Supreme Court Administrative Circular No. 57-18

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April 3, 2018




Pursuant to Section 32, Book V of Administrative Code of

1987 (Executive Order No. 292) and Civil Service Commission (CSC)
Memorandum Circular No. 24, S. 2017, this Supreme Court Human
Resource Merit Promotion and Selection Plan (SCHRMPSP) is hereby
established for the guidance of all concerned.
The SCHRMPSP aims to:
1. Establish a system that is characterized by strict observance of the
merit, fitness and equality principles in the selection of employees
for appointment to positions in the career service; and
2. Create equal employment opportunities to all qualified men and
women for employment and career advancement in the Supreme
Court or the Judiciary.
The SCHRMPSP shall cover career positions in the 1st and 2nd level or
its equivalent in the Supreme Court (SC), the Presidential Electoral Tribunal
(PET), the Philippine Judicial Academy (PHILJA), the Judicial and Bar Council
(JBC), and the Mandatory Continuing Legal Education Office (MCLEO).
As used in this Administrative Circular the following terms shall mean as
Career Service — positions in the civil service characterized by (1)
entrance based on merit and fitness to be determined as far as
practicable by competitive examination, or based on highly
technical qualifications; (2) opportunity for advancement to higher
career positions; and (3) security of tenure.
Human Resource Action — any action denoting the movement or
progress of human resource in the civil service such as
promotion, transfer,reappointment, reinstatement,
reemployment, reclassification, detail, reassignment,
secondment, demotion and separation.
Promotion — the advancement of an employee from one position to
another with an increase in duties and responsibilities as
authorized by law, and usually accompanied by an increase in
Selection — the systematic method of determining the merit and fitness
of a person on the basis of qualifications and ability to perform the
duties and responsibilities of the position.
Deep Selection — the process of selecting a candidate for appointment
who is not next-in-rank but possesses superior qualifications and
Selection Line-Up — a listing of qualified and competent applicants for
consideration to a vacancy which includes, but not limited to, the
comparative information of their education, experience, training,
civil service eligibility, performance rating, relevant work
accomplishments, physical characteristics, psycho-social
attributes, personality traits and potential.
First Level Positions — those which involve non-professional or sub-
professional work in a non-supervisory or supervisory capacity
requiring less than four (4) years of college studies, such as
clerical, trades and crafts, and custodial service positions.
Second Level Positions — those which involve professional or
technical work in a non-supervisory or supervisory capacity up to
Division Chief level including the positions of Assistant
Superintendent of Printing Services, Court Attorney IV, and
PHILJA Attorney IV.
Third Level Positions — those which are classified as highly
technical and/or policy determining or confidential below that
of Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court,
including those in the PHJLJA and JBC (AM No. 05-9-29-SC
dated September 27, 2005), with Salary Grade 26 and above.
Next-in-Rank Position — a position which by reason of the hierarchical
arrangement of positions in the agency or in the government is
determined to be in the nearest degree of relationship to a higher
position as contained in the agency's System of Ranking Positions
Qualified Next-in-Rank — an employee appointed on a permanent
status to a position next-in-rank to the vacancy as reflected in the
SRP approved by the head of agency and who meets the
requirements for appointment to the next higher position.
Qualification Standards — the minimum qualifications for a position
which shall include education, experience, training, civil service
eligibility, and physical characteristics and personality traits
required in the performance of the job.
Job Requirements — requisites not limited to the qualification
standards of the position but may include skills, competencies,
potential, physical and psycho-social attributes necessary for the
successful performance of the duties required of the position.
Education and Training — include educational background, successful
completion of training courses accredited by the CSC,
scholarships, training grants and other human resource
development programs which must be relevant to the duties of the
position to be filled.
Experience and Outstanding Accomplishments — include
occupational history, relevant work experience acquired either
from the government or private sector, and accomplishments
worthy of special commendation.
Psycho-Social Attributes — the characteristics or traits of a person
which involve both psychological and social aspects.
Psychological attributes includes the way a person perceives
things, ideas, beliefs and understanding and how a person acts
and relates these things to others and in social situations.
Potential — the capacity and ability of a candidate to assume the duties
of the position to be filled and those of higher or more responsible
positions. CAIHTE

Superior Qualifications — any outstanding relevant work

accomplishments, educational attainment and training appropriate
for the position to be filled which shall include demonstration of
exceptional job mastery and potential in major areas of
Comparatively at Par — predetermined reasonable difference or gap
between point scores of candidates for appointment established
by the SCHRMPSP.
Discrimination — a situation wherein a qualified applicant is not
included in the selection line-up on account of gender, civil status,
pregnancy, disability, religion, ethnicity, or political affiliation.
System of Ranking Positions — is the hierarchical arrangement of
positions from highest to lowest, which shall be a guide in
determining which position is next-in-rank, taking into
consideration the following:
a. organizational structure;
b. salary grade allocation;
c. classification and functional relationship of positions; and
d. geographical location.
Hiring Quota — the pre-determined ratio of applicants for appointment
to ensure that one gender does not fall short of the desired
percentage of the selection rate for the other gender in equivalent
positions at every level, provided they meet the minimum
requirements of the position.
1. Selection of appointees shall be open to all qualified applicants
according to the principle of merit, fitness and equality.
There shall be equal employment opportunities for men and women
provided they meet the minimum requirements of the position to be filled.
There shall be no discrimination in the selection of employees on account
of gender, civil status, disability, religion, ethnicity or political affiliation.
2. There shall be a Supreme Court Human Resource Merit Promotion
and Selection Board (SCHRMPSB) for first and second level positions in the
Supreme Court with the following composition:
Chairperson — (1) The Chief Administrative Officer

