Peter Kan NeuroMetabolic Gut Repair Program v2.0
Peter Kan NeuroMetabolic Gut Repair Program v2.0
Peter Kan NeuroMetabolic Gut Repair Program v2.0
A Greek physician and
the father of medicine
Your digestive tract is not just for
digesting and absorbing nutrients,
it is also involved in immune
function, since approximately
70% of immune system resides in
the gut.
The mucosal cells are strongly attached to each other through tight
junction proteins called occludin and zonulin.
Just eat until you are satisfied (80% full and not
gorge yourself). However, you must only eat
from the list of allowed foods.
If you are already eating organic foods, keep it up. If you are not 100%
organic, don’t stress about it and just slowly make the transition.
Organic foods typically have more nutrients and less chemicals.
Go for the green leafy stuff, and the cruciferous family such as
cauliflower and broccoli. You can’t over eat the veggies, so load up.
Try a new veggie every week and play with new recipes using the new
veggie, this way you can expand your recipes and discover new dishes.
Include starchy veggies such as sweet potato, yam, squash, and zucchini.
These contains high amounts of fiber and resistant starch which help
stabilize blood sugar and serve as prebiotic (food for the probiotics).
The red color in yam and sweet potato indicate they are high in
flavonoids and betacarotene, an advantage over the white potato.
Fish, chicken, turkey, beef, lamb, pork, and wild game meat if you hunt or
know someone who does. Watch out for shellfish, especially if you have
known allergy to them.
If you get bacon, choose nitrite-free, pastured bacon for better quality.
No fruit juices allowed, since they are just sugary drinks without the fiber,
which will cause insulin spikes. Limit fruit intake to 2-3 servings per day.
This includes the fruit that you may use in making the 2 nutritious and
delicious smoothies per day as part of the program.
If you have known problems with them, if you have diverticulitis, or you
have a lot of symptoms and sensitivities and you just don’t know what
you react to, you may want to eliminate the nuts and seeds during this
program for best result.
After 30-60 days, you may introduce them and see how you do.
The smoothies will still taste great and support your hunger and
metabolism even without the nuts and seeds.
Sea salt, black pepper, cilantro, oregano, garlic, cumin, ginger, basil, mint,
parsley, rosemary, cinnamon, thyme… you get the idea. Fresh herbs
preferred over dried herbs. The herbs is the secret weapon and contains
antioxidant and cancer fighting agents. Use herbs to season and create
different dishes so you don’t get bored.
Water and lots of it. We live in the desert for crying out loud.
Herbal tea is fine.
Sparkling water like San Pellegrino is allowed.
Apple cider vinegar is great for dressing, olive oil and fresh lemon juice
are great for salad dressing, natural sweetener such as stevia, lo han
fruit extract, monk fruit extract
If you are cooking using real food made from scratch adding herbs and
natural seasonings, you food will taste great and you won’t need to use
those processed junk anyways.
Honey, agave, candy, table sugar, milk chocolate, corn syrup, fructose,
high fructose corn syrup, maple syrup, molasses, sucrose
This is a common allergen. This is anything made from cow’s milk - milk,
cheese, yogurt, butter, cream, cottage cheese, whey protein, frozen desert,
milk ice cream, mayonnaise, as well as goat’s milk and sheep’s milk
Edamame, miso, soy sauce, soy milk, soy protein, tempeh, tofu
Including black beans, lentil, kidney beans, garbanzo beans, soy beans.
Peanut is actually a legume and so are cashews, so they are to be avoided.
Alcohol, you don’t need the alcohol, its destroying your brain
60-70% 10-15%
Eat plenty of fiber like veggies, good amount of healthy fat, moderate
protein, and some fruit (2-3 servings per day).
Stick to this ratio and eat until satisfied, this works without counting
calories or points. I don’t ever count calories and you shouldn’t have to
When you eat the right types of foods in the right proportions, you will
be naturally satiated and stop eating. This is the key to long term result
and learning about your body.
fiber GI
GI Resuscitate
Recommended use:
1/2 tbsp twice per day
Recommended use:
1/2 scoop twice per day
Fiber Fx
Recommend use:
1 tsp twice per day
These products are all in powder form, so you can easily mix
them with some coconut milk and a handful of frozen fruits to
make a nutritious and delicious smoothie.
