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HC6 PLTW Kite Administration EOC Manual

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End-of-Course Assessment

Administration Manual

Edition 1 (November 2018)

© 2018 Project Lead The Way, Inc.
PLTW, Project Lead The Way, and the PLTW logo are registered trademarks of Project Lead The Way,
Kite® and the Kite logo are trademarks of The University of Kansas.
All other trademarks referenced in this guide belong to their respective owners.



Table of Contents
Assessment Administration Manual Overview ........................................................... 2
A Note about Graphics ......................................................................................... 2
Changes to the Manual ........................................................................................ 3
Getting Help.......................................................................................................... 3
PLTW EoC Assessment Testing Policy....................................................................... 4
Introduction ................................................................................................................... 4
Schedule of Activities ........................................................................................... 5
2018-19 EoC Assessment Calendar .................................................................... 5
Manual Highlights ................................................................................................. 5
Tips for Successful EoC Assessment Administration ........................................... 6
EoC Assessment Preparation ...................................................................................... 7
Authorized Student Materials for EoC Assessments ............................................ 7
Student Preparation ............................................................................................ 8
Suggested Test Preparation Strategies ................................................................ 8
Unfair Test Preparation Strategies ....................................................................... 9
Student Testing Accommodations ........................................................................ 9
Test Administration Practices ............................................................................. 10
Proper Administration Practices ......................................................................... 10
Unfair Practices to Avoid .................................................................................... 10
Practice Activity .......................................................................................................... 12
Technical Check ................................................................................................. 12
Practice Activity Script ........................................................................................ 13
Assessment Administration Protocol ..................................................................... 14
Checklist ............................................................................................................ 14
Before EoC Assessment Day ............................................................................. 14
On EoC Assessment Day ................................................................................... 14
At Test Time ....................................................................................................... 16
Begin EoC Assessment Administration .............................................................. 17
After EoC Assessment Administration ................................................................ 18
EoC Administration Script ................................................................................... 19
Test Administration Interruptions ........................................................................ 21
EoC Assessment Irregularity Reporting .............................................................. 22
After Testing ................................................................................................................ 23
EoC Assessment Score Reporting ..................................................................... 23
Locating EoC Assessment Scores ..................................................................... 24
Score Invalidation ............................................................................................... 24
Consequences of Unfair Testing Practices ......................................................... 25
Local Decisions Regarding Unfair Testing Practices .......................................... 25



Assessment Administration Manual Overview

This PLTW End-of-Course (EoC) Assessment Administration Manual for the 2018-19
school year provides valuable information regarding all aspects of PLTW EoC
Assessment administration. This resource is essential for all PLTW teachers and
This manual defines PLTW policy in the following sections:
• Introduction lists the PLTW courses that have EoC Assessments for the 2018-
19 school year. This section also provides the assessment schedule, contact
information for assistance, and a list of manual highlights. The section concludes
with a list of tips for successful test administration, as a quick reference.
• EoC Assessment Preparation describes fair and unfair test preparation
strategies and other information to make sure students are properly prepared to
take the EoC Assessment. The section also provides information that teachers
and proctors and proctors need to understand before they administer an EoC
• Practice Activity provides students with the opportunity to practice using the
online technology platform in preparation for testing in the PLTW Kite
assessment system.
• Assessment Administration Protocol provides a checklist of tasks for the
teacher or proctor to use before, during, and after test administration. This
section includes the scripts that teachers and proctors and proctors are to read to
instruct students at the beginning of a test administration.
• After Testing describes what teachers, proctors, and administrators can expect
after EoC Assessment testing is complete in terms of EoC scores and instances
of score invalidation.

A Note about Graphics

Every effort was made to ensure the graphics in this manual match what the users will
see when using PLTW Kite Student Portal and PLTW Kite Educator Portal. Expect
some slight differences depending on the computers and operating systems you use.



Changes to the Manual

The following table lists the changes made to this manual since the last major release of
the documentation.

Note: The Page column indicates the page number of the current manual where the
change appears.

