John Living Noxious Earth Energies Dowsing

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Dowsers Society of NSW Inc.

August 2010

Vol 22 Issue 8

Table of Contents

2 Speaker for August 15th 2010 - Gordon Willison

3 From the President
5 Quantifying and Healing Earth Energies
12 Dowsing Seminar for August 29th
17 Quote of the Day
18 Dealing with Entities
21 Just Five More Minutes
22 A Tree’s Signature
23 The Dowsers Society of NSW Inc. Mission Statement
24 Book Review
26 Library News
27 Speaker for September 19th, 2010 - Tom Muldoon

Views expressed in articles are the opinion of the individual writer

only, not necessarily the collective view of the Society.
Speaker for August 15th, 2010
Gordon Willison
Hands on Dowsing

G ordon is a founding member of the

Dowsers Society of NSW Inc., and
is an Honorary Life Member of the Society.
He has been dowsing as a health
practitioner for many years and has a
wealth of dowsing knowledge.

Gordon will be teaching the audience to

use dowsing charts. Some charts will be
available but you are welcome to bring your own if you have
any. More charts are available on line at this address:

Gordon has used charts for a long time to determine the condition
of patients and in choosing remedies, homeopathic, Bach Flower
etc. He is particularly enthusiastic about the benefits of cell salts.

He will be presenting a device of his invention that he uses to

broadcast remedies to a patient anywhere in the world. If he has
a sample from that person, hair for example, he can diagnose
and proceed to send them the remedy.

This should be a very exciting talk.

2 Dowsers Society of NSW – August 2010

From the President

I have just returned from the NEXUS conference held on the Sunshine
Coast. The weather was either cold or wet, or both.

It was good to see that I wasn’t the only dowser there. Trevor Harding,
who prints our newsletter and who will be hosting our Water Seminar at
his farm near Mudgee in October, was there; as were Colin and Julie
Zwan from the Pocket NSW 2483, who will be tutoring our Beginners
Seminar next February; as well as Bob Coe who’s a Feng Shui expert from
Dural, and Elaine Hope a Health Researcher and consultant who lives in
the Snowy Mountains. There would have been more of our members at
the conference, but urgent work requirements stopped others who would
normally have attended from being there.

The lectures were wide ranging in scope and the presentations were brilliant
with fantastic slides illustrating the various themes. It is always so exciting
to attend such a conference and the adrenalin which is produced enables
you to keep going over a long day without tiring at all. Even when you
think you know a fair amount about a subject you still have wonderful

Donna Fisher talked about Dirty Electricity, EMF’s and Health, a subject
our own Lyn McLean has written a book on (What’s the BuZZ?), and
introduced new material. Afterwards, participants were rushing to buy a
hand held machine to test their hotel rooms and a gizmo for cleaning up
the dirty electricity. Over a cup of tea in the interval, Trevor reminded me
about the magnet and a piece of wire that Norm Dodge invented that
costs about $2.50 which apparently does the same thing, at a fraction of
the cost.

Klaus Dona, a museum curator from Austria, showed slides of ancient

archaeological artifacts from all over the world including pyramids, skulls
from creatures with enormous elongated heads and the skeletons of giants.

Dowsers Society of NSW – August 2010 3

He related these to the myths and legends from every country. He showed
artifacts containing writing found all over the world as some kind of
universal tongue, and then related them to the Biblical Tower of Babel.

Apart from brilliant lectures about what are commonly referred to as

conspiracy theories, including Kennedy’s Assassination, 9/11 (the greatest
bank robbery in history) and the subsequent Iraq War, non existent
weapons of mass destruction and the global financial crisis, we were
enthralled to hear the theory of an all Electric Universe by Wal Thornhill,
a physicist and engineer from Canberra. He said that the Universe is held
together by electromagnetic energy and we should forget about gravity.
You can remember that the next time a book falls on your head in a
bookshop and, as you feel for a bump, wonder if you are being urged to
buy a book entitled The Electric Universe.

Then there’s the theory of an expanding Earth by James Maxlow, a geologist

from W.A. in place of the tectonic plates theory. The lower gravity 65,000
years ago enabled the huge dinosaurs to move around. Nassim Haramein
spoke about Sacred Geometry and unified fields and explained how we
are all joined up. Finally, the physicists are joining the mystics.

