Automation File
Automation File
Automation File
I would like to extend my gratitude & my sincere thanks to our guide Er.SANJEEV
guidance, constant encouragement and kind help at different stages for the execution of
this dissertation work. I would also like to thank the staff at EXCELLENCE
TECHNOLOGY Chandigarh .for allowing us to carry out our project work in the lab.
Department,Electrical and Electronics Engineering, for providing us with this project and
I would like to thank my teachers and friends for their cooperation in carrying out the project.
B-tech (EE)
1. Abstract
This project work is divided into two parts. The first part deals with the history and
development of Programmable Logic Controllers and its subsequent applications in different
industries. In The second part PLC was implemented to control 3 different processes namely
lift car controller, Liquid level controller, Temperature controller.
Before, a programmable logic controller would have been programmed in ladder logic, which
is similar to a schematic of relay logic. A modern programmable logic controller is usually
programmed in any one of several languages, ranging from ladder logic to Basic or C.
Typically, the program is written in a development environment on a personal computer
(PC), and then is downloaded onto the programmable logic controller directly through a cable
connection. The program is stored in the programmable logic controller in non-volatile
The programmable logic controller has made a significant contribution to factory automation.
Earlier automation systems had to use thousands of individual relays and cam timers, but all
of the relays and timers within a factory system can often be replaced with a single
programmable logic controller. Today, programmable logic controllers deliver a wide range
of functionality, including basic relay control, motion control, process control, and complex
networking, as well as being used in Distributed Control Systems.
There are several different types of interfaces that are used when people need to interact with
the programmable logic controller to configure it or work with it. This may take the form of
simple lights or switches or text displays, or for more complex systems, a computer of Web
interface on a computer running a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
Programmable logic controllers were first created to serve the automobile industry, and the
first programmable logic controller project was developed in 1968 for General Motors to
replace hard-wired relay systems with an electronic controller.
The lift controller controls the movement of the lift. The program is designed to make the lift
car move to the correct floor based on floor request. The temperature controller controls the
temperature of the fluid based on a set point. The level controller controls the level of a liquid
in a tank.
Industrial automation is the use of control systems, such as computers or robots, and
information technologies for handling different processes and machineries in an industry to
replace a human being. It is the second step beyond mechanization in the scope of
Automation or automatic control is the use of various control systems for operating
equipment such as machinery, processes in factories, boilers and heat treating ovens,
switching in telephone networks, steering and stabilization of ships, aircraft and other
applications with minimal or reduced human intervention. Some processes have been
completely automated. The biggest benefit of automation is that it saves labor; however, it is
also used to save energy and materials and to improve quality, accuracy and precision.
Automation has been achieved by various means including mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic,
electrical, electronics and computers, usually in combination. Complicated systems, such as
modern factories, airplanes and ships typically use all these combined techniques.
Figure- A.1
Replacing human operators in tasks that involve hard physical or monotonous work.
Replacing humans in tasks done in dangerous environments (i.e. fire, space, nuclear
facilities, underwater, etc.)
Performing tasks that are beyond human capabilities of size, weight, speed, etc.
Provides higher level jobs in the development, deployment, maintenance and running
of the automated processes.
High initial cost: The automation of a new product or plant typically requires a very
large initial investment in comparison with the unit cost of the product, although the
cost of automation may be spread among many products and over time.
Technology limits. Current technology is unable to automate all the desired tasks.
Figure- A.2
Automated manufacturing
Home automation
Automated retail
Industrial automation
Food &Beverage
History of Automation
1) Manual Control
2) Pneumatic Control
3) Hard wired logic Control
4) Electronic Control using Logic Gates
5) Programmable Logic Controller
I) Manual Control
All the actions related to process control are taken by the operators
1) Likely human errors and consequently its effect on quality of final product
2) The production, safety, energy consumption and usage of raw material are all subject to
the correctness and accuracy of human action.
