OSIG Guidance Notes 2017 Online Version
OSIG Guidance Notes 2017 Online Version
OSIG Guidance Notes 2017 Online Version
August 2017
Guidance Notes for the Application of Geophysical and Geotechnical Techniques for Reducing Tophole
Risks in the Drilling of Offshore Wells
ISBN 0 906940 56 7
ISBN 13 978-0-906940-56-3
This publication is protected by international copyright law. No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may
be reproduced or utilised in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any
information storage and retrieval system, without permission of the Publisher.
Edited by
Richard Salisbury
Tim Carrington
Gareth Wood
Andy Barwise
Micha Van Der Kraan
Giles Thompson
1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3 APPROACHES TO ADOPT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.1 The Ground Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.1.1 What is a Ground Model? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.1.2 Application of the Ground Model to Well Site Investigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.2 Desk Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.3 Site Investigation Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.4 Geophysical Site Investigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.5 Geotechnical Site Investigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.5.1 In-situ Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.5.2 Sampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4 ANALYSIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.2 Geophysical Interpretation and Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.2.1 Purpose and Scope of a Geophysical Site Investigation Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.2.2 Advanced Geophysical Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4.3 Purpose and Scope of a Geotechnical Site Investigation Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4.4 Geotechnical input to well design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4.4.1 Design Soil Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4.4.2 Soil Data Acquisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.4.3 Geotechnical Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.5 Pore Pressure Prediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.6 Summary of Inputs/Outputs of an Integrated Site Investigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
7 GLOSSARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
8 REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
9 BIBLIOGRAPHY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
List of Tables
Table 2.1: Summary of Geohazards, their Potential Impact on Drilling Operations and Identification and
Characterisation Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Table 4.1: Soil Parameters Needed for Structural Design of the Conductor Casing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Table 4.2: Site investigation Inputs and Outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
List of Figures
Figure 1: What can go wrong when Drilling the Tophole Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Figure 2: Timeline Relationship between a Typical Well Planning Process and a Typical Integrated Site Investigation
Programme. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Figure 3: Example of a PPFG prediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Figure 4: A typical Well Planning Team for Integrated Hazard Assessment, Risk Identification, Ranking and
Mitigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Figure 5: A Suggested Workflow for Tophole Risk Evaluation and Mitigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
In this document the tophole section is defined as the depth to the base of the first pressure containment string;
in other words the conductor and the first casing, drilled prior to pressure containment through installation of the
blowout preventer (BOP). This will normally be a depth of fifty to one hundred metres for the conductor and several
hundred metres for the surface casing.
Throughout the document, items that appear in the glossary (Section 7), are shown in italics.
1 Introduction
The offshore oil and gas industry spends around 1$60bn per year on oil and gas wells. Investment on this scale
comes with risks, and although the offshore industry leads the way in industrial HSSE standards, it is estimated
that around 10% of this expenditure, or $6bn, can be attributed to ground related issues such as stuck pipe, lost
circulation, wellbore instability and shallow water flows. On top of this are environmental costs of the oil spills
that can result from loss of well control, and most importantly the human costs in terms of injuries and loss of life
resulting from some of the worst incidents. Given the appropriate data, analysis, engineering and application these
risks and costs can be foreseen, mitigated and ultimately reduced.
Tophole integrity and risk reduction depends on understanding the soils and rocks throughout this section of
the well. The primary sources of information are complementary geophysical (remote sensing) and geotechnical
(intrusive) methods. In the top few tens of metres reliable geotechnical data may be available, but deeper than this
information is often limited to what can be inferred from logging while drilling and is far from precise. Geophysical
data are normally available throughout the tophole section, although their resolution will always decrease with
depth, and their value is limited without proper correlation to soils data.
In this document the risks and problems within and around the well are described. Information and advice in the
use and application of geotechnical and geophysical site investigation techniques for the planning of offshore wells
are provided. Finally, a systematic approach to assessing and mitigating top-hole geo-risks is suggested.
The document is aimed at:
• Geoscientists and engineers involved in data collection and analysis;
• Survey or site investigation project managers;
• Drilling engineers;
• Foundation engineers;
• Operators;
• Well planners;
• Operations geologists;
• Well operations managers;
• Surveyors.
The first two groups in the above list are already involved in site investigation and will be aware of the reasons
for gathering good quality data to mitigate the risks associated with topholes. The other groups represent those
focused on well design, construction and operation and have most control over good drilling practice and well
performance. These groups may not be as closely involved in site investigation.
An important conclusion of the industry specialists who contributed to this document is that there should be
effective dialogue between the geoscience community involved in site investigation and the engineering community
involved in drilling. This is the essential message of the document. Existing techniques and knowledge are sufficient
to address all tophole associated risks and problems, provided they are applied effectively by all parties working
It is the aim of this document to reach out to both practitioners and end users; to provide a reference that describes
best practice in the use and application of site investigation techniques for the planning and execution of offshore
wells. By this means it is hoped that common global standards will be promoted, leading to improvements in
safety, efficiency and reduced environmental impact.