There were several health related lectures and just before the end Trisha
McCagh talked about communication with animals, something we can
all do. Trisha works with vets, from the advantage point that the animals
tell her how they’re feeling. Two of our members are able to help birds
because of their special affinity with them, Dr Ross Perry and Pat Corbett.

Our Society is lucky to have so many talented members who are working
for a better world and on top of that we serve the best afternoon tea in the
whole of Sydney. But you have to come to the meeting if you would like
to get to know people better, if you live near enough that is. So will I see
you there? I’ll make the DVDs of the lectures available to the library if
Marilyn can find room for them.

Best wishes Noel

4 Dowsers Society of NSW – August 2010
Quantifying and Healing Earth Energies
by John Living
Reprinted from The American Dowser Quarterly Digest Winter 2003

T he following is an extract from two articles that were previously published

in the ‘Dowser’s Digest,’ the Journal of the Holistic Intuition Society
in Canada.

One aspect of Health that is now receiving recognition in North America

is the effect of earth and water energies. The original Feng Shui included
the location and identification of these ‘dragons,’ but the loss of
understanding of this system over the years has caused many practitioners
to just “go by the book” without using the needed dowsing skills.

In Europe, the builders of cathedrals and ancient structures like Stonehenge

were aware of these energies and chose sites with the utmost care. But even
good energies can be harmful (and so noxious to humans, animals, insects,
plants, etc.) if they are too strong for the individual or the exposure is too

Humans, dogs, horses, cows, sheep, and pigs find most of these energies
noxious; so if your dog loves to sleep in your chair or on your bed it is
probably clear of these energies. But if a cat chooses such spots, beware;
cats, ants, and bees love the concentrations. Beekeepers try to place their
hives on energy crossings to get increased honey yields.

The energies themselves are not the disease. Their noxious effect lowers
our resistance and vitality so that diseases that we would normally overcome
are able to take root and harm us.

Noxious Effects of Ear

Effects th E
Earth nergies

German medical doctors, including Dr. Curry and Dr. Hartmann,

investigated these noxious energies in modern times, as well as Gustav
Dowsers Society of NSW – August 2010 5
Baron von Pohl. Studies were made by dowsers of where noxious energies
existed, then were plotted on maps and compared with deaths from cancer
with excellent correlation. As a result there are places in Europe where
geopathic studies are required before hospitals, schools, and other institutions
are built.

In Austria, Kathe Bechler conducted a study of over 12,000 people in

fifteen countries and 3,000 homes where extended sitting or sleeping caused
sudden infant deaths, inattention at school, and diseases such as cancer,
arthritis, and heart problems. In all these cases, when the seat or bed was
relocated to avoid “bad spots”, the health problems disappeared.

Russian experience concurs. Dr. Melnikov, Director of the Medical and

Ecological Department of the Geo-Ecological Centre in St. Petersburg,
reports a five-year study looking at a five-mile stretch of the city for geopathic
zones in which 100 of 1,000 houses were labelled as being ‘cancer houses.’
Hospital and medical records were checked; ninety percent of oncological
cases occurred in the zones, including direct correlation with leukemia in
children. Traffic records showed a corresponding high rate of traffic accidents
in the streets.

It has been determined that these energies rise way above ground. A person
in an apartment at the top of a high-rise building will be just as susceptible
as a person living on the ground floor.

In the ‘normal’ North American population, about 25 percent of deaths

occur from cancer. European studies show that the incidence of cancer in
gypsies is low; less than one percent had any relation who had died from
cancer. The gypsies seldom stay in any one place for an extended period
and may also be aware of places to avoid.

So what are these energies ? What do they do ? And what action should we
take to mitigate harmful effects ? Noxious water was the primary interest of
Gustav Baron von Pohl, who worked in Germany during the 1920s, assisted
by other dowsers. They located these streams or veins, measuring their
6 Dowsers Society of NSW – August 2010
depth, width, and strength. Using a scale like the Beaufort Wind Scale, the
value was found by dowsing, but the details seem not to be available now.
(See his book Causative Factor of Cancer and Other Diseases for more
information.) The Baron also was able to predict where lightning would
strike, i.e. at crossings of water veins having specific characteristics.