Change Page Description of Change


11/2018 All Initial release

Getting Help
If you need additional help, call or email the PLTW Solution Center.
Phone: 877.335.7589
Email: solutioncenter@pltw.org



PLTW EoC Assessment Testing Policy

The PLTW EoC Assessment Administration Manual sets forth policy related to the EoC
Assessments. For the testing process to run smoothly and fairly, we ask that the
guidelines in this document be strictly upheld.
To ensure fairness for all students and consistency in score interpretations, it is
important to follow all rules in this manual which allow for standardization. This will
ensure all PLTW students receive the same experience while taking the EoC

PLTW designs EoC Assessments using the current year’s curriculum, to be single-
administration exams, taken once per course registration. Students can take the 2018-
19 EoC Assessment from Dec. 3, 2018 to June 30, 2019.
Within the PLTW Computer Science, PLTW Engineering, and PLTW Biomedical
programs, the following courses offer an EoC Assessment:
 PLTW Computer Science
o Computer Science A
o Computer Science Essentials
o Computer Science Principles
o Cybersecurity
o Introduction to Computer Science – EoC Assessment is only available in
former format for 2018-19
 PLTW Engineering
o Aerospace Engineering
o Civil Engineering and Architecture
o Computer Integrated Manufacturing
o Digital Electronics
o Environmental Sustainability
o Introduction to Engineering Design
o Principles of Engineering
 PLTW Biomedical Science
o Human Body Systems
o Medical Interventions
o Principles of Biomedical Science
Teachers and proctors can use the EoC Assessments as indicators of student
achievement. PLTW uses the aggregated information to make data-driven curricular
and professional development adjustments.



Schedule of Activities
Students can take the 2018-19 EoC Assessment from Dec. 3, 2018 to June 30, 2019.

To ensure your students’ data is accurate for the 2018-19 school year, it is important
that you roster your class with an end date of June 28, 2019, or earlier.
The following list provides important dates related to EoC Assessment for the 2018-19
school year.

2018-19 EoC Assessment Calendar

Dec. 3, 2018 EoC Assessment window opens for the 2018-19 school year
June 28, 2019 EoC Assessment window closes for the 2018-19 school year

Manual Highlights
Throughout the manual, you can click cross-references (indicated by a dotted underline)
to go to other sections for more information. The following list identifies important
features of the manual:
• Tips for successful preparation and testing
• Functionality of the PLTW Kite Student Portal
• Testing accommodations
• Using Daily Access Codes
• Scripts to read to students during session administration (teal background) and
helpful tips throughout the document (blue background)
If you encounter issues or have questions after reviewing this manual, including when to
test, whom to test, testing procedures, testing accommodations, or the PLTW EoC
Assessment in general, please contact the PLTW Solution Center immediately with as
many details as possible. You can reach the PLTW Solution Center at 877.335.7589 or



Tips for Successful EoC Assessment Administration

To ensure a smooth testing day for proctors and students during the PLTW EoC
Assessment, make sure you are familiar with the process and policies in this
manual. You can use this list as a quick reference of key points to remember.
 Consider your test date.
Issues such as technology problems or student illness can occur. To ensure
your students can complete the test, PLTW encourages schools not to wait
until the last day of the class or the last day in the assessment window to
administer the EoC Assessments. Schools also need to consider that there
are two test sessions that may be taken on the same day or over two days.
 Know the test rules and requirements.
Before you administer the EoC Assessment, thoroughly review the rules and
requirements detailed throughout this manual.
 Make sure the student testing environment meets system
Schools are responsible for ensuring that the requirements are met prior to
 Remind students of the materials and resources they can use during
the test.
To eliminate any confusion or surprises on test day, inform the students
ahead of time what materials they can use during the test. These are found
on page 7 of this manual under Authorized Student Materials for EoC
 Complete the practice activity.
Use the practice activity to help students become familiar with the EoC
Assessment system. The practice activity also allows schools to do technical
checks with their network and computers. Please note that the intended use
of the practice activity is to ensure students are familiar with the format of the
online assessment; it is not content specific and therefore, is not a review of
the curriculum.



