Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology: B.Tech. Aerospace Engineering Curriculum & Syllabus
Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology: B.Tech. Aerospace Engineering Curriculum & Syllabus
Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology: B.Tech. Aerospace Engineering Curriculum & Syllabus
MA111 Calculus 3 1 - 4
PH111 Physics I 3 1 - 4
CH111 Chemistry 2 1 - 3
AE111 Introduction to Aerospace Engineering 3 - - 3
AV111 Basic Electrical Engineering 3 - - 3
HS111 Communication Skills 2 - 3 3
PH131 Physics Lab - - 3 1
AE131 Basic Engineering Lab - - 3 1
Total 16 3 9 22
MA121 Vector Calculus and Ordinary Differential Equations 2 1 - 3
MA122 Computer Programming and Applications 2 - 3 3
PH121 Physics II 3 1 - 4
CH121 Materials Science and Metallurgy 3 - - 3
AV121 Basic Electronics Engineering 3 - - 3
AE141 Engineering Graphics 1 - 3 2
CH141 Chemistry Lab - - 3 1
AV141 Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering Lab - - 3 1
Total 14 2 12 20
MA211 Linear Algebra, Complex Analysis, and Fourier Series 3 - - 3
AE211 Engineering Thermodynamics 3 - - 3
AE212 Mechanics of Solids 3 - - 3
AE213 Fluid Mechanics 3 - - 3
AE214 Manufacturing Technology 3 - - 3
AE215 Introduction to Machine Elements and Drawing 2 - 3 3
HS211 Introduction to Economics 2 - - 2
AE231 Strength of Materials Lab - - 3 1
Total 19 0 6 21
MA221 Integral Transforms, PDE, and Calculus of Variations 3 - - 3
AE221 Aerodynamics 3 - - 3
AE222 Heat Transfer 3 - - 3
AE223 Applied Dynamics and Vibration 3 - - 3
AE224 Machining and Precision Manufacturing 3 - - 3
HS221 Introduction to Social Science and Ethics 2 - - 2
AE241 Thermal and Fluid Lab - - 3 1
AE242 Metrology and Computer Aided Inspection 1 - 3 2
Total 18 0 6 20
MA311 Probability, Statistics, and Numerical Methods 3 - - 3
AE311 Compressible Flow 3 - - 3
AE312 Atmospheric Flight Mechanics 3 - - 3
AE313 Spaceflight Mechanics 3 - - 3
AE314 Theory of Elasticity 3 - - 3
AV315 Automatic Control 2 1 - 3
AE331 Aerodynamics Lab 1 - 3 2
AE332 Manufacturing Processes Lab - - 3 1
Total 18 1 6 21
AE321 Air-Breathing Propulsion 3 - - 3
AE322 Aerospace Structures 3 - - 3
AE323 Optimization Techniques in Engineering 3 - - 3
HS321 Principles of Management Systems 3 - - 3
E01 Elective I 3 - - 3
E02 Elective II 3 - - 3
AE341 Aerospace Structures Lab - - 3 1
AE342 Modeling and Analysis Lab 1 - 3 2
Total 19 0 6 21
AE411 Rocket Propulsion 3 - - 3
AE412 Aerospace Vehicle Design 2 - 3 3
CH411 Environmental Science and Engineering 2 - - 2
E03 Elective III 3 - - 3
E04 Elective IV 3 - - 3
E05 Institute Elective 3 - - 3
AE431 Flight Mechanics and Propulsion Lab - - 3 1
AV435 Instrumentation and Control Systems Lab 1 - 3 2
AE451 Summer Internship - - - 3
Total 17 0 9 23
AE453 Comprehensive Viva-Voce - - - 3
AE454 Project Work - - - 12
Total 0 0 0 15
AE460 Aeroacoustics
AE461 Applied Aerodynamics
AE462 Advanced Aerospace Structures
AE463 Advanced Fluid Mechanics
AE464 Advanced Heat Transfer
AE465 Advanced Propulsion Systems
AE466 Structural Dynamics and Aeroelasticity
AE467 Analysis and Design of Composite Structures
AE468 Computational Fluid Dynamics
AE469 Computer Integrated Manufacturing
AE470 Design of Aerospace Structures
AE471 Convection Heat Transfer
AE472 Experimental Aerodynamics
AE473 Finite Element Method
AE474 Fracture Mechanics
AE475 Engineering Vibration
AE476 Industrial Engineering
AE477 Fundamentals of Combustion
AE478 Supply Chain Management
AE479 Solar Thermal Energy
AE480 Boundary Layer Theory
AE481 Operations Research
AE482 High Temperature Gas Dynamics
AE483 Introduction to Robotics
AE484 Space Mission Design and Optimization
AE485 Molecular Dynamics and Materials Failure
AE486 Refrigeration and Cryogenics
AE487 Turbomachines
AE488 Advanced Manufacturing and Automation
AE489 Aerospace Materials and Processes
AE490 Heat Transfer in Space Applications
AE491 Structural Dynamics
AE492 Hypersonic Aerothermodynamics
AE493 Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer
AE494 Turbulence in Fluid Flows
AE495 Introduction to Flow Instability
AE496 Multidisciplinary Design Optimization
AE497 Energy Methods in Structural Mechanics
AE498 Computational Methods for Compressible Flow
AE499 Elastic Wave Propagation in Solids
Sequence and Series of Real Numbers: sequence – convergence – limit of sequence – non-
decreasing sequence theorem – sandwich theorem (applications) – L’Hopital’s rule – infinite
series – convergence – geometric series – tests of convergence (nth term test, integral test,
comparison test, ratio and root test) – alternating series and conditional convergence – power
Differential Calculus: functions of one variable – limits, continuity and derivatives – Taylors theo-
rem – applications of derivatives – curvature and asymptotes – functions of two variables – limits
and continuity – partial derivatives – differentiability, linearization and differentials – extremum
of functions – Lagrange multipliers.
Integral Calculus: lower and upper integral – Riemann integral and its properties – the funda-
mental theorem of integral calculus – mean value theorems – differentiation under integral sign
– numerical Integration – double and triple integrals – change of variable in double integrals –
polar and spherical transforms – Jacobian of transformations.
1. Stewart, J., Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 7th ed., Cengage Learning (2010).
2. Jain, R. K. and Iyengar, S. R. K., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 4th ed., Alpha
Science Intl. Ltd. (2013).
1. Greenberg, M. D., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Pearson Education (2007).
2. James, G., Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics, 3rd ed., Pearson Education (2005).
3. Kreyszig, E., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10th ed., John Wiley (2011).
4. Thomas, G. B. and Finney, R. L., Calculus and Analytic Geometry, 9th ed., Pearson Edu-
cation (2003).
Work and Energy: integration of the equation of motion – work energy theorem, applications
– gradient operator – potential energy and force, interpretation – energy diagrams – law of
conservation of energy – power – particle collisions.
Rotations: angular momentum – torque on a single particle – moment of inertia – angular mo-
mentum of a system of particles – angular momentum of a rotating rigid body.
Central Force Motion: central force motion of two bodies – relative coordinates – reduction
to one-dimensional problem – spherical symmetry and conservation of angular momentum,
consequences – planetary motion and Kepler’s laws.
Harmonic Oscillator: 1-D harmonic oscillator – damped and forced harmonic oscillators.
Modern Physics: relativity – introduction to quantum physics – atom model – hydrogen atom.
• Kleppner, D. and Kolenkow, R. J., An Introduction to Mechanics, 2nd ed., Cambridge Univ.
Press (2013).
1. Serway, R. A. and Jewett, J. W., Principles of Physics: A Calculus Based Text, 5th ed.,
Thomson Brooks/Cole (2012).
2. Halliday, D., Resnick, R., and Walker, J., Fundamentals of Physics, 9th ed., Wiley (2010).
3. Young, H. D., Freedman, R. A., Sundin, T. R., and Ford, A. L., Sears and Zemansky’s
University Physics, 13th ed., Pearson Education (2011).
Chemical Kinetics: basic concepts of chemical kinetics – complex reactions – effect of temper-
ature on reaction rates – catalysis.
Corrosion Science: definition – causes and consequences – significance and methods of corro-
sion control – mechanisms and theories of corrosion.
1. Laidler, K. J., Chemical Kinetics, 3rd ed., Pearson Education (2005).
2. Kemp, W., Organic Spectroscopy, Palgrave Foundations (1991).
3. Revie, R. W. and Uhlig, H. H., Corrosion and Corrosion Control: An Introduction to Corro-
sion Science and Engineering, 4th ed., Wiley (2008).
4. Bockris, J. O’M. and Reddy, A. K. N., Modern Electrochemistry 1: Ionics, 2nd ed., Springer
History of aviation – standard atmosphere – aerodynamic forces – lift generation – airfoils and
wings – drag polar – concept of static stability – anatomy of an aircraft – mechanism of thrust
production – propellers – jet engines and their operation – helicopters – aircraft performance –
simple manoeuvres – aerospace materials and structural elements – aircraft instruments.
Elements of rocket propulsion – launch vehicle dynamics – basic orbital mechanics – satellite
applications and orbits – future challenges in aerospace engineering.
1. Anderson, D. F. and Eberhardt, S., Understanding Flight, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill (2009).
2. Anderson, J. D., Introduction to Flight, 7th ed., McGraw-Hill (2011).
3. Szebehely, V. G. and Mark, H., Adventures in Celestial Mechanics, 2nd ed., Wiley (1998).
4. Turner, M. J. L., Rocket and Spacecraft Propulsion: Principles, Practice and New Devel-
opments, 3rd ed., Springer (2009).
Circuit analysis- Kirchoff’s law, mesh and nodal methods – transient analysis for RLC circuit
– alternating current theory – resonance, Q factor and power measurement by two wattmeter
circuits – network theorems – magnetic circuit, principles of magnetic circuits – DC and AC
excitation – hysteresis loop, BH curve – losses, energy, and force production.