These guidance notes are not intended to be prescriptive, nor detailed in relation to specific aspects of well design,
such as fatigue life design. It should be noted that offshore wells are structures and therefore should be designed
and built in accordance with the general requirements of ISO 19900.
From a review of industry financial reports.
2 Shallow Geohazards –
Typical Problems and Failures
Shallow geohazards can pose significant threats to well spudding and drilling operations as illustrated in Figure 1.
Insufficient consideration of the issues can result in severe consequences ranging from avoidable non-productive
time to catastrophic events. Responsibility for assessing project risk, and reducing this to acceptable levels,
ultimately rests with the operator or exploration company. However, geoscientists specialising in geohazards and
understanding shallow section geology have an essential part to play in identifying and characterising the hazards,
the risks they pose, and in helping to deliver safe, predictable and cost-effective wells with no surprises. Such
specialists exist within many operating companies, exploration companies, contracting companies and consultants.
The risks that geohazards pose to spudding and drilling activities depend on many variables. Some of the most
important are listed below:
• Ground conditions;
• Conductor installation methodology;
• Type of drilling platform;
• Quality of the tophole soils data and ground model;
• Availability of offset data;
• Remoteness of the operations.
An integrated multi-disciplinary project approach to the identification, characterisation and assessment of hazards
and risks is essential for an optimised outcome.
The purpose of Table 2.1 is to provide an aide memoire of the typical geohazards that can be encountered in the shallow
section, and some of the potential impacts their presence may have on drilling operations in the tophole section. The
table also offers some guidance on the data and tools that may be suitable for identifying and characterising geohazards
so that they can be assessed, and measures considered to manage effectively the risks they pose.
Table 2.1: Summary of Geohazards, their Potential Impact on Drilling Operations and Identification and
Characterisation Techniques
Faults Losses • • • • • • •
Broach pathway to seafloor in event of
underground blowout leading to seabed
Directional drilling difficulties
Stuck pipe
Casing hang-up
Pressure communication to depth
Geohazard Potential impact(s) on drilling operations Identification and characterisation techniques
Soft soils Cratering during jetting operations • • • •
Wellbore stability and verticality
Mining / erosion of soils
Wellbore deformation
Excessive jack-up rig leg penetration
Insufficient rig anchor capacity
Hard soils Low Rates of Progress (RoP) • • • •
Jetting resistance
Directional drilling issues
Stuck pipe / BHA
Casing hang-up
Challenging anchoring operations
Swelling clays Pack-off • •
(gumbo) Loss of drilled annulus
Plugging and fouling of tools and pipe
3 Approaches to Adopt
The first stage in understanding geological conditions in an area where offshore drilling is planned is to conduct a desk study
using any existing relevant data. Exploration 3D seismic reflection data will often form the prime dataset for the purposes of
deriving an initial image of the seafloor topography. Consideration should be given to using near offset subsets or undertaking
short offset processing to improve shallow section resolution. Other types of data to include are the following:
• Regional geological and geophysical information;
• Geophysical data from nearby site investigations;
• Geotechnical data from nearby site investigations;
• Offset well information including logging while drilling data and all log data;
• Installation records for piled structures and jack-ups near the location;
• Information in the public domain;
• Academic and research papers with original data if available.
The objective of a pre-drilling desk study in a new exploration area is to initiate the process of characterising the
seafloor and shallow geological conditions. The initial ground model will normally be a geological model designed
to enable a preliminary, regional view to be taken concerning any geohazards that may impact on drilling operations
and to plan future site investigations.
A crucial decision to be made from the results of the desk study is whether new geophysical and geotechnical data
is needed. This will also depend on the type of rig, the type of well and the water depth. In many cases good quality
exploration 3D seismic reflection data can provide useful geophysical information, but these data are not a substitute for
sub-bottom profiler data for the identification and mapping of shallow geology and geohazards in the top 100 m of the
seabed. The value of exploration 3D seismic reflection data will depend upon its quality and frequency content, the nature
of the seafloor and seabed conditions and the planned drilling programme. For deep water wells, exploration 3D seismic
reflection data can form a suitable replacement for HR seismic reflection data in the evaluation of well site geohazards
and thus may replace the need for new HR seismic reflection data collection in a geophysical site investigation. This
is a generally acceptable practice providing the minimum quality criteria for exploration 3D seismic reflection data are
met. These criteria are contained in IOGP Report No, 373-18-1 (Ref. 1). Exploration 3D seismic reflection data is not a
replacement for a geophysical site investigation when a bottom founded drilling rig, such as a jack-up rig, is to be used.
Where there are significant geohazards, the results may also be useful in the wider process of selecting and prioritising
well locations, by identifying areas of low drilling risk and / or significant foundation issues for the drilling or
production rig and especially for any required relief wells.