EoC Assessment Preparation

This section addresses how to help students prepare for the EoC Assessment and
matters of test administration that teachers and proctors need to understand in

Authorized Student Materials for EoC Assessments

The following materials are the only items authorized for students to use when taking
the PLTW EoC Assessment:
• Formula Sheets. PLTW Engineering students can
find the current PLTW-approved formula sheets in Students are not
the assessment system this year. On the day of the permitted to use any
test, the teacher may also distribute newly printed form of notes during the
formula sheets with no additional markings on them.
The formula sheet is available from the General
Student Resources page in the student version of each course in Courses in
• Calculator. If a student chooses to use a programmable type of calculator, the
teacher is responsible for erasing the memory of the calculator immediately
before and after each assessment administration. The testing platform provides a
calculator for students who do not bring their own.
• Blank scratch paper and writing utensil. The teacher must distribute the
scratch paper immediately before test administration. There is no maximum
number of pieces of scratch paper a student may use.
After each test administration is complete, the teacher must do the following:
• Collect any formula sheets and all scratch paper and erase all programmable
calculator memories following each assessment administration, even if you are
administering the two sections in one day. Students should get new scratch
paper and clean formula sheets, if applicable, for every test section.
• Shred the scratch paper and formula sheets that students used.
The materials listed in this section are the only materials authorized for use on the EoC
Assessments, unless an individual student’s authorized IEP or 504 plan explicitly
describes additional materials needed.



Student Preparation
Each EoC Assessment offers approximately 50 items in various types, such as multiple-
choice, multiple-select, drag and drop, matching, ordering, drop down, and simulation.
Students have approximately 80 minutes to complete the online assessment. Please
note, these times are estimates and we have removed the time limits as part of the
design of the test. Teachers and proctors should allow for additional time as needed by
the students.
To prepare students for taking the EoC Assessment, you should discuss the strategies
in this section. Sound preparation strategies will foster the most effective and fair
assessment for all students. Unfair preparation strategies can jeopardize the validity of
the scores.

Suggested Test Preparation Strategies

Help students develop good test-taking strategies, such as:
• Analyzing each item’s options before responding.
• Making educated guesses.
• Eliminating answers they know are wrong on multiple choice items, and then
taking an educated guess.
• Using a variety of cues to assist in comprehending the item and in finding the
Familiarize students with the broad content and concepts that the EoC Assessment may
address using:
• Frameworks available in the Course Resources section of the course Teacher
• The Informative Assessment, which allows students to become familiar with the
types that align to the content of that specific course.
• Assessment Blueprints will be available soon and you can find those under
Assessment Resources in the Course Resources section of the course Teacher
Inform students about the test administration process ahead of time, including:
• The exam date.
• Materials authorized for use during the exam.
• If they will complete the assessment in one day or two days.



Unfair Test Preparation Strategies

It is the responsibility of PLTW teachers, proctors, and administrators to read and
understand this EoC Assessment Administration Manual and discuss fair test
preparation and test-taking strategies with their students. Teachers and proctors also
need to discuss with students the consequences of unfair or unethical testing practices,
such as score invalidation.
PLTW expects teachers, proctors, and administrators to adhere to the following, to
avoid being in breach of PLTW EoC Assessment policies:
Note: This list is not exhaustive.
• Do not allow students to use note sheets during the assessment.
• Do not develop, review, or distribute preparatory materials that are based on
current or historic PLTW EoC Assessment items, except for any items provided
by PLTW for use, such as Informative Assessments.
• Do not view test content prior to, during, or after a test event.
• Do not use test preparation strategies that are intended to boost student test
scores at the expense of sound instruction and actual gains in student learning.
• Do not use previous years’ PLTW EoC Assessments for any purpose.

Student Testing Accommodations

A student with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or Section 504 Accommodation
Plan may be afforded certain accommodations for standardized testing. Such
accommodations for standardized testing are to be handled at the school/district level.
In general, IEP/504 plan testing accommodations are to be handled in the same manner
as accommodations were provided to the student for other standardized testing
experiences throughout the school year.
For information on how to request a particular test type based on student IEP/504 plans,
see the Student Management section of the PLTW Kite Portal User Manual – Teacher
Note: You do not need to alert the Solution Center if you provide any of these



Test Administration Practices

This section establishes PLTW policy for test administration.

