San Mateo Daily Journal 05-31-19 Edition
San Mateo Daily Journal 05-31-19 Edition
San Mateo Daily Journal 05-31-19 Edition
Trump slaps tariff on Mexico President threatening 5% tariff on all Mexican imports to
pressure country to do more to crack down on migrants
By Jill Colvin and Colleen Long died.” Trump made the announcement ernment of failing to do enough to halt
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS by tweet after telling reporters earlier the flow of Central American migrants
Thursday that he was planning “a major who have been flowing to the U.S. in
WASHINGTON — In a surprise statement” that would be his “biggest” search of asylum from countries
announcement that could compromise a so far on the border. including El Salvador, Honduras and
major trade deal, President Donald “On June 10th, the United States will Guatemala. And he has been itching to
Trump announced Thursday that he is impose a 5% Tariff on all goods coming take increasingly radical, headline-
slapping a 5% tariff on all Mexican into our Country from Mexico, until grabbing action on the issue, which he
imports, effective June 10, to pressure such time as illegal migrants coming sees as critical to his reelection cam-
the country to do more to crack down on through Mexico, and into our Country, paign because it energizes his base.
the surge of Central American migrants STOP. The Tariff will gradually increase But the sudden tariff threat comes at a
trying to cross the U.S. border. until the Illegal Immigration problem peculiar time, given how hard the
REUTERS He said the percentage will gradually is remedied,” he wrote, “at which time administration has been pushing for
Donald Trump talks with a graduating cadet while participating increase — up to 25% — “until the the Tariffs will be removed.”
in the U.S. Air Force Academy’s graduation ceremony. Illegal Immigration problem is reme- Trump has accused the Mexican gov- See TARIFF, Page 31
‘The hard work came from her’ Weighing downtown San Mateo traffic, parking and hous-
ing needs, city officials gave a four-story, mixed-use build-
ing the green light to replace a Kentucky Fried Chicken
South City student graduates from adult transition program, high school restaurant and three industrial buildings at 406 E. Third Ave.
By Austin Walsh Francisco adult tran- her obstacles, Rahm, 22, built the at the Planning Commission’s Tuesday meeting.
sition program who resiliency required to graduate from the Expected to provide 25 residential units on the building’s
for the past few adult transition program and also fourth floor and 103,731 square feet of office space on the
years has helped receive a high school diploma. eastern edge of San Mateo’s downtown, the project has
Whether it is a computer malfunc- spurred discussions of its fit with downtown uses and archi-
tion, or when the bus is late, Megan Rahm manage the Following her second graduation
challenges associ- ceremony in as many weeks, Rahm tecture since plans were submitted with the city in March of
Rahm struggles with life’s inconsis- 2018.
tencies. ated with autism. acknowledged the dedication and com-
But with a few mitment required for her to succeed in Michael Field, a representative of the developer Windy
“She encounters hiccups which can school. Hill, said the developer increased the number of residential
derail her,” said Maryanne Mathiesen, deep breaths and a
a paraprofessional at the South San Megan Rahm desire to overcome See KFC, Page 18
See MEGAN, Page 23
002 0531 fri:0531 fri 239 5/30/19 7:29 PM Page 1
Move-In Special
004 0531 fri:0531 fri 239 5/30/19 11:49 AM Page 1
Obituary Obituary
Netanyahu’s future clouded by rivalry with former ally Netanyahu, serving as his chief of staff dur-
By Josef Federman
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ing his first term as prime minister in the
late 1990s. He quickly resigned, however,
JERUSALEM — Prime Minister to protest concessions Netanyahu made to
Benjamin Netanyahu’s complicated rela- the Palestinians and launched a new party,
tionship with an angry former protege has Yisrael Beitenu, appealing primarily to fel-
sent Israeli politics into uncharted waters. low Soviet immigrants.
By triggering an early election, Avigdor That set the stage for one of the longest
Lieberman has raised questions about the and strangest relationships in Israeli poli-
political future of the long-ruling prime tics. While the U.S.-educated Netanyahu has
minister who is bracing for expected crimi- cultivated an image as a telegenic and world-
nal charges in a corruption case. ly statesman, Lieberman speaks in a dour,
He also has emerged as a feared kingmak- Russian-accented monotone. While
er who could continue to threaten Netanyahu presents himself as a leader,
Netanyahu. Lieberman is seen as a master backroom
“They’ve been going at each other for operator.
years,” said Reuven Hazan, a professor in The sharp-tongued Lieberman has been
the political science department at Hebrew the source of countless controversies. He
University. has referred to Arab lawmakers as terrorist
In coalition negotiations over the years, “collaborators,” calling for them to face the
he said that Lieberman has seemingly death penalty, and he led a failed attempt to
enjoyed dragging out talks “until the last require Arab citizens to take a loyalty oath.
minute.” REUTERS He has infuriated Egypt, a key ally, by sug-
The latest showdown, in which Lieberman Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks to the media at Israel’s parliament. gesting that Israel bomb Egypt’s Aswan
blocked Netanyahu from forming a coali- Dam, and again by saying angrily that its
tion government, was the culmination of ed Netanyahu, it happened just as President ty” and the prime minister accusing then-President Hosni Mubarak could “go to
years of up-and-down relations between stu- Donald Trump’s Mideast team was arriving Lieberman of being a “serial toppler” of hell.”
dent and mentor. It ended in a vote early to promote a peace initiative. A lengthy governments. Yet he has proven to be a valuable ally to
Thursday morning that dissolved parlia- Israeli election campaign adds even more Lieberman, a 60-year-old former night- Netanyahu, briefly merging their parties
ment less than two months after elections uncertainty to the U.S. plan. club bouncer, immigrated to Israel from the earlier this decade. He has used his influence
and triggered another national vote in The rivals continued to exchange insults former Soviet republic of Moldova in the to secure top posts, including foreign min-
September. Thursday, with Lieberman accusing 1970s. ister and defense minister, but also has feud-
In a further embarrassment to the infuriat- Netanyahu of creating a “cult of personali- He got his start in politics as an aide to ed with him.
Japan, Russia accuse each government plans to increase purchases of Iraqi city of Kirkuk rocked by
Around the world expensive American military equipment
other of military buildups Ashore missile defense systems, saying including F-35 stealth fighter jets and cruise six blasts; at least four killed
TOKYO — Russia and Japan accused each they pose a “potential threat to Russia.” missiles as Japan continues to expand its BAGHDAD — Iraqi security officials say a
other of military buildups as their foreign The Aegis Ashore systems, planned for military cooperation with the U.S. series of explosions in the northern city of
and defense ministers met in Tokyo on deployment in Akita on Japan’s northern Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono Kirkuk has killed at least four people and
Thursday for talks that failed to make coast and in Yamaguchi in the southwest, are accused Russia of a military buildup on
Russian-controlled islands claimed by both wounded 23.
progress on decades-long island disputes. part of Japan’s rapidly expanding missile
countries. The officials said the six blasts went off in
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov defense system to bolster its ability to
said at a joint news conference after the talks The dispute over the islands, which Russia quick succession Thursday night after iftar,
counter potential threats from North Korea the meal that breaks daylong fasting during
that Russia was concerned about Tokyo’s and China. Under guidelines approved in calls the southern Kurils and Japan the
plan to build a pair of land-based Aegis Northern Territories, has prevented the two the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. They
December, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s
countries from signing a peace treaty for- struck center of the city when streets are typ-
mally ending their World War II hostilities. ically crowded.
009 0531 fri:1030 FRI 64 5/30/19 6:13 PM Page 1
Letters to the editor I received more from that brief monologue than any
other utterance in that chamber and elsewhere over my
years observing this community. It was a genuine and
extremely powerful expression of community service
John Kelly capturing the essence of this great has shown no warming, apart from delivered in such a way as to provide the true meaning for
man. Jon has known John many the 2016 El Niño event.” This is an the work that was before the deliberating body. It showed
Editor, years and has always been a great sup- example of fallacious reasoning. The
Even though no words can adequate- to me a man who was interested in serving his fellow man
porter of his and his work. Your abili- fallacy here is called “cherry pick- for the most genuine of reasons — simply helping as
ly describe the life and gifts John ty to capture the man, the prophet, ing,” which can be defined as: selec- many people as possible in every way possible.
Kelly gave to so many in San Mateo the humanitarian and the friend with
County, your article in the May 24 tively choosing data that supports I come across a wide range of people in my business.
your words is greatly appreciated. one’s argument while ignoring data Many seek to help others but sometimes do so to advance
edition of the Daily Journal (“San Thank you.
Mateo County community icon John that contradicts the argument. When themselves or some other agenda. Not Kelly. He was the
Kelly dies at 90”) was beautifully you see someone engaging in this noble embodiment of community service. Those who
written. It is a difficult task to put Pam Frisella practice, you can immediately tell knew him better than I did say he lived a pauper’s life,
into words how John’s life was spent Foster City that person is not a scientist. You can with very few material possessions. In this era and place
bringing to our county’s attention the also ignore the person’s other argu- of riches and the trouble caused by such riches, seeing
need to help those underserved. Our ments as they have just made it clear and knowing someone who shirked it is certainly
county rose to his challenge and still Introduction to logic that they do not know how to think notable.
Later, after his stroke, Kelly had the idea of writing a
does through the continued great Editor, logically and coherently.
few pieces for us about his experience in restorative jus-
work of Samaritan House, Service In his letter “Climate change” in
tice at San Quentin State Prison. He felt others might
League, Police Activities League and the May 21 edition of the Daily
Chuck Simmons benefit from his discoveries and mentioned that he
so many more non-profits. I would Journal, Bob Cohen offers: “I suggest
thought we might be a good venue for revealing it. I was
like to thank the reporter, Anna you look at NOAA’s Climate Redwood City
happy to do it. He made a point to come into the office to
Schuessler, and editor, Jon Mays, for Reference Network which since 2004
meet me and slowly made it up to the second floor with
his walker to do so. He felt we should meet again if we
OUR MISSION: were to be working together. Though he was only able to
It is the mission of the Daily Journal to be the most write a small amount for us, I do believe it was a positive
accurate, fair and relevant local news source for
those who live, work or play on the MidPeninsula. for the community to learn what he was up to. We
By combining local news and sports coverage, exchanged notes now and then but then lost touch as he
Jerry Lee, Publisher BUSINESS STAFF: analysis and insight with the latest business, got older and less able.