My understanding is that the water is carrying “bad energies” to be “healed

good” within the bowels of the earth, known as Gaia. These noxious energies
can be helped to be good, and so less noxious to humans, by being blessed,
and sending them true holy love. When I bless a vein of noxious water and
test the results, I find that it has lost most of its attributes that are noxious to

urryy and Har
Har tmann G
artmann rids

Curry Grid lines were found by Dr. Manfred Curry, M.D., in Germany.
They run NE/SW and NW/SE, at spacings of about ten feet (three meters).
They alternate in having Yin or Yang characteristics. Where two lines cross,
their effect may be magnified and an energy vortex formed, which can be
even more noxious. Mike Doney, one of the world’s most experienced
dowsers of energies, gets people to dowse for lines (or vertical bands) of
energies carrying hate, anger, and greed, or love, joy, and healing. My
dowsing indicates that these lines are at the same locations as the Curry
Grid lines — that they are carrying our emotions, perhaps forming the aura
of Gaia !

I understand that most of the Curry Grid lines are like residential roads
carrying small amounts of traffic. At about every 100 lines they are reinforced
by main roads which have heavier loads, and at about every 100 main roads
is a freeway, and if you sleep on a freeway, you can expect to be injured !

The Hartmann Grid was identified by Dr. Hartmann in Germany in the

1930s. It runs N/S and E/W, the spacing varying with latitude between
about six feet (two meters) and 12 feet (four meters). Slim Spurling, the
inventor of many energy tools, believed that these are caused by electric
Dowsers Society of NSW – August 2010 7
systems, especially in places where an earthed mid-point is used to distribute
electricity, such as in North America. He says that the Hartmann Grid lines
were sought in the Amazon jungle, where no electricity distribution system
exists so far, but not found.

I dowsed that the Hartmann Grid exists in all places. It is the road that is
used by energies (such as a member from a dowsing team) in travelling
around the earth, to get the current location of a person, etc. but it gets
polluted by the electrical distribution system. Like the Curry Grid, it has a
one-way street system, alternating Yin and Yang, with residential roads,
main roads, and freeways.

Slim Spurling recommended placing welding rods across these Hartmann

lines where they enter a property. He (and clairvoyant assistants) ‘see’ the
effect as deflecting the lines over the property. Michael Stodola has
demonstrated in many of his workshops on Geobiology that it is useless to
just place the rods; they must be placed with intent. This means being
instructed in the job required, the duration of their job, and given true holy

People who are clairvoyant seem to be able to ‘see’ Hartmann Grid lines,
but not Curry Grid lines. This may be due to the Curry Grid’s being in the
etheric plane, and the Hartmann Grid being in the astral plane where most
clairvoyants operate.

lectro-Magnetic F
o-Magnetic ields (EMF)

EMF has been investigated by dowsers in Europe and North America. It is

another form of energy which causes harm to humans and other animals.
The energy comes from transformers, computers, television sets, microwaves
(especially microwave communication towers), cell phones, electric clocks,
and even unused electrical outlets.

Devices are sold which give various degrees of protection, and magnets are
often recommended to be placed at the sources, such as at transformers.
8 Dowsers Society of NSW – August 2010
Gary Skillen has found that crushed calcite crystals are excellent for absorbing
the EMF radiations.

I experimented with placing thought forms of such crystals at a few electrical

outlets and in front of my sound system and found that they worked well.
After a couple of days the effect returned, so I asked why this happened. I
was told, “We are overloaded. We need to be grounded.” I placed a grounding
thought form in the piles of metaphysical calcite crystals, and they are
doing a good job again.

The effectiveness of the calcite crystals seems to be enhanced by placing a

sodalite crystal on top. If you placed a thought form in the calcite crystals,
then use another thought form for the sodalite (or add it to the calcite
thought form).

Electricity is generated in three phases. Especially in rural areas in North

America, it is distributed by taking leads from just two phases, with 220
volts between the phases, and having a ground which gives about 110 volts
between each lead and the ground. But loads are not equal, and so the
ground is seldom at zero volts.

