Mdius Dance Unit 18-19

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MUIDS Physical Education Plan 18-19

Dance Unit
ESTABLISHED GOALS Students will be able to independently use their learning to…
1. Performance: A <type here>
physically educated  Knows how to move with rhythm in formal dance and creative dance
person for recreation and timing in other activities.
demonstrates  Coordination and good posture is making better self-character.
competency in  Communicate rhythm and timing will help to avoid pressure.
motor skills and  Dance provide transition body weight as will use in all physical
movement patterns activities.
needed to perform  Always situation during dancing will reflect emotion control, maturity
a variety of physical enjoy and correct decision in daily life.
activities.  Flexibility will be basic fitness to use for avoid injury in other physical
2. Concepts: A activities.
physically educated  Good timing will help to safe energy during physical activities.
person  Social dance may use for recreation and communicate with society.
understanding of
concepts, principles,
strategies and
tactics as they apply
to the learning and
performance of
physical activities.
physically educated person
exhibits responsible
personal and social behavior
that respects self and others
in physical education
Students will understand that…
How does your movement affect your
● Use body movement at the right time group’s performance?
● Communicate movement and rhythm is basic of dance
● During dancing is way to clear emotion pressure What strategies can be used to avoid and
● There are many different kind of dance, different technique resolve pressure?
and movement.
 Dance is body language will reflect self-emotion. What are the proper techniques for
 Fitness in dance is a key to have good posture and looking
communicate movement, timing and
good during move.
 How to set up self-posture, balance body weight and create rhythm? How are these similar?
What are some effective ways of getting
everyone on your group or partner
involved in the routine?

Students will know… Students will be skilled at…
The fitness components that are required for dance Demonstrate adequate fitness
components to participate in dance drills
Terminology specific to dance and performance

All movements incorporate directional awareness Explain how the transition between move
to move best done by rhythm
How to lead and follow during social dance
Incorporate movement sets, rhythm and
Formal social dance routine feeling in group dance

How to move with fast and slow rhythm Demonstrate effective skill performance
in a variety of dance type
Create dance set
Effectively use different movement to
Overall international rules for social dance floor create dance set

Perform own dance set front of class

Demonstrate coordination,
communication and self- control while
Stage 2 - Evidence
Evaluative Criteria Assessment Evidence
<type here> PERFORMANCE TASK(S): Demonstrate better body coordination during
and after dance activities.
Students will perform specific movement and fitness in daily
practical and reflect on their performance.

Explain how and when to combine movement and rhythm to create

new dance set.

Explain when you would move with your partner to success formal
dance step.

Demonstrate dance group during practical and performance

Students perform better movement after practical part

<type here> OTHER EVIDENCE:

Critique a classmate’s technique and provide feedback for

Observe students during all activities and give positive constructive

feedback immediately when necessary.

Teach a specific technique or skill to a beginner class.

Skills test on specific movement relating to the dance set perform.

Student Self-Assessment and Reflection:

Reflect on your game performance as a team and individually
and analyze your strengths and weaknesses.

Create a strategy to improve your performance and skills as well

as your teams.

Reflect on your overall tournament placement and explain your

finishing placement and how you could have done better.

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