CPG Esig Enf
CPG Esig Enf
CPG Esig Enf
HUMAN SERVICES HUMAN SERVICES brackets in the heading of this
document. Received comments may be
Centers for Disease Control and Food and Drug Administration seen in the office above between 9 a.m.
Prevention [Docket No. 99F–2336] and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.
FDA will also place on public display
Disease, Disability and Injury Holliday Pigments, Ltd.; Filing of Food any amendments to, or comments on,
Prevention and Control Special Additive Petition the petitioner’s environmental
Emphasis Panel: Implementation of the assessment without further
National Occupational Research AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, announcement in the Federal Register.
Agenda (NORA), RFA OH–99–002, HHS. If, based on its review, the agency finds
Program Area #6 Special Populations ACTION: Notice. that an environmental impact statement
at Risk/Aging Workforce is not required and this petition results
SUMMARY: The Food and Drug in a regulation, the notice of availability
In accordance with section 10(a)(2) of Administration (FDA) is announcing of the agency’s finding of no significant
the Federal Advisory Committee Act that Holliday Pigments, Ltd. has filed a impact and the evidence supporting that
(Pub. L. 92–463), the Centers for Disease petition proposing that the food additive finding will be published with the
regulations be amended to provide for regulation in the Federal Register in
Control and Prevention (CDC)
the safe use of manganese ammonium accordance with 21 CFR 25.40(c).
announces the following meeting.
pyrophosphate (C.I. Pigment Violet 16)
Name: Disease, Disability and Injury Dated: June 25, 1999.
as a colorant for all polymers intended
Prevention and Control Special Emphasis for use in contact with food. Alan M. Rulis,
Panel: Implementation of the National Director, Office of Premarket Approval,
DATES: Written comments on the
Occupational Research Agenda (NORA), RFA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition.
petitioner’s environmental assessment
OH–99–002, Program Area #6 Special by August 20, 1999. [FR Doc. 99–18582 Filed 7–20–99; 8:45 am]
Populations at Risk/Aging Workforce. ADDRESSES: Submit written comments BILLING CODE 4160–01–F
Times and Dates: to the Dockets Management Branch
1 p.m.–1:30 p.m., August 4, 1999 (Open) DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND
(HFA–305), Food and Drug
1:30 p.m.–6 p.m., August 4, 1999 (Closed) HUMAN SERVICES
Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, rm.
Place: Embassy Suites Hotel, 1900 1061, Rockville, MD 20852. Food and Drug Administration
Diagonal Rd., Alexandria, Va. 22134. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
Status: Portions of the meeting will be Mark A. Hepp, Center for Food Safety [Docket No. 99D–1458]
closed to the public in accordance with and Applied Nutrition (HFS–215), Food
provisions set forth in section 552b(c)(4) and Enforcement Policy: Electronic
and Drug Administration, 200 C St. SW., Records; Electronic Signatures—
(6), Title 5 U.S.C., and the Determination of Washington, DC 20204, 202–418–3098.
the Associate Director for Management and Compliance Policy Guide; Guidance
Operations, CDC, pursuant to Public Law 92–
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
463. AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration,
(sec. 409(b)(5) (21 U.S.C. 348(b)(5))),
Matters To Be Discussed: The meeting will HHS.
include the review, discussion, and
notice is given that a food additive
evaluation of applications received in
petition (FAP 9B4670) has been filed by ACTION: Notice.
response to the NORA RFA OH–99–002. Holliday Pigments, Ltd., Morley St.,
Kingston upon Hull, HU8 8DN SUMMARY: The Food and Drug
Contact Person For More Information: Administration (FDA) is announcing the
Michael J. Galvin, Jr., Ph.D., Health Scientist ENGLAND. The petition proposes to
amend the food additive regulations in availability of a new Compliance Policy
Administrator, Office of Extramural
§178.3297 Colorants for polymers (21 Guide (CPG) section 160.850 entitled
Coordination and Special Projects, NIOSH,
CFR 178.3297) to provide for the safe ‘‘Enforcement Policy: 21 CFR Part 11;
CDC, 1600 Clifton Rd., Atlanta, Ga. 30333.
