Measuring Hydration Kinetics of Hydraulic Cementitious Mixtures Using Isothermal Calorimetry
Measuring Hydration Kinetics of Hydraulic Cementitious Mixtures Using Isothermal Calorimetry
Measuring Hydration Kinetics of Hydraulic Cementitious Mixtures Using Isothermal Calorimetry
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: C1679 − 17
NOTE 1—(A) initial thermal power by dissolution of cement and initial cement hydration; (B) dormant period associated with very low thermal power
indicating slow and well-controlled hydration: (C) main hydration peak associated mainly with hydration reactions contributing to setting and early
strength development, with maximum at (D); and (E) sulfate depletion point,6 followed by (F) accelerated calcium aluminate activity.
FIG. 1 Example of Thermal Power Curve for Isothermal Hydration of Portland Cement
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FIG. 2 Example of the Effect of Soluble Calcium Sulfate Addition on the Timing of the Sulfate Depletion Point for a Type I Portland Ce-
ment Mixed with Water Only at w/c = 0.45
sulfate balance, further addition of soluble sulfate will not calorimeter output is calculated from the difference between
increase the size, or accelerate the onset, of the main hydration the outputs from the test specimen heat flow sensor and the
peak. inert specimen heat flow sensor. Because the heat is allowed to
3.2.17 thermal equilibrium time, n—the elapsed hydration flow away from the specimen, the measurement will take place
time when the thermal power of replicate mixtures do not differ at essentially constant temperature (isothermal conditions).
by more than 0.2 mW/g of dry material. 4.2 Mixtures with cement, SCM, admixtures, water and
3.2.18 thermal indicator of setting time, n— the hydration optional fine aggregate are prepared and introduced into an
time to reach a thermal power of 50 % of the maximum value isothermal calorimeter. Isothermal calorimetry tests are per-
of the main hydration peak. formed on a series of different mixtures for relative comparison
of the hydration kinetics. The output of the calorimeter is
3.2.19 thermal mass, n—the amount of thermal energy that
evaluated by graphical and mathematical means to evaluate
can be stored by a material (J/K).
retarding and accelerating effects of different combinations of Discussion—The thermal mass of a given material
materials. Calcium sulfate may be added as a probe to
is calculated by multiplying the mass by the specific heat
determine if the addition of admixture, SCMs, or both have
capacity of the material. For the purpose of calculating the
increased the mixture’s demand for sulfate beyond that which
thermal mass used in this standard, the following specific heat
is available in the cement.
capacities can be used: The specific heat capacity of a typical
unhydrated portland cement and water is 0.75 and 4.18 J/(g·K),
5. Significance and Use
respectively. Thus a mixture of A g of cement and B g of water
has a thermal mass of (0.75 × A + 4.18 × B) J/K. The specific 5.1 Thermal power curves are used to evaluate the isother-
heat capacity of typical quartz and limestone is 0.75 and 0.84 mal hydration kinetics of the combined mixture of different
J/(g·K), respectively. The specific heat capacity of most amor- materials during the early period after being mixed with water.
phous supplementary cementitious material such as fly ash or These isothermal power curves, or hydration profiles, may
slag is approximately 0.8 J/(g·K). provide indications relative to setting characteristics, compat-
3.2.20 thermal power, n—heat production rate measured in ibility of different materials, sulfate balance and early strength
watts (W) or joules per second (J/s), usually expressed in development. The isothermal hydration profiles can also be
relation to the mass of cementitious material, as mW/g or J/s/g. used to evaluate the effects of compositions, proportions, and Discussion—The thermal power is an indicator of time of addition of materials as well as curing temperature.
the rate of various chemical reactions between cementitious Special care must be used in evaluating extended retardation
materials, other fine particles, mix water and admixtures. with paste specimens, which have been shown to overestimate
the retardation of some mixtures containing cement, SCM, and
3.2.21 vial, n—container into which the freshly mixed admixtures.
cementitious mixture is placed for a measurement.
5.2 This procedure can be used to measure the effect of
4. Summary of Practice chemical admixtures on the cement hydration profile. In many
4.1 An isothermal calorimeter consists of heat sink with a cases, the addition of chemical admixture changes the kinetics
thermostat, two heat flow sensors and a specimen vial holder of cement hydration.
attached to each sensor. A vial containing a freshly prepared 5.3 Although this technique has been used historically to
mixture is placed in contact with one of the vial holders and a understand issues related to setting and slump loss, it must be
thermally inert material is placed in contact with the other. The emphasized that isothermal calorimetry results cannot predict
heat of hydration released by the reacting cementitious speci- concrete performance definitely, either positively or negatively.
men is transferred and passes across a heat flow sensor. The Extensive verification in concrete at planned dosages and
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C1679 − 17
temperatures, and at higher dosages, is needed. Isothermal 6.2.1 The standard deviation in thermal power for six
calorimetry is an effective tool to identify sensitivities, so that replicate specimens sampled from one mixture of a portland
concrete testing can be efficiently planned and performed. cement paste without chemical admixture at w/c 0.45 tested at
5.4 This practice provides a means of assessing the relative 23 6 4.0 °C shall be no greater than 0.5 mW/g of dry material
hydration performance of various test mixtures compared with measured at the maximum of the main hydration peak (see Fig.