Proper Administration Practices

• One-Day Assessment Schedule: Teachers and proctors will need to provide
students with a Daily Access Code for each section. Teachers and proctors
should determine the process for providing the first Daily Access Code for
students to begin the assessment, and the second Daily Access Code for
students to move from section one to section two.
• Two-Day Assessment Schedule: Teachers and proctors will need to provide
students with the Daily Access Codes for each day. Teachers and proctors
should give students the Daily Access Code for day one prior to the beginning of
the section. Teachers and proctors can then generate the Daily Access Code for
section two after 3:30 p.m. the day prior to students beginning section two.
Teachers and proctors should determine the process for providing the first Daily
Access Code for students to begin the assessment, and the second Daily Access
Code for students to move from section one to section two.
• Teachers and proctors read the PLTW EoC Assessment instructions to students
before starting the assessment.
• Teachers and proctors are present in the testing room at all times and monitor
students to verify that no irregular testing practices occur.

Unfair Practices to Avoid

To avoid being in breach of PLTW EoC Assessment policies, teachers, proctors,
administrators, and students are expected to adhere to all of the following before,
during, and after the PLTW EoC Assessments:
Note: This list is not exhaustive.
• Teachers and proctors shall not require students to finish the test in less time than
their IEP/504 plan requires.
• Teachers, proctors, and students shall not take screenshots or use photographic
equipment of any sort to capture a test item or the entire test.
• Students shall not use resources during a test administration that are not allowed by
current PLTW testing guidelines. See page 7 under Authorized Student Materials
for EoC Assessments.
• Students shall not use any software or website during a test administration other
than the online test delivery system.



• Teachers, proctors, and students shall not question examinees about specific test
content during or after a test administration.
• Teachers and proctors shall not overtly nor subtly provide answers to examinees
before, during, or after the test administration.
• Teachers and proctors shall not change or otherwise interfere with student
responses to test items.
• Collaboration (giving or receiving information) shall not occur between examinees
during a test administration nor after a test administration with students who have
not taken the test.
• Students shall not overtly nor subtly share answers with other students during the
• Students shall not discuss test items after the exam with other students or teachers
and proctors.
• Students shall not look at another student’s answers or information during a testing
• Teachers, proctors, and students shall not permit nor engage in any other activity
that would harm the interpretation of the test scores, as determined by PLTW.



Practice Activity
PLTW requires that students are provided the opportunity to become familiar with the
testing platform before taking the EoC Assessment. Familiarity with the appearance and
functionality of the system helps students reduce test anxiety, because they will already
have an idea of how to navigate the system on test day. This allows students to
demonstrate their knowledge at the time of testing without having to worry about what
buttons to click.
Locate the Practice Activity through the PLTW Kite Educator Portal by clicking Test
Coordination in the Manage Tests section and selecting Practice as the Testing
Note: It is best to test your school’s system at the same time that students are
becoming familiar with the testing platform. See Practice Activity Script on
page 13.

Technical Check
Taking practice tests provides an opportunity for schools to test their infrastructure
before students take the EoC Assessment. It is best to confirm that the PLTW Kite
Student Portal is properly installed on all student testing devices and to test your
school’s network at the same time that students are becoming familiar with the testing
platform, as described in the previous section.
While students are in the Practice Test, check for the following:
• Students are able to log in.
• Images in test questions are displaying.
• Everything is working as expected.
If you encounter issues, PLTW recommends that you contact your school/district IT
department to ensure all settings are optimized for PLTW EoC Assessments before test
day. Specific recommendations include, but are not limited to:
• Clearing cookies and cached files.
• Using a different browser.
• Whitelisting *.kiteaai.org.
• Allowing access through the firewall for kite.studentportal.exe and kite.exe.
Note: During actual EoC testing, do not allow students to answer test questions that
have missing images.



Practice Activity Script

Read the following directions to students as you complete a practice activity together.
Be sure to allow your students time to practice with the system, as you guide them
through the steps.
Note: In the script below, the words in regular text are what you should read verbatim
to the students. As students navigate through the practice activity, take time to point
out the different types of items students may see during the EoC Assessment.