II) Pneumatic Control
1) Industrial automation, with its machine and process control, had its origin in the 1920s
2. The System is very complex & 2. The System is very simple & much
complicated cleaner
3. Contact Failure rate is very high 3. Contact Failure rate is very low
6. A Relay cannot accept a new module 6. A PLC can easily accept a new
It is required to build another panel module in a slot or get an expansion
7. It is required to build another panel
to increase inputs & output. 7. In PLC, It's so much easierUser can
easily modify the logic to add
8. Any change or troubleshooting on a
number of input outputs
relay system means the system might
have to go offline. 8. Changes in a PLC can often be made
online with no downtime.
9. Panel size is large because use of
many relays. 9. PLC is a real space saver & reduces
panel size.
10. Data collection difficult
10. Data collection easy
11. Opting to use relays only in
applications where different voltages 11. PLC output could not handle the
were being switched (Input or current requirements of the
Output) application.
The first Programmable Logic Controllers were designed and developed by Modicon as a
relay re-placer for GM and Landis. These controllers eliminated the need for rewiring and
adding additional hardware for each new configuration of logic. The new system drastically
increased the functionality of the controls while reducing the cabinet space that housed the
logic. The first PLC, model 084, was invented by Dick Morley in 1969. The first commercial
successful PLC, the 184, was introduced in 1973 and was designed by Michael Greenberg.
Figure- B.1
Replacing human operators in tasks that involve hard physical or monotonous work.
Performing tasks that are beyond human capabilities of size, weight, speed,
endurance, etc.
Provides higher level jobs in the development, deployment, maintenance and running
of the automated processes.
Selection of PLC
Choosing the most effective controller for your application depends on a number of factors.
To begin the selection process, a drawing of the machine or process is a good start. This can
help identify field devices and physical requirements for hardware locations. From the
drawing, you can determine how many analog and/or discrete devices you will have. Once
the field device requirements and hardware locations are defined, you can review controllers
that will meet your requirements. See the Controller Selection Worksheet in this section that
will help you work through the considerations for determining the type of controller you will
need, regardless of which manufacturers you are evaluating.
* Speed of operation.
* Communication requirements.
* Software.
* Operator interface.
* Physical environments.
PLC Brands:-
1. Allen Bradley
2. Siemens
3. Delta
4. Schneider Electric
5. ABB
6. Honeywell
7. Omron
8. GE Fanuc
9. General Electric
10. Modicon
11. Mitsubishi
12. Toshiba
13. LG
14. Yokogawa
15. Messung
Requirement of PLC
Continuous demand for efficient manufacturing necessitates high quality and reliable Control
systems. Programmable Logic controller (PLC) is a digital device used for automating
electromechanical processes, such as control of machinery on factory assembly lines. PLC is
called 'The Work Horse' and represents a key driver in automation, production & process
planning in the manufacturing industry. The PLC is a Powerful Automation tool and its role
is of paramount importance as the production process goes through a fixed repetitive
sequence of operations that involve logical steps and decisions. Thus PLCs offer a system
with flexibility that is suited to withstand harsh industrial environment, reduced machine
down‐time and also easily maintainable.
Central U
I Processing T
N Unit P
P + U
U Memory T
Figure- B.2.4
The Central Processing Unit, the CPU, contains an internal program that tells the PLC how to
perform the following functions:
Execute the Control Instructions contained in the User's Programs. This program is stored in
"nonvolatile" memory, meaning that the program will not be lost if power is removed
Communicate with other devices, which can include I/O Devices, Programming Devices,
Networks, and even other PLC’s.
Perform Housekeeping activities such as Communications, Internal Diagnostics, etc.
The CPU is the brain of a PLC system. It consists of the microprocessor, memory integrated
circuits, and circuits necessary to store and retrieve information from memory. It also
includes communications ports to other peripherals, other PLC's or programming terminals.
