Test Scenario

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ProjectName Gmail Reviewed by

Module Name Login page Reviewed date
Documents Reffered FRS Approved by
Author Sr Tester Approved date
Test Scenario ID Module Requirement Scenarion Name
TS001 1.0 Gmail home page 1.1 URL

TS002 1.2 Login

TS003 1.3 links

Test case for Scenario
1. verify URL with valid
2. verify URL with invalid
1. verify Gmail login with valid data
2. verify Gmail login with invalid data
3. verify Gmail login without data
1. Verify all links and buttons
ProjectName Gmail
Module Name Login
Documents Reffered FRS,BRS
Author Testername
Test Scenario ID Module Requirement Scenarion Name

TS001 login page 1. Gmail home page 1.1 check url

TS002 1.2 gmail login (sign in)

TS003 1.3 home page links

TS004 1.4 check box (stay sign in)1. verify stay sign in check bo

Test scenario----> what to test in the application

A function ality future to be tested

Assignment 1 : Prepare test scenario for yahoo home page

Assignment 2 : Prepare test scenarios for Facebook

Test case for Scenario

1.varify Gmail url with valid data

2. verify Gmaill url with invalid data
1. verify gmail login with valid data
2. verify gmail login with invalid data
3. verify gmail login without data
1. verify all links in gmail home page
need help
create an account
ay sign in)1. verify stay sign in check box
ProjectName Ranfordbank Reviewed by
Module Name Admin Reviewed date
Documents RefBRS,FRS Approved by
Author Tester Approved date
Test Scenario I Module Requirement Scenarion Name Test case for Scenario
TS001 Admin 1.0 Ranford home page 1. check url of Ranford 1. Verify raford url with valid
2. verify raford url with invalid
2. check visitor links and 3. verify all visitor links
TS002 buttons and buttons
TS003 3.check Admin login 4. verify admin login with valid data
5. verify admin login with invalid data
TS004 4. check banker login 6. verify banker login with valid data
7.verify banker login with invalid data
5. check customer login
TS005 buttons 8. verify all customer login button

6. check all button in Admin

TS006 2.0 Admin home page home page 9. verify all buttons in RFHP

10.verify search and

3.1 check search and clear in clear in branch details
3.0 Branches branch details page page
3.2 New branch creation 11. verify branch creation with valid data
12. verify branch creation with invalid da
13.verify reset and cancel
3.3 Branch updatation 11. verify branch updation with valid dat
12. verify branch updation with invalid d
13. verify cancel button
3.4 Branch deletion 14. verify branch deletion with dependa
verify branch deletion without dependa
rd url with valid
rd url with invalid

in login with valid data

in login with invalid data
ker login with valid data
er login with invalid data

ustomer login button

uttons in RFHP

nch creation with valid data

nch creation with invalid data
et and cancel
nch updation with valid data
nch updation with invalid data
cel button
nch deletion with dependancies
deletion without dependancies
ProjectName Facebook Reviewed by
Module Name home page Reviewed date
Documents Reffered FRS Approved by
Author Tester Approved date
Test Scenario ID Module Requirement Scenarion Name Test case for Scenario
TS001 1.0 Facebook home page 1. URL 1. verify fb url with valid
2. verify Fb url with invalid
2. Login 3. verify FB login with valid
4. verify FB login with invalid
3. create account 5. verify FB create account with valid
6. verify FB acount with invalid
4. all links 7. verify all links in FB home page
rl with valid
rl with invalid
ogin with valid
ogin with invalid
reate account with valid
count with invalid
nks in FB home page

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