Members — (2) Chief, Personnel Division, Office of

Administrative Services

(3) Chief, Office of Administrative Services,


(4) Representative, Supreme Court Association of

Lawyers-Employees, Inc. (SCALE) and one (1)

(5) Two (2) representatives, Supreme Court

Employees Association (SCEA), one (1) from the
first level and one (1) from the second level, and
their alternates, who shall both be chosen by the
said Association

(6) Representative from the Office of the Clerk

of Court

(7) Representative from the Office of the Chief


(8) Head/Chief of the organizational unit where

the vacancy exists or designated alternate.

The HRM Office/Unit shall perform Secretariat and Technical

Support function to the SCHRMPSB. The incumbent Secretary and
Secretariat shall remain as such.
The SCALE representative shall serve for a period of two (2) years and
shall participate and vote only when the position involved is a lawyer-position.
The SCEA representative for first level positions shall participate and
vote only when the position involved is in the first level, while the SCEA
representative for second level positions shall participate only when the position
involved is in the second level. Both rank-and-file representatives shall serve
for a period of two (2) years.
The Chiefs of Office shall participate only when the position involved
belongs to his/her office.
3. The SCHRMPSB members, including the alternate representatives,
shall undergo orientation and workshop on the selection and promotion process
and CSC policies on appointments.
4. When a position covered by the SCHRMPSP becomes vacant,
applicants selected for appointment thereto who are competent, qualified and
possess the appropriate civil service eligibility shall be considered for
permanent appointment.
5. Applicants to published and/or posted vacant positions must
meet the education, experience, training, eligibility, and competency
requirements prescribed in the Qualification Standards for the position at
the time of application.
6. The SCHRMPSB shall maintain fairness and impartiality in the
assessment of candidates for appointment. Towards this end,
the SCHRMPSB may employ the assistance of external independent resource
persons and may initiate innovative schemes in determining the best and most
qualified candidate.
7. The comparative competence and qualification of candidates for
appointment shall be determined on the bases of:
a. Performance;
b. Education and Training;
c. Experience and Outstanding Accomplishments;
d. Psycho-social attributes and Personality traits; and
e. Potential.
8. No employee may be promoted to a position which is more than three
(3) salary grades higher that the employee's present position, subject to the
following exceptions:
a. The position occupied by the person is next-in-rank to the vacant
position as identified in the Merit Selection Plan and the
System of Ranking Positions of the Court;
b. The vacant position is a lone or entrance position, as indicated in
the Court's staffing pattern;
c. The vacant position is hard to fill;
d. The vacant position is unique and/or highly specialized;
e. The candidates passed through a deep selection process, taking
into consideration the candidates superior qualifications in
regard to:
• Educational achievements
• Highly specialized trainings
• Relevant work experience
• Consistent high performance rating/ranking
f. The vacant position belongs to the closed career system;
g. Other meritorious cases, such as:
• when the appointee is the lone applicant who meets all the
requirements of the position and passed through the
deep selection process
• when the qualified next-in-rank employees waived their right
over the vacant position in writing
• when the next-in-rank position, as identified in the Court's
SRP is vacant
• when the next-in-rank employee/s is/are not qualified
• when the qualified next-in-rank employees did not apply.
9. An employee shall have rendered at least a very satisfactory service
for the last two rating periods before being considered for promotion.
10. An employee who is on local or foreign scholarship or training grant
or on maternity leave may be considered for promotion.
For this purpose, the performance ratings to be considered shall be the
rating immediately prior to the scholarship or training grant or maternity leave;
and if promoted, the effectivity date of the promotional appointment shall be
upon assumption to duty after the scholarship, training or maternity leave.
11. Employees who have been meted administrative penalties shall
be disqualified for promotion for a certain period of time pursuant to SC
Memorandum Order No. 12-2002, as follows:
Period of
Fine or Reprimand - 6 months
Suspension from 1 day to 1 month - 7 months
Suspension from 1 month and 1 day - 8 months
to 2 months
Suspension from 2 months and 1 day - 9 months
to 3 months
Suspension from 3 months and 1 day - 10 months
to 4 months
Suspension from 4 months and 1 day - 11 months
to 5 months
Suspension from 5 months and 1 day - 1 year
to 6 months
Suspension from 6 months and 1 day - 2 years
to 1 year
The period of suspension shall be reckoned from notice of the
Court's resolution by the disciplined personnel.
12. An employee who has been found guilty of an administrative
offense and imposed the penalty of demotion, suspension or fine shall be
disqualified for promotion for the same period of suspension or fine. In
the case of demotion, the period of disqualification for promotion shall be
within one (1) year.
13. The SCHRMPSB shall serve as the recommending body for
appointment. However, final decision on whom to appoint shall be with
the appointing officer/authority.
The SCHRMPSB shall be primarily responsible for the judicious and
objective selection of candidates for appointment in the agency in
accordance with the approved Merit Selection Plan and shall recommend
to the appointing officer/authority the top five (5) ranking applicants
deemed most qualified for appointment to the vacant position.
14. The Chief Justice shall assess the merits of
the SCHRMPSB's recommendation for appointment and in the exercise of
his/her sound discretion and with the concurrence of the Chairmen of the
Divisions pursuant to A.M. No. 99-12-08-SC, select the appointee, in so far as
practicable, from among the top five (5) ranking applicants deemed most
qualified for appointment to the vacant position.
15. The Chief Justice, with the concurrence of the Chairmen of the
Divisions, may appoint an applicant who is ranked higher than those next-in-
rank to the vacant position but who possesses superior qualification and
competence evidenced by comparative ranking, and has undergone the
selection process.
16. Promotion within six (6) months prior to compulsory retirement shall
not be allowed except as otherwise provided by law.
17. A notice announcing the appointment of an employee shall be posted
for at least fifteen (15) calendar days in three (3) conspicuous places within the
Court's premises a day after the issuance of appointment.
18. The selection of appointees to the positions of Assistant Chief of
Office, SC Senior Chief Staff Officer and other higher positions shall be made
by the Chief Justice with the concurrence of the Chairmen of Divisions pursuant
to A.M. No. 99-12-08-SC. DETACa