In this practice test you will see the different item types that may appear in the EoC
Assessment. These items are simply samples from different courses and are not
designed to be a practice test for this course. Besides multiple choice and multiple
select items, you may also see items that require drag and drop, drop down menus,
and fill in the blank. Also, you may be required to run a simulation first in order to
answer some items.
1. Double-click the PLTW Kite Student Portal icon on the computer desktop.
2. Enter the username demo.1 and password DEN65; click Login.
3. The Course Assessments Screen will appear. Locate PLTW_Practice Test
and click Take Test.
4. Read the General Directions and click BEGIN at the bottom of the page.
5. Take the test, using the BACK and NEXT buttons to move through the
6. Notice the navigation bar at the top of the page and the Toolbox bar to the
left of the screen. The upper bar shows which question of the test you are
on currently, and the status of each question. Also, you can click a
question number to jump to that question.
7. Answer all of the questions and test all the tools.
8. You may flag a question and come back to it. To flag a question, click the
flag icon in the upper right of the main window. Flagged questions will
appear blue.
9. To become more comfortable with the system, answer all the questions
and test the all the tools on the toolbox bar.
11. When you reach the last question in the section, click Review/End. Click
END if you are finished with the practice test. Click GO BACK if you want
to go back to the test.



Assessment Administration Protocol

When you follow the instructions in this section for test administration, you facilitate a
fair testing environment through clear directions to PLTW students and optimum test-
taking conditions.

Teachers and proctors should use the following as reminders, to guide the tasks they
need to do surrounding EoC Assessment administration.

Before EoC Assessment Day

• Become familiar with this manual and the Administration Script that you will
read to students before testing begins.
• Find the number of items on the test, which you will need to insert when you
read the script.
• Look up Daily Access Codes for each section being tested after 3:30 p.m.
the day prior to the test.
• Do not give Daily Access Codes to students until you are ready to begin the
• Remind students that they may bring only a calculator with them to the test.

On EoC Assessment Day

• Remove or cover instructional materials in the classroom that may give
students answers or an unfair advantage on the test.
• If possible, create a seating arrangement that will minimize the opportunity for
students to look at other students’ responses or to talk during the test.
• Try to eliminate all distractions and place a Do Not Disturb sign outside the
testing room. A sample for you to print is available on the next page.


Testing in Progress

At Test Time
• Provide students scratch paper and, if applicable, a new copy of the PLTW formula
• Clear the memory in students’ programmable calculators.
• Write the Daily Access Code on a chalkboard or where all students can see it for current
testing section only. You may also consider providing each student with the Daily
Access Code and their username and password. To access student usernames and
passwords in PDF format for an EoC Assessment, perform the following steps. Please
note, these steps are the same for the Informative Assessment:
1. Click the Reports menu.

2. Click Data Extracts.



3. Click New File under Action on the Student Login Usernames/Passwords line.

4. Select the Course and to download the document as a CSV or PDF.

5. Print or save.

Begin EoC Assessment Administration

Note Please follow the same instructions for each section of the test. You may test both
sections on the same day or over two days. Each section has its own DAC and the DAC
changes each day.
• Read the test administration script to the students. See



• EoC Administration Script on page 19.

• Actively proctor students.
• If a student asks you a question about an item on the test, tell them that you cannot
help them and that they should answer to the best of their ability.
• Make note of any testing irregularities. For more information, see EoC Assessment
Irregularity Reporting on page 23.

After EoC Assessment Administration

• Collect the formula sheets and scratch paper from students.
• Clear the memory in students’ programmable calculators.
• Shred any used scratch paper and formula sheets.
• If you are testing on different days, download new Daily Access Code for section 2
after 3:30 p.m. Eastern time the day prior. When testing is complete, shred the used
scratch paper and formula sheets.
• Submit any unreported testing irregularities to PLTW. See EoC Assessment
Irregularity Reporting on page 23.



EoC Administration Script

Note: Based on a student’s IEP/504 plan, the student may qualify for a different amount of
time to take standardized tests than the times shown in the following scripts. If a
particular student’s IEP/504 plan specifies a different amount of time for taking
standardized tests, decide how you will administer the assessment and replace the
values in the scripts with the appropriate value for the individual student.
Read the following directions to students before they begin the EoC Assessment.
Note: The words in regular text are what you should read verbatim to the students. Italicized
text in parentheses are instructions to you, the teacher, only.

You are about to take the Project Lead The Way End-of-Course Assessment for (insert course
title). This test measures your understanding of the concepts you learned in this PLTW course.

During the test, you may use a calculator, (if applicable, insert “the PLTW formula sheet”), the
scratch paper provided, and a pen or pencil. The scratch paper (if applicable, insert “and the
formula sheet”) will be collected at the end of the testing administration. If you did not bring a
calculator, you may use the calculator provided in the testing platform.

To access the test platform, please double-click on the PLTW Kite Student Portal icon on the
computer desktop. At the Login prompt, type your username and password. Click Login.