Michael Davis Charles Gould lifestyle, state, national and world news, we seek to These are small exchanges and my observation in the
Jon Mays, Editor in Chief Paul Moisio Jeff Palter provide our readers with the highest quality
Nathan Mollat, Sports Editor Shanni Brown Joy Uganiza information resource in San Mateo County. council chamber was but one piece of a larger body of
Erik Oeverndiek, Copy Editor/Page Designer
Todd Waibel Our pages belong to you, our readers, and we work that Kelly exhibited throughout all his years.
choose to reflect the diverse character of this Countless others have felt the power of his passion for
Dave Newlands, Production Manager INTERNS, CORRESPONDENTS, CONTRACTORS: dynamic and ever-changing community.
Robert Armstrong Charlie Chapman community service. However, part of my role in this
Will Nacouzi, Production Assistant Jim Clifford Matthew Dalton community is to observe it and, at times, let others know
Kerry McArdle, Marketing & Events
Talia Fine Maria Garcia-Hernandez SMDAILYJOURNAL.COM the meaning of what I experience. It is my experience
Brooke Hanshaw Robert Hutchinson
Austin Walsh, Senior Reporter Tom Jung Shavonne Lin Follow us on Twitter and Facebook: that people like John Kelly don’t come by very often
Vishu Prathikanti Joe Rudino and, when they do, we should appreciate it and learn from
REPORTERS: Joe Roias Nick Rose it. If we do, then the purpose of his life lives on after his
Terry Bernal, Zachary Clark, Anna Schuessler Joel Snyder Gary Whitman
death and becomes part of each and every one of us. John
Susan E. Cohn, Senior Correspondent: Events Online edition at
Kelly’s commitment to the community was the selfless
embodiment of service to others — ensuring that no one
Letters to the Editor • Emailed documents are preferred: Correction Policy
Should be no longer than 250 words. The Daily Journal corrects its errors. was without help when in need. This was a life lived well.
Perspective Columns • Letter writers are limited to two submissions a If you question the accuracy of any article in the Daily
Should be between 500-780 words. month. Journal, please contact the editor at
• Illegibly handwritten letters and anonymous letters Opinions expressed in letters, columns and Jon May s is the editor in chief of the Daily Journal. He can
will not be accepted. perspectives are those of the individual writer and do or by phone at: 344-5200, ext. 107
• Please include a city of residence and phone not necessarily represent the views of the Daily Journal Editorials represent the viewpoint of the Daily Journal be reached at jon@smdaily Follow Jon on
number where we can reach you. staff. editorial board and not any one individual.
Twitter @jonmay s.
010 0531 fri:0531 fri 239 5/30/19 5:54 PM Page 1
Giants 3, Marlins 1
Raptors shoot down Warriors Giants end
By Brian Mahoney
Raptors 118, Warriors 109
TORONTO — Pascal Siakam scored a
playoff career-high 32 points and the
Toronto Raptors won the first NBA Finals
game played outside the U.S., beating the
Golden State Warriors 118-109 on Thursday
The Raptors hardly looked like newcom-
losing streak
By Steven Wine
ers to the NBA’s biggest stage, controlling
the action most of the way against a Golden
State team beginning its fifth straight NBA
MIAMI — The Marlins were ahead on the
Finals appearance.
scoreboard and closing fast in the standings
Kawhi Leonard added 23 points and Marc
when the Giants finally came up with a cou-
Gasol had 20 for the Raptors, fueled by a
ple of big hits to end a skid.
crowd that couldn’t wait for a party 24 years
Brandon Crawford delivered a tiebreaking
in the making.
two-run double in the eighth inning, and
“I think they were into it and that’s the
San Francisco broke a
way it should be, man,” Raptors coach Nick
seven-game losing
Nurse said. “That’s what home court is, and
streak by rallying past
our fans deserve a bunch of credit for being a
Miami 3-1 Thursday.
big part of that.”
“You go through these
Stephen Curry scored 34 points and Klay
things, and there’s no
Thompson had 21 for the Warriors, who had
question a win does a lot
won all four Game 1s in the last four years.
for a club,” San Francisco
All those had come at home, but this time
manager Bruce Bochy
Golden State doesn’t have home-court — or
home country — advantage. Brandon The Giants averted a
Game 2 is Sunday night in Toronto, which Crawford series sweep against the
is hosting an NBA Finals game for the first
team with the National League’s worst
time after the Raptors entered the league as
record, and left town 2 1/2 games ahead of
an expansion team in 1995.
The Raptors were perhaps a little jittery at
“That was the goal coming into today —
the start, with Kyle Lowry firing a pass well
break the streak,” Crawford said. “It will be
out of bounds on their first possession.
a happy flight.”
But they quickly settled in afterward,
San Francisco’s Tyler Beede, recalled
building a 10-point lead by halftime.
before the game from Triple-A Sacramento,
Siakam then went 6 for 6 in the third quar-
allowed one run in six innings to lower his
ter to keep Golden State from gaining much
ERA in four appearances to 7.82.
ground, and the Raptors kept their lead
“What a great start,” Bochy said. “We
around double digits for much of the final
needed it in the worst way.”
quarter, countering every attempt the
Beebe earned another start next week at
Warriors made to catch up.
the Mets, Bochy said. Three relievers com-
“I thought we made a good effort in the
pleted a seven-hitter.
second half, got back in the game. Our guys
“We won a game we needed to win to get
did some good things, but made too many
over that hump,” Beede said.
mistakes to actually go ahead and win the
The Giants, who won with six hits, trailed
game,” Warriors coach Steve Kerr said.
1-0 in the seventh when Crawford doubled
All four of the Warriors’ previous finals
and scored on a single by Mike
were against LeBron James and the
Yastrzemski, who earned his first career
Cleveland Cavaliers, and they struggled to
figure out a new opponent. Toronto shot
Steph Curry shoots over Toronto’s Kyle Lowry. Curry scored a game-hgh 34 points, but it
See NBA, Page 14 wasn’t enough as the Raptors took Game 1 of the NBA Finals. See GIANTS, Page 14
Sports brief
Nick Foles rejoins Jaguars after wife’s miscarriage
Osaka, Williams, Djokovic advance at French Open
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS “I didn’t stop trying at all,” Osaka said. “Every point was
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Quarterback Nick Foles has kind of, like, pedal to the metal.”
rejoined the Jacksonville Jaguars for organized team activ- PARIS — Naomi Osaka is grinding her way through the The eighth game of the second set was pivotal. After saving
ities following his wife’s miscarriage. French Open the hard way. two break points, Azarenka doubled-faulted. Osaka leveled at
Foles arrived at the practice facility Thursday morning To cling onto her quest for a third consecutive Grand Slam 4-4 and the momentum started to shift. It was the seventh
and was expected to take part in the team’s two-hour prac- title, the top-ranked Osaka again had to rally from first-set break point Azarenka had faced in the set, and the first she had
tice. woes to beat former No. 1 Victoria Azarenka 4-6, 7-5, 6-3 failed to save.
Foles’ wife, Tori, announced Wednesday on Instagram that Thursday in the second round. But Azarenka still saved three set points before Osaka final-
she had a miscarriage and said getting over the “traumatic Serena Williams and Novak Djokovic also advanced, with ly leveled the match with a backhand cross-court winner.
loss” will take time. far easier straight-set wins. The third set was packed with drama, too, with Osaka finally
Osaka considered herself unfortunate to be drawn against taming Azarenka with her third match point, when her com-
Azarenka and the powerful, accurate tennis produced by the 29- bative opponent hit long.
year-old Belarusian playing in her 12th French Open showed Osaka’s next opponent, 42nd-ranked Katerina Siniakova,
why. hasn’t been past the third round in her 18 previous Grand Slam
Although now ranked No. 43 and without a major title since tournaments.
winning the Australian Open in 2012 and 2013, Azarenka took Williams will play Sofia Kenin, an American ranked No. 35,
a 4-0 lead on Court Suzanne Lenglen and kept Osaka under con- in the third round. The 23-time major champion defeated
stant pressure. Japanese qualifier Kurumi Nara, 6-3, 6-2 to advance.
“I got rolled,” Osaka said. “She kind of killed me in the first Djokovic notched up another career milestone: His young
set.” son, Stefan, watched him play, and win, at Roland Garros for
Broken by a backhand volley at the net from Azarenka in the the first time. The top-ranked player bidding to win his fourth
fifth game of the second set, the U.S Open and Australian Open consecutive major beat 104th-ranked Henri Laaksonen 6-1, 6-
champion from Japan seemed to be in deep trouble. But, as she 4, 6-3.
did against first-round opponent Anna Karolina Schmiedlova, Djokovic will play 147th-ranked Salvatore Caruso of Italy
Osaka again proved her resilience. in the third round.
Diseases & Disorders
of the Eye
GL AU C OM A E ve n i n g a nd S a tu rd ay ap pt s
STAT E B OARD C E RT a l so ava i l a bl e
6 50 -5 79 - 77 7 4
w ww. D r-A n d rew S o ss. n e t
P rov i d e r fo r V S P a n d m o s t m a j o r m e d i c a l
in s u ran c e s i n c l u d i n g M e d i c a re a n d H P S M
013 0531 fri:0531 fri 239 5/30/19 8:28 PM Page 1
Continued from page 11
after injuring a leg in a race a day earlier. It
was the third horse death in nine days.
Among the array of new measures aimed at
Mulipola’s 23rd homer of the season
helped the Wildcats (48-12) turn the tables on
a Washington squad that went to Arizona’s
against the Wildcats during the regular sea-
Arizona entered the World Series ranked
field earlier this month and earned a three- second in the nation with 106 home runs. The
improving safety, The Stronach Group
game sweep. Wildcats added to their total when Jessie
bringing scrutiny of the condition of the invested $500,000 in a scanning machine
“We kind of took it personal that we got Harper hit her nation-leading 29th of the sea-
surface. to detect injuries.
swept at home,” Mulipola said. “To come son to put Arizona up 1-0 in the sixth inning.