1. Mittle, V. N. and Mittal, A., Basic Electrical Engineering, 2nd ed., Tata McGraw-Hill (2006).
2. Cotton, H., Principles of Electrical Engineering, Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons (1967).
3. Hayt, W. H. and Kemmerley, J. E., Engineering Circuit Analysis, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill
4. Murthy, K. V. V. and Kamath, M. S., Basic Circuit Analysis, Jaico Publishing (1998).
5. Kothari, D. P. and Nagrath, I. J., Theory and Problems of Basic Electrical Engineering, PHI
Learning (2013).
6. Pal, M. A., Introduction to Electrical Circuits and Machines, Affiliated East-West Press
Functional English: conversation skills – asking questions, requests, doubts, engage in conver-
sation – different types of communication-verbal and non-verbal, body language.
Teaching Grammar: grammar games, exercise.
Teaching Vocabulary: language games, exercise.
Reading and appreciating stories, poems, essays – listening and appreciating video lectures –
comprehensive questions and answers.
Lab: presentation skills – appreciation of videos, songs – role plays – debates – extemporizes –
group presentations – introduction to technical writing – technical writing, how to write minutes,
report, and project proposal.
1. Garner, A., Conversationally Speaking: Tested New Ways to Increase Your Personal and
Social Effectiveness, McGraw-Hill (1997).
2. Bechtle, M., Confident Conversation: How to Communicate Successfully in Any Situation,
Revell (2008).
3. Brown, S. and Smith, D., Active Listening with Speaking, Cambridge Univ. Press (2007).
Damped driven oscillator – Waves and oscillation – Modulus of elasticity – Surface tension –
Moment of inertia and angular acceleration – Faraday’s law of induction – Biot-Savart’s law –
Ratio of electronic charge to mass – Brewster’s angle and Malu’s law – Earth’s magnetic field –
Charge of an electron.
Introduction to general purpose hand tools and measuring instruments used in engineering
workshop – Introduction to machine elements like gears, cams, bearings etc. – Assembly and
disassembly practices: gear box, pump etc. – Machining practices on conventional machine
tools: lathe, milling and drilling practices – Welding practice – Simple fitting and assembly exer-
cises – Electrical wiring and soldering.
Vector Calculus: scalar and vector fields – level surfaces – directional derivatives, gradient, curl,
divergence – Laplacian – line and surface integrals – theorems of Green, Gauss, and Stokes.
Special Functions: Legendre polynomials, Bessel’s function, gamma function and their proper-
ties – Sturm-Liouville problems.
1. Ross, S. L., Differential Equations, 3rd ed., John Wiley (2004).
2. Kreyszig, E., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10th ed., John Wiley (2011).
3. Stewart, J., Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 7th ed., Cengage Learning (2010).
1. Greenberg, M. D., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Pearson Education (2007).
2. Jain, R. K. and Iyengar, S. R. K., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 4th ed., Alpha
Science Intl. Ltd. (2013).
1. Lippman, S. B., Lajoie, J., and Moo, B. E., C++ Primer, 5th ed., Addison-Wesley (2012).
2. Lafore, R., Object-Oriented Programming in C++, 4th ed., Sams Publishing (2001).
1. Cohoon, J. P. and Davidson, J. W., Programming in C++, 3rd ed., Tata McGraw-Hill, (2006).
2. Bronson, G., A First Book of C++, 4th ed., Cengage (2012).
3. Stroustrup, B., The C++ Programming Language, 3rd ed., Pearson (2005).
Electricity: curvilinear coordinates – conservative vector fields and their potential functions –
Gauss’ theorem, Stokes’ theorem – physical applications in electrostatics – electrostatic po-
tential and field due to discrete and continuous charge distributions – dipole and quadrupole
moments – energy density in an electric field – dielectric polarization – conductors and capaci-
tors – electric displacement vector – dielectric susceptibility.
Magnetism: Biot-Savart’s law and Ampere’s law in magnetostatics – magnetic induction due
to configurations of current-carrying conductors – magnetization and surface currents – energy
density in a magnetic field – magnetic permeability and susceptibility – force on a charged
particle in electric and magnetic fields – electromotive force, Faraday’s law of electromagnetic
induction – self and mutual inductance, displacement current – Maxwell’s equation.
Optics: nature of light – ray approximation in geometrical optics – reflection – refraction, Fer-
mat’s principle – dispersion – mirrors and lenses – aberrations – interference – diffraction –
polarization – lasers.
1. Griffith, D. J., Introduction to Electrodynamics, 4th ed., Prentice Hall (2012).
2. Hecht, E., Optics, 4th ed., Pearson Education (2008).
1. Feynman, R. P., Leighton, R. B., and Sands, M., The Feynman Lectures on Physics,
Narosa (2005).
2. Reitz, J. R., Milford, F. J., and Christy, R. W., Foundations of Electromagnetic Theory, 3rd
ed., Narosa (1998).
3. Wangsness, R. K., Electromagnetic Fields, 2nd ed., Wiley (1986).
4. Sadiku, M. N. O., Elements of Electromagnetics, 6th ed., Oxford Univ. Press (2014).
Selection of materials – structure of solids, crystal structure – defects in crystals, free energy
concept – alloying – principles of solidification – phase diagrams – concept of heat treatment –
properties of materials, mechanical, electrical, thermal and optical properties – testing of mate-
rials – semiconductor materials – ceramics, synthesis and processing – polymers, classification,
mechanism of formation, structure property relations, characterization – composites, classifica-
tion, factors influencing properties, processing.
1. Callister Jr., W. D., Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, 7th ed., John Wiley
2. Raghavan V., Physical Metallurgy: Principles and Practice, 3rd ed., PHI Learning (2015).
1. Billmeyer, F. W., Textbook of Polymer Science, 3rd ed., Wiley (1994).
2. Askeland, D. R. and Phule, P. P., The Science and Engineering of Materials, 4th ed.,
Thompson-Engineering (2006).
1. Boylestad, R. L. and Nashelsky, L., Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 10th ed., Pear-
son Education (2009).
2. Mano, M. M. and Ciletti, M. D., Digital Design, 4th ed., Pearson Education (2002).
1. Mottershed, A., Electronic Devices and Circuits: An Introduction, 12th Indian ed., EEE
Publication (1989).
2. Bapat, Y. N., Electronic Devices and Circuits, 9th ed., Tata McGraw-Hill (1989).
3. Malvino, A. P., Electronic Principles, 12th ed., 3rd TMH ed., Tata McGraw-Hill (1989).
4. Jain, R. P., Modern Digital Electronics, McGraw-Hill (2004).
5. Floyd, T. L., Electronic Devices, 8th ed., Pearson Education (2007).
Introduction and importance of Engineering Graphics – sheet layout and free-hand sketching
– lines, lettering and dimensioning – geometrical constructions – engineering curves – ortho-
graphic projection – first angle and third angle projections – projection of points, straight lines
and planes – projection of simple solids – sections of solids – development of surfaces – iso-
metric projection – introduction to AutoCAD – creation of simple 2D drawings.
• Bhatt, N. D., Engineering Drawing: Plane and Solid Geometry, 50th ed., Charotar Publish-
ing House (2010).
1. Jolhe, D. A., Engineering Drawing with an Introduction to AutoCAD, Tata McGraw-Hill
2. Venugopal, K. and Prabhu Raja, V., Engineering Drawing + AutoCAD, 5th ed., New Age
International (2011).
3. Varghese, P. I., Engineering Graphics with AutoCAD, 26th ed., VIP Publishers (2012).
4. Luzadder, W. J. and Duff, J. M., Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing, 11th ed., Pearson
Education (2015).
5. Bethune, J. D., Engineering Graphics with AutoCAD 2014, Pearson Education (2014).
Linear Algebra: matrices- solution space of system of equations Ax = b, eigenvalues and eigen-
vectors, Cayley-Hamilton theorem – vector spaces over real field, subspaces, linear depen-
dence, independence, basis, dimension – inner product – Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization pro-
cess – linear transformation- null space & nullity, range and rank of linear transformation.
Complex Analysis: complex numbers and their geometrical representation – functions of com-
plex variable – limit, continuity and derivative of functions of complex variable – analytical func-
tions and applications – harmonic functions – transformations and conformal mappings – bilinear
transformation – contour integration and Cauchys theorem – convergent series of analytic func-
tions – Laurent and Taylor series – zeroes and singularities – calculation of residues – residue
theorem and applications.
Fourier Series and Integrals: expansion of periodic functions with period 2π – Fourier series of
even and odd functions – half-range series – Fourier series of functions with arbitrary period –
conditions of convergence of Fourier series – Fourier integrals.
1. Kreyszig, E., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10th ed., John Wiley (2011).
2. Mathews, J. H. and Howell, R., Complex Analysis for Mathematics and Engineering,
Narosa (2005).
1. Brown, J. W. and Churchill, R. V., Complex Variables and Applications, 9th ed., McGraw-
Hill (2013).
2. Greenberg, M. D., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Pearson Education (2007).
3. Jain, R. K. and Iyengar, S. R. K., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 4th ed., Alpha
Science Intl. Ltd. (2013).
Fundamentals – energy and the first law of thermodynamics – energy balance for systems
and cycles – properties of pure, simple compressible substance – tables of thermodynamic
properties – generalized compressibility chart and ideal gas model – conservation of mass and
energy for a control volume – second law of thermodynamics and definition of entropy change
– isentropic efficiency – exergy, available and unavailable energy – concept of irreversibility and
lost work – thermodynamic cycles – introduction to statistical thermodynamics.
• Çengel, Y. A. and Boles, M. A., Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach, 8th ed.,
McGraw-Hill (2014).
1. Moran, M. J., Shapiro, H. N., Boettner, D. D., and Bailey, M. B., Principles of Engineering
Thermodynamics (SI Version), 8th ed., Wiley (2015).
