Swallowing and Dysphagia
Swallowing and Dysphagia
Swallowing and Dysphagia
Bonnie Martin-Harris
Medical University of South Carolina, his review seeks to stimulate translational research in the field of
Charleston, SC swallowing and swallowing disorders. Important developments can
be made in our understanding of swallowing disorders and their re-
Daniel McCabe habilitation with the testing of neural plasticity principles in both human
Bath VA Medical Center, Bath, NY and animal research designs. This review presents the principles of neural
plasticity and applies them to current evidence of both behavioral and
Nan Musson neural plasticity in swallowing. A strategic plan is formulated to faci-
North Florida/South Georgia Veterans litate the conduct of research based on the principles of neural plasticity.
Healthcare System, Gainesville, FL This document resulted from a workshop on plasticity/neurorehabilita-
tion research that was held at the University of Florida in Gainesville,
John C. Rosenbek Florida (April 10–13, 2005) and sponsored by the Brain Rehabilita-
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL tion Research Center, a Veterans Administration ( VA) Rehabilitation
Research and Development Center of Excellence. This article aims to en-
courage swallowing clinicians and researchers to partner with neu-
roscientists and imaging specialists in using animal models and advanced
S276 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 51 • S276–S300 • February 2008 • D American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
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Table 5. Principles of neural plasticity that relate to swallowing treatments. (+) indicates that the principle applies (not necessarily in a positive
manner; e.g., transference); (–) indicates that the principle does not apply; (?) indicates unknown.
Use it or lose it + + + + +
Use it and improve it + + + + +
Specificity + + + + +
Repetition matters + + + + +
Intensity matters + + + + +
Time matters ? ? + + +
Salience matters + + + + –
Age matters + + + + +
Transference + + + + +
Interference + + ? – +
Figure 2. Translational research represented as an interactive process among basic, feasibility, and
translational studies. CVA = cerebral vascular accident.
S288 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 51 • S276–S300 • February 2008
Stier, Stein, Schwaiger, & Heidecke, 2004) can be used to the way to marked improvements in present strategies
determine normative and disorder values (Das, Reddy, & for therapy (Barker & Dunnett, 1999).
Narayanan, 2001; Neustadter, Drushel, Crago, Adams, & The comments of Barker and Dunnett (1999) re-
Chiel, 2002) that can be used to determine patient- garding motor function after neurotransplantation have
specific repetition and intensity parameters that will evoke great relevance to current issues and the current status
neurologic change. The interaction of systematically al- of swallowing rehabilitation, as pointed out by Turkstra
tered material properties (e.g., viscosity, yield stress) and et al. (Turkstra, Holland, & Bays, 2003). Available tech-
neurologic adaptation to them in the context of swallow- nology facilitates conduct of translational studies. We
ing biomechanics and bolus flow outcomes may be derived are poised to develop a body of work determining the de-
by computational models developed collaboratively among gree of neural plasticity that can be affected within the
food scientists, engineers, neuroscientists, and rehabilita- neuronal substrates of the swallowing mechanism in
tion experts. In addition, measurements that express sta- animals, healthy young and old humans, and following
bility or lack thereof within complex motor acts such as disease or injury. Translational studies may be designed
swallowing (Jing, Cropper, Hurwitz, & Weiss, 2004; Lum to determine the effects of and the degree to which neu-
et al., 2005) can be used to predict how long rehabilitation ral substrates involved in swallowing can be altered in
may take and assist with the decision as to whether or not normal and neurologically impaired individuals. For
a nasogastric or gastric feeding tube would be best for the example, how does damage to a “center” or pattern gen-
patient. Finally, the application of computer modeling to erator versus damage to white matter tracts respond to
new imaging tools (such as fMRI) will continue to advance various forms of manipulation be they sensory, compen-
our knowledge and will generate new hypotheses in swal- satory, motor with or without swallow?
lowing as it has in many other fields of neuroscience.