Additionally there is a voltage between these grounds due to being at the

centre of different phase connections. This current flows in the earth to
give balance, and itself generates magnetic effects.

It appears that we can divide these energies into two types: the metaphysical
and the physical. In the metaphysical category we have the energies radiated
by noxious water and the Curry Grid lines. Neither is detected by physical
apparatus, and both can be improved by blessing them and sending them
true holy love. In the physical category we have electro-magnetic pollution
and radiation, detectable by instruments and deflectable by both physical
and metaphysical devices.

Locating and Quantifying Earth Energies

Dowsers Society of NSW – August 2010 9

Location of earth energies is best done by dowsing, which works in all auric
planes. Now that these various types of energies have been described to
you, you are able to think about them and tune into them.

Greater accuracy would be useful when adding various different energetic

effects, and crucial in better understanding the relationship between different
energies, such as evaluating the changes in energy strength of two Curry
Grid lines due to the effect of the vortex caused at the crossing, or the effect
of a noxious water vein.

Accordingly I have designed a Logarithmic Numeric Chart specially for the

dowsing of the lower values encountered in handling noxious energies.

A good instrument can be made by copying the chart, sticking it onto a

piece of plywood, and protecting it by clear plastic; for example, a bag, bent
over to seal it, and then stapled or taped tight.

Chart for
Evaluation of N
Nooxious E nergies
& their E ffect on P
Effect eople

S (Strength) = Hours recharge needed for each hour in the energy - for
the ‘Average Person in Good Health’
R (Recharge Hours) = S * (Hours in noxious energy).
10 Dowsers Society of NSW – August 2010
P (Personal Factor) by which to multiply the ‘Recharge Hours’ considering
a particular individual’s present state of health compared to the ‘Average
Person in Good Health’. Personal Recharge Time = S * P * (hours spent in
energy each day). Total Daily Recharge Time is the sum of this for all
energies in the day. The cumulative effect is 24 hours less the Total Daily
Recharge Time.

These are best used with a pendulum, by moving the chart to various locations
(such as by just walking with it) and getting the readings of energy strengths,
and checking if the effect is noxious to humans, as it will be in most cases.
You can quickly find its type by asking, “Is it a Curry line ?”, “Is it a noxious
water vein ?”, “Is it EMF ?”, and “Is it another energy field ?” and asking for
a Yes or a No circle to be made. Remember that a combination may be

You can use a normal counting chart to check a person’s Battery Strength;
perhaps in terms of their personal 24-hour day (my approximate values are
shown) at full charge (1000), and the critical strength level needed for good
health (500). Then find their present strength above (300) or below (200)
the critical level. Each day they get 24 hours of recharge; this is first used to
compensate for the needed Daily Recharge Time of the day.

If a person spends six hours a day in bed, having a depletion strength ‘S’ of
3 due to a Curry line and/or noxious water, they have used 18 hours (‘R’)
battery recharge. Spending six hours each day in an office chair, having a
depletion of 2 due to EMF radiations, they have used a further 12 hours of
battery recharge.

Watching TV for two hours each evening, if in a Curry Crossing plus

Noxious Water Vein with EMF added from the television set, could combine
to a depletion of 4, using another eight hours of their battery charge. This
totals 38 battery recharge hours needed, compared to 24 hours normal
recharge that is available. The result is a steady drain on their ‘energy battery,’
leading to health and other problems.
Continued page 16.......
Dowsers Society of NSW – August 2010 11
Dowsing Seminar for August 29, 2010
T he Society is committed to an educational role in dowsing, so we are
announcing our fourth seminar for this year.

This is a followup to the ‘Practical Uses of Scientific Dowsing‘ presentation

held in September last year, presented by Francois Capmeil. It will be an
intermediate level seminar which will include a review of last year’s material.

The Seminar cost is $120 for members and $140 for non-members.
Non-members will have the opportunity to join the Society on the day at
a discounted price. A seminar registration form is available on the next
page. If you want to attend, pull the registration form out of the newsletter
and mail it, with your cheque or money order, to our Seminar Coordinator,
Sally Lamont. Sally’s details are on the form on the next page.