2. Spalding, D. B. and Cole, E. H., Engineering Thermodynamics, 3rd ed., Edward Arnold
3. Nag, P. K., Engineering Thermodynamics, 3rd ed., Tata McGraw-Hill (2005).
4. Jones, J. B. and Dugan, R. E., Engineering Thermodynamics, Prentice Hall (1996).
5. Borgnakke, C. and Sonntag, R. E., Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, 8th ed., Wiley
6. Balmer, R. T., Modern Engineering Thermodynamics, Academic Press (2011).
Statics of rigid bodies – concepts of stress, strain – torsion – axial force, shear, and bending
moment – pure bending – shear stress in beams – transformation of stresses and strains –
failure criteria – deflection of beams – columns, Euler loads, beam-columns, eccentrically loaded
columns – energy methods, virtual displacement method, virtual force method.
• Popov, E. P., Engineering Mechanics of Solids, 2nd ed., Pearson Education (2015).
1. Hibbeler, R. C., Mechanics of Materials, 9th ed., Prentice Hall (2013).
2. Beer, F. P., Johnston, E. R., and DeWolf, J. T., Mechanics of Materials, 7th ed., McGraw-Hill
3. Srinath, L. S., Advanced Mechanics of Solids, 2nd ed., Tata McGraw-Hill (2003).
Fluid properties – fluid statics – integral control volume formulation – applications of Bernoulli
equation – fluid kinematics – differential formulation, continuity and momentum equations –
exact solutions of Navier-Stokes equation – dimensional analysis – pipe flow – potential flow –
boundary layer theory.
• White, F. M., Fluid Mechanics, 8th ed., McGraw-Hill (2015).
1. Fox, R. W., McDonald, A. T., and Pritchard, P. J., Introduction to Fluid Mechanics (SI
Version), 8th ed., John Wiley (2013).
2. Çengel, Y. A. and Cimbala, J. M., Fluid Mechanics: Fundamental and Applications, 3rd
ed., McGraw-Hill (2014).
3. Munson, B. R., Okiishi, T. H., Huebsch, W. W., and Rothmayer, A. P., Fundamentals of
Fluid Mechanics, 7th ed., John Wiley (2013).
Theory of plastic deformation – yield criteria – steels and heat treatment processes.
Metal casting- theory, processes and systems – metal forming- theory, processes and systems
– applications of casting and forming operations – manufacturing of fasteners.
Joining techniques in engineering/aerospace applications – fusion and solid state welding, pro-
cesses and equipments – defects in casting, forming, and welding – inspection and NDT.
1. Beddoes, J. and Bibby, M. J., Principles of Metal Manufacturing Processes, Butterworth-
Heinemann (1999).
2. Kalpakjian, S. and Schmidt, S. R., Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials, 5th
ed., Pearson Education (2007).
1. Ghosh, A. and Mallik, A. K., Manufacturing Science, Affiliated East West Press (2010).
2. Abbaschian, R., Abbaschian, L., and Reed-Hill, R. E., Physical Metallurgy Principles, 4th
ed., Cengage Learning (2008).
3. Krishnadas Nair, C. G. and Srinivasan, R., Materials and Fabrication Technology for Satel-
lite and Launch Vehicle, Navbharath Enterprises (2008).
4. Groover, M. P., Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials, Processes, and Sys-
tems, 5th ed., Wiley-India (2012).
Sectioning and dimensioning – introduction to limit, fits and tolerances – understanding the
selection and functions of machine elements in engineering sub assemblies/assemblies – com-
puter aided drafting of machine elements – understanding and preparation of shop floor draw-
ings – solid modelling – introduction to solid modellers – solid modelling of various machine
parts – simple design exercise/project.
1. Narayana, K. L., Kannaiah, P., and Venkata Reddy K., Machine Drawing, 4th ed., New Age
International (2010).
2. Ajeet Singh, Machine Drawing: Includes AutoCAD, 2nd ed., Tata McGraw-Hill (2012).
3. John, K. C., Textbook of Machine Drawing, PHI Learning (2009).
4. Junnarkar, N. D., Machine Drawing, Pearson Education (2007).
5. Bhatt, N. D. and Panchal, V. M., Machine Drawing, 49th ed., Charotar Publishing (2014).
6. Sidheswar, N., Kanniah, P., and Sastry, V. V. S., Machine Drawing, Tata McGraw-Hill
Exploring the Subject Matter of Economics: why we study economics – types - definitions –
resource allocation – economic systems – economics as a science.
Principles and Concepts of Micro Economics: demand and supply – production – costs – mar-
kets – equilibrium – price allocation.
Economic Problems and Policies: meaning of development – developing vs. developed coun-
tries – problems of growth – controversies – population and development – role of agriculture
and industry – demographic transition – balance of payments – planning and growth.
1. Samuelson, P. A. and Nordhaus, W. D., Economics, 18th ed., McGraw-Hill (2005).
2. Dewett, K. K., Modern Economic Theory, 22nd ed., S. Chand (2005).
3. Thirlwall, A. P., Growth and Development with Special Reference to Developing Economies,
7th ed., Palgrave Macmillan (2003).
1. Gardner, A., Macroeconomic Theory, Surjeet Publications (1998).
2. Koutsoyiannis, A., Modern Microeconomics, 2nd ed., Palgrave Macmillan (2003).
3. Black, J., A Dictionary of Economics, Oxford Univ. Press (2003).
4. Meir, J. M. and Rauch, J. E., Leading Issues in Economic Development, 7th ed., Oxford
Univ. Press (2005).
5. Todaro, M. P. and Smith, S. C., Economic Development, 8th ed., Pearson Education Ltd.
6. Economic Survey, Government of India, Ministry of Finance.
7. O’Connor, D. E., The Basics of Economics, Greenwood Press (2004).
Uniaxial tension test with loading/unloading of mild steel and aluminium alloy rods – Impact
tests: Izod and Charpy tests – Torsion test – Double shear test – Compression test – Spring test
– Deflection of beams – Simple bending tests.
Integral Transforms: The Fourier transform pair – algebraic properties of Fourier transform –
convolution, modulation, and translation – transforms of derivatives and derivatives of transform
– inversion theory. Laplace transforms of elementary functions – inverse Laplace transforms –
linearity property – first and second shifting theorem – Laplace transforms of derivatives and in-
tegrals – Laplace transform of Dirac delta function – applications of Laplace transform in solving
ordinary differential equations.
Partial Differential Equations: introduction to PDEs – modeling problems related and general
second order PDE – classification of PDE: hyperbolic, elliptic and parabolic PDEs – canonical
form – scalar first order PDEs – method of characteristics – Charpits method – quasi-linear first
order equations – shocks and rarefactions – solution of heat, wave, and Laplace equations using
separable variable techniques and Fourier series.
Calculus of Variations: optimization of functional – Euler-Lagrange equations – first variation –
isoperimetric problems – Rayleigh-Ritz method.
• Kreyszig, E., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10th ed., John Wiley (2011).
1. Wylie, C. R. and Barrett, L. C., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, McGraw-Hill (2002).
2. Greenberg, M. D., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Pearson Education (2007).
3. James, G., Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics, 3rd ed., Pearson Education (2005).
4. Sneddon, I. N., Elements of Partial Differential Equations, McGraw-Hill (1986).
5. Renardy, M. and Rogers, R. C., An Introduction to Partial Differential Equations, 2nd ed.,
Springer-Verlag (2004).
6. McOwen, R. C., Partial Differential Equations: Methods and Applications, 2nd ed., Pearson
Education (2003).
7. Borelli, R. L., Differential Equations: A Modelling Perspective, 2nd ed., Wiley (2004).
Aerodynamic forces and moments – review of governing equations – potential flows – Kutta
condition – vortex theorems – thin airfoil theory – finite wing theory – panel methods – flow over
delta wings – boundary layer theory – effect of pressure gradient – flow separation and stall –
high-lift devices – structure of turbulent boundary layer – Reynolds averaging.
• Anderson, J. D., Fundamentals of Aerodynamics, 5th ed., McGraw-Hill (2010).
1. Bertin, J. J. and Cummings, R. M., Aerodynamics for Engineers, 6th ed., Prentice Hall
2. Houghton, E. L., Carpenter, P. W., Collicott, S. H., and Valentine, D. T., Aerodynamics for
Engineering Students, 6th ed., Butterworth-Heinemann (2012).
3. Kuethe, A. M. and Chow, C.-Y., Foundations of Aerodynamics, 5th ed., John Wiley (1997).
4. Clancy, L. J., Aerodynamics, Reprint ed., Himalayan Books (2006).
5. Drela, M., Flight Vehicle Aerodynamics, MIT Press (2014).
Introduction to heat transfer – steady state heat conduction – transient heat conduction – intro-
duction to convective heat transfer – external forced convection – internal forced convection –
natural/free convection – introduction to boiling and condensation – heat exchangers – black-
body radiation and radiative properties – radiative exchange between surfaces.
• Bergman, T. L., Lavine, A. S., Incropera, F. P., and DeWitt, D. P., Fundamentals of Heat
and Mass Transfer, 7th ed., John Wiley (2011).
Data Book:
• Kothandaraman, C. P. and Subramanyan, S., Heat and Mass Transfer Data Book, 8th ed.,
New Age International Pub. (2014).
1. Holman, J. P., Heat Transfer, 10th ed., Tata McGraw-Hill (2010).
2. Çengel, Y. A. and Ghajar, A. J., Heat and Mass Transfer: Fundamentals and Applications,
5th ed., Tata McGraw-Hill (2014).
Review of kinematics and dynamics of particles – kinematics and dynamics of rigid bodies –
constraint dynamics applied to mechanisms – conservation laws for rigid bodies.
Vibration of single dof systems – response of single dof system to transient loadings – multi dof
systems and mode superposition.
1. Uicker, J. J., Pennock, G. R., and Shigley, J. E., Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, 4th
ed., Oxford Univ. Press (2010).
2. Thomson, W. T. and Dahleh, M. D., Theory of Vibrations with Applications, 5th ed., Pearson
Education (2008).
1. Norton, R. L., Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery, 1st SI Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill
2. Ghosh, A. and Mallik, A. K., Theory of Mechanisms and Machines, 3rd ed., Affiliated East-
West Press (2011).
