Comparative Analysis of PD 957 BP 220 PDF
Comparative Analysis of PD 957 BP 220 PDF
Comparative Analysis of PD 957 BP 220 PDF
2. PROJECT LOCATION When suitable sites for housing & Same as PD 957 Same as PD 957
outside potential hazard prone &
protection areas
(Percentage of Gross Area
one hectare & above)
b.1 Areas allocated for Parks Mandatory Allocation for Parks and Playgrounds Per Tabulations Below
& Playgrounds (1 Hectare Density % of Gross Area Density % of Project Gross Area
& above) (No. of Lots/ Allocated for (Dwelling Units per Hectare)
Dwelling Units Parks and
Per Hectare Playgrounds
20 & Below 3.5% 150 and below 3.5% 150 and below 3.5%
21-25 4.0% 151-160 4.0% 151-160 4.0%
26-35 5.0% 161-175 5.0% 161-175 5.0%
36-50 6.0% 176-200 6.0% 176-200 6.0%
51-65 7.0% 201-225 7.0% 201-225 7.0%
Above 65 9.0% Above 225 9.0% Above 225 9.0%
An addition of 1% Increment for every 10 or fraction thereof Above 225
NOTE: In no case shall the Area be less than 100 square meters
b.3 Circulation System Observe Hierarchy of Roads Observe Hierarchy of Roads Observe Hierarchy of Roads
Single Detached 100 sq. meter / unit 72 sq. meter / unit 72 sq. meters / unit
Single Attached / Duplex / 75 sq. meter / unit 54 sq. meters / unit 54 sq. meters / unit
Rowhouse 50 sq. meters (House & Lot) 35 sq. meters / unit 32 sq. meters / unit
NOTE: 1. Saleable lots designated as duplex and/or rowhouse lots shall
be provided with housing components
2. Maintain a 60, 40 ratio for house and lot where 60% for the
house and 40% for the lot (selling price for house&lot package)
PARAMETER PD 957 BP 220 BP 220
6. LENGTH OF BLOCK 6.a maximum length is 400m. (for same as PD 957 same as PD 957
subdivision projects with lot
component only
NOTE: for ROWHOUSES, there shall be a maximum of 20 UNITS but in no case shall be more than 100m in length
+ Right of way (ROW) of major roads shall be increased as project size increases. ROW shall not be lower than ROW of public road.
+ Major Roads shall maintain a uniform width of road right of way. Tapering of road width shall not be allowed
NOTE: 1. Interior subdivision project must secure right of way to the nearest public road
2. Subdivision projects with direct access to a main public road must provide sufficient setback to accommodate loading and unloading
of passengers.
3. Subdivision project shall provide provision for future expansion (see text)
2.5 hectares and below major road, minor road, motor court, major road, minor road, motor court, alley, footpath
Above 2.5 - 5 hectares same as above same as above
Above 10 - 15 hectares same as above same as above
Above 15 - 30 hectares same as above same as above
Above 30 hectares same as above same as above
PARAMETER PD 957 BP 220 BP 220
NOTE: refer to supplemental rules and regulations to implement PD 963 (HLURB A.O. no. 2 series of 1994 (12 April)
9.2 Road Pavement Developed Area Under Developed Developed Area Under Developed
Area Area
a. Major Road Concrete / Asphalt Concrete/Asphalt Macadam Stone Concrete/Asphalt Macadam Stone
b. Minor Road Concrete / Asphalt Concrete/Asphalt Macadam Stone Macadam Srone Macadam Stone
c. Motor Court Concrete / Asphalt Asphalt Macadam Stone Macadam Srone Macadam Stone
d. Sidewalks Concrete / Asphalt Asphalt Aggregates Aggregates Aggregates
e. Alley Concrete / Asphalt Aggregates Aggregates Aggregates Aggregates
10. WATER SUPPLY Developed Area Under Developed Developed Area Under Developed
Area Area
10.1 Minimum Water Supply 150 liters per capita per day for 150 LCPD for 43 LCPD 150 LCPD for 43 LCPD
Requirements household connection household Handpump household Handpump
connection connection
10.2 Fire Protection Provision for Fire Protection shall comply with the requirements of the National Fire Protection Code (PD 1185)
11. DRAINAGE SYSTEM Underground Underground for Major Roads lined Lined Open Canal (sides of open
open canal (for other Roads) canal shall be lined with stone rip-rap)
+ The drainage system must conform with the natural drainage pattern of the subdivision site, and shall drain
into appropriate water bodies, public drainage system or natural outfalls.
PARAMETER PD 957 BP 220 BP 220
12.1 Septic Tank Individual septic Tank conforming Individual / Communal Septic Tank Individual / Communal Septic Tank
to standard design of the Sanitation conforming to standard design of conforming to standard design of
Code. the Sanitation Code. the Sanitation Code.
12.2 Connection to Community Whenever possible, connections shall be made to an approved public or community sewer system subject to the
Sewer System requirements and provisions of the Sanitation Code and other applicable rules and regulations with regards to
materials and installation practices.
Installation practices, materials and fixtures used shall be in accordance with the provision of the Electrical Code
and local utility company.
14. GARBAGE DISPOSAL Provide sanitary and efficient refuse collection and disposal system whether independently or in conjunction
with the local government garbage collection and disposal services.
a.1 Single-Detached Shall conform with the National a.1 22 sq. meters a.1 16 sq. meters
Building Code (PD 1096) and local
Zoning Ordinance
a.2 Duplex a.2 22 sq. meters a.2 18 sq. meters
a.3 Rowhouse a.3 22 sq. meters a.3 18 sq. meters
NOTE: Minimum floor area shall be in one floor level exclusive of mezzanine
floor if any.
b. Mnimum Level of
b.1 Single-Detached b.1 Complete House b.1 Complete House b.1 Shell House
b.1 Duplex b.2 Complete House b.2 Complete House b.2 Shell House
b.3 Rowhouse b.3 Complete House b.3 Complete House b.3 Shell House
NOTE: Minimum floor area shall be in one floor level exclusive of mezzanine
floor if any.