use of manganese ammonium Electronic Records; Electronic
Telephone 404/639–3525, e-mail
pyrophosphate (C.I. Pigment Violet 16) Signatures.’’ This CPG is intended to
as a colorant for all polymers intended represent the agency’s current thinking
The Director, Management Analysis and
Services Office, has been delegated the for use in contact with food. on how to comply with the regulations
authority to sign Federal Register Notices The potential environmental impact for electronic records and electronic
pertaining to announcements of meetings and of this action is being reviewed. To signatures. It also provides that agency
other committee management activities, for encourage public participation decisions on whether or not to pursue
both the Centers for Disease Control and consistent with regulations issued under regulatory actions will be based on a
Prevention and the Agency for Toxic the National Environmental Policy Act case-by-case evaluation. The text of the
Substances and Disease Registry. (40 CFR 1501.4(b)), the agency is CPG is included in this document.
placing the environmental assessment DATES: Written comments may be
Dated: July 15, 1999.
submitted with the petition that is the submitted at any time.
Carolyn J. Russell,
subject of this notice on public display ADDRESSES: Submit written requests for
Director, Management Analysis and Services at the Dockets Management Branch single copies of CPG section 160.850
Office, Centers for Disease Control and (address above) for public review and entitled ‘‘Enforcement Policy: 21 CFR
Prevention (CDC).
comment. Interested persons may, on or Part 11; Electronic Records; Electronic
[FR Doc. 99–18550 Filed 7–16–99; 1:49 pm] before August 20, 1999, submit to the Signatures’’ to the Division of
BILLING CODE 4163–19–P Dockets Management Branch (address Compliance Policy (HFC–230), Office of
above) written comments. Two copies of Enforcement, Office of Regulatory
any comments are to be submitted, Affairs, Food and Drug Administration,
except that individuals may submit one 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD
copy. Comments are to be identified 20852. Send two self-addressed
Federal Register / Vol. 64, No. 139 / Wednesday, July 21, 1999 / Notices 39147
adhesive labels to assist that office in An alternative approach may be used if such and when individuals deny responsibility for
processing your requests. Written approach satisfies the requirements of the record entries. Similarly, lack of operational
comments should be identified with the applicable statute, regulation, or both. system checks to enforce event sequencing
docket number found in brackets in the In the Federal Register of March 20, 1997 would be significant if an operator’s ability
at 62 FR 13430, FDA issued a notice of final to deviate from the prescribed order of
heading of this document and should be rulemaking for 21 CFR, Part 11, Electronic
sent to the Dockets Management Branch manufacturing steps results in an adulterated
Records; Electronic Signatures. The rule went
(HFA–305), Food and Drug into effect on August 20, 1997. Part 11 is or misbranded product.
Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, rm. intended to create criteria for electronic Adequacy and timeliness of planned
1061, Rockville, MD 20852. A copy of recordkeeping technologies while preserving corrective measures. Firms should have a
the CPG is available on FDA’s website the agency’s ability to protect and promote reasonable timetable for promptly modifying
the public health (e.g., by facilitating timely any systems not in compliance (including
at ‘‘http://www.fda.gov/ora/
compliance ref/cpg/cpggenl/ review and approval of safe and effective legacy systems) to make them Part 11
new medical products, conducting efficient compliant, and should be able to demonstrate
default.htm’’. Scroll down the CPG page audits of required records, and when
to locate section 160.850. progress in implementing their timetable.
necessary pursuing regulatory actions). Part FDA expects that Part 11 requirements for
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: 11 applies to all FDA program areas, but does
procedural controls will already be in place.
James F. McCormack, Division of not mandate electronic recordkeeping. Part
FDA recognizes that technology based
Compliance Policy (HFC–230), Office of 11 describes the technical and procedural
requirements that must be met if a person controls may take longer to install in older
Enforcement, Office of Regulatory
chooses to maintain records electronically systems.