control mixtures that are prepared in a similar manner. 1 for identification of the main hydration peak). For calorim-
eters which do not allow external mixing, prepare six replicate
5.5 The procedure and apparatus can be used to monitor the mixtures.
thermal power from pastes and mortars alone or in combination 6.2.2 The baseline measured with an inert specimen of
with chemical admixtures. similar thermal mass as the test specimen shall exhibit a low
5.6 The isothermal calorimeter described here can be used random noise level and be stable against drift. The baseline
to measure the thermal power and heat of hydration of mortars measured at 23 6 4 °C during a time period of 24 h shall have
prepared independently or obtained by wet sieving from a long-term drift of less than 0.5 mW per day per gram of inert
concrete in accordance with Practice C172/C172M. material used and a baseline random noise level of less than 0.2
mW per gram of inert material used. In practice, the baseline is
6. Apparatus measured for 24 h or longer and a straight line is fitted to the
6.1 Devices for mixing to produce a homogeneous mixture data using a linear least squares procedure. The long-term drift
of cement, SCM, admixtures, water and optional other fine is the slope of the line and the baseline random noise level is
materials or aggregate and devices for charging the mixture the standard deviation of the data about the best-fit line.
into the specimen vial. 6.2.3 The vials shall be vapor tight so that endothermic heat
6.1.1 Weights and Weighing Devices shall conform to the of evaporation does not significantly influence the measure-
requirements of Specification C1005. ments. This shall be verified with a 24 h measurement with
6.1.2 Graduated Cylinders shall conform to the require- water instead of the mortar or paste specimen. The difference
ments of Specification C1005. The permissible variation for between the measured thermal powers of an empty vial and one
graduated cylinders of less than 100-mL capacity shall be containing water shall be less than 0.2 mW per gram of water
61.0 % of the rated capacity. when calculated according to the procedure in 13.1.
6.1.3 Graduated Syringes of suitable capacities to contain 6.2.4 The data acquisition equipment shall be capable of
the desired volume of liquid admixture or stock solution at 20 performing continuous logging of the calorimeter output with
°C. The permissible variation of the measured volume shall not a time interval between the measurements that is no larger than
exceed 3 % of the volume to be delivered. When admixture 60 s.
quantities required are less than 2 mL, or are viscous in nature,
optionally prepare stock solutions at appropriate dilution, to 7. Materials
avoid problems with small volumes measured volumetrically. 7.1 Sand:
Care shall be taken to inspect stock solutions for separation and 7.1.1 Unless specified otherwise, use standard graded sand
any admixture that is prone to separation in stock solution must as defined in Specification C778 for preparing mortar samples.
be added in an alternative fashion, such as by analytical 7.1.2 When specified, use job-specific sand when perform-
syringes. ing a specific mortar test series that is related to field
6.1.4 Mixing Apparatus: application. Mortar Preparation—The mixer shall comply with
7.2 Water:
Practice C305.
7.2.1 Unless specified, use potable water as defined in Paste Preparation—A high shear mixer as described
Specification C1602/C1602M.
in Practice C1738/C1738M. A handheld household mixer
7.2.2 When specified, use job-specific water when perform-
capable of mixing paste at not less than 400 r/min or other
ing a specific test series that is related to field application.
mixers for paste or mortar preparation are also permitted.
Follow Specification C1602/C1602M in reporting the type of The repeatability of results for any mixing method
water used.
must be measured and reported as described in 12.5.
6.1.5 Vials that can be sealed and fit into the specimen vial 7.3 Sulfate Source:
holders of the calorimeter. 7.3.1 Unless specified otherwise, use reagent grade calcium
6.1.6 Pipette, Funnel or Syringe to facilitate charging the sulfate dihydrate or hemihydrate prepared from reagent grade
sample to the vials. The neck of the device must be large calcium sulfate dihydrate to verify whether a mixture is in
enough to avoid sample segregation. sulfate balance. See Appendix X6 for examples.
6.2 Calorimeter and Data Acquisition System of suitable 7.3.2 When specified, use a source-specific calcium sulfate
capacity and calibrated to monitor the thermal power of mortar for performing a specific test series that is related to field
or paste in a repeatable fashion. The actual design of an application.
individual instrument, whether commercial or custom-built,
may vary, but it shall meet the following criteria, and shall be 8. Temperature and Humidity
verified to do so on a yearly basis or at any time that equipment 8.1 Sample Preparation Temperature—Unless specified
is modified. otherwise, maintain the temperature of the air in the vicinity of
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C1679 − 17
all equipment and materials used in accordance with the year or less to determine the calibration coefficient. If the
requirements for cement mixing rooms in Specification C511. calibration coefficient differs more than 5 % from one calibra-
8.1.1 When specified, different temperature conditions are tion to the next, calibration intervals shall be reduced to 90
permitted for research purposes or to simulate field conditions. days. The length of the time intervals between calibrations
8.1.2 To reduce the time to reach thermal equilibrium, it is depends on the instrument and the personnel. For the purpose
permitted to cool the mixture during mixing. It is also of this practice, the calibration coefficient can be assumed to be
permitted to adjust the temperature of the mix water or the constant independent of the level of the signal.
starting materials, or both, in order to obtain a temperature of
the prepared mixture close the temperature of the calorimeter. 12. Procedure
This is especially needed when using high shear mixing.