Most of the deaths occurred before the In addition, no race-day medications are
track temporarily suspended racing in early allowed except for the anti-bleeding med-
March and limited training. ication Lasix, which will be phased out in
Before racing resumed March 29, Santa stages. Medications for horses in training
Anita instituted medication limits and pro- require a diagnosis from a state-qualified
vided additional track veterinarians to mon- veterinarian, and transparency of veterinar-
itor training hours. The racing board also ian records has been increased.
increased veterinarian, steward and investi- Timed, high-speed workouts require per-
gator staffing time. mission at least 48 hours in advance so that
In the meantime, the Los Angeles County veterinarians can try to identify at-risk risk
district attorney opened an investigation horses.
and animal-rights activists have protested The group also said it would continue
at the track. working with independent track surface
The most recent death was on May 26, experts.
014 0531 fri:0531 fri 239 5/30/19 9:28 PM Page 1
Continued from page 11
from the field — and he tipped in his
own shot on the last of those miss-
es with 54 seconds to play.
force he was in the first three rounds,
when he averaged 31.2 points. But
he had eight rebounds and five
Warri o rs : Cousins finished with
three points in eight minutes. ...
Gi ants : LHP Drew Pomeranz (1- Fans began arriving at Jurassic assists in his first NBA Finals game Draymond Green had his fifth triple-
5, 6. 45) is scheduled to start 50.6 percent from the field and the Park outside the arena in the morn- since winning MVP of the 2014 double of the postseason with 10
Friday when the Giants begin a Warriors never found an answer for ing. There were lengthy lines at the championship with the Spurs. points, 10 rebounds and assists, but
three-game series in Baltimore. Siakam, the finalist for Most arena entrances hours before the shot just 2 for 9. ... Golden State had
Pomeranz lasted just 2 2/3 innings game, with some of the few fans DeMarcus Cousins made it back a 12-game winning streak in Game
Improved Player who has a nice start
in his most recent outing, when who weren’t wearing Raptors red from a torn left quadriceps to come 1s snapped. ... Curry’s four 3-point-
for an NBA Finals MVP resume.
San Francisco lost to Arizona 18- sticking to their original purple uni- off the bench in his first NBA Finals ers gave him a record 102 in the
2. The player nicknamed Spicy P form with the dinosaur logo. game. NBA Finals.
015 0531 fri:0531 fri 239 5/30/19 8:30 PM Page 1
find a way, any way we can, to still develop never asking for shortcuts. Unless you ask
Baseball briefs
Fresno Grizzlies loses sponsor
Continued from page 11
him as a player with allowing him to do what
he needs to do from the academic side of it. My
obligation is just to be available to him.”
him or people tell you, you really don’t
know how much stuff that kid is doing off
the field. It’s quite amazing.”
due to Ocasio-Cortez video Everyone who knows Handley figures if it Handley came to Stanford with a plan and
were possible he would probably pack even made sure to get his academic adviser on
FRESNO — A company has cut ties with a “It’s just kind of stuck with me,” he says. more into his busy schedule. That includes board from Day 1.
California minor league baseball team that For now, his focus is on a deep postseason mentoring at Palo Alto High School near “Honestly, it hasn’t been that difficult,
played a Memorial Day video that included an run with the Cardinal. Handley is hitting Stanford’s campus. which is great,” he says of doing it all. “Just
image of Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio- .291 with two home runs, 13 doubles, three
Cortez with images of Kim Jong Un and Fidel “I think he probably wishes there were more some amount of mass hours of just putting
triples and 19 RBIs for 11th-seeded Stanford hours in the day,” Stanford pitching coach in the work.”
Castro. going into this weekend’s NCAA Regional
The Fresno Bee reports that raisin company Thomas Eager says. “He likes to stay busy and
Sun-Maid terminated its sponsorship of the
at home in Sunken Diamond. I think he’s one of those guys who wishes he Injury leads to interest
On Wednesday, he was named Pac-12 Co- could do more stuff. He’s quite a remarkable
Fresno Grizzlies on Wednesday. A broken ankle suffered during his sopho-
Defensive Player of the Year and to the all- young man how he goes about his business
The company acknowledged the Grizzlies more year of high school helped spark his
conference team after leading the Pac-12 and how mature he is. He’s always thinking
apologized but said terminating the sponsor- interest in medicine.
with seven pickoffs. Handley threw out 10 about the next thing. I know he wants to be a
ship was the right thing to do. baserunners attempting steals. He has observed a half-dozen or so surger-
The Triple-A affiliate of the Washington big leaguer and that’s what he wants to do, but ies.
Nationals has said it failed to properly vet the I think it’s really cool to hear him say, ‘When “If you’ve never been in a hospital or in a
video found on YouTube.
Standout in classroom baseball’s over, I can still be a doctor and I’m surgery you don’t have any exposure to it
The video has patriotic images and excerpts Somehow, with all the demands of being a ready to be a doctor.”’ and you’re not going to really know what
from President Ronald Reagan’s first inaugu- Stanford student-athlete majoring in bioengi- it’s like or why you’d be interested in it
ral speech. When Reagan mentions “enemies neering, Handley has created an impressive Improving his game besides people saying ‘doctors make a lot of
of freedom,” the video shows the North balance. His 3.78 GPA is tied for the highest The coaches challenged Handley to money,”’ he says. “It was a pretty cool expe-
Korean leader, Ocasio-Cortez of New York and on the Pac-12 All-Academic team announced become a more consistent hitter this season, rience.”
the late Cuban leader. Thursday. and he has emerged as one of the steady bats Handley intends to use offseason breaks to
A three-hour lab each Wednesday last season in Stanford’s lineup to complement his focus on his next career, with plans to return
MLB attendance down another meant Handley couldn’t practice with the rest strong defense. to Stanford in the fall to finish his degree.
1.4%, fourth straight drop of his Stanford teammates those nights. He Eager has never had a catcher he let call “Once he knows what he wants to do, he
showed up in the mornings to get in all his pitches, something Handley gets to do just makes it so that it’s impossible for him
NEW YORK — Major League Baseball’s work — hitting, throwing, conditioning. sometimes. not to do it,” Marder says. “I think the rea-
average attendance of 26, 854 is 1. 4% “Part of what makes, I don’t want to say our “I’ve never seen Maverick Handley ever be son why he’s interested in surgery or the
below the 27,242 through the similar point program, but Stanford athletics great is we are overwhelmed,” Eager says. “He’s never been medical field, I think he looks at it and goes
last season, which wound up below 30,000 willing to adjust to the kid as much as we can. overwhelmed with anything he’s done. I ‘I can make a huge impact on this and it’s
for the first time since 2003. We understand what an unbelievable opportu- think it’s just part of his DNA. A lot of that exciting for me, it’s fun and it challenges
Miami and the Rays drew 12, 653 nity it is for these kids to go to school,” says is due to how his parents probably raised me, so why not see if I can do it?’ For the
Wednesday night — combined. The Cardinal assistant coach Jack Marder, who him, his work ethic. I’ve never seen him backup plan of it, I think that he’s always
Marlins’ average attendance is less than guides the catchers. “If he’s trying to be an complain and quite frankly you wouldn’t thinking, ‘How can I maximize myself as a
Triple-A Las Vegas. orthopedic surgeon and we’re going to get in know how much is on his plate because he person first?’ versus it being, ‘I have this
Nineteen of the 30 teams have experi- the way of that so he can make baseball prac- doesn’t really tell you. He doesn’t make pressure on me to maximize what other peo-
enced falls. tice, to me that’s ridiculous, so we’re going to excuses, it’s never like he’s tired and he’s ple want from me.”’
017 0531 fri:0531 fri 239 5/30/19 8:53 PM Page 1
and will be available to the public after tenant, Chair Dianne Whitaker worried
Continued from page 1
hours on weekday evenings and during the
Though some have advocated for the pro-
Comment on
or share this story at
pedestrians walking from the Central
neighborhood to downtown might not
engage with the building unless there is a
posed project at 406 E. Third Ave. to pro- destination for them there.
vide more than the 176 parking spaces “If there was some retail in your building,
units offered on the site from 23 to 25 and included in the plans, Commissioner John gets some more housing, I hope that that
there would be a destination, a reason for
agreed to designate three units as affordable Ebneter acknowledged others have felt too will continue to develop.”
the people in the Central neighborhood to
to very low-income families since the many parking spots are planned for the Dino Antoniazzi, whose father owns two
come to your building and use it,” said
Planning Commission first reviewed the transit-oriented development near the buildings on the same block as the project,
plans in July of 2018. Field said the devel- downtown San Mateo Caltrain station. The said they supported the project but didn’t
oper also worked with the Central feel one of the entrances to the building’s Field said the developer plans to install
developer is expected to contribute parking public art at the site’s corner of Railroad
Neighborhood Association to make in-lieu fees to cover the remainder of the parking garage should be on East Third
changes to the design of the building, Avenue. Though the East Third Avenue and Third avenues as a way of engaging
283 parking spaces required for the project, pedestrians and also provide some screen-
which included reduction of the use of glass said Field. garage entrance would only allow cars turn-
in the building’s façade. ing right to enter and exit the garage and ing from the Caltrain tracks.
Ebneter looked to the building to serve as
Field estimated the developer is some the developer has proposed building a Commissioner Ellen Mallory acknowl-
a model for other public-private partner-
four months from completing a four-story, median to prevent drivers from turning left edged she preferred more historical styles
ships assisting the city in meeting multi-
mixed-use building under construction at a into the garage, Antoniazzi was joined by to the building’s contemporary design with
ple goals. Though he had hoped the project
lot adjacent to the proposed project at 405 other commissioners in voicing concerns glass and aluminum elements, but said she
could provide more housing to offset the
E. Fourth Ave., between South Claremont about the safety of pedestrians walking to appreciated the variation in the styles for
more than 100,000 square feet of office
Street and South Railroad Avenue. The pro- downtown. the South Claremont Street and South
space it created, Ebneter acknowledged the
posed project does not include the build- “With the cars coming in and out, I think Railroad Avenue facades of the building.
project offered a better mix of uses than
ings where restaurants Saigon City and Fuji with the pedestrians that are going to our She wondered if the building’s facade facing
officials have seen in the past.