3. Dresig, H. and Holzweisig, F., Dynamics of Machinery: Theory and Applications, Springer
4. Tenenbaum, R. A., Fundamentals of Applied Dynamics, Springer (2004).
Abrasive based precision machining processes and applications – CNC machines and multi-
axis machining – introduction to nontraditional (unconventional) manufacturing – basic concepts
of additive manufacturing.
1. Kalpakjian, S. and Schmidt, S. R., Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials, 5th
ed., Pearson Education (2007).
2. Ghosh, A. and Mallik, A. K., Manufacturing Science, 2nd ed., Affiliated East-West Press
1. Groover, M. P., Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials, Processes, and Sys-
tems, 5th ed., Wiley-India (2012).
2. Juneja, B. L., Sekhon, G. S., and Seth, N., Fundamentals of Metal Cutting and Machine
Tools, New Age International (2008).
3. Krishnadas Nair, C. G. and Srinivasan, R., Materials and Fabrication Technology for Satel-
lite and Launch Vehicle, Navbharath Enterprises (2008).
4. Campbell, F. C., Manufacturing Technology for Aerospace Structural Materials, Elsevier
5. Venkatesh, V. C. and Izman, S., Precision Engineering, Tata McGraw-Hill (2007).
Introduction to Social Sciences: Natural science and social science – social science perspective:
characteristics – the general theory of social science: Comte, Durkheim, Marx – subdivisions of
social sciences: sociology, anthropology, ethnography, political science, economics, psychology
and philosophy – social science and space.
Macrocosms: Social Structure, Society: society – different types of societies – culture, social-
ization, agencies of socialization – race, ethnicity – caste and tribe – transparency, civil society
and good governance – femininities, masculinities and gender relations, sexuality and gender.
1. Perry, J. A. and Perry, E. K., Contemporary Society: An Introduction to Social Science,
13th ed., Routledge (2011).
2. Strada, M. J., Through the Global Lens: An Introduction to Social Sciences, 3rd ed., Pren-
tice Hall (2008).
3. Ahuja, R., Social Problems in India, 3rd ed., Rawat Publications (2014).
4. Singer, P. (Ed.), A Companion to Ethics, Wiley-Blackwell (1993).
5. Martin, M. W. and Schinzinger, R., Ethics in Engineering, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill (2004).
Further Reading:
1. Introduction to Sociology, Wikibooks.
2. Flyvbjerg, B., Making Social Science Matter: Why Social Inquiry Fails and How it Can
Succeed Again, Cambridge Univ. Press (2001).
3. Singleton Jr., R. A. and Straits, B. C., Approaches to Social Research, Oxford Univ. Press
4. Hutchinson, P., Read, R., and Sharrock, W., There is No Such Thing as a Social Science:
In Defence of Peter Winch, Routledge (2008).
Measurements using Pitot-static tube for gas (air) flow – Orifice-meter and venturi-meter for
liquid (water) flow through pipe – Laminar and turbulent flow through pipes, pressure drop –
Thermal conductivity measurements of solids – Heat transfer by radiation – Forced and natural
convection – Heat exchangers: LMTD, pressure drop – heat transfer coefficient – Pump and
turbine efficiencies – CoP of vapor compression refrigeration cycles – Efficiency and BHP of SI
and CI engines – Performance test of compressors and blowers.
1. Shotbolt, C. S. and Galyer, J., Metrology for Engineers, 5th ed., Cassell Pub. (1990).
2. Smith, G. T., Industrial Metrology: Surfaces and Roundness, Springer-Verlag (2002).
3. Bewoor, A. K. and Kulkarni, V. A., Metrology & Measurement, Tata McGraw-Hill (2009).
4. Busch, T., Fundamentals of Dimensional Metrology, 2nd ed., Delmar Pub. (1988).
1. Walpole, R. E., Myers, R. H., Myers, S. L., and Ye, K., Probability & Statistics for Engineers
& Scientists, 9th ed., Pearson Education (2012).
2. Jain, M. K., Iyengar, S. R. K., and Jain, R. K., Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engi-
neering Computation, 4th ed., New Age International (2005).
1. Johnson, R. A., Miller & Freund’s Probability and Statistics for Engineers, 6th ed., Prentice
Hall (2000).
2. Milton, J. S. and Arnold, J. C., Introduction to Probability and Statistics: Principles and
Applications for Engineering and the Computing Sciences, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill (2002).
3. Ross, S. M., Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, 3rd ed.,
Academic Press (2004).
4. Hogg, R. V. and Tanis, E. A., Probability and Statistical Inference, 7th ed., Prentice Hall
5. Larsen, R. J. and Marx, M. L., An Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Its Applica-
tions, 4th ed., Prentice Hall (2005).
6. Conte, S. D. and de Boor, C., Elementary Numerical Analysis, 3rd ed., TMH (2005).
7. Krishnamurthy, K. V., Numerical Algorithms, Affiliated East-West Press (1986).
AE311 COMPRESSIBLE FLOW (3 – 0 – 0) 3 credits
Governing equations – quasi-one-dimensional flows – acoustic waves and waves of finite ampli-
tude – normal shocks – R-H equations – shock tube problem – oblique shocks – Prandtl-Meyer
expansion – wave drag – reflection and interaction of waves – conical flows – flows with friction
and heat transfer – linearized potential flow and its applications – transonic flows.
• Anderson, J. D., Modern Compressible Flow with Historical Perspective, 3rd ed., McGraw-
Hill (2004).
1. Liepmann, H. W. and Roshko, A., Elements of Gasdynamics, Dover (2001).
2. John, J. E. A. and Keith, T., Gas Dynamics, 3rd ed., Prentice Hall (2006).
3. Zucker, R. D. and Biblarz, O., Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics, 2nd ed., Wiley (2002).
4. Saad, M. A., Compressible Fluid Flow, 2nd ed., Prentice Hall (1992).
5. Shapiro, A. H., The Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Compressible Fluid Flow, Vol. 1 &
2 Wiley (1953).
AE313 SPACEFLIGHT MECHANICS (3 – 0 – 0) 3 credits
Two Body Motion: equations of motion – Kepler laws – solution to two-body problem – conics
and relations – vis-viva equation – Kepler equation – orbital elements – orbit determination –
Lambert problem – satellite tracking – different methods of solution to Lambert problem.
1. Wiesel, W. E., Spaceflight Dynamics, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill (1996).
2. Brown, C. D., Spacecraft Mission Design, 2nd ed., AIAA Edu. Series (1998).
3. Escobal, P. R., Methods of Orbit Determination, 2nd ed., Krieger Pub. Co. (1976).
4. Tewari, A., Atmospheric and Space Flight Dynamics: Modeling and Simulation with MAT-
LAB and Simulink, Birkhuser (2007).
1. Megson, T. H. G., Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students, 4th ed., Butterworth-
Heinemann (2007).
2. Timoshenko, S. P. and Goodier, J. N., Theory of Elasticity, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill (1970).
AV315 AUTOMATIC CONTROL (2 – 1 – 0) 3 credits
Examples of controlled systems, open loop and feedback control, control system components
– modeling of physical systems, block diagrams – review of Laplace transform, transfer function
– time domain and frequency domain responses – stability, poles and zeros, Routh-Hurwitz cri-
terion – root locus – Bode plot, Nyquist criterion – PID controller, lead and lag compensators –
examples from aerospace and mechanical systems – introductions to state-space representa-
tion – stability criterion – concepts of controllability and observabilty.
• D’Azzo, H., Feedback Control System Analaysis and Synthesis, CRC Press (2007).
1. Ogata, K., Modern Control Engineering, 5th ed., Pearson Education (2009).
2. Gopal, M., Control Systems: Principles and Design, 3rd ed., Tata McGraw-Hill (2008).
3. Xue, D., Chen, YQ., and Atherton, D. P., Linear Feedback Control Analysis and Design
with MATLAB, SIAM (2007).
Theory: Types of wind tunnels – uncertainty analysis – measurement & flow visualization tech-
niques – basics of data acquisition and signal processing.
Experiments: Measurement of lift and drag on airfoil and cylinder using various methods (pres-
sure measurements, wake survey, and force balance) – flow visualization (smoke, oil, and opti-
cal) – free jet characteristics.
Exercises to study the fundamental aspects of machining operations applied in typical engineer-
ing/aerospace applications.
Practices in traditional metal cutting operations – CNC simulation training – CNC machine tool
exercises – grinding exercises and related analysis – exercises in non-traditional machining.
Metal forming practice: welding exercises and metallurgical analysis/NDT of weld joints.
Introduction to combustion and flames – introduction to air breathing propulsion systems – en-
gine thrust and performance parameters – aircraft engine types – ideal and real gas turbine cycle
analysis – performance measures – engine-aircraft matching – aerothermodynamics of inlets,
nozzles, combustion chambers and after burners – basics of turbomachinery – compressor and
turbine blade flow path analysis (axial and centrifugal types) – engine component matching and
off-design analysis – ram jets – hypersonic air-breathing engines.
1. Farokhi, S., Air Craft Propulsion, 2nd ed., Wiley (2014).
2. Hill, P. G. and Peterson, C. R., Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Propulsion, 2nd ed.,
Pearson Education (2009).
1. Flack, R. D., Fundamentals of Jet Propulsion with Applications, Cambridge Univ. Press
2. Mattingly, J. D., Elements of Gas Turbine Propulsion, AIAA Edu. Series (2005).
3. Heiser, W. H. and Pratt, D. T., Hypersonic Air Breathing Propulsion, AIAA (1994).
4. Dixon, S. L. and Hall, C. A., Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery, 7th
ed., Butterworth-Heinemann (2013).
Structural components of aircraft, loads and material selection – introduction to Kirchhoff’s the-
ory of thin plates: bending and buckling of thin plates – unsymmetric bending of beams – bend-
ing of open and closed thin walled beams: shear of and torsion of thin walled beams – combined
open and closed section beams – structural idealization – introduction to composite materials.
• Sun, C. T., Mechanics of Aircraft Structures, 2nd ed., John Wiley (2006).
1. Megson, T. H. G., Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students, 4th ed., Butterworth-Heinemann
2. Donaldson, B. K., Analysis of Aircraft Structures: An Introduction, 2nd ed., Cambridge
Univ. Press (2008).