Translational studies. We need to consider not only
the anatomic connectivity needed to reconstruct the Conceptual Framework for Feasibility
damaged circuitry but also the relearning and retraining
of the normal adult’s rich repertoire of motor skills and
Studies in Swallowing
habits. This is the realm of the rehabilitation specialists, A number of experiments for the study of neural
who, to this point, have not been active participants in plasticity in swallowing disorders are proposed. Studies
existing transplantation programs. We might expect, will identify subject variables, including age and cog-
though, that they have much to offer, and the marriage of nitive status, disease process, and co-morbidities, and
rehabilitation and neurobiological disciplines may pave will examine the effects of interventions, including the
Note. TMS = transcranial magnetic stimulation; PET = positron emission tomography; fMRI = functional magnetic resonance imaging;
MEG = magnetoencephalography; EEG = electroencephalography; SWAL-QOL = swallowing-related quality of life.
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Goal: To promote the translation of principles of experience-dependent plasticity from animal models to humans for improved understanding of normal
swallowing and its rehabilitation.
A. Develop common definitions and goals to initiate translational research from animal models to humans of various ages and with neurogenic swallowing
disorders of known cause, including iatrogenically induced (e.g., chemoradiation treatment for head and neck cancer).
1. Facilitate discussions between neuroscientists and rehabilitation researchers to develop common definitions and goals to initiate translational research
from animal models to humans.
Prior Direction: Translational research from basic animal models to humans in the areas of normal and disordered swallowing has been limited. As a
result, there is/are not a common vocabulary, definitions, or research goals.
Suggested Actions:
· Invite neuroscientists to participate in meetings and conferences with speech-language pathology organizations and related professional
rehabilitation organizations.
· Request funding from professional organizations such as the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) and the Dysphagia
Research Society ( DRS) to co-sponsor meetings with neuroscientific organizations.
· Request funding from organizations such as the National Institutes of Health ( NIH), the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication
Disorders ( NIDCD), the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke ( NINDS), and the National Institute on Aging ( NIA) to host
consensus conference with neuroscientists and multidisciplinary teams comprising rehabilitation specialists and/or gerontologists.
2. Identify optimal ways to measure (quantitatively) the neural plastic changes pre- and postswallowing treatment/rehabilitation.
Prior Direction: The outcome of swallowing rehabilitation has focused primarily on physiology of the oropharyngeal swallow with emphasis on
aspiration or penetration of material in the airway before, during, or after the swallow. Secondary outcomes such as health status, diet variations,
dysphagia-specific quality of life (McHorney, Bricker, Kramer, et al., 2000; McHorney, Bricker, Robbins, et al., 2000; McHorney et al., 2002), and
patient satisfaction have only begun to be explored. Currently, there are few outcome measures for neural plastic changes postrehabilitation.
Suggested Action: Collaborate with a variety of disciplines—including neuroscientists, radiologists, neurologists, gerontologists, and medical
physicists—to facilitate interdisciplinary research, to recommend and test optimal methods (or a combination of methods; see Table 7) to measure
neural plastic changes in human populations of different ages and with neurogenic dysphagia.
3. Identify potential animal models that may be used for future research to evaluate ways to measure neural plastic changes as well as treatment/
rehabilitation outcomes pre- and postbrain injury/damage. If there are no animal models available or deemed appropriate, then collaborate with
neuroscientists to study swallow function in “normal” ( healthy) human development, “normal human aging,” sudden neurological events such as stroke
and traumatic head injury, and degenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Prior Direction: Neuroscientists have studied rodents, cats, sheep, and primates to assess discrete portions of the swallow but have not found a model that
evaluates the swallow function as defined by speech pathology, including the oral preparatory, oral transition, pharyngeal, and upper esophageal
phases of the swallow. Perhaps we need to reformulate our models of swallowing when generalizing from animal to human models.
B. To promote translational research by designing a systematic progressive research plan based upon current evidence of human rehabilitation in swallowing,
animal models, and clinical practice.
