A. Declarat!" !# P !lc$ % Se c. 2 :
1. To encourage debtors, both juridical and natural persons, and their
creditors to collectively and realistically resolve and adjust competing
claims and property rights.
2. To ensure a timely, fair, transparent, effective and efficient
rehabilitation or liquidation of debtors.
3. To ensure or maintain certainly and predictability in commercial affairs,
preserve and maximie the value of the assets of these debtors,
recognie creditor rights and respect priority of claims, and ensure
2. De4t!r % Sec. 53+ Debtor shall refer to, unless specifically excluded
by a provision of this %ct, a sole proprietorship duly registered !ith the
/epartment of Trade and 6ndustry 7/T68, a partnership duly registered
!ith the (ecurities and 5xchange )ommission 7(5)8, a corporation
duly organied and existing under 'hilippine la!s, or an individual
debtor !ho has become insolvent as defined herein.
*. E6cl&)!") % Sec. 7+ The term debtor does not include ban9s,
insurance companies, pre*need companies, and national and local
government agencies or units. Provided, That government financial
institutions other than ban9s and government*o!ned or controlled
corporations shall be covered by this %ct, unless their specific charter
provides other!ise.
D. De)("at!" !# C! &rt) a"' Pr! ,&l(at!" !# Pr!c e'&ral R&le) % Sec. 8
E. S&4)ta"t/e a"' Pr!ce'&ral C!")!l'at!" % Sec. 9+ 5ach juridical
entity shall be considered as a separate entity under the proceedings in
this %ct. nder these proceedings, the assets and liabilities of a debtor
may not be commingled or aggregated !ith those of another, unless the
latter is a related enterprise that is o!ned or controlled directly or indirectly
by the same interests: Provided, however, That the commingling or
aggregation of assets and liabilities of the debtor !ith those of a related
enterprise may only be allo!ed !here:
1. there !as commingling in fact of assets and liabilities of the debtor and
the related enterprise prior to the commencement of the proceedings;
2. the debtor and the related enterprise have common creditors and it !ill
be more convenient to treat them together rather than separately;
3. the related enterprise voluntarily accedes to join the debtor as party
petitioner and to commingle its assets and liabilities !ith the debtor$s;
". the consolidation of assets and liabilities of the debtor and the related
enterprise is beneficial to all concerned and promotes the objectives of
Provided, finally, That nothing in this section shall prevent the court from
joining other entities affiliated !ith the debtor as parties pursuant to the
rules of procedure as may be promulgated by the (upreme )ourt.
F. La4lt$ !# I"'/'&al De4t!r: O;"er !# a S!le Pr!ret!r)<:
Part"er) " a Part"er)<: !r Drect!r) a"' O##cer) % Sec. 10 :
6ndividual debtor, o!ner of a sole proprietorship, partners in a partnership,
or directors and officers of a debtor shall be liable for double the value of
the property sold, embeled or disposed of or double the amount of the
transaction involved, !hichever is higher to be recovered for benefit of the
debtor and the creditors, if they, having notice of the commencement of
the proceedings, or having reason to believe that proceedings are about to
2. )onceal or authorie
or embeles or approve the
or misappropriates, anyconcealment, from
property of the the creditors,
The court shall determine the extent of the liability of an o!ner, partner,
director or officer under this section. 6n this connection, in case of
partnerships and corporations, the court shall consider the amount of the
shareholding or partnership or equity interest of such partner, director or
officer, the degree of control of such partner, director or officer over the
debtor, and the extent of the involvement of such partner, director or
debtor in the actual management of the operations of the debtor.
G. A&t<!r=at!" t! E6c<a" (e De4t #!r E>&t$ % Sec. 11
ii. (tatement of the fact of and the cause of the debtor$s insolvency
or inability to pay its obligations as they become due;
iii. The specific relief sought pursuant to this %ct;
iv. The grounds upon !hich the petition is based;
v. +ther information that may be required under this %ct
depending on the form of relief requested;
vi. (chedule of the debtor$s debts and liabilities including a list of
creditors !ith their addresses, amounts of claims and
collaterals, or securities, if any;
vii. %n inventory of all its assets inclu ding receivables and claims
against third parties;
viii.% ehabilitation 'lan;
ix. The names of at least three 738 nominees to the pos ition of
rehabilitation receiver; and
x. +ther documents required to be filed !ith the petition pursuant
to this %ct and the rules of procedure as may be promulgated by
the (upreme )ourt.