Today's processors vary widely in their capabilities to control real world devices. Some
control as few as 6 inputs and 4 outputs (I/O) and others 40,000 or more. One processor can
control more than one process or manufacturing line. Processors are often linked together in
order to provided continuity throughout the process. The number of inputs and outputs PLC’s
can control are limited by the overall capacity of the PLC system hardware and memory
capabilities. The job of the processor is to monitor status or state of input devices, scan and
solve the logic of a user program, and control on or off state of output devices.
RAM or Random Access Memory is a volatile memory that would lose it's information if
power were removed. This is why some processor units incorporate a battery back up. The
type of RAM normally used is CMOS or Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor.
CMOS RAM is used for storage of the user's program (ladder logic diagrams) and storage
ROM or Read Only Memory is a non-volatile type of memory. This means you don't need an
external power source to keep information. In this type of memory, information can be read,
but not changed. For this reason the manufacture sometimes calls this firmware. It is placed
there for the internal use and operation of processor units.
Input Module
There are many types of input modules to choose from. The type of input module used is
dependent upon what real world input to the PLC is desired. Some examples of inputs are
limit switches, electric eyes, and pushbuttons. DC inputs, such as thumbwheel switches, can
be used to enter integer values to be manipulated by the PLC. DC input cards are used for this
application. Since most industrial power systems are inherently noisy, electrical isolation is
provided between the input and the processor. Electromagnetic interference (EMI) and Radio
Frequency Interference (RFI) can cause severe problems in most solid state control systems.
The component used most often to provide electrical isolation within I/O cards is called an
optical isolator or optocoupler. The wiring of an input is not complex. The object is to get a
voltage at a particular point on the card. Typically there are 8 to 32 input points on any one
input module. Each point will be assigned a unique address by the processor. Analog input
modules are special input cards that use analog to digital conversion (A to D) to sense
variables such as temperature, speed, pressure, and position. The external device normally is
connected to a controller (transducer) producing an electrical signal the analog input card can
interpret. This signal is usually 4 to 20 ma or a 0 to 10 volt signal.
Output Module
Output modules can be for used for ac or dc devices such as solenoids, relays, contractors,
pilot lamps, and LED readouts. Output cards usually have from 6 to 32 output points on a
single module. The output device within the card provides the Connection from the user
power supply to the load. Usually silicon controlled rectifiers (SCR), triac, or dry contact
relays are use for this purpose. Individual outputs are rated most often at 2 to 3 amperes.
Output cards, like input cards have electrical isolation between the load being connected and
the PLC. Analog output cards are a special type of output modules that use digital to analog
conversion (D to A). The analog output module can take a value stored in a 12 bit file and
convert it to an analog signal. Normally this signal is 0 -10 volts dc or 4 to 20 ma. This
analog signal is often used in equipment such as motor operated valves and pneumatic
position control devices.
A PLC operates by continually scanning the program and acting upon the instructions, one at
a time, to switch on or off the various outputs. In order to do this the PLC first "looks" at all
the inputs and remembers their states (i.e. "1" or "0" / on or off) this information is then
stored in memory. The PLC then scans the program instructions and decides if an output
should be on or off and this is important to remember, the physical output is NOT turned on
immediately. When the PLC has finished scanning the programmed instructions it will,
finally, turn on the required outputs. This is called updating the process output image. At this
point the PLC then checks its own operating system and if everything is ok it then goes and
checks the states of the inputs and starts all over again. This is program scanning and the
delay is called the program scan time. From the above statement it should be seen that there is
a delay from when an input is turned on; the program scanned and then a physical output
being turned on or off. As the delay is only ms it is not usually a problem unless you are
using the PLC in a high speed process. However it should be remembered that in a PLC with
many thousand I/O an input could turn on and then off before the PLC has finished scanning
the programmed instructions. This could result in an output coming on for one or two scans
when in fact it should be off.
In case of PLC, before any output devices can be turned ON or OFF, the processor has to
scan the entire program that is in user memory
Input scan :- In input scan, the states of inputs are scanned and input status table is updated
Program scan : In this scan, data input table is applied to used created program, program is
executed and output table is updated accordingly.
