Mamta Jain Abstract

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Re-designing Ranakpur Jain temple complex deciphering Spatial organisation and

philosophical principles from Jain Religious Architecture

Mamta Jain
Roll No. 15122032
B. Arch VIII Semester

India! The land of antiquity. India’s heritage does not confine to historic accounts of the
events and objects frozen in their own time and space, but rather as cultural, religious and
architectural traditions which have transcended the time and space to remain alive and
appropriate even in the present.
Jainism, one of the three religion which originated and spread in India gave India a heritage
to be proud of; mostly its Temple architecture style which remains prevalent till date. This
thesis involves study and interpretation of Maru-Gurjara style Jain temples, its spatial
organisation and evolution through centuries.
One such marvel of Jain temple Architecture is Ranakpur Jain temple; the 14th century
temple as epitome of Renaissance in Western Indian Temple Architecture. Movement is the
key to its perception. Temple Architecture is the story of movement and pauses where
kinesthetics of space is fundamental to its experience and perception, which is achieved
though physical experience of space.
“Space” is a notional phenomenon which shapes and exists by the context. Space making is
a sum total of time and space combination. Space over time is not the same. Similarly, time
over different space is also not the same. Therefore, having invested in time the space
changes. This constant juxtaposition of time over space is the essential premise of Indian
Re-designing the complex of existing temple in a different time period to enhance the value
of existing temple and allow more people to come and appreciate the beauty of Ranakpur,
a secluded valley of Aravalli ranges in Rajasthan. The objective is to interpret spatial
narratives built within the architectural space resolutions in temple architecture.
Architecture communicates through spatial tools, may they be the space sequences and its
organization; elements of space making and their scale and form, or the symbolism of
surface articulation. Such architecture therefore needs to be understood and interpreted
through perceptual and experiential qualities and not only by the abstractions of the plan
geometry or static compositions of the facade elevations.
These aspect of time over space lend varied meaning to the same space configuration
through its conditioning, rendering architecture ever fresh, interactive and timeless.

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