2. I"/!l&"tar$ Pr!cee'"().
a. H!; " tate' % Sec . 1* : >y petition for rehabilitation filed by %ny
creditor or group of creditors !ith a claim of, or the aggregate of
!hose claims is, at least +ne ?illion 'esos 7'hp1,,.8 or at
least t!enty*five percent 72@A8 of the subscribed capital stoc9 or
partners$ contributions, !hichever is higher,
4. Crc&,)ta"ce) Nece))ar$ t! I"tate I"/!l&"tar$ Pr!cee'"() %
Sec. 1*:
i. there is no gen uine issue of fac t on la! on th e claim<s of th e
petitioner<s, and that the due and demandable payments
thereon have not been made for at least sixty 7B8 days or that
the debtor has failed generally to meet its liabilities as they fall
due; or
ii. a creditor, other than the petitioner<s, has initiated foreclosure
proceedings against the debtor that !ill prevent the debtor from
paying its debts as they become due or !ill render it insolvent.
iii. the specific relief sought under this %ct;
iv. a ehabilitation 'lan;
v. the names of at least three 738 nominees to the position of
rehabilitation receiver;
vi. other information that may be required under this %ct depending
on the form of relief requested; and
vii. other documents required to be filed !ith the petition pursuant
to this %ct and the rules of procedure as may be promulgated by
the (upreme )ourt.
shall commence
Sec. 18 upon!hich
for contents8 the issuance of theothers,
shall, among )ommencement +rder See
appoint rehabilitation
receiver, and include a Sta$ !r S&)e")!" Or'er !hich shall:
a. suspend all actions or proceedings, in court or other!ise, for the
enforcement of claims against the debtor;
b. suspend all actions to enforce any judgment, attachment or other
provisional remedies against the debtor;
c. prohibit the debtor from selling, encumbering, transferring or
disposing in any manner any of its properties except in the ordinary
course of business; and
a. determine the creditors !ho have made timely and proper filing of
their notice of claims;
b. hear and determine any objection to the qualifications of the
appointment of the rehabilitation receiver and, if necessary appoint
a ne! one in accordance !ith this %ct;
c. direct the creditors to comment on the petition and the
c. convert the proc eedings into one for the liquidation of the debtor
upon a finding that:
i. the debtor is insolvent; and
ii. there is no substantial li9elihood for the debtor to be
successfully rehabilitated as determined in accordance !ith the
rules to be promulgated by the (upreme )ourt.
11.Pett !" G/e " D&e C!&r )e % Sec. 28+ 6f the petition is given due
course, the court shall direct the rehabilitation receiver to revie!, revise
and<or recommend action on the ehabilitation 'lan and submit the
same or a ne! one to the court !ithin a period of not more than 4
N!te+ The court may refer any dispute relating to the ehabilitation
'lan or the rehabilitation proceedings pending before it to arbitration or
other modes of dispute resolution, as provided for under epublic %ct
-o. 42D@, +r the %lternative /ispute esolution %ct of 2", should it
determine that such mode !ill resolve the dispute more quic9ly, fairly
and efficiently than the court.
12. D),))al !# Pett! " % Sec. 29+ 6f the petition is dismissed pursuant
to paragraph 7b8 of (ec. 2@, then the court may, in its discretion, order
the petitioner to pay damages to any creditor or to the debtor, as the
case may be, !ho may have been injured by the filing of the petition, to
the extent of any such injury.
1. Re<a4ltat!" Rece/er
a. W<! Ma$ Ser/e % Sec. 2@+ %ny qualified natural or juridical person
may serve as a rehabilitation receiver: Provided, That if the
rehabilitation receiver is a juridical entity, it must designate a natural
person<s !ho possess<es all the qualifications and none of the
disqualifications as its representative, it being understood that the
juridical entity and the representative<s are solidarily liable for all
obligations and responsibilities of the rehabilitation receiver.