12.1 Mixing:
8.2 Isothermal Calorimeter Test Temperature—The tem- 12.1.1 Various mixing methods that have been found useful
perature of the isothermal calorimeter shall be set at 23.0 6 4.0 are described in the Appendix. Because mixing intensity is a
°C and allowed sufficient time to stabilize at that temperature. variable that may influence the interaction of materials used to
8.2.1 When specified, a different calorimeter test tempera- prepare cementitious mixtures, in many cases different mixing
ture is permitted for research purposes or to simulate field procedures (speeds or durations) may be needed, depending on
conditions. Take precaution to prevent condensation of mois- the goal of the testing. Unless mixing intensity is a defined
ture inside the calorimeter if the calorimeter test temperature is variable in a testing program, mixtures prepared under different
set below the temperature of the laboratory. mixing conditions shall not be compared. External mixing may
NOTE 2—Condensation inside the calorimeter cells can be prevented by result in a temperature increase in the sample that may lead to
controlling the humidity inside the calorimeter, or by controlling the temporary non-isothermal conditions after loading the speci-
humidity or temperature of the testing environment that is in direct contact men into the calorimeter. The thermal equilibrium time shall be
with the calorimeter. Condensation will not occur inside the calorimeter estimated in accordance with 12.4. The results obtained at
cells if the temperature of the testing environment is at or below the
temperature of the thermostat. hydration times shorter than the equilibrium time are less
repeatable and shall only be used if the measured effects are
9. Test Specimens larger than the variation found when estimating the thermal
9.1 The number of specimens and number of test batches equilibrium time (see Note 5).
depend on the purpose of the test program. Replicate testing of NOTE 5—The isothermal calorimeter will bring the temperatures of
specimens into thermal equilibrium, but the time required to do so
specimens sampled from a single prepared batch shall be done
depends on the instrument parameters, specimen size, mixing method, and
initially to establish acceptable repeatability of the apparatus as materials used. Differences in initial thermal power caused by differences
defined in 6.2. Replicate testing of separately-prepared speci- in initial temperature can optionally be minimized by keeping all materials
mens is also required in 12.5 to establish the repeatability of at equal temperature, including any water used in cleaning mixing
results for each mixing method. The number of replicates for equipment. If needed, the temperatures of the starting materials may be
adjusted to compensate for temperature changes during mixing, so that the
routine testing is addressed in 12.2.1. temperature after mixing is as close as possible to the calorimeter set
NOTE 3—See Appendix X6 for examples of different test programs. point.
9.2 The specimen size placed in the calorimeter depends on 12.2 Loading Specimen into Calorimeter:
the instrument used as well as the type of mixture (paste or
12.2.1 Two specimens shall be prepared from one batch,
NOTE 4—Typical specimen sizes for paste and mortar are 5 to 10 g and
unless the standard deviation of the time to reach the maximum
50 to 100 g, respectively. A smaller specimen will reduce the time to reach of the main hydration peak for six replicate separately-
isothermal conditions if the initial specimen temperature differs from the prepared specimens has previously been determined according
calorimeter test temperature. to 12.5.1 to be less than 60 min, in which case one specimen is
10. Composition of Paste or Mortar Mixtures adequate (see Note 6).
10.1 Mixture proportions depend on the purpose of the test NOTE 6—A sub-sample of the prepared mixture is used in this method,
and it is necessary to obtain a representative sample. Normally, replicate
program (see Note 4).
measurements are made initially as specified in 12.5 in order to establish
10.2 Record mixture proportions for each mixture that is the error associated with variability in specimen composition, preparation,
tested, including complete description of mixing method, order and sampling.
and timing of admixture addition. 12.2.2 Wear insulating gloves or use tweezers to minimize
warming of the vial and specimen by heat from hands.
11. Preparation of Apparatus
12.2.3 Weigh and record the empty mass of the vial to be
11.1 Determination of Baseline—Baselines are determined used, or tare the scale to zero with the empty vial on the scale.
during calibrations or before each measurement, preferably 12.2.4 Place a representative sample of fresh paste or mortar
when the calorimeter contains inert specimens, as this reduces into the specimen vial resting on the scale. Typically a plastic
the noise. If baselines are stable over time as defined in 6.2.3, disposable pipette is used for paste, with the opening cut to size
they need only be determined at calibrations. If they are not to match the stiffness of the paste, or a spoon is used for mortar.
stable, they shall be determined before each measurement. Make sure that masses of all specimens that will be compared
11.2 Calibration—Calibration shall be made according to with each other do not differ by more than 20 %. Clean and dry
manufacturer’s recommendations at regular intervals of one the outside of the vials as needed.