The Seminar registration will begin at 9:30 am for a 10:00am start, on
Sunday August 29th.

Community Hall, 44 Gladesville Road, Hunters Hill, Sydney, NSW, see
back of newsletter for directions.

Who should attend:

Dowsing experience is necessary to obtain maximum benefit from the
seminar. This is not a beginner’s seminar. It is intended to expand your
knowledge and offer practical ways to decode the energies around you in
order to correct and balance them.

What to bring:
- Your own pendulum.
- A Virtual Cone pendulum, if you have one.
- A picture of someone you care for and a picture of a place you like.
- Your lunch. You can also find cafes close by on Gladesville Road.
12 Dowsers Society of NSW – August 2010
- Pen and paper.

A Virtual Cone pendulum will be provided on loan for the training, if

you do not have one. You will also be able to purchase one if you wish.

What you will learn:

Morning session:
The morning session will be focused on understanding the concepts behind
Scientific Dowsing. The concepts will be presented clearly, supported by
a power point presentation, a lot of examples and ample printed material.

„ The 12 energy qualities

„ The physics of quality
„ The 3 balancing, beneficial energy qualities
„ The nature of Energy
„ Learn to use the Virtual Cone pendulum
„ Learn to calibrate your Virtual Cone pendulum
Afternoon session:
The afternoon session will focus on applying the concepts to practical
situations. We will do exercises to learn to balance doors, windows, rooms
and technology devices like mobile phones, TV etc. We will also look at
a special approach to designing balanced environments.

„ Colour balancing technique

„ Balancing objects
„ Rotation balancing
„ Using specific balancing shapes
„ Resonance testing, food, vitamins etc.
„ Polarity testing
„ Design principles

The participants will receive a comprehensive seminar manual, a Scientific

Dowsing Kit and morning & afternoon tea will be provided.

Dowsers Society of NSW – August 2010 13

Cost: $120 members or $140 for non members

Dowsers Society of NSW – August 2010

Please make cheque or Money Order payable to
Dowsers Society of NSW Inc
Forward payment with this completed form to
Sally Lamont
6/47 Grandview Street
Pymble NSW 2073
Tel: 02-9144-6157 Email:
Please do not send cash
Dowsers Society of NSW Inc
Please detach this form to register

Dowsing Seminar

Scientific Dowsing, Level 2
Registration form
I would like to register for the Scientific Dowsing, Level 2 seminar
on the 29th of August 2010
Title: First name: Surname:

Dowsers Society of NSW – August 2010

Address line 1:
Address line 2:
Suburb: State: Postcode:
Telephone: Mobile:
Enclosed is my cheque or money order for $
Continued from page 11 ...........

If the person is in poor condition, they may have a ‘P’ Personal Factor of
1.2, thus showing that they have used 1.2 times 38 ‘R’, or almost two full
days of normal recharge, and all people would also be using more of their
battery charge doing other duties during the day.

The order of asking about depletion energies may best be:

1. Earthbound Energies (Souls, Spirits - of all types) - since they are so
strong that their effect ‘blankets out’ other readings.

2. Curses - because they are usually covering a very large area.

3. EMF Radiations - often being noxious over a large area (from

transformers), or very local (electric appliances).

4. Noxious Water Veins - they wander across the grids.

5. Curry Lines - easily identifiable, known spacing.

6. Pollution in Hartmann Grid - perhaps more common in rural areas, due

to unbalanced electrical distribution systems.

7. Other Sources - ask as guided by your intuition.

Thought Forms and B

Forms lessings

Remember that to place any thought form, you go into prayer mode (being
sincere), explain what effect you wish to achieve, tell how you intend to do
this, and ask permission to proceed. When granted, you just imagine (in
your mind) that it is being done (and it helps to put physical effort into the
work, such as by making large clockwise circles with your bobber or
pendulum), and then confirm that it is placed with true holy love to do the

16 Dowsers Society of NSW – August 2010

(specified) job for the time stated (such as the life of the building), and then
give thanks to all who helped this to be manifested.