4. &al#cat!") % Sec. 2+
i. 'hilippine citien or resident for B months immediately
preceding his nomination
ii, +f good moral character and !ith ac9no!ledged integrity,
impartiality and independence;
iii. Cas the requisite 9no!ledge of insolvency and other relevant
commercial la!s, rules and procedures, as !ell as the relevant
training and<or experience that may be necessary to enable him
<. Vaca"c$ % Sec. *7 : court shall direct the debtor and the creditors
to submit the name<s of their nominee<s to the position, and court
shall appoint any qualified nominee or any other qualified person
. D)lace,e"t !# E6)t"( Ma"a(e,e"t 4$ t<e Re<a4ltat!"
Rece/er !r Ma"a(e,e"t C!,,ttee % Sec. *8 : pon motion of
any interested party, the court may appoint and direct the
rehabilitation receiver to assume the po!ers of management of the
debtor, or appoint a management committee that !ill underta9e the
management of the debtor. upon clear and convincing evidence of
any of the follo!ing circumstances:
i. %ctual or imminent danger of dissipation, loss, !astage or
destruction of the debtors assets or other properties;
ii. 'aralyation of the business operations of the debtor; or
iii. Eross mismanagement of the debtor. or fraud or other !r ongful
conduct on the part of, or gross or !illful violation of this %ct by.
existing management of the debtor +r the o!ner, partner,
director, officer or representative<s in management of the
2. Ma"a(e,e"t C !,,ttee
a. R!le !# t<e Ma "a(e,e"t C!,,ttee. % Sec. *9 : #hen appointed
pursuant to (ec. 3B, the management committee shall ta9e the
place of the management and the governing body of the debtor and
assume their rights and responsibilities. (pecifics to be provided
by procedural rules.
4. &al#cat!") !# Me,4er) !# t<e Ma"a(e,e"t C!,,ttee. %
Sec. *@+ (pecifics to be provided by procedural rules, ta9ing into
consideration the nature of the business of the debtor and the need
to protect the interest of all sta9eholders concerned.
*. C!,,!" Pr!/)!")
a. E,l!$,e"t !# Pr!# e))!"al) % Sec. * : allo!ed upon approval
of the court, and after notice and hearing.
4. C!"#lct !# I" tere)t % Sec. 0 : -o person may be appointed as a
rehabilitation receiver, member of a management committee, or be
employed by the rehabilitation receiver or the management
committee if he has a conflict of interest. %n individual shall be
deemed to have a conflict of interest if he is so situated as to be
materially influenced in the exercise of his judgment for or against
any party to the proceedings. See Sec. 0 for enumeration.
)onflict of interest must be disclosed.
. Cre't!r) C !,,ttee
a. C!")tt&t!" % Sec. 2+ %fter the creditors$ meeting called
pursuant to (ec. B3, the creditors belonging to a class may formally
organie a committee among themselves. 6n addition, the creditors
may, as a body, agree to form a creditors$ committee composed of
a representative from each class of creditors 7secured, unsecured,
trade creditors and suppliers, employees8.