Figure 2: Timeline Relationship between a Typical Well Planning Process and a Typical Integrated Site Investigation Programme
Information on soil type and strength are important for conductor design and installation; strength, density and soil
type for the conductor setting depth evaluation; soil strength and type for axial capacity and soil strength and stiffness for
fatigue considerations. This information can often be derived from regional experience, but direct site specific sampling
and testing will be more accurate, and may be required if certain geohazards have been identified and / or to optimise the
tophole design. Geotechnical data acquisition is often required ahead of jack-up rig placement at a site, for example for
leg penetration prediction, and the incremental cost for extending the depth of investigation to cover conductor setting
depth may be more than covered by cost savings in the optimisation of the tophole well design and installation.
Geotechnical site investigation work will typically be undertaken by drilling geotechnical boreholes. Drilling operations
can take two forms; drilling from the sea surface, referred to as vessel drilling, or drilling from the seafloor, referred to as
seafloor drilling. Where drilling is performed from a floating vessel, it is essential that a heave compensation system is
used and selected to take into account the environmental conditions. Great care is required not to disturb the ground
immediately ahead of the drill bit so that undisturbed samples can be recovered. In certain cases where a shallow gas
hazard has been identified by the geophysical survey and / or previous drilling, or cannot be discounted from the available
data, mitigation procedures should be adopted, for example drilling a pilot hole to de-risk the geotechnical operations.
With each of the two drilling approaches, the general principles of in-situ testing and sampling of the soils or rock are similar
and are discussed below in more detail. The borehole itself is a means of penetrating the seabed to the required depth to enable
in-situ testing and sampling to take place. For conductor installation purposes the setting depth of the conductor should be
achieved as a minimum borehole depth. The quality of information obtained in a geotechnical investigation depends upon
the tools that are deployed and how undisturbed the soil is at the start of any in-situ testing or soil sampling.
A geotechnical site investigation generally consists of the following 3 phases:
• Fieldwork;
• Laboratory testing of samples – this can be carried out either offshore or onshore;
• Derivation of soil parameters.
The international standard ISO 19901-8 (Ref. 3), contains both information and a standard for the planning and
conduct of geotechnical operations.
3.5.2 Sampling
Soil samples, collected either from geotechnical boreholes or from seabed coring systems, are tested in either offshore
or onshore laboratories to measure the soil properties that enable the derivation of engineering parameters. Specialist
onshore laboratories provide a wider range of advanced testing from which it is possible to establish advanced soil
properties including stiffness, strength degradation and cyclic response.
Selection of the correct sampling tools for the particular soil conditions is fundamental to the quality of the samples
recovered and the overall success of the investigation. Efforts should be made to minimise sample disturbance. In the
methodology for sampling, special consideration should be given to unconventional soils, such as calcareous soil, silt
and sensitive clays. Further information is available in ISO 19901-8 (Ref. 4). Techniques exist for retaining the ambient
pressure of the formation in the recovered sample. These are used, for example, for sampling sediments containing gas
hydrates. Calcareous and fractured soils deserve special attention as they are difficult to interpret for tophole design or
casing strength interaction. Further guidance can be found in ISO 19901-4 (Ref. 4) and API RP 2GEO (Ref. 5).
4 Analysis
The data collected in geophysical and geotechnical site investigations carried out in preparation for offshore drilling
need to be analysed by specialists, and the results clearly communicated to those responsible for assessing drilling
risks. It is often the case that separate geophysical survey and geotechnical site investigation reports are produced.
In addition, environmental, archaeological or metocean studies may also have been carried out and their reports
can contain relevant information. For this reason, the sections below separately describe the analysis of geophysical
and geotechnical data. However maximum value will be obtained when the results of all relevant studies are
considered together in an integrated assessment and a ground model (Section 3.1) produced that describes the
seafloor and seabed conditions to the appropriate level of detail.
for design. However, the project geotechnical engineer may revise this requirement, based on consideration of the
following factors:
• Limitations in the availability of site-specific geotechnical data to a depth shallower than the setting depth of
the casing. The lateral response of the composite well typically controls the section properties of the conductor
casing and is governed by the soil conditions typically up to a depth of twenty (20) casing diameters. Hence,
availability of site-specific soil properties to approximately twenty casing diameters below the seafloor will allow
design of the casing section properties;
• Availability of geotechnical data in the vicinity of the well site, which could be extrapolated to the well site. Extrapolation
of data may only be performed with confidence where high resolution geophysical data are available, which indicate
that the soil conditions are laterally continuous between the location of the soil data and the well site;
• History of conductor casing installation in vicinity of well site;
• The cost of geotechnical data acquisition as compared to the expected (probabilistic) cost of casing failure.
For wells where there is a risk of hydraulic fracture of the formation, particular consideration should be given
to acquiring site specific geotechnical data to beyond the depth of the conductor casing, and to include in-situ
hydraulic fracture tests as part of a site investigation.