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12.2.5 Weigh and record the specimen mass to the nearest replicate batches of a paste mixture that has a thermal indicator
0.1 g and seal the vial in order to be vapor tight. of setting time that is equal to or exceeds that of the most
12.2.6 Immediately place the vial into the calorimeter en- retarded mixture in the planned test program. The repeatability
suring consistency between the specimens ages at the time shall be recorded as the standard deviation of the time to reach
specimens are placed in the calorimeter. Typical loading times the maximum of the main hydration peak (see Fig. 4). The
are 1 to 2 min after the end of the mixing cycle, which for a repeatability must be measured annually or when the operator
4-min cycle yields 5 to 6 min after the cementitious material is or mixing method has changed.
added to the water. Record the time the vial was introduced
NOTE 8—It is convenient to develop a chart of repeatability versus time
into the calorimeter. to reach the maximum of the main hydration peak for a particular mixing
12.3 Measurement of Thermal Power: method used. This allows for estimation of repeatability for any given
12.3.1 Start thermal power measurement immediately after level of retardation in a particular experiment.
specimen has been placed in calorimeter. In the case of internal
mixing, start thermal power measurement before initial contact 13. Calculation of Results
between the cementitious materials and the mixing water. 13.1 Post-Processing of Data—The aim of the evaluation is
12.3.2 Measure the thermal power approximately every 60 s to monitor differences in the evolution of thermal power for
until at least two hours after the maximum of the main different mixtures during the test period, typically 24 or 48 h.
hydration peak (see Fig. 1). The testing duration and data The data evaluation method consists of the following steps:
sampling frequency are permitted to be modified according to 13.1.1 Remove the baseline:
the nature of the test program and the rate of change in thermal
V ~ t ! 5 V raw~ t ! 2 V bl (1)
NOTE 7—Paste studies are generally more repeatable than mortar,
because less paste is needed to ensure known and uniform binder content Vraw = signal from the calorimeter, and
in the specimen. However, certain mixtures may be sensitive to the mixing Vbl = measured baseline signal of the calorimeter.
action. Paste mixtures with water reducing or retarding admixtures
generally have longer retardation than the corresponding mortar mixtures. 13.1.2 Apply the calibration coefficient (ε) and divide by the
Especially when testing for the effect of admixtures with a retarding mass of cementitious materials (mc) in the specimen to obtain
component, it is recommended to verify any results obtained in paste by the normalized thermal power P per unit mass of cementitious
testing in mortar. The larger the specimen, the longer it takes for heat material (W/g) as a function of time:
transfer from specimen to calorimeter sensor. Also, the larger the
specimen, the larger will be the temperature rise within the specimen, and ε·V ~ t !
the longer will be the time required to reach thermal equilibrium. Mortar P~t! 5 (2)
studies are, on the other hand, more concrete-like and allow for parallel
testing of other properties such as flow, stiffening, strength, and air 13.1.3 Plot the normalized thermal power as a function of
content. time. For example, see Fig. 1.
12.4 Determination of Thermal Equilibrium Time:
NOTE 9—The accumulated energy for a given mixture may serve as an
12.4.1 The thermal equilibrium time shall be determined for
indicator of potential strength development as a function of time. The
a given instrument and type of specimens (defined by specimen accumulated energy, normalized to a unit mass of total cementitious
mass, initial temperature and type (paste or mortar) by prepar- materials (J/g), is obtained by integrating the area under the power curve.
ing and testing a at least six replicate batches and measuring
the elapsed hydration time when the range of the thermal 14. Evaluation of Test Results
power of replicate specimens falls to 0.2 mW/g of dry material
14.1 Calorimetry results are typically evaluated graphically
(see Fig. 3).
by comparing differences in response from tests of different
12.5 Determination of Repeatability of Results: mixtures.
12.5.1 The repeatability of the results of any mixing method NOTE 10—The evaluation of calorimetry results depends on the nature
must be determined by preparing and testing at least six of the test program. See examples in Appendix X6.
FIG. 3 Illustration of Estimated Time to Reach Thermal Equilibrium Using Six Replicate Specimens
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NOTE 1—The range of results from which the standard deviation is calculated is shown.
FIG. 4 Procedure for Measuring Repeatability of a Mixing Procedure Using Replicate Batches of a Paste Mixture with Longest Setting
Time in the Test Program
14.2 If presenting results that include the initial, non- 15.1.7 Thermal equilibrium time determined for the type of
isothermal test period, present the data as two separate plots: mixture tested as determined in 12.4.
14.2.1 The first plot displays the initial thermal power, 15.1.8 Standard deviation of time to reach maximum on the
typically from 0 to 30 min or 0 to 60 min and, if external main hydration peak as determined in 12.5.
mixing was used, includes a statement that results were
15.1.9 Admixture addition sequence, if applicable, and
obtained while not at thermal equilibrium. Care must be taken
method of addition of admixture including description of any
in interpretation of these initial results.