When blessing noxious water, go upstream (again in your mind) to the

sources (imagining all the tiny little veins starting and then joining together)
and bless the vein itself and the water which it carries for the whole course
of its existence. This can be beneficial to many others who would otherwise
be subjected to its noxious effects. Having good intent, placing with true
holy love, and designating the effective time are all critical; action using
your pendulum or bobber increases the effectiveness, and give thanks to all
who assist in your good work!

John Living can be contacted at (780)523-1952, jliving@direct. ca or Box

3261, High Prairie, Alberta, TOG 1E0, Canada.

The Holistic Intuition Society web page is www. which may also
be accessed from the Dowsers Canada web page:

Quote of the day

“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back.
Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth
the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans:
that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too.
All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred.
A whole stream of events issues from the decision,
raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents
and meetings and material assistance,
which no man could have dreamed would have come his way.
Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.”
Dowsers Society of NSW – August 2010 17
Dealing with Entities
by Terry Ross

A lively interest persists in entities - what are they, how do they behave,
what effects do they have on man and beast, where does one find them
and, once dowsed, how does one deal with them safely and with dispatch?
Here is my spin on entities.

In all but the rarest of cases, entities are ensouled incarnates who have, for
one reason or another refused or been unable to make a complete transition
to the next level of existence, but have remained to be near a cherished
place or person. They like their own company and can be found frequently
in groups of three. Their somewhat dicey and ambivalent state requires a
support system of underground veins of flowing water with which their
presence always coincides. Once established over such a network of veins
they are reluctant to move and will continue to enjoy the humans who live
or work at that site, sometimes for many years as are the ghosts attributed
to Anne Boleyn at Hampton Court, the Brown Lady of Raynham Hall in
Norfolk, or the gregarious figments who appears to guests in the George
and Pilgrim at Glastonbury.

Living as they do over complex water veins and attracted to certain people,
the combined effect on health can be disastrous, a double whammy on the
immune system, with inevitable dislocation of susceptible sites in the
genome. This has turned out to be true for animals as well, especially dogs
who, like infants, often favour play with spectral companions. Disruption
of the renal function and cancer are two typical results.

One finds entities everywhere - in high rise apartments, country retreats,

office buildings, and in the case of livestock, in pastures and on the open
range. Museums with historic regalia and, unfortunately, public and
governmental forums are anything but immune. Their influence can in
certain cases be destructive to the nth-degree, and one has only to consider
the Nazi interest in the occult to imagine their baleful contribution to history.

18 Dowsers Society of NSW – August 2010

Considering their world-wide
presence, they form a shadow
blocking the light of awareness,
comity and good will, which we can
only hope will eventually be lifted
when the new and intense energy
that has been, is and will be
entering the earth reaches a point
that will force their retreat. There is
some evidence that they sense the
inevitability of this shift as they
become more strident and invasive of what must be called their victims.

Meanwhile, how may a dowser who comes across the entity problem deal
with it? For safety’s sake I recommend the triple queries of May I? (Is my
action in accord with my highest Source?), Can I? (Am I up to it?) and
Should I? (Is this the time to do it?).

If all the queries receive a positive answer - repeat all - I have found it
possible, after jotting down a plan of the house or office or other site under
consideration, to map dowse the number of streams involved and their
accompanying entities, and proceed with all due protection to escort the
entities, either one at a time or in toto, to a plane or planes of existence
where they may go forward under the divine plan, and not return to assail
the person or animal for whom the request was made.

An example, if one is needed, is reported in my Column for the 101st issue

of R&P, though it is true to say that no request for healing is completed
without a thorough search of the patient’s pattern of comings and goings,
both present and past, which in serious cases can be a lengthy undertaking.
As a practical guide we learned the hard way that it is best to do the escorting
before “de-raying” the water veins. To do otherwise will traumatize the
entity, who is suddenly bereft of his/her support system and bring on an
unmanageable reaction.

Dowsers Society of NSW – August 2010 19

As a footnote to those who may become engrossed in this one facet of
dowsing/healing, I would consider it an act of hubris to process more than
one individual’s request at a time. To take on masses of entities such as one
finds at battlefields can be illusory and self-defeating.

