Lumbar Spine Examination
Lumbar Spine Examination
Lumbar Spine Examination
1. Observation
a. General appearance, affect, visual cues of symptoms
b. Willingness to move, gait, and undressing
c. Body structure and level of fitness
d. Posture
In standing: Lateral tilt, curvature of the spine (Lordosis, flat back, and sway back),
Excessive lumbar lordosis: is when the concave curve of the low back is greater than
normal, and the pelvis is anteriorly tilted.
Flat back: is when the concave curve of the low back is either diminished or completely
flat, and the pelvis is posteriorly tilted.
Sway back: is characterized by increased lordosis due to posterior positioning of the
thoracic spine and the pelvis displacing anteriorly, along with a posterior pelvic tilt.
To determine whether the pelvis is anteriorly or posteriorly tilted, you must bilaterally
palpate the ASIS’s, and PSIS’s. In normal pelvic alignment, the ASIS and PSIS should
be level horizontally, additionally, the ASIS’s should be viewed anteriorly for levelness
from one side to the other. Observing the ASIS positioning in these two different views
will help to identify a variety of alignment concerns. If one ASIS appears higher than the
other, the patient may have a leg-length discrepancy, an innominate upslip, or an
innominate rotation. These conditions may be related to the patient’s lower back
complaints, and thus should be noted in the exam.
In sitting: observing the patient’s adapted sitting posture. Take note of what is
comfortable for them. The adapted sitting posture could be a contributing factor to the
patient’s symptoms, and therefore should be discussed with the patient so they are
educated on how to prevent future lumbar problems.
3. Palpation
a. Skin (Temperature, sweating, scratch test, skin rolling)
b. Muscles
i. Tone
ii. Tenderness
iii. Trigger points
iv. Ligaments
c. Bony alignments
i. Tenderness/ stiffness
Saddam Kanaan, PT, PhD
A- Flexion/ extension
Patient Position: Patient is in the sidelying position with the hips and knees flexed.
Therapist Position: The therapist stands in a squat stance position in front of the
patient. The therapist reaches with the caudal hand behind and under the patients
flexed knees to grasp anteriorly around the right knee. (The therapist can also grasp
the posterior aspect of the patient’s ankles or if legs are heavy can grasp the top
leg.) The therapist places the cephalad arm over the patient’s lower scapular area
(this will help to prevent thoracic rotation) with the pad of the index finger or middle
finger in the interspinous space of the level to be tested.
B- Side bending
Saddam Kanaan, PT, PhD
c. Transverse glide
I recommend this technique for different cases including impingement, facet joints, and
unilateral pain
9. Special test:
Saddam Kanaan, PT, PhD
The patient lies prone with the body on the examining table and legs over the edge and
feet resting on the floor. While the patient rests in this position with the trunk muscles
relaxed, the examiner applies posterior to anterior pressure to an individual spinous
process of the lumbar spine. Any provocation of pain is reported. Then the patient lifts
the legs off the floor (the patient may hold table to maintain position) and posterior to
anterior compression is applied again to the lumbar spine while the trunk musculature is
The test is considered positive if pain is present in the resting position but subsides in
the second position, suggesting lumbo-pelvic instability. The muscle activation is
capable of stabilizing the spinal segment.
B- Neurodynamic testing
Added components:
Dorsiflexion: tibial nerve
Hip adduction
Medial rotation: lumbosacral plexus
Passive neck flexion
Bilateral straight leg raise
Saddam Kanaan, PT, PhD
Bilateral knee extension
Hip adduction/medial rotation
A. Myotomes
B. Reflexes
– L3, L4—Knee Jerk (can perform in sitting position if unable to elicit in supine
– L5—Hamstring Jerk (can perform in prone position if unable to elicit in supine
– S1—Ankle Jerk (can perform in prone position if unable to elicit in supine position)
C. Sensation
Saddam Kanaan, PT, PhD
– L1—groin
– L2—anterior proximal thigh
– L3—medial aspect of distal thigh and knee
– L4—lateral aspect of knee and medial distal leg
– L5—Dorsum of foot
– S1—lateral foot
– S2—medial aspect of heel