14.2.2 The second plot displays the thermal power starting stock solutions used.
at the time of thermal equilibrium until the completion of the 15.1.10 Any unusual observations, such as early stiffening
test. during sample preparation.
15.1.11 If thermal indicators of relative setting time are
15. Report used, method of calculating relative setting time if different
15.1 Report the following information: from default method.
15.1.1 Type of instrument used. 15.1.12 Plots of thermal power per unit mass of cementi-
15.1.2 Date of last calibration. tious materials. See Appendix X6 for examples. It is important
15.1.3 Source and identity of all materials tested, method of to adapt the graphs to address each technical point on separate
conditioning them to test temperature, and temperature prior to
graphs. Plotting many together may cause confusion even
among the experienced users of this technique. The specific type of sulfate source shall be included
as part of the description of a sulfate addition, as well as its 15.1.13 Statement that the test was carried out in accordance
precise method and timing of addition. If calcium sulfate with this practice and notes of all deviations from the described
hemihydrate is used, evidence shall be supplied of its hydration procedure.
state prior to testing.
15.1.4 Mixture proportions. 16. Keywords
15.1.5 Temperature, date, starting time, and duration of test. 16.1 cement-admixture interactions; hydration kinetics; hy-
15.1.6 Mixing method and duration, including sequences dration performance; isothermal calorimetry; sulfate depletion
and timing of mixing and scraping down, volume of container
and speed of mixer.
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(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 delay time, n—period between initial contact of mix X1.4 tail end addition of admixture, n—addition of admix-
water and cementitious materials and when an admixture is ture to the mixture within 2 to 10 s after the initial contact
added to the mixture. between mix water and cementitious materials.
X1.2 delayed addition of admixture, n—addition of admix- Discussion—The exact addition time should be defined as
ture to the mixture when the delay time exceeds 10 s after the needed in the test program; see examples.
initial contact between mix water and cementitious materials.
X1.5 upfront addition of admixture, n—addition of admix-
X1.3 heat of hydration, n—total energy released at a given ture to mix water prior to mixing with cementitious materials.
hydration time measured in joules per unit mass of cementi-
tious material (J/g); the time integral of normalized thermal
X2.1 General problems are found, it may be useful to alter the water-
cementitious materials (w/cm) ratio in order to investigate its
X2.1.1 Experimental designs are typically devised to study
effect on the results.
the effect of supplementary cementitious materials or admix-
ture type, dosage and addition mode on the hydration kinetics X2.1.2 Admixture type, dosages, and addition modes can be
of cementitious systems. Other parameters such as source of selected based on local market conditions, experience, dosing
water, fine particles, mixing method, or curing temperature can equipment, or recommendations from the supplier. The dosage
be studied as well. The water content should be sufficient to of admixtures may vary with weather conditions.
produce a homogeneous mixture without excess bleeding. X2.1.3 It is strongly recommended to test for the effect of an
Tests of separate mixtures with additional source of soluble admixture overdose. Mixtures that are sensitive to minor
sulfate, corresponding to 0.5 % SO3 by mass of portland overdoses are likely to show abnormal performance in the
cement or other amounts, added before testing, are typically field, given the inherent variability of typical concrete materi-
performed to evaluate if additional sulfate would improve the als and production operations.
hydration performance of mixtures with high SCM or admix- X2.1.4 It is also recommended to test for the effects of
ture dosage. Several example experimental designs are shown temperature change. Hot weather typically causes faster loss of
in this appendix. It should be noted that each example workability and therefore higher dosages of water-reducing or
represents a specific set of materials for the purpose of showing set-retarding admixtures are often used. The combination of
experimental designs. The example results cannot be extrapo- higher admixture dosage and higher temperature can cause
lated to other sets of materials. abnormal performance in the field. Similarly, cold
Use of different SCMs or admixtures, or both, may result in temperatures, especially with lower C3A cements may result in
mixtures with different workability. This can affect the amount extended setting time, especially when higher admixture dos-
of shear imparted to the cementitious particle by the mixing ages appropriate for warm weather are maintained during cold
action, which may affect hydration kinetics. In cases where conditions.
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X3.1 See Fig. 1 of this practice for an example of the with portland cement having high calcium aluminate content,
portion of the thermal power output associated with calcium such as a high C3A Type I cement, and decreases in sharpness
aluminate reaction after sulfate depletion, point E, which is the as the C3A content decreases, making it difficult to identify on
small peak labeled F. This point is of concern as there is a many Type V cements. In such cases, performing additional
correlation between this peak occurring before the completion tests with various sulfate addition levels may clarify the timing
of the main hydration peak, and problems with premature or of the sulfate depletion point (see Fig. 2), but there are cases
severely delayed setting and slump loss of combined mixtures. where no depletion point and subsequent peak can be resolved.