1. Replicate (refine) existing behavioral treatments to further define neural plastic, in addition to the more traditional behavioral, physiological, health,
nutrition, and quality-of-life outcomes.
Prior Direction: Based on systematic literature reviews, there are primarily Phase I and Phase II studies published, with very few evaluating the neural
plastic changes in normal or brain damaged adults (see Tables 1–4). By replicating existing studies with the addition of current imaging methodologies,
neural plastic changes may be assessed and compared with other outcome measures to define those that would be most useful clinically.
Suggested Action:
· Form a collaborative task force with professional organizations such as ASHA, DRS, the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHMB), the
Department of Veterans Affairs ( VA), and NIH to develop prioritization and a systematic research plan to replicate existing treatments with the
expansion of design and methodology to assess for potential neural plastic changes.
· Establish a patient-oriented research consortium—academic medical centers with interested teams of SLPs, neuroscientists, imagers, gerontologists,
pediatricians, and rehabilitative specialists will collaborate in a coordinated manner to conduct investigations of specified age groups, patient
populations, research designs, and outcome measures to elucidate the interrelationship of swallowing, neural plasticity, and rehabilitation.
Example: Chin Tuck
The chin tuck strategy has been demonstrated to be active ( Phase I and II studies) but is traditionally thought of as a compensatory strategy with no long-
term changes in swallow physiology if the strategy is not incorporated during each swallow. However, there are no studies assessing potential neural
plastic changes using this technique. Nor has there been a systematic approach to measuring the technique across the potential principles set forth
by neuroscientists such and Kleim and Jones (2008). For example, chin tuck may be a strategy that would maintain swallow function until the individual
recovered from a stroke ( Use It or Lose It) or would promote improved swallow function temporarily ( Use It and Improve It). Such neural plastic
principles have not been evaluated, and these principles may hold true for additional compensatory strategies (see Table A-1). Table A-1 is a
suggested approach to outlining a systematic hypothesis and assessment of principles and rehabilitation options.
S298 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 51 • S276–S300 • February 2008
Table A-1. Suggested approach to outlining a systematic hypothesis and assessment of both principles and
rehabilitation options (see B1 example).
Animals No No
Humans Yes Yes
Behavioral Tx Active +/– Yes (+) Yes (+)
Principles of Neural Plasticity
Use It or Lose Ita Hypothesis #1 Hypothesis #1
Use It and Improve Itb Hypothesis #2 Hypothesis #2
Specificityc — —
Repetition Mattersd — —
Intensity Matterse — —
Time Mattersf — —
Salience Mattersg — —
Age Mattersh — —
Transferencei — —
Interferencej — —
Additional examples for systematic research: The Work Group identified three treatments with potential variables, measures, and mechanics in Table 7
as priorities for future research.
2. Identify rehabilitation techniques that have no Phase I or II studies and further define neural plastic, behavioral, physiological, health, nutrition, and
quality-of-life outcomes.
Prior Direction: Rehabilitation techniques are used in clinical practice but do not have the published evidence to support use of the technique ( No Phase I,
II, or III studies). By identifying those techniques, future research may be initiated to include assessment of potential neural plastic changes in adults
with normal brain function or with brain damage (see Tables 1–4) and may be designed to include the principles as set forth by neurorehabilitation
scientists. These existing treatments may be assessed and compared with other outcome measures to define those that would be most clinically useful.
Suggested Action: Form a collaborative task force with professional organizations such as ASHA, DRS, OHMB, NIH, and VA to develop a targeting
and systematic research plan to replicate existing treatments and assess for potential associated neural plastic changes.
3. Review treatments that may be paired during rehabilitation for future systematic research.
Prior Direction: Research has typically evaluated one treatment technique at a time, but in reality, clinicians apply a variety of techniques during
interventions. For example: Chin tuck, thermal-tactile stimulation, and bolus viscosity may all be used in a patient with delayed swallow initiation.