1. Publication of Vacant Positions
Upon written request of the Chief of Office concerned, the Secretariat
of the SCHRMPSB shall cause the publication of the vacant positions to be
filled in the CSC Bulletin of Vacant Positions or through other modes of
publication. Likewise, notices of the vacancies shall be posted in three (3)
conspicuous places in the Court's premises for at least ten (10) calendar days.
Vacant positions which are not filled within nine (9) months shall be re-
The following positions are exempt from the requirements of publication
and posting of notices:
a. Primarily confidential;
b. Policy-determining;
c. Highly technical;
d. Coterminous with that of the appointing officer/authority,
including other non-career positions such as contractual and
casual; and,
e. Reappointment (change of status to permanent) of those
appointed on temporary status for Category II positions under
CSC MC No. 11, s. 1996, as amended;
f. Those to be filled by existing regular employees in the SC in case of
2. Listing of All Candidates for the Position
The Secretariat shall prepare a list of candidates aspiring for the vacant
position, either from within or outside the agency.
3. Preliminary Evaluation of Qualifications
The Secretariat shall conduct preliminary evaluation of the qualifications
of all candidates named in the list. Those initially found qualified shall be
included in a selection line-up which shall also reflect the candidates'
comparative competence and qualifications based on the following factors:
a. performance;
b. education and training;
c. experience and outstanding accomplishments;
d. psycho-social attributes and personality traits; and
c. potential.
4. Notification of Outcome of Preliminary Evaluation
The Secretariat shall notify all applicants of the outcome of the
preliminary evaluation through the posting of matrices.
5. Submission of Line-up to the SCHRMPSB
The Secretariat shall immediately submit the selection line-up to
the SCHRMPSB for its deliberation.
6. Assessment of Competence and Qualification of Candidates
The SCHRMPSB shall be represented by at least the majority of its
members during the deliberation of candidates for appointment. It shall
make a systematic assessment of the competence and qualification of
candidates for appointment. It shall evaluate and deliberate en banc the
qualifications of those listed in the selection line-up.
7. Submission of Resolution containing the List of Candidates to
the Chief Justice
The resolution containing the list of candidates recommended for
appointment, from which the appointee will be chosen, shall be in the
prescribed format, to be signed by all those who participated thereon, and to be
submitted to the Office of the Chief Justice within ten (10) days from its approval
by the SCHRMPSB.
The list of recommended candidates should reflect the comparative
competence and qualification of the top five (5) ranking candidates.
8. Assessment and Selection by the Chief Justice
The Chief Justice shall assess the merits of the SCHRMPSB's
recommendation for appointment; and, in the exercise of his/her sound
discretion and with the concurrence of the Chairmen of the Divisions pursuant
to A.M. No. 99-12-08-SC, select the candidate who is deemed most qualified
for appointment to the vacant position.
9. Transmittal of Approved Authority
The approved authority for the appointment of the selected candidate,
signed by the Chief Justice with the concurrence of the Chairmen of the
Divisions pursuant to A.M. No. 99-12-08-SC, shall be transmitted to the
Personnel Division, Office of Administrative Services (OAS), for the processing
and preparation of the appointment papers.
10. Posting of a Notice Announcing the Appointment
A day after the Chief Justice has signed the appointment papers, the
OAS shall post a notice announcing the appointment in three (3) conspicuous
places within the Court's premises for at least fifteen (15) days. The date of
posting should be indicated in the notice.
1. Only a qualified next-in-rank official or employee may file a
protest against an appointment made in favor of another who does not
possess the minimum qualification requirements. The qualified next-in-
rank employee shall have the right to appeal to the Chief Justice.
2. Protest may be filed within fifteen (15) days from the
announcement and/or posting of appointments subject to protest.
For this purpose, all appointments or promotions shall be duly announced
and/or posted in bulletin boards or at conspicuous places in the Court within
thirty (30) days or within a shorter period from the issuance of the appointment
as provided in the Supreme Court Merit Selection Plan (SCMSP).
1. Personnel Division, Office of Administrative Services (OAS)
a. Disseminate copies of the SCHRMPSP and its annexes to all
personnel after approval thereof by the CSC;
b. Conduct orientation on the SCHRMPSP within six (6) months upon
approval thereof to ensure awareness and understanding of the
Plan. A report on the same shall be submitted to the CSC Field
Office concerned for record purposes;
c. Develop a System of Ranking Positions (SRP) for approval by the
Chief Justice, copy furnished the CSC and it's Field Office
concerned, for reference purposes;
d. Develop and Maintain an updated qualification database of employees
to include education, training, experience, skills, competencies,
and other similar information; and
e. Develop a program to fast track the career movement of employees
with superior qualifications.
2. Secretariat, Supreme Court Human Resource Merit Promotion
and Selection Board
The Secretariat, SCHRMPSB, shall have the following functions and
a. Publish vacant positions in the CSC Bulletin of Vacant Positions or
through other modes of publication and post the same in three (3)
conspicuous places in the Court's premises for at least ten (10)
calendar days;
b. Conduct a preliminary evaluation of the qualification of all candidates;
prepare a selection line-up and post the same in three (3)
conspicuous places in the Court's premises for at least fifteen (15)
calendar days;
c. Prepare a list of candidates aspiring for the vacant position either
within or outside the agency;
d. Notify all applicants of the outcome of the preliminary
evaluation through the posting of matrices;
e. Submit the selection line-up to the SCHRMPSB for its deliberation en
3. Employees
The employees shall be responsible for updating their Personal Data
Sheet annually, if deemed necessary, and submit supporting documents
thereto to the Personnel Division, OAS.
4. Supreme Court Human Resource Merit Promotion and Selection
The SCHRMPSB shall have the following functions and responsibilities:
a. Adopt a formal screening procedure and formulate criteria for the
evaluation of candidates for appointment, taking into consideration
the following:
(1) Reasonable and valid standards and methods of evaluating the
competence and qualifications of all applicants competing
for a particular position; and
(2) Criteria for evaluation of qualifications of applicants for
appointment which must suit the job requirements of the
b. Disseminate screening procedure and criteria for selection and any
modification thereof to all officials and employees and interested
c. Prepare a systematic assessment of the competence and
qualifications of candidates. Maintain fairness and impartiality in
the assessment of candidates. Towards this end,
the SCHRMPSB may employ the assistance of external or
independent resource persons and may initiate innovative
schemes in determining the best and most qualified candidate; aDSIHc