Soil Parameter Installation Axial Hydraulic Respsonse
Capacity Fracture to Load
Undrained shear strength (su) or
Drained internal friction angle (φ’) • • • •
Table 4.1: Soil Parameters Needed for Structural Design of the Conductor Casing
Factors of Safety
The allowable axial capacity and allowable hydraulic fracture pressure of the soil are computed from the ultimate failure
values by application of an appropriate safety factor. Choice of the safety factor is dependent on uncertainties in the input
parameters and consequences of failure. Further guidance is provided in ISO 19902 (Ref. 9) and API RP 2A (Ref. 10).
Setting Depth
The setting depth of the conductor casing is determined from the following criteria:
• The allowable axial capacity of the casing being sufficient to carry the required loads;
• The allowable hydraulic fracture pressure of the soil below the conductor tip, which needs to be sufficient to
prevent hydraulic fracture of the formation during drilling of the hole for the surface casing;
• The depth that the casing can be installed to, which is dependent on installation method.
The hydraulic fracture pressure can be defined as the excess pressure (above hydrostatic), which causes fracture of
the formation. The hydraulic fracture pressure may be measured directly in a geotechnical investigation, or may be
assumed to be equivalent to the minor principal stress, which can be estimated from the design soil parameters.
The axial capacity of a conductor casing increases with time after installation due to the dissipation of excess pore
pressures and thixotropic effects. This increase in axial capacity is referred to as set-up or soak.
The setting depth of a conductor casing can typically be selected without consideration of set-up effects. However,
when the setting depth required to achieve the axial capacity exceeds the practical limit for installation, then
consideration of set-up may be warranted.
If it is not possible to install the conductor casing to the depth required to prevent hydraulic fracture of the formation
during drilling of the hole for the surface casing, then alternative approaches, such as restrictions on the drilling
parameters and fluid during drilling of the surface casing can be considered.
As = the side surface area of the conductor
General guidance on the soil input parameters for cohesive and cohesionless soils is detailed in the API RP 2GEO
(Ref. 5) and ISO 19901-4 (Ref. 4).
Special attention should be given to calcareous soils since they can have a significant influence on capacity because
of friction degradation during installation or in-place load conditions.
For conductors installed in cohesive soils, the unit shaft friction, f(z), is determined by the following equation:
f(z) = α su
α= the dimensionless shaft friction factor.
su= the undrained shear strength of the soil at the point in question, in stress units
The α factor for jetting is dependent on the degree of disturbance to the formation caused by the jetting operation.
The degree of disturbance to the formation is dependent on the following factors:
• Jetting procedure – installation by controlled jetting reduces the degree of soil disturbance;
• Type of connector – the use of flush connectors (i.e. connectors with the same outside diameter as the conductor
casing) reduces the degree of soil disturbance.
Values of adhesion should be established from a review of casing installation histories in the vicinity of the well.
Some additional guidance for the jetted conductor capacity and installation is given in Jeanjean and Evans (Refs.
11 and 12).
Installation Method
In general there are three methods of installing a conductor:
• Driven (possibly with drill-out and re-drive in case of large soil resistance to driving);
• Drilled and Grouted;
• Jetted.
The preferred method is usually dependent on the following:
• Water depth (deep or shallow);
• Soil conditions, including any identified tophole risks;
• Installation vessel and available equipment on board.
Driven conductors are common when the installation vessel has the ability to handle the driving hammer and soil
conditions are suitable for conductor driving. In general driven conductors are not selected in deep water.
Drilled and grouted conductors are preferred in hard ground formations when either driving or jetting are unlikely
to be successful.
Jetted conductors are becoming more popular at deeper water locations in low strength clay soils. The initial axial
capacity of jetted conductors can be very low and may take a long time to develop. The body of experience in
installing conductors using the jetting technique is growing. One publication which offers guidance is “Jetting of
Structural Casing in Deepwater Environments: Job Design and Operational Practices” (Ref. 13).
Figure 3: Example of a PPFG prediction
PPFG prediction is based on the analysis and integration of data from three main sources:
Offset Wells: pressure measurements; drilling events (kicks and losses); petrophysical log data; formation pressure
integrity tests (leak-off tests), drilling data and drilling parameters such as mud weight.
Seismic Reflection Data: inference of (shale) pressures from interval velocities obtained from the processing of
seismic reflection data. Interpretation of seismic reflection data for understanding pressure build up and release
Basin Modelling: pressure, temperature and vertical stress estimates based on simulations of fluid flow in a basin
over geological time.
Both pore pressure and fracture pressure estimates are fundamental inputs for well design and construction, but are
often poorly understood in the tophole section. The main constraints on tophole PPFG predictions are generally:
• The limited availability of quality data from the riserless section in offset wells;
• Poor resolution of 3D seismic reflection data and sub-optimal seismic processing for retaining fine detail in the
shallow overburden;
• Poor understanding of appropriate ‘normal compaction trends’ (that is the expected increase of density with
depth) for soils and less-consolidated sediments;
• Lack of calibration for porosity/permeability in poorly compacted sediments;
• Poor definition of permeable facies in the shallow section in basin models, which often have fairly coarse cell
sizes and hence do not capture sufficient variability.
