumbai
 Planning the Implementation and
 Analyzing Logs and reports.
 Result Book for consecutive run
 Generating the final Report to ensure the
 Managing the projects for Different
Regions including creating projects and
managing the Previliges
Project :-
 Copying the Assets from one region to
‘RQM Administration—
other using RQMCopyUtility.
 Uploading the Test cases from Excel to RQM, Rational Robot,
RQM. Excel , Load Runner
 Automating the process of uploading the
Test Cases from Excel to RQM using
Assurant Health, U.S.A.
Excel Adapters
 Designing the APIs for automating the
 Performance testing the REST Services

 Understanding the requirements.

 Planning and designing functional Test
Project :-  Setting up the test environment.
‘GRASS Automation—  Designing the Framework
 Providing the Estimates for Test
‘Mainframes Project Automation Team
Rational Robot, Excel
 Generating scripts and creating test data.
 Re-Usability/Re-engineering Framework
Client:-  Test Execution
NSEiT,Mumbai  Analyzing & Publishing Logs and reports.
 Generating Result Book for consecutive
 Generating the final Report to ensure the

 Understanding the requirements.

 Planning and designing Work Load
Project :- Analysis Model Document
‘HDFC Standard Life’—  Performance Test Strategy Definition
 Setting up the test environment.
IBM Rational
‘Internal Site for  Generating scripts and creating test data.
Insurance’  Designed the Performance Test Suites
based on Customer Requirements
NMon Analyzer
 Planning the Implementation and
Client:- Execution.
NSEiT,Mumbai  Analyzing Logs and reports.
 Result Book for consecutive run
 Generating the final Report to ensure the
Project :- IBM Rational Robot,
‘Group Market Web . IBM Rational
Proposal Software’—  Planning and designing Functional Test Functional Tester,
scenarios Microsoft Excel,
‘A Insurance Domain  Setting up the test environment. Microsoft Access
product’  Creating a Rational project
 Planning the Test Data and Naming
Client:-  Creating Test scripts and creating test
Assurant Health, U.S.A. data.
 Analyzing results and reports.
 Implemented the Test Automation Frame
 Maintaining the Tests
 Conducting Regression Tests
Re-Engineering Framework

 Planning and designing Functional Test
Project :-
 Setting up the test environment.
‘Self-Funding Quote’—
 Creating a Rational project
 Planning the Test Data and Naming
‘A Insurance Domain
conventions Rational Robot, IBM
 Creating Test scripts and creating test RFT, RQM
 Analyzing results and reports.
 Implemented the Test Automation Frame
Assurant Health, U.S.A.
 Maintaining the Tests
 Conducting Regression Tests
Re-Engineering Framework
 Planning and designing Functional Test
 Setting up the test environment.
‘DSC Call Centre’
 Creating a Rational project
-‘Siebel CRM Application
 Planning the Test Data and Naming
conventions IBM Rational
 Creating Test scripts and creating test Functional tester, IBM
‘A Insurance Domain
data. RQM, Microsoft
 Analyzing results and reports. Access
 Implemented the Test Automation Frame
 Maintaining the Tests
Assurant Health, U.S.A.
 Conducting Regression Tests
 Re-Engineering Framework
Project :-
 Manual Test Cases Analysis
‘Veda Net watch’—
 Test Case Development
‘Web Analyzer
 Test Data Development
 Test Designing
Manual Testing,
 Creating and Reviewing the scripts, data
Bugzilla .NET
design, Test suite design and
 Execution and Defect Tracking.
called as icici InfoTech)

‘Veda lite — Manual Testing,
‘HR Automation System’  Manual Test Cases Analysis Bugzilla
 Test Case Development
 Test Data Development
Client:-  Test Designing
3i-infotech(formerly  Creating and Reviewing the scripts, data
called as icici InfoTech) design, Test suite design and
 Execution and Defect Tracking.
 Analyzing Logs and reports.
Project:-  Analyzing and understanding the
eGAMES requirement specifications. IBM Rational Manual
 Creating the Keyword Driven Frame work. Tester, Rational
 Setting up the test environment. Functional Tester,
 Test Planning & Strategy IBM Rational Test
 Analyzing results & reports Manager
Client:-  Building the Automation Frame works

Training & Consulting Assignments

Assignment Clients
Performance Testing using IBM Rational PYXIS Systems pvt ltd, 3i-infotech(formerly called as
Performance Tester icici InfoTech)
Functional Testing using IBM Rational Assurant Health, (Zensar Technologies Pvt Ltd), 3i-
Functional Tester, Selenium, Test infotech(formerly called as icici InfoTech), Rishi
Complete Systems pvt ltd
Essentials of Deign & Development using IBM, CEIS- ZenSOFT, cranes Software, Ad stat, Seed
RSA InfoTech, Datacons Bangalore

Achievements During Last Position Held:

 IBM Certified Solution Designer for Rational Performance Tester
 IBM Rational Certified Specialist for Rational Robot
 IBM Rational Certified Specialist for Rational Test Manager
 ISTQB Certified Professional
 IBM Certified Solution Designer for Rational Functional Tester – Java

Personal Information

Name Harish Kumar M

DOB 29 - 05 - 1983

Passport G8123743

Marital Status Married

Career Interests
 To be in constant touch with the latest Technology updates
 Interested to travel on-site as and when opportunity arises to learn multiple cultures
 Interested in leading a technical team in challenging environment
 Performance Engineering & Test Automation Framework Implementation

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