d. Evaluate and deliberate en banc the qualifications of those listed in the

selection line-up;
e. Submit, by resolution, the list of candidates recommended for
appointment from which the Chief Justice, with the concurrence of
the Chairmen of the Divisions, or the Court En Banc, shall choose
the applicant to be appointed;
f. Maintain records of the deliberations which must be made accessible
to interested parties upon written request and for inspection and
audit by the CSC;
g. Orient the court officials and employees regarding policies relative
to human resource actions.
The SCHRMPSP herein established and the subsequent amendments
thereto, if any, shall take effect immediately after approval by the Civil Service
Commission (CSC).
Copies of this Administrative Circular shall be distributed by the Office of
Administrative Services, SC, to the Offices of the Chief Justice and Associate
Justices; the Offices of the Court Administrator (OCA) and the Clerk of Court;
the Office of the Fiscal Management and Budget Office, the Management and
Information Systems Office, and the Public Information Office of the Supreme
Court; the Office of Administrative Services and the Financial Management
Office of the OCA; the Philippine Judicial Academy; the Judicial and Bar
Council; the Mandatory Continuing Legal Education Office; and
the Supreme Court Human Resource Merit Promotion and Selection
This supersedes Administrative Circular No. 37-2001A (Establishing the
Supreme Court Merit Selection and Promotion Plan (SCMSPP) issued on
August 21, 2001.
Issued this 3rd day of April 2018.