Output scan :- In this scan, the states of outputs are generated as per the data associated
with output status table.
Figure- B.3
While Ladder Logic is the most commonly used PLC programming language, it is not the
only one. The following table lists of some of languages that are used to program a PLC.
Ladder Diagram (LD) Traditional ladder logic is graphical programming language. Initially
programmed with simple contacts that simulated the opening and closing of relays, Ladder
Logic programming has been expanded to include such functions as counters, timers, shift
registers, and math operations.
Figure- B.4
Function Block Diagram (FBD) - A graphical language for depicting signal and data flows
through re-usable function blocks. FBD is very useful for expressing the interconnection of
control system algorithms and logic.
Figure- B.5
Structured Text (ST) – A high level text language that encourages structured programming. It
has a language structure (syntax) that strongly resembles PASCAL and supports a wide range
of standard functions and operators. For example;
If Speed1 > 100.0 then
Flow_Rate: = 50.0 + Offset_A1;
Flow_Rate: = 100.0; Steam: = ON
Instruction List (IL): A low level “assembler like” language that is based on similar
instructions list languages found in a wide range of today’s PLCs.
ST A_X43
Figure- 2.6
When logic high signal comes from the processor the LED is on & light strike to
phototransistor. Which become in conduction region & give a triggering pulse to at the gate
of triac. The triac conducts-and load lamp is energized through it as clear from fig.
The interfacing is providing by opto-coupler (LED, Phototransistor) as in the input module.
PLC input and output terminals are wired based upon the concepts of sinking and sourcing. In
sinking the direction of current flow is inward to PLC I/O module and sourcing, the direction
of current from is outward from PLC I/O module.
Figure- 2.8
Figure- 2.9
Figure- B.10
Figure- B.11
Ladder Logic or Ladder Diagrams is the most common programming language used to
program a PLC. Ladder logic was one of the first programming approaches used in PLCs
because it borrowed heavily from the Relay Diagrams that plant electricians already knew.
The symbol used in Relay Ladder Logic consists of a power rail to the left, a second power
rail to the right, and individual circuits that connect the left power rail to the right. The logic
of each circuit (or rung) is solved from left to right. The symbols of these diagrams look like
a ladder with two side rails and circuits that resemble rungs on a ladder.
Figure- C.1
The picture above has a single circuit or "rung" of ladder. If Input1 is ON (or true) - power
(logic) completes the circuit from the left rail to the right rail – and Output1 turns ON (or
If Output1 is OFF (or false) - then the circuit is not completed and logic does not flow to the
right - and Output 1 is OFF. There are many logic symbols available in Ladder Logic -
including Timers, Counters, Math, and Data Moves- such that any logical condition or
control loop can be represented in Ladder Logic. With just a handful of basic symbols - a
Normally Open Contact, Normally Closed Contact, Normally Open Coil, Normally Closed
Coil, Timer, Counter - most logical conditions can be represented.
Figure- C.2
Figure- C.5
Figure- C.6
Figure- C.9
Figure- C.10
Figure- C.11
Figure- C.12
Figure- C.13
Data Files
Data table files contain the stratus information associated with external I/O and all
other instruction you use in your main and subroutine ladder program files. In addition these
files store information concerning controller operation.
SLC controllers support up to 256 (0-255) data files. The first eight data files have default file
types. Micrologix-1000 controller allows you eight default data files as defined below.
Output:- This files stores the state of output terminal for the controller.
Input:- This files stores the state of input terminal for the controller.
Status:- This file store the controller information useful for troubleshooting controller and
program operation.
Binary:- This file store internal relay logic.
Timer:- This file store the timer accumulator and preset values and status bits.
Counter:- This file store the counter accumulator and preset.
Control:- This file the length pointer position and status bits for specific instruction such as
shift register and sequencers.
Integer:- This file issued to store numeric values or bit information.