Sukiyaki currently stand. Field said parking stores or coming to work, it becomes a East Third Avenue could be improved so it
“I think it’s a great give-and-take for the
garages for the two projects, which are safety issue,” he said. provides a better transition to downtown.
developer and the city,” he said, according
both set to include two levels of under- to a video of the meeting. “The developer Though Field explained the ground-floor “It is going to be a very remarkable build-
ground parking, will function as one garage gets their good office space and the city spaces in the proposed building might not ing and I would like it to be more transi-
make sense tional to our historic downtown and be a
for a retail gateway,” she said.
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019 0531 fri:0531 fri 239 5/30/19 8:24 PM Page 1
By Susan Cohn
- A Touch of Europe -
022 0531 fri:0531 fri 239 5/30/19 5:38 PM Page 1
Continued from page 19
“Godzilla: King of Monsters” is a follow
up to 2014’s “Godzilla” reboot and the 35th
film in the franchise that began in 1954.
Godzilla in my Bible in Catholic school.
Much to the chagrin of the nuns. He was sort
of my spirit animal growing up in the weird-
The sequel highlights the battle between est way.”
Godzilla and other monstrous creatures “Godzilla: King of Monsters” follows the
new Godzilla film. called the titans including Rodan, Mothra efforts of the secret crypto-zoological
Brown plays Madison Russell, the quick- and his three-headed nemesis King agency Monarch as it faces off against the
witted 14-year-old daughter of two divorced Ghidorah. ancient monsters who were thought to be
scientists who are each thrust in the middle Brown said director Michael Dougherty myths at first, but rise up to once again put
of an epic earth-shattering battle in helped her evolve in scenes where her char- humanity in jeopardy. The film touches on
“Godzilla: King of the Monsters.” acter had to grow from being “pretty sim- overpopulation and the monsters’ impact
“The characters are completely different. ple” to become “complicated.” The young on climate change through radiation that
One’s got superpowers, and one doesn’t,” actress will also star in the sequel “Godzilla causes earthquakes, forest fires, hurricanes
said Brown, who portrays the mysterious vs. Kong,” which recently wrapped up film- and tsunamis.
Eleven, who wields telekinetic superpowers ing and is expected to release next year. Kyle Chandler, who plays Madison’s
in the Netflix sci-fi series “Stranger Brown said the new Godzilla is suited for
The films are part of Warner Bros. ’ fans like Jackson. father, said the monsters’ effect on climate
Things.” MonsterVerse featuring Godzilla and King change was “obviously a theme.”
“I’ve never played a daughter before, so Kong, which underwent his own big screen “Imagine all the others that like, teenage
Dougherty said he wanted to highlight
that was actually really quite different,” she makeover in 2017’s “Kong: Skull Island.” boys have created in their bedroom with
Godzilla and other monsters as iconic fig-
said. “Usually I’m like adopted or like an Legos, you know? So for me, it’s part of a
Brown said the new Godzilla film is a cul- ures. He also felt the need to show compas-
orphan or something like that. I’ve never love story with all of these incredible
mination of the cinematic legacy of the sion toward the main character, who he says
had a good upbringing in a project I’ve movies and these die-hard fans that literally
radiation-spewing reptilian monster, who is misunderstood.
done.” come here, not to see any of us, but to see
she jokingly called “a bit of a diva. Hard to “You know with Godzilla and the other
The film, out Friday, is the first starring that monster. I think it’s so powerful,” she
work with occasionally, but all right.” creatures, they have something to tell us if
film role for the British actress. said at the film’s premiere.
O’Shea Jackson Jr., who plays a military we are willing to listen,” he said. “They’re
Vera Farmiga, who plays Madison’s Dougherty said the new film is sort of a
officer, said as a child he would park in front not just monsters for the sake of having
mother Dr. Emma Russell, called Brown a passion project because he’s been a fan of
of the television and watch Godzilla movies monsters. They’re truly mythic. I really
professional who made the jump from TV to the Godzilla story since he was a child. He
with his father, rapper Ice Cube, and brother wanted to elevate the creatures in a way and
the big screen in a “confident stride.” praised film production company Toho for
and uncle. really portray them as sort of these ancient
“She’s an old pro at it, ” Farmiga said originally creating Godzilla and pioneering
of the 15-year-old Brown. “She’s a stu- “I was born to play in this film,” he said deities. Go biblical with them. I just felt
giddily during a recent interview. “I never the “concept of a cinematic universe. like that would make them resonate a little
dent. If she wasn’t on screen, she was at
the screen like looking at the different thought in my wildest dreams, except for “I grew up with the guy. I feel like I’ve bit more than just seeing big animals, beat-
ratios of film and studying everything. playing as a little kid knocking down Legos been best friends with Godzilla since I was ing the crap out of each other, really giving
with Godzilla.” old enough to walk,” said Dougherty, who them personalities and souls.”
ly of scientists who lived in San Francisco most of the movie) is not really in the pic- Michael Dougherty has taken the direct-
Continued from page 19
during the 2014 attack. There are a few
holdovers though, mostly employees of
Monarch, the secret multinational organi-
ture, having left after the San Francisco
incident, but is drawn back in when Emma
and Madison (and the Orca) are kidnapped
ing reins this time, from Gareth Edwards,
and has done a fine job capturing the grand-
ness of the titans, keeping the action coher-
zation that studies the titans, like Dr. by some militant eco-terrorists led by ent and balancing the human element
Serizawa (Ken Watanabe) and Dr. Graham Jonah Alan (Charles Dance). thanks to a terrific cast that also includes
loosest possible sense that requires mini- (Sally Hawkins), who are being accused of O’Shea Jackson Jr. and Thomas
mal recall from the audience, which is like- This group wants to use the titans, of
hiding Godzilla from world governments Middleditch. His script is also pleasingly
ly a good thing for those whose brains have which there are now “17 and counting”
who’d rather just destroy them all. light and often funny, although Bradley
been overloaded with “Game of Thrones,” including a pretty dazzling Mothra and a
As far as the newcomers go, Dr. Emma Whitford’s Dr. Stanton goes a little over-
“Avengers” and “Star Wars” minutiae and less-enchanting three-headed “Monster
Russell (Vera Farmiga) also works for board trying to be the comic relief.
mythology. Worry not, Godzilla is here to Zero,” to help reset the planet and reverse
Monarch and has developed a machine climate change and overpopulation. There’s But even that is easy to give a pass to.
provide some old-fashioned summer specta-
called the Orca, which simulates the sounds some convenient explanation of why the “Godzilla: King of the Monsters” is turn-
cle, no CliffsNotes required.
of the various titans. She believes this can radiation from the titans actually helps revi- your-brain-off summer fun, and doesn’t need
It’s a low bar, sure, but at least Godzilla is
be used to help manage them. Emma lives talize vegetation, which, like many of the to be anything more than that.
comfortable with its place in the block-
with her 14-year-old daughter, Madison silly plot devices in this movie, you kind of “Godzilla: King of the Monsters, ” a
buster ecosystem.
(“Stranger Things” Millie Bobby Brown in just let slide. That said, anyone currently Warner Bros. release, is rated PG-13 by the
The filmmakers have even helpfully shift-
her first major film role), who is preco- watching “Chernobyl” on HBO will likely Motion Picture Association of America for
ed the focus to another family entirely for
ciously enchanted by her mother’s work and be very stressed out about the amount of “sequences of monster action violence and
this installment, from the inert Brodys
admires the primordial creatures. radiation all the humans are likely absorb- destruction, and for some language. ”
(Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Elizabeth
Olsen) to the Russells, a now-broken fami- Madison’s father Mark Russell (Kyle ing just by being in proximity to all these Running time: 131 minutes. Two and a half
Chandler, whose intensity is at level 10 for creatures. stars out of four.
023 0531 fri:0531 fri 239 5/30/19 8:18 PM Page 1
ships. For more information email Sons in Retirement June Lunch.
11:45 a.m. to 1:20 p.m. South San She also built an interest in art and dence that Rahm has the capacity to
Ragazzi Boys Chorus Presents Francisco Elk’s Lodge, 920 Stonegate photography with some assistance keep evolving on her path to a career.
‘SingFest.’ 9:30 a.m. to noon. St. Drive, South San Francisco. $19.
Active senior men’s group lunch has a from Mathiesen and enjoys spending “Although she has had some hiccups
Peter’s Church, 178 Clinton St.,
talk by Rosemary Robles, DMV Senior Continued from page 1
Redwood City. Singing, musical
Ombudsmen. For more information
time volunteering at the library, where along the way, she can still accom-
games and a short performance for she can pursue her passion for reading.
parents. Free. For more information call 878-5746. plish whatever she wants to do,” said
call 342-8785. “It was a lot of hard work,” said Transition program teacher Grace Furci.
Mystery Book Club. Noon. South Rahm, shortly after her transition pro-
Filoli Pride 2019: Family Day. 10 San Francisco Main Library, 840 W. Furci played an essential role in devel- Mathiesen agreed, but she experi-
a.m. to 2 p.m. Filoli Cañada Road, Orange Ave., South San Francisco. gram graduation Thursday, May 30, at oping Rahm’s ability to get the high
Read any title that fits the monthly the Elks Lodge in South San ences challenging emotions associat-
Redwood City. Show off pride in an school credits she needed, by helping
inclusive space. $22. For more infor- theme and share with the group.
Francisco. ed with knowing Rahm will largely
mation call 364-8300. Free. For more information call 829- her navigate through Baden Adult need to build those skills with the help
3860. For her part, Mathiesen expressed School.
Bonsai show and sale. 10 a.m. to 4 of a support system outside the one she
Science Matters! 3 p.m. South San her great admiration for Rahm’s Furci deferred to Rahm’s efforts in
p.m. San Mateo Garden Center Inc., established at school.
605 Parkside Way, San Mateo. Free. For Francisco Main Library, 840 W. Orange accomplishment. accomplishing her goals.
more information call 483-7462. Ave., South San Francisco. Identify
“She’s amazing,” said Mathiesen. “It’s bittersweet, because she is fam-
minerals, surf Google Earth, find “As far as her accomplishment, we ily,” said Mathiesen.