On leave
Chief Justice


Associate Justice
Acting Chief Justice


Associate Justice


Associate Justice


Associate Justice


Associate Justice


Associate Justice
On official leave
Associate Justice


Associate Justice


Associate Justice


Associate Justice


Associate Justice


Associate Justice

On official leave
Associate Justice


Associate Justice
(Establishing the Supreme Court Human Resource Merit Promotion and

Selection Plan (SCHRMPSP), Supreme Court Administrative Circular No. 57-18,

[April 3, 2018])

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April 3, 2018





Pursuant to Section 32, Book V of Administrative Code of

1987 (Executive Order No. 292) and Civil Service Commission
(CSC) Memorandum Circular No. 24, S. 2017, this Supreme
Court Human Resource Merit Promotion and Selection Plan
(SCHRMPSP) is hereby established for the guidance of all
The SCHRMPSP aims to:
1. Establish a system that is characterized by strict
observance of the merit, fitness and equality
principles in the selection of employees for
appointment to positions in the career service; and
2. Create equal employment opportunities to all qualified
men and women for employment and career
advancement in the Supreme Court or the Judiciary.
The SCHRMPSP shall cover career positions in the 1st
and 2nd level or its equivalent in the Supreme Court (SC), the
Presidential Electoral Tribunal (PET), the Philippine Judicial
Academy (PHILJA), the Judicial and Bar Council (JBC), and the
Mandatory Continuing Legal Education Office (MCLEO).
As used in this Administrative Circular the following terms
shall mean as follows:
Career Service — positions in the civil service
characterized by (1) entrance based on merit and
fitness to be determined as far as practicable by
competitive examination, or based on highly
technical qualifications; (2) opportunity for
advancement to higher career positions; and (3)
security of tenure.
Human Resource Action — any action denoting the
movement or progress of human resource in the
civil service such as promotion,
transfer, reappointment, reinstatement,
reemployment, reclassification, detail,
reassignment, secondment, demotion and
Promotion — the advancement of an employee from one
position to another with an increase in duties and
responsibilities as authorized by law, and usually
accompanied by an increase in salary.
Selection — the systematic method of determining the
merit and fitness of a person on the basis of
qualifications and ability to perform the duties and
responsibilities of the position.
Deep Selection — the process of selecting a candidate
for appointment who is not next-in-rank but
possesses superior qualifications and competence.
Selection Line-Up — a listing of qualified and competent
applicants for consideration to a vacancy which
includes, but not limited to, the comparative
information of their education, experience, training,
civil service eligibility, performance rating, relevant
work accomplishments, physical characteristics,
psycho-social attributes, personality traits and
First Level Positions — those which involve non-
professional or sub-professional work in a non-
supervisory or supervisory capacity requiring less
than four (4) years of college studies, such as
clerical, trades and crafts, and custodial service
Second Level Positions — those which involve
professional or technical work in a non-supervisory
or supervisory capacity up to Division Chief level
including the positions of Assistant Superintendent
of Printing Services, Court Attorney IV, and PHILJA
Attorney IV.
Third Level Positions — those which are classified as
highly technical and/or policy determining or
confidential below that of Chief Justice and
Associate Justices of the Supreme Court,
including those in the PHJLJA and JBC (AM No.
05-9-29-SC dated September 27, 2005), with
Salary Grade 26 and above.
Next-in-Rank Position — a position which by reason of
the hierarchical arrangement of positions in the
agency or in the government is determined to be in
the nearest degree of relationship to a higher
position as contained in the agency's System of
Ranking Positions (SRP).
Qualified Next-in-Rank — an employee appointed on a
permanent status to a position next-in-rank to the
vacancy as reflected in the SRP approved by the
head of agency and who meets the requirements for
appointment to the next higher position.
Qualification Standards — the minimum qualifications
for a position which shall include education,
experience, training, civil service eligibility, and
physical characteristics and personality traits
required in the performance of the job.
Job Requirements — requisites not limited to the
qualification standards of the position but may
include skills, competencies, potential, physical and
psycho-social attributes necessary for the
successful performance of the duties required of the
Education and Training — include educational
background, successful completion of training
courses accredited by the CSC, scholarships,
training grants and other human resource
development programs which must be relevant to
the duties of the position to be filled.
Experience and Outstanding Accomplishments —
include occupational history, relevant work
experience acquired either from the government or
private sector, and accomplishments worthy of
special commendation.
Psycho-Social Attributes — the characteristics or traits
of a person which involve both psychological and
social aspects. Psychological attributes includes the
way a person perceives things, ideas, beliefs and
understanding and how a person acts and relates
these things to others and in social situations.
Potential — the capacity and ability of a candidate to
assume the duties of the position to be filled and
those of higher or more responsible positions. CAIHTE

Superior Qualifications — any outstanding relevant

work accomplishments, educational attainment and
training appropriate for the position to be filled which
shall include demonstration of exceptional job
mastery and potential in major areas of
Comparatively at Par — predetermined reasonable
difference or gap between point scores of
candidates for appointment established by
Discrimination — a situation wherein a qualified
applicant is not included in the selection line-up on
account of gender, civil status, pregnancy, disability,
religion, ethnicity, or political affiliation.
System of Ranking Positions — is the hierarchical
arrangement of positions from highest to lowest,
which shall be a guide in determining which position
is next-in-rank, taking into consideration the
a. organizational structure;
b. salary grade allocation;
c. classification and functional relationship of
positions; and
d. geographical location.
Hiring Quota — the pre-determined ratio of applicants for
appointment to ensure that one gender does not fall
short of the desired percentage of the selection rate
for the other gender in equivalent positions at every
level, provided they meet the minimum
requirements of the position.
1. Selection of appointees shall be open to all qualified
applicants according to the principle of merit, fitness and
There shall be equal employment opportunities for men
and women provided they meet the minimum requirements of the
position to be filled.
There shall be no discrimination in the selection of
employees on account of gender, civil status, disability, religion,
ethnicity or political affiliation.
2. There shall be a Supreme Court Human Resource
Merit Promotion and Selection Board (SCHRMPSB) for first
and second level positions in the Supreme Court with the
following composition:
Chairperson — (1) The Chief Administrative Officer