I have had experience with the clearing of a farmhouse on the grounds of

the First Battle of Bull Run, near Washington, which was known to be
haunted. Permission was received from the requisite authorities to try it and
happily the results were successful for the site, and more importantly in my
view, for the young and frightened Confederate soldiers who were released
from their repetitive trauma.

The process is not without risk and each time I invoke all the protection
with which I’m familiar. The entities exist in the inter-between half material,
half astral and, as no better beings than when they left this plane, can do
great mischief.

Drawing on the positive ions emanating from flowing underground water,

they are at home beyond space and time, where we are not, and they are
capable of joining themselves to our auric fields, from which in extreme
cases of invasion, they can enter the organs of the brain to exercise control
with effects recognized by medical science as various forms of addiction,
multiple personality, and so on.

The question is often asked: Are there not good and helpful entities? My
response is, always, that we are focusing on entities per se, not guardians,
and that they are in every case ‘trapped souls” whose need is to go on to
their next true point of development, and than that I could wish no more
for myself.

- T Edward Ross, St. Davids. PA. March 14, 1998

Reprinted from the American Dowser Quarterly Digest Spring 2005

20 Dowsers Society of NSW – August 2010

Just Five More Minutes
Author Unknown

W hile at the park one day, a woman sat down next to a man on a
bench near a playground.

“That’s my son over there,” she said, pointing to a little boy in a red sweater
who was gliding down the slide. “He’s a fine looking boy” the man said.
“That’s my daughter on the bike in the white dress.”

Then, looking at his watch, he called to his daughter. “What do you say we
go, Melissa?” Melissa pleaded, “Just five more minutes, Dad. Please? Just five
more minutes.”

The man nodded and Melissa continued to ride her bike to her heart’s
content. Minutes passed and the father stood and called again to his
daughter. “Time to go now?”

Again Melissa pleaded, “Five more minutes, Dad. Just five more minutes.”
The man smiled and said, “OK.”
“My, you certainly are a patient father,” the woman responded.

The man smiled and then said, “Her older brother Tommy was killed by a
drunk driver last year, while he was riding his bike near here. I never spent much
time with Tommy and now I’d give anything for just five more minutes with
him. I’ve vowed not to make the same mistake with Melissa.”

“She thinks she has five more minutes to ride her bike. The truth is, I get five
more minutes to watch her play.”

Life is all about making priorities, what are your priorities?

......Give someone you love 5 more minutes of your time today!

Dowsers Society of NSW – August 2010 21

A Tree’s Signature
Contributed by John Richarson, one of our members, from Grafton

I was exploring energy around trees when

I found something interesting. Try
running energy through your hands to a tree,
on a day so still that not a leaf stirs.

Select a smooth barked tree, like a silver birch

tree, as they are easier than the rough barked
trees. Place your hands on the sides of the
tree trunk, about where its side pockets would
be if it were a human being.

Close your eyes so as to avoid distractions

and run energy from your hands into the tree. Keep the energy running
and you will get a response of some kind in return.

You may feel that the tree is swaying in your hands, but since the day is
still, you know the tree is not moving.

Other sensations such as pulsing, tingling etc, may occur as different

trees give off different reactions.

Is this the tree’s ‘signature’ ?

The ‘old-man Banksia Tree’- was it much stronger in its reply ?

22 Dowsers Society of NSW – August 2010

Dowsers Society of NSW Inc.

Mission Statement
The Dowsers Society of NSW Inc. aims to provide a forum
for dowsers to meet and exchange ideas and experiences;
to support and promote effective and responsible dowsing
and to provide education, training and information
about dowsing and allied subjects.

Code of Ethical Conduct

The Dowsers Society of NSW Inc. supports, encourages and
promotes dowsing in a manner consistent with the highest
standards of personal integrity and behaviour.

We believe that dowsing activities should be practised with

modesty and discretion when dealing with others; speak
your truth quietly and clearly but feel superior to none.

Dowse for the good of all, with honesty, truthfulness and

respect, especially to those who may not share your beliefs.

Keep an open mind and a willingness to learn,

we are all beginners.