Shallow geotechnical, geophysical and geohazard data and interpretation may be used to improve understanding
of the tophole PPFG conditions.
Geotechnical Data and Analysis
Geotechnical data are often only acquired within the foundation zone to a depth of perhaps 30 m below seafloor,
although in some cases this may be extended to 150-200 m, and occasionally to greater depths where geotechnical
testing and sampling have been used to address particular tophole drilling issues.
Where available, geotechnical data and analysis may be used to infill tophole data gaps in petrophysical logs and
drilling data. Density data from shallow cores may be used to guide the extrapolation of density logs to seafloor and
determine the applicability of generalised density models. This is especially important in areas of overconsolidated
sediments or underconsolidated sediments.
Piezo-probe tests can provide measured pore pressure values, both in permeable formations and in shallow,
unconsolidated clays. Hydraulic fracture tests and Ko values derived from geotechnical testing and laboratory
results may be used, in conjunction with drilling experience, to better define the stress state and fracture pressures
in the tophole section.
Age dating of geotechnical cores may be used to aid the definition of recent sedimentation rates and provide a
better understanding of compaction trends. This can be used to enhance basin models and the generation of
reliable normal compaction trends in the shallow overburden.
Geohazard Analysis
Integration of the various datasets available to geohazard specialists, as described in Section 5.3, provides the
opportunity for detailed characterisation of the sub-surface in 3D, which can aid the understanding of the
distribution of permeable layers and seals in the tophole section. Detailed maps of features and layers, in particular
overpressured permeable zones and / or seals, can be integrated with basin models and seismic velocity volumes to
better understand the distribution of pressures in the shallow overburden and provide a regional understanding of
transfer and trapping of pressures.
Table 4.2 summarises typical site investigation and other data inputs for the various phases of a drilling operation together
with the integrated outputs that would be used to design risk mitigation strategies for the tophole section of a well.
Phase of
Site Investigation
Drilling Other Data Inputs Integrated Outputs Comments
Data Inputs
5 Integrated Hazards Assessment and Risk
Previous sections have discussed the variety of geohazards faced while drilling the tophole section of an offshore well
(Section 2) and the necessary geophysical and geotechnical data (Section 3) required to define the geological conditions
across a well-site, the results of which are used in geotechnical analysis for well engineering design purposes (Section 4.4).
Maximum value can only be gained from any site investigation programme through integration of all components of
the well planning process, by the operator or the operator’s consultants, as opposed to the treatment of each in isolation.
The following section discusses a generic approach to maximising value from site investigation data acquisition and
analysis, and suggests a risk evaluation process through a multi-disciplinary workgroup, with the aim of devising a
risk mitigation plan for management approval.
geological section will have evaluated the conditions in the entire overburden. The process will have identified key
stratigraphic and structural elements controlling the geological development of the overburden, and identified a number
of hazards to drilling, either through direct analysis of seismic reflection data, or from offset well drilling histories.
Early acquisition of appropriate site investigation data will assist with reducing technical uncertainty in the tophole section.
However, any geohazards identified from the site investigation campaign must be promptly discussed and understood by
both subsurface geoscience, and drilling engineering disciplines. All identified geohazards must be integrated with the
other elements of subsurface description, and most importantly, with the pore pressure prediction analysis.
The key component of subsurface analysis used by the drilling engineer, is the pore pressure fracture gradient plot.
As discussed in Section 4.5, refining the “Drilling Window” from detailed overburden analysis is fundamental
in reducing drilling induced non-productive time, and successful well planning hinges on reducing uncertainty
regarding the onset of over pressure.
Any uncertainties in the pore pressure prediction must be explained and included in well planning. The presence
of geohazards, such as shallow gas or loose uncemented sands locally affect the pore pressure and fracture gradient.
Therefore, all geohazards should be placed in their correct geological context and correlated against the pore pressure,
fracture gradient analysis and the results utilised in defining the proposed drilling fluid types and weights. Failure
to do so may result in wellbore instability and pressure kicks where the hydraulic pressure is less than pore pressure,
or hydraulic fracture and lost circulation where the hydraulic pressure exceeds the fracture gradient.
One suggested methodology for capturing subsurface uncertainties, and ensuring they are evaluated and integrated with
all other aspects of well planning, is through adoption of integrated multi-disciplinary workgroup sessions and reviews.
Figure 4: A typical Well Planning Team for Integrated Hazard Assessment, Risk Identification, Ranking and Mitigation
In general, the roles for each of these disciplines can be defined as:
Drilling Engineer
• Defines the well trajectory and casing design specifically to meet the conditions identified throughout the
overburden. This input is critical in the development of risk mitigation, reduction and elimination processes
either through well design, or drilling practice.
Well Planning Geoscientist
• Coordinates characterisation of the subsurface for the entire depth of interest of the well;
• Identifies key data inputs required to define the overburden which meet regulatory requirements, company
requirements, and best define the geological and geohazard conditions at site;
• Facilitate identification, evaluation and ranking of all potential subsurface hazards.