3. Bauchau, O. A. and Craig, J. I., Structural Analysis: With Application to Aerospace Struc-
tures, Springer (2009).
4. Timoshenko, S. P. and Woinowsky-Krieger, S., Theory of Plates and Shells, 2nd ed.,
McGraw-Hill (1964).
5. Ugural, A. C., Stresses in Plates and Shells, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill (1998).
1. Ravindran, A., Phillips, D. T., and Solberg J. J., Operations Research: Principles and
Practice, 2nd ed., Wiley-India (2006).
2. Rao, S. S., Engineering Optimization: Theory and Practices, 4th ed., John Wiley (2009).
1. Winston, W. L., Operations Research: Applications and Algorithms, 4th ed., Cengage
Learning (2010).
2. Ravindran, A., Ragsdell, K. M., and Reklaitis, G. V., Engineering Optimization: Methods
and Applications, 2nd ed., Wiley-India (2006).
3. Deb, K., Optimization for Engineering Design: Algorithms and Examples, 2nd ed., PHI
Learning (2012).
4. Deb, K., Multi-Objective Optimization Using Evolutionary Algorithms, Wiley-India (2010).
1. Koontz H., O’Donnel, C., and Weihrich, H., Essentials of Management, McGraw-Hill (1990).
2. Venkataratnam, C. S. and Srivastava, B. K., Personnel Management and Human Re-
sources, Tata McGraw-Hill (1991).
3. Mazda, F., Engineering Management, Prentice Hall (1997)
4. Gido, J. and Clements, J. P., Successful Project Management, 2nd ed., South-Western
College Publishing (2003)
5. Khanna, O. P., Industrial Engineering and Management, Dhanpat Rai Publications (P) Ltd.
6. Mamoria, C. B. and Rao, V. S. P., Personnel Management: Text and Cases, 27th ed.,
Himalaya Publishing House (2015).
Hardness tests: Brinell hardness, Vickers hardness, Rockwell hardness – Buckling of struts –
Experiments on thin-walled pressure vessel – Unsymmetrical bending and shear center mea-
surements – Measurement of strain using strain gauges – Shear force in a beam – Deflection of
beams and cantilevers – Continuous and indeterminate beams.
• Modeling and analysis using FEM: Geometric modeling and finite element meshing of
beam, plate and solid structures – stress, free vibration and buckling analyses
• Modeling and simulation of multi-rigid body systems using Scilab/MATLAB/ADAMS
• Modeling of heat transfer and fluid flow
Introduction to rocket propulsion systems – rocket propulsion engines – types of rocket nozzles
and thrust vector control – propellants – combustion in rocket engines – combustion instability
– parameters for chemical rockets – elements of liquid propulsion systems – thrust chambers –
turbo pumps – nonconventional propulsion techniques – solid rocket motors – grain configuration
– hybrid rockets – rocket testing and performance evaluation – selection of rocket motors.
1. Ramamurthi, K., Rocket Propulsion, Macmillan (2010).
2. Sutton, G. P. and Biblarz, O., Rocket Propulsion Elements, 7th ed., John Wiley (2000).
1. Hill, P. G. and Peterson, C. R., Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Propulsion, 2nd ed.,
Pearson Education (2009).
2. Mattingly, J. D., Elements of Propulsion: Gas Turbines and Rockets, AIAA Edu. (2006).
1. Sadraey, M. H., Aircraft Design: A Systems Engineering Approach, Wiley (2012).
2. Griffin, M. D. and French, J. R., Space Vehicle Design, 2nd ed., AIAA Edu. Series (2004).
1. Raymer, D. P., Aircraft Design: A Conceptual Approach, 4th ed., AIAA Edu. Series (2006).
2. Anderson, J. D., Aircraft Performance and Design, McGraw-Hill (1999).
3. Corke, T. C., Design of Aircraft, Prentice Hall (2002).
4. Fielding, J. P., Introduction to Aircraft Design, Cambridge Univ. Press (1999).
5. Bruhn, E. F., Analysis and Design of Flight Vehicle Structures, Jacobs Publishing (1973).
6. Niu, M. C. Y., Airframe Structural Design: Practical Design Information and Data on Aircraft
Structures, 2nd ed., Adaso/Adastra Engineering Center (2011).
Awareness of the impact of environment on quality of life – natural resources – biological sys-
tems – bio-geo chemical cycles – chemical processes; water treatment operations, water sam-
pling, storage, quality measurement – oxygen demand – detection of pollutants – current envi-
ronmental issues; pollutants, global warming, causes and consequences, air pollution, organic
and inorganic air pollutants, smog-acid mine drainage, accumulation of salts in water – soil for-
mation; micro and macro nutrients in soil, pollutants in soil – green chemistry- an alternative
tool for reducing pollution – engineering interventions; flow sheets, waste minimization, e-waste
management, ASP, reverse osmosis, trickling filter – environmental management; solid, liquid
waste management, hazardous wastes, ISO standards – Kyoto protocol, Montreal protocol,
Euro norms.
• Rao, V., Textbook of Environmental Engineering, PHI Learning (2002).
1. Baird, C. and Cann, M., Environmental Chemistry, 3rd ed., W. H. Freeman and Company
2. Manual on Sewerage and Sewage Development, CPHEEO, Ministry of Urban Develop-
ment, GOI (1993).
3. Hauser, B. A., Practical Hydraulics Hand Book, Lewis Pub. (1991).
4. Hammer, M. J., Water and Wastewater Technology, Regents/Prentice Hall (1991).
5. Sharma, J. P., Comprehensive Environmental Studies, Laxmi Pub. (2004).
6. Garg, S. K., Environmental Engineering (Vol. 1 & Vol. 2), Khanna Pub. (2004).
7. Kiely, G., Environmental Engineering, McGraw-Hill (1997).
8. Bharucha, E., Textbook of Environmental Studies, University Grants Commission (2004).
9. Vanloon, G. W. and Duffy, S. J., Environmental Chemistry: A Global Perspective, Oxford
Univ. Press (2000).
E04 ELECTIVE IV (3 – 0 – 0) 3 credits
Flight Mechanics:
Simulation of accelerated maneuvers using whirling arm – Estimation of aerodynamics deriva-
tives from wind tunnel test – Flight simulation using open source flight simulator – Study of
helicopter flight control mechanism – Flight test on UAV.
Study and analysis of gas turbine cycle – Performance analysis of turbojet engine – Experiments
on axial flow fan – Experimental impulse turbine module – Experimental reaction turbine module
– Experiments on ramjet engine.
Experiments: Familiarization with MATLAB and SIMULINK – Linear system modelling, simu-
lation, analysis and compensator design for different types of actuation systems – Nonlinear
system modelling, simulation, and performance assessment – Static characterization of resis-
tive, inductive, and capacitive transducers.
Basics of acoustics – general theory of aerodynamic sound – flow and acoustic interactions –
feedback phenomenon – supersonic jet noise – sonic boom – noise radiation from rotors and
fans – aeroacoustic measurements.
1. Pierce, A. D., Acoustics: An Introduction to Its Physical Principles and Applications, Acous-
tical Society of America (1989).
2. Dowling, A. P. and Ffowcs Williams, J. E., Sound and Sources of Sound, Ellis Horwood
3. Goldstein, M. E., Aeroacoustics, McGraw-Hill (1976).
4. Blake, W. K., Mechanics of Flow-Induced Sound and Vibration, Volume I and II, Academic
Press (1986).
5. Crighton, D. G., Dowling, A. P., Ffowcs Williams, J. E., Heckl, M. A., and Leppington, F. A.,
Modern Methods in Analytical Acoustics: Lecture Notes, Springer-Verlag (1992).
Panel methods – unsteady potential flows – compressible flow over wings – axisymmetric flows
and slender body theories – flight vehicle aerodynamics – rotor aerodynamics – low Reynolds
number aerodynamics – flapping wings – two- and three-dimensional flow separation.
1. Drela, M., Flight Vehicle Aerodynamics, MIT Press (2014).
2. Rom, J., High Angle of Attack Aerodynamics: Subsonic, Transonic, and Supersonic Flows,
Springer-Verlag (1992).
3. Shyy, W., Aono, H., Kang, C.-K., and Liu, H., An Introduction to Flapping Wing Aerody-
namics, Cambridge Univ. Press (2013).
4. Chattot, J. J. and Hafez, M. M., Theoretical and Applied Aerodynamics: and Related Nu-
merical Methods, Springer (2015).
5. Bisplinghoff, R. L., Ashley, H., and Halfman, R. L., Aeroelasticity, Dover (1996).
6. Telionis, D. P., Unsteady Viscous Flows, Springer (2012).
Description of essential features of aircraft, rocket and spacecraft structures – type of loads on
flight structures – bending, shear and torsion of open and closed thin-walled beams – mono-
coque, stiffened plate, isogrid and sandwich constructions – idealization and stress analysis of
typical aerospace structural components – pressurized structures – stress discontinuities – ef-
fects of cut-outs – effects of boundary conditions in open and closed section beams – structural
• Megson, T. H. G., Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students, 4th ed., Butterworth-Hein-
emann (2007).
1. Timoshenko, S. P. and Goodier, J. N., Theory of Elasticity, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill (1970).
2. Timoshenko, S. P. and Woinowsky-Krieger, S., Theory of Plates and Shells, 2nd ed.,
McGraw-Hill (1964).
3. Bruhn, E. F., Analysis and Design of Flight Vehicle Structures, 2nd ed., Jacobs Publishing
Inc. (1973).
Fluid kinematics – physical conservation laws – review of integral and differential formulations
– Navier-Stokes and energy equations – solution of Navier-Stokes equations; steady and un-
steady flows – waves in fluids (potential flow formulation) – boundary layer theory; Blasius solu-
tion, Falkner-Skan solutions, momentum integral approach – introduction to turbulent flows.