Sandy Land, consider conservation Rahm moved into the adult transi-
Paint Like Yayoi Kusama. 10 a.m. to
and more. Free. For more information just gave her direction and opened up
4 p.m. Belmont Library, 1110 Alameda
call 829-3860. tion program in 2015, where teachers opportunities for her but all the hard But she balanced that by knowing a
de las Pulgas, Belmont. Yayoi Kusama bond has been formed with Rahm that
is a Japanese contemporary artist. and supporting staff helped her devel- work came from her,” said Furci, who
Her work is based in conceptual art LGBTQ Book Club. 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. will hopefully continue into the future,
and shows some attributes of mini- San Mateo Pride Center, 1021 S. El op skills which serve her in the class- also credited the support of Rahm’s
malism, surrealism and abstract Camino Real, San Mateo. All are wel- room and the workforce. parents for helping to put their daugh- and that the student has been put in a
expressionism, and is infused with come. For more information call 591-
Since joining the program, ter in a position for success. position to succeed beyond the transi-
autobiographical, psychological and 0133.
Mathiesen said she witnessed marked Looking ahead, Furci said Rahm’s tion program classroom.
sexual content. Free. To register and
THURSDAY, JUNE 6 “In order to get employed independ-
for more information call 591-8286.
Mid Peninsula Village—Redefining gains in Rahm’s capacity to focus and teacher and supporters will continue
Summer Learning K ick off @The Aging. 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. San Mateo work through challenges, plus she working with her to build her founda- ently … she now has the tools to pre-
Senior Center, 2645 Alameda de las pare herself for that possibility,” said
Farmers’ Market. 10 a.m. Orange
Pulgas, San Mateo. Mid Peninsula admired the student’s refinement of her tion for achievement in her next chap-
Memorial Park, 35 W. Orange Ave., Mathiesen.
South San Francisco. Free. For more Village is a nonprofit organization diligent and meticulous nature. ter.
fueled by volunteers. They provide Looking ahead, Rahm acknowledged
information call 829-3860
social events, access to services and Rahm said she hopes the advance- “We want to increase her independ-
Saturday Morning Yarn. 10:30 a.m. help members rediscover passions ments will help her excel profession- ence,” said Furci, suggesting Rahm there are a variety of opportunities on
and hobbies that may have become the horizon for her. But for the time
South San Francisco Main Library, 840
dormant. Free. For more information ally as a business admin, office worker still has work to do overcoming the
W. Orange Ave., South San Francisco. being, she seemed satisfied relishing
Free. For more information call 829- call 522-7490. or librarian. Outside furthering her frustrations she will encounter with
Kids’ Upcycle Style: T-Shirt Totes. 1 career pursuit, Rahm said is becoming issues such as transportation difficul- in her most recent accomplishment.
La Nebbia Craft Fair and Wine p.m. South San Francisco Main more self-sufficient as well. ties presented by the bus running “I’m happy with a diploma,” she
Library, 840 W. Orange Ave., South
Tasting. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. La Nebbia
San Francisco. Bring outgrown T- “I like working by myself independ- behind schedule. said.
Winery, 12341 San Mateo Road, Half
Moon Bay. Food, handmade jewelry shirts to the library and transform it
and wine. Free. For more information into a summer tote bag. Free. For
call 591-6596. more information call 829-3860
8=BCAD2C8>=B)5 5X]SPPb\
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Sof t Sk ills: Passion Pitch, ^]PPQ
Q[P]ZbbWTTc^ ^U_
H^d\\Ph^^][hd dbTT
Live Concert and Sing-along. 6:30 Communication and B ody F > 8 B ^]RTf fXcWX]PPbbX]V[Tf
p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Molloy’s Tavern, 1655
Mission Road, South San Francisco. Language Presented by the San 6 > : 4 f^aSUUX]SbRRa^bbX]V^ ^dcRR^\\^]f f^aSb
Mateo County Jobs for Youth. 6 0 6 ; <
1>66;4 H>DA1
C 1 <F
from throughout the Americas. Richard Rhodes Discusses ‘Energy:
The Misa Criolla by Ariel Ramírez will A Human History.’ 7 p.m. to 8:30 '[[TccTab,
, _
_^X]cb !
0 \PcTda
bring color and rhythmic energy, as
well as connection to the culture, lan-
p.m. Odd Fellows Hall, 526 Main St., ([[TccTab,
, $_
_^X]cb , ,
Caah PV
Half Moon Bay. Pulitzer Prize win-
guage and music of Argentina. Cost is ning author and Half Moon Bay resi-
$10-$35. For more information call
; >3
dent Richard Rhodes will discuss his
918-6225. book. For more information call 315- FT_ _dcb
0201. ^U[[TccTab2
First Saturday of the Month DJ
Request Dance. 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Odd Fellows Hall, 526 Main St., Half
5>DA± ±3>F=D D=34A²
Moon Bay. Featuring Blake Merkes.
June Free First Friday. 10 a.m. to 4
0 > 8 A
p.m. San Mateo County History
Donations appreciated. No partner
Museum, 2200 Broadway, Redwood
necessary. For more information call City. Not only is admission free the
315-0201. entire day, but two programs are
planned for the public without any
SUNDAY, JUNE 2 fees. At 11 a.m., preschool children
: = 6 0
Filoli Pride 2019: Enter tainment will be invited to learn about growing
Day. 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Filoli Cañada
things. They will construct a paper
Road, Redwood City. Show off pride in garden bed with flowers to take
an inclusive space. $22. For more home. At 2 p.m., museum docents will
information call 364-8300. lead tours of the museum for adults.
Free. For more information call 299-
Reel Great Films: ‘Bohemian
Rhapsody.’ 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Belmont
0104. 1>66;4XXbPPccaPST\PaZ^^U7
7PbQa^88]R $" (
Library, 1110 Alameda de las Pulgas, For more events visit !! (7
Belmont. Free. 18 and over. For more, click Calendar. f
fffQ^VV[TQaPX]QdbcTabR^\ 30H4
7>DA<<>=C73 3420342 24=CDAH
024 0531 fri:0531 fri 239 5/30/19 11:51 AM Page 1
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FRIDAY, MAY 31, 2019
025-030 0531 fri:Class Master Odd 5/30/19 3:28 PM Page 1
104 Training 110 Employment 110 Employment 110 Employment 110 Employment 110 Employment
The San Mateo Daily Journal Classi- GROUNDSPERSON - Software Engineer in Redwood City, CA
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The San Mateo Daily Journal is looking
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Join the Daily Journal team and help us be the best local information resource
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To apply for the position, please send info to or call 650-344-5200.
110 employment 203 public notices 203 public notices Tundra Tundra Tundra
solutions that is robust and scalable. da- sUmmOns
tabase engineer, Oracle (4380n) Build, (CITACION JUDICIAL) notice of public hearing
scale, and administer Facebook’s inter- CASE NUMBER (Número del Caso): NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV-
nal enterprise Oracle databases, along 17CLJ00248
with enterprise applications such as Ora- NOTICE TO DEFENDANT (AVISO AL EN that on Tuesday, June
cle E-business suite, Oracle Fusion Mid- DEMANDADO): VERONICA U GAZMIN 11, 2019 at 7:00 p.m., (or as
dleware, Microstrategy, and Tableau. YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF soon thereafter as the mat-
product designer (136376n) Design (LO ESTÁ DEMANDANDO EL DEMAN-
and prototype new features for Face- DANTE): WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. ter is heard) in the Millbrae
book's website or mobile applications. nOTICe! You have been sued. The City Council Chambers, 621
enterprise engineer (134144n) Build court may decide against you without Magnolia Ave., Millbrae, CA,
integrated, scalable, and robust enter- your being heard unless you respond
prise applications for Facebook. Mail re- within 30 days. Read the information be- the Millbrae City Council will
sume to: Facebook, Inc. Attn: AA-USIM, low. conduct a public hearing on
1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025. You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after the following matters:
Must reference job title & job code shown this summons and legal papers are Ordinance amendment:
above, when applying. served on you to file a written response
at this court and have a copy served on City Council consideration of
the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not an Amendment of Chapter
protect you. Your written response must 5.95, of the Millbrae Munici-
be in proper legal form if you want the Over the hedge Over the hedge Over the hedge
court to hear your case. There may be a pal Code (MMC), to set forth
court form that you can use for your re- certain limitations regarding
sponse. You can find these court forms smoking within multi-family
203 public notices and more information at the California
residential units, which
Courts Online Self-Help Center
(, your would apply throughout the
notice of public hearings county law library, or the courthouse City of Millbrae.
The Millbrae Elementary nearest you. If you cannot pay the filing
fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver At the time of the hearing, all
School District will hold two form. If you do not file your response on interested persons are invit-
separate public hearings on time, you may lose the case by default, ed to appear and be heard.
the proposed Local Control and your wages, money, and property
may be taken without further warning If you challenge the decision
Accountability Plan (LCAP), from the court. of the City in court, you may
with the Budget Overview There are other legal requirements. You be limited to raising only
for Parents cover page, and may want to call an attorney right away.
If you do not know an attorney, you may those issues you or some-
the proposed budget for fis- want to call an attorney referral service. If one else raised at the public
cal year 2019-20 on Thurs- you cannot afford an attorney, you may hearing described in this no-
day, June 13, 2019 at 7:00 be eligible for free legal services from a
nonprofit legal services program. You tice, or in written corre-
p.m. at the Millbrae City can locate these nonprofit groups at the spondence delivered to the
Council Chambers located California Legal Services Web site Planning Commission at, or 203 public notices 203 public notices 203 public notices
at 621 Magnolia Avenue, (, the Califor-
nia Courts Online Self-Help Center prior to, the public hearing. FICTITIOUs BUsIness name tion, you should appear at the hearing property, and custody of your children.
Millbrae, California. A copy (, or by For further information or to sTaTemenT #281264 and state your objections or file written You may be ordered to pay support and
of the LCAP, with the Budg- contacting your local court or county bar review the materials regard- The following person is doing business objections with the court before the hear- attorney fees and costs.
et Overview for Parents cov- association. nOTe: The court has a stat- as: Auto Pride Car Wash, 1095 Carolan ing. Your appearance may be in person For legal advice, contact a lawyer imme-
utory lien for waived fees and costs on ing these matters, please Avenue, BURLINGAME, CA 94010. or by your attorney. diately. Get help finding a lawyer at the
er page, and the proposed any settlement or arbitration award of contact the Millbrae Com- Registered Owner: Auto Pride Car Wash, If you are a creditor or a contingent cred- California Courts Online Self-Help Center
budget will be available for $10,000 or more in a civil case. The munity Development Depart- CA. The business is conducted by a Cor- itor of the decedent, you must file your (, at the Cali-
public examination at the court's lien must be paid before the court poration. The registrants commenced to claim with the court and mail a copy to fornia Legal Services website (
will dismiss the case. ment 621 Magnolia Avenue, transact business under their FBN on the personal representative appointed by, or by contacting your local
Millbrae Elementary School ¡AVISO! Lo han demandado. Si no re- Millbrae at (650) 259-2341. 01/01/1980. the court within the later of either (1) four county bar association.
