UPCAT Math Coverage
UPCAT Math Coverage
UPCAT Math Coverage
a. Chemistry.
Precision and Accuracy
Conversion of Units
Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures
States of Matter
The Periodic Table
Electronic Configuration and the Quantum Numbers
Nuclear Reactions
Chemical Reactions
Gas Laws
Redox Reactions
Basic Organic Chemistry
b. Biology.
The Ecosystem
Biogeochemical Cycles
Plants and Photosynthesis
Animal Biology
Cell Biology
Genetics and Heredity
Human Anatomy
c. Earth Science and Astronomy.
Rocks and Minerals
The Layers of the Earth and its Composition
Land Formations and Bodies of Water
Plate Tectonics
Earthquakes, Volcanoes
Climate, Weather, and the Atmosphere
d. Physics.
Scalar and Vector Quantities
Laws of Motion
Relative Velocities
Work, Energy, and Power
Fluid Mechanics
Light, Sound, and Waves
Electricity and Magnetism
a. Vocabulary.
Word Meanings
Confusing Words
b. Grammar.
Parts of Speech
Correct Usage
Subject-verb Agreement
Sentence Construction
Finding Errors/Sentence –Correction
Voice (active and passive)
Note: Test questions in Filipino are incorporated in both
Language Proficiency and Reading Comprehension subtests).
a. WastongGamit
b. Bahagi ng Pananalita
c. Sawikain o Idioma
d. Tayutay
e. Paksa ng Talata
UPCAT Reading
Comprehension Coverage.
The UPCAT Reading Comprehension subtest is all about speed
reading and quick thinking. Expect to encounter long essays that
can easily consume a lot of your time if you’re not careful.
a. Essays
b. Getting the Main Idea/Topic Sentence
c. Appropriate Title of Selection
d. Poetry
e. Short stories
f. Speeches
g. Comic Strips
h. Figures of Speech (simile, metaphors, etc.)
i. Author’s Point of View
j. Meaning Through Context Clues
k. Drawing Conclusions
l. Inference
m. Fact and Opinion