Operations Geologist
• Provides input to defining the overburden through analysis of offset well petrophysical, lithological and drilling
• Collates a record on non-productive time from offset wells and in collaboration with the well planning geoscientist,
identifies problematic facies, and correlates to the proposed well.
PPFG Specialist
• Develops a pore pressure prediction through analysis and integration of data from offset wells, seismic volumes
and geological basin modelling;
• Identifies potential well control and lost circulation zones;
• Makes recommendations on the selection of drilling fluid / weight, casing string design, setting depth, and
geohazard mitigation.
For the site investigation the relationship with the well planning geoscientist is key to successful communication
of geohazards to the multi-disciplinary team. Generally, it is the well planning geoscientist who evaluates the
requirement for a site investigation programme based on the expected conditions at site, regulatory conditions and
intra-company policy compliance. In some cases collaboration between the site investigation specialists and the well
planning geoscientist is achieved through specialists within the operator, but in most cases, it is through client /
consultant / contractor relationships. In either case, communication is key to success.
The primary objective of multidisciplinary reviews is to record the range of uncertainties and their potential impacts on
well design, and devise a mitigation plan to reduce or remove the associated risks. All hazards identified through the
various subsurface analyses (geohazards, PPFG prediction, depth uncertainty, presence of H2S etc.) need to be captured,
and all potential and actual risks and uncertainties documented and communicated to the well planning team.
There are a number of tools and methodologies to assist with this including hazard and risk registers, risk assessment
tables or matrices, risk maps etc., but essentially, the process by which geohazards are captured and risks evaluated
should be similar to the approach shown in Figure 5 and described in the paragraphs below. The purpose of such
tools and working sessions is to maximise the use of all available subsurface data, from surface to total depth, and
transform that data into driller useable information.
(ii) Review Geohazards and Uncertainties against the Well Design and Drilling Programme
During this phase of the workshop(s) input from the drilling engineer on the potential impacts and consequences
that each identified geohazard may have on the proposed well design and drilling methodology are reviewed.
result should be that no surprises occur and that all credible scenarios have been explored.
The risk assessment process should look for any analogues or benchmarks to aid assessing the consequences of an
event occurring, and look for mitigation strategies used.
6 Tophole Execution and Post Well Review
Much of the guidance provided thus far has focused on reducing uncertainty in the drilling of the tophole during
the well planning process. However, risk reduction continues beyond planning the well and there is much value to
add through being vigilant during the execution of the tophole section, and ensuring any observations and lesson-
learned are captured and used to refine the understanding as work progresses.
7 Glossary
Term Definition
Annulus The space between two concentric objects, such as between the
wellbore and casing or between casing and drillpipe, where fluid
can flow.
AVO Amplitude Versus Offset. Variation in seismic reflection
amplitude with changes in the horizontal offset between source
and receiver
Axial capacity The magnitude of the soil resistance that supports a pile or conductor
against movement in the direction of its long axis (i.e. vertical)
Basin modelling Term broadly applied to a group of geological disciplines that can
be used to analyse the formation and evolution of sedimentary
basins, in this context in order to make predictions of parameters
that determine pore pressure
BHA (Bottom hole assembly) The lowest part of the drill string, extending from the bit to the
drill pipe
Boomer Marine seismic energy source that operates by the rapid movement
of a restricted metal plate using an electrical pulse applied to a coil
BOP Blowout Preventer. A specialized valve or similar mechanical device,
used to seal, control and monitor oil and gas wells to prevent
blowout, the uncontrolled release of oil and/or gas from well
Borehole Hole drilled into the seabed for the purposes of carrying out in-
situ geotechnical testing, or to collect samples for geotechnical
laboratory testing and analysis
Calliper log Well log which measures hole diameter
Chirp profiler Energy source used in sub-bottom profiling that emits a frequency
modulated pulse over a specified range of frequencies
Coefficient of lateral earth pressure at rest (K0) Ratio of effective horizontal stress in soil to effective vertical stress
Cohesive soils Soils whose strength comes from undrained behaviour (e.g. clay)
Cohesionless soils Soils whose strength comes from drained behaviour (e.g. sand)
Completion log Graphical log containing all the primary measurements in a
wellbore. Also known as a Composite log
Conductor Large diameter pipe that is set into the ground to provide the
initial stable structural foundation for an oil/gas well
Consolidated The process, including compression and cementation, by which
a loose deposit is transformed into a hard rock
CPT Cone Penetration Test. In-situ soil strength testing device that
makes real time soil resistance measurements as it is pushed into
the seabed by mechanical means at a controlled rate; can be used
to determine soil strength and also soil type (e.g. sand or clay)
Deformation parameter Soil property used to define the stiffness of soil load – deflection
response in soil-structure interaction analyses, typically defined