The evidence for combined treatment is nonexistent, and the potential associated neural plastic changes are also unknown.
Example: Lingual Strengthening/Tongue Exercise ( TE) With or Without Chin Tuck (CT)
“Motor without swallow” strengthening exercises, when performed repetitively and intensely, have been associated with improved strength in both
animals and humans, and changes in swallowing ( behavioral plasticity) in humans. However, the necessary repetition and intensity may take time to
be effective ( Repetition, Intensity, Time Matters). Compensatory strategies (e.g., chin tuck) often are implemented by patients with dysphagia early
poststroke or trauma or during the acute phases of chemoradiation therapy to permit oral nutritional intake ( Use It or Lose It, Use It and Improve It),
albeit limited to a modified diet and thickened fluids in many cases. A systematic approach to measuring outcomes related to rigorous tongue exercise
“motor without swallow” only and NPO compared to the same TE protocol performed by patients with swallowing facilitated, even if only allowing
limited intake, by a compensatory strategy would permit examination of the principles set forth by Kleim and Jones (2008), as indicated in Table A-2.
Such designs are essential for hypothesis testing and for clarifying the usefulness of applying principles of neural plasticity to determine the optimal
combination for rehabilitation strategic planning. The “motor without swallow” tasks raise provocative questions applicable to study in animal models
(Connor et al., 2005) as well as humans (Robbins et al., 2005; Robbins, Gensler, et al., 2007; Robbins, Kays, et al., 2007).
Table A-2. Comparison of tongue exercise (TE) alone to tongue exercise with chin tuck (CT; see B3 example).
Animals Yes —
Humans Yes Yes
Behavioral Tx Active +/– Yes Yes
Note. For an explanation of the Principles of Neural Plasticity, see the note at the bottom of Table A-1.
4. Assess the principle of Learning Matters (cognitive issues) relative to swallow function.
Prior Direction: Anecdotal clinical experience has suggested that individuals with poor cognitive function do not benefit from rehabilitation strategies,
but the principle of Learning Matters has not been defined in the literature.
Suggested Action: Invite professional organizations such as the Society for Neuroscience, the Alzheimer’s Association, and the NIH/NIA or National
Institute of Mental Health ( NIMH) to join ASHA and the American Psychological Association (APA) in developing a systematic research plan to evaluate
the principle of Learning Matters as set forth by our neuroscience colleagues. Patients with Parkinson’s disease with or without associated dementia
could be one excellent population (two subpopulations) for study. Research should include control (no treatment), behavioral, and nonprofessional
models to assess.
5. Identify specific neurogenic diseases or disorders that may be most appropriate for assessment of neural plastic changes in swallow function, may be
duplicated in animal models, and may respond to specific principles for rehabilitation.
Prior Direction: Although Phase I and II studies may originally have been initiated for rehabilitation strategies in a specific population, the treatment
has since been transferred clinically to a variety of diseases and disorders. For example: Supraglottic and super supraglottic swallowing techniques
were initially developed for head and neck cancer populations but have migrated to use with neurogenic patient populations. As a result, there is limited
evidence to support the transfer of such treatments clinically. In addition, there are few neural plastic measures to assess the outcome of such treatments
in neurogenic populations.
Suggested Action: Form a collaborative task force with related professional organizations to set forth hypotheses for the best disorders/disease
populations to assess neural plastic changes and rehabilitation principles.
Example: Parkinson’s disease may be a population to assess both voice and swallowing problems when examining treatments focused on respiratory
C. To share the results of the consensus meetings and task force reports with funding resources, researchers, and clinicians.
Suggested Action:
· Publish peer-reviewed articles and/or a newsletter across disciplines.
· Present collaborative panels during professional and research meetings and conferences.
· Present documents to professional organizations and agencies with funding resources.
· Encourage graduate training programs and new investigator conferences to include neuroscience collaboration as a portion of the experience.
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