Dose Calculation
Dose Calculation
Dose Calculation
Engineering of Radiation Instruments 4th class
Where Sc,p (r) is the total scatter factor defined as the dose rate at a reference
depth for a given field size r divided by the dose rate at the same point and
depth for the reference field size (10 x 10 cm)
Thus Sc,p contains both the collimator and phantom scatter and
when divided by Sc(r) yields Sp(r).
Engineering of Radiation Instruments 4th class
Where K is 1 rad per MU, r, is the collimator field size, given by:
It must be remembered that, whereas the field size for the Sc, is defined at the
SAD, Sp relates to the field irradiating the patient.
Assist.lec. Amal I. Mahmood
to a patient at 100-cm SSD, (10 cm ) depth, and (15 x 15 cm) field size, given
Sc(15 x 15) = 1.020, Sp(15 x 15) = 1.010, %DD = 65.1.