2.2.4.acceptance Testing

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SR Subjects – Assignment 1

Build a group 4-6 members then select one of the following topics in section
”A. Topics” to build requirements document described in section ”B.
Requirements for Requirements Document”

A. Topics

Topic 1. Online Shopping for Baking Ingredients System

Gia Hoa Phat company is a company working in food industy. It has many shops selling the
all ingredients for baking and furnitures used to making bake e.g. oven... It has a plan to
implement a project to transform its business from the tradional to the e-business

You and your group should contact with the stakeholders and study the existing system to
elicit and develop requirements documents for this system.

Topic 2. Defects Management System (DMS)

FPT Software is one of the biggest software outsourcing companies in Viet Nam. It has
hundreds of customers and thousand of projects every year that leads to the overloading of
the existing project Defect Management system. Therefore, Fsoft wants to migrate the
current DMS to run on the new platform (Java, Unix);

You and your group should contact with the stakeholders and study the existing system to
elicit and develop requirements documents for the new system to resolve the above issues but
keep the current features of this system .

Topic 3. Sharing Picture Website

You and your group should contact with the stakeholders and other departments of the
company to elicit and develop requirements documents for this system.

Topic 4. Online Real Estate Auction

Gia Hoa Phat (GHP) has a plan to provide online Real estate Auction services that allows real
estate owners register his asset for auction and provide the asset information for GHP and
then GHP can organize online auction to sell the registered real estate of GHP’s customer.
FPT University - Assignment Description

Otherwise, GHP’s administration and sale departments can mange registration and customer

You and your group should contact with the stakeholders and study the existing system to
elicit and develop requirements documents for this system.

Topic 5. Vehicle Plate Tracking in Car Parking

VPT is a specialized company in Car Parking services. In order to improve quality of
services, reduce cost and efficient in management, it wants to develop a Vehicle Plate
Tracking System and then installed in all the Car-Parking. It allows staff and managers to
track vehicles in/out and parking fee of all vehicles.

You and your group should contact with stakeholders to elicit and develop requirements
documents for this system.

Topic 6. Online Job Searching System

You and your group should contact with the stakeholders to elicit and develop requirements
documents for this system.

Topic 7. Timesheet Tracking System

FPT Software is one of the biggest software outsourcing companies in Viet Nam. It has
hundreds of customers and thousand of projects every year that leads to the overloading of
the existing Project Timesheet Management. Therefore, FSoft wants to migrate the current
Timesheet Tracking System to run on the new platform (Java, Unix);

You and your group should contact with the stakeholders to elicit and develop requirements
documents for this system.

B. Requirements for Requirements Document (Assignment 1 Report)

Your group should contact with the parters, customer or research the current systems in the
market and then understand, analyse and elicit requirements, objectives. Finally, your groups
shall develop system requirements specification documents for the system-to-be and build
prototypes/mock-up of the one of the above topics.

Use template Template_System Requirement Spec (IEEE830).doc [1] for creating

Requirements Document.

The document must have the following sections/topics

1) Define objectives of the system-to-be (section 1.2 in [1])

2) Identify stakeholders of the system-to-be. This section should decribe their the role,
responsibility, and characteristics (section 1.5 and section 2.4 in [1])
3) Use scenario technique to describe all possible scenarios of functions in system-to-be
(at least it contains main scenarios for the main functions). Draw Use Case Diagram
(section 3.1 in [1])

FPT University - Assignment Description

4) Build prototypes for the system-to-be (at least contains main screens & possible
functions) (section 3.1 in [1])
5) Discover all non-functional requirements (about QoS, Architectural, and
Develepment) of the system-to-be (section 3.2 and section 3.4 in [1])

1) The deliverable documents of assigment 1 must include:
a. Requirements documents in MS Word format
b. Prototypes must be in source files e.g. in Excel, PowerPoints, ...or HTML
2) Documents should be zipped in one file before uploading to CMS. The file name
must follow convention ClassName_Topic#_TopicName.zip e.g. SE0421_Topic6_


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