In many cases, cements that have enough sulfate for proper
control of their own hydration cannot supply enough sulfate X3.3 The nature and position of the sulfate depletion point
when combined with various amounts of other materials, so it in most combined mixtures can be verified by monitoring the
becomes of importance to understand the effect of the added effect of incremental addition(s) of reagent grade calcium
materials on the location of the sulfate depletion point. sulfate dihydrate (gypsum), Terra Alba gypsum or calcium
X3.2 The sulfate depletion point is indicated as the onset of sulfate hemihydrate to the mixture, as shown in Fig. X3.1.
either a sharp or shallow hump on the main hydration peak of Because few cements have enough sulfate to avoid any signs of
the thermal power curve. The sulfate depletion point will move sulfate depletion until after 24 h, a point of depletion is
later in time relative to the maximum of the main hydration typically observed in the hydration profile. However, if the
peak (point D in Fig. 1) and diminish in size when additional depletion occurs near the maximum of the main hydration peak
source of soluble sulfate is added to the system. This peak seen it may not be discernible, and it is frequently found as merely
after the sulfate depletion point may be shallow and difficult to a slight asymmetry of the peak and shown in curve #3 of Fig.
distinguish from the rest of the main hydration peak for some X3.1. Addition of one or sometimes two levels of additional
portland cements and in many combined mixtures containing sulfate will cause the depletion point to move to later times,
SCM or admixture, or both. Typically, the peak is more visible and therefore show up clearly as seen in curve #4 of Fig. X3.1.
FIG. X3.1 Effect of SCM, Admixture and Sulfate Addition on the Sulfate Depletion Points, as Indicated by Vertical Dotted Lines
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X4.1 Mixing intensity may significantly affect the results of X4.5 Preparation of Paste Using a High Shear Mixer
isothermal calorimetry. Consistency in mixing method is vital X4.5.1 Prepare the paste following the mixing procedure
for results to be compared, but as numerous techniques have outlined in Practice C1738/C1738M.
proven useful, no one method is specified in this practice.
Mixing may be either internal in the specimen vial, either by X4.5.2 Add admixtures at any time appropriate to the test
simple absorption of water or by mechanical means. program.
X4.5.3 Mix at high speed for at least 30 s after all
X4.2 Internal mixing has the advantage of allowing capture
admixtures have been added.
of the whole thermal power diagram, but the disadvantage of
not being able to achieve shear rates approaching that in
concrete. Delayed addition of admixture can be difficult or X4.6 Preparation of Mortar (modified Practice C305 pro-
impossible depending on calorimeter design. Care must be cedure)
taken that the full sample of paste is wetted equally; a means X4.6.1 Place the water and any admixtures to be added
to verify this is to remove the hardened sample from the sample upfront into the mixing container.
vial and crush it to see equal color. If significant variation in
X4.6.2 Add cementitious materials; then start the mixer and
paste color is seen it should be so noted in the report.
mix at the slow speed (140 6 5 r/min), and immediately start
X4.3 External mixing may be used for paste, mortar, or the timer. Record the time of initial contact between cementi-
concrete. Depending on calorimeter design, concrete samples tious materials and water. Mix for 30 s.
may be tested as concrete or as mortar separated according to X4.6.3 Add the entire quantity of sand slowly over a 30-s
the method in Practice C172/C172M. Several methods that period, while mixing at slow speed.
have been used successfully are outlined below.
X4.6.4 Stop the mixer, change to medium speed (285 6 10
X4.4 Preparation of Paste Using a Hand-Held Kitchen r/min) and mix for 30 s.
Mixer or Similar Mixer
X4.6.5 Stop the mixer and let the mortar stand for 11⁄2 min.
X4.4.1 Add cementitious materials into the mixing con- During the first 15 s of this interval, quickly scrape down into
tainer. Add water including any dissolved admixtures, and the batch any mortar that may have collected on the side of the
immediately start the timer. Increase the speed of rotation of bowl; then for the remainder of this interval, cover the bowl
the mixing blades to 200 6 100 r/min while avoiding splash- with the lid.
ing. Record the time of initial contact between cementitious
materials and water. X4.6.6 Mix for 1 min at medium speed (285 6 10 r/min).
X4.4.2 Mix at 200 6 100 r/min to the 1 min 30 s mark. X4.6.7 In any case requiring a remixing interval, any mortar
adhering to the side of the bowl shall be quickly scraped down
X4.4.3 Stop mixing and for 30 s scrape corners of container into the batch before remixing.
to ensure all dry materials are mixed in, and scrape down any
paste that may have collected on the sides of the container. X4.6.8 Add admixtures at the appropriate time according to
the test program.
X4.4.4 Start the mixer at 500 6 100 r/min and continue to
mix at this speed for 2 min to the 4 min mark. X4.6.9 Mix for at least 30 s at medium speed (285 6 10
r/min) after all admixtures have been added.
X4.4.5 Add admixtures at any time appropriate to the test
program. Typical delay times are 10 s for tail end addition or
X4.7 Obtaining Sample of Mortar from Concrete
45 s for delayed addition. Unless specified otherwise, mix at
500 6 100 r/min for at least 60 s after all admixtures have been X4.7.1 Mortar test samples may be obtained from concrete
added. following the wet-sieving procedure in Practice C172/C172M.