as the strain, ε50, at which half the ultimate strength of the soil
is mobilised in a laboratory vertical compression test
Density log Well log which records formation density by measuring the
backscatter of gamma-rays
Drained internal friction angle Soil parameter used defined the strength of cohesionless soil in
conjunction with the stresses acting
Drilled and grouted conductor A conductor installed by drilling a hole into which it is lowered
and the annulus between the outer pile wall and the soil is filled
with grout (cement), bonding the pile to the soil
Driven conductor A conductor installed by use of a percussive or vibratory piling
hammer to force it into the ground
ECD (Equivalent circulating density) The equivalent mud weight corresponding to the circulation
pressure, which is always higher than that of the static mud column
Effective vertical stress The vertical pressure caused by the buoyant weight of the
overlying soil, i.e. the integral of the submerged unit weight with
depth from the seafloor
Exploration 3D seismic reflection data 3D seismic reflection data collected for the purpose of exploring
for oil and gas rather than studying geohazards and the shallow
Foundation zone The maximum depth below seafloor of interest for foundation
design and installation
Gas hydrates Solid ice-like compound in which a large amount of methane is trapped
within a crystal structure of water. Large amounts of gas hydrates are
found within seabed sediments where temperatures are low
Geohazards Geological state or feature which is or has the potential to be a
hazard that poses a risk to one or more aspects of the proposed
activity or development at a site
GIS Geographic Information System. A system that captures, stores,
analyses, manages, and presents data that are directly linked to
the coordinates of the data’s origin
Grout (cement) job The result of filling the annuli between conductor and the
surrounding soil, or between successive casing strings, with grout
(cement) to bond the two together
Gumbo A nonspecific type of shale that becomes sticky when wet and
adheres aggressively to surfaces. It forms mud rings and balls that
can plug the annulus and components of the drilling system
Highly structured clays Clay soils possessing significant secondary features resulting from
their geological history such as bedding layers, fissures and pre-
existing failure planes, that affect the strength of the clay that can
be mobilised; typically weakening
Hydraulic fracture Fracture within the formation adjacent to the wellbore caused by
high water or drilling fluid pressure acting against the soil wall of
the wellbore
Hydraulic fracture testing The process of establishing the maximum formation pressure that
a well can withstand by increasing the pressure in the well to the
point at which fractures form and fluids are lost into the formation
In situ testing Soil parameter testing carried out using tools that penetrate
into the undisturbed seabed in the field as opposed to in the
laboratory with recovered samples. For example a CPT
In situ vane A vane shear test can directly measure peak and remoulded
undrained shear strength of the soil. An in situ vane is typically
pushed 0.5m into the soil before being activated and can be
deployed at the seafloor or in a borehole
Interval velocities Seismic velocity measured over a depth interval.
Inversion The process of transforming seismic reflection data into acoustic
impedance, which may be informative of rock or sediment-
Jetted conductor A conductor installed by weakening / removing the soil by
the action of pumping sea water or drilling fluid through the
conductor and into the soil via nozzles in the conductor shoe
Logging while drilling (LWD) Technique of conveying well logging tools into the well as part of
the drilling bottom hole assembly and obtaining measurements
either in real time or after the tools have been withdrawn
Lost circulation The loss of drilling fluid, known commonly as “mud”, into one or
more geological formations instead of returning up the annulus
MTC (Mass transport complex) Chaotic marine stratigraphic deposits that can originate from a
range of geological processes including slides, slumps, turbidity
currents and debris flows
Mini-airgun A low power airgun (commonly used seismic source which injects
a bubble of highly compressed air into the water to generate a
pressure wave) designed for high resolution surveys
Multi-azimuth migration Migration of dipping seismic reflectors to their true spatial
positions in three dimensions, rather than limiting it to the two
dimensional plane of a section
Multibeam echo sounder Bathymetric measuring instrument employing multiple acoustic
transmitting and receiving elements arranged transversely across
a transducer to provide data across a swath of seafloor, enabling
the acquisition of bathymetric data over a corridor of width
typically more than twice the water depth. Enables complete
seafloor mapping at high spatial resolution
Multichannel high resolution seismic reflection Seismic survey data recorded simultaneously on multiple receiver
channels at varying distances from the seismic energy source,
to enable data processing to improve data quality and signal to
noise ratio. Designes to image the shallow section beyond the
depth range of single channel profilers.
Offset well Existing well from which information is available to tie back
to and assist with making predictions about conditions at a
proposed well location
Overburden All of the geological formation that lies above an oil or gas
reservoir as far as the seafloor
Overconsolidated Sediments that have had their compressional load removed, e.g.,
areas that have been subject to Ice loading or significant uplift
and erosion
Petrophysical logs Information on physical and chemical rock properties and their
interaction with fluids derived from well logs.