4. R!le % Sec. *+ To assist the rehabilitation receiver in
communicating !ith the creditors and shall be the primary liaison
bet!een the rehabilitation receiver and the creditors. The creditors$
committee cannot exercise or !aive any right or give any consent
on behalf of any creditor unless specifically authoried in !riting by
such creditor. The creditors$ committee may be authoried by the
court or by the rehabilitation receiver to perform such other tas9s
and functions as may be defined by the procedural rules in order to
E. G!/er"a"ce
1. Ma"a(e,e"t % Sec. 9+ nless other!ise provided herein, the
management of the juridical debtor shall remain !ith the existing
management subject to the applicable la!<s and agreement<s, if any,
on the election or appointment of directors, managers +r managing
partner. Co!ever, all disbursements, payments or sale, disposal,
assignment, transfer or encumbrance of property , or any other act
affecting title or interest in property, shall be subject to the approval of
the rehabilitation receiver and<or the court, as provided in the follo!ing
F. ?)e: Pre)er/at!"
!# A))et) a"' a#ter
a"' Cla,) D)!)al !# A))et) a"'
C!,,e"ce,e"t Treat,e"t
1. ?)e !r D)!)t!" !# A))et) % Sec. @+ 5xcept as other!ise
provided herein, no funds or property of the debtor shall he used or
disposed of except in the ordinary course of business of the debtor, or
unless necessary to finance the administrative expenses of the
rehabilitation proceedings.
2. Sale !# A))et) % Sec. + The court, upon application of the
rehabilitation receiver, may authorie the sale of unencumbered
property of the debtor outside the ordinary course of business upon a
sho!ing that the property, by its nature or because of other
circumstance, is perishable, costly to maintain, susceptible to
court before !hich the rehabilitation proceedings are pending, all valid
and subsisting contracts of the debtor !ith creditors and other third
parties as at the commencement date shall continue in force:
Provided, That !ithin 4 days follo!ing the commencement of
proceedings, the debtor, !ith the consent of the rehabilitation receiver,
shall notify each contractual counter*party of !hether it is confirming
the particular contract. )ontractual obligations of the debtor arising or
performed during this period, and after!ards for confirmed contracts,
shall be considered administrative expenses. )ontracts not confirmed
!ithin the required deadline shall be considered terminated. )laims for
actual damages, if any, arising as a result of the election to terminate a
contract shall be considered a pre*commencement claim against the
debtor. -othing contained herein shall prevent the cancellation or
termination of any contract of the debtor for any ground provided by
I. A',")trat!" !# P r!cee'"().
1. C!"te"t) !# a Re< a4ltat!" Pl a" % Sec. 8 2
c. 'ayments
provisions shall
of thebe made to the'lan;
ehabilitation cre ditors in accordance !ith the
. Ter,"at!" !# Pr!cee'"()
1. Ter,"at!" !# Pr!cee'"() % Sec. 9 : The rehabilitation
proceedings under )hapter 66 shall, upon motion by any sta9eholder or
the rehabilitation receiver be terminated by order of the court either
declaring a successful implementation of the ehabilitation 'lan or a
failure of rehabilitation.
failure of rehabilitation
than technical or dismissal
grounds, of the petition
the proceedings shallforbe
reasons other
converted to liquidation as provided in (ection 42 of this %ct.
the provisioning
should of funds
any such claims to account
be ruled valid orfor appropriate
their payments
amounts adjusted.
B. I))&a"ce !# Or'er % Sec. 99 : #ithin @ !or9ing days, and after
determination that the petition is sufficient in form and substance, the court
shall issue an +rder !hich shall:
1. identify the debtor, its principal business of activity<ies and its principal
place of business;
2. declare that the debtor is under rehabilitation;
3. summarie the ground.<s for the filling of the petition;
". direct the publication of the +rder in a ne!spaper of general circulation
in the 'hilippines once a !ee9 for at least 2 consecutive !ee9s, !ith
the first publication to be made !ithin days from the time of its
@. direct the service by personal delivery of a copy of the petition on each
creditor !ho is not a petitioner holding at least 1A of the total
liabilities of the debtor, as determined in the schedule attached to the
petition, !ithin 3 days;
B. state thatforcopies
available of the and
examination petition andbythe
copying anyehabilitation 'lan are
interested party;
. state that creditors and other interested parties opposing the petition or
ehabilitation 'lan may file their objections or comments thereto !ithin
a period of not later than 2 days from the second publication of the
D. appoint a rehabilitation receiver, if provided for in the 'lan; and
4. include a (uspension or (tay +rder as described in this %ct.
C. Ar!/al !# t< e Pla " % Sec. 9@ + #ithin 1 days from the date of the
second publication of the +rder, the court shall approve the ehabilitation
'lan unless a creditor or other interested party submits an objection to it in
accordance !ith the next succeeding section.