Members — (2) Chief, Personnel Division, Office of Administrative


(3) Chief, Office of Administrative Services, OCA

(4) Representative, Supreme Court Association of

Lawyers-Employees, Inc. (SCALE) and one (1)

(5) Two (2) representatives, Supreme Court Employees

Association (SCEA), one (1) from the first level and one
(1) from the second level, and their alternates, who
shall both be chosen by the said Association

(6) Representative from the Office of the Clerk of


(7) Representative from the Office of the Chief


(8) Head/Chief of the organizational unit where the

vacancy exists or designated alternate.

The HRM Office/Unit shall perform Secretariat and

Technical Support function to the SCHRMPSB. The
incumbent Secretary and Secretariat shall remain as such.
The SCALE representative shall serve for a period of two
(2) years and shall participate and vote only when the position
involved is a lawyer-position.
The SCEA representative for first level positions shall
participate and vote only when the position involved is in the first
level, while the SCEA representative for second level positions
shall participate only when the position involved is in the second
level. Both rank-and-file representatives shall serve for a period
of two (2) years.
The Chiefs of Office shall participate only when the
position involved belongs to his/her office.
3. The SCHRMPSB members, including the alternate
representatives, shall undergo orientation and workshop on the
selection and promotion process and CSC policies on
4. When a position covered by the SCHRMPSP becomes
vacant, applicants selected for appointment thereto who are
competent, qualified and possess the appropriate civil service
eligibility shall be considered for permanent appointment.
5. Applicants to published and/or posted vacant
positions must meet the education, experience, training,
eligibility, and competency requirements prescribed in the
Qualification Standards for the position at the time of
6. The SCHRMPSB shall maintain fairness and
impartiality in the assessment of candidates for appointment.
Towards this end, the SCHRMPSB may employ the assistance
of external independent resource persons and may initiate
innovative schemes in determining the best and most qualified
7. The comparative competence and qualification of
candidates for appointment shall be determined on the bases of:
a. Performance;
b. Education and Training;
c. Experience and Outstanding Accomplishments;
d. Psycho-social attributes and Personality traits; and
e. Potential.
8. No employee may be promoted to a position which is
more than three (3) salary grades higher that the employee's
present position, subject to the following exceptions:
a. The position occupied by the person is next-in-rank
to the vacant position as identified in the Merit
Selection Plan and the System of Ranking
Positions of the Court;
b. The vacant position is a lone or entrance position,
as indicated in the Court's staffing pattern;
c. The vacant position is hard to fill;
d. The vacant position is unique and/or highly
e. The candidates passed through a deep selection
process, taking into consideration the
candidates superior qualifications in regard to:
• Educational achievements
• Highly specialized trainings
• Relevant work experience
• Consistent high performance rating/ranking
f. The vacant position belongs to the closed career
g. Other meritorious cases, such as:
• when the appointee is the lone applicant who
meets all the requirements of the position
and passed through the deep selection
• when the qualified next-in-rank employees
waived their right over the vacant position
in writing
• when the next-in-rank position, as identified in
the Court's SRP is vacant
• when the next-in-rank employee/s is/are not
• when the qualified next-in-rank employees did
not apply.
9. An employee shall have rendered at least a very
satisfactory service for the last two rating periods before being
considered for promotion.
10. An employee who is on local or foreign scholarship or
training grant or on maternity leave may be considered for
For this purpose, the performance ratings to be considered
shall be the rating immediately prior to the scholarship or training
grant or maternity leave; and if promoted, the effectivity date of
the promotional appointment shall be upon assumption to duty
after the scholarship, training or maternity leave.
11. Employees who have been meted administrative
penalties shall be disqualified for promotion for a certain
period of time pursuant to SC Memorandum Order No. 12-
2002, as follows:
Period of
Fine or Reprimand - 6 months
Suspension from 1 day to 1 month - 7 months
Suspension from 1 month and 1 day to 2 - 8 months
Suspension from 2 months and 1 day to 3 - 9 months
Suspension from 3 months and 1 day to 4 - 10 months
Suspension from 4 months and 1 day to 5 - 11 months
Suspension from 5 months and 1 day to 6 - 1 year
Suspension from 6 months and 1 day to 1 - 2 years
The period of suspension shall be reckoned from
notice of the Court's resolution by the disciplined
12. An employee who has been found guilty of an
administrative offense and imposed the penalty of
demotion, suspension or fine shall be disqualified for
promotion for the same period of suspension or fine. In the
case of demotion, the period of disqualification for
promotion shall be within one (1) year.
13. The SCHRMPSB shall serve as the recommending
body for appointment. However, final decision on whom to
appoint shall be with the appointing officer/authority.
The SCHRMPSB shall be primarily responsible for the
judicious and objective selection of candidates for
appointment in the agency in accordance with the approved
Merit Selection Plan and shall recommend to the appointing
officer/authority the top five (5) ranking applicants deemed
most qualified for appointment to the vacant position.
14. The Chief Justice shall assess the merits of
the SCHRMPSB's recommendation for appointment and in the
exercise of his/her sound discretion and with the concurrence of
the Chairmen of the Divisions pursuant to A.M. No. 99-12-08-SC,
select the appointee, in so far as practicable, from among the top
five (5) ranking applicants deemed most qualified for
appointment to the vacant position.
15. The Chief Justice, with the concurrence of the
Chairmen of the Divisions, may appoint an applicant who
is ranked higher than those next-in-rank to the vacant
position but who possesses superior qualification and
competence evidenced by comparative ranking, and has
undergone the selection process.
16. Promotion within six (6) months prior to compulsory
retirement shall not be allowed except as otherwise provided by
17. A notice announcing the appointment of an employee
shall be posted for at least fifteen (15) calendar days in three (3)
conspicuous places within the Court's premises a day after the
issuance of appointment.
18. The selection of appointees to the positions of
Assistant Chief of Office, SC Senior Chief Staff Officer and other
higher positions shall be made by the Chief Justice with the
concurrence of the Chairmen of Divisions pursuant to A.M. No.
99-12-08-SC. DETACa