1. White, F. M., Viscous Fluid Flow, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill (2006).
2. Panton, R. L., Incompressible Flow, 4th ed., John Wiley (2013).
3. Kundu, P. K., Cohen, I. M., and Dowling, D. R., Fluid Mechanics, 6th ed., Academic Press
4. Leal, L. G., Advanced Transport Phenomena: Fluid Mechanics and Convective Transport
Processes, Cambridge Univ. Press (2007).
5. Schlichting, H. and Gersten, K., Boundary Layer Theory, 8th ed., McGraw-Hill (2001).
Radiation Heat Transfer: fundamentals – view factors – network method and enclosure analy-
sis for gray – diffuse enclosures containing transparent media – engineering treatment of gas
Two Phase Flow: fundamentals – flow patterns – basic equations for homogeneous flow and
the separated-flow model.
Boiling Heat Transfer: pool boiling – forced convective – cross flow – multicomponent boiling –
correlations for boiling coefficient – critical heat flux.
Condensation: modes of condensation – film-wise condensation on vertical surfaces – horizon-
tal tube systems – condensation in multicomponent systems.
Enhancement of Heat Transfer: active, passive, and compound techniques.
1. Incroprera, F. P. and Dewitt, D. P., Heat and Mass Transfer, 5th ed., Wiley (2002).
2. Hewitt, G. F., Shires, G. L., and Bott, T. R., Process Heat Transfer, CRC Press (1994).
1. Çengel, Y. A., Heat and Mass Transfer, 3rd ed., Tata McGraw-Hill (2007).
2. Das, S. K., Process Heat Transfer, Narosa (2006).
3. Sparrow, E. M. and Cess, R. D., Radiation Heat Transfer, CRC Press (1978).
Fundamental aspects of structural dynamics – free vibration and modal representation of flex-
ible structures – application to beam extension, shear, bending and torsion dynamics – static
aeroelasticity – wind tunnel models – divergence and aileron reversal – Lifting surfaces: tor-
sional divergence and load redistribution, aeroelastic tailoring – aeroelastic flutter – stability
characteristics – Flutter analysis: wind tunnel models – flexible wings.
• Hodges, D. H. and Pierce, G. A., Introduction to Structural Dynamics and Aeroelasticity,
2nd ed., Cambridge Univ. Press (2011).
1. Fung, Y. C., An Introduction to the Theory of Aeroelasticity, Dover (1969).
2. Bisplinghoff, R. L., Ashley, H., and Halfman, R. L., Aeroelasticity, Dover (1996).
• Jones, R. M., Mechanics of Composite Materials, 2nd ed., Taylor & Francis (1999).
1. Gibson, R. F., Principles of Composite Materials Mechanics, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill (1994).
2. Daniel, I. M. and Ishai, O., Engineering Mechanics of Composite Materials, 2nd ed., Oxford
Univ. Press (2005).
3. Hong, T. H. and Tsai, S. W., Introduction to Composite Materials, Technomic Pub. Co.
4. Vasiliev, V. V. and Morozov, E. V., Advanced Mechanics of Composite Materials, 3rd ed.,
Elsevier (2007).
Mathematical models for fluid dynamics – classification of partial differential equations – dis-
cretization methods – finite difference formulation – numerical solution of elliptic equations –
linear system of algebraic equations – numerical solution of parabolic equations – stability anal-
ysis – numerical solution of hyperbolic equations – finite volume method – Burgers equation
– time integration schemes – incompressible Navier-Stokes equations and their solution algo-
• Hirsch, C., Numerical Computation of Internal and External Flows: The Fundamentals of
Computational Fluid Dynamics, Vol. I, 2nd ed., Butterworth-Heinemann (2007).
1. Tannehill, J. C., Anderson, D. A., and Pletcher, R. H., Computational Fluid Mechanics and
Heat Transfer, 2nd ed., Taylor & Francis (1997).
2. Hoffmann, K. A. and Chiang, S. T., Computational Fluid Dynamics for Engineers, 4th ed.,
Engineering Education Systems (2000).
3. Anderson, J. D., Computational Fluid Dynamics: The Basics with Applications, McGraw-
Hill (1995).
4. Patankar, S. V., Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, Hemisphere (1980).
5. Ferziger, J. H. and Perić, M., Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics, 3rd ed., Springer
technology and cellular manufacturing – flexible manufacturing system – automatic storage/retrieval
systems (AS/RS) – Just In Time (JIT) – lean manufacturing.
• Groover, M. P., Automation, Production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing,
3rd ed., Prentice Hall of India (2007).
1. Kant Vajpayee, S., Principles of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Prentice Hall of India
2. Rehg, J. A. and Kraebber, H. W., Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 3rd ed., Pearson
Prentice Hall (2004).
3. Venkateswaran, N. and Alavudeen, A., Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Prentice Hall
of India (2008).
4. Groover, M. P. and Zimmers, E. W., CAD/CAM: Computer-Aided Design and Manufactur-
ing, Prentice Hall of India (1984).
Design considerations – codes and standards – aerospace materials and their properties –
selection of materials – failure theories – design criteria – strength, stiffness, fatigue, damage
tolerance – fail safe and safe life designs – design aspects typical aerospace structural con-
structions: monocoque, stiffened plate, isogrid, sandwich and laminated composites – weight
control – design of pressurized systems – configuration, design calculations and checks applied
to typical aerospace structures – structural connections and joints – fasteners – design project.
1. Shigley, J. E., Mischke, C., and Budynas, R., Mechanical Engineering Design, 7th ed.,
McGraw-Hill (2003).
2. Bruhn, E. F., Analysis and Design of Flight Vehicle Structures, 2nd ed., Jacobs Publishing
Inc. (1973).
3. Niu, M. C.Y., Airframe Structural Design, 2nd ed., Hongkong Conmilit Press Ltd. (2002).
4. Harvey, J. F., Theory and Design of Modern Pressure Vessels, 2nd ed., Van Nostrand
Introduction transport properties for viscous, conducting fluids – kinematic properties – funda-
mental conservation equations; Navier-Stokes equations and energy equation – dimensionless
parameters – solution of Newtonian viscous flows – laminar shear layers momentum, thermal –
laminar heat transfer in ducts – incompressible turbulent mean flows – free convection flows –
mass transfer coupled flows convection with phase change – convection in porous media.
1. Bejan, A., Convection Heat Transfer, 3rd ed., Wiley (2004).
2. Burmeister, L. C., Convective Heat Transfer, 2nd ed., Wiley (1993).
1. Kakac, S., Yener, Y., and Pramuanjaroenkij, A., Convective Heat Transfer, 3rd ed., CRC
Press (2014).
2. Kays, W. M. and Crawford, M. E., Convective Heat and Mass Transfer, 2nd ed., McGraw-
Hill (1980).
1. Tropea, C., Yarin, A., and Foss, J. F. (Eds.), Springer Handbook of Experimental Fluid
Mechanics, Springer (2007).
2. Barlow, J. B., Rae Jr, W. H., and Pope, A., Low-Speed Wind Tunnel Testing, 3rd ed., Wiley
3. Pope, A. and Goin K., High-Speed Wind Tunnel Testing, Krieger Pub. Co. (1978).
4. Settles, G. S., Schlieren and Shadowgraph Techniques: Visualizing Phenomena in Trans-
parent Media, Springer (2001).
5. Mayinger, F. and Feldmann, O. (Eds.), Optical Measurements: Techniques and Applica-
tions, 2nd ed., Springer (2001).
6. Doebelin, E. O., Measurement Systems: Application and Design, 5th ed., McGraw-Hill
Introduction – finite element formulation from differential equation – finite element formulation
based on stationarity of a functional – one-dimensional finite element analysis; shape functions,
types of elements, applications – two-dimensional finite element analysis – numerical integration
– applications to structural mechanics and fluid flow.
1. Seshu, P., Textbook of Finite Element Analysis, PHI Learning (2009).
2. Segerlind, L. J., Applied Finite Element Analysis, 2nd ed., John Wiley (1984).
3. Chandrupatla, T. R. and Belegundu, A. D., Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering,
2nd ed., Prentice Hall of India (2000).
4. Henwood, D. and Bonet, J., Finite Elements: A Gentle Introduction, Macmillan (1996).
5. Reddy, J. N., Introduction to the Finite Element Method, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill (2006).
Introduction and history of fracture mechanics – linear elastic fracture mechanics; energy re-
lease rate, stress intensity factor (SIF), relation between SIF and energy release rate, anelastic
deformation at the crack tip – crack growth and fracture mechanisms – elastic-plastic analy-
sis through J-integral – finite element analysis of cracks – fracture toughness testing – fatigue
• Prashant Kumar, Elements of Fracture Mechanics, Tata McGraw-Hill (2009).
1. Broek, D., Elementary Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 4th ed., Kluwer Academic (1986).
2. Anderson, T. L., Fracture Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications, 3rd ed., CRC Press
Introduction to vibration – single degree of freedom systems: free, undamped, damped, and
forced vibrations – two-degree of freedom systems: principal modes of vibration, undamped
vibration, forced vibration, forced damped vibrations – vibration isolation – multi-degree Freedom
systems: eigenvalue problem – orthogonality of mode shapes, modal analysis for free, damped,
and forced vibration systems – approximate methods for fundamental frequency – introduction
to transient vibrations and non-linear vibrations.
• Rao, S. S., Mechanical Vibrations, 4th ed., Pearson Education (2004).
1. Thomson, W. T. and Daleh, M. D., Theory of Vibration with Applications, 5th ed., Prentice
Hall (1997).
2. Rao, J. S. and Gupta, K., Introductory Course on Theory and Practice of Mechanical
Vibrations, 2nd ed., New Age International (1999).
3. Meirovitch, L., Elements of Vibration Analysis, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill (1986).
4. Seto, W. W., Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of Mechanical Vibrations, McGraw-
Hill (1964).
Introduction, production planning and control – product design – value analysis and value engi-
neering – plant location and layout – equipment selection – maintenance planning – job, batch,
and flow production methods – group technology – work study – time and motion study –
work/job evaluation – inventory control – manufacturing planning – total quality management
– Taguchi’s quality engineering – network models.
1. Narasimhan, S. L., McLeavey D. W., and Billington, P. J., Production, Planning and Inven-
tory Control, Prentice Hall (1977).