D. O4ect!" t! t<e Pe tt!" !r Re<a4 ltat!" Pla" % Sec. 9 + %ny creditor
or other interested party may submit to the court a verified objection to the
petition or the ehabilitation 'lan not later than D days from the date of the
second publication of the +rder mentioned in (ection . The objections
shall be limited to the follo!ing:
1. The allegations in the petition or the ehabilitation 'lan or the
attachments thereto are materially false or misleading;
2. The majority of any class of creditors do not in fact support the
ehabilitation 'lan;
3. The ehabilitation 'lan fails to accurately account for a claim agai nst
the debtor and the claim in not categorically declared as a contested
claim; or
". The support of the creditors, or any of them !as induced by fraud.
N!te+ )opies of any objection to the petition of the ehabilitation 'lan
shall be served on the debtor, the rehabilitation receiver 7if applicable8, the
secured creditor !ith the largest claim and !ho supports the ehabilitation
'lan, and the unsecured creditor !ith the largest claim and !ho supports
the ehabilitation 'lan.
E. Hear"( !" t<e O4 ect!") % Sec. @ 0+ %fter receipt of an objection, the
court shall set the same for hearing. The date of the hearing shall be no
earlier than 2 days and no later than 3 days from the date of the second
publication of the +rder mentioned in (ection .
1. 6f the court finds merit in the objection = it shall direct the debtor, !hen
feasible to cure the detect !ithin a reasonable period.
2. 6f the court determines that the debtor or creditors supporting the
ehabilitation 'lan acted in bad faith, or that the objection is non*
curable = the court may order the conversion of the proceedings into
liquidation. % finding by the court that the objection has no substantial
merit, or that the same has been cured shall be deemed an approval of
the ehabilitation 'lan.
F. Per!' #!r A r!/al !# Re< a4ltat!" Pla" % Sec. @1+ The court shall
have a maximum period of 12 days from the date of the filing of the
petition to approve the ehabilitation 'lan. 6f the court fails to act !ithin
the said period, the ehabilitation 'lan shall be deemed approved.
G. E##ect !# A r!/al % Se c. @2+ (ame legal effect as confirmation of a 'lan
under )hapter 66.
N!te+ The notice must invite creditors to participate in the negotiation for
out*of*court rehabilitation or restructuring agreement and notify them that
said agreement !ill be binding on all creditors if the required majority
votes prescribed in (ection D" are met.
C. Cra, D! ;" E# #ect % Sec. @8 + % restructuring<!or9out agreement or
ehabilitation 'lan that is approved pursuant to an informal !or9out
frame!or9 referred to in this chapter shall have the same legal effect as
confirmation of a 'lan under (ection B4. The notice of the ehabilitation
'lan or restructuring agreement or 'lan shall be published once a !ee9
for at least 3 consecutive !ee9s in a ne!spaper of general circulation in
the 'hilippines. The ehabilitation 'lan or restructuring agreement shall
ta9e effect upon the lapse of 1@ days from the date of the last publication
of the notice thereof.
D. A,e"',e"t !r M! '#cat!" % Sec . @9 : %ny amendment of an out*of*
court restructuring<!or9out agreement or ehabilitation 'lan must be
made in accordance !ith the terms of the agreement and !ith due notice
on all creditors.
E. E##ect !# C!& rt Act !" !r Ot<er Pr!cee'"() % Sec. @@+ %ny court
action or other proceedings arising from, or relating to, the out*of*court or
informal restructuring<!or9out agreement or ehabilitation 'lan shall not
stay its implementation, unless the relevant party is able to secure a
temporary restraining order or injunctive relief from the )ourt of %ppeals.
F. C!&rt A)) )ta"ce % Sec . @+ The insolvent debtor and<or creditor may
see9 court assistance for the execution or implementation of a
ehabilitation 'lan under this )hapter, under such rules of procedure as
may be promulgated by the (upreme )ourt.
b. directing the debtor and all creditors !ho are not the petitioners to
file their comment on the petition or motion !ithin fifteen 71@8 days
from the date of last publication.