District Office, 555 Rich- sponde dentro de 30 días, la corte puede MILLBRAE CITY COUNCIL /s/Timothy A. Mitchell/ months from the date of first issuance of NOTICE-RESTRINING ORDERS ARE
mond Drive, Millbrae, Cali- decidir en su contra sin escuchar su ver- This statement was filed with the Asses- letters to a general personal representa- ON PAGE 2: These restraining orders
sión. Lea la información a continuación. By: Elena Suazo, City Clerk sor-County Clerk on 5/15/2019. (Publish- tive, as defined in section 58(b) of the are effective against both spouses or do-
fornia from June 10, 2019 Tiene 30 DÍAS DE CALENDARIO de- PUBLISHED: May 31, 2019 ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days mestic partners until the petition is dis-
through June 13, 2019 be- spués de que le entreguen esta citación 5/31/19 5/17/19, 5/24/19, 5/31/19, 6/7/19). from the date of mailing or personal de- missed, a judgment entered, or the court
tween the hours of 8:00 a.m. y papeles legales para presentar una re- livery to you of a notice under section makes further orders. They are enforce-
spuesta por escrito en esta corte y hacer Cns-3258818# 9052 of the California Probate Code.Oth- able anywhere in California by any law
to 3:00 p.m. Any stakeholder que se entregue una copia al deman- san maTeO daIlY FICTITIOUs BUsIness name er California statutes and legal authority enforcement officer who has received or
affected by the LCAP or the dante. Una carta o una llamada telefóni- JOUrnal sTaTemenT #281327 may affect your rights as a creditor. You seen a copy of them.
Millbrae Elementary School ca no lo protegen. Su respuesta por es- The following person is doing business may want to consult with an attorney FEE WAIVER: If you cannot pay the fil-
crito tiene que estar en formato legal cor- as: Snap Fitness Daly City, 6403 Mission knowledgable in California law. ing fee, ask the clerk for a fee waiver
District budget may appear recto si desea que procesen su caso en St., DALY CITY, CA 94101. Registered You may examine the file kept by the form. The court may order you to pay
before the Millbrae Elemen- la corte. Es posible que haya un formu- Owner: VITALITY Health LLC, CA. The court. If you are a person interested in back all or part of the fees and costs that
tary School District Board of lario que usted pueda usar para su re- business is conducted by a Limited Lia- the estate, you may file with the court a the court waived for you or the other par-
spuesta. Puede encontrar estos formu- bility Company. The registrants com- Request for Special Notice (form DE- ty.
Trustees and speak to the larios de la corte y más información en el menced to transact business under their 154) of the filing of an inventory and ap- Tiene 30 dias de calendario despues de
FICTITIOUs BUsIness name
LCAP or the proposed budg- Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de Cali- sTaTemenT #280967 FBN on N/A. praisal of estate assets or of any petition haber recibido la entrega legal de sta
et or any item therein. fornia (, en la biblio- The following person is doing business /s/Steve Escamilla/ or account as provided in Probate Code (Citacion y Peticion para presentar una
teca de leyes de su condado o en la as: 1) Pastorino Garden Service 2) Pas- This statement was filed with the Asses- section 1250. A Request for Special No- Respuesta (formulario FL-120) ante la
5/31/19 corte que le quede más cerca. Si no sor-County Clerk on 5/21/2019. (Publish- tice form is available from the court clerk. corte y efectuar la entrega legal de una
torino Rose and Yard Care, 12491 San
Cns-3253878# puede pagar la cuota de presentación, Mateo Road, HALF MOON BAY, CA ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, Attorney for Petitioner: copia al demandante. Una carta o llama-
san maTeO daIlY pida al secretario de la corte que le dé 94019. Registered Owner: Patricia Pas- 5/24/19, 5/31/19, 6/7/19, 6/14/19). Kevin S. Veenstra da telefonica o una audeiencia de la
JOUrnal un formulario de exención de pago de torino, same address. The business is Sonoma Law Group Inc. corte no basta para protegario.
cuotas. Si no presenta su respuesta a conducted by an Individual. The regis- 445 Orchard Street Suite 204 Si no presenta su Ruspuesta a tiempo, la
tiempo, puede perder el caso por incum- trants commenced to transact business FICTITIOUs BUsIness name SANTA ROSA, CA 95404 corte puede dar ordenes que afcten su
plimiento y la corte le podrá quitar su su- under their FBN on 04/01/2019. sTaTemenT #281316 (707)284-8844 matrimonio o pareja de hencho, sus bi-
eldo, dinero y bienes sin más adverten- /s/Patricia Pastorino/ The following person is doing business FILED: 5/24/2019 enes y la custodia de sus hijos. La corte
cia. This statement was filed with the Asses- as: The Committee to Rebrand Industrial (Published in the San Mateo Daily Jour- tambien le puede ordenar ue pague
Hay otros requisitos legales. Es reco- sor-County Clerk on 4/11/2019. (Publish- Road-San Carlos, 1697 Industrial Road, nal on 5/31/19, 6/7/19, 6/8/19 ) manutencion, y honorarios y costos le-
mendable que llame a un abogado inme- ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, SAN CARLOS, CA 94070. Registered gales.
notice of public hearings diatamente. Si no conoce a un abogado, 5/10/19, 5/17/19, 5/24/19, 5/31/19). Owner: Dominick Chirichillo, same ad- Para asesoramiento legal, pongase en
The Redwood City School puede llamar a un servicio de remisión a dress. The business is conducted by an contacio de inmediato con un abogado.
District will hold two sepa- abogados. Si no puede pagar a un abo- Individual. The registrants commenced Puede obtener informacion para encon-
gado, es posible que cumpla con los FICTITIOUs BUsIness name to transact business under their FBN on trar un abogado en el Centro de Ayuda
rate public hearings on the requisitos para obtener servicios legales sTaTemenT #281062 May 20, 2019. de las Cortes de California (
proposed Local Control Ac- gratuitos de un programa de servicios le- The following person is doing business /s/Dominick Chirichillo/, en el sitio web de los Ser-
countability Plan (LCAP), gales sin fines de lucro. Puede encontrar as: San Mateo Neighborhood Pharmacy, This statement was filed with the Asses- Order TO shOw CaUse FOr vicios Legales de California (
estos grupos sin fines de lucro en el sitio 9 37th Ave., SAN MATEO, CA 94403. sor-County Clerk on 5/20/2019. (Publish- ChanGe OF name or poniendose en contacto
with the Budget Overview web de California Legal Services, Registered Owner: Patient Centric Phar- ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, CASE# 19C1V02689 con el colegio del abogados du suconda-
for Parents cover page, and (, en el Centro macy Services, LLC, CA. The business 5/24/19, 5/31/19, 6/7/19, 6/14/19). SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, do.
the proposed budget for fis- de Ayuda de las Cortes de California, is conducted by a Limited Liability Com- COUNTY OF SAN MATEO, AVISO-LAS ORDENES DE RESTRIC-
( o poniéndose en pany. The registrants commenced to 400 COUNTY CENTER RD, CION SE ENCUENTRAN EN LA PAGI-
cal year 2019-20 on Wed- contacto con la corte o el colegio de abo- transact business under their FBN on
FICTITIOUs BUsIness name REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 NA 2: Las ordenes de restriccion estan
nesday, June 12, 2019 at gados locales. AVISO: Por ley, la corte sTaTemenT #281304 PETITION OF en vigencia en cuanto a ambos conyug-
10/20/2014. The following person is doing business
7:00 p.m. at the Redwood tiene derecho a reclamar las cuotas y los /s/Alvin Jun-Fa Lee/ Katherine Jenny Romanski es o meimbros de la pareja de hecho
costos exentos por imponer un grava- as: Elder Fraudwatch, 308 Lang Road, hasta que se despida la peticion, se emi-
City School District Office lo- This statement was filed with the Asses- BURLINGAME, CA 94010. Registered
men sobre cualquier recuperación de sor-County Clerk on 4/23/2019. (Publish- TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: ta un fallo o la corte de otras ordenes.
cated at 750 Bradford $10,000 ó más de valor recibida me- Owner:, CA. The busi- Petitioners: Katherine Jenny Romanski Cualquier agencia del orden publico que
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, ness is conducted by a Corporation. The
Street, Redwood City, Cali- diante un acuerdo o una concesión de 5/17/19, 5/24/19, 5/31/19, 6/7/19). filed a petition with this court for a decree haya recibido o visto una copia de estas
arbitraje en un caso de derecho civil. registrants commenced to transact busi- changing name as follows: ordenes puede hacerlas acatar en cual-
fornia. A copy of the LCAP, Tiene que pagar el gravamen de la corte ness under their FBN on 7/18/2018. Present name: quier lugar de California.
with the Budget Overview FICTITIOUs BUsIness name /s/Dominique Black/ Katherine Jenny Romanski EXENCION DE CUOTAS: Si no puede
antes de que la corte pueda desechar el This statement was filed with the Asses-
for Parents cover page, and caso. sTaTemenT #281158 pagar la cuota de presentacion, pida al
The following person is doing business sor-County Clerk on 5/20/2019. (Publish- Proposed Name: secretario un formulario de exencion de
the proposed budget will be The name and address of the court is (El ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
nombre y dirección de la corte es): SU- as: Ultra Construction, 613 Rocca Ave- Katherine Jenny Olsen cuotas. La corte puede ordnar que usted
available for public examina- nue, SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA 5/31/19, 6/7/19, 6/14/19, 6/21/19). pague, ya sea en parte o por completo,
tion at the above location MATEO COUNTY, REDWOOD CITY, 94080. Registered Ownesr: Delfino Al- THE COURT ORDERS that all persons las quotas y costos de la corte previa-
SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, varado and Ana R. Alvarado, same ad- FICTITIOUs BUsIness name interested in this matter shall appear be- mente exentos a peticion de usted o de
from June 7, 2019 through 400 County Center Redwood City CA dress. The business is conducted by a sTaTemenT #281371 fore this court at the hearing indicated la otra parte.