Select the assessment from the column on the left. Click Take Test on the appropriate test.

Enter (the Daily Access Code) in the Access Code field and click LET’S GO. You should now
see the General Directions page. DO NOT proceed to the test until I tell you to do so.

(Make sure all students are logged in to the site, the general directions page is displayed, and
the correct test is list at the top of the general directions page.)

As you proceed through the test, you can move forward and backward within a section as well
as choose to view the passage and question together or individually. The individual view of
either may provide a larger image. Within a test section, you may mark items for review, which
means you can flag an item and return to it later within that section. If you select an answer for
an item and flag it for review but do not return to it, the response you marked will be scored.



After you have completed the section, click Review/End to review your assessment
completion status. If you have unanswered or flagged questions, click GO BACK to complete
the test and then return to the Review screen.

Click END when you are done with the test section. Click Yes on the confirmation window.
Click Sign Out. You will no longer be able to go back and answer questions in the section
once you confirm you are ending the test.

If you encounter a question that appears to have an image missing, do NOT answer the
question, quietly raise your hand to let me know.

I am not able to answer any questions about the items on the test. Please answer each item
to the best of your ability.

This test will have (approximately 25 items in this section. Choose the response that best
answers the question.

(Note: Find the specific number to use on Table 3.)

Please look only at your own test. Do not look at the responses of any students who are
seated near you. So that your score is an accurate reflection of your knowledge, it is important
that you try your best. Do you have any questions?

You may begin.



Test Administration Interruptions

If any of the following events occur during a testing administration, follow the procedures as
outlined so students can finish the assessment.

If you have an urgent issue that is unresolved, please contact the PLTW Solution Center (877-
335-PLTW). Please also complete the Irregularity Report form to alert PLTW to any testing
irregularity. See EoC Assessment Irregularity Reporting on page 23.
Power or Internet Outage: Items answered before the outage will be saved. If the power or
internet is restored within 90 minutes, students should log back in to continue the test. If the
delay is longer than 90 minutes, please contact the Solution Center to request reactivation of
the test.

Low Bandwidth/Computer Issues: The PLTW EoC tests have been designed to work with a
variety of systems, but PLTW is not responsible for testing irregularities that occur due to low
bandwidth issues at the local network level. No retest or re-entry will be allowed for issues that
occur at the school level. For more information, please refer
the Installation guide available for download at
https://www.pltw.org/pltw-software. Do NOT allow students
to answer test questions
• If your local network has bandwidth issues, the test may not that have an image
display correctly. If item questions are not loading correctly (for missing.
example, images do not display), PLTW advises you to ask
your school IT department to look into possible bandwidth, proxy, or other issues before you
allow students to answer the questions that did not display correctly. For more information on
troubleshooting technical issues, see

Technical Check on page 12.
Note: If students complete and submit their answers to the test, you cannot grant re-entry into
the exam nor a retest.
Emergency Situations: If other situations (such as fire alarm, weather emergency, student
illness) arise that force a student to stop in the middle of a section, the student should close
out of the system by either pressing Control+Alt+Delete to end the task on Windows or by
pressing the power button to end the application on a Mac. There is a 90-minute grace period
to resume the test. Any delay longer than 90 minutes will require the test to be reactivated by
the Solution Center. If the test is resumed the same day, students will use the same Daily
Access Code to continue testing. Delays that require moving the test to a different day will
require a new Daily Access Code.
If the emergency requires a break from testing (such as needing to leave for the restroom), the
student should not make any phone calls, refer to any notes, nor consult with teachers and



proctors or students during this break. Do not allow the student to communicate through text
messages, email, and social networking sites or have access to electronic equipment or
photographic equipment. Students should not leave the testing area without the teacher’s

EoC Assessment Irregularity Reporting

If any testing irregularities occur during the EoC Assessment process, please reach out to the
PLTW Solution Center. Irregularities include the need to report unfair test preparation or test-
taking strategies you observed, as well as technology-related and proctoring issues. When
reaching out to the Solution Center, please make sure to include as much detailed information
as possible. If the Solution Center is unable to resolve the irregularity, they will reach out to the
PLTW Assessment Team directly for further assistance, who may reach out to you if required.
If an irregularity is escalated to the PLTW Assessment Team,
please allow up to two business days for a response. If you have an issue that needs
immediate attention, please
Examples of irregularities and issues to report are listed contact the PLTW Solution
below. Center at 877-335-PLTW.

