2018 Poultry Price List: Standard Chickens
2018 Poultry Price List: Standard Chickens
2018 Poultry Price List: Standard Chickens
WW Feed & Supply recommends using Starter/Grower to feed your laying breed chickens age 0-20 weeks of age.
Depending on our supplier, this 18-20% protein non-medicated feed. Keep under heat lamps and provide fresh water.
Once your chicks start producing eggs, WW Feed & Supply recommends you switch to:
Egg layer “Complete” - This 16% protein feed is designed as the sole ration to meet the needs of chickens age
21 weeks or older. We have it in either crumbles or pellets.
Egg layer “Balancer” - This 20% protein crumble is designed to be fed with scratch or other grains & oyster
Scratch Grains - This is a mix of milo, cracked corn and wheat that we mix ourselves from locally grown grains.
Turkeys St. Run only. Available mid-March thru Aug Arrive Thur
Natural mating turkeys (will reproduce): Artificially Inseminated turkeys (will not reproduce):
WW Feed & Supply recommends feeding a high protein feed to your turkeys poults, and keep them under heat
lamps and provide fresh water. Later, WW Feed & Supply recommends switching your turkeys to non-
medicated Turkey Grower or Turkey Finisher feeds.
Available mid-March thru July 1st. Arrive Fri Under 15 15-29 More than 30
St. Run (not sexed) prices per duckling in chart.
NOTE: Hatchery Choice $4.48 ea $3.95 $3.82
If you want sexing, specify when ordering. The Buff $4.79 ea $4.26 $4.13
hatchery’s sexing charge is $2.00 per duckling.
However, no sexed ducks will be available the 2 Domesticated Grey
Flying Mallard
$4.79 ea $4.26 $4.13
weeks prior to Easter (March 19-28) due to the
hatchery’s demands. Khaki Campbell $4.79 ea $4.26 $4.13
Ducks get very lonely so please buy at least 2
Guinea Keets available mid-June thru October. St. Run
Under 25 25-49 More than 50
(not sexed) only. On guineas, WW Feed starts a list in
Hatchery $4.61 ea $4.15 $4.02 the spring for these early summer arrivals. Sign up on the
Choice list! WW Feed & Supply recommends using Game Bird
Pearl $4.64 ea $4.28 $4.15 Starter on keets, pheasants, quail & chukar as they
or White require a higher protein. This 28% protein feed is needed
French, Coral for these fast-growing birds.
$4.94 ea $4.55 NA
Blue & Lavender
(e) = excellent rate of lay (vg) = very good rate of lay
(g) = good rate of lay (f) = fair rate of lay
** = Straight Run only. Hatchery does NOT sex this breed
Straight Run – Mezclados de gallos y gallinas = unsexed and likely some of both sexes.
Pullets – Gallinas solamente = sexed at the hatchery and are just hens. Hatchery guarantees orders 90% pullets.
Cocks/Roosters – Gallos solamente = sexed at the hatchery and are roosters only.
Pricing / Fees
Prices on this handout INCLUDE shipping and handling, if hatched between March 1 and May 20, 2017.
A $8 fee will be charged at other times of the year, if less than a full box is ordered.
Orders less than 25 chicks, 30 bantams, 15 ducks, 20 turkeys, 8 geese or 25 guineas will be charged a $1 small
order surcharge for each breed or sex ordered. Minimum of a special order is 5 per breed.
Pay half down when ordering. Orders must be picked up within 24 hours of arrival, or care fees will be added.
Easter is April 1, 2018. We get baby poultry in several times each week throughout the spring season, but
certain breeds may not be available and certain orders may cost more right before Easter, due to hatchery demand.
Safe Handling Tips
It is important to care for your newly adopted poultry, but you must also protect yourself. Salmonella, a common
cause of food borne illness, can be spread by direct contact with animals that carry the bacteria. See posted safety