Piezo-probe tests Measurement of the dissipation of the soil pore water pressures
generated by the insertion of a small diameter probe into the
seafloor. An in-situ test used to determine the consolidation
properties of the formation and to determine if the pore water
pressures are in excess of hydrostatic
Pilot hole (Small diameter) hole drilled in advance of a borehole or well in
order to test the formation for geohazards such as high pressure
zones or shallow gas
Pinger High power transducer acoustic source (or the complete system
in which it is used) employed in single channel seismic profiling,
usually achieves seabed data down to a few metres
PPFG Pore Pressure Fracture Gradient. A plot of increasing pressure with
depth that also illustrates the difference between pore pressure
(the pressure needed to prevent pore fluids from entering the
well), and fracture pressure (the pressure at which drilling fluids
will be lost to the formation)
Pressure containment string Casing system installed in a well that has the capacity to control
the pressure in a well and contain unexpectedly high pressures
using a blowout preventer
Pseudo impedance Acoustic impedance derived from non-seismic means such as
petrophysical data
P-wave (Pressure wave) An elastic body wave in which the particle motion is in the
direction of propagation.
Reactive clays Clays that swell and become sticky when exposed to seawater or
drilling fluid
Relief well Well designed to provide intervention in the event of a well
control incident at depth
Remoulded undrained shear strength The undrained shear strength of the soil after being heavily
worked / deformed
Resolution The minimum distance between two features that may be
Response to load The deflection of a structure when subjected to loading, e.g the
vertical deformation of a conductor when the BOP is added
RhoB Log A logging while drilling density log
RoP (Rate of penetration) Rate of penetration of the drill bit when drilling
ROV Remote Operated Vehicle. Tethered underwater mobile device
that may carry cameras and other sensors and tools, operated
from the surface
Seabed Materials below the seafloor
Seafloor Interface between the sea and the seabed
Seismic processing The computer-based treatment of digital seismic data (typically
multi-channel) to enhance the signals that relate to the geological
interfaces being investigated, and to remove various artefacts and
noise, to obtain the optimum image for interpretation
Seismic velocity The velocity of the seismic wave through a particular medium,
water, soil or rock. Knowledge of the velocity is critical to
optimising seismic processing
Shallow gas The presence of shallow biogenic or hydrocarbon-originated gas
charged sediment. Any gas pocket encountered above the setting
depth of the first pressure containment string
Shallow water flow Flow of overpressured pore water into a well from a geological
interval causing difficulties in well control and effective cementing
of casing
Short offset processing Multi-channel seismic reflection data processed using only the
traces that have a short horizontal source to receiver distance
and discarding the rest. High frequencies are selectively retained
resulting in improved resolution in the shallow section
Sidescan sonar Instrument for the efficient mapping of seafloor morphology and
features by the transmission and reception of fan-shaped acoustic
beams from the sides of a towed or vessel mounted transducer,
and measurement and display of the backscattered acoustic
energy. Creates an oblique acoustic image of the seafloor
Site investigation Investigation of the physical properties of the geological conditions
in a drilling or development site to determine and inform the
safe installation of a temporary or permanent structure. A site
investigation may involve the collection of geophysical and /
or geotechnical data. Geophysical site investigations are often
referred to as site surveys
Soil province A three dimensional unit within which soil conditions are
generally uniform or are within some specific range.
Sonic log A well log of the travel time for acoustic waves over unit distance,
and hence the reciprocal of P-wave velocity
Spudding To start the well drilling process by removing rock, dirt and other
sedimentary material with the drill bit.
Spectral decomposition Breakdown of a seismic signal into its component frequencies
Stratigraphy A branch of geology that studies rock layers and layering
(stratification) primarily used in the study of sedimentary rocks
and also soils
Structure map Map of geological features or an interface usually constructed
from seismic information
Stuck pipe Drill pipe that cannot be freed from the hole without damaging
the pipe, and without exceeding the drilling rig’s maximum
allowed hook load. May be caused either by differential pressure
or by mechanical trapping
Sub-bottom profiler Seismic reflection instrument for investigating the upper few
tens of metres of the seabed with as high a vertical resolution as
Submerged unit weight The net weight per unit volume of the soil after correction for
buoyancy; the saturated weight per unit volume of the soil minus
the weight per unit volume of water
Surface casing Usually the first casing to be run in a well after the conductor is
installed. A blowout preventer is normally fitted to the surface
casing before further drilling takes place
S-wave (Shear wave) A body wave in which the particle motion is perpendicular to the
direction of propagation
Swelling clays The expansion of clays or clay fractions in the sub-surface caused
by the adsorption of water or water based fluids
Tuning effects Modulation of seismic amplitudes because of constructive and
destructive interference from overlapping seismic reflections.
This effect is commonly seen in thin beds and can produce false
high amplitudes
Underconsolidated The condition of sediments immediately after a new load is
applied but before the excess pore water pressure has had time to
dissipate. Areas with high sedimentation rates or gassy sediments
are often underconsolidated
Undrained shear strength The strength of a soil under shear loading when rate of loading
is such that pore water pressure is not allowed to dissipate. The
main parameter defining the strength of cohesive soils
Washout Enlargement of the wellbore beyond the original hole size.
May be caused by excessive jetting, or soft or unconsolidated
Wellbore instability An open hole interval that does not maintain its gauge size and
shape and/or its structural integrity
Wireline logs Various physical measurements of soil or rock properties made
by geophysical tools lowered into a borehole
8 References
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