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C1679 − 17
X5.1 Prepare comparative graphs including a reference ship may be used as an indicator for the overall sulfate balance
mixture and other mixtures of significance, in order to evaluate of each combined mixture according to Lerch.4 Note if there is
hydration characteristics such as: any effect of adding extra SO3 to the combined mixture before
X5.1.1 Retardation of the main hydration as a function of testing.
admixture type and dosage. Thermal indicators of setting time X5.1.3 Acceleration of early calcium aluminate hydration
may be taken as the time to reach 50 % of the average as a function of admixture type and dosage.
maximum power of the main hydration peaks (see example in
Fig. X5.1).
Lerch, W., “The Influence of Gypsum on the Hydration and Properties of
X5.1.2 Relation between the time of maximum of the main Portland Cement Pastes,” Proceedings, Vol 46, of the American Society for Testing
hydration peak and the time of sulfate depletion. This relation- and Materials, 1946, pp. 1252–1292.
FIG. X5.1 (a) Effect of Admixture Dosage on the Thermal Indicator of Setting Time for This Given Set of Materials;
(b) Effect of SO3 Addition (as Calcium Sulfate Hemihydrate) for This Given Set of Materials
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C1679 − 17
X6.1 Study of Effect of Admixture Dosage and SCM SO3 addition (as calcium sulfate hemihydrate) to the mixture
Content on Thermal Indicator of Setting Time at with high fly ash dosage.
Constant Temperature X6.1.5 Indications:
X6.1.1 Different admixtures and SCM can have a strong X6.1.5.1 The CFA content had a strong effect on the
effect on the setting time of a cementitious mixture. The hydration kinetics.
relative effect of such changes on thermal indicators of setting X6.1.5.2 Mixture # 7 with high amount of CFA displayed
time can be investigated by testing a series of mixtures. Table abnormal hydration with a strong premature exotherm indi-
X6.1 shows an example of an experimental design for paste cated by the abnormally steep rise in thermal power at 6 to 7
mixtures with a w/c of 0.40, Class C fly ash (CFA), and a h and no main hydration within 23 h. The abnormal peak may
water-reducing admixture. The sulfate addition test (Mixtures not be used for estimation of the thermal indicator of setting
#5 and #8) is important for evaluation of whether a selected set time. Mixture # 7 could stiffen and possibly flash set because
of materials and dosages appears to be in sulfate balance. of the abnormal exotherm at 6 to 7 h, but would not develop
X6.1.2 Evaluation of Setting Time Study—The thermal in- normal strength within 23 h.
dicator of setting time is typically taken as the time to reach X6.1.5.3 The calcium sulfate hemihydrate addition test
one-half the average maximum power of the main hydration confirmed that the premature exotherm at high dosage of CFA
peaks. Fig. X5.1(a) shows the response for mixtures 1 through was caused by insufficient amount of available sulfate to
4 tested at room temperature. Fig. X5.1(b) shows the effect of control the calcium aluminate hydration (probably as a result of
SO3 addition (as calcium sulfate hemihydrate) for mixture #5 calcium aluminate in the CFA consuming some of the soluble
with high admixture dosage. The thermal indicator of setting sulfate from the cement).
time is a relative value and can be correlated with a physical
setting time method such as Test Method C403/C403M for a X6.2 Study of Effect of Curing Temperature on Hydra-
given mixture. tion Kinetics
X6.1.3 Indications: X6.2.1 Calorimetry is well suited for monitoring the effect
X6.1.3.1 The calcium aluminate reaction peak after the of temperature on hydration kinetics. An example is shown in
sulfate depletion point appears to overlap the main hydration Fig. X6.2 for a portland cement mixture, with w/c = 0.45, with
peak, indicating a mixture that is potentially sensitive to high and without a water-reducing admixture, and tested at three
admixture dosages. different temperatures. One mortar mixture was prepared and
X6.1.3.2 Increased admixture dosages retard the onset of tested in parallel at three different temperatures. Table X6.2
the main hydration peak used to evaluate thermal indicators of shows the experiment design.
setting time.
X6.2.2 Evaluation of Curing Temperature Study—Fig.
X6.1.3.3 The calcium sulfate hemihydrate addition (mixture
X6.2(a) shows the hydration kinetics for all mixtures in Table
#5) accelerated the onset of the hydration peak and also
X6.2. Fig. X6.2(b) shows the effect of curing temperature on
enlarged the height of the peak, indicating that the mixture with
the increase in the thermal indicator of setting time caused by
the high admixture dose is close to being out of sulfate balance.
the admixture.
Note that the addition of sulfate showing in Fig. X5.1(b) did
not result in a clear sulfate depletion point. X6.2.3 Indications:
X6.1.4 Fig. X6.1(a) shows the effect of varying CFA dosage X6.2.3.1 The retarding effect of temperature on cement
at typical dosage of admixture. Fig. X6.1(b) shows the effect of hydration was readily visible by isothermal calorimetry.
X6.2.3.2 The location of the sulfate depletion point, in
relation to the main hydration peak, is affected by temperature
with or without the admixture present.
TABLE X6.1 Example of 8-Mixture Calorimetry Test Design X6.2.3.3 The retardation time caused by an admixture is
Mixture Dosages often temperature dependent, as illustrated in this example.