2. Riggs, J. L., Production Systems: Planning, Analysis and Control, 3rd ed., Wiley (1981).
1. Muhlemann, A., Oakland, J. O., and Lockyer, K., Productions and Operations Manage-
ment, Macmillan (1992).
2. Taha, H. A., Operations Research: An Introduction, 9th ed., Pearson (2010).
3. Sharma, J. K., Operations Research, Macmillan (1997).
Combustion and thermochemistry – fuels – chemical kinetics and mechanisms – reacting flows
– modeling of reacting flows – premixed flames – detonation and explosion – introduction to tur-
bulence – turbulent premixed combustion – non-premixed combustion – turbulent non premixed
combustion – spray combustion – combustion instability.
• Turns, S. R., An Introduction to Combustion, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill (2000).
1. Glassman, I. and Yetter, R. A., Combustion, 4th ed., Academic Press (2008).
2. Kuo, K. K., Principles of Combustion, 2nd ed., John Wiley (2005).
3. Warnatz, J., Maas, U., and Dibble, R. W., Combustion 4th ed., Springer (2006).
4. Law, C. K., Combustion Physics, Cambridge Univ. Press (2006).
AE478 SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT (3 – 0 – 0) 3 credits
Introduction and a strategic view of supply chains – evolution of supply chain management
(SCM) – decision phases in a supply chain – enablers of supply chain performance – sup-
ply chain strategy and performance measures – achieving strategic fit – network design in the
supply chain – supply chain drivers and obstacles – operations decisions in supply chains –
forecasting, aggregate planning – inventory control in supply chain – sourcing decisions in sup-
ply chain – supplier selection – transportation in supply chain – routing and scheduling using
savings matrix method – coordination in supply chain – bullwhip effect – enabling supply chain
management through information technology.
• Chopra, S. and Meindl, P., Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation,
Pearson Prentice Hall of India (2007).
1. Levi, D. S., Kaminsky, P., Levi, E. S., and Shankar, R., Designing and Managing the Supply
Chain: Concepts, Strategies, and Case Studies, Tata McGraw-Hill (2008).
2. Stadtler, H. and Kilger, C., Supply Chain Management and Advanced Planning: Concepts,
Models, Software and Case Studies, 3rd ed., Springer-Verlag (2003).
3. Shapiro, J. F., Modeling the Supply Chain, Thomson Learning (2007).
4. Vollmann, T. E., Berry, W. L., Whybark, D. C., and Jacobs, F. R., Manufacturing Planning
and Control for Supply Chain Management, Tata McGraw-Hill (2006).
Solar collection theory and technologies (non-concentrating): heat transfer in solar collectors –
basic modeling aspects – steady and dynamic analysis – performance parameters.
Solar concentration systems and receivers: overview and introduction to concentration optics
– concentration ratio and thermodynamic maximum – linear concentration: trough and linear
Fresnel – point concentration: dish and tower (central receiver system).
Solar power generation systems: overview and types of systems – components and sub sys-
tems – aspects of design and performance prediction.
Solar cooling: solar liquid absorption and solar solid sorption technologies.
1. Boyle, G., Renewable Energy: Power for a Sustainable Future, 3rd ed., Oxford Univ. Press
2. Duffie, J. A. and Beckman, W. A., Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes, John Wiley
3. Sukhatme, S. P. and Nayak, J. K., Solar Energy: Principles of Thermal Collection and
Storage, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill (2009).
Derivation of basic equations for viscous fluid flow, including heat conduction and compressibility
– exact solutions.
Laminar boundary layer approximations – similar and non-similar boundary layers – momentum
integral methods – separation of boundary layer – compressible boundary layer equations –
recovery factor – Reynolds analogy – similar solutions.
Introduction – linear programming – duality and sensitivity analysis – transportation and assign-
ment problems – goal programming – integer programming – network optimization models –
dynamic programming – theory of games – queuing theory – simulation – nontraditional opti-
mization algorithms.
1. Taha, H. A., Operations Research: An introduction, 9th ed., Pearson (2010).
1. Ravindran, A., Phillips, D. T., and Solberg, J. J., Operations Research: Principles and
Practice, 2nd ed., Wiley-India (2006).
2. Winston, W. L., Operations Research: Applications and Algorithms, 4th ed., Cengage
Learning (2010).
3. Sharma, J. K., Operations Research: Theory and Applications, 4th ed., Macmillan Pub-
lishers (2009).
General features and applications of high temperature flows – equilibrium kinetic theory: Maxwellian
distribution, collision rates and mean free path – chemical thermodynamics – mixture of perfect
gases, law of mass action – statistical mechanics: enumeration of micro-states, energy distri-
bution, contribution of internal structure – equilibrium flow: ideal dissociating gas, equilibrium
shock wave relations, nozzle flows – vibrational and chemical rate processes – flows with vibra-
tional and chemical non-equilibrium.
1. Vincenti, W. G. and Kruger, C. H., Introduction to Physical Gas Dynamics, Krieger Pub.
2. Anderson, J. D., Hypersonic and High-Temperature Gas Dynamics, 2nd ed., AIAA (2006).
3. Clarke, J. F. and McChesney, M., The Dynamics of Real Gases, Butterworths (1964).
4. Brun, R., Introduction to Reactive Gas Dynamics, Oxford Univ. Press (2009).
Overview of industrial manipulators and field robots – robot mechanisms: serial chains, regional
and orientational mechanisms, parallel chains, reachable and dexterous workspace, mecha-
nisms of wheeled and walking robots – spatial displacements, rotation matrices, Euler angles,
homogenous transformation, DH parameters, forward and inverse problems for serial and paral-
lel manipulators – task planning joint space and task-space planning – sensors: joint displace-
ment sensors, force sensors, range finders, vision sensors – actuators, electric motors: stepper,
PMDC and brushless DC motors, pneumatic and hydraulic actuators – speed reducers – servo
control of manipulators: joint feedback control, effect of nonlinearities, inverse dynamic con-
trol, force feedback control – higher level control, path planning, configuration space, road map
methods, graph search algorithms, potential field method.
Experiments: (a) manipulator kinematics (accuracy, inverse kinematics, task planning), (b) feed-
back control of simple manipulator, (c) motion control of wheeled mobile robots, and (d) path
planning with obstacles.
1. Siciliano, B., Sciavicco, L., Villani, L., and Oriolo, G., Robotics: Modelling, Planning and
Control, Springer (2010).
2. Ghosal, A., Robotics: Fundamental Concepts and Analysis, Oxford Univ. Press (2006).
3. Choset, H., Lynch, K. M., Hutchinson, S., Kantor, G., Burgard, W., Kavraki, L. E., and
Thrun, S., Principles of Robot Motion: Theory, Algorithms, and Implementations, MIT
Press (2005).
4. Jazar, R. N., Theory of Applied Robotics: Kinematics, Dynamics, and Control, 2nd ed.,
Springer (2010).
5. Merlet, J.-P., Parallel Robots, 2nd ed., Springer (2006).
6. Siegwart, R., Nourbakhsh, I. R., and Scaramuzza, D., Introduction to Autonomous Mobile
Robots, 2nd ed., MIT Press (2011).
7. Siciliano, B. and Khatib, O. (Eds.), Springer Handbook of Robotics, Springer (2008).
Launch vehicle ascent trajectory design – reentry trajectory design – low thrust trajectory de-
sign – satellite constellation design – rendezvous mission design – ballistic lunar and interplan-
etary trajectory design – basics of optimal control theory – mission design elements for various
missions – space flight trajectory optimization – direct and indirect optimization techniques –
restricted 3-body problem – Lagrangian points – mission design to Lagrangian point.
1. Osborne, G. F. and Ball, K. J., Space Vehicle Dynamics, Oxford Univ. Press (1967).
2. Hale, F. J., Introduction to Space Flight, Prentice Hall (1994).
3. Naidu, D. S., Optimal Control Systems, CRC Press (2003).
1. Chobotov, V., Orbital Mechanics, AIAA Edu. Series (2002).
2. Griffin, M. D. and French, J. R., Space Vehicle Design, 2nd ed., AIAA (2004).
3. Newcomb, R. W. and Kirk, D. E., Optimal Control Theory: An Introduction, Prentice Hall
4. Bulirsch, R., Miele, A., Stoer, J., and Well, K. H. (Eds.), Optimal Control: Calculus of
Variations, Optimal Control Theory and Numerical Methods, Birkhauser Verlag (1993).
lations – basic atomistic modeling – classical molecular dynamics – interatomic potential, nu-
merical implementation – visualisation – atomistic elasticity – the virial stress and strain – multi-
scale modeling and simulation methods – deformation and dynamical failure of brittle and ductile
materials – applications.
1. Buehler, M. J., Atomistic Modeling of Materials Failure, Springer (2008).
2. Frenkel, D. and Smit, B., Understanding Molecular Simulation: From Algorithms to Appli-
cations, 2nd ed., Academic Press (2001).
3. Rapaport, D. C., The Art of Molecular Dynamics Simulation, 2nd ed., Cambridge Univ.
Press (2004).
1. Stoecker, W. F. and Jones, J. W., Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Tata McGraw-Hill
2. Barron, R. F., Cryogenic Systems, 2nd ed., Oxford Univ. Press (1985).
1. Gosney, W. B, Principles of Refrigeration, Cambridge Univ. Press (1982).
2. Weisend, J. G., The Handbook of Cryogenic Engineering, Taylor & Francis (1998).
Axial Flow Turbines: Introduction – turbine stage – turbine blade 2-D (cascade) analysis work
done – degree of reaction – losses and efficiency – flow passage – subsonic, transonic and
supersonic turbines – multi-staging of turbine – exit flow conditions – turbine cooling – turbine
blade design – turbine profiles, airfoil data and profile construction.
1. Cumpsty, N. A., Compressor Aerodynamics, 2nd ed., Krieger Pub. Co. (2004).
2. Johnsen, I. A. and Bullock, R. O. (Eds.), Aerodynamic Design of Axial-Flow Compressors,
NASA SP-36 (1965).
