Resume HarishArchitect
Resume HarishArchitect
Resume HarishArchitect
Cell: +91-9731766966
Experience Summary:
Education Summary:
Planning and designing Functional Test
Project :-
Setting up the test environment.
‘Self-Funding Quote’—
Creating a Rational project
Planning the Test Data and Naming
‘A Insurance Domain
conventions Rational Robot, IBM
Creating Test scripts and creating test RFT, RQM
Analyzing results and reports.
Implemented the Test Automation Frame
Assurant Health, U.S.A.
Maintaining the Tests
Conducting Regression Tests
Re-Engineering Framework
Planning and designing Functional Test
Setting up the test environment.
‘DSC Call Centre’
Creating a Rational project
-‘Siebel CRM Application
Planning the Test Data and Naming
conventions IBM Rational
Creating Test scripts and creating test Functional tester, IBM
‘A Insurance Domain
data. RQM, Microsoft
Analyzing results and reports. Access
Implemented the Test Automation Frame
Maintaining the Tests
Assurant Health, U.S.A.
Conducting Regression Tests
Re-Engineering Framework
Project :-
Manual Test Cases Analysis
‘Veda Net watch’—
Test Case Development
‘Web Analyzer
Test Data Development
Test Designing
Manual Testing,
Creating and Reviewing the scripts, data
Bugzilla .NET
design, Test suite design and
Execution and Defect Tracking.
called as icici InfoTech)
‘Veda lite — Manual Testing,
‘HR Automation System’ Manual Test Cases Analysis Bugzilla
Test Case Development
Test Data Development
Client:- Test Designing
3i-infotech(formerly Creating and Reviewing the scripts, data
called as icici InfoTech) design, Test suite design and
Execution and Defect Tracking.
Analyzing Logs and reports.
Project:- Analyzing and understanding the
eGAMES requirement specifications. IBM Rational Manual
Creating the Keyword Driven Frame work. Tester, Rational
Setting up the test environment. Functional Tester,
Test Planning & Strategy IBM Rational Test
Analyzing results & reports Manager
Client:- Building the Automation Frame works
Assignment Clients
Performance Testing using IBM Rational PYXIS Systems pvt ltd, 3i-infotech(formerly called as
Performance Tester icici InfoTech)
Functional Testing using IBM Rational Assurant Health, (Zensar Technologies Pvt Ltd), 3i-
Functional Tester, Selenium, Test infotech(formerly called as icici InfoTech), Rishi
Complete Systems pvt ltd
Essentials of Deign & Development using IBM, CEIS- ZenSOFT, cranes Software, Ad stat, Seed
RSA InfoTech, Datacons Bangalore
Personal Information
DOB 29 - 05 - 1983
Passport G8123743
Career Interests
To be in constant touch with the latest Technology updates
Interested to travel on-site as and when opportunity arises to learn multiple cultures
Interested in leading a technical team in challenging environment
Performance Engineering & Test Automation Framework Implementation