Total Amount:-108965 Total Amount Received: - (Please Refer To The Information in The Passbook)

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Date of Subject Rate No. of Cost of No.

of Cost of Total Cost

Reciept per Words Translation Pages Typing
24/09/18 Yogasanas 1.20 5900 7080 - - 7080
03/10/18 GO on Land 1.20 646 975 2 100 1075
24/10/18 Vantakalu (103 1.20 44012 52814 157 7850 60664
of 175)
27/10/18 NHAI Document 1.50 24750 37125 13 650 37775
07/11/18 Scholarship 1.20 543 651 2 100 751
11/11/18 Will of 1.20 1350 1620 - - 1620
Grand Total :- 108965

Total Amount:- 108965

Total Amount Received:- (please refer to the information in the passbook)

Date Amount
Transferred to
OBC Bank
16/10/18 8000

05/12/18 6000

05/12/18 12000

05/12/18 6000

05/12/18 6000

14/03/19 15000

Total 53000/-

Balance Due (108965 –

53000) =

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