1. Publication of Vacant Positions
Upon written request of the Chief of Office concerned,
the Secretariat of the SCHRMPSB shall cause the publication of
the vacant positions to be filled in the CSC Bulletin of Vacant
Positions or through other modes of publication. Likewise,
notices of the vacancies shall be posted in three (3) conspicuous
places in the Court's premises for at least ten (10) calendar days.
Vacant positions which are not filled within nine
(9) months shall be re-published.
The following positions are exempt from the requirements
of publication and posting of notices:
a. Primarily confidential;
b. Policy-determining;
c. Highly technical;
d. Coterminous with that of the appointing
officer/authority, including other non-career
positions such as contractual and casual; and,
e. Reappointment (change of status to permanent) of
those appointed on temporary status for
Category II positions under CSC MC No. 11, s.
1996, as amended;
f. Those to be filled by existing regular employees in the
SC in case of reorganization/rationalization.
2. Listing of All Candidates for the Position
The Secretariat shall prepare a list of candidates aspiring
for the vacant position, either from within or outside the agency.
3. Preliminary Evaluation of Qualifications
The Secretariat shall conduct preliminary evaluation of the
qualifications of all candidates named in the list. Those initially
found qualified shall be included in a selection line-up which shall
also reflect the candidates' comparative competence and
qualifications based on the following factors:
a. performance;
b. education and training;
c. experience and outstanding accomplishments;
d. psycho-social attributes and personality traits; and
c. potential.
4. Notification of Outcome of Preliminary Evaluation
The Secretariat shall notify all applicants of the outcome
of the preliminary evaluation through the posting of matrices.
5. Submission of Line-up to the SCHRMPSB
The Secretariat shall immediately submit the selection
line-up to the SCHRMPSB for its deliberation.
6. Assessment of Competence and Qualification of
The SCHRMPSB shall be represented by at least the
majority of its members during the deliberation of
candidates for appointment. It shall make a systematic
assessment of the competence and qualification of candidates
for appointment. It shall evaluate and deliberate en banc the
qualifications of those listed in the selection line-up.
7. Submission of Resolution containing the List of
Candidates to the Chief Justice
The resolution containing the list of candidates
recommended for appointment, from which the appointee will be
chosen, shall be in the prescribed format, to be signed by all
those who participated thereon, and to be submitted to the Office
of the Chief Justice within ten (10) days from its approval by
The list of recommended candidates should reflect the
comparative competence and qualification of the top five (5)
ranking candidates.
8. Assessment and Selection by the Chief Justice
The Chief Justice shall assess the merits of
the SCHRMPSB's recommendation for appointment; and, in the
exercise of his/her sound discretion and with the concurrence of
the Chairmen of the Divisions pursuant to A.M. No. 99-12-08-SC,
select the candidate who is deemed most qualified for
appointment to the vacant position.
9. Transmittal of Approved Authority
The approved authority for the appointment of the selected
candidate, signed by the Chief Justice with the concurrence of
the Chairmen of the Divisions pursuant to A.M. No. 99-12-08-SC,
shall be transmitted to the Personnel Division, Office of
Administrative Services (OAS), for the processing and
preparation of the appointment papers.
10. Posting of a Notice Announcing the Appointment
A day after the Chief Justice has signed the appointment
papers, the OAS shall post a notice announcing the appointment
in three (3) conspicuous places within the Court's premises for at
least fifteen (15) days. The date of posting should be indicated in
the notice.
1. Only a qualified next-in-rank official or employee
may file a protest against an appointment made in favor of
another who does not possess the minimum qualification
requirements. The qualified next-in-rank employee shall
have the right to appeal to the Chief Justice.
2. Protest may be filed within fifteen (15) days from the
announcement and/or posting of appointments subject to
For this purpose, all appointments or promotions shall be
duly announced and/or posted in bulletin boards or at
conspicuous places in the Court within thirty (30) days or within
a shorter period from the issuance of the appointment as
provided in the Supreme Court Merit Selection Plan (SCMSP).
1. Personnel Division, Office of Administrative
Services (OAS)
a. Disseminate copies of the SCHRMPSP and its annexes
to all personnel after approval thereof by the CSC;
b. Conduct orientation on the SCHRMPSP within six (6)
months upon approval thereof to ensure awareness
and understanding of the Plan. A report on the same
shall be submitted to the CSC Field Office
concerned for record purposes;
c. Develop a System of Ranking Positions (SRP) for
approval by the Chief Justice, copy furnished the
CSC and it's Field Office concerned, for reference
d. Develop and Maintain an updated qualification
database of employees to include education,
training, experience, skills, competencies, and other
similar information; and
e. Develop a program to fast track the career movement
of employees with superior qualifications.
2. Secretariat, Supreme Court Human Resource Merit
Promotion and Selection Board
The Secretariat, SCHRMPSB, shall have the following
functions and responsibilities:
a. Publish vacant positions in the CSC Bulletin of Vacant
Positions or through other modes of publication and
post the same in three (3) conspicuous places in the
Court's premises for at least ten (10) calendar days;
b. Conduct a preliminary evaluation of the qualification of
all candidates; prepare a selection line-up and post
the same in three (3) conspicuous places in the
Court's premises for at least fifteen (15) calendar
c. Prepare a list of candidates aspiring for the vacant
position either within or outside the agency;
d. Notify all applicants of the outcome of the preliminary
evaluation through the posting of matrices;
e. Submit the selection line-up to the SCHRMPSB for its
deliberation en banc.
3. Employees
The employees shall be responsible for updating their
Personal Data Sheet annually, if deemed necessary, and submit
supporting documents thereto to the Personnel Division, OAS.
4. Supreme Court Human Resource Merit Promotion
and Selection Board
The SCHRMPSB shall have the following functions and
a. Adopt a formal screening procedure and formulate
criteria for the evaluation of candidates for
appointment, taking into consideration the following:
(1) Reasonable and valid standards and methods of
evaluating the competence and qualifications
of all applicants competing for a particular
position; and
(2) Criteria for evaluation of qualifications of
applicants for appointment which must suit
the job requirements of the position.
b. Disseminate screening procedure and criteria for
selection and any modification thereof to all officials
and employees and interested applicants;
c. Prepare a systematic assessment of the competence
and qualifications of candidates. Maintain fairness
and impartiality in the assessment of candidates.
Towards this end, the SCHRMPSB may employ the
assistance of external or independent resource
persons and may initiate innovative schemes in
determining the best and most qualified
candidate; aDSIHc