Floating Points:- This file stores with a range of -1.1754944e-38 to 3.40282341e+38.(SLC
only not for ML1000)
Figure- C.14
Figure- C.15
Figure- C.16
Figure- C.17
In Allen Bradley PLC Software different instruction are used we are discuss in briefly here,
in Allen Bradley PLC Seven types instruction are available, Just see below.
2. Timer/Counter Instruction
3. Compare Instruction
4. Compute/Math Instruction
5. Move/Logical Instruction
Figure- C.18
XIC:This instruction (also called " Examine on" Or "Normally open") function as an input or
Storage bit, if the corresponding memory bit is a "1"(ON) this information will allow
rung continuity and output will be energized.
If the corresponding memory but is a "0" (OFF) this instruction will not allow rung continuity
(It assumes it's normally open states) and output on the rung will be de-energized (Other
factor can influence rung continuity)
XIO:This instruction (also called "Examine off" Or "Normally Closed" ) function as an input
or storage bit, if the corresponding memory bit is a "1" (ON) this information will not allow
rung continuity and output on it's rung will be de-energized. it the corresponding memory bit
is a "0" (OFF) this instruction will assume it's normal status and allow rung continuity and
output on the rang will be energized.
OTE: This Instruction sets the specified bit when rung continuity is achieved (Rung goes
true) under normal operating conditions if the set bit corresponds to an output device the
output device will be energized when the rung goes true.
OTL:This instruction functions much the same as the OTE with the exception that once a bit
is set with an OTL, it is "Latched" on, once an OTL bit has been set "ON" (1 in Memory) it
will remain "ON" even if the rung condition goes false the bit be reset with an OTU
instruction. Latch and unlatch instruction must be assigned the same address in your logic
OTU:Use this output instruction to unlatch (Reset) a latched (Set) bit which was set by an
OTL instruction. The OTU address be identical to the OTL address which originally set the
Figure- C.19
In 1847 George Boole (1815–1864), an English mathematician, published one of the works
that founded symbolic logic. His combination of ideas from classical logic and algebra
resulted in what is called Boolean algebra.
Using variables and symbols, Boole designed a language for describing and manipulating
logical statements and determining if they are true or not. The variables stand for statements
that are either true or false. The symbols (+) (*) (-) represent and, or, and not and are
equivalent to the symbols [.logicaland], [.logicalor], and − used in the truth tables in logic.
Although truth tables use T and F (for true and false respectively) to indicate the state of the
sentence, Boolean algebra uses 1 and 0.
The relationship between Boolean algebra, set algebra, logic, and binary arithmetic has given
Boolean algebra a central role in the development of electronic digital computers.
Figure- C.20
AND Gate:-
OR Gate:-
NOT Gate:-
NAND Gate:-
NOR Gate:-
EX-OR Gate:-
Figure- C.21
When we press the start push button NO type output side motor on, we put parallel input
contact but address is output side so when input is discharge because input is momentary
types but output motor is on.
When we press stop push button NC type output side motor off. This is simple Start-Stop
A timer is simply a control block that takes an input and changes an output based on time.
There are two basic timer types we will deal with initially (there are other advanced
timers, but we will start with the basics first) - On-Delay Timer and the Off-Delay Timer.
On-Delay Timer
- this timer takes an input, waits a specific amount of time, then turns ON an output (or
allows logic to flow after the delay).
Off-Delay Timer
- this timer takes turns ON an output (or allows logic to flow) and keeps that output ON
until the set amount of time has passed, then turns it OFF (hence off-delay)
A counter simply counts the number of events that occur on an input. There are two basic
types of counters
- Up counter and a Down counter.
Up Counter
- As its name implies, whenever a triggering event occurs, an up counter
increments the counter.
Down Counter
- Whenever a triggering event occurs, a down counter decrements the counter.