Affairs, Food and Drug Administration, Compliance history of the establishment,
5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD and use electronic signatures. Part 11 applies
to those records required by an FDA especially with respect to data integrity. FDA
20852, 301–827–0425. predicate rule and to signatures required by will consider Part 11 deviations to be more
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: FDA is an FDA predicate rule, as well as signatures significant if a firm has a history of Part 11
announcing the availability of a new that are not required, but appear in required violations or of inadequate or unreliable
CPG section 160.850 entitled records. recordkeeping. Until firms attain full
‘‘Enforcement Policy: 21 CFR Part 11; Part 11 was developed in concert with compliance with Part 11, FDA investigators
Electronic Records; Electronic industry over a period of six years. Virtually will exercise greater vigilance to detect
Signatures.’’ The CPG is an update to all of the rule’s requirements had been
inconsistencies, unauthorized modifications,
the Compliance Policy Guides Manual suggested by industry comments to a July 21,
1992 Advance Notice of Proposed poor attributability, and any other problems
(August 1996 ed.). It is a new CPG and Rulemaking (at 57 FR 32185). In response to associated with failure to comply with Part
will be included in the next printing of comments to an August 31, 1994 Proposed 11.
the Compliance Policy Guides Manual. Rule (at 59 FR 45160), the agency refined and Regulatory Action Guidance:
The CPG is intended for FDA personnel reduced many of the proposed requirements
and is available electronically to the in order to minimize the burden of Program monitors and center compliance
public. See the ADDRESSES section for compliance. The final rule’s provisions are offices should be consulted prior to
electronic access to the CPG. The CPG consistent with an emerging body of federal recommending regulatory action. FDA will
is a level 2 guidance which is being and state law as well as commercial consider regulatory action with respect to
issued consistent with FDA’s good standards and practices. Certain older Part 11 when the electronic records or
electronic systems may not have been in full electronic signatures are unacceptable
guidance practices (62 FR 8961, compliance with Part 11 by August 20, 1997,
February 27, 1997). It does not create or substitutes for paper records or handwritten
and modification to these so called ‘‘legacy
confer any rights for or on any person signatures, and that therefore, requirements
systems’’ may take more time. As explained
and does not operate to bind FDA or the in the preamble to the final 1rule, Part 11 of the applicable regulations (e.g., CGMP and
public. An alternative approach may be does not grandfather legacy systems and FDA GLP regulations) are not met. Regulatory
used if such approach satisfies the expects that firms using legacy systems will citations should reference such predicate
requirements of the applicable statute, begin taking steps to achieve full compliance. regulations in addition to Part 11. The
regulation, or both. following is an example of a regulatory
The text of the CPG follows: citation for a violation of the device quality
When persons are not fully compliant with system regulations.
Section 160.850 Part 11, decisions on whether or not to Failure to establish and maintain
pursue regulatory actions will be based on a procedures to control all documents that are
Title: Enforcement Policy: 21 CFR Part 11;
case by case evaluation, which may include
Electronic Records; Electronic Signatures required by 21 CFR 820.40, and failure to use
the following:
(CPG 7153.17)
Nature and extent of Part 11 deviation(s). authority checks to ensure that only
Background: FDA will consider Part 11 deviations to be authorized individuals can use the system
more significant if those deviations are and alter records, as required by 21 CFR
This compliance guidance document is an
numerous, if the deviations make it difficult 11.10(g). For example, engineering drawings
update to the Compliance Policy Guides
Manual (August 1996 edition). This is a new for the agency to audit or interpret data, or for manufacturing equipment and devices are
Compliance Policy Guidance (CPG) and will if the deviations undermine the integrity of stored in AutoCAD form on a desktop
be included in the next printing of the the data or the electronic system. For computer. The storage device was not
Compliance Policy Guidances Manual. The example, FDA expects that firms will use file protected from unauthorized access and
CPG is intended for Food and Drug formats that permit the agency to make modification of the drawings.
Administration (FDA) personnel and is accurate and complete copies in both human
available electronically to the public. This readable and electronic form of audited Dated: July 1, 1999.
guidance document represents the agency’s electronic records. Similarly, FDA would Margaret M. Dotzel,
current thinking on how to comply with 21 have little confidence in data from firms that Acting Associate Commissioner for Policy.
CFR Part 11, ‘‘Electronic Records; Electronic do not hold their employees accountable and
responsible for actions taken under their [FR Doc. 99–18581 Filed 7–20–99; 8:45 am]
Signatures’’ and provides that agency
decisions on whether or not to pursue electronic signatures. BILLING CODE 4160–01–F
regulatory actions will be based on a case by Effect on product quality and data
case evaluation. The CPG does not create or integrity. For example, FDA would consider
confer any rights for or on any person and the absence of an audit trail to be highly
does not operate to bind FDA or the public. significant when there are data discrepancies