3. El-Wakil, M. M., Powerplant Technology, McGraw-Hill (1985).
4. Glassman, A. J. (Ed.), Turbine Design and Application, NASA SP-290 (1972).
5. Lakshminarayana, B., Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer of Turbomachinery, Wiley (1995).
6. El-Sayed, A. F., Aircraft Propulsion and Gas Turbine Engines, CRC Press (2008).
7. Dixon, S. L. and Hall C. A., Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery, 7th
ed., Butterworth-Heinemann (2014).
Precision Engineering: concepts, materials, processes – high speed machining; CNC machine
tools and machining centres, adaptive systems, multi axis CNC programming – micro/nano scale
manufacturing – recent development in nontraditional machining.
Automation: introduction to automated manufacturing, basic concepts, automated work piece
handling, orientation, positioning – flexible automation – assembly automation, product design
for automation – automated inspection – sensors and actuators for automation – PLC program-
ming and applications in automation.
1. Groover, M. P., Automation, Production Systems, and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing,
3rd ed., Prentice Hall (2007).
2. Boothroyd, G., Assembly Automation and Product Design, 2nd ed., CRC Press (2005).
Properties of materials: strength, hardness, fatigue, and creep – Ferrous alloys: stainless steels,
maraging steel, aging treatments – Aluminum alloys: alloy designation and tempers, Al-Cu al-
loys, principles of age hardening, hardening mechanisms, Al-Li alloys, Al-Mg alloys, nanocrys-
talline aluminum alloys – Titanium alloys: α-β alloys, superplasticity, structural titanium alloys,
intermetallics – Magnesium alloys: Mg-Al and Mg-Al-Zn alloys – Superalloys: processing and
properties of superalloys, single-crystal superalloys, environmental degradation and protective
coatings – Composites: metal matrix composites, polymer based composites, ceramic based
composites, carbon carbon composites.
1. Polmear, I. J., Light Alloys: From Traditional Alloys to Nanocrystals, 4th ed., Elsevier (2005).
2. Reed, R. C., The Superalloys: Fundamentals and Applications, Cambridge Univ. Press
1. Cantor, B., Assender, H., and Grant, P. (Eds.), Aerospace Materials, CRC Press (2001).
2. ASM Speciality Handbook: Heat Resistant Materials, ASM International (1997).
3. Campbell, F. C., Manufacturing Technology for Aerospace Structural Materials, Elsevier
4. Kainer, K. U. (Ed.), Metal Matrix Composites, Wiley-VCH (2006).
Spacecraft Thermal Analysis: formulation of energy – momentum and continuity equations for
problems in spacecraft heat transfer – development of discretized equation – treatment of ra-
diative heat exchange (for non-participative media based on radiosity and Gebhart method) –
incorporation of environmental heat flux in energy equation – numerical solution methods – input
parameters required for analysis.
Spacecraft Thermal Environments: launch and ascent – earth bound orbits – interplanetary
mission and reentry mission.
Devices and Hardware for Spacecraft TCS (Principles & Operation): passive thermal control -
mechanical joints – heat sinks and doublers – phase change materials – thermal louvers and
switches – heat pipes – thermal coating materials – thermal insulation – ablative heat transfer
– active thermal control techniques: electrical heaters, HPR fluid systems, space borne cooling
Design and Analysis of Spacecraft: application of principles described above for development
of spacecraft TCS.
1. Incropera, F. P. and DeWitt, D. P., Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, 7th ed., John
Wiley (2011).
2. Chapra, S. C. and Canale, R. P., Numerical Methods for Engineers, 7th ed., McGraw-Hill
3. Pattan, B., Satellite Systems: Principles and Technologies, Chapman & Hall (1993).
4. Meyer, R. X., Elements of Space Technology, Academic Press (1999).
5. Gilmore, D. G. (Ed.), Spacecraft Thermal Control Handbook, Volume I: Fundamental Tech-
nologies, 2nd ed., The Aerospace Press, AIAA (2002).
• Meirovitch, L., Elements of Vibration Analysis, 2nd ed., Tata McGraw-Hill (2006).
1. Meirovitch, L., Analytical Methods in Vibrations, Macmillan (1967).
2. Clough, R. W. and Penzien, J., Dynamics of Structures, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill (1993).
3. Craig, R. R., Structural Dynamics: An Introduction to Computer Methods, John Wiley
4. Thomson, W. T. and Daleh, M. D., Theory of Vibration with Applications, 5th ed., Prentice
Hall (1997).
Flow Models for Two-Phase Flows: one-dimensional homogeneous flow model – separated
flow model – drift flux model – simplified treatment of bubbly, slug, and annular flows – flow
regime maps – transition criterion – pressure drop correlations and void fraction correlation –
phenomenological description of flooding – critical two-phase flows – prediction models.
Liquid-Vapour Phase Change Phenomenon: pool boiling – wetting phenomenon – bubble dy-
namics – nucleation concepts – convective boiling – heat transfer in partially and fully developed
sub-cooled boiling – heat transfer in saturated boiling.
Flow Modeling: flow modeling aspects in natural and forced circulation heat removal in boiling
systems – handling cryogenic fluid flow systems – modeling of pulsating heat pipe for electronic
1. Kleinstreuer, C., Two-Phase Flow: Theory and Application, Taylor & Francis (2003).
2. Tong, L. S. and Tang, Y. S., Boiling Heat Transfer and Two-Phase Flow, 2nd ed., Taylor &
Francis (1997).
3. Collier, J. G. and Thome, J. R., Convective Boiling and Condensation, 3rd ed., Oxford Univ.
Press (2002).
4. Carey, V. P., Liquid-Vapour Phase-Change Phenomenon: An Introduction to the Thermo-
physics of Vaporization and Condensation Process in Heat Transfer Equipment, 2nd ed.,
Taylor & Francis (2007).
5. Wallis, G. B., One-Dimensional Two-Phase Flow, McGraw-Hill (1969).
6. Bailey, C. A. (Ed.), Advanced Cryogenics, Plenum Press (1971).
1. Tennekes, H. and Lumley, J. L., A First Course in Turbulence, The MIT Press (1972).
2. Frisch, U., Turbulence, Cambridge Univ. Press (1996).
3. Davidson, P. A., Turbulence: An Introduction to Scientist and Engineers, Oxford Univ.
Press (2004).
4. Pope, S. B., Turbulent Flows, Cambridge Univ. Press (2000).
5. Mathieu, J. and Scott, J., An Introduction to Turbulent Flow, Cambridge Univ. Press (2000).
1. Charru, F., Hydrodynamic Instabilities, Cambridge Univ. Press (2011).
2. Drazin, P. G., Introduction to Hydrodynamic Stability, Cambridge Univ. Press (2002).
3. Drazin, P. G. and Reid, W. H., Hydrodynamic Stability, 2nd ed., Cambridge Univ. Press
4. Criminale, W. O., Jackson, T. L., and Joslin, R. D., Theory and Computation of Hydrody-
namic Stability, Cambridge Univ. Press (2003).
5. Schmid, P. J. and Henningson, D. S., Stability and Transition in Shear Flows, Springer
6. Sengupta, T. K., The Instabilities of Flows and Transition to Turbulence, CRC Press (2012).
Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) – need and importance, coupled systems – anal-
yser vs. evaluator, single vs. bi-level optimisation, nested vs. simultaneous analysis/design
MDO architectures – concurrent subspace, collaborative optimisation and BLISS – sensitivity
analysis, AD (forward and reverse mode), complex variable, and hyperdual numbers – gradi-
ent and Hessian – uncertainty quantification – moment methods – PDF and CDF – uncertainty
propagation – Monte Carlo methods – surrogate modelling – design of experiments – robust,
reliability based and multi-point optimisation formulations.
1. Keane, A. J. and Nair, P. B., Computational Approaches for Aerospace Design: The Pursuit
of Excellence, Wiley (2005).
2. Khuri, A. I. and Cornell, J. A., Response Surfaces: Design and Analyses, 2nd ed., Marcel
Dekker (1996).
3. Montgomery, D. C., Design and Analysis of Experiments, 8th ed., John Wiley (2012).
4. Griewank, A. and Walther, A., Evaluating Derivatives: Principles and Techniques of Algo-
rithmic Differentiation, 2nd ed., SIAM (2008).
The variational principle and the derivation of the governing equations of static and dynamic
systems – different energy methods: Rayleigh-Ritz, Galerkin etc. – applications: problems of
stress analysis, determination of deflection in determinate and indeterminate structures, stability
and vibrations of beams, columns and plates of constant and varying cross-sectional area.
1. Langhaar, H. L., Energy Methods in Applied Mechanics, 2nd ed., Krieger Publishing Co.
2. Reddy, J. N., Energy and Variational Methods in Applied Mechanics, 2nd ed., Wiley (2002).
3. Tauchert, T. R., Energy Principles in Structural Mechanics, McGraw-Hill (1974).
1. Hirsch, C., Numerical Computation of Internal and External Flows, Vol. I & II, Wiley (1998).
2. Laney, C. B., Computational Gasdynamics, Cambridge Univ. Press (1998).
3. LeVeque, R. J., Numerical Methods for Conservation Laws, 2nd ed., Birkhauser, (2005).
4. Hoffmann, K. A. and Chiang, S. T., Computational Fluid Dynamics for Engineers, Vol. I, II
& III, Engineering Education Systems (2000).
5. Toro, E. F., Riemann Solvers and Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics: A Practical
Introduction, 3rd ed., Springer (2009).
6. Blazek, J., Computational Fluid Dynamics: Principles and Applications, 2nd ed., Elsevier
7. Roache, P. J., Fundamentals of Verification and Validation, Hermosa Publishers (2009).
1. Rose, J. L., Ultrasonic Waves in Solid Media, Cambridge Univ. Press (1999).
2. Rose, J. L., Ultrasonic Guided Waves in Solid Media, Cambridge Univ. Press (2014).
3. Achenbach, J. D., Wave Propagation in Elastic Solids, Elsevier (1973).
4. Graff, K. F., Wave Motion in Elastic Solids, Dover (1991).