6f, after considering the comments filed, the court determines that the
petition or motion is meritorious, it shall issue the 0iquidation +rder
mentioned in (ection 112.
A. S&)e")!" !# P a$,e"t).
1. Pett!" % Se c. + %n individual debtor !ho, possessing sufficient
property to cover all his debts but foreseeing the impossibility of
meeting them !hen they respectively fall due, may file a verified
petition that he be declared in the state of suspension of payments by
the court of the province or city in !hich he has resides for B months
prior to the filing of his petition. Ce shall attach to his petition, as a
a. a schedule of debts and liabilities;
b. an inventory of assets; and
c. a proposed agreement !ith his creditors.
2. Act!" !" t<e Pett!" % Sec. 7 + 6f the court finds the petition
sufficient in form and substance, it shall, !ithin five @ !or9ing days
from the filing of the petition, issue an +rder:
a. calling a meeting of all the creditors named in the schedule of debts
and liabilities at such time not less than 1@ days nor more than "
days from the date of such +rder and designating the date, time
and place of the meeting;
b. directing such creditors to prepare and present !ritten evidence of
their claims before the scheduled creditors$ meeting;
c. directing the publication of the said order in a ne!spaper of general
circulation published in the province or city in !hich the petition is
filed once a !ee9 for 2 consecutive !ee9s, !ith the first publication
to be made !ithin days from the time of the issuance of the
d. directing the cler 9 of court to cau se the sen ding of a copy of the
+rder by registered mail, postage prepaid, to all creditors named in
the schedule of debts and liabilities;
e. forbidding the individual debtor from selling, transferring,
encumbering or disposing in any manner of his property, except
those used in the ordinary operations of commerce or of industry in
!hich the petitioning individual debtor is engaged so long as the
proceedings relative to the suspension of payments are pending;
f. prohibiting the individual debtor from ma9ing any payment outside
of the necessary or legitimate expenses of his business or industry,
so long as the proceedings relative to the suspension of payments
are pending; and
g. appointing a commissioner to preside over the creditors$ meeting.
join in the voting they shall be bound in the same manner as are the
other creditors.
8. Reect!" !# t<e Pr! !)e' A(ree,e"t % Sec. + The proposed
agreement shall be deemed rejected if the number of creditors
required for holding a meeting do not attend thereat, or if the t!o 728
majorities mentioned in (ection 4 are not in favor thereof. 6n such
instances, the proceeding shall be terminated !ithout recourse and the
parties concerned shall be at liberty to enforce the rights !hich may
correspond to them.
9. O4ect!") % S ec. 100+ 6f the proposal of the individual debtor, or any
amendment thereof made during the creditors$ meeting, is approved by
the majority of creditors in accordance !ith (ection 4, any creditor
!ho attended the meeting and !ho dissented from and protested
against the vote of the majority may file an objection !ith the court
!ithin 1 days from the date of the last creditors$ meeting. 7(ee Sec.
100 for causes for objections.8
N!te+ 6n case the decision of the majority of creditors to approve the
individual debtor$s proposal or any amendment thereof made during
the creditors$ meeting is annulled by the court, the court shall declare
the proceedings terminated and the creditors shall be at liberty to
exercise the rights !hich may correspond to them.
@. E##ect) !# Ar!/al !# Pr!!)e' A(ree,e"t % Sec. 101+
a. 6f the decision of the majority of the creditors to approve the
proposed agreement or any amendment thereof made during the
creditors$ meeting is upheld by the court, or !hen no opposition or
objection to said decision has been presented, the court shall order
that the agreement be carried out and all parties bound thereby to
comply !ith its terms.
b. The court may also iss ue all ord ers !hich may be nece ssary or
proper to enforce the agreement on motion of any affected party.
B. V!l&"tar$ L>&'at!".
1. Pett!" % Sec. 10 *+ %n individual debtor !hose properties are not
sufficient to cover his liabilities, and o!ing debts exceeding Five
hundred thousand pesos, may apply to be discharged from his debts
and liabilities by filing a verified petition !ith the court of the province or
city in !hich he has resided for B months prior to the filing of such
petition. Ce shall attach to his petition a schedule of debts and
liabilities and an inventory of assets. The filing of such petition shall be
an act of insolvency.