# SCM-FA Admixture
1 20 % None Reference X6.3 Study of Effect of Admixture Dosage and Sequence
2 20 % Low Admixture dosage window of interest, of Addition on Setting Time
CFA (water reducing admixture WRA)
3 20 % Typical X6.3.1 The sequence of admixture addition can have a
CFA strong effect on setting times and early strength. The relative
4 20 % C High effect of changing the addition sequence can be investigated by
5 20 % C High 0.5 % SO3 added to cement before
test a series of mixtures, preferably including a reference mixture
6 10 % C Typical Fly ash dosage window of interest with known setting times. Table X6.3 shows an example of an
7 30 % C Typical experimental design for mixtures with two different admixtures
8 30 % C Typical 0.5 % SO3 added to cement before
test tested at two fly ash contents. The calcium sulfate hemihydrate
addition test is important to evaluate whether a mixture appears
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C1679 − 17
FIG. X6.1 (a) Effect of Fly Ash Dosage on Hydration Kinetics; (b) Effect of SO3 Addition (as Calcium Sulfate Hemihydrate)
TABLE X6.2 Example of Calorimetry Test Design pared with mixtures with same admixture dosages but either
Mixture Admixture Temperature admixture or both added upfront.
1 No 38 °C (100 °F) X6.3.3.2 The calcium sulfate hemihydrate addition (mixture
2 Yes 38 °C (100 °F)
3 No 23 °C (73 °F)
#6) accelerated the onset of the hydration peak and also
4 Yes 23 °C (73 °F) enlarged the height and width of the peak, indicating that the
5 No 10 °C (50 °F) mixture with the tail addition of both admixtures is not in
6 Yes 10 °C (50 °F)
sulfate balance.
X6.3.4 Fig. X6.4(a) shows the effect of overdosing admix-
ture A or B, both added upfront. Fig. X6.4(b) shows the effect
to be in sulfate balance. In addition, temperature sensitivity can of calcium sulfate hemihydrate addition (0.5 % SO3) to the
be assessed by testing each mixture at more than one tempera- cement prior to testing (#13 and #14).
ture. X6.3.5 Indications:
X6.3.2 Evaluation of Admixture Addition Sequence Sensi- X6.3.5.1 An overdose of admixture A caused abnormal
tivity Study—Fig. X6.3(a) shows the response for mixtures with exotherms indicated by the abnormally steep rise in thermal
typical (20 %) CFA dosage and two admixtures at typical power at 50 % and 100 % overdose (#9 and #10), with no
dosages but different dosing sequence, tested at room tempera- subsequent silicate hydration. Note flatline out to 22 hours.
ture. Fig. X6.3(b) shows the effect of SO3 addition (as calcium X6.3.5.2 No abnormal hydration was seen when overdosing
sulfate hemihydrate) to the mixture with both admixtures dosed admixture B (#11 and #12).
“tail end” (10 s delayed addition). X6.3.5.3 The calcium sulfate hemihydrate addition test (#13
X6.3.3 Indications: and #14) confirmed that the premature exotherms at high
X6.3.3.1 Tail end addition of both admixtures extended the dosages of admixture A were caused by uncontrolled calcium
thermal indicator of setting time approximately 90 min com- aluminate hydration. Note that silicate hydration, although still
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C1679 − 17
TABLE X6.3 Example of Experimental Design for Screening Sensitivity to Admixture Dosage and Addition Sequence
Mixture CFA Admixture Dosages and Addition Sequence
No. Dosage A-WR B-HRWR
1 20 % None None Reference
2 20 % Typical upfront Typical upfront Actual mixture design
3 20 % Typical tail end Typical upfront Effect of admixture addition sequence. Admixture
4 20 % Typical upfront Typical tail end typical dosages as in typical field application.
5 20 % Typical tail end Typical tail end
6 20 % Typical upfront Typical upfront 0.5 % SO3 added to cement before test
7 10 % Typical upfront Typical upfront Effect of fly ash dose
8 None Typical upfront Typical upfront Effect of fly ash dose
9 20 % 150 % upfront Typical upfront Effect of admixture overdose
10 20 % 200 % upfront Typical upfront
11 20 % Typical upfront 150 % upfront
12 20 % Typical upfront 200 % upfront
13 20 % 150 % upfront Typical upfront Further tests with calcium sulfate hemihydrate
14 20 % 200 % upfront Typical upfront addition are recommended for any mixture that
displays signs of abnormal hydration kinetics. In this
case mixtures 9 and 10 were retested with calcium
sulfate hemihydrate addition (0.5 % SO3).
FIG. X6.3 (a) Effect of Admixture Addition Sequence on Cement Hydration Kinetics;
(b) Effect of Calcium Sulfate Hemihydrate Addition with Delayed Addition of Both Admixtures
FIG. X6.4 (a) Effect of Different Admixture Dosages on Mixtures with High Fly Ash Dosage;
(b) Effect of Calcium Sulfate Hemihydrate Addition to Mixtures with Overdose of Admixture A
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