June 12, 2019 between the 94063 Married Couple. The registrants com- The following person is doing business below to show cause, if any, why the pe- The name and address of the court is (El
hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 The name, address, and telephone num- menced to transact business under their as: 1)AUG Global 2)DSI Global 3)AI tition for change of name should not be nombre y dirección de la corte es):
ber of plaintiff's attorney, or plaintiff with- FBN on 6/18/2008. Body, 555 Twin Dolphin Dr. Ste 135, granted. Any person objecting to the Superior Court, County of San Mateo
p.m. Any stakeholder affect- out an attorney, is (El nombre, la direc- /s/Ana R. Alvarado/ REDWOOD CITY, CA 94065. Regis- name changes described above must file 400 County Center
ed by the LCAP or the Red- ción y el número de teléfono del aboga- This statement was filed with the Asses- tered Owner: Delphi Software Int’l, Inc., a written objection that includes the rea- REDWOOD CITY, CA 94063
wood City School District do del demandante, o del demandante sor-County Clerk on 5/2/2019. (Publish- CA. The business is conducted by a Cor- sons for the objection at least two court The name, address, and telephone num-
que no tiene abogado, es): Brian N. ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, poration. The registrants commenced to days before the matter is scheduled to ber of plaintiff's attorney, or plaintiff with-
budget may appear before Winn (SBN 86779) Laura M. Hoalst 5/17/19, 5/24/19, 5/31/19, 6/7/19). transact business under their FBN on be heard and must appear at the hearing out an attorney, is (El nombre, la direc-
the Redwood City School (SBN 101082) John E. Gordon (SBN Feb 24, 2016. to show cause why the petition should ción y el número de teléfono del aboga-
District Board of Trustees 180053) Stephen S. Zeller (SBN 265664) /s/Valeri Shidlovsky/ not be granted. If no written objection is do del demandante, o del demandante
Casey M. Jensen (SBN 263593) Jason FICTITIOUs BUsIness name This statement was filed with the Asses- timely filed, the court may grant the peti- que no tiene abogado, es):
and speak to the LCAP or M. Burrows (SBN 309882) Nicholas W. sTaTemenT #281262 sor-County Clerk on 5/24/2019. (Publish- tion without a hearing. A hearing on the Dale N. Chen, Esq. SBN 114701
the proposed budget or any Lynes (SBN 312463) The following person is doing business ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, petition shall be held on 7/3/19 at 9 a.m., Law Offices of Dale N. Chen
item therein. WINN LAW GROUP, A PROFESSIO- as: Auto Pride Car Wash, 195 El Camino 5/31/19, 6/7/19, 6/14/19, 6/21/19). Dept. PJ, at 400 County Center, Red- 4655 Old Ironsides Dr #220
NAL CORPORATION, The Chapman Real, SAN CARLOS, CA 94070. Regis- wood City, CA 94063. A copy of this Or- SANTA CLARA, CA 95054
5/31/19 Building 110 E Wilshire Ave Ste 212 Full- tered Owner: Auto Pride Car Wash, CA. der to Show Cause shall be published at (408)562-1000
Cns-3253947# erton CA 92832 (714) 446-6686 (File No. The business is conducted by a Corpora- nOTICe OF peTITIOn TO least once each week for four successive FILED: 5/2/2018
san maTeO daIlY 16-16046-0-ECC-GD) (4100-00) tion. The registrants commenced to admInIsTer esTaTe OF weeks prior to the date set for hearing on DATE (Fecha): 5/2/2018
DATE (Fecha): JAN 18 2017 transact business under their FBN on William Norman Schwarz, the petition in the following newspaper of Clerk (Secretario) by, C.Colloum
JOUrnal Clerk (Secretario), by RODINA M. CATA- 01/01/1980. aka William N. Schwarz general circulation: Deputy (Asistente)
LANO, Deputy (Adjunto) /s/Timothy A. Mitchell/ Case Number: 19PRO00660 San Mateo Daily Journal (SEAL)
17-CLJ-00248 SUM, Summons Issued / This statement was filed with the Asses- Filed: 5/23/2019
Filed 335798 sor-County Clerk on 5/15/2019. (Publish- To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, con- /s/Jonathan E. Karesh/ (Published in the San Mateo Daily Jour-
(SEAL) ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, tingent creditors, and persons who may Judge of the Superior Court nal: 5/17/19, 5/24/19, 5/31/19, 6/7/19)
5/17, 5/24, 5/31, 6/7/19 5/17/19, 5/24/19, 5/31/19, 6/7/19). otherwise be interested in the will or es- Dated: 5/21/2019
FICTITIOUs BUsIness name tate, or both, of William Norman (Published 5/31/19, 6/7/19, 6/14/19,
sTaTemenT #281081 Cns-3254062#
san maTeO daIlY JOUrnal Schwarz, aka William N. Schwarz. A Pe- 6/21/19).
The following person is doing business FICTITIOUs BUsIness name tition for Probate has been filed by Mark
as: 1) Half Moon Bay Auto Parts 2) Pas- sTaTemenT #281263 Schwartz in the Superior Court of Cali-
torino Farms, 12491 San Mateo Road, The following person is doing business fornia, County of San Mateo. The Peti-
HALF MOON BAY, CA 94019. Regis- as: Auto Pride Car Wash, 909 Woodside tion for Probate requests that Mark
tered Owners: Patricia Pastorino and Rd., REDWOOD CITY, CA 94061. Reg- Schwartz be appointed as personal rep-
Stanley Pastorino, same address. The istered Owner: Auto Pride Car Wash, sUmmOns (FamIlY law)
resentative to administer the estate of CITACION (Derecho Familiar)
business is conducted by a Married Cou- CA. The business is conducted by a Lim- the decedent.
ple. The registrants commenced to ited Partnership. The registrants com- CASE NUMBER (Número del Caso):
The petition requests authority to admin- 18FAM01069
transact business under their FBN on menced to transact business under their ister the estate under the Independent 295 art
04/01/2019. FBN on 01/01/1980. Administration of Estates Act. (This au-
/s/Patricia Pastorino/ /s/Timothy A. Mitchell/ NOTICE TO RESPONDENT:
thority will allow the personal representa- (AVISO AL DEMANDADO) OIl paInTInG-Canvass, Victorian
This statement was filed with the Asses- This statement was filed with the Asses- tive to take many actions without obtain-
sor-County Clerk on 4/24/2019. (Publish- sor-County Clerk on 5/15/2019. (Publish- Scene, With Frame 56”x44” $350.00
FICTITIOUs BUsIness name ing court approval. Before taking certain OBO (650)515-6091
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, sTaTemenT #281328 ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, Yan Zhang
very important actions, however, the per-
5/10/19, 5/17/19, 5/24/19, 5/31/19). The following person is doing business 5/17/19, 5/24/19, 5/31/19, 6/7/19). sonal representative will be required to
as: Hammers Irrigation and Electric, give notice to interested persons unless
296 appliances
1005 Jones Court, REDWOOD CITY, CA they have waived notice or consented to
94063. Registered Owners: Jonathan (NOMBRE DEL DEMANDANTE) aIr COndITIOner 10000 BTU w/re-
the proposed action.) The independent
Monzon Galdamez, same address and administration authority will be granted mote. Slider model fits all windows. LG
Melvin Torres, 395 E. Okeefe Apt. #24, Jeffry Quang lee brand $199 runs like new. (650)235-
unless an interested person files an ob-
East Palo Alto, CA 94303. The business jection to the petition and shows good 0898
You have 30 calendar days after this
is conducted by a General Partnership. cause why the court should not grant au- Summons and Petition are served on
The registrants commenced to transact thority. you to file a Response (form F-120) at Free washer and 220v dryer, both
business under their FBN on N/A. A hearing on the petition will be held in the court and have a copy served on the working. Belmont (415) 902-4484. You
/s/Jonathan Monzon Galdamez/ this court as follows: JUN. 28, 2019 at petitioner. A letter, phone call, or court move, stairs.
This statement was filed with the Asses- 9:00 a.m., Dept. 28, Superior Court of appearance will not protect you
sor-County Clerk on 5/21/2019. (Publish- California, County of San Mateo, 400 If you do not file your Response on time, Glass-panel lampshade. Similar
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, County Center, Redwood City, CA the court may make orders affecting your to TIFFENEY about16" diameter. multi-
5/24/19, 5/31/19, 6/7/19, 6/14/19). 94063. marriage or domestic partnership, your ple tan/white mainly.Hang or lampshade.
If you object to the granting of the peti- $75 (650)727-7266
025-030 0531 fri:Class Master Odd 5/30/19 3:28 PM Page 3
316 Clothes 340 Camera & Photo equip. 379 Open houses 620 Automobiles 625 Classic Cars 670 Auto Service
WOMAn'S AMeriCAn Rag faux leather OMeGA B600 Condenser Enlarger, In- CheVrOlet ‘86 ASTROVAN, 95K MerCeDeS ‘79 450 SL with hard top.
jacket. Perfect condition.
/2x/NW0T $25 (650) 952-3466
Black struction Manual & 50mm El-Omegar En-
larging Lens $95 (415)260-6940 OPen hOuSe
miles, $2000 (650)481-5296 Completely rebuilt. 20K obo. (650)851-
0878 AA SMOG
CheVy ‘10 HHR . 68K. EXCELLENT Complete Repair & Service
WOMAn'S tAhAri jacket. Perfect con- ViVitAr V 2000 W/35-70 zoom and
original manual. Like new. $99 SSF
liStinGS CONDITION. $8888. (650)274-8284. MerCeDeS ‘89 300e, Low Miles, Excel. $29.75 plus certificate fee
dition. Royal blue/16W/NWT $25 Condition, Good Engine, Needs paint, (most cars)
(650) 952-3466 (650)583-6636 GOt An OlDer $13,900 (650)303-4257. Leave msg.
List your Open House 869 California Drive .