Note: This list is not exhaustive.

 Images within the EoC Assessment did not display properly.
 An error message appeared during the exam.
 Teachers, proctors, or students failed to comply with EoC Assessment guidelines set
forth by PLTW.
 Teachers, proctors, or students did not follow proper test administration procedures.
 Eligible students did not receive extended time.



After Testing
This section describes what teachers and proctors and administrators can expect, in
terms of EoC scores and instances of score invalidation, after EoC Assessment testing
is complete. The section reiterates your responsibility to report any deviation from
PLTW testing policy as soon as you become aware.

EoC Assessment Score Reporting

Unlike past years, we will not continue the current stanine score reporting; rather, we
will provide a scale score like other large-scale standardized assessments. Importantly,
PLTW is maintaining a sufficient number of common
If official EoC scores are items to do an equating from the stanine to the scale
not available for a course, score. This means that we will “link” the new scale to
communication will be the former stanine scale to allow for easy and
sent separately to each manageable meaning-making by those who currently
teacher certified in that use the stanine. We did this purposefully from a design
course. perspective to ease the transition.
After the EoC Assessment window closes in June 2019,
PLTW will hold a standard setting made of PLTW teachers and proctors, industry
professionals, and higher education faculty. After this standard setting, students will
receive additional information about their performance against the established
This year, teachers and proctors will receive raw scores within 24 hours of students
completing the assessment, which will identify the number of points earned out of the
total possible points. Teachers and proctors should use raw score results with caution
since how an item performs on each test and the weight that item has on the overall test
will vary for the overall final score.
In subsequent years, PLTW teachers and proctors, Site Coordinators, and Program
Coordinators will be able to view EoC scores in myPLTW within 24 hours after a student
has taken the test, unless otherwise notified.



Locating EoC Assessment Scores

Teachers will locate EoC Assessment scores in myPLTW.
1. Click My Sites.

2. Click the appropriate school name.

3. Click the appropriate class name.

4. Click Student EoC Results.

Score Invalidation
In the instance of a confirmed irregular testing event or unfair testing practice by a
student, teacher, or administrator, it is PLTW policy to invalidate the test scores for the
test taker(s) involved.
• Educators who are found to have used unfair test preparation or test
administration practices will cause invalidation of their students’ test scores.



• Students who are found to use inappropriate or unfair test preparation methods
or test-taking procedures will have their individual test scores invalidated.
Failure of students, teachers, proctors, or other school personnel to report known
aberrations will be viewed as tolerance of unfair testing practices. For more information,
see EoC Assessment Irregularity Reporting on page 23.

Consequences of Unfair Testing Practices

If PLTW finds evidence to suggest that unfair preparation or administration procedures
occurred, PLTW may notify the principal and teacher of the individual or class.
Everyone involved in the specific instance will be able to respond to PLTW in writing
regarding the evidence of possible inappropriate testing practices. PLTW will consider
the written response(s) when deliberating the invalidation of score(s). The ultimate
decision to cancel scores is at the discretion of PLTW. If testing irregularities are
determined to have happened on a large scale or with ongoing frequency, the ability of
a school to continue to access the PLTW EoC Assessments may be suspended or
PLTW requires that schools notify known users of the test data that scores were
invalidated, so the users are aware of the situation and can act accordingly. Users of
the data include colleges and universities to which students apply for college credit or
scholarships, state departments of education, and any other institution to which data
has been sent or from which a data request has been made and granted. If PLTW
provides institutional access to a data set, PLTW will try to directly inform the end users
of the score invalidation.

Local Decisions Regarding Unfair Testing Practices

PLTW does not establish rules regarding any disciplinary action for students, teachers,
proctors, or other school personnel who have been proven to be involved in testing
improprieties. A school’s decision to take disciplinary action is made at the sole
discretion of the local institution. PLTW reserves the right to provide the data that is
used to make local decisions, and to not comment on nor seek to alter any
determinations made locally. While all PLTW teachers, proctors, and students are
responsible for understanding and following the assessment policy outlined in this
document, they are also responsible for understanding and following all additional local
assessment policies as determined by their local school district.



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