d. Evaluate and deliberate en banc the qualifications of

those listed in the selection line-up;
e. Submit, by resolution, the list of candidates
recommended for appointment from which the Chief
Justice, with the concurrence of the Chairmen of the
Divisions, or the Court En Banc, shall choose the
applicant to be appointed;
f. Maintain records of the deliberations which must be
made accessible to interested parties upon written
request and for inspection and audit by the CSC;
g. Orient the court officials and employees regarding
policies relative to human resource actions.
The SCHRMPSP herein established and the subsequent
amendments thereto, if any, shall take effect immediately after
approval by the Civil Service Commission (CSC).
Copies of this Administrative Circular shall be distributed
by the Office of Administrative Services, SC, to the Offices of the
Chief Justice and Associate Justices; the Offices of the Court
Administrator (OCA) and the Clerk of Court; the Office of the
Fiscal Management and Budget Office, the Management and
Information Systems Office, and the Public Information Office of
the Supreme Court; the Office of Administrative Services and the
Financial Management Office of the OCA; the Philippine Judicial
Academy; the Judicial and Bar Council; the Mandatory
Continuing Legal Education Office; and the Supreme Court
Human Resource Merit Promotion and Selection Board.
This supersedes Administrative Circular No. 37-2001A
(Establishing the Supreme Court Merit Selection and Promotion
Plan (SCMSPP) issued on August 21, 2001.
Issued this 3rd day of April 2018.

On leave
Chief Justice


Associate Justice
Acting Chief Justice


Associate Justice
Associate Justice


Associate Justice


Associate Justice


Associate Justice

On official leave
Associate Justice


Associate Justice


Associate Justice


Associate Justice


Associate Justice


Associate Justice

On official leave
Associate Justice
Associate Justice

 1
 2

(Establishing the Supreme Court Human Resource Merit Promotion and


Selection Plan (SCHRMPSP), Supreme Court Administrative Circular No. 57-18,

[April 3, 2018])

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