WOMen'S BlACk suede fur lined in the Daily Journal. CAr, BOAt, Or rV? MuStAnG ’73- All Original: Miles 300,
345 Medical equipment
boots, size 8. $10.00 call (650)872-2371
Reach over 83,450
Do the humane thing. Paperwork, Light Brown Paint, 351
V/8Cleveland, Auto-Trans, P/S, P/B,
(650) 340-0492
WOrk BOOtS. Iron Age, size 10-1/2, ADJuStABle BAth shower transfer Donate it to the
potential home buyers & Humane Society. $30,000 (650)359-6001.
brown, with steel metatarsal protection. bench with sidebar $15 (510)770-1976
In box, $45, OBO. (650)594-1494 renters a day, Call 1- 866-899-3051
COMMODe, Very clean and disinfect-
ed. Asking $20 obo. Please call if inter-
from South San Francisco POrSChe ‘88 Carrera Targa, 139K SMOG CheCk
318 Sports equipment to Palo Alto. Miles, BK-BK, $32,500. (650) 589-9766. $29.75 + $8.25 certificate
ested. (650)745-6309 hOnDA ‘10 CiViC, 87K miles, $6,800. VAliD Mon thru thu
in your local newspaper. (650)302-5523 9am to 11:30am and 1pm to 5pm
BiG BerthA, Golfsmith Titanium Driver DriVe 3-in-1 commode with seat,buck- 630 trucks & SuV’s
,Mid Driver, Stinger 1 3 5 - $99 Rick et,cover,splash sheild,armrests $10
(415)999-4474 (510)770-1976
Call (650)344-5200 MAzDA ‘12 CX-7 SUV Excellent con- FOrD ‘10 F150 Super Crew cab, 78K
Look for coupon in the Daily Journal
dition One owner Fully loaded Low miles. System-One toolboxes and rack. luxurati Auto
BrAnD neW Golf bag with Stand. DriVe DeluXe two button walker $10 miles reduced $15,995 obo (650)520- $16K contact or text (650)520-3725 704 N. San Mateo Dr., San Mateo
Makes a great gift. $65. 415-867-6444.
No Texting.
(510)770-1976 650-458-6666
FOrD ’88 F150 4x4 Camper shell, 83K
rADiAtiOn PrOteCtiOn 1/2-apron 380 real estate Services MAzDA ‘16 Sky Active one owner per- miles, $2000 obo (650)868-3010
BrAnD neW golf clubs: 1, 3 Woods; Pb free; .5mm Pb equivalent, xl, adjusta-
ble buckle, gently used; $60; 607-227- fect condition 4DR Silver Low miles
Irons: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 pw. Makes a great $18,995 OBO (650)520-4650. leXuS ‘07 GX450, 124K miles, $11,900
gift $95. 415-867-6444. No Texting. 7742. CAll CrOnAn Real Estate today at (650)302-5523 670 Auto Parts
650 274 0259 to learn how to win
eAStOn AluMinuM bat.33 inches, 30 WAlker/rOlAtOr. neW. large, bas- in the local real estate market. Lunch niSSAn ‘01 MAXiMA 160K miles, tOyOtA ‘06 4runner, 190K miles, 1960S CADillAC hub caps $40
oz, 2 3/4 barrel. $30. (650)596-0513 ket, quickly convert to wheelchair. Large is on us! $3,500. (650)302-5523 $7,900.. (650)302-5523 (650)592-3887
size to 400LBS.8" wheels $45.00
eVerlASt 80# MMA Heavy Bag and (650)727-7266 niSSAn ‘12 Leaf, Electric, low mileage
Stand. Like New. $99 (650)654-9966 34,500 Excellent condition (650)796- 635 Vans BriDGeStOne AlenzA 235/65R17,
$50. Excellent condition, 80k warranty,
Garage Sales 450 homes for rent 3896.
tOyOtA ‘08 SIENNA LE, excellent con- used less than 10k. (650)593-4490
Guthy-renker POWer Rider,Ever-
last 2 1/2 ankle weights, kegel thigh ex- POntiAC ‘97 Passenger Van. Aluminum dition, camera, bluetooth, trailer, 94K
miles. $9,000. text (925)786-5545 See CheVy/GMC 1994. Full size. Front
erciser $20 (510)770-1976
lArGe MultiPle FOr rent Rims with good tires. Needs engine
work! $900. Call (650)365-8287 or cell craigslist for pics. plastic/bumper/grill complete. Perfect
Photos. San Mateo $75 (650)727-7266
knee riDer $ 50.00 joe (650)573-5269 9650)714-3865.
leAther GOlF bag with 23 clubs $90.
(650) 592-2648. yArD 2 Bedroom 1 bath
house on a quiet
tOyOtA ’96 Tercel Original owner,
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eStAte SAle unique items
620 Automobiles
Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle
*** Don’t lose money Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
June 1st & on a trade-in or ACROSS 61 “Star Trek” spin- 28 Gotten up 44 Take care of
eStAte SAleS consignment! 1 Just right off, briefly 31 Many a cable co. 45 Wayne Manor
June 2nd Make money, make room! 4 Some pets, in 62 Fish also called 32 2001 scandal and environs, e.g.
Sell your vehicle in the totspeak sea breams subject 47 Relish
List your upcoming Daily Journal’s 11 Ronda Rousey’s 63 Future 62-Across 34 It puts people out 48 Law enforcement
10am - 5pm garage sale, Auto Classifieds. sport, initially 35 Frightful tool
moving sale, 14 Supporting DOWN 36 Ones using 49 In arrears
iteMS FOr SAle estate sale, Just $45 15 Tempting text to 1 Validate asanas 53 Hoedown misses
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Furniture, Fine China, Flat
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Screen TV’s, Temporpedic rummage sale, ‘til you sell it! strain’d” speaker 42 “Phooey!” 56 Chem. or phys.
Matress and more!! “Deadwood”
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Everything must go! whatever sale you reach 83,450 drivers 19 Label for some 4 Order the Beef figure closer
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to Palo Alto. 22 Continental 7 Endocrine __
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Carbon Black, dance
e.g. 13 Pro with a couch
29 Longtime 18 Apple product
preceder of 22 Unborn, after “in”
Johnny? 24 Unhurried pace
30 Maurice Sendak/ 25 Refreshing place
Carole King 26 Siskiyou County
musical peak 05/31/19
“Really __”
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response to
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owe you”?
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39 Nautical pole
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garde music?
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52 Detroit labor gp.
53 Research
54 Sundial marking
55 Prosecutor ... or
what four long
puzzle answers
have received?
58 Luke, to Anakin
59 Sign maker’s aid By Jeffrey Wechsler
60 Court fig. ©2019 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
025-030 0531 fri:Class Master Odd 5/30/19 3:28 PM Page 5
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Continued from page 1
“This seems more theater and tactics than
a strategy to solve the migration crisis and
rebalance North American trade,” he said.
he talks about something else and things
stay there,” he said.
Trump’s tariff threat comes at a time when
uled of increases.
“If the illegal migration crisis is alleviat-
ed through effective actions taken by
Indeed, on a briefing call with reporters Mexican authorities have been stepping up Mexico, to be determined in our sole discre-
Thursday evening, acting White House chief their efforts, carrying out migrant raids and tion and judgment, the Tariffs will be
passage of the United States-Mexico- of staff Mick Mulvaney said there were sev- detaining thousands of people traveling removed,” the White House said in a state-
Canada Agreement that would update the eral things Mexico could do to prevent the through the country en route to the U.S. ment. But if Trump is not satisfied, the 5%
North American Free Trade Agreement. It tariffs from kicking in. The crumbling city of Tapachula, near the figure will increase to 10% on July 1, to
also comes less than two weeks after Trump He said the White House had specifically Guatemalan border, has become the epicen- 15% on Aug. 1, to 20% on Sept. 1 and to
lifted import taxes on Mexican and refrained from setting specific benchmarks ter of the crackdowns. Thousands of 25% on Oct. 1, the White House said.
Canadian steel and aluminum, a move that but would be looking at progress “on a day- migrants have been stranded in the city “Tariffs will permanently remain at the 25
seemed to clear an obstacle to passage of to-day and a week-to-week basis.” because the Mexican government isn’t pro- percent level unless and until Mexico sub-
his North American trade deal. “We’re going to judge success here by the viding them visas that allow them to travel. stantially stops the illegal inflow of aliens
The White House sees the deal, which was number of people crossing the border and Authorities this week have also been clear- coming through its territory,” the statement
agreed to by the three nations’ leaders in that number needs to start coming down ing out parks of camping migrants and raid- read.
November, as the cornerstone of Trump’s immediately, in a significant and substan- ing hotels where immigrants were staying. During a visit to Canada on Thursday to
2020 legislative agenda. But it needs tial number,” he said. Mexican authorities raided and largely promote the trade deal, Vice President Mike
approval from lawmakers in all three coun- He also insisted that tariffs were “com- broke up the last major migrant caravan, Pence voiced optimism, vowing it would be
tries for it to be ratified. pletely” “separate and apart from the detaining hundreds of immigrants from passed this year. Asked by reporters about
Daniel Ujczo, an international trade USMCA” because one pertained to trade and Central America. the impact of possible new tariffs, Pence
lawyer based in Ohio, said the move puts the other immigration. And the Mexican government has allowed said that both Mexico and Congress need to
lawmakers who want to vote yes in an awk- “The two are absolutely not linked,” he the U.S. to return hundreds of asylum seek- do more and that Trump is determined to use
ward spot because companies in their home claimed. ers from Central America and other coun- his authority to call on them to do so.
states and districts end up paying the tariffs. Jesus Seade, the trade negotiator for tries to force them to wait their cases out in That could include closer cooperation and
He also said the plan, if implemented, could Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Mexico — in one of only a few immigration entering into a “safe third country agree-
slow down the deal’s ratification in Mexico. Obrader, called the matter “most serious” policies that have not been immediately ment” that would designate Mexico as a safe
Still, he and others wondered whether but also downplayed it as an unlikely possi- struck down by the courts. haven for asylum-seekers and make it diffi-
Trump — who has a habit of creating prob- bility. The White House said Trump would be cult for those who enter Mexico from later
lems and then claiming credit when he rush- “It is no secret to anyone that Trump is using the International Emergency claiming asylum in the U.S. — something
es in to solve them — would actually go very active in his use of Twitter, and he Economic Powers Act to implement the tar- Mexico is reluctant to agree to.
032 0531 fri:0531 fri 239 5/30/19 11:52 AM Page 1
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