Dowsers Society of NSW – August 2010 23

Book Review
‘Sometimes you find a special book which resonates deeply with your own
feelings. I want to share one special extract of the book ‘Path of Empowerment’,
by Barbara Marciniak, with you. Highly recommended reading. (the editor)’

T o flourish and thrive, you must truly embrace and energize the concept
that your physical vehicle is of inestimable value.

These times of change involve a rapid emergence from an era of ignorance,

breaking free from an old spell that has been in place for thousands and
thousands of years. To flourish and thrive, you must truly embrace and
energize the concept that your physical vehicle, the body that you occupy,
is of inestimable value. You must accept your own worthiness and be
willing and able to feel genuine love and appreciation for who you are.
This is the essential key for opening the doors of change and attracting
the very, very best experiences that life has to offer.

The love you seek from others must be generated by you, for you. When
you feel genuine love for yourself, you are connecting with and
contributing to the vital force energy that sustains all of existence; it is the
great gift you have to offer the world your own version of the love frequency.
To cultivate a loving relationship with yourself, take time every day,
morning and evening, to sit or stand in front of a mirror for five to ten
minutes for an intimate eye-to-eye appointment with yourself.

Gaze steadily into your eyes, and maintaining direct eye contact, open
your heart and tell yourself that you love you. Repeat the phrase “I love
you” aloud as you continue to look deeply into the mirror's reflection of
your eyes. Watch your pupils and irises, and allow any feelings that the
words bring up to flow over your body, like warm sunshine dancing
through the depths of the forest.

As you participate in this exercise, you must also observe your actions and

24 Dowsers Society of NSW – August 2010

responses to your message of love.
Do different versions of you appear
in the mirror? Are you smiling? Do
you meet something that makes you
drop your gaze and look away? Is
there a part of you that did not accept
the love? What is your body doing?
Do any tears appear to melt the seals
of your memories? Are you holding
your breath or breathing long and
deep? How do you feel about
purposely creating time to tell
yourself that you are loved?

Through the course of your life, learning to use your mind in a multitude
of ways, such as participating in mental exercises, and then observing and
reflecting upon your responses will unlock the mysteries of your own

Many multifaceted opportunities await, and if you do the work and learn
to trust yourself then the times ahead will offer unique experiences to
enhance your perceptions of reality. These new perceptions hold life,
they hold meaning and ease and healing, and they are transmitted
energetically, orb to orb and cell to cell.

As a human being, it is imperative that you understand and trust the life
you create.

Path of Empowerment, Barbara Marciniak P-51 ISBN -10: I-930722-

41-9 , available on Amazon and at the Adyar bookshop, Sydney City.

Other books by Barbara Marciniak:

- Bringers of the Dawn
- Family of Light.

Dowsers Society of NSW – August 2010 25

Library News
Interesting websites:
Hydroponic edible gardens for urban windows.

How to heal toxic thoughts

An alternative cancer treatment

A glimpse into the spirit world

A remarkable site, with great insight

Possible Doomsday Scenario in the Gulf of Mexico

The ultimate secret exposed

New Books
‘The World's Greatest Alien Abduction Mysteries’
‘The Cosmic Question’ by John A.Keel
‘Holistic Healing for Dowsers’ by Leonard Locker
‘Ley Lines in Question’ by Tom Williamson & Liz Bellamy

Marilyn Smith
26 Dowsers Society of NSW – August 2010
Speaker for September 19th, 2010
Astrological Dowsing
byTom Muldoon

F or many people, Dowsing comes

naturally, others have to learn the art.
Regardless we all need all the help we can

Tom will present an interresting idea : ‘Can

Astrology offer any clues to help develop your
Dowsing skills?’

Astrology and Numerology have been Tom’s

life and passion for over 35 years. Tom gives readings and produces
his own Astrological newsletter. When he was introduced to the
Dowsers Society of NSW, he began to wonder if his life interest
could help him understand a little more about the wonderful ‘gift’
of being able to dowse.

His vast experience on the subject and his natural presentation

skills should combine to make this presentation a stunner.

Come along and find out what he has to say in his own inimitable

You can also refer to his website:

You won't be disappointed!

Dowsers Society of NSW – August 2010 27

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