D3 Pro SymBiome
2000 Plus
Enzyme HCL
SymBiome Plus
Recommended use:
2 caps twice per day
As the saying goes “You are what you eat”. But what is
even more true is “you are what you absorb”. This product
contains full spectrum of digestive enzymes, bile support,
and betaine hydrochloric acid to maintain proper gastric
Recommended use:
2 caps twice per day
D3 Pro 2000
Recommended use:
2 drops once per day
Reseting the HPA axis can have profound effects on hormonal balance,
metabolism, and vitality. And the key to reseting the HPA axis and
therefore the hormonal system is actually blood sugar balance.
One final piece of the puzzle to resetting the hormones is to eat small
frequent meals.
Eating frequently also takes the stress off the adrenal glands to
make cortisol to stabilize blood sugar, therefore giving the
adrenals a chance to recover.
Eating small frequent meals also takes the stress off the
digestive system from having to digest large amount of food in
one meal, therefore allowing it to heal.
For snacking in between the major meals, just a few bites count.
Please eat on time even if you are not hungry, just a bite or two
will do.
In fact, you may not be very hungry eating this way and you may
feel like you are eating all the time. If you are trying to lose
weight, the weight will still come off even though your are eating
all the time.
Keep in mind that you will make 2 smoothies per day with the
nutrition supplements recommended earlier.
The 2 smoothies count as 2 snacks. I recommend a smoothie for
breakfast to start the day right. You will feel energized and
confident about your decision.
There are many benefits to eating this way during the first 30-60 days
of this program. However, everyone is different and some may do
better eating less frequent meals.
This is just a general guideline for you to get started. If you feel eating
5-6 times per day does not work of you, then you can just have
breakfast, lunch and dinner.
So there you have it. I revealed to you the step by step protocol I use
in my practice that have changed thousands of people that have
sought me, many of them have been to multiple specialists, tried
everything, and done everything else, all with little to no result until
they came to me.
I hope you will follow it with discipline, and use all the tools and
products that we recommend to extract the most benefit from this
If you follow this program exactly for 30-60 days and you don’t feel
much change, then your may have a broken metabolism. This means
that you will need a thorough exam, consult, and functional medicine
lab work up to identify the root cause of the problem and have a
program designed to address your specific blockages.
This way you will know how the program is helping you.
Check your weight once a week and tape measure once a
Bowel movement
(Frequency, consistency,
form - hard, dry or well Mood Cognition
formed) (Depression, anxiety, (Brain fog, concentration,
mood swings) memory)
(Quality and quantity)
Energy Digestion
Pain (Gas, bloating, burping,
(Can include overall stiffness, indigestion, heartburn,
aches, muscle pain, joint pain, reflux, cramps, pain)
You must start out by gutting your kitchen! Get rid of all
the foods not approved for the program. That does not
mean sit and eat it all in a weekend so they don’t go to
waste! Out with the bad and in with the good!
Since you will be eating so much fresh food you may need to
visit the store a couple of times a week. When grocery
shopping, stay to the outside edges of the store. You may
need to visit the center aisles for some things like coconut
milk, spices, or coconut oil. Most of your list can be found
on the outside edges of the store where the produce and
meat are located!
There are about 600 calories in two slices of pizza, you would need
to eat about 20 cups of Broccoli to match that!
In order to help stabilize blood sugar we request you eat every 2.5
to 3 hours. This does not have to be a huge meal! A couple of bites
and we are happy.
Grazing will also help relieve stress on your GI tract, having a slow
and steady stream of food is much easier to digest than a huge
meal which can cause discomfort.
The best way to set yourself up for success is to not eat out.
Remember this program is 30 days, you can skip the restaurants!
Sometimes eating out is unavoidable. Choose a restaurant where
you can order Meat and Vegetables that have not been cooked in
butter. That will be your safest bet.
When preparing a meal for yourself think about the fact you will be
eating again in 3 hours.
The first few days up to the first couple of weeks may be the tough.
Make sure you are eating enough healthy fats. Fats will help keep
your blood sugar stabilized, keep you satiated, and fight off
cravings, especially sugar.
If you are looking for that “crunch” with your meal, we all know that
potato chip crunch, try making yourself Plantain Chips to satisfy
yourself. Know that the cravings will pass once you reset your brain
and hormones.
You may experience fatigue the first few days. Most common
reason for people to feel fatigued is hypoglycemia and hunger. Be
sure you are eating enough and frequently enough.
Give your body time to adjust also. Planning your meals in advance
will also help so you are not skipping meals or eat something you
are not supposed to.
Well, what about them? This program can help improve their
intestinal health even if they are asymptomatic. Get your family on
board. It is essential for their health too!
If they won’t do it with you, make sure to keep your food and their
food in separate places so you don’t go to the cupboard and find
bunch of foods that is not on your list, making it easy to be