2. L>&'at!" Or' er % Sec. 1 0+ 6f the court finds the petition sufficient
in form and substance it shall, !ithin @ !or9ing days issue the
0iquidation +rder mentioned in (ection 112.
C. I"/!l&"tar$ L>&'at!".
1. Pett!" % Se c. 1 07+ %ny creditor or group of creditors !ith a claim of,
or !ith claims aggregating at least Five hundred thousand pesos may
file a verified petition for liquidation !ith the court of the province or city
in !hich the individual debtor resides. The follo!ing shall be
considered acts of insolvency, and the petition for liquidation shall set
forth or allege at least one of such acts: 7 I,!rta"t+ See Sec. 107 #!r
e"&,erat!" !# act) !# ")!l/e"c$8
N!te+ The petitioning creditor<s shall post a bond in such as the court
shall direct, conditioned that if the petition for liquidation is dismissed
by the court, or !ithdra!n by the petitioner, or if the debtor shall not be
insolvent occasioned
the petitioners
by !ill
the pay to the debtor
proceedings and all costs,
2. Or'er t! I"'/'&al De4t!r t! S<!; Ca& )e % Sec. 108 + pon the
filing of such creditors$ petition, the court shall issue an +rder requiring
the individual debtor to sho! cause, at a time and place to be fixed by
the said court, !hy he should not be adjudged an insolvent. pon good
cause sho!n, the court may issue an +rder forbidding the individual
debtor from ma9ing payments of any of his debts, and transferring any
property belonging to him. Co!ever, nothing contained herein shall
affect or impair the rights of a secured creditor to enforce his lien in
accordance !ith its terms.
*. De#a< % Se c. 1 09+ 6f the individual debtor shall default or if, after trial,
the issues are found in favor of the petitioning creditors the court shall
issue the 0iquidation +rder mentioned in (ection 112.
. A4)e"t I"'/'&al De4t!r % Se c. 10@
7. All Pr!ert$ Ta5e" t! 4e Hel' #!r All Cre' t!r) Ae al B!" ')
E6e,t!") t! S&rete) % Sec. 10:
B. T<e L >&'at!r.
1. Elect!" !# L>&'at!r % Sec . 117
2. C!&rtA!"te' L> &'at!r % Se c. 118
extent possible
enumeration all the claims against the debtor. 7(ee Sec. 11 for
of po!ers.8
6n addition to the rights and duties of a rehabilitation receiver, the
liquidator, shall have the right and duty to ta9e all reasonable steps to
manage and dispose of the debtor$s assets !ith a vie! to!ards
maximiing the proceeds therefrom, to pay creditors and stoc9holders,
and to terminate the debtor$s legal existence. +ther duties of the
liquidator in accordance !ith this section may be established by
procedural rules.
% liquidator shall be subject to removal pursuant to procedures for
removing a rehabilitation receiver.
8. C!,e")at!" !# t< e L>&'at!r % Sec. 120
9. Re!rt"( Re>&re,e"t) % Se c. 121
@. D)c<ar(e !# L>&'at!r % Sec . 122
C. Deter,"at!" !# Cla,)
1. Re()tr$ !# Cla,) % Sec. 12*
2. R(<t !# S et!## % Se c. 12
*. O!)t!" !r C<al le"(e t! Cla ,) % Sec. 127
. S&4,))!" !# D)&te' Cla, t! t<e C!&rt % Sec. 128
D. A/!'a"ce Pr!cee'"()
1. T<e L> &'at!" Pl a" % Sec . 12 + #ithin three 738 months from his
assumption into office, the 0iquidator shall submit a 0iquidation 'lan to
the court. The 0iquidation 'lan shall, as a minimum enumerate all the
assets of the debtor and a schedule of liquidation of the assets and
payment of the claims.
2. E6e,t P r!ert$ t ! 4e S et Aart % Se c. 1*0