Figure- C.22
Figure- C.23
Figure- C.24
Decision/action flow diagrams
These are flow charts which show the sequence of action steps and questions to be considered
in complex tasks which involve decision-making. Decision/Action Flow Diagrams are similar
to the flow charts used in computer program development. Both charts are based on binary
choice decisions and intervening operations. In general, the binary decision logic in
Decision/Action charts expedites communications through the use of simple conventions and
provides for easy translation of Decision/Action charts into logic flow charts for
computerized sections of the system.
Decision/Action charts can be learned easily and workers usually find them useful in
formulating for the analyst their mental plans which may involve decision-making, time-
sharing, or complex conditions and contingencies. Decision/Action charts have only a single
level of task description, and when complex tasks are analyzed the diagrams become
unwieldy and difficult to follow. Also, it is possible to lose sight of the main objectives of the
task. To this extent, HTA is more appropriate because the task can be represented in varying
degrees of detail and the analyst can get a useful overview of the main objectives to be
achieved during the performance of the task.
Although little training is required to learn the technique, Decision/Action charts should be
verified by different operators to ensure that a representative view of the decision task is
The route sheet does not contain all the other details like processing time and set up of
One of the most important uses of the process chart is for improving manufacturing
processes. The chart helps to reveal unnecessary and time-wasting processes, which can be
eliminated, combined or modified. In today’s highly competitive manufacturing industry,
engineers use such charts to help them get a better picture of how their existing
manufacturing systems look like compared to their target. In advanced manufacturing, this
type of analysis helps in developing ideal facility layout and placement of machines for
efficient operation. Often, this also helps in the preparation of tooling and purchase of ideal
equipment needed for production.
A flow chart is a graphical or symbolic representation of a process. Each step in the process is
represented by a different symbol and contains a short description of the process step. The
flow chart symbols are linked together with arrows showing the process flow
direction. Flowcharts describe a sequence of operations. All flowcharts use the same
symbols, linked with arrows to show the direction of the flow.
Different flow chart symbols have different meanings. The most common flow chart symbols
Terminator: An oval flow chart shape indicating the start or end of the process.
Process: A rectangular flow chart shape indicating a normal process flow step.
Decision: A diamond flow chart shape indication a branch in the process flow.
Connector: A small, labeled, circular flow chart shape used to indicate a jump in the
process flow.
Data: A parallelogram that indicates data input or output (I/O) for a process.
Document: used to indicate a document or report
Figure- C.25
The flow chart below shows the system for making a cup of tea. Note the shape of the boxes
the start and finish are rectangular with rounded corners, the process boxes are rectangular
with square corners, the decision box is a diamond and all boxes are joined by arrows
showing the direction of flow.
Figure- C.26
Bottle filling:-
Figure- C.27
Figure- C.28
Figure- C.29
Packing & Counting:-
Figure- C.30
SCADA stands for supervisory control and data acquisition. It generally refers to an
industrial control system a computer system monitoring and controlling a process.
Figure- D.1
SCADA systems have evolved through four generations as follows:
First generation: "Monolithic"
Early SCADA system computing was done by large minicomputers. Common network
services did not exist at the time SCADA was developed. Thus SCADA systems were
independent systems with no connectivity to other systems. The communication protocols
used were strictly proprietary at that time. The first-generation SCADA system redundancy
was achieved using a back-up mainframe system connected to all the Remote Terminal
Unit sites and was used in the event of failure of the primary mainframe system. Some first
generation SCADA systems were developed as "turn key" operations that ran on
minicomputers such as the PDP-11 series made by the Digital Equipment Corporation
4.3.History of SCADA:
Supervisory control first evolved in electric utility systems when a need to operate remote
substation equipment without sending in personnel or line crew at the remote site was felt. In
1940s, a pair of wires for every equipment was used between sites. The potential of
multiplexing on one pair of lines was soon put to use taking ideas from the Magnetic
Stepping Switch developed by telephone companies in the 30s. Security being an issue, a
select-check-operate procedure was adopted where the operator waited for acknowledgement
from device before finally operating it. Taking further cues from the telephone relay systems
and its coding schemes, Westinghouse and North Electric Company developed the Viscose
supervisory control.
