Spring Concert Reflection

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Fiona Carlone Spring Concert Reflection 5/8/19

As a whole, I feel as if the Spring Dance Concert was a successful one. As a dancer, I feel

as if I did well to contribute to each of the pieces I was in. The entirety of our PVA worked as

one to pull the show together and I am incredibly proud. With that said, I observed many

strengths and many weaknesses of my performance, and of the entire performance.

As an individual in the group piece I feel I held my own amongst my peers. I was able to

stand out in my dancing in a positive way. My stage presence lent itself to this. In class, the goal

was to focus on each of the technical elements of the piece. Spacing, timing, and the general

choreography occupied our time in class periods. During this time, I struggled to focus on the

performance aspect of the dance. The message and the meaning. Before both shows, I

reminded myself that performing was one of the biggest parts of putting on a show for the

audience. I knew the choreography, that was not a problem for me. All I had to do now was

perform, and I feel I accomplished this well. A similar instance applied in my variation, on

Thursday night. Throughout rehearsals I was so focused on technique, I did not take the time to

analyze my character. After watching the video, I feel I embodied the character of “Kitri” well.

The video camera, which was set all the way in the back, was able to pick up on my accents and

specialized flares that I so meticulously practiced. This means that I projected my character and

acting from the stage to the back of the auditorium. While it is a small thing, my handling of the

fan was well done. Props can be difficult to manage, so I was content with the outcome. As far

as technical commodities go, the variation looked much cleaner than I thought it did. The stage

was slippery, but I controlled each of my turns and jumps well. During my practice, my ankles

gave out more than once, so I set the goal to do everything with cleanliness. Overall, this was

accomplished in the cleanest way I could manage.

Fiona Carlone Spring Concert Reflection 5/8/19

Of course, the performance was not a perfect one. In my personal performance,

I saw many mistakes. While I was able to stand out as an individual and a performer, I noticed

my timing did not adhere to the rest of the dancers. Many dancers went on their own personal

timing, for a lack of knowing the correct counts. I should not have done the same. Regardless of

what the timing is or isn’t, I need to follow my other dancers lead in the future. Working and

dancing together makes the pieces cleaner and stronger. I noticed that the Thursday night show

was a little rocky in multiple ways. For starters, the spacing was very wonky. While it could have

been the formations, it is our job as the performer to make the spacing work to our advantage.

I could have done a better job falling in line to blend in with the rest of the dancers on stage. In

the diagonal formation, I contributed to the lopsided outcome. While Friday night was much

better, in future dances, each individual needs to be sure of their spacing on stage. Throughout

the Thursday night performance I kept myself warm and moving backstage, to avoid from

getting cold. I know that as someone who has to use their body as their instrument, properly

warming up is more than important to avoid injuries on stage. On Friday night I failed to follow

these same precautions. In a way, this affected my technique in the group piece. I could tell

that I was off my leg in multiple parts. I also was not stretching my feet or legs enough. In my

variation on Thursday night, I also noticed technical elements that could have been cleaner. My

arms were occasionally off center and I was not always completely on my box. It was helpful to

visually see the technique I need to focus on in class and improve upon for the future.

The audience is always an important part of being a dancer. The audience can fuel the

adrenaline of performing. It can create butterflies and nervous energy. On Thursday night we

had a small, but somewhat appreciative audience. They clapped at the proper times and

Fiona Carlone Spring Concert Reflection 5/8/19

cheered when the dancer was clean and energetic. I did feel, however, that they were not

always sure of what was good and what was bad. One of the best parts of an audience is having

an animated one, and I did feel that they were dry throughout many beautiful pieces. Friday’s

audience did not disappoint. While still not large, they were very expressive. I noticed that they

gave the most love for the variations, which is a wonderful sign for the dancers. During our

group piece, they whooped and hollered during some of the especially stunning parts. This gave

affirmation that what we were doing was aesthetic and interesting.

The Spring Dance Concert was a joy to be a part of. I look forward to furthering my

journey with Ms. Little and my fellow dancers. From my freshman class, to the junior class, I am

excited to see where the next concert takes us. To another success, no doubt.

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