General Electric and Control Corporation too developed their own independent supervisory
control programs. These were used in pipelines, gas companies and even airports for runway
landing lights. These systems became popular during 1950 and 1965. By that time, i.e. in
1960s Telemetry was developed for monitoring purposes. Before 1970’s equipment was
generally hard wired as solid state devices were in birth and infancy stages. But with the
advent of low cost computer technology, software and computers enabled the performing of
the functions previously done by technicians and operators sitting besides panel instruments
and tone telemetry.
The first push was given by the 8 and 16 bit computers called minicomputers. The second
was the microprocessors, several years later. Computers offered flexibility in programming
and communicating with field data acquisition units that was previously being done by hard
wired equipments. This was the dawn of SCADA. Many organizations have been involved
with the standardization of SCADA systems since then, including the IEEE, American
National Standards Institute, Electric Power Research Institute, International Electro
technical Commission, DNP3 Users group etc.
SCADA SystemConcept
The term SCADA usually refers to centralized systems which monitor and control entire
sites, or complexes of systems spread out over large areas (anything between an industrial
plant and a country).
Most control actions are performed automatically by Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) or
by programmable logic controllers (PLCs).
Host control functions are usually restricted to basic overriding or supervisory level
intervention. For example, a PLC may control the flow of cooling water through part of an
industrial process, but the SCADA system may allow operators to change the set points
for the flow, and enable alarm conditions, such as loss of flow and high temperature, to be
displayed and recorded.
The feedback control loop passes through the RTU or PLC, while the SCADA system
monitors the overall performance of the loop.
Figure- D.2
A simple SCADA system with single computer
Figure- D.3
SCADA for Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition. It generally refers to an industrial
control system: a computer system monitoring and controlling a process. The process can be
industrial, infrastructure or facility based as described below:
SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) is an industrial control system at the core
of many modern industries such as manufacturing, energy, water, power, transportation and
many more. SCADA systems deploy multiple technologies that allow organizations to
monitor, gather, and process data as well as send commands to those points that are
transmitting data. Virtually anywhere we look in today's world, we will find some version of
a SCADA system running, whether it's at our local supermarket, refinery, waste water
treatment plant, or even our own home.
In manufacturing environments, SCADA is used to make sure that productivity targets are
met and all systems run smoothly. The SCADA system in place on a production line tracks
how many units have been produced and how many are in various stages of completion.
Analog values like temperature at various production stages are also measured. Imagine how
important it is to know the temperature of molten metal that must be formed into usable
Very similar to manufacturing, food production is a major SCADA application. If
temperature is important for equipment manufacturing, it is absolutely critical for the mass
production of delicate foods. If temperature varies more than a few degrees, entire batches
can fall out of acceptable specifications. This generates a lot of wasteful expense, which
makes deployment of a SCADA system absolutely critical. The movement of liquid and solid
ingredients and mixtures through the production process is also tracked by SCADA.
Wastewater Treatment
The conversion of wastewater back into potable drinking water can really be thought of as
another type of manufacturing process that delivers the world's most critical commodity.
Flow rate sensors are extremely common in wastewater processing centers, as are
contaminant sensors.
Terminal Descriptions
COIL- This the is the COIL terminal. These are the terminals
where you apply voltage to in order to give power to the coils
(which then will close the switch). Polarity does not matter. One
side gets positive voltage and the other side gets negative
voltage. It doesn't matter which order. Polarity only matters if a
diode is used.
NO- This is Normally Open switch. This is the terminal where you
connect the device that you want the relay to power, when the
Dane E.Gilkey, (2011, April 6), EET 331 Programmable Logic Controllers,”LogixPro
Relay Logic Introductory Lab.”
Engineeringtalk, Initials (2008,June 12). The Future for programmable logic
controllers. Retrieved from
TextBook by FrankD. Pentruzzella,”Programmable Logic Controllers”, 4th Edition,
Published by McGraw-Hill, 200